University of South Carolina Libraries
f' >" >.','?> -?r:: From tbo Caroliua Fariaer. . Preservation of Sweet Potatssi. R. K. Bkvan, Esq ,?Dear Sir. ?Yonr note to the President of our Agricultural Society,asking tor my plan of preserving sweet potatoes, as stated bv roe, in our meeting in Whitcvilie on the 22d of May, has been handed mo for answer. Tho keeping sound of this vainable csculont root, has been a sub jeet of much anxiety with good farmors, who have learned its value ?much discussion has taken' ^placo on this subject, and tnany notions among our farmers, about dark nights, light nights, hot days and cold days, have been advanced, but experience b s proven each to Do attended wun uncertain rosuns. "When tho usual season of the year arrivos for housings potatoes, I commence digging inlhe morning and continue digging until as many havo been turned out, as can be conveniently secured during tbe evening ; leaving them to sun dtfring the day, unless tho sun is shining hot enough to burn tbon^ (wuwli is not common at this seasoiv^fc^hebaving selected and nrenfo^WgWH cvfttod snot of ground^iwlpi?^ciently dry to be secure from v^Sr^gb daring the wet season of winter, and covered the same with a good coat of pino straw to prevent any dampness from tho ground or earthy taste, I put thom up in bulk or banks, containing from forty to sixty bnshcls. When the quantity I design for one bank is thus piled up, I cover full eight inches deep in pine straw and leave them to sweat from one to three nights, being careful to keep dry during tho time from rains. I now bank fourteen inches deep in earth, always being particular to do this banking early in tlie morning while they aro cool, before tho warmth of tho sun changes tlie morning temperature of the atinostphere. I bank all over, closing all inlets of air, or outlets of boa t. Now protect the whole bank well by sheltering from rain or sun. I havo succeeded on this plan, without a singlo. failure for twenty-five years, and when strictly observed commend it to a 11 fts a perfect certainty. This j'lcin noo vuitifuuutvawu tu uig uj the lato Col. Regan of Robeson county, who had practiced it successfully for many years. The reason seems to be that this deep banking in tho morning, whilo they are cool, places them beyond nn}T changes ot heat and cold. A light coat of dnst pnt on at any hour of the day will heat, and tho deep banking in the evening when tho potatoes havo in them the warmth of tho day's sun will heat, but tho deep inoming banking will certainly keep them. No weather after tho potatoes are fit to dig is too hot to preserve them on this plan. 1 trust some good fanner will give us an explanation of the rotten core, similar to what is sometimes seen in the Irish potato, and thus by an interchange and exchange of experience, practice, observations and opinions tho farmers may materially aid each other in elevating, ennobling and working profitably this, of all, the most honorable nrofession amonrr men. kiout Lgmmon. Whiteville. N. C., July 22d, 1S69. Tjie Faces of the Dkad.?To turn for a moment from the inoro sentimental asj>eot ol take faces, it is curious to notice what complete changes in the character of a countenance arc effected by age, and ubovo all, how great is tho change when death lays its hand upon it. Apart from the alteration due to physical reasons, there m unquestionably an unaccountable relapse into phasos of expres s ion which wo have seemingly dropped years ago. One of uie inobt touching incidents of the death bed, is the recognition by parents and relatives of a youth and freshness on tho face of the departed, and of an expression associated with school time, boyhood and the spring of life. Harsh and hard hearted men and women,when lying at rest, havo little of the i uggedncss and the ungracionsuess which they carruxl with them through the world. Even old age ?old age sinking out in decay? takes a strange l>eanty at the close, and a sc >re ot year*, with the fur rows and the lines of years, disap }>ear, to permit, as it were, a tract ot the beautiful child time to re turn again.?Jxmdon Jievieto. The King of Italy's four prcde cessors all abdicated in favor o their successors, namely, Viotp Amadous I, i n 1730, Oharle Emanuel II, in 1802, Victor Et^an uel I, in 1821, and Charles Alber in 1840 ; and it is rumored tha this traditional policy will also b adopted by the present King f favor of I'rinco Humbert, his sot % 7" ..." T Gkusok Sjlnd^b past pixty*fiv* roars old, but does not sqpm so; Tier hair is thick mid 'ftarl&and is f worn in puffed bands. Her fore- jj head iB wide, but retreats, while , her eyis are very large, limpid 1 and dark. She has a delicate,soft, I white hatid, that bestows the gen- f tiest sort of a shake when yo* are 0 | introduoed. She dresses in heavy t' black silks, without trimmings, with a rich point-laco collar, and c cuflfe of nntiqtie pattern. A black J cashmere shawl, bordered with a " deep gnipnlrc flounce, is worn over * her shoulders, and a neat cap, with J a tea-rose on top, complete her at- ? tire. ^ * A singular strike took place in 1 the French city of Alais. All the ' kitchen girls in that place sudden-- ^ ly refused to work any more un- 1 leas the following tbreo point# were i granted to them ;. .X n creased 1 wages, less Iftbory and th? privilege ' of receiving thou*." xjpusius " iu toe kitchen. Only the last point was ] acceded to by their mistresses, and ] as the girls attached moro impor- ' tance to it than to the other two, ? they went back to their kitchens. * ' i...i.?!? Ciirtbtma8, that day toward t which we all look with pleasure and delight, is fast approaching and ere long, another link will be addod to the chain of time. As . tho 6cason draws near, how many an exulting heart beats fast in ar.? < ticipation of tho joys it will bring ; ' but, alas! how many there arc to whom it brings memories of joys . which can never return. Nrwspapb* Lawi?For lb* instruction an<l guidance of some who nay possibly need inform atiou on tbo subject, we copy the following : Postmasters are reiuirod to giro ndriee by lottur when a subscriber doe* not take hi* paper from the office, and giro the reason for it* not being takon. Neglecting to do *o make* the postmaster responsible to the publisher for payment. Any person who take* tbo paper regularly from tbc post office, whether he bae subscribed or not, U responsible for the payment of the subscription. Any on# ordering his paper discontinued must pay all arrearages, or tho publisher may cocuuuo 10 ivnu iv unui pmjrmuuh 11 iu?uo, and collect the wholo amount, whether It it taken from the office or not. The courts have dcoided that refusing to tako a newspaper and periodical* from the post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is priuia facit cvidonco of intention- , al fraud. i ^ V* " ' ' Railroad Consolidation ix North GaroLIna.?It is announced that Dr. W. J. Haw- ' kins. President of the Raleigh and Gaeton ' Railroad, hat rented the North Carolina Road for twenty years, at six per cent, per r annum upon the capital stock, subject to i approval of the stockholders, at a speo-al mealing to ba held In Raleigh, on the 11th November. The Wilmington Journal is surprised at " this attempt to make a private arrangement with one road, when three others?Richmond and Danville, Wil mingtnn and Weldon and Atlantic and | North Carolina Railroads?we-? equally in tere.-tod, and if this great work la to be ( routed, 1' would have commanded a much greater price at public auction." " Tit* clerical party of Japan, it ia reported, is determined to expeil nil foreigners from the country. To this end, the party has in pro grcsa strong measures, which are supported by . s?mo of tho ablest and most influential of the ' Japanese journals. Petitions nutneronsly signed have been presented to the Government urging the expulsion of the foreigners. One of these document* speak of them as " worms in the lion's body," and it lays upon the Christian religion many of the troubles that afflict the country. It is also rumored that the Government has entertained the subject of driving out all aftem, and la bu.-y in devising the beat and speediest means to accomplish such a result. Tit* Baptist Theological Seminary of Chicago has obtained the library of the famous I iHvvinu vuuiiiicuvikvi v urii^flLVuuci ||( gun slating ol twelve thousand volume*, mostly German and Latin, fur only eix thoueond dollars. The Berlin inetitutiona were unable to com|>cto on nceount ot poverty. BRICKS. LARGE LOT . 'i ?* FIRSTRATE TOR SALE AT Westfield's Yard. ' APPLY TO A. ISAACS, Oreenrille, 8, 0. I . Oct 20 22 * 4"f ! , ot : NBW MIU.lXKllY. MRS. I. T. JENNINGS, ? RESPECTFULLY 1N< WWv forme her friend* and the CSH^KAV P-*"* K*ncr*"jr?'hat *^?i ku juit roc#Wed and Moperwd a * BEAUTIFUIa AND HANDSOME LOT OF FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY, f Which iha offer* at price* low and reojonable. r Ladie* before purrliaoiog tb?tf HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, *C, , Wontd do wall to giro her caM, at bar old 1 Btand. * t Oct is rl si am n Sftbecribe for tho kntkkj'bise, i. $2 in advance. % il 8111 A MASS MEETING. SIIIK eittMDi of OrNBYlD* Connty are In it?d to attend t Mui Meeting, te be d at the STOKK of STEN HOUSE ft TERRY, Every day throngh the Tall and Winter, for the urpoee of discarding the location ef Um Air tine Railroad and all the peNlfcnl gneitlo^a f the day, and alao to exairtM tba large and -?11 ---..-A 1 Cl^aL U-ll Consisting of everything Mt, iprMd Mt to our view. Wo hot* oil ttMit juu wMi from i Ladles' Hood to a Soli Fish. Needles and Mm?a ear* for tola thin*. Lilly Wblln aad 'ink Ball*?LiniaaMt for bora* sails. U> llsa' superior Lacs Vails?Poison for rats wilk eng tails. Blsaoking by th? yard or piaas be bast o| Axle-Tree Oaaase. Wow tod sad lilk?Tin Badketa for milk. Cbaaaa and ?adiM' Cloaks, that are really no bona. Manure Forks and Cologne?Fry Pans asrf Fhslebone. Caster Oil sal Candy, fixed bp lice and handy. Sausage Orfnders and fillers ?White Hats for the millers. Thompson's IPater for the eyes? Kal rests for piee. Raisins tod Hats?Hinges and Bats. Jews' Harps in d Grind-Stones?Bees Wax and Rasor lonca. Span trnek and Hair Dye?Double txtmet of Lye. Coffee, Sugar and Cooks? ill sorts of Pad Leeks. Paint Red and Green ?Salts and Rostne. 8o!e Leather, Vinegar tnd Spire?Istaaas Letamon, Turpentine and lice. Muttard, RatOrs and Hails?Spades, Ihovels and Vails. Mas lis, Jackonet and [mee?Axes, Coffee MiMs and Mdee. Fiddles, ingle and doable-lined?Corsets that laoe up wit in J. Bait Seeks abd Bed Tioks?mil sorts tf Yankee Trioke; in foot, all that Is good and lice, at a very low price. We, the said Firm, to the people of Greenrille greeting, Invite you all to eome to thte >ig meeting. , STENHOUSE St TERRY. r N* KXCHANQR FOR GOODS, TALLOW, L Old Rags, Dusswag. Corn. Wheat and Ireenbecks, or anything yon ena spare, from i pint of goobers to an old gray mare. j-? 8TEN HOUSE * TERRY. ' Oct ? U 4 Inoorporated 1800. Lr M CAPITAL, * *#,++ ! J. F. BOZEffllAII. PrM*t D F. WILLCOX, Scc'T. Continue! to fnrnilb perfect security ayainet lost or timmmgr tyjlrc m ?ff kind* </ ?'uwraiJs property at adequate ratee. Agent! can be found at c?trf proalawt [>eint in the Southern State*, to who** applications for insurance map be made. Apply to WM. E. EARLE, ' AOBNT. Oreonville, 8. C., October 20, 1800. 12-4 FOR SALE. 25-llURSE POWER BTFIAM AKD TWO"! CYIrSTOEB. n att ni) o MHLGlld, CHEAP. Enquiri of VMM & Oct 18 81 4 e'DT/m niOJIEST PRICE GIVER iw J3k GSSL'ms? sihtiSt oSKTTjL FOR SEED, PACKED OR LOOSE AT MY C1N IN 0 K?KN V1LLK, & a John Westffleld, 0* to * * " * 81 . .4 Pacific Guano Company's COMPOUND in mm i in For Com potting with Cotton Sood 1*1118 ARTICLK IS MANUFACTtJRKl at the Coinpuny Work*, nndar U)? 41 rtttioa at>4 of Dr. lUrmL | It eantalna tb? him of fertility a BOLUDLK PACIFIC UUANO, ax??pt tkat I 10 noi lurnimeo who /imbusja, llll pre pared ei promt? IW compoetlag with MttA eeed, which furnUhea the element of AMMO NIA; the object being to render that eld product of the plantation available to th hlgheet degree aa an element of fertiltlty.For farther and pertiewlar Information, appt to the nnderelgaod. J. K. R0H80N, Agent for South Carolina, 1 aad 1 Atlantic Wharf, Cherleetoa. JOHN 8. KEK8K, Jr., Ooneral Agent, Bm tlmore. < , , IMn , Get VI WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 9ANL0NE6A, 6A., WILL practice in the Conatiea of Lam kin, Dnweon, Gilmer, Fannin, talc Tonne, White end Hall. , Jea 10 3S if mi g i in Codumbia A dvertwettiento. . -? i COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, SOUf'i CAROLINA. yiilfrinBtrTi TBI PrmMon take >Wu?ra la artaoeoeing this cWantly-fnroUbed KetablUbmeot M? opto MX lot MtvtuatvxSt'f^w > gmu. Tb? lolh win alway* be npplM wfth every ielteerj of the oeeoon?both froa the New York ooi Cherleetoa aawrkeW, aa4 ao effort* wilt be rye red be fire perfect Mtbfootloe, la every roe pert, to oar patron*. YRBB LUNCH la the refectory every day ttom 11 antU IX}. U*U?BAS?5hop,} Sept 19 19 tf Viokerton HouseHotel, 4 COLUMBIA, 8. C. THE anderaigned having KKNXff ED hi* leaae apon the above Popaiar Ho eee, wBl endeavor to eank* it *ae of the meet agreeable Hotel* in the South. AtaU U solicited. ' \ ) "* * | p*b Free Omniba* to and flrota the Hotel. .' IN. A. WRIGHT, $8 Froprteter. Svpt 8 I# tf NATIONAL HOTEL wnmbj??3A, s. ?i WWBMSHI,.'. r. l^JiSoN^orKKifCT^rR - RATES Of Board Np*r Day M 00 Supper, Break (art and Lodging..... I 00 SUgl* Meal*... 1 00 i, Ikp V T V > 1? * tf marble mm. BOY IV E Ml 8PROWL, COLUMBIA, 8. ., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK I* all its branehts, of J ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. * *f MSI C. E. REED, FASHIONABLE IttURlIT, CORSETS, ?assr^anis^TPAJi, BRIDAL VEILS, DRESSMAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Main Rtrret, Oppoeita SUTPHKN'S, Columbia, & <X 8ep 1 15 8m c I.SUI2BACHER, SIGN OP THR MAMMOTH WATCH\ MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, 8. C., DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER or WATCHES, CLOCKS, . SILVERWARE, ETC. AN ASSORTMENT of Geaoln# PEBBI,! SPPXTl AC LEA alwaj. on band. R? pairing, in all Ita braaabea, personally at landed to, and tba amplaat eat m'aeilon prom iaed. Orefg'a Building, Main Street, Co lombie, 9. C. Sep 1 . , U 9m CUSHIN88 A BAILEY , - v 1 BOOK MU9M9 AMD STATIONS**, Ml 9allia?ore?at., Baltimore, l^d. TUB Largeat aad Beat Aaaarted Stock to iba City, of SCHOOL, LAW. DENTAL. MEDICAL CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS General Bank aad Counting-Ho una Station ery of ?U klndo. Bleak looki <)? fa order, Ki eeyatyW, of binding and raNtf, Aug M 14 4m* ' ~ E? P. JONES, . AWiT(?ni&!rarar AV BoAW, J AND SOLICITOR IN MQUITT. I VILt rwACTtCS U 4U 5: COURTS OF THIS STA1E A tOO, * IV THE UJflTKD STATHB OOVtlt y Mm ?t BrnrlUt 0. V., ft. 9. July 7 7 ly* t. COTTON. f|lHR BiWtW hoc jak received mi - JL PATENT OULLFTt OIN and PRK8I and i? prepared to GJN aod PACK 001 f TON at tbla pUoe, on the ieet roeeoonbl * tun. Oettoa will be delivered at the T* pot, or any other point la the 0by, free < p charge. i, JOHN WRRTPnCLD. Greenville, 8. 0., Sept. lot, INt. 1 Sep 1 1ft tf IT t?*MlI Advertisements. 8AMUKL C. BUCK, I STOCK AND 60N1> BROKER, ' NO. M BROAD BT? CHARLESTON. PARTICULAR oUankUn to pw I cHaao and aala of 8EOUKITIEH on [ OominlMioa. Information giran chrerfully, umi TO Rrr K. T. BDIST. * J.C.BAILEY, > THOS 8TEK.V. September SI, I860. ' IQ-lt mm Mom. 11 CANDY MANUFACTORY J C.E OLATTMOH. 10 MAUCT-8T. CHARLESTON, 8. C. ALL KINDS op , CRACKERS, BI8CUIT AND CAKES . MANUFACTURED daily of the beet Soatbern Floar, eqeal isqnalUjr to ?, ] , at reasonable print. Alto, bat at- bit eaUAlitbeenl tm niwlr* candy factory. < Theee Candiee are tenttaatt, safe to offer, aad at all. Ubm Freeh and Warranted pore , and to ataad tbe climate, Order* vUl bo promptly tiled tv satisfaction. Sept ? ; It It* k " wot at tOLMIITI. AIUIAK a. toioiimr. HOSES GOLDSMITH fc SON, < Not. *, % aad H VENDUE RANGF., OHAF.liSOTOlT, 0, Q. WHOLESALE DEAI.ER8 0 IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PAPER 8T0CR. HIDES, WOOL, 08CB5S0, IFlfiHEfl, <3??. A SaltaVla Stock of Hear, and Light . HTDND A27D OSZ270 \ For Taaaort eaat Alwa,t oa Hand, aad will ^5 k? 8oht Low for ' Sept n ? IS M KINSMAN'S sabs 279 anro araaxr, CHAR.LBOTOIT, 8. 0. /\nt lOsnsTirt nvnv t- __ i_ U i?HdM PtMDd liexaa, nKabi* for Coaatry Trade. WARRANTED Perfectly Pm and . v7WAi?\sjnwtPi?aAk,ipacDi Bciajt fraa from Terra Alba or MatMe Dirt, and Manafaetarad aolely flrsa CRUSHED SUGAR. A DUconnt ia made foe a 11 Ortltrftf 500 poaadf pSt" Bead Toy Cirealar. Sept It,. ^ It ^ It r. a. wamw. ? c. t. purukM. T. M. BMSTOLL A CO. tlOLBSAUl FMLU8 IN BOOTS, SHOES, AC., NO. 146 MEETIN6 S1CHARUSTUN, V. C. dtaek Hapten Ubed Weekly by Steaiaer. Lata Doohm, Taft A Co., 145 Meattag-BL, Oppoeite Hay oe Street. Sept n 19 It" PAVILION HOTEL," (90BAZRIb9SW$>S7? S. (9. BOARD, Par N, K. HAMILTON, Saperiatindiat. An. H. L BVTTEBPIRLDi PraprfelretM. Sapt 19 It tt . e. noLL: ciiun writ. ?. e. WAIVES. STOLL, WEBB A CO.. DRY GOODS. a?r jpoaasaaacB ow?sam, IM LACE HTOBE. aafflo ssaaas, Three Door* below Wentworth, ' CU ARLKHTOK, 8. C. TERMS CASH, M CITY ACCfPTANC*. Sept H N It* I . d. w. rtitiM. ita'i A. HttOI. JAMS* M. WILSOV* D. F. FLEMING A CO., 3DS1ALEIH.B ; r SHOES, I -4^2) TRUNKS. Vo. 3 Eayne-St.) ?or. Church, - CHAIiLESTON, S. G. Sept M 16 II* VOMWt OS U AW W/V1UWK9 Sm*AKA/mi.Y9 307 KIHO 8TRKBT, 0SARLMT02T, B. <3._ DBA i.SR IV if a rears, cl ocks, je wel r r. Mil 9 mr WARM, pi a ted warm, specta clms, ao. VttokM Mat to amy part of th? eoaatry. SILVER HUWTTKO WATCHES FRO* PIFTKKN DOLLAR! A-ND UPWARD. ? OKHT8 5, OoM H anting Wateboo from $90 ud Upward. f! LADJK.H l# OoM Hrating Wataboa Oram $M and Upward. AMERICA* WATCHES * OF ALL KIRD0. RB8PKCTFULLT SOLICITED. 8?ft 19 19 99 8 1. Charleston ^ Advertisements, mt. ?mi,Bill; HRfORTERS AND J0WER8 Of 6B86K8BY, 1ST Meeting Street, w5 V-f WATCHES, JEWELRY ' AMD y. . SILVER WARE, 355 KING STREET, (Corner of BosuWa,) CHARLESTON, *. O. Sept 29 19 .12 l b. rroDDABO, a iMmnaii. (. B.STODDARD ICO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 8W03KS, AND Tnuiv 11 MANUFACTURERS* ffllCES^^ 161 IWecliuK Street, (nkaklt orfootTK (TiARi irroR Rtvrru,) GBisitisTOv, s. c. I Sspl 29 19 13 EDMONttT.BROWN, OF THE LATE FIRM OF F. r>. FANNING & CO.. mmm dealer IN MEN'S AND DOTS' HATS, CAPS STRAWGOODS, ^ AtfO, LADIES', MISSES' AND NATS, CHARLESTON, S. C. pT Opposite Charleston Hole). 8ept 29 1# 2# C. N. AVERILL & SON, ? a ss" is a a lie COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND Dealer* in Corn, Oate and Floor, 8, CORNER EAST BAT AND NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. &Z7KBXICU: T. P. 8TOVALL A CO.. Anjpista. HI.AIR. SMITH A CO., Atlanta. CLAGHORN, HF.RHINO A CO., AtlanU. MARSHALL A BURGH. Charleston. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston. Sept 29 19 12 < THE POCKET CORK 8HELLER. T>EINO the owners of the PatenURiirht A3 of the State of North Carolina, of thU popular farming implement, we offer County Right* and Shellera at Great Bar* gain*. C N. AVEKILL <fc SON, 68 Eaat Bay, Charleston. Sept 20 19 12 JII1II6S. MIKBH C! WHOLESALE AND lajswAira, roar Saddlery, 8addlery Hardware, Carriage Ma teriale, Leather, Ac. 160 Meeting'St, Oj,po*ite Charleston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. 8<pt 29 . 19 It a. anncarr, c. woncna. i. a. rtaraa. RE.NRY B1SHC0FF & CO., OHOOBH8, AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS, SEGjLRS;' TOBACCO, dkC l?T EAS T BAY, CH ARLESTOIf, S. C Hr,.t 79 1? SI - i * -* ^ T~ " ^ , ' J > >? c. olaciim. a. tnm CLACTUS & W1TTK NORTH ERST CORNER OF FRASER'S WHAR ON CU8TOX 110U8E 8QUAU, CHARLESTON, 8. O COMMISSION MX&CHAMT8, A ad WbatoMU Daakn In QMOCXmiXS, LIQTJ0E8, AC*, AC 8<f* M It M I I ^ ? ? .... Charleston Advertisements. IT MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL | CBM1ISSI01 1IICUIT. | BeccmtnoMioQ Wfatf, 2 CHARLESTON. S. C. 1 J1" A VINO ampU rofini for conducting | jljl my uuaintst, i am iv an nmw propared to mik< liberal advance* on Cot'trO, July 28 10 ly P. P. TOALE, (9 ID A IB. It IS C IP <E> Sf? B? Manufacturer of DOORS, SA8BES, BLINDS. - JHMi 1 ||.S^ ' P*S^6?SLiXsea i ? i' i\ HAVING the largest and miat complete ^ factory in the Southern 8'at?-a and kerning always on hand a large and moat complete stock of DOORS, SASHES, It LIN 08.8a eh Doors, Store Donre, Shutter*. Moulding* Ac., do , 1 am enabled to eell low and at mannfac arer.<* nrieea. N B?8niet attention paid to (hipping In good order. July 21 0 U COTTON TIES. TkKARD'S PATENT LOCK TIES, unsurJ3 passed by any Tie yet manufactured. For neatness, strength end durability, thie Tie has no equal. llaviug sold them fur the last three years, we feel that we con cordially re* ct.inmeud them <o all Planters as the artiole they want. For aale by 0E0. W. WILLIAMS A CO, Fee tore, Charleston, 8. C. Aug 18 IS ..3m CHABLKTON HOTl^L CHARLESTON\ S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A. BUTTEEFIELD, (Formerly of the Pavilion Hotel,V W. 8 MILLERSrpt 2? 1? If [Mnrs Nik UTTERS, THEY CURE DY8PENIA, in all unini or rma STOMACH AND LITER. nn ui uomnno bt m ' M EDIOAL JTJk.O ULTY. HEOEMAN Ac CO., AOJUm, JfJKW YORK. Mamrfactnred by C. F. PAIKNIH, cmatT ad AforncAS^ OH ARLSSTOX, B.C. A^Ar BmU Ay Pi wwlifa gum ywAti >.-0 Feb 24 40 lj i)AVII) & STRADLEY, FDBV&BBlifl ill C0HMISS10I IflLRCHAIHTS, AND DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Pendleton-St, Near Depot. GREENVILLE, S. C. Jonf 2 2 U* The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Common Plena?Equity Hie. THOMAS 0. OOWER, Administrator, r*. P. F. BUDDUTH, at al.?DiU fur Salt / KtlaU, to Pay Debit, tte. UNDER the Dec ratal Order made in theabove eaae, the Creditor* of the Estate ol Mr*. MARTHA LOVELAND, are required to eatabliah the rank and amount of their elaims ageinat *aid Bat etc, be fens the Clerh,. within aiit Miflt from thia dele. W. A. MuDANIEL. C. C. T. Clerk** OtlCe, September 2f?th, 18#9. Sep* 29 19 * *m WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Perieeopdo Spectacle*,4be JHkA WILL order an aatra article ?n"Z til ^"gi^an^rt K PAIRdSSei^i^ElNG flne Watobea of everj dea crip lien. Beet refbveneaa given. JAMEH U. BLACK. u Jaae *0 ? V t a hp VTr\m v-n w~i I vv rru i iVJBi, . ATTGRRIY AT LAW AND MAUISTDATB, OWFWU OVER aVLLIVANfr STORK, L ?BUWHWiraM*, 0. (9. I Peh 10 58 If