University of South Carolina Libraries
_ rag Chester Reporter, / A WXSKJ.T HRWSPAPER, / * PUBpiaiiHD ?Y 'i ? k. < lUhVBX, * J. A. ifcADUfr, Jr^ At /?? cbbster, si. $ ,~?\? tlSRlfS?Invariably In Advanoa... .$8.00' NOT 10 15 SHERIFF'S SALES. tit Tirtan of mlijr writ* of 'FUri Fmmmt Jt> to mo directed, I will aol), before (ho Court Boom door, on 8ale?d?jr in Deeembor next, between (ho hour* of IS o'clock in (ho forenoon and 8 o'clock in the afternoon. One Treet of Land, in the rUlere of QowonfTille. containing 188 mtw. Thla la a bean tirul place?ban* ! large and commodious, containing some tan or twaira rooms. Levied on U the property of J. Ramsay Bowden, at tba ralta ot William 0. Oiat, R. D. Bcliew and ntbara. Also, one Cottage and Lot, naar tba oorporata limit* ef tba city of Oraanvillo, on tba Rutherford road, lot oontalniog tea acres, mora br teas. Levied on as tba 1 r 'party of F. 11 Whltaker, at tba suit of W. B. Baric, Administrator. Also one Tract of Land, naar Qlassy Mountain, containing one thousand acres, mora or loss. Levied on as tba property of A. J. Ward, at the suits of II. A. Caubla, and Gowcr, Cox, Markley A Co.. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 130 acres, mora or lass, adjoining land* of John II. Ooodwin, A. A. Heart and others. Levied on as the property of John Stroud, deceased, at the snit of H. Good, for another, vs. Allen Robinson, Executor. Also, the following Lands, to wit i The Paris Mountain Tract, containing 130 o_ r. acres, mar* or less, adjoining lands ot William Roberta, William Rainay, and others. Also, * the P > najCpoantain Traot. contain log 80 acres, more or foce, adjoining iaud> of J. Turpln, V. McBoc's estate and others. Also, tbc undivided internet, being one-batf, in n Vacant lot. on Buncouihe street, in the eity of Greenville, containing three-fbnrthe of an acfe, mora or Veee, bounded by lota of Jamas O. Meredith, aetata of D. Long, deceased, and state of Gonoral Owens, deceased. Levied on as the property of Dr. T. G. Croft, at the suits of Robert Adgar and T. B. Belts, survlvors, assigned to 8. Btradley, and of B. F. Perry, assigned to S. Stradley. Also ono Tract of Land, containing 387} acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Tinsley Ballanger, Joseph Barton and others. Levied I on aa the property of William D. Dickey, at the suit of J. Ramsey Bowdsn. Also, one Tract ot Land, ota the Spat tana burg road, about two miles from the eity of Greenvillo, containing 68 acres, more or less,' bounded by lands of Rev. Samuel M. Green-, Uebry Morris and Robert Ward. Levied on as the property of Thomas B. Roberts, at the suit of James M. Sullivan for another, vs. T. B. Roberts, R. MeKay and W. T. Shumsto, resold at the risk of (be former purchaser. Also, the defendant's right, title and interest in law and canity in one Tract of Land, known as the Israel Charles Mill Tract, containing thirty acres, more or less. On this Tract is a rd Grist and 8aw Mill, adjoining lands of D. SnlUran, RIQah Parmer and ethers. Levied on aa the property of George W. Hyde, at the salts of Jerrmfah Roberta and oyiers, resold at the risk of the former purchaser. Also, one Tract ef Land, known arthe Fowler or Mil$s Place, on waters of Mush Creek, containing SI Of acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. M. Taylor, A. A. Neares and _ others. Levied on as the property of James N. Taylor, at the salts of J. B. Morris, W. D. Diokey, William Choice and others. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and pa pert. Ai B. VICKERS, 3. O. C. November 9, 1880. 2(5-4 - Bone Dust i K TONS ON HAND FO? 84LF. LOW. 10 DAVID A8TRADLEY. Etiwan Fertilisers VI BY the BAO or TON, at Factory prices, Expenses added. OnV TH UAVJD A 8TEA W.ET. 1 S ] Oft TON8 TO ARRIVE AT COST AND vf. f CARRIAGE. DAVID A STRADLEY. p r-r FacMd GRandf, n I *?T 6> A TONS To ARRIVE AftOST AND CARRIAGE ~ DAVID A STRADLEY. m a f C Bn* Wando Fertiliser. 1 A TOWJt TO ARRIVE ATOOGT'AltP lv carriage. . / DAVID A STRADLEY. Yarns and Shirting Always on band by bale, at FACTORY PRICES ' 0AV1?? A fcPRA'DtEY. "Wee M tf " Durham Tobacco. WEkN|t thlejiMllf ?d?hrit?d Rr?i<l of SMOKING TOBACCO, alwaya on DAVID A STRADLEY. -i ey Box* CHEWING TOBACCO. For J. mI? Uv for (ft* OkA, DAVID A STRADLEY. Nr? ft 24 (f Gunpowder, Soda Cracker*. Adamantine Candles TjV)R mIi mi CHARLESTON PRICES, by a th? paokage, coal of of tronaportation addad. DAVID A STRADLEY. Nov S 24 tf Flour1 Kf\BARRELS TEXAS. J.OU VIRGINIA. MISSOURI, Ratio Family FLOUR, a ? parlor articU for Mil low for tha eaah. DAVID A STRADLEY. Nor t y S4 tf Oar fttork ( Goods, Groceries. Dry dawdle. Halo, Shaee, Catlery, Hardwnre, Ac., Ac , Ac, Ac., A 8 COMPLETE. AND fdfcom -m J\. tka pnbHe, at lotr 4?Mhrd 6*\1 and n ml DAVID A aTRADbfcf* * FOB SALE, ^ LARGE AND /CONTAINING TwoloogialU. Nor irrm?, Vj apply u. Dr..tJAflO AN, rooidtng up. or p AN #Vo?A?r A ar and now la tba time to toooro. Now T?*h Homo, Alboaaarlot of Virginia, and tfco Ooor? gla Homo aro ropro?onl?'f by Wa. E. Barto, A grot. | f .<<??' ' '!/ ;i flj iM|M? * V P*N O < fcXfl >' ui n /Ju'" ,jftTV aavjgJ rrtf ! > */ ? a i'?.?S ^ Baaai :' ?j 4 .J I ' b? m ta ? s *' -S s s? '3^ vr tt ?;/aa? 5?=1 <4. ?ctegjgj si C^rv -.SI .* .MMagfr.t |?>ii: t-3 C '.e^?*. S' < > <;:2. v ?72 ? j2 ' 5! .HOSA b^? ^! F 11 * ?f< ! WmSSmmmmM . ? .v ,'f <? i' r.: i A a i 11 ' LADIEs" STORE. 1W & HAVE RECEIVED. AND HAVE ready f?r examination, the ~w ~m arn tt ~m~ **D MOST ATTRACTIVE STOCK* That it Iim ever been our plena ore to exploit?it is ao extensive en<i ?rM that it is almeet impossible to enoavate. We0?O' ? fore invite our friends, and all ln.w?Kt of OQOD AHD CHEAP To call and glee our STOCK an examination. We would eall the attention of our 'cU'tomere, and friends gent-rally, to the fact, that we hate f LARGELY INCREASE0 OUR STOCK OF <3TA?LS DRY GOODS Thia Fall, and fael confident that we are able to offer far auperior inducement* in that line than at any time ainea the surrender. We are offering toe purchaser* ia ANY SffYJLIS, (BYA&inrY AXD PRICK INDUCEMENTS, A. ?... tUoui t. a DRY OCODO OOXT935UI. rut-Luna S)A&3 9i <S ? ? 2> S ? Con?i?tlnir in part of: All wool DeLone, Plaid*, Canslet Cloth*. Poplin*, Alpaoe* Poplin*, Merino*. Ac., Ac? Ac. W. H. HOVEY. w , ; irZ +3 03/ f c3? ' 11 &- . fr** 5jf/ rj^ # ?[ '0k ^ 5^ x ? ** 1^ Jj " e ?S H Rpj 5 ^vE3 Q o M ^ M v S 2E O ^ ui. S - *"* O 2 Q> ^ * aSg^s;? So * - W o ? K o w 5 " S 2 ^ tfSlW^A WpAJ! r > **- W H-rf >?^ !' C3h I mr ? .' ) .-' S.i *'V'- IAW | i . *ijh? .? ,, ,?2LTb* AlhermurU of Virfloi* bad lhe OeorSrtr*? atwuirtfa ?? XortNrn Cocspwiie#. W?. E. h'wto, Agnt y-r?rI ; S> I ' 1 " D 0) Ei S- ' m i 11 |f 1 3 <w o <8 _ < S I J ? ? 3 f * a v ? -3 ? a g %iJ ^ i jrawS ? g 2 : :' ^ <& 2 ?^ > ?|p. p* on > ' -w ? J3 O ?* ffj cd 23 ?-?. 03 fl > 0> i> *3 w ? ? 5T3^ gj*? 3?*g, ? S tsw- ? u s -. gr BS 3 jR ? i'f1"'^1'"' ?3 Syigf j=-^c ; cij O SS Lj cq .JS / -.. .KZ >i (A 5T ,{^/%i- :< Qjtoiii S fl i . .9 rS Sn o a> 2 3 > ^i 3 c.s?*K*,' sjiffr?... W i M 9*13 MS C SJfM* ,|-= ^ C? W ^ ^ .,. (I CS t? O OJ S .w.r? 11IS4.1 1 SMUtf I ^ " ' ? "C <! c 03 a o 8 ^ ^ I#ta ?IsBo ^fea^Ma Mr LANDS FOR SALE* ^'E off.r ihe^MfcM^U 1 JgJUVra^B f?>*Jo w infj Lnnd't^^B^ra^? ^HQHMR-at private e>?le: 4P?0(Hpt 4BU5?? Thespiendld l'lnn 4t?jBm?** taiion of Col. K S. Irvine, two miles from rdSKUIAMKI of virgin for-at heavily timbered with oqk I and hickory ; most of.thf rtnipir.drr is in a high stale of cultivation?shme60 acres being set in Clovrsnd Orchard Crass. The Orehard* contain some 4.f>00 Peaeh, 1600 Apple, ami 200 Qfaerry Trass oft thMvcryl best, varieties ?4-fealf. The place is well- J watered and fenced off, and po?*e*tee everything requisite for a first alars Stock Farm. By the road, the residence is two miles from tthe Square?is maet?ua>loratably and eoi.J OufKtffl dings arj or jne oejlJrjnai.[here Is , a large Itariy^wmie^ Stables aail a number of ?|Ml/<>i|pt^e:d|reUtng| fg* labours Jit; f separate settlements. , . Also, the \Va1 son Plantation Abbeville >c:b* I iwil' ...... vm iiuirs irom rtine>yaix and ' ?ix mile* from New Market Depot This place 1* well improved, and i? one ot ike beet cotton farms in that bylt of splendid cotton land*. Weee'Trtefr art or C cla?s of property not often put upon the market. For further particular*, term*, Ae, apply to ua at Greenville, 8. C. . lEAQLBft DLTTHOi > .?NTy>WM r WE OF*SA QUA 8SBVIC88 TO tl?e community aa Agent* for the Sale of REAL ESTATE, and hope to advance the wi?|iea and interests of th< <e who desire to sell, and by pr**?nU?g many sb hrfrt^iw piW*lrSt D*hAH^AfT^<f*eftiIinff S * L*?d ^ ,: -1 |BWIIERLE, ?REIfcWVIU.E, 3. O. ,:jr):il.t3 neAlEfrfif '? ? o t GOLD H1B SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS,- JEWE BR I, . cW?CTA?U?,?-.kc 18 ft 88 Carat Solid Vnptial Rings, SILVER & SILVER-PLANTED -mmr jm^waLmam OF WORK of *11 dieeriplioa. im hi. 1 line done prompt!jr. jjp ' Oot 47 SSI ly ' ? 1 ? . , , FarmfbrSale. . 1 building on thi lot. itoul 4 milei from the < thy. ftftij*#1 ammm mm_mm i JUMUS C SMITH. Wot 3 34 ; 3 li Mb ill GO ilFE INSURAH Capital. ?soo * ' J_ Assets Exceed $ Policies Payi Dividends Pa^ m& mumn .M Home 'Office, He. 34 riobuA j AUGUSTINE B d. 0. HAP.DHALL, 1?. GREENVILLE, SC i FULL i ' JBTOH JAMQST/o 1HMMS, is.-::: ./vo W *11 & MILL AiS 8 VELL*6ELECTKD^I^jypW YORK. BAL Fill! LARGEST AND I CT*a BOSS , ; fruHH* A isCONSlSl Dry Ooc*J?5 Notions, Fancy o o c '4? " Cfothfog, Boots, 6l.<x V'nJi.U H A SUGARS COFFEE, T CROCKERY, BAGGING WITH A GENERAL VARlf Jj^fown my friouds, will be S( Corn and Produce Generally. Gi sclvics, atrrtir 1 L L t- w w wW* 1TBTT BT7IT00MBB A *?' K ? . )w /i Vr' A' ' ; 0.,. .****** NEW STORE ON BUNCOMBE STREET. ROBERT TH0MAS0N 6 CO., HAYE just received. and arc now opening at their Store on BUN66iitiE street, r*lr?( door above I* C? utile's, a Stock of Dry ftoode, Groceries, Huts, Cape, Booia and >hoer, Owdware. Crockery, together witli general supplies tor families. Tliey will take Eggs, Dutler. Cliickens, 3orn, Wheel, and al| Cl>0ntiy Produce in exchange for Goods, or will pay the highest Cash Price for the same. ROBERT T110M ASON 4 CO. Nov 3 24 i '' 2 . Notice. r|"MIERE will be a Connty Meeting ol the L citicens of this County, held in the Court House, on Sale$ doy in Decnnbtr, for the purpose of ratifying the action of the Board of Couoly Commissioners, in regard to the subscription of Two Hundred Thou* sand 1 'hilars to the Air line Railroad. By order of the Board, AfrUAfia. -OkX, . Uor 3 ^ ^ 24 | 1 IS bdtofcy gfveti to ?H whom U m?y e?rfM^K*t I will apply to S. J l><?uihit, Probete Judue of Greenville County, on ik? 1 I dot/ of December next, lor * final die charge m Executor of the Eetate of JAilBtD 11UIMON, doeeeeed. EDWARD P. nUDSON, W. T. ASH MOKE, NEAR THE DEPOT, GHE^yjUB? S. >., HAS JUSt1 returned from Charleston with a complete Stock of ?IBY ?0??S, GJ^PCEillE^ NOTIONS, ftARDWAkK, CROdKKRY, riasswarf wnnnwARP *r. His Stock oT the leading triloba he cslla oepeeial attention to. Ilia price" are And he sake a eall from hia frienda. Oct tr ? i * ' ' - ' A? a -J House for Sale TWO STORY BUILDING, eon VJ lainlng it aquare Rooma, to be aold kt private aele. The building to be removed mmrdtaltlw. JULIUSC. SMITH. Nov 3 U HL!!_ 1' niHiii JS, ?BOA * v? %m V [Clf COMPANY.} AAA ^111 ni ,uuu in woia. B 350,000 in Gold. J lble in Gold* pable in Gold. J DH-lP0tiraSTAI3iB. ' 1 St. Francis-Street, L L A It A n A. acon, agent, Dm MEDICAL BZ'Rm ^ IUTH CAROLINA. fi t . RftGIN < GROCERIES, i / \ ? 7 ' &?o S uiirijyG, t itetot yvtM*! TIMORE AND CHARLESTON MARKETS. I '.EST 111 STOCK] m ssrasx, riNG OF * <> > ? ; < Articles, Gents' and Ladies' Z> X> Sy 8, Gents' and Ladies' T Sn;M . . .?* ;eas, hardware, , TIES, ROPE, POWDER, blue stone, spice, candles, ^^rocK, wiiicii i beg to LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, TOyae a call and examine for yonr! smsat otona. T. W. DAVIS. ; y?t* . ^"? ' V Established 1850. UVK1Q fWL & 11, I V J j \ . *?D v <s'? ' l tr *. 5 " ? t f 'i * IP AH BY AdXDllDS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, Ac. A<\, Ac. 1 i 308 W. Baltimore St., between Howard ^ a and J.ibeTty, Baltimore, Md. Nor ? 24 3n.* irWffsaasjsa OF iP" 50 0 ? ffiQ ,_ //? 1 3 . ? *? "1X7 E IIAVK 1WBT REGEIVRD A 8UPE? V imm ASSORTMENT OF , mini in riuitn IIUUIMft 1199 LHOlildtt CLOTHS & CASSIMERES, I With * Complete Assortment of GEITUHii'S llfflK HQS. REAVBRH for Gentlemen and Ladies Over Coats and Cloak*. All of which wo will MAKE UP Id tho beat and latest styles for essh. WEED'S 8EWINO MACHINE StiH kept for sale and warranted. I FURTHER NOTICE. WE beg those whom we hare been kind < enough to credit, to return the la- 1 vor by coming forward at once and settling their Accounts; we can't afford to run around and beg for nhat we hare earned, nor give longer indulgence; old things have parsed away aod all things have be coins new. PICKLE St POORE. Greenville, ?L C-, October 27. 23-4 To R?ntI HAVE for rent, two or mors residence*, containing from 4 to 6 Rooms. Posses s on to be given January 1st, 1870. JULIUS C. SMITlf. , Nov 3 21 2 | L few Firm, Mew Store, A Mew Goods. ILYDE&"lIOVEV fENDLETON STREET, BAR ORE EN VILLK DEPOT. VE BEG leave to announce, that, having recently formed CoDSrtnmliin nnHar tlio ?I?a?o nine and atylc, we ftro now preared, with a LARGE AND VA- * :1ED STOCK, to meet the wants f onr friends and the public gen- ? rally. a Our Stock constats in part of FAMCY AK0 STAPLE T DRY GOODS, f ELeadv-madeClotiiing HATS. Shoes, Groceries, BDCniT, UNVIH. CITLSBY, dbo. dbo. Lnd will be round Freeh and Complete at all Timos. | Wo will take in Exchange for loods?Cotton, Corn, W beat, floor, Oats, Peas, live, Rami, &c., ,nd will pay highest Market 'rices for the same. We intend to be open and fair n our dealiugs with a'l men, and ill that we ask is a FAIR TRIAL, If parties desire it, we are pretared to SHIP THEIR COTTON, ind will endeavor to obtain the J lighest market prices for same. By close application, and by the trictcst Integrity and uprightness r^all our transactions, we hope to ( ommend ourselves to the favoraile consideration ot the Trading 'nblic. er We invite one and all to! all and examino our Goods and 'rices before purchasing elsewhere. |3?r" Remember that toe ire located in the New Building m. the Corner next to Messrs. Band Slradley. ?Fl ni vnn iiiwnv UWLJ M MJTMJ ?/ IIV W MZi I 0. CLYDE. W. n. notET Grecnvillej S. C.? October, 1869. j Oct 20 22 tf CLYDE & 1L0YEY a TTAVK JUST OPENED a rood select'., n tL or LOW-PRICED LADIES'CLOAKS. ALSO A Una assortment of Children's, Tooth's ind Men's HATS, from Fifty Cents up. Nor 8 SI tf OF L Greenville. UAVINO returned home after an absence of sereral week?, dm ing which ime I have visited New York, Philadel>hia, Baltimore and Charleston, I have PURCHASED , GOODS AFTER THE c GREAT GOLD , ON J VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, j ALL OF WUICU I WILL DISPOSE I or AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR ' CASH. ; t would take more spaee than I have at j ny command to eauinerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HAND CALL AND ! EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. | I wouM call special attention to Jk fMWlhfc AND SUGARS, : Which I will cell a# cheap for OAS1I, is ih'j can bo ordered from Columbia or Charleston. THOMAS 8TEEN. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Oct SO 22 tf Notice to CreditorsWILLIAM L. WATERS, Merchant, of J Greenville, S. 0., having mad* an , ASSIGNMENT, for the benefit of Creditors, taid Creditors are hereby notified to an I , >?ar at Greenville G. II., ft. C.. on the 10th lay of November next, to appoint an Agent ?r Agent* to art with the Aeeigneea. On I failnre to do *o, the A**igneee in ten day* 1 hereafter will proceed to exeeul* the A* ligament. w. A. McDANlEL, ) . .. JOHN M. JONES. t A??gnee*. Greenville, 8. C? "October 20th, 1869. Oct 27 ; 28 S Notice. THEBooImoI Aeeonntof WILLIAM L. W ATER8, am in the hand* of the A* ligneee for collection, Pereon* indebted will call at the Clerk*'* OfRca and eettlaL W. A MoOANlBL, JOHN M. JONES. Aeelgneen October, 1869. (Jet 22 28 S * ' * " Lugusta Advertisemen r. mabkwa1ter'; mahbl21 wobt0, Broad-it., AnfMt?) fit* MARBLE MONUMENTS, '?saa ssaaaa?, a?. marble mahtlis, akd furniit D tr U i On I n nk t t r <?na Oti HAND, OR URNISHED tO OKOTfe gR* All work Ibr the Cooatrf ??C?fuHy we?l fur ihlpmnL o?i ? to ly OHOIOXB FAMILY GROCERIES, LARGE wmm% OPENING AT AMES 0. BAtLIE A feBO'S* AUaTJOTA, OA. Oct 0 20 is carpets' * RUGS, ro&aaasy ?&4us>a?, 0/Z CLOTHS, WALL BATER AND BORDERS. LARGE fcEW" STOCK OPENING^ AT tame* <3. Bailie A Itro's. NEW GOODS HHHEAIFieiR TFIEIAN irjnBIE. AUGUSTA, GA. Oct ft 20 IS E G. ROGERS, DEALER IN FUDMiniMi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 143 and 145 Broad Street* AUGUSTA, OA. BUREAUS WA8H8TAND8, SOPA^ TETE-A-TETES, CHAIRS, ROCfclNQ CHAIRS, WHATKOTdj lOTTAGE SETS WITn AND WITHOUT HfliUiUBlIJa VdPMU Oct ? JO II Look Out for the Thief 2JT0LEN, from my stable, 1SJ miles south 5 east at Greenville, On last Sunday night* 7th lost., a yonng DAPPLE CLAYBANK IORSE, with black mane and tall, With a star n the face, one shoe on left fore 1661 and rich I iind foot a little white, the mane b^tng rathef hort where the collar works, about 3 years old ind onwards, and paces some. I will give a tberal reward for the delifOry of the Horse md thief to mo or lodged in any Jail, and any nformation of said llorse will bo thankfully eefved. JESSE C. KILO ORE, Oet 20 22 tf Mate or South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. la the Court of Probata. JOEL FARMER t/al. n. MARY FOKDEH el at.? Petition for Partition of Real Relate, Aceoaut, Ae. IT appearing that Jefferson Ponder one of the defendants in this ease, resides beyond the limits of this Stale : It is ordered that he io plead, answer, or demur to (be said Petition ritbin forty days, and on failing to do so, tha sine will be taken pro r??ft em against bins. o. ?. UVUTHIT, Probwte Jndgo. Oct. Uth. 1869. Oct 17 ? 6 HO! FOR THE FOR t'lltth, Florida, n'n StTinmli, Ua. touching at Fornandina, Jacksonville ?nd all Landings on the Bt. John's River-, Semi-Weekly Line. The elegant and FirstClass Rteainer DICTATOR, Caps. W. T. MeNelty, will Itave Cbarlcetea. B. C., for above places every Tuesday night at Betkeek. The elegant and First-Class Steamer CITY POINT, Capt. fteo+g* R. jnoriillMi, will leave Charleston every Saturday night at I o'clock Tor above places. Through tickets to he had at R. R. Offices. No extra charge for Meals and Staterooms, For freight or passage, apply to J. D. AIKKN A Co., Agents, South Atlantic Wharf; Charleston, S. 6. Oct 20 22 Sm Notice. Lt, flatties Indebted fo the sr.|>eerlher *. Bwwr oj m>r? oroprRi?f*nnl for Work il?M pr?rion? toJtflv >W, IW7, ? ill plrtM com? forward ami MAKE PAYMENT, ? lonrfrr indwljfona* ??n?ot b? firm. All alakna anw?tl??I l?y tha llrrt of IVMmbfr Hit will b?|>h?'d in iha hand* an Attorn'/ for iramadiate Oollrolion. f~ D. CLINE, N??r *? ** H