University of South Carolina Libraries
1 1 " 1 f JU* ? . ?' Cjit ?onfjjrrit (gtttafftfjrj. GRKBymtiS,^ s WIOV1UAT, KOTBMBxiTo. 1M*. I Supplement?Whet we wish Um Bater prise to bo. , This we*k we aeed out mm Extra, whiali i contain* aeverel mitltn of interest, this we , do in order to furniab oar readers with m I much reeding matter aa la la* oar power, i We ask eapeeiel ettcatioa to the advertisements inserted in it. We flatter ourselves j that its interest exceeds that of iseuee of pa- i per* we have seen, larger by a gt eat deal. j We are very anxious to get op an accept . able journal, and spare neither expease or la- ' bor for that end. We are a little crowded at j present with advertisement*, but we aaeare < the friende of the paper that that ia tha heat i evldeua# poaeihle for ita future prospects. Plans ara on foot for etill greater improve- r ments, and If our subaeribere and patrons | will but have e little patienoe, and pay us i ell the money they can, we will soon pre# ] ent e paper worlhy of them. . We meet with encouragement. A gen ?- Pi?u- k.i I firman wuu uuw ? ?iu * ?vi iu?, vnwi o leaving here, a few days since, called at the I office, and subscribed for the paper, saying, J " Mr. Editor, I want the EnUrpritt sent to < me in Florida ; to get it, is like receiving a < letter from home." and paid in advanoe for one year. That ia what we want to make our paper?like a letter fiotn liome to all of mtr subscribers. 8ustain us well, and we will make its visit* to your firesides a versatile companion whose conversation will g)add/n the hearts of all, Death of George Fes-body. This eminent benefactor of his race died in London on Friday, the 4th instant. His death created a profound sansation In England, and will produee no lesa in AmericaPerhaps history does not furnish another example of a man in private life that has made whilst living, such a noble use of such large wealth, honestly acquired by bis own efforts. The London papers, K ia said, nearly al) eontaiu obituary notices. The following extract from the 1\m*? gives some ides of the respect entertained for Mr. Pxaboby in the metropolis of the world : The Times ssys: " The news of Mr. Peabody's death will be received with no common sorrow on both sides of the Atlantic. The sentiment of regret will not be a mere pas-ing tribute of gralftute to a munificent benefactor. Mr. Peabody, through a long I life, accumulated manifold titles to be ia- i roented. He was an ardent patriot and was i loved abroaJ as much as at home. He was I a New Englsnder who, when the South was \ bowed down to the dust, stepped forward s and claimed a right to a-ccor ber. He was i no courtier, jet he was honored by sover e eigns and princes. He was profuse in his h charity, which pauperized nobody. He was t a philanthropist who was liked as well as f honored. There was nothing hard or nar- a row about hia philanthropy. He simply h did whatever good came in his way." c Respect to the Memory of Mr. Peabodr> by the Peabody Schools of Greenville. The Commissioners of the Peabody Schools Tery properly authorized the sue i pension erf the exereises of the schools for | one day, through respect of the memory of . the great and good man. to whose munificence their establishment is indebted. At the male school Captain Patrick announced the death of Mr. Pbabody on Wednesday morning, and made a faw appropriate remarks on the life, character and munificent works of thin distinguished philanthropist, and then dismissed the school until the next day. The Air-Line Bail road Meeting next Balei-day. We again recur to this moat important tuljret The minds of the people are made j up to sustain it. The road will paaa through the Citj, the center of the County, and will ' repay ten fold all the contributions made ' to seeure it. We would not La surprised if the alock of the County, two hundred thou sand dollar*, and that of the Oily, one hundred thousand more, will, as soon as the I road is built, pay dividends enough to re> c Heve the people of the greater part of their 1 State and City taxes. This argument was ' forcibly urged by Gen. Easlet. The County * will never he called on, it is thought, for 1 more than two years interest an the amount J subscribed, as the stock, when the road goes into operation, wilt pay the interest and 1 more, as ail the lines of railroad eonneeting, as this does, have always done. The Air r Line is a very diflfjrent affair from a mere ^ Ideal or Slate connects New York and many States with New Orleans ; in faot, 1 the North-east and South west travel and * trade will make it a prodigious thoroughfare. The City of Greenville and County will spring forward with new life from the influence of the road in bringing population, t wealth and trade among us. And it is per ? feetly clear that the location by Greenville j, City will, by making the place large and 0 populous, giving a profitable market for all n productions of the County, secure greater i advantages to every section of Greenville j County, and adjacent parts of Anderson, } Pickens, Spartanburg and Lauren*, than if c the road should pass some distance either ( below or above the plaee. Aa Ik. ?ke.U ? I_ Jl . 1 n? inn whvio ini?luc* win uu propfrij ai?- j ?umr<! at the meeting of citizen* nexteelee I day. we do not feel it nesenanry to enlarge i upon the benefit* of the road, satiefled a? < we are that the eilizena will ratify the en lightened action of the County Comroi*alon ere, with great unanimity. We would add one eoneideralion affecting all elaaeea, labor . era and property holder*. The employment , and good wage* the building of the road . will give to laborer* and the home market , for provision# to the farmer* during ite eon tr net ion and tba enhanced value of all property. I * 8 nm Census of Oreenville County. We ere indebted to the eonrteey of lfr , J. b. Bros. Gen*ua Teker for Oreenville i County, for the full teblee of the eenene of < population in every Township, and also for 1 tho table* of the number of aeres of land la the County, the production, Ac., Ac. We will avail ourselves hereafter of the information theaa retorne afford; at prea- ' ent, we give the etatisilea aa to population. Q Number of Children in Oreenville County d between six and eighteen years: Males n ?white, 2,260; colored, 1,184. Females? while, 1,947 ; oolored, 1,228. Males over ^ 21 years old?white, 8,948 ; colored, 1,88ft. jt Total number whlta males, 7,071; females, ai 7,798. Total whites, 14,884. Colored & male#, 9,884; females, 4.848. To" at aolorvd, " fi.282. Total population, 23,098, }|4 R 8 S ? 8 1 ,i fc1. - HI. ?: TT?^ Burr Ivors of tfco Ut* War. The eaH for a n>e?t% oa Friday evening neat ought to be welt attended. The ol jwt it honorable and pmbewnrtlty. Ttoe* who trufgled fof their own Shutherfr la?< lathe war, ought not 10 be forgotited or neg lectrd, cither now or hereafter. Their nemet add their dvtdi should be perpetoa ted. History erer honors the brave and the true, although the reuse they serve may perish forever. The rolander*', the Hongs rlaas, the Scotchmen, the Irishman, that rraided in vain the conquering ewArd of euperior power, have received the applause of ueeeeoing ag?-a among civilised men. They will ever be hooored j and tha time will oome when the m?a th?t fmulit >iii. li. ^ _ " T H| BtH Mooring to (hwnvllle. OiWWni mart not wMrjf ,?ith our rewe^t^^tbffibTR ^ST eS? MtWftwdo^lt; uM||n>th?A?gl)d ibrolrt. Ottf lorig-stfcndmg fSlerut Mr. w. tt. WtV?oi<,lt do? engaged in fitting'up and Minting hi* old Morn, opposite the Pont ON Ben. preparatory far itn oeenpntion by Mr. r. J. Blfokd, Photographist, for the pant lumber of yearn re*Wing In Spartanburg rillage. Thin gentlemanla a brother of oar tseoeUte, O. E. Elfood, Erq.. and wo trant 1I0 |on vrill J Iim will tn arquinition to thn plaon. Oun D. Ear, Enq., lawyer, for thn pant rear praot icing hit profeaeioo at our sinter tillage o( Laurens, han also tak~n up his resdnnen in Greenville. Hn has formed a law partnership with oar ealsnaied Senior. CoL Towsna. Mr. Sear in a gentleman Young n his profeeaion. nnd we nope he will meet with snnch encouragement. See card In taotlmr column. Mr. Fooohk, from Ninety -Six, 8. C., hnn -ented thn house of Mr. O. W. Colli**, loaned near that of Dr. R. D. Loan's mother, on Washington Street, where he la now living, ills children wUl attend the Peabody Schools. Mr. A. O. Hacknr, ilw ot G lk<-fl?ld Conn iy, is oow lo the City, endeavoring to find I ?Uet. H? ilio hat children, to rand to Iht Peabody School* Persona having houses lo rdnt, would subserve public convenience as well sa advance tnelr own Interests by advertising the faotia tbe Enterprise. Greenville oonllnuet to attract people, and we assure all that they will meet with hearty rse?p?ioua. The Lecture of r. O. De Ton tains. Xaq4 on Friday Xvenirg. The Lecture of Mr. DaFoxtaixe before tbe Literary Club, od Friday evening last, more than realised tbe favorable expectations of ths very intelligent audience of ladies and gentlemen who bad the pleasure of hearing him. The Poetry and Horror' of the War were discussed, and examples given, with the most sit iking effect. Mr. DeFontainb surprisod us in the exhibition of S dramatic power that few possess. Ha eeemsd equally nt home in the Tragic, the tender and pathetic, sod in tbe eowts and farcical soenes and storh* with which he entertained his audience. To eec and hear wsa to appreciate. Such was the Impres sion on ail present, that many othere, not in attendance, have regretted they had not been there to enjoy the lecture. Wew Building on Augusta Street. Our friends, Mwr?. Mill* A McBaarxa, have erected one of the moil linn.loom* ad- I ditions to their store house that we have I had the pleasure of report ing The work i has heen superintended by themselves, and < its finish is a credit to their taste and man. < igement. Th? store is sixty feet long by I iwentj'.five front. Tliie department is now I est] supplied with dry goods and notions, tnd the stocks they intend to keep rill be inferior to none. Their groeriea department will be sustained as leretofore. We rejoice at all improvement hat is made in our City, but we must be isrdoned if any especial interest should bo hitwn for the p^rt of town of which we iave just been speaking. It it suscentib'e >f muah improvement, for lo natural beauy it is surpasssd by noue. ? - ' Personal?Major Bamuel EL Chi am ail. We had the pleasure of makiog the acquaintance of this gentleman Inst week, on his visit to Greenville. Major Ciiisman is a Virginian, but is now engaged in one of the largest business bouses in New York. lie has the highest testimonials from a number of prominent gentlemen of Virginia and the endorsement ot several leading papers in this State. The Mnjor was engaged in active service during the Conbderate war. Near the cloee his business talents induced his appointment as Chief Quarter Master at Greensboro, where he hsd charge of the largest magazine stores in the Confederacy, in which canactlv hv hla kind mi.n.-. promptness and integrity, he sheared the Iriendship and confidence. of the officers end men, and of all with whom he had intersoarse. Thanksgiving Day. Got. Scott hae iaa?ied a proclamation np Pointing Thursday, the 18th November aa a lay of " thanksgiving and praise to Almight y God for the many meroies and hleerioga rouchsafed to us, and of fervent supplies ion tor their continuance, that he may give is rain in due season, that the land shall ' ield her inerease and the trees of the field hall yield their fruit, that violenee shall no nore be heard in our land, wasting her, detruction withir. our bordere, and that all nay do justly, love mercy, and walk hum>ly with God." We add to these scriptural injunctions, lie exclamation, " And 1st all the people ay araeu and amen." Empreaa Eugenia Among the Turk*. Greet hae been the attention of the Sulan and Turkish officials to Eooknie, who is ow visiting Constantinople and other plaeee n Torkey, and on Iter way to the opening f toe Sure Oanal Even the secluded innates of the harem are allowed a oeep at he E no press. When she appeared near the larem, and waa landing from a barge, the larem windows were thrown up and irewd of Houris thronged every openiug, trill iant iu (heir dresses of velvet and jew lis, and gaxed unveiled on the beautiful Pranza Impcratrassscy as the Turks eall tar. The Sultana pr-s-nted the Empress srith a diamond insignia of the order of )snoanie Valide. Xleotions in New Tork. The election for various officers and mem Iters of the Legislature in the great Stale of (few York hat resultad in the success of the Democratic party. Both branches of the Legislature have a majority ot Democratic number* The aggrrgate majority of the popular vote is ten thoueand. fUltlAAl Mr. P. Hinit Rkillt request* us to state Hot h? U ready to reaeive the tsooad iniialment to the above fund, now punt dne, it the office of Mr J. 0. Smith, or will eall ipon the aul>#erlbere. He hopet to find all eedy to reepoed. > Tire in the County, The gin-house uee<) by Hknbt M Surrn md B I'. MoIoak, near the Spartanburg load, about 11 milai from Orecft villa O. H., m the plare formerly qwned by N. Mobga*, sees serf, wee tonmlffd by fire on 8u nday worn lug last. The house was discovered to ? on Are about daybreak, and wee rniirely uMunel. The lose ia considerable, as rare was a quantity of seed cotton and a >t of bagging in the gia. Nothing was teed, as it waa too lata sshen found out. 1 situ and Moboa* loot nearly their entire ope, W all boing hauled to tha gin and nat kcVed. It ie thought to hare been aet oa < raw ad Johnson, Jackson and ilamfton, and others, will ho praised for iMr heroism and virtue, even among the descendants of tbeW ultimata oonqnerera. It is even now lbs esse that the noblest and best of the Northern men respect the memory and character! of the gallant Confederate soldiers. Lsrts Turnips. We are indebted to Mr. W. II. Kami. o George's Creek, lichens County, for fint specimens of bis Turnip crop. Mr. K. sow ed on ths lest of August, seed purchased from Mr. Thomas Stkkn, Globe aod Flat Dutch vsrietire, sad used eow-pen manure. He prepared the laud well, beuoe liia sue cess. Turns Is hesnl y in a flower and joy in a cup, and the girt of childhood make* ua 'orget the eares ?f life. Uut unless a man ad erfi'sr* hi* business, be will never be known a hundred yard* fr?m his own door. " Hang your banner on the outward wall," la an injunction that should be obeyed by all of our merchants and business men. Tlie Jin terprin has a good circulation In both city and country. Tiix year will soon close, and those of our patrons whose term of subscription wl'l then expire, are urgently reqneated to call and pay in advanee for 1870. H per annum. This is a small amount, ana no ooe ought to ask credit. Thk 8tnod or South Casolixa.?From the Chester Reporter ws ga.her the following about tba recent sersioa of the Synod ia that place: The Synod of South Cnrolina was eon vened in th? Presbyterian Church, Chester, on the evening of tlie 20th instant. Rev. D. E. Fricrson was elected Moderator. JVs. Howe and llumer gave encouraging accounts of tha Theological Sminary at Columbia. It now numbers thirty students with propects of *uece?s. The proposed removal of Ogleihorpc Ucivcrvty from Mil ledgevillc to Atlanta, excited some diseUaMon. but was finally referred to the Synod id (Jsorgin for aetion. Professor J. M. Anderson, ot Davidson College, made a flattering report of the prospects of that Institution, having at prvseat over ane hundred students. Dr. Howe announced that bis History of the Presbyterian Church, of South Carolina, was now ready for publication, but that $600 was r.eeresary to have it sterolyped. Colonel J. H. Taylor, of Charleston, and J. R. Aiken, of Winnsboro', each guaranteed $800, and the remaining $200 was soon made snre. The Synod adjourned Saturday evening, to meet at Anderson C. H.. Wednesday before the fourth Sunday in October next. Court.?Tlie Sessions side con elude-1 its dockets on Saturday last Peter H. Sevtt, convicted ot fraudulent Breach of Trust, was net sentenced?his eounsel taking tha ease up to the Court of Appeals, on a motion to arrest judgment, and a motion to discharge the prisoner for umcertainty ia the terms of the verdict. Since Monday morning, the Court has beew engaged on the civil bueineee. Tha Juries apply the pruning kni'e to old debu^ and Confederate dehts-50 cents against principal debtors, and 25 cents against sureties There has been a large attendance during the week. At this writing, (Thursday.) wa ars unadvised as to when the Court will adjourn.?Laurentville lit raid. Towxship Law.?At the general meeting of County Commissioners, held In Columbia, on the 16th ultimo, sixteen counties were represented. It wsa resolved to recommend to the Legislature to postpone the operation of the Township lew for ten y??r?, and to empower the (Vnnty Oniminirtitm to appoint a Mib-Comrniacionrr, whoao duty if sl>all be to supervise the working of tlie roads, under Ilia o'd tjltr?, and to make out Jury lists, sul>j*et to the taviaion of the County Comnraeionera If Piece suggestions are adopted it will rave a good deal of useleaa expenses to the countira [Pick*ns Courier. Colcmbia, S. C., November 8. There wat veiy little doing in cotton today. and the sales only amounted to 1ft bales?middling* 23J Naw Yobk, Novembers. Cotton easier, at 16J. (fold *6|. IIautiuokk. November 8, Cotton heavy. Flour doll?Ilofrard street superfine 6.2S(rf>5.60. Wheat firmer?red 1 36($ 1 -40. VV Kite corn 1 00. Pork 33.60. Bacon quiet. Whiskej unsettled, at 1 07. Cbablmto*. November 8. Bales of oot|on to-day, 600 bales?middlings 24 4 ; receipts 1,781. PRICES CURRENT. COBRKRTKD WRRKbT, BT MESSRS. DAVID fc SIRADLEV, MERCHANTS, GREENVILLE. 8. C., NOV. 10, I860. BACON?Sides, ft lb 80 e. Hans, " M e. Shoulders, ^ lb,.. ...221*. BALE ROPE, ^llb, 10*. BAGGING, tlunny, V. yd 28(3*5 e. BAGGING, Dundee, V yd 20(326 e. BlIR LAPS IS BUTTER, lb .. 24 (ft 40 e. BKB8WAX, Vl lb :<0(3 33,. CHICKENS, head _?8 (3 2* ?, COFFEE, V ro, Rio, 25 (3 33 a. CORN, ? bushel ./.f 1.10(31.20 COTTON. Middling, (new,) .. ....224?. EOG8, V <lo"D - 20(325*. FLOUR, fl seek f5n#(<Co?00 GOLD ...41 23(3$I 20 INDIGO, Spanish Float, ....$2 00(32 25 " South Carolina, .41 76(8)5 00 J RON, ? lb, America?, tt&Sc IRON TIES .TOo. LARD, ? lb ; 26<&M?. LEAD, $ lb, Me. LEATHER, ^ lb, 8ole, He?lo?k,..360.S7i e. " ? " " Oak, 46fai0 e. " " " Upper,.,............70$76 a " " " Har*?H,...?.r?,Hw(0?. MOLASSES, % gal., Maaeovado, 760)1 M " " " New Orl. Irnp, $1 26 NAILS, ? keg ?. -47 0008 26 KYfc, ft Mabel,. ...-I 2001 4* HALT, 2(1 aaek, Liverpool, $3 60 8U0AR, tt lb, Brown,..;...- 16 0 20 ?. " ? << ClariieA,.. ... 20(^124 e ? " " Creaked ...26 e. SHIRTING, aereo-eighu, ? bale, 12Ja. ?? " retail - 16 e. TALLOW, V lb 16 e. WHEAT. V Mabel 62 S6 TARN, Feetoey, by bale^. 41 00 ? M bunch.... ...62 10 r n s ft a si HtMENIAL. NilusK, ?t the raaideoaanf tha Wida't father, on tha 4*h Iwt., by itv, K. T. B?M, l?. D . Mr. JOHN R. HARRISON and Mho Ef.LBN ADAMS, all of QrrrnrlUa County. wlah iwr frUnd H. largo amount of - hapnhttaa and proapttHy," ?kM f* think ha daaartraa. M Oh boinrfiad loda I?aaclt hoar* ahall nwn, WW? twA'oonganial doola unita, Thy RdWata chain# inlaid with down. Thy with hoavan'a own aplrndor MxaancD. by Rar. *. D. Tbnmaa, on tha night nf tha 4'?l? Infttant, at tha BaotUt 1 Chnrch, Mr FRANK B McBKE and MIm T 1 l\l L* T nullilun " - -* ri " a. n lUDraao, su ?i wu voillj, Mabrird, on llii SJH ObtoW, ?t Ik* ro> idenea ol the l>rid*'? father, M Ra*. C. P. Mayfr-M, Mr. J. P. SMITH aid Mb* M. J. I WOOD, the only daughter of J. T. and Martha Wood, aft of SparUubtfrg County. Printer'* fen rtetlttd. ' OBITUARY*. Plan, by accidental drown fa jr. on Hit ?Otb day of October lut, JOHN MORGAN ORAI>Y, infant ton of John W. nod Louiee W. ' Grady, of UreenTille. Thia beloved ehild ?m bora on tba Sfth October, 18#?, sad aaaaaquo nily wanted only all day* of being **r*a yaara old. He waa a *w**t, promising boy? , intelligent beyond hie year*?and often talked of a dttira I# g* to that llearroly bom* wbiek UoJ, in Hi* myftorioa* provideoc*. ha* bow early called hha to inhabit. The grief-atrieken iatker and mother *r* called apoa to giro ap their darling forever in tlita life, bat bia departure to a world of aplrita, it a link to bind th?ir heart* to the throne of that Ood who doetk all thing* wall. Johnny, tbou art gone to reet. We win net weep far tboe, for thou art now, where oft on earth thy epirit longed to be. " Puffer little children to coaie unto me, and furbM thes not far of *aeh i* the kiog-lon of Heaven."-? To Je*a* who tba* apoke, baa the loot on* goo* to catfer no more. EXAMINE OUR STOCK, BEFORE TOO PURCHASE OH CASR8 OP MEN'S, WOMEN'S AND OU CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SHOES, Which w* will **11 rovy low for nok. A. BKATTIK A CO. Not Iff *5 * J asBflu wurapi nw millinery establishment, /Srtf Avenue Street, in the rear of Mr. BeatV 7 tie'* Store, and next to Dr. Deaa'a Of. Ac*. Tb* anbicriber ha* raMlved a aew and beafftiful eaaortnaeot of WALL ANN film imimT. AI*o, beautilnl BRIDAL BONNETS. . DRESS MAKING In all it* broach**. Dreaeca CUT aad BASTED at th* *borte*t no tic*. Not 10 2A Am How Hoctottor'o Bitters cure DysHfil. tub vnou rtOnt 1* a kitniiill THE office of the ??nm?ch ia to conrfrt Iki loud into cream like semi-fluid, called Chink. Thia U effected partly by ike action of a sol rent, exiled the gaatrle luioe, which exadea from the coating of the at coach, and partly hy a meehanical movemeat of I ha I oigna, wkidi rA ante, as It a err, the dissolving slim.nt. Tlie Chtmk paaaca from the stomach into the duodenum, or entrance to the bowel*, where it la cobj<eted to the action of the bile, and ilia na triona portion of it concerted into a fluid called Chyle, which vcnuslly become* blood. Now, it ia eaideat that if tha great aol rent, the gastric juiee, ia not produced ia sufficient quantiitea, or if the mechanical action of the stomach la not auflleiently briak, tha firtl process of diyeelion will be hut imperfectly performed. It ia airo clear thai If the lirer, which plays such an im> portent part in changing tha nottriahing portion of the chyme into tha material of the hlood, ia congested, or ia aay unnatural condition, the eeeond pr octet will not be tharottghly accomplished. The reealt of the two /eilmrti ia dpepepetm, complicated with lilioHMMru. The mode in which IIOSTETTER'S BITTKttS operate in auch caaea la this: They Inrigorate tha cellular memhtaae of the stomach, which crolvea the gaalrie juiee, thereby tnsu'ingac ample auffieiency of the fluid to completely diaaolra the food. They alao aet Mpoa the aerver of the etomaeli. eauaing au acedrratiou of the mechanical morement neeeeaary to reduea the food to a homogenroua met*. Tk#f alao aet specifically upon the liver, strengthening it, aad ao enabling It te produce aa ample aad regular supply of bile, for (be purpose of roarerting the nntritloae panicles of the Chyme into Chyle, sad pn>aot* the passage thiough the bowels of the oseless debris. In this way. HOSTETI'ER'd BITTER8 eNfer dyspepsia and Rysr eosaptaint. The exptaaatM* ia {Usls, simple, philosophical, and true. , .JToy ^ , tAt, , t? * Sutbibolrs of ihe Jafe JJUgh A OALL rOK A MXBTnfO or OHXEWVILIJI raiii p ci....j.?i > 1-*!? - r b iiiu nMnciaiiflil ID Ullttlft JL ton vm formed " lor the pnrpoee ol iwilinx our oomr^J<-i who ere unahle to labor for their living by reaeon of wound* reeetved or dWaee oontraeted la the eerviee, end the widow* and orphan* of ihore who fell in the dlveltarg* of their dutr," ha* iovited tlie survivor* in reek District to form aaaoeieilon* end meet in Convention in Charleston on the Mlb instant, for the par po*o of forming a State Survivor*' Aeeoai alios, "for the pr**u?vaiion of all matter* of history eonneoted with the late war." And the invitation truly declare* that " w* owe it to ourselves, to the gallant dead, to the troth of hUtory, to posterity, to poeteri tv, to the women of I the lend, and above all, to to that humanity of whleh wo ore o pert, sad wbieh la always ennobled by the contemplation of freedom of earneet and heroic effort, that the trothfal icoideate of that mighty etrwgtle for honor and Coaotllotion*! Right* shell /feu fmrntr* Wo therefore re*peat fully request ae atony of the sarvivor* of this County oe eaa do so, to meet la the Court Houoe, fridav Uvea ing, at 74 u'eloek, far lb* purpoea of organising an Aaeoelallon. E. P. JONES. A H. TOWNKS. WILLIAM H. EARLS. O. A. PICKLE. W. H PKRRY. 8. A. TOWNES. W. T. SHUMATE. ELLISON CAPPR8. J. MIMS SULLIVAN. W . L. MAULDIN. JAB A.MrDANIEL JAMBS T. WILLIAMS. W. BBATTIE. C. W. D OT LET. A. D. HOKE. Nov 10 16 1 ppppr Has jtwt rrcbivro a krw supply of Silk, Satin and V?lT*i hats, Bonnets, Ribbons,all idwfloatra.FMllors Dona Maria, Pansy Valrrl a ad Ribbon Bows. Jet Chains and JJree?lrU, Omamental Hair, Qoraete, Ac., at Uw priest * Not 10 jN' ? V ? t TOWHES ? EAST, A?R??!&33S7?S A!T SiAW ABB SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. Tub undbrsfokp having formed . a cbpartasrebip h ths prastfc* of law iaq rasa villa and ths larrouading counties m aadenton, oeeoos, piekeas, bpartanl>nrs sad laarana, will gira prompt attsatlow t?all bastlissasntraatsd to tham, p9 OSes at OrseavMo. f.' W. Towns. OLta ?. BAST. Not Id ? tf Houses to mat. THE HOUSE on Jackson Street and aaar Main, oo?-nH^XSMv' ni?dl for teVwSwl vmm K? rfol?JufT^?lf, i?J lately by Dr. toaUioiiif Biki lirgt Koomi ?d 81* Fire Plae*', a good W?ll. and neceeaery adjunct building*. IIaa bee* elegantly repaired, and ta to bo roatod or leaead lor oao or a (arm of yoara. A loo tha STORE-HOUSE Tor many yaara neeapted by I bo Bub ariher, nest to th# ManatOo Howee, which hao roaeirod a row roof, and ia undergoing thoroagh repair*. W. H, WATSON. Nor 10 U 1 pa r as you oa HOSTSY 33 POYfitB. Foster A Hunter osooasjoa s? SEll IHIIA loots AT SMALL PROFITS,! AND ?0? 018X as ciisap as bvpr, AS GOOD IN QUALITY. CALL AIMS SEE THEM? rI^HF.Y offer no inducement b?t the groat X oat quantities for the emalleet amount of money. FOSTER A HUNTER. ELEO AST Cloak*, a In* a**ortn>ent, at FOSTER A HUMERI. FINE Cloaking* end Sacking*, for Ladies' aud Children'* Oloak*, Ac , at FOSTER A HUNTER'S. A GOOD a ten rtm eat of Lad'en' Shawl* Double, Blanket and Merino, Single Solid and Plaid Shawla, at , FOSTER A HUNTER'S. OPERA Flannel*. All-Wool da Lainea, Metiao, Plaid and Solid Opera*, Silk Warp Flannel, for a-ile by FOSTER A HUNTER. ALL WOOL. Shaker, Dumet, White and Red, and 8#l'*htiry Flannel* for ale hy FOSTER A HUNTER. BLANKETS. Blanket*, Ov>rco*i*( Over coal*, fur *al* by FOSTER A HUNTER, v..- 1ft ? a w SO It now opening. OUR MR. JONES baa ju>t rtlnmol (Von Ike North, with a aecoad and largo Stock of GOODS than uiual, to aupply ouj Trade with. Tko noat caroloaa ohacnror eaa. not hot bar# noticed the doo4 lad decline la both American Dry Good* in ay n pat by wilb tko raw Staple, and Foreign Oooda ia aynpa. tbjr witb Gold, tbat baa takoa place wilbia tba laat tea dajra. Oar paavlooa parobaaea are aa far cleared oat tbat wo oan offer " oar eatira Stock at the RorUod Prioei." loolading oaa of the noat complete aaaort areata wo bare arcr bandied. Oar Retail Stock U full aa aaaaL Our IpcclaMllw CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Sbadoo, Ruga, da., Ae., at prioea witbia the reach of all? Call aad aea than?" Be to your advantage/ <Mtr OeiMrtMeat, IS nail, wall ordered , GOODS aelaeted with care; bought right, aad will be eeld Cheap enough to bo ro-bundled la tbia narkot. H.C SHIVER. P. 8.?OUR HOUSB ia yoaag aad atrtriog bard to naka a living, and ambltloui to build ap a rtlll larger eaab trade. Every eaatone, tbat give* aa a fair ebaaee to aall tben their Oooda, ao natter bow trifling la aawnt, gladdene oar hearta ; lightena our earea, and ha* a bona / rfe guaranty tbat Good a bought of aa are aa ehaap and good aa aaa he bad la the State. 14-1/ Nov 10 sale! . r ' ' * , i ' . I ... a ?' ? '.1 PURSUANT U? Decree of lb* Clraoll Judge of the Sib Circuit, aiding in Chancery, I will tell, on Saleeday la Decern ber ne??, w the higbeet bidder." the follow* log Ettl btiU. Ii the City of QrwafllU; Lot No. 1, known the Old Male Ac adorn y Lot, having 400 fret front on College treat, MO foot depth to I book etroot, and 118 fret on mhI book etroot. Lot No. S. known no the Old Fea&ale Aon demy Lot, having Ut| foot front on Collage at root, drpih MO foot to book at root, and Mt| foot on an id bank otrooC Lot No. f, vacant Lot, attaining Lot No. t, having 884 foot front on College afreet, 380 foot on a otroet rnnniag at right angle) with ColUgu etroot, and tOO foot on bank air oo I. Lot No. 4, adjoining and la roar of Lot No. t, having 880 foot on a eroea etroot 1714 fo<* an a bank atravt, and 880 font on the iiao of the Old Female Aandomy Lot. . Lot No. 8. an Book otreot, fronting aa aid atreet, 417| foot, an Oroao otroet, 880 foot, and having a hank Itaa ed 8184 hn, including the Academy Spring. Lot No. 8. fronting ow Back etroot, 4174 fact oo back line, 4184 foot, ana oa Marahall'a lino 4lt foe?. TERMS pnbliabad aa day of aa a. Par. ahaearo to give hood apd mortgage of Ike premioee to Monro the parebeeo money.? Pat oh noo w to pay for Wtloo, and oo mnoh aaoh aa will defray aapaaeo# of auto and ala. MMR8 C. FURMAN. Prooldaat of Board of Traeloea Farmao Unlvoretty. Nov io M 4 -- i miuwini hum m SB. inn mm aim Aim j . 1 J ' $10,000 WORTH Off" AllFresh and OUR GOODS ha?e been bough i lowest ca AND WILL B1 VOl o Ari the Mime Goods are retailed in We call especial attention to on which ie rerv full, and of the new? ALL VER Also, 15 Sets Water Mink and o Our Stock of BOOTS and SHOi ducements to buyers. We a^k a careful examination of Goods; and if we do not sell yon, showing our Goods. I Xtneltr I TO 1U WHOM r One copy of the sent for One Year any person making a us for Twenty Dolii next ninety days. h. B; H*rpnWr X Private Boarding ITVBIHVt A*D ' ,! OLEIR BL S .1 Mrs. K H. WRBR h-vlnff recently M muT?) to th? El ford Hour*, will bt I rrpar<-d <>B i)m first of Jtovay, IA7IX to I HtonnodtUHlidrDli d celling BOARD in | private tem'ly. She will devote tier time and attention to them during the evasion of ColW(?, and h<>pea to rrndsr them aoaiiirtablet, She will alao be able to furaieh MEALS to Ovrka engagnl in tka neighbor ing atorea For further hafovmatten, eall at bar realdene# nt tba head of M?ln Street. Nov 10 *6 4 Male How lb Carolina. GRERSVILLR COUSTY. Ia the Court of Pre bate. JOUNBVTLERau.1 LUCY E. BUTLER, re. JAMES M. BENSON, vt nl?Prtiiion for a i'iaaf Stltlemrnl, A. T r appearing to n; Mlbfaetioe that Willie I K. Beneoo. Mary F. Men too, Joulf P. Benson, and Willis II. Hen ton, defendants In , this ansa, reside without the limits of tbla Stat a t It U ordered, that they do appear in person, or by Attorney, at a Conrt ofProbata, to be hotden'at OroonviUe Court Hones, on (he Us dojr of December ?rxf, to show canar, if any they ean, why a final aettlemant of tba Estate of W ILI.IS BENSON, daoaaaad, abonld not bo bad, and a Decree given thereon, or tholr consent, fat failing to attend, will bo entered of record. S. J. D0UTI1IT, Nov. ttli, IMA. Probate Judge. Nov lfi U 0 THE STATE OF SOUTO CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Sanity?Ia flwiua Pisa*. J A MRS M. TA YLOM, A~ifwee, es. DA Y. LIS FAUR el ml.?Dill to JWec/oee Moriy*y, Ae. T)Y virtno of ths Decretal Order made la JO' the above ease, I will sell, ew Sulro-day in December eexl, the TRACT OP LAND described la tba Pleadings; to wltr All tbat Treet of Lead on wbieb the Defendant now residoa, on Reedy River, adjoining lands of Choice, Hawthorne, Poster and others, and containing Four Mumdrod mod Thirty Arm, mora or teas. This Treat contains mm Ana DOWPMI. TKRMrJ Or 8ALK?Six hnodr.d dollar, ruh, the UIum on a credit .Mil tho It Lb day ?f Filniar;, A. D. 1870, iki pnrcbaaer to axoenta bond with food anroty and a aiortgago of tho pre aloe a to mcii. tbo pnrebaoo bom;. Paper, and atamp. extra. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. P. Clerk'. OMco, Nor. 8th, IMO. 15-4 No'ice ; IS hereby given to all whom it an ay concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of QreeneilU County, on tk? Atk dmy of Doeomktr nomt, tor a Soal di.? eharg* aa*tor of Iho Relate of MARTHA LOVJkLAND, deoeaaed. THOMAS C. COWER. Vox. 4th, 1889. Ad'or. Nov 10 18 4 ~ notice ' JfS borwhy given to all whom It any concern, L that I win apply to 8. J. Boathlt, Probate edge of (Jroanville Conaly, oa tbo 18th day of December next, far a Final Dleebarga ae A daa la I a tea tor of tbo Ketotoe of B. W. TH0MA80N, dooaoood, and R. T. THOMASON. deceaaad THOMAS M. THACK8TOW, AdaainUtrator. Nov 19 1* 4 Notioe IS le boroby given to all whom It may eon aero, that wo will apply to ft J. Doulhit, Probata Jodwa of QroonvilloCooa It. for a Final tta?li??a? ? t*at?ie? ? oflbo fUl?i? ofWAK^BBURTt, < ?? ?a,MUii *Cli ?Uy *t Dimtktr wit. Wo* 10 U 4 ? U 1 P|u? IX ordorod lli* monufootoro of 500 tookrto, whioh will bo prooooltd to (bo hishopo ot lh* Cuunoil. Tbroo eoikrto in mount to hold ?n?K rtttn m (Im biobopo may bo wool to nhibil la ikw ootbodrolo, or to pUoo undtr tbo altar# oonoooralod tboroby. ? Too Albrraarlo, tbo Ooorgte Uamm aad tbo Wow York Homo oro porJbetly rospoaiiblo, laMr* ot foaoooabfc rat**, ad)o.t falrty mt poy promptly. Wo. k KotIo, Afoot. ft3 * ' lis SEASONABLE GOODS! \ Well-Selected. i t at the SH PRICES. ? sold as low &8X, Charleston or Columbia, ir Shawl and Cloak. Department'; ?st styles, Y CHEAP. ther FURS, at $5 to $15 per set. ES is large, and wo can oiler in* our 8tock before purchasing yonr remember we do not charge for H. BEATTIE A CO. u i F MAY CONCERN. Enterprise will be free of charge, to l CA8H BILL with ars or more, for the EATTIE & CO? j THE STATE OF SOUJM CAROLINA GREENVILLE COUNTY. % la (Maa? Pltw-h Equity. J AUKS B. MA YS n. SAMUEL E. MA Y8. Bill to Foretlo* Mortgage. T)y virtue of the Decretal Order made In i"> tbo above cm, I wUI mH, on Stkidij in Dtwnkci next, nt Greenville Coart lloaee, t? tbo bigbeet bidder, tbo loo do detcribed In the pleading*, to wift * Tract 11*. I, lilattcd, lying and being on Soalb F?>rt of Salada RiVer, containing (lateen hundred and eeven'y-rour aorta, mora on to**, in SrtearHb County. Tract No. I, lying on Middle Verb mf Saluda River, containing one hundred and twenty otx aero*, mom, or leeo. In Greenville Sonnlrv Tract No. S, fitnated la tbo'Cbunty of Pickom, on Boluda River, below Um. inncliun oC the Booth and Middle FbUto, oonlatuitog throw bandied aad toa aoroo, mora on torn.. Tract Ko 4, alao. la. Dlbhcno County, oontalnlng ona baa (ikeit aama, mora or lea*. Al?o, all the right, rUto-amT ihtarartof' the* defendant, in two Uiuweand eeiee mi l*a<U.atli? nated, lying and being partly i> the County m Greenville, S?wtb Caroline. and the County of ? , North t'eroUnn, en Matthew* Creek. Sonne of the ffneei Bottom I<ae<U In thq i upper e-wrofry U fceuil he tbeue treetr. Tetxee of Bale: Coatn to bo paM in eeib the balance on a credit of one end two pear*. inter-*1 from date. Purchaser* to eierwte bond* with |f<H>d rnrntiee, and mortgagee of tbe prntnlan*, to ItOUIt th? payment of tbo purebaee taoooy. Parebater to pay for paper* and ftamp*. W A Mr DA XI KL, CCF Clerk'e Ofllee, Korembor H, 180V 35-4 THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY, la Tfaity?la Common Pleas. THOMAS C. GO WEN, Admeinietratmr, v*. P. r. 8UDDUTH at ml.?Bill Jar Salt / Real Etiale, to Pag Debit, Ac. BY virtu* of tbo Decretal Order mode la the abet a rant, I will aell, on Sale*.dag in Dtaember nejrI, at Greenville Court Ilouae, to tbo bigbaat bidder, tbe UOU8B AND LOT described in tbe Pleadinge. Tbe Mouoe and Lot are eitoaied on Mnln Street in tbo City of Greenville, ooataino Dwelling lloarr, ?b?re Room*, end tbe neere ary Oat-buU4lng?? with 9m Aero ol Land, more or 1e a TERMS?Co*t? to be paid In en*b, tbe bah onee on Seredtt of one and twe year*, with bond a?d two approved Mtreliee and a mortgage of tbo prcmieee, with latere*! from day of vale. Parcbaecr to pay for etempe and popora W. A. McDAKIEL, C. C. P. Clerk'* Office, Nov. 8th, 18?V. 35-4 1 8TATK OF BOOTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE COUNTY. hinPi Bale*. BY vlrtno of an order from 8. J. Doetbit, Probate Judge of Greenville Conuty, I will eell, on Beleodny la Deeember next, before the Court Boin Boor, kt public voter?, the following Traeli of Land, to wit: Lot No. 1, situated in Omitlllt Coo Mr, on wtUn of Darbin Crook, adjoining lands of Jameo Goldsmith, Dr. D. C. Bennett and others, and oontalnlog ono knndrod and wrnt). ono acres, aoro or Iota. Lot No. S, oltnatod in said Count?, on was .ten of fold Crook, adjoining lands of T. Iff. Tbwokstoa, 80troll Th andomnoon- oStiors, and eonuinlng nan hnodrod and ?lnot?-tkron aoroo, as?to or loss. Sold as tho property off William Austin, deceased, for partition among tko heirs. Tanas: A credit of twolvo months, witk interest from data, for all, eieent so nsnek an will pa? tho ooeto, which wIN U repaired in oasb, oa tho da? of sale. Parch soars to giro bond, with two appro red saroties, and a mortgage af tko premises to tko Probata J ad go, to secure tko po?ment of tko parehaso mono?, Parskaeers to p?? for tltlas aad stomps. A. B. VICKBR8, 8. ft. 0. . Norombor ff, 1MB. 1M THE STATTOF SOUTH CAROLINA* ORE ENVILLE COVRTX. By 8. J. DOUTIflT, Jtsgufre, JUf 0/ /Voieli of sw id Cowwty. Wll KRKA8, Daniel fowler bss Bled a Petition la ar Often, pra?ing tbat Letters of Admioietratioo do bonds mom oa all aad slagalar the goods andokattlw, rights aad orodits of MARTIN OTT0, lata of the Coaat? alb rasa id, drosasod, she a Id ha granted to him. flees err, Urrr/err, to olio and admonish all aad singular tko hind rod and creditors af tko mid daoaaoad, la ha and appear la tba Court of Probata far mid Coaaljr to ha buldna at Greene Ilia Court fioaee on tk, lit* do? of Afausmlsa tartan <, to show sow as, If on?, why tko sold Administration show Id not ha granted, 8. I. DOUTHIT. Judge of Probata, ftftoo of Jadgn of Prohnlo, Bar. 4th, MM, Not Iff ffi *