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:?f' o. ' DEALER IN fiflLB &19 SILVER VATCBSS. CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SPECTACLES. 18 & 22 Carat Solid Huptlalfeings, SILVER & SILVER-PLATED ^VrJLMLK3? l*'-^ If WORK of all didcripliona id bia line Joss' promptly..JgT * ? ^ "s< i' i *i ; / 1 J t Oot *7 28 ly Use the Wan do Fertiliser ON your Wheal. prleo per T??n, iti7.50. JULIUSO. ?VIITU, rtgeui. Oot 27 23 2 THE CASH STORE! ?&?a& ?s?&as8 FOSTER ?c HUNTER, GREENVILLE, S. C. Q K PIECES STL^TMLMPTRIMMINaS /CtJ 36 piece* Ualoon lirtsa Trimming* 25 Gross fino Silk Dress Buttons?Rill lino of Colors * 30 pieces Colored Velvet Ribbons CO piece* Biack Silk Velvets?all widths ? piece* Plaid Trimmings 25 pieces Wkite Frill Trimmings?Cash's and Sandxigam Frills 50 pieces Lute String Ribbons 75 pieces Cord Aug* and Trimming Kibbuu* 120 pairs Kid Gloves, Ilcctor, Dutchess and other style* AO pairs Bnek end Doe Gauntletts 06 pairs Brown English Half-Hose 150 pairs Bleached llnlf-lloso 60 pairs Unbleached Hose?fine Iron frame 300 pairs Bleached Heavy Hose 48 pairs Heavy Seamless Tops 80 pairs Children's Hoscry 100 pairs Balbriggnn and Wool Stockings 40 pairs Wool and Merino tinder Vests 24 pnirs Wool and Merino Drawers Dross GOODS of all kinds Plaid Opera Flannels For sale by FOSTER <1 HUNTER. CASH! CASH! CASH! CASH! CASH! Wanted for DRY GOODS, GROCEries, Boots, Ac. FOSTER A HUNTER. CHILDREN'S Copper and Silver Tlpcd SHOES, for sole by FOSTER A HUNTER. LADIES' Custom Mnde SHOES, warrnntod to wear. FOSTER A HUNTER. SHOES made to our order by Moore, Lnrrat'eo A Co., of Baltimore, for solo at the most reasonable price*. FOSTER A HUNTER. Oct 27^. 23 - .tJjy ^ I AMASSMEETING fFUIE citiren* of Greenville County are- tnI vitcd to attend a Muss Meeting, to be hold at tho STORE of STENHOUSE & TERRY, Every day through tho Fall and Winter, for the purpose or discussing tlio locution of the Air Line Railroad and all the political questions of the day, ond alsb to>'?xaininc the large and well-assorted Stock of Fall Consisting of everything new, spread out to your view. Wo have nil that you wi*h?from a Ladies' Hood to a Salt Fish. Needles and Pins?a cure lot sort shins. Lilly Whi%e and Pink Balls?-?Llninient for horse gobs. '.Ladies' superior Laeo Vails?Poison fur rats with long toils. Bleaching by tho'yard or piece? the host of Apfe-Tree Urcoso,, Worsted end < Silk?Tin Buckets for ifi'k. CheeW, #?4 I Ladieu' Clonk*, that * *W Irtilly no host. Manure Forks and Cologne?Fry Pans and Whalebone. Caster Oif and Candy, fixed up nice and handy. Sausage Grinder* "YOVft1!* ?White Hats for the millers. Thompson's Water for the eyes?Extract* ftWpfcs. Raisins and NulS' < Hinges fS*. But*. -Jems'- Hsrprr and- Gtlni-Stssca?Buss Wax. and RieurJ v Hones. Spun truck and Ilnir Dye?Double Extract of Lye. Coffee, Sugar and Spelts? all sorts of Pad Locks. Taint Red and Green ' ?Salts and Rosine. Solo Leather, Vinegar I and Spice?Essence Lcminon, Turpentine and Rice. Mustard, Kamrs and Nails?^pac^ps, Shovcli and Vails*. 'Muslin, JaclTonct ana Lace?Axes,-Coffee Mflfts ifnd'Msed. ' ^Fiddles, single and double-lined?Corsets that lace up behind. Salt Maoki-Und Red Ticks?all sorts \ i>{ Yanked Trieka ; in fact, all that Is good and nice, at a very Jew price, ? We, the said Firm, to the people of Gceon. villa greeting, invito ypu all to tt/'this , big meeting. ' STENHOUSE & TERRV. | r i \ j.. u -. -1 TN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. TALLOW. ! X Old Rag*, ih-eswax, Corn. tV beat and Oreenliack*, or anything you can spare, froin a pint of goober* to an old gray mare. j BTEN HOUSE to TERRY- j Oct 20 22 4 1 .Stale or South Carolina. 1 GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Frobate. < JOBL FARM MR *??/.??. MARY PONDER rt nl.?J'ctilioH for J'arliiioH of Heal Ef tote. Account, Ae. IT appearing that Jeflbraon Ponder ano of the defendants in this *a*e, resides beyond , the lnuita of tbi* Utale s It is erdoied that be | do plead, antwor, or demur to tbo said Petition j with in forty day*, and en failing to do so, the ] same will Co taken jtro ton/etto nralnst him. \ 8. J. DOuTJIIT, j Probate Judge. Oft. 1Mb. 18?f. Oct 2/ 23 A ; Pacific Guano Company's ' COMPOUND 1 m PHOSPHATE S! LIME For Composting with Cotton 8eed. ri'1118 ARTICLE IS MANUFACTURED I at th? Company Work*, under the direel ion and Superintendence of J)r.JlavmeL f J It eenltim the same element* of fertility as j SOLUBLE PACIFIC OUANO, except Ibat || \ is not furnished with AMMONIA. It is prepared expressly Air ooraposting with cotton J aeo'd, which furnishes the element of AMMO' NIA; the object being to render that side product of the plantation available to the highest degree as an oleraent of fertilllty.? For farther and particnlar information, apply - 7 and 1 Attaitic Wharf, ObnfoesM*. ^ ? ' " ?f ' Cold Wtalker I* ml Hand?-We nend Are* and now is the time to in?uro, New York TTomo, I Albermarle of Virginia and the Oeorgia Home s are represented by Wm. E. tftrle, Agent. p mM] ' ? . n limit" -i ** ' T II yyii] 'isQa JYO a WILL &S? 1 WELL SELECTED IN NEW YORK, BAL TUB LAIW AND B ni: boos - . CQN8IS1 Dry Goods, Notions, "Fancy o o c Clothing, Boo% Shoe SUGAR, COFFEE, T CROCKERY, BAGGING, LEAD, SHOT, -JNDIGO, MADDER, WITU A GENERAL VARIET 11 inform my friends, will befSG Corn and Produce Generally. Gi\ selves. at the 1TB"77 BT71TC01I3E Oet ' ?" i j? r wl'^WfV TO OF GREENVILLE. HAVING returned home after an ahs< noe af cetera! week*, during which lime 1 hnve visited New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Charleston, I have iRUIt CHASED ?iilS , AFTER THE GREAT GOLD vaasiiBESfisawf, / ? iv V1N VERY FAVORABLE TERMS, ALL OF WHICH I WILL DISPOSE W AT VEflY REASONABLE PRICES FOR mzz ms* It wool ! take, mora space than I have at my command In enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON HANDCALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. I would call apccinl attention to 1 VMS, : w AND SUGARS, Which I will sell as cheap for CASH, is they can be ordered Iroiu Columbia or Jhai lesion. THOMAS STEEN. Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Oct 20 22 tf A\n AFTER the first of November, jJ J it is proposed to furnish these 0Y^<8hr 8TERS,, either In the 8hell or Jpenod, In quantities to suit purchasers, and it the lowest market prices. The Mill Pond Jyttev suppliod will be the celebrated GULLA ISLAND 0Y8TER8 From the Lucas Mill Pond, at Charleston, frhirh, for flavor and plumpness, is well mown to be unsurpassed. Tarsus CA8U. Orders solicited from all part*'of the County. Address, TAOMAS McORADY, Agent, P. O. Box No. 3.19, Charleston, 8. C. Jlrftrrnvtt?James Adger A Co., Hon. J. B. Campbell, J>r. St. J. ItavVnel, David Jennings, Mi'Cr.nly A Son, W. (i. Dingle, John 3. Ryan. Oct 12 21 4 Look Out for the Thief STOLEN, from my stable, 134 miles south cast of Qrccnville, qo last Sunday night, 17th, a young DAPPLE CLaYBANK IIORSB, wi'.h black mane and tail, with a star in the Jsee, one shoo on left fore loot end fight tiind foot a littto white, the inane being father ibnrt <vlu ro till cellar works, aboal 3 years old snd upwards, and paces some. I will gire a liberal reward for the rfehrery of the Horse ind thief to tnc or lodged In any Jail, and any information of said Horse will he thankfully roceired. JESSE C. KILOORK. L Oet 20 22 tf Strayed or Stolon, A VOUT the first of this month, from the A posture of Mr. Win. Choice, t RED 14 KIFiiH,, about 2 year* old, marked with e (lit end an n?4?r, bit in each ear ; her barns (rose short, and her tail wee rather h>ng. A iWpl/cnn*d wjll b? poid for hesr delivery ta me, or any information will be thaakfnllj reH. M. HUMPHREY. Oct 2 7 , 23 letf . W*tto ) A ; T8 wdd at Charleatoo price, $?o per Too 1 freight and ?X|iewee added b* JULIUS 0. SMITH, Agent Oct V #8 ,' ] 1 .Til AiternwSe, the-Aeorgla Home and the fbw York Home are perfectly reepooslble *lauro ?%*eso1M?1e * *?, ?d)uet had pa/ irompt)/. Wm. E. Earle, Agent, ? smsaiSmmatsBsaBBBBsm i ? ? . ? K 8 T I . . . ? ?. AGAIN GROCERIES, &?a iiariJYG, mm TIMOB.E AND CHARLESTON MARKETS. EST SELECTED STOCK mm&dhm, 1NG OP : Articles, Gents' and Ladies' > **-fc cat 0, Gents* and Ladies' . .,>,vjpT .. ? # \ TS, EAS, HARDWARE, TIES, ROPE, POWDER, BLUE STONE, SPICE, CANDLES, T STOCK. WHICH I BEG.TO >LD LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, ^e me a call and examine fur yourBTRSBT QTORS. T. W. DAVIS. to U I New Finn, New Store, i New Goods. CLYDE ITHOVEY, PENDLETON STREET, NEAR GREENVILLE DEPOT. WE BEG -leave to"*AMiounce, that, having recently formed a Copartnership under the above name and style, we are now prepared, with a LARGE AND. VARIED STOCK, to meet the wants of our friends and the public gen, erally. f Our Stock consists in part of FANCY ANQ) STAPLE DRY GOODS, Ready-madeClothing HATS. . Shoes, Groceries, rnmmluiviu nmiiiv ouuunuui, uuiiunuuii, iilillifill, tfcc. cft?C5 ? I And will be Found Fresh and Complete at all Times. We Will take in Exchange for Goods?Cotton, Corn, W heat, Flour, Oats, Peas, Rye, Rags, &c., and will pay highest Market Prices for the same. We intend to be open and fair in fttir dealings with all men, and all that we ask isn FAIR TRIAL. If parties desire it, wo are prepared to SHIP THEIR COTTON, and will endeavor to obtain the highest market prices for same. By close application, and by the strictest integrity and uprightness in all our transactions, we hope to commend onrselvcs to the favora ble consideration ot the Trading Public: er. We invite one and all to call and examine onr Goods and Prices before purchasing olsewhere. lie member that we are located in the New Building on the Corner next to Meeere. David & Slradley. Sr\ CLYDE & HOYEY. S. 0. OLVD*. W. II. BOVXT. Greenville, S. C., October, 1869. Oct 20 , i. 22 if IIO! POR THE f FOR Palatka, Florida, via 8avannah, tta, touching at Pernandlna, Jacksonville and all Landings on the 8t. Joka's River, Semi-Weekly Line, The elegant and FlrstClaas Steamer DICTATOR, Capi. W. T. MoNelty, .will leave Cbarleaton, 8. C., for above plaeee every Tuesday nigbt at 8 o'clock. The elegant and First-Class Steamer CITY POINT, i apt. George E. McMillan, will leave Cbarleaton every Saturday night at 8 o'clock for above places. Through tickets to be bad at R. R. Offices. No extra oharge for Meala and Staterooms. For freight or passage, apply to .T n AIKBN A SowMi Atlantic Whnrf, Charleaton, 8. 0. Oct 20 22 8m ^ MISS MAOTG. miss m. mcKAY 18 prepared to carry on all tha branobea of DRESS MAKING. She will alao CUT and BA8TE in Iho moat faablonablo alfla, receiving bar Ibabieo platea front Madaaaa Demured. 8bo can ba fuund at tbe realdanea of bar aialar, Mlaa Mary A. McKay. />ct 20 . . . 23 S Tit a Albermarla of Virginia and tba Georgia llomo are nlimllt ftoutherw Companion, and tba New York Home la one af tba beat Northern Companiaa. Win. E. Eerie, Agent. ML- 1?L._ _ m. 1 !L L ,.B JYO. 288 B t Offer to the 1 I - -4'-< C #4 * * * * i mix m With a large and ing Exclusively^ for ( LENCE of QEALl We are constantly Goods, embracing al Dress Goods. Particular attentic tion of Prices and F A full line of Entii Merinoes. Empress < We call the Espe< Mock of Domestic < and American Mam In our other Depi FLANNELS, BLANK (?P Wholesale Bu TP?! iAft ; V; .f" I I n v 1 i r! Incorporated 1859. CAPITAL, |8A#,OO0! J. F. BOZ^RIAII. Prei't D P. W1LLCOI, StT'v. Continue* to furtiiah perfect eccurity agaiuet loee or damage by fire on all kiade of inturable property al adequate rate*. Agent* con be found U every protafoent point in the Southern States, to whom applications for infuraace may be made. Apply to WM. B. CARLE, AOSNT. Greenville, S. C., Oetober 20, 1800. 22-4 FOR SAL I. 25-H0RSE POWER STB A TVT ... V At. AND TWO CTMNMR DIIIWKS, CHEAP. Enquire of mi % Oot It II 4 Tmmm, HIGHEST PRICE GIVEN or CASH r TOR j * Y SEED, PACKED OR LOOSS AT MY OIN IN ORERNVTLLR, A C. John Westfleld. Oot SO ' ' M ' 1 ft To Boat, r r A LARGE u4 comfortable H0U8R, ?onJ\_ ftiiiti ?i( rooms wiik all assies ary Ml houses, la lha saborbe of Graan villa, and within easy walking distance ef tba Earnsaa Univanity. Apply to JAMES BIR1VIK, Attorney, ' Old Court House. Oct 0 20 I aaw 26 1*2 Buihalft Whftnt X*d? ptr iin ,/"VN an average on IS aem by oeing U WANDO FertUbtar. *00 poooda to the aere by Mr. Sartor, of Union County. I Try it 10 Tone for sale by JUI.TTTS C SMITH, Ageat Oct 27 S3 S i ' ! gg \ROAD S .it i *' u " Yade and the Pnblic id . mm varied experience in tl Dash, from first hands, i TY and tOWNES-S < making; large additio I the LATEST STY f < *V?? # - % ? ^ ,1 VrVT V r,J ;i:v k in is invited to the Dre 'abrics. rely New Black and < Cloths, New Poplins, & sial Attention of Purcl Goqds in the market, ifactured Woolen kno1 irtments will be found m SHAWLS, CLOA WHITE GOODS yers are respectfully re ?1 + 0 m T. MAJB^WALTER S IfAMTil TTTnt5T?fl I Broad-ftU, AugtasU, ?a. ^ I MARBLE MONUMENTS, tr^SS? 9308530,^?. MARBLE MANTLES, AND FURNL I TURE, MARBLE OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR ' FURNISHED TO ORDER. %W All work for tb? Country carefully boxed for IiipmenL Oct 6 10 ' It r . . i ' , ,. . CHOICE GROCERIES, S LARGE OPENING AT JAMES G. BAILIE A BRO'S, ATTOTJSTA, CKA. Oct 6 30 13 carpets! ^viiujgs, eaa&as?, OIL CLOTHS, WALL TAPER AND BORDERS. ^ J LARGE NEW ? STOCK OPENING AT ] James Ci. Bailie & Bro's. NEW GOODS . ?Era Aira? w&h irsnm. n AUGUSTA, GA. - Oct w ir eg7rogers 4^ I ?. 2 DEALER IN Fmrarswi; Of A EVERY DESCRIPTION, 148 and 146 Broad Stroot, ? AUGUSTA, GA. L ^URIAUS WA8HBTANDS, SOFAS, H TUTB-A-TBTKS. CHAIRS, ROCKINO W CHAIRS, WHAT ITOTS, "* COTTAGE SETS WT:/I AND WITHOUT ~ ' wqwro. i. Oct A SO IS | EAT 8 n i' ' rflfGlTSTrf, G Generally Extra In mm nov mmm aiivi iq Foreign and Dom< we guarantee our G f of Price. No Part ns to our various De LEJSf and NOVEL !ss Goods Departmen T Colored Silks, Hand ic. liasers to the Largest comprising every de wn. full and complete lin fvS H08IERT. C0R81 AND NOTIONS. jquested to inspect 01 J AS. A. C ? KEEP IT BEfOR] Wu GG1M AT THE Hid I Iroad-Street* IS THE PLACE to BUY CHEAP, PURE aucii Brandies, Whiskys, Rams lers, Hilt IN CONNECTION WIT LARGE RECTIFYIN EISTABLII rUE ONLY ESTABLISHMENT OF THA where the/ make Nothing but Pare and U Importers of Foreign o which they would cell the attention of the bo will favor them with their patronage, that oatb. m* ta %vn HEWITTS GLOBE HOTEL THREE DOLL A. ONE OF THE BEST HO Oct 6 1 IHAlf BAR IRON PLOW STEEL NAILS METALS QUN8 AIVJ3 OS HARD WARE ,ti; <\ r> . .! ' WHOLE8ALE 8TORE N< detail Store Corner Kin CHARLES' S?pteiab?r t9 Ni??llMNiRlT MRS. L. T. JENNINGS, ? RKSPBCTPULLY IN form* her friends ?ad the peVlie generally) that she just received mad ND HANDSOME LOT OF F4I*I? A)U> WINTER , niLLIMERT, rhieh she offers at prices lew aed reaeosiahie. a dies before perehaslng their ATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, AC., Toeld do well to give her eall, at her eld and. Oet 13 31 6m Subscribe for the Enterprise, 2 in advance. ?? EORGIA, ^ idnoements Is GOODS estic Markets, Buyroods for EXCELies will undersell us. partxnents of Fresh TIES of Imported it, and an examina. lh \ isome Silk Poplins, b and Best Assorted scription of Cotton ies * m, HOOP8RIRT8, it Stock. }RAY & CO. M 8 THE PEOPLE, nnr <& Hfilf NO. 989 Augusta, Goorgia, I AND UNKDULTKLATKD LIQUORS. v Gins, Wines, Ales, For erv, Ate. H THIS HOUSE IS A IQ AND REFINING BH]VIB3VT. X KIND, IN THE SOUTHERN 8TATKS nadulterated Liquor*. They in ilio liquors and Segar?< trade. They defy competition, Mnrin| all they will Mil cheaper than any hottaa In tha l\U k II. : ? FARE RED UCED TO RS PER DA Y. TELS IN THE 80UTH. : a co. MILL ROCKS BOLTING CLOTH CIRCULAR SAWS HOES j * tt wr K PLOWS II?arS33Ft.^.Xa JHER CHJHVT&, 0. 39 HAYNe STREET. I and Market Streets roN, s. c. . 4 M t 19 It BRICKS. LARGE LOT i> 1 r or FIS8TRATB FOR SALE AT Westfield's Yard. u . jr* APPLY TO A. ISAACS, Oreenvill#, 8. C. Oet 10 It 4