University of South Carolina Libraries
II 1 Jje g>Dittl|tni Cj^tr^p iiHKEXvILLE, Hjfe. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER SO, 1860. Excusatory. We sre compelled to offer excuses this week Tor the em ill amount of reading nmt. t-;r presented id ?5r"WlWf*0<PlnwiMa thanks are extended >? thy^ ylv.wiidv patrons who have deirtanJlM*?4 im?cl?s4?*iK V Next week ww -wttt ?* ?* ? sopi-Linsnh. should the necessity require it. ? . f { Press For Sale. V ST'X ft Any ono ci??iil?? t? ?>*reh?*P? Printing Press, can And at this eCct. fThe siso o platen is 22 by SO I 1* consider ah lyi wors f will be sold astonishingly cheap. ffce> g^e-x jiriit has been printed upon it until vmy recently. Apply at onee, a* we need the space a . Southern Respect of 0?n. John A. Rawlins?What lb Proves. A;'5r;r?n t'-" t?i? Speretsrvof TVsr. Oeb. Rawlixs. I wns the efficient aid of Oeft.'Gfcaarr -la lb# late wnr against the Poctb; yK bin character is held in high Mlei-in the entire | Southern people, and hW urly 4t*th much regretted. II# would, any time, sine# lie exhibited hla magnanimity of disposition, ntiii his freedom from the Radical venom, and the proswiptive spirit of eo tnnuy of tho Republicans, have b?ea reco:v?d allover the late Confederate St a tea, with more cordiality, perhaps, than he Would have i been treated in many sections of the North. Tills State of feeling with tho Southern people towards a Union officer, prove# con cinaively, tha falsehood of the sweeping charges of tha Radicals against "the States lately in raleliion," aa the phrase i?. It ahows that tha charge o' hatred and persemtion ngalnst Union men, aijrtply because 'hey were Union men, is utterly groundless. The truth is, that the charge only mean8 that the South is not prepared to hbnor those of the proacriptive pnrty, and who' n ill cot cease to persecute ar.d disfranchise, and that the fault of irfecoiu-Iliatton, is not nith tho Southern people, but that the real difficulties of entire and pacific reconstruction, ' ate 01 iginated from Northern sources.' ' If all the Northern leaders had shown the spirit ol Gen. Rawmxs, the "let us have peace" sentiment of Gen. GsAat, would have long since beeo fulfilled in the reality of true peace, and a reconciliation honornM# !o l-oth a< ctions of ,the-country. The same regard manifested for Gen. Rawlins would have been as freely bestowed upon nil the Northern lenders and people, had they manifested the fame spirit. The enrecr of Gen. llawuns, in the ??M and in the Cabinet, is a fact securely lodged in history, and the appreciation of his eharno. I tcr by the South, is indi<B?<luhly linked with the noblest manifestation of that. char, ucter, ar.d app<alb to the jndgnafnt of ? candid world in vindication of the true spirit and temper of the Southern people, and shows that the necufalions of her bitter enen.ks have no place in tiie vocabulary of tiuth, ard belong exclusively to the corn, mental lea of a hostile parly. Denth of Ex-President Franklin Flercd. 1 Thia true gentleman and pure patriot died at Concord, New Hampshire, on Friday, 8th October inst. As remarked by tho Charleston Courier, " Ho was tho last survivor of the race of distinguished Presidents of the school <>f Jefferson and Jackson, aa ha was the 1m*; survivor of the Presidents directly elected by the people, wlioso term of office has expired.'' Gen. Picuce was born November 23, l'80l, was elected to congress in 1835, to United States Senate in 1837, volunteered na a private soldier in the Mexican war, was made Urigas dier General and served with distinction lu the memorable campaign of Gen. Scott frojn Vera Cruz to the city of Mcxloo. lie iras nominated by the Democratic party for President in 1852, and elected by a large vote over Gen. Scott, tbc Whig candidate. Uls administration was distinguished for its fairness and pure Republican principles. (Republican and Democratic used to be considered one and the snmc things.) If he made mistakes in his public life, they were not tho errors of blind partisanship or sectional prejudice. He _ovas tho President truly of the whole United Stales nnd not of a section, end will fill an honored ]>lacc in history, and we trust a happy one in tuat eternal Stnfc which his spirit has Jnst'entered, meeting the reward of tliegood and faithful. A Kdw Enterprlae. We learn that a Mutual Life Aesurauco Company is being organised in this State. Soma of the advantages claimed by this Company arc, in the first place, that it is a Hume Company. There is at present no life insnmnco company organised in this Sthtw. ft will be purely mutual. The Company will belong entirely to the policy holdera, and all profit* will honnnually divided among them. It ia 9eid that no other Southern Company offers thin advantage. It will he in charge of men of the highest character nnd stnnding, and well known as sale, reliable and successful bust, ncss men. Our much respected fellow-citizen. Rev. Jas. P. Poyee, D. D., is to bo one of the Directors. We are authorised to soy that persons wanting any information as to this new Company, are referred to Rev. Jas. P. Boyee, /Ion. It. F. Perry, IVtn. Beattie, Fsrp, Tbos Hfeen, Esq., 8. Swnndald, Esq., Tb??. M. Cox, Bsq., Ale*. McBee, Esq., Jas. Blrnie, Ksq., Iter. Ellison Capers., T. 8. Arthur, Esq., It. B' Cline, K?q. Augusta Street Store. Our friend and neigHbar, Mr. W. T. Asi?_ stork, whone store is located near tbo Depot, bes gone to Charlt-nton for a stock of goods? which will consist of dry goods and groceries rut heretofore. He bas promised to inform the rentiers of the Entrrpriie where he may l?e /band, wfrat' be has, and the prices he or its His stand is an admirable one, and we wiah him success. ' fteturned. Messrs. Harm* Bkattie and Thomas Ftr.r.y have returocd to Ort'enrlHe. The Are* has Lcrn seeking health, the l..tter purchasing goody. Wc hope both have large supplies. I \ at the request nepriotors. The** Works arc situated upon the plants* tion o( Mrs. Chaplix. Tjio cano-juico proceeds from tbo mill throug^q>t|y?tTy^o^dcjp trough, from which it js^^mvUtsg to through stop-cockr into a copper pan jlhescdi latency of mud and of the color of the cane. This pan w about six feet long by three and a half1 wide, n'tiTcr' which la'k fhrnnce, keeping the jdfctr Helling, Whllbttiro biiyo are con tineWily Skimming off Intpnre matter. After hoiling, it la then allowed to esoape is to a accord ??'b where it gt*s tbroagh U?e rame proofs* for |be Mpoe length of time. It (uas .through pipca to ? third sad last pan, ;a this cnndU lien it is nailed tcmi-?yrnp??w)?oro it is finish ed. In passing through the ffrst and t second pans, It Interests one to sco what unpholciome 'and deleterious Substances are taken from the cmbtyo*eyThp by ritlmculng; Hi the third, howeter, there la e?*y little taken away. Any other pipe carries the syrup to the sugar house, where U ie siepoeltcd' H? flat troughs far granulation. Tfc* Centrifugal mill buying mot with fut.apnWent, we did not see sugar mado, which wc regretted, but thfrc was much syrup .in tlio sugar house in an advnnocd stage of granulation, sugar was mado.the evening previous. This whole operation reii^l'rcdno uiore than twenty polndtcs time, and Is exceedingly simple, One of the young Men engaged lit the ^worke, who'Mr. ViLitrLn said was efficient, told *a he bud haen employed only a few weeks. One great feature in this plan, is the excellent maimer in which the to*nd-j1ileo la eonsuyad, no handling being dope. Those ugar works are a complete auccesr. and to know that this commOrt pn'd necessary house-, hold article call he manufactured cheaply Hern in GreOirrillc?of matorial raised on our own soil by our own farmers?is a aourco of,great satisfaction. Tlie'tUsnHi will be k'reVdintioa hi onr crops, as this will pay as wall- if not better than cotton. Who thought that o?r indifferent ?orgharn could be sonvcntcd. Tight at our doors, into nxetllom sugat. for the qnnltty is equal to the best lltown brought into our market. ??lU la * Citr ImtirnvpiriBTit* 0?r citizens, many of them nt least, arc aware ol tlic important work that is boiug ilone on the streets of the incorporation ; hut many are Dot, so we pi"*? tell them, so that all shall know of the energy cxetcisod in keeping enteranees nnd exits to our plaoe in repair. In Ward No. Aldctmnn WtttTsritsr. has made several chances that ennnot hut prove to the advantage of the public. 80 much of Augusta Street ns extends from nenr the front of his own residence passing the Bonson field to the lot of Mr. A. 1,. Cons, hns been .straight rued by setting hack'several feet the fences of the parties named. These alterations, combined with mucli care in the walking of the Street, hns vastly improved that p; rtion of the City. On this same StTcct, the working has continued almost to the gate of Cnfit.-J. Nrooks. The driving and walking iu that part of the place heretofore hns been almost bidcuns, and >? g ives us pleasure to record the repairs. ) , Alderman WuiTmirw bar likewise givcu his I attention to that very hr.d place situated a few I yards south of the ltnilrond Depot nnd near tbe4)"tt Railroad eat. The high embankment there hns been to a great extent leveled, the bridge fixed nnd the deep places filled up. Avenue Street. Alderman Dr.vx, west of the Bnptiat now being worked on and a good deal of labor nnd rock bestowed upon it, Which we hope will benefit it, ftfc there was no street Deeding attention more. Church Street conies in also for considera* tion. The culverts are being lifted nnd re placed,'prtd oiaeh dirt thrown where tho places have bccomS totr, a 1 a cross bridge Is to be erected nt the extreme western end of it. We know that such of our'ek'Wttcht citizens residing in that locality, J)r. Mahuv nnd others, will not ohject to tho changes going on, hut will be glad the Utile has eotno for the renovation oflliorough fares long sltioe 1100ding it. There ore doubtless other parts of Greenville receiving tVentuifnt alike deserving. The City Coueeil, we are authoritatively informed, has purchased, frum Rot. K. V. Whiudrn, in the corporate name, the raal estate known n> the fclfhrd Spring T,ot. in rear of the Puhiia Graroyard, tho tract contains cloven scree, for which Council gave $660 ensh, which if something more than fifty nine dollars per acre. It i? expected t>v ?nr municipal authoritiw-, to improve and beautify this land, and, being united with tbo lata already uqed for burial purposes, will doubtlem muke a public and private Cetnctiiry equnl in area to the demands of au increasing population. Two acre* on the lower and iiortb-cnstcrn corner of the grounds, adjoining the Colored School House, barn been appropriated to the burial of colored persons, which is sold to an organisation of them at a nonrhftal price, funds kindly contributcd to thein by the public. Upon this tract, re a very largo and hold spring, through which the place might bp supplied with water, should the Council see proper to make no othar appropriation of it ; indeed the project was contemplated, hut never carried into execution, precious to the war. ^Vc have noted what is being done by olii City Fathers, to let others know that thev. n* well as the people of Oreenvillc generally, are progressive, and do pot believe in standing till. Storm in the North. A great storm of wind and rain, producing destructive floods in the New Kngland States and New York and Pennsylvania. hefel Ibu' region on Monday, 4tb inst. The pajiers givo particulars of the loss of bouses, barns, crops, cattle, bridges, Ac., in all exposed places. For many years no such storm bns been experien* oed in that quarter. Such losses added to the general deficiency of crops arc to the deplored by the wliolo country. H. Beat tie A Cor. Mr. WiliIaw HollanO. of the above firm, has just returned from the North where he has laid in a large and full aloek of floodr in their line. Their ndv. rtisrmenl will be Iniind elsewhere. Mr. H In bis Trip was accompanied by bic lellti half, and be doubile-ss ran more in visiung the different points of Interest than if alone. (Jen W, K- Belkno^tho New Secretary Oan. Bk.i.kvop, just appointed Secretary <5! Gen. Gha.nt, from hie history an1' character, which is very similar to that of the late Gen. Rawi.ixh, promises to he an enlightened and libers! member of the Cabinet. He was a good soldier during the war, and a Itemoorat previous to it. He is about forty yeare of age, a native of tho State of New York, graduate of Princeton College, and a lawyer l>y profession, and a plan of sound judgment. No Extra Court for Greenville. The order appointing the Extra Court for hearing Equity noil Appeal enses, on the Hi>t Monday ol November next, has been | revolted. ' tm>rn a (tiwr reel^Krt o^Kii^lktt1. inqnir Ifig as lo tneelty, the people, and the pro* peeta o( il generally, stating '.hat he he<l kind rsnitititinnces of our community, and also that he might.tome time or other ra torn ; that gentleman left several years he,-l?re iLa war. _AlL**J?e*e lo s ay-is, tha we tl*v>e he /ill ihA right tdniE; yes -iifcitu l?ie n^ntiott aoJ don't dol.iyJns^s^ a estate i? now at a very reasonable price rwnr-tim tumi'mr it Owwudi* nwerewt?. Hi tie lime may cyat jqu aaytral htuuliei dollar*. ' . . /? TTTr - om> -Uiqnlilug .frUad,-ih?Greenville lia* a population snflicwnt lo en title it lo Iw railed a city;-our pdpulallot I* thriving and energeiio, and everyhranc) f business can JU* mada profitable; oui t s'prce and wot ksitops have r>ee? grsatiy in r eres&d *(mct the war; ouf.iHuWS^tT.ilvc r eily and F<in?le C<dirgu are oprn and dpinj eg weil ?!> other lit-raiv inslitolion*; w< bav* the Peabody School, nl^o, where j>u pile attend free and without price. In ad ' Anion to three advantage*, wc would al*? etsto to our distant friend, Unit it ia regard ad almost conclusive, that tb? Air Lint fteilrohd- wilt p.tss through the place, ant we will also very likely secure the ]<>oatioi of lha workshop* hare, a* Ihia 1* Very nearlj equidistant between Charlotte and Atlanta the terkuini of the road. All of these thing* will ooaaptra to make litis city aUiwclivi and Utsfcwble. Br. J. C. Faber. Br. Fader has been appointed to the pro fcssorshlp of Modern Langtiugos, iti the Soutt Carolina Ciiivcrnity, la the plane of Profwaei Saciiti sbbn, Resigned. Dr. Fabkh has b?ci long enough in Orccnvillo to rdroninnuid him Self to (ho rospect and to secure tho kthdnosi and good wishes of numerous Irieitds. 11c h.i tied the chair of Modern Languages in Furmar University, and of professor of Latin. Jl? stand* high as sn int tractor, and wo doubt If the services of any onocould have been secured to th? South Carolina University more accept able tu the Stato iu tne department assigned him., Robdrt Thomason & Co. A new Arm has been formed for the purpose of ipercbandising, and will open a new store in a building Opposite the establishment of oai friend X. W. Davis, Duncouibe Street; tbey arc in good company. Mr. TitowAson is ?ow in Charleston buying goods. Messrs. Clyde AHovey. We have only time to call attention to their advertisement. We have seen thoui in their store and would advise the city pco[ pie and the country people to give tlum a I call they will not full to please and lomllt. < Aim oat Here. Messrs. Pu'ki.k A Pooim tell us that their good* will be hero eery anon?they arc looking for thoin every day. A man w not a inau until he has a good suit of wulhfiltiug clothes, and those who know these gentleman are well aware of the fart that they can not only fi j one off the best in the world with uice ?-oftt anJ punts but are extremely clever besides. Ilul we do not intond tit imtiripnte them?-they saj their atlrcrliaanietit will appear soon, whicl will lurnisb the details. Ploughs and Farming Implements. Mr. Jt't.itts Smith la doing n larger trtiainesi than ever selling the Watt Plough, introducing a fine newly invented *nh*oi plough, harrow , or horse hoes , new stran cuttir, etc. We are glad to see the farmeti of the country adopting improved ngricul torsi innrumoolt and labor aaviug muoliine ry of all kinds. It is a sigu of progress am improvement. Literary Club. The memhers of the Ctuh will hear it mind Ihnt its monthly meeting will he heh on Friday evening lit Xt, At the house o I'rof P. C. DoJtim. A ftdl meeting is de .sired. Cnpt. W. li. K a it t H is to introduci the ruhject for dt*cneainn. South Carolina University. Wa hud prepared a notice of the Soltll Carolina University for litis week*h P'lilrr pritr, hut, with oilier matter, it has loci crowded out. Cki kbs?Jii.iih C. Smitu Las receive) twenty-four Wall Plows, to order. There will he no services in the Presbytcrl nn Church, ne*l Sabbath. Gov. Pkiiiiy is still improving. . Hog in," it the cry now?as cvery body' hog* aro in. The wentber is quite cool. Call at Si li.i tan's nnd get n heavier coat. Dr. ItnsT preached rn the Colore.! Church | (near the Fills,) Sunday night Inst t The alarm of fite this morning nt aboti six o'clock, was caused by the binning ti | b> nsh near the Colored School House, th flain?-s reflecting on the window glasses. Thuro was almost a flro at Wiluax , II a it it ison'a, on Monday morning Inst, rnusei i by cnrelossness of servant throwing hot aslic I in a box, wliiob _ ignited and burnt the flou and rafters. The hands in the shop near b; promptly extinguished it. ^Thk Alherioarle, tbo GeorgiaHome and tb New York Homo arc perfectly responsible, in > rure at reasonable rates, adjust fairly and pn i promptly. Win. E. Earlc, Agent. ? -+ Desirable Lands Wear the City of Green ville, to be Sold Next Salesday. We would eall attention to the Sheriff" sales of lands to he made next salsa-day The lands of the Estate of Dorcas J. Orfk> lie in two miles of the Court House squari , and near the corporate limits, and beside the Home Place of 204 acres, more or lesi with good improvements, there ere man Iota to he sold ranging from 40 to 87 acre each. This i9 a good opportunity for bai gain a, Nrw York, October 18. Cotton firm, with sales of 2,700 bales, t , 2?i. Gold rlnll. at 30). C?iaiilkstoh, October 18 Cotton active and firmer, with rales of 55 hales?middlings 25); receipts 1.008. AcoravA, October 18 Cotton market retire and firm, with sales < 510 hales?receipts 755?middling 2 i{. A Public Meeting WILT, he held at Oreenvllle Court Hons f! on Srt/rrlny in Nnvrmhrr The Represents I I fir re "T Oieenvillo Connty and nth# , PKOMINKNT SPEAKERS. Will addrei | the citizens at half.past twelve o'clock.The ol-jeot of the Meeting is to correct th 1 many misreprenentalions that have bee J circulated in reference to extravagance an i high taxes. The citizen* generally are in viled to attend. 22-1 ' [The foregoing notice was placed in ou I hands for publication. Would it not In well for our citizens generally to attend thi ! proposed meeting, and fo discuss the sub ject of taxes and State expend it urea, with out party spirit or feeling, but purely will a view to promote the good of all??J-'na, i E.NT?;Rrmsr ] ^ - - J \ l-Ji 5 MJi M|*?ied, at th?..-fosi4tiic? of Jml Jan* ... WoOBk, on tho 11 ltcv . Lnurcnsrille Herald {rteno copy, i i?????? L^roxUtiUwLJHW-M.v-WiUliw, jbfLrJ)Mt. year, fifty thnuannd boxes of Dr. TuTT'8 i. VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS bare been sold, and njlt a tinggtlastnacc Js InyiifO attbrb thoj j have fcilod to give MBsfMlioap if 4m would enjoy life, have a Uric appetite ami robust | haulLb_ una UgH , , -f - ,, - ? Tnr Alharonirle of Virginia n?4 tho ;G angle Kotnj afe rt)tahle Sonthcrn' Hjoinpaufes, L jrart Hie Nrrw Verb lliai it awe >f -ths-Awtj ; No.tUcpi Cooapnuics. Wu?. K. Earta,^^nt...| r The Greenville Literary CltlTb, ' WILL OfMt at the (Female Collage, aa Frl- ' " <Uy* An tag, "Oct'2Mb. WseayUl,'C?pt. W W s Ear*. ?, ?*?.. P >p: B J A lull attendance is roqurstqiL,ju business , of importance wilt be Attended to. J. P. BOYCB, Pni'L I' > O. O. Wbi.i.s. Soct'jr. 'r 'if- .? ? '" rii "'*1?*-i i LIME! LIME!I 1 A OOOTD Quiflity of FltRSIl JKJKK* ' J%. LIME can be bad at .n* Kilf. 14 mil,* West of Lwrcoi C. II., ?t 25 cent per bushel. JOSHUA ELLBDaE. > Oct 20 22' S? MSSS5 I0MH1?. ; MISS SI. WIcKATf1'1 IS prepared to carry on ?11 tbo bfa'netfed Wf PRESS'MAKING. She will nil* CUT ami HASTK in the uio?t Cn.-lik>h?hle ?tvle, re1' i Ceiving her fashion plates from Monnino P?l morcst. She can bo found wt tbo residence ef: i her sister, Miss Mary A. McKay.- .i i-yi, 1 i Oct U 22 , X' i Horco and Baggy ( m FOirt ? ' cffcrl or^fsIe n f O'Uil lloQte^.' , ONECB15STN0T MARK, " ' * ; OXR BUGGY ond SRlT Or It^RNHsk JULIUS 6. SMITH. Odt 20 2J ' r.n ,ft ( i t! 7- ' '-jdSv; f 0RSIBTI0B8. HAVING w>?de ariangisnent* for a stipply of HRW FrRNttURB tif ell1 kinds; 1 will, on nnil ?f'er Mondity next, 2hth instant, l?e pletsed to eliow tli.>ea tiefiring Furniture nny of the following Goods. Anv persons d.eirlne New FtlrnL tare ncii lo he 'ound nt my rtfflee I will order the'teame and s? l them at Charleston I price* with fr.-ii/lit added Wa now on hand following: I Wardrobes, 'Bedstead*, Trundle Beds, 1 [ Hooltera?>Cab? and Wood Seal, t'lmir*? I Wood and Iluir Seated, liurraue, ' W?di Stand*, T'.ilet Talilea, CrU>a. Towel ' Rack*, Sofa*, Divans?HnirKeat*d. d<\, Ac. ? JUl.iUS c. SMITH. ' Oct 20 ,, 2* . , ? . * . . KKW I' ' ** . 1 t Ml r ? ' .* ' >' L > . Imik E9C5# S"*-3 ;; . .. . ": ' iP*. ? ;. p |3j5g|1 fPn e b i CALL AND EXAMINE OUR StOCK. T F you wont to buy GOODS, purchased 0 A low for Gael), qnll at * ?. BEATTIE A co*s. y ? ; A LARGE lot BOOTH on.l RHOFS cheap. Call at H. BKATT1E A CD'S. T}AGGIN(>, ROPE and LEATHER. AT I-> 11 . BEATTIE A COU 'a . COFFEE. SUGARS, teas, cneese, AC , ?t ii BP.attir A GO'S. ' | "VXFE a*le buyer* to examine oor Lara* ! I ftl< ck Dome*tic GOODS, DRESS ^ GOODS and Fancy Article*. H. BKATTIE A CO. y '* 1 PAA yards Good Bleached shirt !> AOvyv/ ING at 20 cent* per yard Call at ' ' H. BEaTTIHA CO'S. " QAA YARDS New York Mill* SHIRT OUU ING at 30 e?m* per yard C"ll It | at II. BEATTIE a co*a A LARGE Slock Men*' Wear, Ready Mad* CLOTH l NO. Alao, New Style* HATS, at )f H. BEATTIE A ClYS. OUR Stock la complete in all line* of 0*K>1)9 suited to thia market,? Call and ace u*. 11 BEATTIE A CO. Oct 20 22 2 16 i- ' r Notice. u rnni? ?a #? - I iju ?r?irr iur mi r<x(m vonri ior *n? - 1 County of Greenville on the first Mom e day in November next, to hear enures on " the Equity end Appeal Dockets, is hereby d revoked. * - . JAMES L. ORR. Circuit Judge. r The above order from His Honor James * L. Orr, is published for the information of ? all concerned. W. A. MoT>AWIFL, C. C. p. A o. R. i C'ark's Office, Greenville, 8. C, Ootober 2<\ I8rt?. i Oct 20 22 2 A -LARGS AND WELLS ELECTED H ?4 ??B? ? ! " *? I. V? ? 0 O 30 S 9 ?s?TWF^XY lfteErT*^ ; ii . i*. \>1 ?.. I . - : . h \\7 E cm ta^ Willi c(inrtd?rcfl thai w? I T Inv? no> RKTTV.ll RAUOAlN'tt la lo tx AMINK ofjR STUCC. ?Md if W? l?il lo |>Mm oKkH WMMln- H ooi* flwlt. W H. HCVBT. W. I8?e. . M-?f I II I / i I ~ JjA HOfc I.OT ' or : 11 . FIRSTRATE ; .jFOK/s'ttE'Wwtfleld's Yard. :? '* APf?UY TO :.} , r Al ISaAACh A QreonviiW, fL C. -m ? h p)Tragaa-;.' mail JEST., f>QIQEMGl VJiX -ft'vWT .{ i FOR SEED, PACKED OR' LOOSE AT MY GIN IN OUE^NVILLE, ft. C. John Westfleld. . Oct 20! '. * 12 " ' * ???.. ,..., . n ? ?r?rr OH^r^UDTOIT j,. ; arcaii^aimijsin E. T. WEST, No. 189 Kiufir "Street, Between Clifford and Queen. mam has mmm H1 Opened tlifl aboTt I I c?|aklia)ini?M tkh a I aetr mxi varied STOCK OF EACH KEqUSfJE The line, snd will in kept constantly sopplicd witii ttie latest style# as they appear in New York. _Q?t 2<1 . 82 .' 2 TO mi??? OP GttEElVVIH.E. ! TTAVINO returned home ?ft?r an nl?. I Li *. nee ot several weeks, dpiing wlueh lime I have visited ?*?V York, Philadel phi#, bttliiinw# and Charleston, * h#ve PURCHASED ootma AFTEli THE " GREAT GOLD aassssssasara, ON VJSJi Y FA VORABLB? WERM9, Ail or which i will distose or At , ' ' v'" VERY REASONABLE PRICES FOR It \vr>nl<l take more space than I hare at my command to enumerate EVERY ARTICLE I HAVE ON IIAND. ( ALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES. I would call special attention to AND SUGARS, Wl.ich I will reH as eltcap for CASH, a? they ran he ordered from Columbia or Charleston. THOMAS STKEN, Wholesale and Retail Merchant. Oet 30 23 i . tf Look Out for the Thief STOLEN, from my stable, 13) miles soath C e""t ?t Orecnrille, on last Hunday nljrht, 17th Mlt., a youn* DAPPLK CLAYBANK IIORSK, with black mane and tail, with a star in me race, one enoe on left fore loot and right hind foot a little white, the mane being rather abort where the collar works, about 3 years old and upwards, and paeea some. I will give a liberal reward for the delivery of the florae and thief to me or lodged in any Jail, and any information of said Horse will be thankfully received. JKflPE C. KILflORR. Oet 20 ' 22 tf Stolen FROM my residence fOtyMMfcr on Thursday night, 7th laat., a greyish dun eol ored IKXI. about a year tSnPBSBHsHEl old, and comes to the eanii of ' Jaolc."* A libera! reward will be paid lor hie recovery. GREEN B. I'OORE. Ool 13 21 2 cbmf^~HOvEt, \ r flElJDLETON JBTREET, fthtJ/t SJASEE vrLbx depOT. TX7lfel lJEG leave to announce, ' Ti that, having recently formed.! a Oopartwerehip under 4lt? -above-. name iiP&CjAVJW PT now mr*, pared, with a LAIttffl AND YAR.1E4-?T:0CK,Jojm?>vli!T,w?t.t? ot our menus ana iuo puouo genorally. I Our Stock consists in pari of ' *ii. , ;i" .>, . .-) - I FAKCT AKi jgl&jh j mi turns READY MADE j , CLOTHING, a i '"nShoesj IBroqeries, , CBOCKERY. BABDWABE. CBTLIRY, c&?o. cfco. And will'1m Found Fresh and ' >1 Complete at all Times. We wilT liW ItnBxMJliUra fur <xoods?Cottbrtj Odrn, Whlpst, Flour, OaXp^Peas, Rya, Rag^&c., end will pay i highest .Market Prices t(>r the same. i ! (Ve intend to be open ond fair idonr dealings with a'l men, and all that we ask fan FATP! TRIAL. ; If parties desire it, wc are pre ppred to fetllP Til FIR COTTON, apd will endeavor to obtain tfio highest market prices for saint, t > By close application, and by tbc strictest integrity and uprightness in all our transactions, we hripe to Commend ourselves to tbo favora ble consideration nt tin* TVnrli?,.? Public. We invito one and all to cfcll and examine our Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Jjjgf" Remember that we arc located in the New Building on the Corner next to Meier8. David <Ss S/radley. _JgF| CLYDJB & HOVEY. . C CLTDK. , W. B 1IOVKT Greenville, S. C., October, 1869. Oct 20 h-.v-.fij tf t A MASS MEETING. TUG citizen* of tiroenvilia County are inTiled to altcnil a Man Meeting, to be held at (lie STORE of STUNHOUSE ft TERRY, Rvery day through the Full and Winter, for tke purpose of discussing the location of th? Air Line Railroad und all tba political qaantlom of the day, and alas to e an win* the large and well-assorted Stock of Fall , , ;Con*i?tTng of ererything netr, rpread ont fo your riew. Wo hare all that yo? wish?from a I.adicq' Hpod to a Salt Fish, Ktcdlti and Pin*?a curt for sore ahina. Lilly White and Viol* Ball*?Liniment for horse galls. Ladies' super... t Lncc Vaila?Poison fjr rata with long tails. Bleacnidj by the ^ard or plcca? thc l>oSt of Axle-Tree Ore ear. Warstad and Silk?Tin Buckets for ini'k. Chcesa and , Ladies' Clonks, that are really no hoax. Manure Forks and Cologne?Fry Pans and WkslltsHi. Caster OR and Caady, fixed up nice and handy. Stuasago Orinders nod fillers ? tv iino ?iiht i'T mo miners. innnpioQ't Water for l|i<- eyes? Kttr.icts fur pies. Raisins u<l Ifut??Hinges Xnd Buls. Jews' Harps | mid Orin.l 8ton<*?Ilccs Wat and Kator Hyocs. Spun truck and Jlair Dye?Double Extract of Lye. Coffee. 80tar and Soeka? ail sorts of Pad Locks. Paiut Rod and Green | ?Salts and Rosino. Sole Leather, Vinegar, and Spina?Essence Letntnon, Turpentine and Rteo. Mustard, Raton and Mails?Spades, Shovels and Vails. Muslin, Juckonet and Lace ? Axes, Coffee Mills and Mace. Fiddles, single and double-lined?Corset* that lace up behind. Salt Hacks and Bad Tick*??all aorta of Yankee Tricks; in fact, all that is good and n ice, at a very low price. We, the said Firm, to tha peopla of Groenrillo greeting, inrite you^il to come to this big meeting. STENHOUSE & TERRY. rcm.nLE:!?r IN EXCIIANOK FOR GOODS, TALLOW. Old Rags, Beeswax, Corn, Wheat and Greenbacks, er anything you can apart, from a pint of geobera to an old gray tsars. 8TEHH0USB * TELRRY. Oet JO ; , ,? ' 4 | HO] FOR THE " fWrtltfSi QMVMy FOR Palatka, Florida, eta Savannah, (Ja.t touching at Femandiua, Jaefcsonvftlb, ?nd ail Landings on the St. John's Hirer, Semi-Weekly Line. Tba elegaat and FiratClasa Steamer DICTATOR, Capt. W. T. Me Nelty, will leave Charleston, 8. C., for above piaoes every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock. The elegant end First-Class Steamer CtTT POINT, Copt. George B. McMillan, Will leave Charleston erery Saturday eight at 8 e'ektek fur abuve place#. Through tiekete to be had at R. K. Offices. No extra charge for Meals and Staterooms. For freight or passage, apply to J. I). ATKRN A Co., Agents, South Atlaatie Wharf, Charleetoa, 8. C. Oat 28 n 3m MISS McKAY WILL OPEN, ON THURSDAY, 7TH INST., FLOWERS. RIBBONS, 40., T)KPflONAI.LY ejected from the New ; 1 York and Baltimore Markets. The J 1 attention of the Ledioe is respectfully aoH) died. Oct ? 20 tf cAMTAfc, assa,ooat '< I J- ?". HOS5!??fiA^L Prr*''1: VD. V. WILLCOX, lee'y. Clontfhnoa t? hrnhh jwi/crt ttrarlty (ij?im,' I lot a or damage byjirt on all kind* of in* tumble property at aritfunft rotet. i ' > v' Apiti can be fbund at erarjr prominent point in tba Southern SuUl, to whom application* for tacuranoa pi; bp mada. Apply to ?f? v ?.,.. - WM* E.*. A (TENT. OiwnTma, S. C., OtJtoW JO, IBM. T2- 4 nm*rr hjtt* W ********* IMVN JXijUUblAimi. - MRS. X. T. JEKiraOS, gtfajnMk pul.liK gancrnllj, that the . J w ? * received and BEAUTIFUL# ANb HAtfDaOMB LOT OF FALL AND WIN'TKR T1 I I. L l .\ r R V , V Which (be fetm at prices lop aftd reasonable* Ladies before purchasing their MAIS, BONNET?, RIBBONS, AC., WonhT fed'Wtfl tdf give her call, '4t Mb old ' stand. ' * * *" Oct 15 21 > tat Bo i.t WOULD RESPECTFULLY INforia the people o( the City sod K|^M County, tbnl bo has just received an , assortment of too ? i mm- ... .OOOB6 Fa- hfcv line, consisting in part *r ' GOLD AN? SOLVER WAYOtHKES. JEWELRY ' OF ALL SORTS. GOLD AN? ?BLV&R ?MAOm. FINE SOLID SILVER MAKE From the best manufactory i? this country, also the largest assortment of ' * SILVER, STEEL AND PLATED 8PEOTAC!LE8. lie will receive, in a few days, a gsed assortment ot fine ' ' ' w t< SILVER-PIATEB WARS, Oct is n t I^-JETW ^ AND I V? ttmtl U ,?j mnmskll a mmiss a A. rntsn ARRIVALS. WR TNVITB THE ATTENTION OP hotb f ity and Country reUeri to the | rullowiaf Nkeii of MERCHANDISE, Which we take pleasure in reeorameuding an GOOD AND KELXABLE. As to Trice and Quality. OUR STOCK OF GOODS lias been replenished with the Latest Styles of Ureas and Dry Goods, Woolens, Hosiery, Qloses, Notions, Cambrics, Muslins, Lawns, Dress Trimmiogs, Hibbous, lints, Roots, Shoes,. , Clothing, Cloaks, dbawls, -fifcsstiigfcflWrtisgp, 4 Sugars, Coffees, i Toss, Confoetienery. Starch, Soaps, and a variety of articles ? Wood, Hardware, Groceries and neeecsarie* for family see and eonsttmptlnn. Oor STOCK is complete, and bought at the Lowest Pigerea for'CASH. Can he sold at a VERY SHORT PROFIT, aad wa make U a point to place onr Goods is the rsach of ALL CLASSES As to Trice, having adiptad tie ALL CASH System as being tba best and safest f?r alf. We cipect !o treat onr enttomers with unlform DoliteneaiAnd ittantion. Will #Ua th?m evviy advantage we can In making their purcbwei. "ur term* am CASH ON DRLIVKUY. An early call will aecnre tba naoat DESIRABLE GOODS. Retp*etrnlly, FOSTEK & HUNTER. Oct 15 31 3 TO THE PUBLIC* YOUR attention 1* nlltd to tin in ot STUDDED BOOTS, Boot* with BlwlHi loi'wd ?f Battaaa e* Eye. let*. The advantage deri??i fro** th? IN of Bind* In* toad of Buttoaa er 8j*M? for Boot* and Shoot, art t Kaoaotay of lime* Fraadam from f(H|tlnf laker In Laelag er Uaiaaiifp Perfect and Durable Fattening*; 0ranter Durability of Boot er Shoe ; Greater Durability of Hho* String* aad taring of money. A child ean lac* the STUDDED BOOT. The Studded Boot* art the molt common-ten** Boot* made. The Patent Studded Boot* SXOSLL ALL OTH3P.0. One trial will pro** that I hey ana tba Bny for yonrtelre* and Children th* I PATENT STUDDED BOOTS AND SHOES mm - . A >-L A - a. *.% M*nur?ct?r?a and ror bam ?j j. c. hicks, lC*in-8tr*a?, flrMBTiH*, 8. C. Oct It H 9 MB liU, IFOWH T?I5!1? pervvian GENUINE AT jixms c. smith's. Oct 13 31 3