University of South Carolina Libraries
.,w. .4"*: ? * Oar Great Mea^ara Rapidly Passing Away. W?w?tl remoapb?# gohtg tfuto tlio Senate Chamber in t|e lurAmcv of 1850, and there seeing tbc disttr(?uishcd men of tno tanflj There was Seward on tho extreme Whig right, to hia left sat -Clay* two scats farther on Berrien.; over there was the Senator froio- Alia, sonri, Benton. Cas3 was thgre, and Jeff. Davis, Sirtn. flot|ito|, ijttsk, l'ierc* BavtorS JJutlcr, lowing,v/iuuieius r>eu .cuangum, W. R. King, Phelps, and Tluntcr. Webster bad just quitted tt?o Senate to takojke poetnjT Secretary of State, and* Crittenden was in retirement. Seward- is dpi* advanced iu years, Hunter dmy survivo for some timo to cotno, J eft". Davis is abroad, where lie will probably die4 Soulo is a lunatic, supposou to have becotno 60 because of the effects produced by the war, while Badger'^ Tpov\xrfiiJ intellect has been icp- rrtrj <joi?ed. TCwmg still lives, tboTigli Wis influence i? gone. The others have left us to render on account of their Etoward ship before the Etei* nal. Among this bright rflnl*w, thero wcro low greater^ intellects than Hell, lie was a man of cdtii Bcrvativo tendencies, of clear understanding and profound thought. Resides, his character was-ppofcless. Xlis peers werq-few, iudeed. And while on this pointy it may be safely said that there is not a man in the Senate houso to-day of ability equal to either of tlio distinguished names wo have mentioned. Fessenden was the brightest light of the present Senate, and he is gone. Uhe Mngnna Apollo is Sumner, who is as unlike the great Senators of twenty years ago, us a peacock is unlike an eagle. Uc makes a 6how of words, a seemingly fine parade ; but there is nothing lofty, grand, or compre<< Iicnsive in Jus iniml or. character. [New Fork AiWs. ? - ? The Air Line Railroad. Intense interest is r manifested along the r oil to of this! road throughout Georgia and Soutli Carolina. In the latter State large meetings have recently been held at dilfcrent points, and heavy subscriptions made to aid in building the road. In onr immediate vicinity but little interest has seemingly been manifested in this enterprise, but our people feel no less deeply its importance^ or ye they less alive to the beiiefit6?^hai are to accrue to the town of Charlotte, by its connection at this point. Wc believe it will bring to our market a good deal of trade from York, and even counties beyond?and in affording advantages and facilities to the tanners along its routo to get their produce to market cheaply,'will stimulate them to increase t ho productions of their farms? improve their land and infuse vitality into all branches of industry. It will be a lino of throng^ travel and freight, the distance fi ord New York to Atlanta- bqing sliortcned to such extent ob to nlkrty, a man to breakfast in Atlanta and dine, with his friends in New York the following day?the distance lje ing 817 miles. At an Average ri'V-V'l VI LJUUVil 11 I I 4 v D <111 I1VI1I 11 can bo accomplished in 4C hours. Placing the average 6peed at 21 miles per hour it can be accomplished in furty hours; or if increased to 25 miles per hour (a schedule it can mm, -if need be, with all ease and perfect security,) the time between Atlanta and ISfew York may be reduced to only Hi hours, or at most only a day and a half. This vast reduction of time jvill carry with it a corresponding* #eduction of cxpcn-cs, both on freight and passage, not on!)* without loss to the'Company*, *b\ltr adding to freights and tn|v$l. ; )' The construction of this line being reduced to a certainty but adds another and more powerful '*apoke to the hub," ami if th&^ajMBster connection isconsummfttcdvnie W. C. & It. It., connected with a road in Tennessee, (which will place us in connection witli Cincinnati, St. Louis .and Chicago*, thus gwirig us the benefit of the grain and pork of the great Northwest,) the great 44 iron circle " will bo complete, the 44 hub " strengthened to ehdure any amount of wejglit~*and preset! re, and Charlotte trill become the centre of an immense and ever ; growing trade, which will make; her the largest and most thriving iiiiand oity iu the South. [Charlotte Observer. '* Blackwood says tUo salutation, " How do yon do"?" really moans "JIow do you thrive?"?the second 44do" being really the obsolete Saxon word dow," meaning ' to thrive. *" p> jv* j r Lifk in a garret may be as noblo as life in a palace, and a great doal, purer. . T W0<!I I I C t Columbia r Advertisements. _ _ HOPSON & SUTPHEN. MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS . A'ID DKALKN8 I* SADDLES, llumoss, Bridles, Bit., Stirrup*, Spur?, anil Whig?. Sole Leather Trunk? and Value p. Leather and Vulcanized Rubber Bellini;, Copper Rivet, and Lnoc leather. Harness anil Sole Leather, Calf SkIus, Machine Xoadlc*, Oil, Ac., Ae, , / . , , Bept 29 19 0 COLUMBIA HOTEL, \ COLV31BIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, rpHE Proprietor* tike pleasure in nnnonnc1 i?g thiselesnutly-furnisbed Establishment nn^ ojwn fbir the accommodation of guoat*. The table will always bo supplied with every delicacy of the stasia?both from the Now York nnj Charleston markets, and no efforts will bo spared to give perfect satisfaction, in every reepoct, to our patrons. FREE LUNCH in tho refectory every day ftotn 11 uutil 12}. ! WM. (lORMitN, I n i H. 11. BADKN'lipP, J Pitofinf-fORs. Hept 29 19 tr N icker son HoiifceHotel, COLUMBIA, S.C. TlUfr undersigned having RENEWED his lease upon tho above Popular House, will endeavor to make it ono of the most agrueablp Hotels in " ' - ' I V , *S * l? 1 the South. A call is gylteitod. Free Omnibns to and from the Hotel. .< ? .? < I" / It.' WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept 8 M < ' A 5' / ' tf NATIONAL HOTEL, itaMMIt PROPRIETOR. , r. HAMILTON JOYNER, CLERK. RATES Of Board per Day 1 .. .$3 00 Hopper, Breakfast and Lodging 2 00 m t. - ? iiicms, ? 1 UU St-p 1 15 If llMBLE CUTflir JIOYNE & SPROWL, COLUMBIA, S. C, CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL WORK In all its l>ranclics, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE, 8 .10 .If MRS. C. E. REED, FASHION ABLE CORSETS, m tii&P & tm W<&(A & J BTtlDAl. 'VA/LSjr T?" HliEHS MAKING IN ALL 1TB BRANCHES. Main Street, Oppoeite SUTrilKN'Sj.Cy'umbl#, S. C. \ Sep 1 15 Sni I. SULZBACIIEH, SIGN OP THR w MAMMOTH WATCIl\ MAIN STREET, , COLUMBIA, S. C., DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER Or WATCHES, . CLOCKS, SILVERWARE/. / ETC. AN ASSORTMENT of Genuine PRUBLR SPEC! ACLES always on hand. Repairing, in all its branches, personally attended to, and the amplest Mtistaetion promised. Gregg's Building, Main Street, Co lumbia, S. C. Sep I 16 8m CUSHINGS & BAILE/ BOOK SELLER! AMD STATIONERS, 262 Ballimnre-st., Haiti more, Md. THK Larye*l and Dmt Assorted Stock in the City, of eciioot, LAW, DENTAL, M KMC At, CLASSICAL and MISCKLLA NEOU8 General Bank and Connting-House Htation?ry of all kind*. Blank Book* made to ord?r, in any atyla, of binding and rnllng. Aug r, 14 6m? , Notice. fl'IIK annual mooting of tbo Board of ComJl mlnslofier* for Oreanrllle County, will bo held on the f'irii Tiif'lny of Nortmber ntsi^ All person* baring demand* against the County, will deposit the same with the andorsignod, on or befons tbo first day of Noremher, 1869... I US A' UUAC8. Clerk. County CfommlsHoticfs tlfflee, Greenrille, Sept. 20tb, 1869. > Sept 22 ' 14 6 TUB ftH - ch"^S4Aa WWc JM ii ! itud wle ??f 8F.CUKItflS Oi Comin'i8?iuii. Informal ion glvm ItKKMtS To *T v Fr.v. K. T. HI J 1ST. s-MsnamiT, 10 MARKET-ST. CHARUSION, S. C. ALL KIM>8 OF " CRACKERS, BISCUIT AND CAKES "JlyT AM l'A("l daily of the brs _iyjL Southern Flour, equal (n qnulity to anj oiper, at reasonable prices. Also, has at bis establlsbmcn{ CANDY-^OTlQaX,, These Candies are constantly rondo to order and at alt tiroes Fresh and Wnrrnnt?d.~feurt ?d to stand the climate. Orders Wttr b< promptly tilled to stiUsfiivtion. ; / ?J Bcpt 29 19 . li.. ? t. . . ?:?i . _i MOSKH GOLDSMITH. AllllAIIAM A. 4QL0*M)TlL MOSES GOLBSMITH &80N, ; ,Vy*. S ??nd 8<VENDIE It AM! K. OHAF.L3DTCN, C. O. WROLkSALK DKAtRRSTN* ' J'1 IRON METALS. AN1> ALL KIND# 09 I PAPER (^nf^. TWO*#' saxassB,, ^ywiaBj, <&?. A Suitablo Stock of Heavy and Light mass, anb nxisr* Fer Tunncrs uses Always on Ilund, and will bo Sold I.ow for XV 4CZ2 ym. Hi Bcpt 29/ ^ L, 1* > S~*V 0^33 2)'2 #2?? #6 isfif, -',-879 KIHO STOSET.l A CH?F.L30T0iT, b. a. OUR ASSORTED CANDY is put up Hi lift and 50 Pound Doses, suitable fol Perfectly Pure and IC/SffoTPSMR ??? mnnuiunnroa ??iciy irom ckusoed^UGAII.3: \ A Discount is made for ell Ordore of 600 paunds Send for Circular. " "*?' T. M. URISTOI.L. _ .. C. T. DVMIAM. A. 8. ftRCWff. T. M. BRISTOU & CO, wijod^^CK D$&I,eh? njr / BOOTS, SHOES, SiC., NO. 145 MF TINB-STm CHARLtSTUN, 8. C, Stock Replenished Weekly by Steamer. I.etc Dunham, Tuft A Co., 14a- Meeting-fiC, Opposite lluvnc Street. s^jsyrucs 3WT v*t PAVILION HOTEL. @ si AS. m trj ?c l*cr l)ny...T^ .$3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. 0tri. II. L HlTri:uriLJ,D, iPrnprhitfeM, . Sept 29 19 tf n. c. stoi.l.. 1' ' * ' ' ' rn AiiLr.? wriin. U. C. WALKER. STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLSSA2d2T> nnY^oom , SB? ??I??&SS(g f3ru.'?a^3p S< UWtf* Ia4O*TRTORE; V xfirce Doors Delow Wentrrorth, 'c.fl<k**SWi8? SnS* TGRns CASH, OR CITY ACCEPJANpE/ ( ) .. Brpt 29 19 12 J>. r. I'LEMiXO. KAM'L A. JfELtOX D. F. -fSmt (k, 13E A3L.E R e BOOTS, SHOES, AND THUNKS No. 2 Hayne-St., oor. Church. CHARLESTON, S. C. Sopt 29 19 13 | JAMES ALLAN, 367 KTNO STREET, C2XARLSOTC2T, 0. C., DEALER IN WA TOnKS, CLOCKS, JE WELRY, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE SPECTACLES, AC. j Watchea M?t to any part of tbo counter. f ' silverWAtdtifin r*ty\ I FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND UPWARD. OENTS , I '/ tiolJ Hunting Watefcnx from $06 and Upwafd LADIES flold Hunting Watcher from $66 and Dpward AMERICAN WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Sept 29 19 26 T II g B 81 E ft"a2^Ulcn.| Ml ccling Street. i \ '.W^TCHK^VP^VVKLRY AilD SILVER W ARE, - 255 KING STREET, , l-fj* *% . r...l ?ilH Sfpl 29 19 IS vn - y > <if?,-,-fc, Ui|; K. ?. rromjir.i). "* a rRo.NKDKccsn. ! 1. B. STODDARD & GO., .E DEALERS IN ,?'''?J^ijyraD?y ii l .T 11 '* < /1/. jiilD 3* IE*.' B Tram <WANtfFA(tfirfe?Ri?>RfcE?rn 7 r ': s&sssa&si IUWUU. ?. * ?ftt7 "'-'I - T\) " ? rA IS EDMONDS T, BROWN, , TOMEE j) E MR l. Mil 1ntfms ^iim jiaivMI" iM VlH CAPS STl^AW GOSfrSf AUO. ^ LAOIES1, MISSES1 AND CHILDREN'S HATS, 1 lit) IfFi Opposite Charleston llole). Sef.l 28 , 19 2ft CG. N.AVERILt &SUN, ^ I jC&SRk.?1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' j AND f. I Dealer* In Corn, Oats and Flour, . 68, COR NKIi K A .S T V A Y A NJ) KORTU ATLANTIC WHARF, CII All LESTOX, S. C. ' *W J &**&* 'j? T/P. STOVALL, a CO.. Augusta. ID. AM, SMITH A CO , AvIauMi. . . OLA SHORN. HRRK1NO A CO., AilsnU. ' MARSHALL k ItC Ji<; K. Charleston. , ???. W. WILLIAMS A CO.. Charleston. Sent 28 19 12 r-e-H-T83a SMT THE POCKET CORN SHELLER. A J qt Lliti Siaia , tliu pot?iWrV#\ri%itw Jr^pfarien*, V4 "fftr 4 County Right* ana Shelter* At Grant Bargain*. C. N. AVRK1LL A SON, '>4MOJ* W'*a*'V 'ifipf'1 liylljliMBsktoAND i&swAsih iDOA&auBS aw SaJdlrry, Saddlerj Hardware, Carriage Ha terial*. Leather, dee. 15?, OppAtiU 0AafU4jftrM>" CHARLESTON, S. C. J 8ept 29 ?, l? ?d: aT 12 . h. iftnuorr. o. wntaimw. $. a. ritm. HENRY B1SHC0FF k C0.,| 1 OB.OCESUS, AND DEALERS IN ' WINES, LIQUORS, 0IYI * 7> Of OZiCTAilO, TOBACCO, tfeC. 1?7 EA8T BAY.- f , CHARLESTON, H. C.' Bnpt 29 10 *4 i,iii i- - - . .. . - f ? L ? ,. ..,A *.. . , i i, i ; / V ' c. CJ,A0IIT?. t T-* a/CLACIUS A WITTE, 1 WRTHEAST CORNER Of FRASER'SjpARff 0!C Ct'STOM IlOUSB PU|hH(3|,-'A (I KAK f.KHTO N", H. (1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And WhWWnle Dealori In I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC., AC Bept 29 19 2# * I' h t 8? i hi Charleston > ''*' ; ' Advertisements. a. b. mum, XOtftoor 'A.f* jy&WTVve mil ..???? r,w ..... CIlllSUU. MtHEHWT, HccohihioSalioij dU^qlrf, CI^AKllKSTON, s. C. HAVING am|>]? moans for conducting my I Sin at all'(hue* pre pared to make )il>oinl a0vainer on Cotloo, July 28 10 ]y <^iii^iaa.iSRa<iP?ssrB0t,(9o9 Manufacturer of ( v ( _ # ^ ^OORS, SAS&feS, IJLINRS. JlX factory iatlie Botulism States and Seeping always on tiand a l?rg? and most | rt>n?tf*ir -*tt>c1r of DOORS, SASHES, aLnTDS.^SaSli Doors, 8toY? Doora'Slnttlera, tiMings, iS?,^to*4 a|fv<n|bK'(l't# ??ll low tfnd ft rnonuiaeturer/prices. I N It ?Si riot attention paid to sh'pping 1 pft&aooa .o .3 L COTTON niiS.,,, TJEA if?3 rA'rfcltr tcfOK, TtER, I u4?uP IT1 pfastd ky ?nyi 'f4 ict mlinafrtotdri'il^ of neatTicn, strengln uiid duraTifnty, tuTi Tio lias no equal. Having sold thc.n for the liut tliroe years* pp. feel that wc can cordially rev lailtlinOJItt tbtl* tU nil ria?l?r? m it>? ?''UU t|?cy wrant. For snlc by .><??*? ^ WU^IASS&jCQi, CI ructorr, .1 ml .1 T -CifcrtMM. 8. C. Aug IS 1.1 Sin CHARLESTON HOTEL CHAItLfSTON, s. a E. H. JACKSON, Propr etor. 1 ai?&{^W^Sijsa.) .1 W. S MILLER tf nimrs hmtic bitters. ! . TH?T OURS DYSPEPSIA, j { j i . in all wium or ?u? ,j, ?.. STOMACH AND LIVER. HEGEMAN Me CO., A.QXNTM, JfXW TOM Ml. < { Manufactured by C. F. PANKNIH, CEXMIS7 AMD ATCTHKA&7, OHARLB8TON, S.O. I^Pkr Balm by JhrtygiMm Awy?rA?r<.'tf Feb 34 4u Jy t ' I - - STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Conrt of Probate. CHARLES' TRRUY, Adminittrnlor, re. i\ ILL/.I.V / OKI J, rt a! .?/'till iuH for a final Settlement, Relief, Ac. IT Appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that the h<-ir* of Rachel" Ford, doeessed, whose names are unknown, tb# heirs uLJoJmi McKlioy, wIumamsms are utiknosfo,-TiaVtd MeElfoy, Wmcm^fo MoKirov en.l Mary Hell on end her hushsnd, Clarlc He ton, Deft-ndante in this care, reside without the limits of this Stale j It is ordered that they do sppesr in person, or by Attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holden for Greenville County, at Greenville Court House, oh the 41k 4by of Noormkor timet, A. I). 1889, U skew eause, If any they can, why a Final Settlement of the Kstats of JAMK-t AbELROY, deceased, should not Im had, relief granted the Administrator as prayed for, and a Decree given thereon, or their consent, in foiling to attend, will he entered of record! Given coder my hand, at Greenville Conrt Hawse, this 22d day of September. A. Ir. 1889. S. J. DOUTHIT. Probata Judge. ' j Bef?t '29 > 19 ' 6 Tho State of South Carolina. UUKK.N VILLK COUNTY, la the Commom Pleae?Eqnity Side. UNDRR the Decretal Order made in the above eaae, the Creditor! of the Betate of Mr*. MARTHA LOVBT.AND, ere repaired to eetaMUh the rank and amftant ef their claim* affaioat eatd Batata, before the Clerk, within ni'ae mmM* Horn thi* date. W. A. MrDANIKL, C.!C. Clerk'a Offlee, September 28 tb, 1869. """ "ftn.lntt - If ' lis mm' dome *1 TMrr CfHCf. * I, Equality Lift ^lurance Company, I m\ T si11 il.V^OMS ^liy every o?e should Insure la JtV ",0 Ktualiiy l>lf? Insurance Company, uPvirglnla : 1 at. It it in or* Literal to tbo Insurers thafi any other company, anrf wilt eventually become Purely Mutual and belegg to tba insurers. 2d. It circulates lit money amongst its patrow, tsbqmrptb* tqsqrer* C<toscf?ontly tBoy aire cChtlhuinl^"g4ttihK the betR-fit of the rapid accumulation of tho Company, tko inoaey being invested by tho Board of Directors amongst the insurer*. /. %IT Br 3d. U?iS%on^patoy 'are us liberal as other companies wbe declare dividsnds at tho end df tho second, third and fourth {years, but this Company at tbc end of tho first and every yearDAVID B. CLAP. K, President. TIIOS. II. WYNNE, Ylco.President. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. Gen. JAMES II. I<ANB, Actuary, I Dr. F. 11. W ATKINS, I .... .... Dr. C. If. W. DAVIS, j MoJlcal Advisers. Judge J011N A. MEREDITH, Counsellor. nmmrost, r , J. B. Wivstou, Treasurer and Secretary R. 1*. It. R 1 W*. J. Jurnmon, of Johnson A Hurt, WbotesU^jGrocVrs; W*. A. Hwdns, <|f W i n|t?il A I'ewers, Whole sate GtPCcrs; Atibkut Ordwat, Treasurer Buckingham State Company; J. V; Gibson, Superintendent Adams' Express Crmpany ; Charlks Y. Morris; Motrin. A Oo.'a Gugnr Refinery; O. A. Prstt, Supsriutondsnt Manchester Cotton Mills ; John II. Tyusr, John II. A John Tyler, Jeweler*; Moses Mii.liiiser, Wholesale Dry Goods; Thomas S.'in, Clothier; John M. Goopin, Casbior Planter's Bank; J. It. Dovvrli., Superintendent Western Union .Telograpb Company; Aux. G. 1<<>bkntson, CaiAe Broker (Ittoiins f. IfrnniNrt," Wholesale Grocer ; It.'it. llntvr, of Brown, Jones A Co., Wholesale Grocers ; A. Goprrrr, Ilrux My.KMKtMlt.or Uowoi.iuui, i?. v o.-Qd- > r Fquality Life Insurance Company. jMrKriiWaiil' /^itmpklrt* he/or* you fiMMV, i'( II (o your intern! to tlv to. Agent* Iranted crcrytkcr*. ' i BCifJ. Q. UK RIOT, fi?n. Travelling Agent, Charleston, 8. C. Sept 22 \ IS If THE NEW YORK LIFE mmii COMPANY. ASSETS, 812,000,000. NO COMPANY In the United States can claim superior ad vantages to this old and well-established luaiiLution, which lina been doing business with the greatest suo ceea for about twenty-five years. It is tlrielly mutual, and never had stockholder.' to appropriate a portion of its earnings.? It is under Irpat miptrtit'ton, a protection to policy holders, which is afforded nowhere ilitit in New York and Mmunch use Its. It nmnauere caonpt speculate with the futida of tlie Company, hut are obliged to invo?l as the laws ol New York requite trustees to invest tuut estates. The official reports, lor*, vcrnl years past, show thst this Coin pafiy nn* heen 1>eit^r managed thhn any other doing business in New Yolk. An investment in lids Company ia as safe as itiytfiiog earthly can be. It offers security and "cheapness, and has advantages over any other Company in the United Slates. Reference may he made to the following gentlemen: Oov. H. F. Perry, Col. O. F Towne?, Thoa M Co*. Thomas Stoen, II. Rontlie 4t (Jo. Wni. T. tthuuiate, Jaw P. Moore mid I* Williams. For further infoimstion, apply to the nn dersi^ncd. agent for Greenville, or to J AS. It. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Oreenvllls Court House. W. U. CAMPBELL. Sept tl 18 tf WATCHES, CLOCKS, I J< Well Y. Peiiicotic Ertcltclr* Is WILL order an extra article il j 3Ml^0T *"7 Pcr?on* Special attenit* jjStlon will be given to REPAIRjpii I ^lP>'T"ll fine Walctie* of every dee eriptiou. < licit references given. JAMES 0. BLACK. Jane 30 ft if E. P. JONES, AMI1 and solicitor in equity. WILL ra.UTWE IN ALL COURTS OF THIS STATE, a Leo, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenville C. H., 8. C. Jtiljr 7 7 1 j" STOIES, STOVES, STOVES. TIIE STONEWALL COOKlNO 9 n^?5lTh# moet durable one now in uee. Call and examine it, and ere different eisea, from N<a 6 to Na 0. Manufaelurere of plain an# ' W*' ' * jmNWRD Tllf WAR?. All kind, of Tin and Sheet Iron work done on Ibe inoet reaeonable term*. < , I A J. boss A CO., At the WestftelJ O)J Stand. jgjta, 10 j " U^fe-Xilc jktweeBj%eenvillc aad TUB aubeeriber r? >d^rty?P?c>fully inform* the KHw^BlJr-DublU that b? continue* eaBS3B9BDIu> keep the LIVERY HTABLIJ at tba old atand in rear of the Palmetto How, Spartanburg. Ha l?kes thia ocenaion to return hie thank* to tho*a who have jO libeially supported him, aad aaeurta fliVfn of hi* beet attention. In addition to tba above, he ha* recently bought an interest In tha Livery Stable la nreonviile known aa the Prinew dt flreer old ?und, more recently kept by lfr. iamee F. ThaokeCAtt. Ilia Haeka leave 8rartea bnrg en'Mood*y% Wednesday* and Friday*, I with the mall; and leave (IreeoVllle oo Tuesday*, Thuredet* aad lei or day*. u J P PEACE. July 7 * 7 tf . ! L ' DAVID & STRADLEY, F8IT&I89S m COMfGSSllI '' MERCHANTS, ahd GKOCEItrE8^& PROVISTOfiS, Pendleton-8t. Near Depot* GREENVILLE, S; June a a if " -? G. E. EL FORD, job printer* GREEN VlLLE, 8 C. Office in Old Conrt Housdy Up Stairs. MMfflATE'S Mm A??/AY? m BAH? FOR SALE. mmim IN COLORS OR BRONZES. [ORDINARY PRINTING, I EXECUTED 'promptly, o??iixiir. July 21 0 If w. K. o. a. wr.Li.8. EASLEY & WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, 0 - .^KgMVILLE, S. 0., rn.ivuux in me Court* of the Stato ami of the tTnlfcd States, *n<l give especial! attention to caice in Bankruptcy. June 13 3 UA8 JUST RECEIVED a flue AwortRMliC of CLOG KL S T WHICH HE WILL DISPOSE OF CHEAP FOK CASH. lie t* ala.-> pr.paiad to furnieh ail the LATEST STYLES OF HAIR JEWELRY, a Pattern Book of which can be aeen at hie Store. 2-tf June 2 W. H. CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH ANO MACHINIST. CORN SHELTERS, Cotton Oln?, Lockay Kcrotcne Oil Lamp*. Sewing Machine* and Parasol* REPAIRED with promptneea. Charge* reasonable. Corn 8hcUcrs, from ten to twelre dollar*. I nai also prepared to furnUh Stench Plate*, for marking clothing. jfttT" Stand ? At Wastfleld'a old (hop, June 23 i tf TV 1L ALLEN, GREENVILLE, S. CM C1 F.NKRAL Auolloneer a?A r VJT Merchant, can be found at the Store of T. H. ALLEN A CO., late Ilighlourer <fc Co. All buiineM entruated to him, will receive strict attention. He will also attend Sales in the Country when applied to. Terms Low. Also, at the SUre, ean he found a goo<1 assortment of Goods of all kinds. Aug 4 11 12* LAW NOTICE. A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND MAGISTRATE, OFFICE OYER SULLIVANN STORE, 0. ?. Feb 10 SO tf SAMUEL BLACK, BABBE1L WOULD rtspssthilj inform the pnblio that he has Removed to n room in the OLD COURT HOUSE, where he will be prepared to reeeive customers aa bantu fore. Being a J*ro/euumel Barber, be hopes, by aUentioo to bueiaeeaa, together with politeness to all. to merit a portion ei public patronage, in CUTTING, BilAVlKG AND SHAMPOOING. I iaa so >? tc ??w flVU0?~VDMf| ax UBOO, GF. TOWNBS ha* removed kia Uff , Offlee to Uis ballding north-east corner of tbe Publlo gqaers, la part Mwpta) by Jnllss C. Pmlth, Auctioneer, ui tba Knter. prise Printing OBce, ap Hairs. Jaa I U ft T^wmVrwce; attorhey at law, 3AHL0NE6A, QA? Will pmmin m a? cmhim or Lamp, kin. Dmwtam, XBatr, Faania, Union, >(, j Stccial NvTtoa?To partis* la wis* of Doors, asho* and minds. ?s tmhur to the adVetUsat'at ?ff. P. Tdale. the large man ufaoturer of those goods in OhaslsaSua'?. Pi ice list furnished on appHoetioo. tt-tf