University of South Carolina Libraries
J i jg>< ( I 5 pT'lfi 1 I Swsii^ii JZ O ^2 ? Id* 0 , -i 11 1$ || i g Wttti & ?? ? -S S I ^ ?_ ^jjfj^ H [dip <?) c #ir/!!tU!!|'jB? Sv/#<> r,? 4 r ?7a| & 'Smm'g S t b?2 ^ ! fMfii ' * |-.i ? J cd (^ | I IP ' .1 byi / J raip . / :t i T> ?ii OBI BOOBS; I ' ;; &?o ffpw. *11 liMflN WELL SELECTED ifc itlfW l*At THB'liMlf AW) I mm nnvrn TOI uyppioj Xn^K*3^F an cy ' CL:0< i?*>.'. oClothing, Dooltr Sb* H A SUGAR, COFFEE, 1 CROCKERY, BAGGING, LEAD, SHOT, INDIGO, MADDER, N 117ITII A GENERAL YARIE' u inform my friends, will be SC Com and Produce Generally. Gi' solves, at the ; ITSY7 BT72TOOHBS JB 4,7 \i *,?.??.t Oct# ^ f * ... iW IfS tt M ^ H j, j|j| AND AFTKR tb* Srat of Nmmktr, u m propNM m nmirt ibtw OY8TKKK, nither is the Shell or Opened, in quantities to suit purchasers, and at the lowest market prices. The Mitt Pond Oyster supplied will be. the celebrated GULLA ISLAND OYSTERS From the d?t*Aa>?jlh fond.? A CtlMleston, wbicb, for UtrBr ra<f*plrnnpt?#e,"is well known to be unsurpassed. Terms CA8H. Orders solicited from nil parte of the Couaftrj. Address, TAOMAB MoCKADV, Agent, ajuua&Rftqmafe 'j Campbail, Dr. St. J. Knreuel, David Jennings, M. Grady A Son, W. 0/ Dingle, John 0. Ryan. Oct 12 ,21 , . ,4 * i Cold Weather 1* at Hand?We nded' fifes and n?W is the lime to future, Mum Yerlt Home, * All. rinarle of tirgieia and llio Georgia ll' ino arc represented by Win. E. Eartc, Agent. ?T r * n?nf i _ m&EBmmmmmmmmmBmBsmm 12 c4 fiSHp-ajHIMI ) 'S M I M'.S o5> .l-.V.ff ^ X SL*?JL_--^ 5? W'"" ^ fe-.u33 b/S ?-p J? >ilHrfa fc| *2 fe^s-fi ?* 2CQ^| ,-gsf ' *ll%gll *?? sif-i i'81 '&" n P? g' C KJi W ajt?? 'J ^2 - **< ' c hH' :-' |#^ S -st? J^!S I*4-2 SSuftS " ?2".$ g $? 3-I'l-' lii'e-tis^e IfisA^ilas," . *-> *? 5 CUi C? .5 3 tc v -c o"S ft 2 h 5 ?r5 "' -*. O _ a 'A?r^T.C?c af? 3 jr ^ o a 2 S *"' >? rFEIlEi 5 w vi .-wo) __ 5 fl Cfi <13 " M ij 13 ? o rt gi J? Ji 5 Mrj.s ^ oWS ^ B ?r tS^ JW w| S o S) a> ^ r 0 EMU? ?m to i-jtr i mi om* 7 d^yi GiKA HOAHM wav*. siwrj .TtMORE AND CIIART.WITON MARKETS. : BTYn * Yyy v rr r/ n ? ? ? ?f SWOT STOCK ** 0M," i itN'SUr ?~ ; " Articiee, Gents' and Ladies' 3 33 B, 58, Gents' and Ladies' T Si EAS, HARDWARE, ; TIES, ROPE, POWDER, BLUE STONE, spice, candles, ry stock, wmcH i beg to )LD LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, re me a call and examine for yourOTF.EBT STOHH. T. W. DAVIS. to * ir ' I T. M A H IT W A T.TRR'R ftt&ZUBL3 WORXfl, Broad-tt., Anfnitii, ??, N MARBLR MONUMENTS, oaaas es&asas, &&. MAtlBLB MANTLLS, AND FURNlTURI, UAKBLI OF ALL KINDS * * ?t iiiNB, oft i n FfTRNlSl 1 fct> TO ORI>p. OT All work for th? Country oartfoAr boxed for ihlpment sd. j Oct 6 tO If I 1 aBSgsaess.. .. ii? i W S ? T 1 THE BEST EBITINI iDSuotm, TiwEnMSiM, Authentic, mad Coat ConUinJnSth# frd^d Ne+TTefd*** AccdrdldW UJhe.iuadhti JHlftS-4 frWHtP* vui , X>N$ THOUSAND ILLUSTRATIONS. ffpmmwGS; and authentic illuelrationai Th?y in of SFIBFlEmB' iiuiortcoi *** n<?li*a. Coetumea, Bea.te, Bitfs topecta, Vftnfa, Mineral*, Coin*, Medals, Inscriptions and Incidents referred to In the differ { ent booK* of the OH and New Testaments, and eoMlln a root fund Of information in regard to the Mannar* and Cnatoeaa of the pe-ple of thn bibMcal epoch. ? iMi Joins* and htlMHt M derived from a carefnl etadyof bkorr and loealUicn, eaa be therei4ftltaipAafe#NMft dWMd reel erroneous wM "^nMnrMWf td a*w thoughts andfnddilional iwtafi Mf. and educate more pennanently. Lit* aaall Natare comae to ue through the ey? and ia nearer to tirnAtgood B|bl*?Usv< reason* will in part tntaf crttflfrrttlonf'anil instil deeper re ligioua frelihgh. '1 lSH38UT3 $u7!AM Agebt.'drfenimf^Sit^RJ^na. Oet ' ?o t* i >% Kl i i, < i ' V - FOR 9wwt . t nf! ..OO ?, WUi /. > /.'I .?! . fib IVt iMH AND TWO : ^.(itlOMnr t 5! Itlll Mills, CHEAP. Ckl IS t! 44 4 if *>5IA(f?j*' * * ** 1 ^ ** " GAINES & BEARDEN, AQE. SO jr., ftfCKl VISp A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF TALL II AND I WINTER"" " rtflHEtR ai)OD8 HAVE RERW ?AM JR fully Selected l>y one aI the Firm, who has jual returned from New To??. Our GOOmH tare b?ca booght u m : km m sbl. *? 9 AN? WILL BE SOtt> AS WC2jflBab^BQ j^jp A* any la this Market. C*l' aad examina war Stock. We will great I'l.aaure In allow ng our To any who may give ua a call, fiOME AND SEE. Sept 29 19 tf E. G ROGERS, DSALSR IN (FfflMfTOi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 143 a9d 145 Broad Btreot, AUGUSTA, GA. . BUREAUS WA8H8TANDS, SOFAS, TETE A TBTES, CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, I ' COTTAGE afTS WJTH AN? WITHOUT IfiLAU&BIbai WOIPSSo?nrr ? '"v; a To Sent - k LAROK ud comfortable H0U8V, eoox\_ taining all room with all immmuj out houaaa, ia the aabarba of Qraanrilla, and within eaay walking dietanee of the Furaaaa Ual eralty. Apply to JAMB8 BIRNIK, Attorney, Old Court Houae, Oot * >0 laow ~7 j WHEAT CROP. OA TONS WANDO FERTTLA\J JXSSJLr Ju?! recoi??L ' trnSvtiks oMnn. Oct to 8r?ciAt Notic* ?To parlirs in want of Door*, "'aahaa and Blind*, w* refer to tb# adrrrttocmtst Of i\ f. tbo large man .ufaetnrer of thoaa food* in Charleston*? Prioe Jiat fyroitU*4 00 application. ?-tf I ' ' = I8.RR IH " t !f 1? . \ i v*U& Xl r jyO. 888 JB 7 Offer to the 1 tl-?M ' -Wj .' - ' Fill AH | i <iV A J . - : . JTa I X \i With a large and ing Exclusively for ( I<ENCE of QUAL) We are constantl; Goods, embracing ai 0ress Goods. Particular attentU tion of Prices and 1 A< full line of Enti Merinoes, Empress < We call the Espe JStook of Domestic land American Mam n Ih our other Dep mivms, BLANK jfj jJV u yr ftT Wholesale Bu i v 1>" J ' V til . . ?. _ III I ! 1 Ji-'U'.-.H CLER1PS_ SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ; ooomi covmtt. Wm. C K.?U?, ?t al. 1 1 *. \ BUI for Partition, At I Mary R. Keith *L aL J UNDBR ma ardor from tho Clrenit Cea rl Kquity side, for lb# above imh4 Slot ud County, I will Mil, to the highest bidder before the Market fiouM in Walballa, oo S.le day in November next, the Root Rotate of Wn L- Keith, dniMii, ?oMittii| of tb? MTtra Traats of Load, aa follow* i TRACT NO. 1, Or lb* VBooboo pi are, containing !,4TI sorao more or Iom, with good Can* improroaaenU good Mo a*, and in | thorough state of oaUira tioa. TM> Wast ll*o tool re w ilea North-woe of Walballa, aad contains >M acres of goo< bottom in cnlUratioa,a large quantity of goo< upland, aad aa outlet for ttock range wot Mr paaoed la tho coooty. Deposit gold io hen* on overy part of It, and baa boon profitably worked in past years. TRACT NO. 2, Or the borne place In tbo Tillage of old Pick en a, containing 1X8 acres, mora or Was, will good improvements. r TRACT NO. 3. Adjoining Tract No. X, containing 1M acres more or loss. No improeomcaU. TRACT NO. A, la tba rilhgt of old Pickens, containing 1 aero, as or* or loss. No improreaseaU. TRACT NO. 5, In tba village of old Pickaae, oontaiaiog 1 acre, with good improvement*. TRACT NO.?, In the village ?,d Pickens, containing 1 acre. No improvements. TRACT NO. 8, Or the Gurley Tract, containing SO aeiae mora or less, situate In the County of Piekeas. TRACT NO. 0, Or the Celhoaa Tract, eraUhiler 475 aerei more or leas, eight miles Kait of Walhalla, adjoining land* or M. P. Mitchell. No improvements. TRACT NO. 10, Or Ceaeross Tract, eeatalaiag 60 acres, men or IdW. TRACT NO; II, Or AlVertsea Tract, eoatalnlng (M acres more or lees. TRACT NO. 12, Or Aikea Tract, eoalaiatag 1H acres, mere or TRACT NO. 1J, Or the Re id Tract, oootaiaiag )M saw, more or loos. " TTadOr the same order, and at the seme time and plaee. I will also sell the Real Rotate ol Thos. J. Keith, deceased, vis : TRACT NO. 1, la the village of old Piakeas, eoataiaiag 1 aero, more or less. TKAUT HO. 3, Or tbo DwH'i fork Troot, enataiaing 911 HrMi mora or Imi, adjoining Corbia. If* laprormnt. Dopoait gold loo ad on It. a t TRACT NO. 3, Ob Coaoroaa Crook, eoatalnlag 999 aeroa, aoro or loaa, adjoining load* of Tjre Maaldla. TRACT NO. 4, On 8ix Mila Crook, Pickona Coantp, eoataialag 309 aeroa, asoro or loaa. IB ACT NO. 5, Oa Bbow Croak, eoa lata lag 949 aoroa noro'or Im, TKRM8 :?Tkoal anloa will ko aaio oa a o rod it of oao two and tkroo joaro, la tkroo oqaal anaaal InaUHaaoaU. Parokaaar to giro bond and two good ?n rot loo, wltk a Mortgage of praaaUoa to oocnro tko aarekaao aoiioj. Parokaaar to pap oxtro, inoaak Ibr all aaaaaaa tj paper* and atampa, J. W.>W?LIirQ, c. c. a. c, Oct 0s If f T B R P R I S a hi VAI JLa %_K *" |?TI '' f ' 4 \ROJlD 8TREE1 ["rade and the Public id wim varied experience in t 2 ash, from first hands, ITY and LOWNE[Si J making large additic the LATEST ST1 >n is invited to the Dr< fabrics. rely New Black and Cloths* New Poplins, 4 cial Attention of Pure Goods in the market, ufactured Woolen kne artments will be found m SHAWLS, CE.0A WHITE GOODS lyers are respectfully r * a V > i * * A V L"*li t. WARTHEN STORE, 90 MILES ' SOUTH QF GREENVILLE. I? ? 'PHK Ruloeribfr i? m* receiving, end , L will continue to receive regularly tv> cry week, kit i 1 4^33? WM3TOa STOCK OF ilaDHlS | Prom New York, Baltimore and Cbarlev4Pn I My line of Goods will comprise r Eve* y Article in the regular Line of Trade, suited to the Times, and Special wants of Customers. ' I announce myself in FULL BLAST of competition againft every railroad and eoantry town within thirtv mile* of mv Store, and MOST POSITIVELY ASSERT, ' Ih .1 I will aeU Oooda lower than tliey can b t had at any of three point*, lor the rea. eoa that 1 CAN AFFORD to d<> it. not havI ing rcnta to pay. town taaee to pay, and many other expenses to Incur incidental to towns. _ I WILL BUT COTTON In any quantity, and ALL OTHER PRODUCE. IAHE8 M. IVLL1TAIV, Warthen, October Bih, iddt. t(M , olj'r goods FOR FALL TRADE ARK now ready for distribution. The Stock of Goods AT RETAIL in the Front Store ia replete and tail, and ef every conceivable style and price. , Omr Shawl ul Clank Department Presents sosae rare attractions ia prions dad designs. Oar Brans Beads Department, As aewal, exhibits all the handsoaie novelties. Omr Mastery and Underwear Department Sapplies all the articles of comfort and protection for winter ase. Omr Me tie a aad Haberdashery Department Will, as heretefore, reeeive oar best attentoa, aad every novelty, useful or ornamental, can be had from it. Omr Carpet Department This season excels everything of the kind ever exhibited ia Colambia before, eomnrtsin* every thing known to the trade in the way of Floor Carpeting*. vm WXOLUALX DXPAJtTMNT I* a epecLalty, wherein we claim to giy* all tho advantage! that ean bo offered. The (food* tor the Dopartaaont are oa hand? bought right, and told with a* little ezpenee aa they can he handled anywhere. We awlieit a eall from every one wanting Ooode. We poeitlvely guarantee onr hill* certainly a* cheap?often cheaper?than can he had eleewhere. R. C. 8111VKR. Colombia, 8. C. Oct SO IS TU1T8 VEGETABLE mnnim iphilzl Curee diaeaae* of the Liver and Stomach. TU ITS KXPKCTORANT A pleaeanl ewe ft ?r Oor|bi, Cold*. An TUTTB 8ARSAPARILLA AND QUV.KN"8 DKLIOHT the treat Alterative *Vid Rlood Purifier. TVTT8 IMPROVE || A I * DYE. Warranted the heat dy, j* ^ Yheae tanderd preparation* ar* ^ m)9 by (fiat everywhere. t)rt g_iy E O ? - ' ' ? -- ' . r, JiifGirsTJi, G ; / t r 13 t 33 * * > Generally Extra Ii Si DRV he Foreign and Dom we guarantee our C 5 of P rice. . No Pan >ns to our various Dc fLRAf ivnvi?i *ss Goods Departmei Colored Silks, Ham kc. hasers to the Larges comprising every d< >wn. 1 full and complete lii M. HOSIERY. CORS AND NOTIONS. equested to inspect o JAS. A. ( K.KKP IT BBFOR wa ? AX THE Bid Broad-Street, IS THE PLACK TO BUY CHEAP, PUR butt Brandies, Whisky*, Run flers, Bit IN CONNECTION WI' LARGE RECTIFYII S3STABLI The only k;tabi.I8ii*rnt op tIu where make Nothing but Pare end ' Importers of Foreign To which they would cell the attention of th who will favor then with their patronage, tha South. ttt. ?. tbVf HEWITTS GLOBE BOTE THREE HOLLA ONE OF THE BEST HO Oct ? IMS BAR IRON PLOW STEEL NAILS METALS GUN8 -A.3V3D 0? HARD WARE WHOLE8ALESTORE N Retail Store Corner Kir CHARLES September 29 CARPETS, IUJGS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL l'AFER AND BORDERS. LARGE NEW STOCk OPENING AT Jaalteft 6. Bailie 4k Bro'*. NEW GOODS (DttHIAIP?!* TPIEIAH mm. AUGUSTA, GA. Oft 20 12 'EOHGIjI, V., 'v?- ^ Ca . ? (?*< ? x ? iduoements in j ? ; estic Markets, ioods for EXCELties will undersell us. apartments of Fresh TIES of Imported '? / J>r f; <3 it, and an examina. / ri ". / .\JT VI Isome Silk Poplins, t and Best Assorted ascription of Cotton les ET8, U00P8KIHT8, ur Stock. 3rRAY & CO. K THB PEOPIK, OTTT (B?^ 8I?IV NO. 089 Augusta, Georgia, K AND UNEDULTELATED LIQUORS, r A8 R( Oil", Wines, Ales, Porters, Ac. rn this iiouse is a ? I J <> T vlQ AND REFINING SHMSNT. IT KIND, IN TUB SOUTHERN STATES Unadulterntcd Liqttora. They are also Liquors and Solars, ? trad*. They defy competition, aeeuring all t they will tell cheaper than any bonae ia the &W& & III L ? FARE REDUCED TO RS PER DA Y. iTELS IN THE SOUTH. M 3 m MILL ROCKS BOLTING OLOTII U1KUULAU SAW8 IIOES PLOWS IIVBRAL MER CHJ1JYTS, O. 39 HAVNE STREET, ig and Market Street*. TON, S. C. i? ? oBoiba FAMILY GROCERIES\ IWVWW LARGE ?dD(P[pyiI? OPKNING AT JAME8 G. BAILIE A BRO*K AUaTJOTA., Oct C W J