University of South Carolina Libraries
" ' ' r~ * rotpC AND IRON Tffi i -AT .alf )il<^ -low FIGURES 1J FOR ": I ?j THE CASH, h David & Strndlcy. a 18 22 If it f { PLANTERS, BY SHIFTING THEIR "! COTTON! THROUGH US, CAN OBTAIN LIBERAL } CASH ADVANCES, ! EITHER OX COTTO^f TO BE STORED ^ AND HELD, OR FOR "J 2MH3DIAT2 BAL3. 1 WE WILL SIIIl* TO COLUMBIA, ( CHARLESTON, > 1 BA ITIMORE NEW YORK OR LIVERPOOL. ^ IUVID & STKADLEXV' Pont. 1.1 17 If Tho State of South Carolina. * GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Frobate. ?']?* jp NELSON AUSTIN nn<l WILLIAM A.^ " AUSTIN vg. HARRISON AUSTIN, et *1 -j ?Petition for Partition of Real Mftate.! J TT appearing to the satisfaction of the X Court that Harrison Austin, Lnikiu Austin, Anderson Austin, the heirs of A- '1 RA1I NATION, deceased, whose names are unknown, Elizabeth Brown and Jier bus- ^ band, B?-nj. Brown, and Willy Lyon, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of this State: It is ordered that they ( answer, plead or demur to the Petition with j in forty days, or the same will be taken pro cotifesso against them. 9. J DOUTIIIT,. J Probate Judge. Oct. 1st, 1869. 20-6 ? STOVES, mra,T~ ! TIIE STONEWA^P^^^lNG | --?? -w ? = * iV",i^The nu>st durable one now in wee* 1 Call and examine it, and see different slze^ from No. 6 to No. 9, Manufacturers of j plain and JAPANNED TINWARE. _ < All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron work dote vu me musi reasonable terms. A J. ROSS & GO.,1 i q At the West field OM Stand. ' Jul} 28 10 tf TUTT'S VEGETABLE > , iLXOTBat rati Cures diseases of the Liver and Stomach. t T U H '3 EX PKCTO RANT , A pleasant cure for Coughs, Colds, &o. Tm s SAltSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S i DELIGHT the crent Alterative and Blood Purifier. TUTT'S IMPROVED HAIR DYE, Warranted the be9t dye in use. These standard preparations are for sale by Druggist everywhere. Oct 6-ly. GAINES & BEARDEN, AIIF. NO Ir RECEIVING'". ( A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF J FALL 1 i. : !./.? ' AND _ WINTER ! ' rfiniiffc GOODS HAVE ntE* oiu* U I fully R-Ieeted by on- of the Fii-n>(.|J who naajuat retnrned from New YorJ^ Our GOODS have been bought ?? m. w m sc vm. ? 9 AND WILL BE SOLD AS ww Jfel J9k. W*4 As any in tliia Market. 7 Cal' and examine our Kto^r. Wir take great pleaShr# in showing oQf * To any who may give us a call. no ME AND SEX. yfT Sept ^9 '* 1 19 tr - ^ SrrciAL NoTic*?To parties in want of Doors, and B ind*, we r?f?r to the | advertisement of T. I'. Toafd. tfid fhrge man- I ufanliirer of those goods in Charleston-? ' Price list furuiibed on application. 9-tf ^ | ' : ?.'.i" ... i --aa .,i [uality Life Insurance Company, JK rni .>1'i in Strut, JUck) FTASONfl why every one shouVfc.tQlpre In .V tfc% Equality Life Insurance Company, 1st. It is moro Liberal to tbo Insurers tban iy other company, and will,eventually bene Purely Meuiiil and belong to the insurers. Yd. Tt elTCu1 ti t ch its money amongst its patits. who are the insurers., Consequently tbey * continually getting the benefit of the rapid cumulation of tbe Company, tb? usoney bo!g Invested by the Board of Directors ainongsl ie insurers. jAi tbo loans of this Company are a# liber'' 1 as other cbinpahics who aeclnro dividends t the end of. the Second, third and fourth eare, bnt this Company at tbe end of the first nd every year. DAVID B. CLARK, President. TIIOS. II. WYNNE, Vice-President. oJOHN Q. WINN, Scorvtary. Ocn. JAMES H. LANE, Actuary, Dr. F. It. WATKINS, ( ? .. , ... Dr. C. II. W. DAVIS. / Medical Advisers. rJudge JOHN A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. directors. J. B. Winston, Treasurer nnd Secretary R. M P. R. R ; Wm. J. Johnson, of Johnson A lunt. Wholcsalo Grocers; Wi. II. Powers, ol Viiistou A Powers, Wholesale Orocors; Anirrt Oruwat, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. F. Gibson, Superintendent tdnnu-' Express Company ; Chari.ks Y. Montis, Morris A Co.'s Sugar Refinery; G. A *kpi.e, Superintendent Manchester Cotton dills ; John II. Tyler, John II. A John Tver, Jewelers; Moses Mii.liiiser, Wholesale Irjr Goods; Thomas S. Baldwin, Clothier Toiin M. Goddin, Cashier Planter's Bank ; I. R. Dowkll, Superintendent Western Union telegraph Company; Alex. G. Robertson, lattle Broker ; George I. Herring, Wholeale Grocer ; It. L. Brown, of Brown, Jones A ?o., Wholcsalo Grocers ; A. Bopeker, Drug fist; S. M. Hosendavm, of S. A M. ltosenlauui, Dry Goods. it Equality Life Insurance Company. ^HET" Pxamine ill Pamphlets i f :rep s:';;ij.rc, t i? to your interest to <tv so. Agents tcantcd dry rr h ere. nrvy fi- urn HIT Gon. Travelling Agent, Charleston, S. C. Sept 22 "" 18 . tf ?i 1 t i. . . ( ? i ' THE NEW YORK IE IISI1AICE COMPANY. 4 SSETS, #12,000,000. VO COMI'ANY in the United States can claim superior advantages to this old nd well-established institution, which lias een doing business with the greatest sue ess for about twenty-five years. It is Irictly mutual, and never had stockholders o appropriate a portion of its earnings.? t is under Itgal mprrvition, a protection to holders, which ia afforded nowhere lut in New York and Massachusetts. Its nanagers cannot speculate with the funds if the Company, but are obliged to invest as he laws of New York requite trustees to nvest trust estates. The official reports, or acvoral years past, show that this Com rany has been better managed than any >ther doing business In New York. An nvestment in this Company is as safe us inything earthly can be. It offers security ?nd cheapness, and has advantages ovei iny other Company in the United"Stales. " Refe rcnce may he made to the fnllowinp gentlemen: Gov. B. F. Perry, Col. G. F. 1'ownri, Tlioe. M. Cox, Thomas Steen, II, (leattie A Co.. Wni. T. Shumate, Jas. P Moore,and L. Williams. f , * For further Information, Cpply to tbe tin nrsigned. agent for Greenville, or to JAS H. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Greenville 3ourt House. W. H. CAMPBELL. Sept 8 10 tf GREENVILLE J PAPER MILLS. rllE undersigned have this daj formed a copartnership under he name of I AMES BANNISTER &. SON, for the purpose of carrying on the OF James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. THE Mills arc now in excellent >rder, and we are prepared to urn out a FIRST CLASS TAPER, J V. ... - ^ i ' Which we will warrant to give satisfaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF I PRINTING. COLORED, LIMA WRAPPING s ? Ban be found at all timee at oni M T? ; f- o iUUJOIO. J7A VIU U6 OI KAIJ unns* * September 1, 1869. 16-tf THE GEOBGIA PAPEB MILL, ^ ' GJltROlA, CO., GA., LYT'iLL pay essh for Rags, Rope, Ragging T V and old Papers. Order solicited foi trapping, Mtfiilia ant Pfin| P?jwir. New Mill, Pure Water, Live Men. Prieaa low. Tenr.s cash. All inquiries promptly answered. Address, M. P KELLOGG, Pres. Co., " College Temple," Newnnn, Ga. Oet 6 90 ' . II sm mf 10KITAT THIS OFFICE JB-LjJ-LL_U. I Ml I r?s s?in DAVID A STEADIED | nnvumis mb imm MBBCH4STS, A KB DKALBM IK GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Pendleton-St, Hear Depot, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jon# S | tf GREEN VILLE\ S. C. Office in Old Court House, Up Stairs. i r. i'f*>!' :o: MAGISTRATE'S BLAHS AfoWAYS ?M HOT) FOR SALE. Pft9i78R8 IN COLORS OR BRONZES" ORDINARY PRINTING, EXECUTED : PROMPTLY, TE IT *Qr J&JSkiiS Jk& &> ? July 21 9 tf W. K. EA8I.KT. : ?. WELLS. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Comuellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, OREENVILLE, 6. C., PR ACTICE in the Courts of the Stato and of the United States, and give especial attention to cases in Bankruptcy. Juno 13 m- ?? 8 LAWNOTICE. A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT LAW A!fD MAGISTRATE, OFFICE OVER SULL!VANS' STORE, ??\!82aK5r^IL1LItJ2S9 S? ?? Fob 10 38 tf E. P. JOTES, 1 AifffcM&ssria?? aip MW, . I AAV) SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. ?* " wtt.L rnAcrica ix Ait '< fOITRTS or THIS Stf A1V A I.SO, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenville C. H., 8. C. July 7 * : 7 ly* Hack Line Between Greenville and Spartanburg. THE subscriber refully informs the Bv>'v^Hp^ntt^2.publlc that be continues keen the LIVERY STABLE at the old etana in rear of the Palmetto House, Spartanburg. He takes this occaaioo to return hia thanks to those r who have so liberally supported him, and assures them of his best attention. In addition to the above, he has recently bought an interest in the Livery Stable io Greenville known as the Prince <b Greer ' old stand, more recently kept by Mr. James , F. Thackston. Hia Hacks leave Spartan ' burg on'Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with the mail; and leave Greenville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaya J. P. PEACE. July 7 7 tf COTTON. fBHIE Subscriber has just received a new i PATENT GULLHTT GIN and PRESS, and is prepared to GIN and PACK COT TON at this place, on the most reasonable terms. Cotton will be delivered at the De1 pot, or any other point in the City, free of charge. JODN WESTFIELD. Greenville, S. C., Sept 1st, 1869. I Sep 1 16 tf 1 W. IT r AMMVD PRACTICAL 6UNSMITK AND MACHINIST. r /~10RN 8IIKLI.ERS, Cotton Gins, Locke, Vy Kerosene OH J.amps, Sewing Machine* and Parasols REPAIRED with promptness. Charges reasonable. Corn Shelters, from ten I* to twelre dollars. I am also prepared to burnish S ten ell Plato*, for marking clothing. Stand ? At Westfleld's old shop, June 23 6 tf . SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD rcepeetfnlly inform the public that he baa Removed to a room in the OLD COURT HOU8R, where he will ; be prepared to rooeive customers as heretofore. Being a Prof e trior tal Barker, he hopes, try attention to busineaae, together with ponteoeee to all, to merit a portion of public patronage, in CUTTING, SHAVING ANI) shampooing. A Jan 20' .... -ad tf Law Notice?Change of OiBee. GF. T0WNB8 has removed bis Law , Office to the building north-east corner of the Public Square, in part seen pied by Julias C. Smith, Auetionaar, and the Enterprise Printing Office, up staire. Jan 8 33 H < I n ' I i _! _ r i i b i 61 Columbia , < Advertisements. HOPSON & SUTPHEN, <SKS>ILWSiQBiLA90.(9^ MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS AND DEALER* IM SADDLES, H?rnei?, Bridle*. Bit*, Stirrup*, Spun, ud Whip*. 8ole Leather Trunk* , and Valiae*, Leather and Vuleanited Rubber Belting, Copper Rireta and Lace Leather. Harneea and Sole Leather, Calf Sklna, Machine Needle*, Oil, Ac., Ac. : Sept 29 10 ft COLUMBIA HOTEL, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. rpHE Proprietor* take pleasure in annonficI ing this ele<autly?(urnished Establishment uow open for tho accommodation of gucite. The table will always be (applied with every delicacy of the soason?both from the New York and Charleston markets, and no efforts will be spared to give perfect satisfaction, in every respect, teonr patrons. FBKE LUNCH in the refbetery every day from 11 until 12}. WM. GORMAN, H. H. BADEN HOP,] ??"*toi?(. Sept 29 19 . , . tf NickersonHouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE undersigned having RENEWED his lease npon the above Popular House, will endeavor to make it one of the most agrecablo Hotels in the South. A call is solicited. J&I Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel, WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. ftyff t(( "15 j tf NATIONAL HOTEL, ??5ieWsanBiiAp So PROPRIETOR. r. Hamilton joynkr. clerk. RATES Of Board per Day (3 00 Supper, Breakfast aud Lodging ' 2 00 Single Meals 1 00 Sep 1 # 16 tf MARBLE CliTTINC. BOYNE A SPROWL, COLUMBIA, 8. C., CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all its branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN . MARBLE. Sept 8 16 If MRS. C. E. REED, FASHIONABLE oiuimsrv, CORSETS, ?ssy.&saasr'ff.&tt? BRIDAL VEILS\ n r> roo i/ A pjv/i X/jl?ZiOO Jll ur IN ALL 1TB BRANCHES. Main Street, OppoaiU SUTPHEN'S, Columbia, S. C. Sep 1 16 8m I. SULZBACHElt, SIGN OP THE MAMMOTH WATCH\ MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER or WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. | AN ASSORTMENT of Genuine PEBBLE SPECTACLES always on hand. ReI pairing, is all its braaohea, personally attended to, and the amplest aatiataetlon promiaed. Gregg's Building, Mala Street, Co iumbia, S. C. Sep 1 15 3m CUSHIN6S & BAILEY BOOK SXLLESS AMD STATIONERS. 262 Baltimore-at., Baltimore, Md. THE Largest and Best Aaaorted Stock In lha City, of SCHOOL, LAW. DENTAL. MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS General Bank and Conntlng-Heoee Stationery of all kind*. Blank Book* made to order, io any etyle, of binding and ruling. Aog 4ft 14 6m* Notice T8 hereby given to all whom it may concern, I that we will apply to 8. J. Douibit, Probata Jadge of Greanellle County, on the Iftih day of November next, for a final diaoharge a* Admlnietratrlx and Adminietrator of the EeUte of TIMOTHY H. KEET.ER. NANCY M. KRKLKR, Ad'trix. K. W. KEELER, Ad'or. October 11th, 1861. Oet II 31 4 a TIBPBIi Charleston C Advertisements. SAMUEL. C. BLACK, U STOCK AND BOND BROKER, " NO. S8 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON. PARTICULAR nil en lion riven to pur- M chaae and sale or SECURITIES on fl Coratniatlon. Information given cheerfullj. KKVRR8 TO Rav. E. T. BUIST. J C. BAII.EY, THOS STEKX. September 21, 1869. 19-12 mm BAKERY, fi AND CANDY MANUFACTORY J. 0. H. CLAH88ON, 10 MARKET-ST.. CHARLESTON, S. C. ALL KINDS OF & CRACKERS, BISCUIT AND CAKES r Manufactured daily of tko best L Southern Flour, equal in quality to any f] other, at reasonable prices. Also, has at bis establishment an extensive CANDY FACTORY. a These Candies are constantly made to order, | and at all times Fresh und Warranted pure J and to stand the climato. Orders will be ai promptly filled to satisfaction. 8ept 39 10 13* MOSES GOLDSMITH. ABRAHAM A. aOl.nsMITH. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, r Nos. 4, fi and 8 VENDUE RANGE, OHAHL.BSTON, S. O. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, ([ AND ALL KINDS OF PAPER STOCK. HIDES, WOOL. A Suitablo Stock of Heavy and Ligbt HID 3D AND SHINS Fur Tanners uses Always on Hand, and will he Sold Low for ( ?nm.awMX? 1 Sept 20 10 20 Kir^IAN'S 0 S3 ? 1 5* <& ? T? 0 SMI, 279 KING STREET, q OHAHLBOTON, Q. O. k OUR ASSORTED CANDY Is pot up In 3d and dO Pound Boxes, suitable lor L Country Trade. WARRANTED Perfectly Furc and wssr ASiKSJiMPSga Being IVee from Terra Albo or Marble Dost, t and Manufactured solely from ( CRUSHED SUGAR. A Discount is made fbr all Orders of 600 pounds, ? 2P&T- Send for Circular. Sept 29 -J t 19 13 T. M. BIMSTOLL. C. T. PlMHAil. 6 A. 8. BROWJt. T tJt RRICTfll I 6, PO < I ITI? UIIIW I Ubk W VVi WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, S1IOKS, &C., NO. 145 MFETING-ST., CHARUSTUN, b. C. c Stock Replenished Weekly by Steamer. ^ Lmto Dnnhnm, Tuft A Co., lift Mectlng-St., i Opposite Mayuo Street. Sept 20 19 12 PAVILION HOTEL, ? SI 13 Si ?8 S "SP ?SSf, ? (3* BOARD, Per Day $3 00. K. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Kirn. II. L BUTTER FIELD, l*roprlctrcnv Sept 29 19 tf H. C. 8TOLL. CUARLES WEBB. U. C. WALKER. STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLBGAIB DRY GOODS soy s??a?caia(0 ewcema. ] ?*? lacITstore. c EJJIS ssassB, 8 Three Doors below Wenlwortb, CHARLESTON, S. C. " TERRS CASH, I UK III Y AUUtPTANCE. Sept 20 19 12* ) S D. F. FLEMING. ?AM*L A. NELSON. JAMES M. WILSON. j D. F. FLEMING & CO., tmimi DEIAZjEIR.8 ] BOOTS\ SHOES, AND TRUNKS. No. 2 Hayne-St., cor. Church, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sopt 20 10 12* JAMES ALLAN, 307 KINO STItKKT, / *** AW* ? ?N m A * M WAtiMCVUAiMYWJN, U. W*. DEALER IN WA TCRES, CL OCXS, JE WML R Y, , SILVER WARE, I'LA TED WARE, SPECTA0LE8, SO. Watcho* tent to any part of the country. SILVER HUNTING WATCIIE8 FROM < FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND UPWARD. OKNTS Gold Hunting Watcher from $00 and Upward. | LADIES 1 Gold Hunting Watehoa from #60 and Upward. AMERICAN WATCHES 1 OF ALL KIND8. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ( Sept W It M I I .. > 5 S o Iharleston Advertisements. 1.B.WIM1N4C9,, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SR66KBRY, 37 (Heeling Street. WATCHES, JEWELKY AND SILVER WARE, 255 KING STREET, (Corner of Boaufain.) CHARLESTON, 8. O. Sept 29 19 13 B. STODDARD. 0. rBOKEBEKOER. LB. STODDARD' 4 CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOK'S, 8HOE8, AND P R. TJ 1ST XL S A1 MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, 165 Meeting Street, (nearly orrosiTE Charleston hotel,) IKA&bKSTOV, fi. C. Sept 29 19 12 1DM0NDS T. BROWN, OF TllE LATE FIRM OF F. F>. FANNING & CO., VHOLESALE DEALER IN MENS AND BOYS' ww m pat ? WUcN I1A199 t/11'9 STRAW GOODS, AUO, nui?S!| m i o G l G * now CnlLuntn'S rlATG, CHARLESTON, 8. C. t3T" Opposite Charleston Hole). Sept 29 19 26 !. N. AVERILL & SON, ? m ss a & it, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AM) Dealer* in Corn, Oat* and Flonr, 8, CORNER KA&T RA Y A X1) NOR Til ATLANTIC WllA RE, CHARLESTON, 8. C. REFERENCES: T. P. STOVALL, A CO., Augusta. BLAIR. SMITH A CO , Atlanta. LAO HORN, HERRING A CO., Atlanta. IARSHALL A BURGK, Charleston. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Charleston. Sept 29 19 12 THE POCKET CORN 8HELLER. UEING the owner* of lite Patent-Right of the State of North Carolina, of lii* popular farming implement, we offei lounty Right* and Shelter* at Great Baraioa. C. N. AVERILL A SON, 68 Eaat Hay, Charleaton. Sept 29 19 12 JEIIHGS. TQML10I & CO.. WHOLESALE AND aits addlery. Saddlery Hardware, Carriage Ma teriale, Leather, Ac. 69 if tiling St, Oppoait* Ckarlttitm HoUl, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 29 19 IS I. BISHCOrr. C. WULBPBR. /. n. PIEPER. aENRY B1SHC0FF & CO., OROOBRS, AND DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS; v *Y3 A t>Q KJJL* W TOBACCO, dkC. 197 EAST BAY. CHARLESTON, 8. C. S?pt 29 19 26 I. CLACICi. A. WI1 TIE. CLACIU8 & WITTE, NORTH EAST CORNER OF FRASER'S WHARF ON CUSTOM HOU8K 8QUARB, CHARLESTON, S. O. COXXIBBIOX MERCHANTS, And WkolwtU DenUri la 3ROCBRH8, LIQUORS, AC., AC. Rrpt 29 1* 26 " ^-i " t TTrTW ;=_=_^========i ll Charleston Advertisements. A. B. MULLIGAN, fMWt AND GENERAL C0UM1SSI01 MIIICIAIT. c. BccoiDhio^tion MJW, CHARLESTON, S. C. HAVING ample means for conducting my bualotaf, I am at all limes propared to make liberal advances on Cotton.' July 28 10 ly P. P. TO ALE, sun AiSBiias's?? o. Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, HAVING the largest and most complete' factory in the Southern S'atea, and keeping always on hand a Urge and most complete stock of 1)00118, SASHES, BLINDS, Sash Doors, Store Doors,Shutters, Mouldings, Ac., Ac , I am enabled to sell low and at manufacturers' prices. N B ?Strict attention paid to shipping in good order. July 21 9 tf COTTON TIES. BEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIES, unsurpassed by any Tie yet manufactured. For neatness, strength and durability, tin. Tic lias no equal. Having sold theja for the Inst three years, we feel that we can cordially re* commend them to all Planters as the article they want. For salo by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, Charleston, S. 0. Aug 18 13 3m CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. K H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A. BUTTERFIELD, (Formerly of the Pavilion llotcl,) W. S MILLER Sept 29 19 tf J PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THET CURE DYSPEPSIA, A!n> all suuua or tbb STOMACH AND LIVER. thxt 1u amwavasm st rni * MEDICAL TAOULTV. HEGEMAN Sc CO., iOfin*, NEW YORK. Manufactured by C. f. PAHKHIR canon aaa iromcair, CH AULK8TON, B.C. M? by JbrnffMi Feb 24 40 )jr STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINAGREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. CHARLES TERRY, Adminietrator, r... 1 WILLIAM EORD, el al.?Petition fur <? Etna I Settlement, Relit/, d'C. ~ IT appearing to the ruliafaction of the i Court, that tb? heir* ol Rachel Ford, deceaaed, whose name* are unknown, the belre of John McElroy, whoee namea are unknown, David McElroy, Wileon U. MeKirov and Mary Helton and ber huehand, Clark He tou, Defrndante In thia eaae, reaide without the limita of thia State: It ia ordered that they d? appear in pereon, or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to l>a holden for Greenville County, at Greenville Court llooee. on tht 4th day oj Nojrtnhrr neat, A. D. 1869, to ahow eauee, If any they ean, why a Final Bettlement of the Eetate of JAMK* McELROY, deeeaaed, ahould not he had, relief granted the Administrator as prayed for, and a Decree given thereon, or their consent, in failing to attend,, will be entered of record. Given under my hand, at Greenville Court Douse, this 22d day of September, A. D. 1869. ft. J. DOUTH1T, Probate Judge* Sept 29 19 6__ The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY, la the Common Plate?Igaity tide. THOMAS C. QUIVER, Administrator, vs. P. F. SUDDUTlf, *1 at?BiU for Salt of Ntal Estate, lo Bay Dthit, So. UNDER the Decretal Order made In the above ease, the Creditors of the Estate of Mrs. MARTHA LOVXLAND, are required to establish the rank and amount of their elaims against said Eetate, before the Clerk, within nine months from this dale. W. A. McDANIKL, C. C. P. Clerk'* Office, September J8tb, 1869. Sept St 19 9m WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Ferieoopio Spectacle*,Ac WILL order on extra artlcla jSSKdtfH^INO floe Welekee of erery flee criptioo. Beet reference* fl***JANK8 a. BLACK. Jane N ? , j