University of South Carolina Libraries
TTAS rec?W?d i ntv anA liaiatlW H ATI M>rtm?nl of PALL (SiiWnirrKR lUhLINKRV, ?l?o baaatifaf oltlDAL BON NBT*. DKBS9 MAKING in all ft* branchml? Drtam cut and \?Ud at tha alior'wt notice; ataa^lpitkyneqttu end I'm It tot a with ChildremMflLtfiing. Got 13 1 . .... Stolen . . FROM my reeldenee Tbnreddy night, 7th Inet, freylah dun eol ygrjXjV ored DOO. a boat rjMi C9e3BB(9R8s99 ?M. end toinn to the Mint of - Jack. * A llbareS reward will be paid for hii reoovery. ORREN B, POORR. Oat 18 tl * lmm AND > AFTER the Drat of November, \jjAflt it propoeed to hroitli these 0T*&l?r STERB, either in the Shell or Opened, In quantltiee to auit purcbesere, end at the loweat market prices. The Mill Pond Oyster anppl'.ed will be the celebrated GULL A ISLAHD OYSTERS From the Luces Mill Pond, at Cbarleaton, which, for favor and plumpness, la well known to be nnaurpaaaed. Terms CAHIf. Ordora solicited from all parte of the Cenotry. Address, TAOMA8 McCRADY, Ajrent, P. 0. Rdk No. 830, Charleaten, 8. C. llffrrmc**?James Adger A Co., lion. J. B. Campbell, Dr. 8t. J. Ravenel, David Jennings, McCrady A Son, Vf. fl. Dingle, John 8. Ryan. ?et IS, M 4 '-i * .'Hotico. 18 hereby given to all whom it may eoncarn> that we wilt apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate Judge of Ureepvllle County, on Die JAib day of Martalier beat, for a Ann! discharge as A<lmil?iUl?al*i? wvm! irlmthialeeina a# ik- 15 tato of TfMOtllY n. KKELKR. NANCY M. HEELER. Ad'trix. Iff W. KEKLElT Ad'or. October 13th, 180V. Oct 13 31 4 Extra Court. THE following axtraH from an Ordor autdo by 0?r, at *ha September Term of >ho Courtis published tor the information of all parties interested : ? It is ordered that an EXTRA TERM OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLRA8, sitting in Equity, be held for Greenville County, oh the firet Monday in November next, to dispose of the unfinished business in E<pRty and Appeals." W. A. McDANIEL, C. C P. A O. 8. Clerk's office, October Utb, 18110. Oct 13 ' 31 3 NHW AND ? FRESH ARRIVALS. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OF both City and Country readers to the following lines of MERCHANDISE, Which we take ploasure in recommending as OOCD AND F3LXABL.3, AS to Prioe and Quality. OUR STOCK OF GOODS line been replenished with the Latest Styles of Dress and Dry Goods, Woolens, Hwicrl, ( Gloves, Notions, Csmhries, Muslins, LawRS, Dress Trimmings, Ribbows, Hats, ltoots, Shoes, Clothiog, Cloaks, Shawls, Sheetings, Shirtings, Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Confectionery, Starch, Soaps, and a variety of nrtlelos in Wood. Hardware, Urocories and necessaries for family use and consumption. Our STOCK is complete, snd bought at the Lowest Figures for CASH. Can be sold et e VERY SHOUT PROFIT, and we make it a point to place our Goods in the reach of AIL CLASSES As to Prioe, baring adopted the ALT' CASH System V* being the best and safest for all. We expect to treat our customers with uniform politeness and attention. Will give then every advantage we can in making tbeir purchases. Oar terms are CASH ON DELIVERY. An early rail will secure the most DESIRABLE 000IKS. Respectfully, FOSTER St HUNTER. Oct 13 31 X The Test edition r TBS Attractive, fnetraetire, Anthfttie, and Complete?A Wark that tan ht Head and Examined milk repeated Pteaeure and Profit. THE NEW PICTORIAL FAMILY BIBLE, Containing the Old and New Testaments According to the Standard Edition? , Embellished with over 0X? TUOUSAXn ILLUSTRA TIQSS. ''FflE ric'origl Family Eibln I ofler to ?b? X puMie abounds In large, handsome, and authentic illustrations. They are of themselves a comprehensive review of the Scripturee, representing many of the most interesting Views. Characters, Symbols, Historical Events, Landscape Scenes, Antiqui tie., Costumes, B a?t?, Birds, Insects, Plants, Minerals, Coins, Medals, Inscriptions nod Incident# refetf ed to is the differ at. books of the Old and New Testaments, and contain a vast hand of informal ten in regard to the Manners sad Customs of the people of the bihlleal epoch. Thin work is published under Ike concie lion in** no in"n more mny tomiii or or ??n? for thorough illustration than thr ISiblt. A mors oorroot knowledge of Ha hmim and incidents, derived from a careful study of history and localities, can be thereby imparted?and what more thoroughly Intereete either the youthful or mature miod than wall executed gad truthful illustration*? They attract the eye, cor rcot erroodona !mpr?-?eio??, give rise to new thongliU aad additional Interest, and educate more permanently. Like aa all Nature eomea to ua through the ayt. and la naarei to ne, to good Bible illustrations will |?o part truer eoneeptioaa and inatil deeper re ligioua feelings. . J, M HUMIOIV, r Agent, Grtanville, South Carolina.' Oat MO S* WHEAT CROP. JULIUS 0. SMITH. Oct 6 2t> 9 M ^ T 8B 25-HORSE TOWER cvmtmmiioiiehs, CHEAP* Enquire qf Ml fc SttftKlttfts On is tl 4 MISS McKAT~ WILL OPEN, ON THURSDAY, 7TH INST., mTDsyjwff-B, JOAWS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, <*CV PERSONALLY elee'ed from lh? New York and Daliimor* Markets. The a I ten) ion of liie Lad las is respectfully nolioiled. Ocl ? SO If WARTHENSTORE, 20 MILES SOUTH OF SREEMSllE. 'f^HE Suhwrlher la now receiving, and JL will conlinne to resales regularly ?? ery week, lila & &K3& TB7&33R32R STOCK OF la ? 0 ID S From New Yoik, Baltimore and Charier ton. My line oi Good* will comprise Eve>y Article in the regular Line of Trade, suited to the Times, and Special wants of - Customers. I announce myself in PULL BLAST of competition igainit every railroad and country town within thirty tniWs of my Store, and MOST POSITIVELY ASSERT, th 4 I will aril Good* lower than they enn b i had at anv of there point*, (or the rea on that I ('AN AFFORD to <! > it, not har? ing rents to pay, town taxes to pay, and many other expense* to Incur incidental to i own*, I WILL BUY COTTON In any quantity, and ALL OTHER PRO* DUCE, JAHIE8 m. IUILIYAR, Wartlien, October 61 b, 186?. SO-4 oxm GOODS FOR FA Lid TRADE ARB now ready for distribution. The Stock of Goods AT RETAIL ia the Front Store is replete and fall, and of ersty conceivable style and pries. uur anawi ana uioau Department Presents some rare attractions ia prices and designs. Oar Dress Goods Department, As usual, exhibits all tbe handsome novelties. Oar Hosiery and Underwear Department Supplies sll tbe articles of comfort and protection for winter use. Oar Hotloa sad Haberdashery Depart* meat Will, ae heretofore, reoeire oar heat atteaton, and every novelty, useful or ornsaeentsl, can be bad from it. Oar Carpet Department Tbis season exeels everything of tbe kind ever exhibited in Columbia before, comprising everything known to tbe trmde in the way of Floor Carpeting*. OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Is a specialty, wherein we elaim to giya all th* advantage* that ean be offered. Tbe Goods for the Department ara oa band? bought right, and sold with as little expense as they can be handled anywhere. We solicit a sail from every one wanting Goods. W* positively guarantee our bills certainty as cheap?often cheaper?the* ean be had olsewbore. R. C. SHIVER. Columbia, S. C. v Oct t 2S 12 GAJNES&, REAKDEJV, ARE trofr RECEIVING A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FAIajL AND WINTER ???W&. Their good#* have been c a sgMly MnMI bj OB* of Ik* Rrn, who ha? i??% r*t?ro*d Cr*m New Toifc. Oor OOOm how b*?? boogkt * : ma ** "33 A- 3^* 9 and will be sold as ^ jmdu J9L. A? HJ in thi* Mark*. Cat1 and csamUi* bar Stoak. w* will Ukt gr??t pleo*or? In aliowlnf Mr To any who may gWa ns a call. HOME AND SEE. 6*pt 20 1? If I :i S 181 I Augusta Advertisements. OHOIOB r AMILV [ GROCERIES\ LARGE mmum OPENING AT JAMES G. BAILIE A BBS'S, ATJOTTS*A, OA. Oct M IS carpets, rugs, T57&33?&W ?35LL25SS, OIL CLOTHS, wall paper and borders. LARGE HEW STOCK OPENING AT Jsmei G. Baltic Sc Brc't. NEW GOODS (DIHHBAJPIE1& OTAH BVBB. AUGUSTA, GA. Oct * jo It TO. ROGERS,~ DEALER IN v iFUPMinn?! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, 143 and 145 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. BUREAU8 WASII8TANDS, SOFAS, TKTB-A-TETK8, CHAIRS, KOCKINU CHAIRS, WHATNOTS, COTTAGE SETS WITH AND WITHOUT BZXA&JBIfeai (DIPS. Oct 0 20 12 T. HABKWALTER'8 MAP.BLa WORZO, Broad-et., Anfmta, da, MARBLE MONUMENTS, ?spinas, ^a?. M\HKLK MANTL B, AND FURNITURE, MARBLE OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, OR FUftfrTSHED TO ORDfeR. AH work for the Coon try carefully I hoced-ftw ctilpmenrt t * Oci ft 20 J ly - 9utic oi 9oain uaroiiM. GREENVILLE COUNTY. . AariTiMi. BY *irto? of *n Order from R. J. DonUiit, rrohate Judge, I will upott for sale at puhhr outcry brlort the Court Hmm door, tm 8?M?y In Itotfabw mi, lh? following House sad Lot, vis:. All that parcel or lot of Land situate. lying and being in Ibe City of Greenville, oa Halo Street, bouhded on the north by a lot be longing to 0. B. Irvine, and on the nonth by a lot belonging to the Estate of Vardry Me Bar, deeaaaad. Oo aald Lot la a House sad other buildings Sold as the property of FRANCIS BURTY. deceased, for the payment of the debts and for partition among Ilia heire of eaid deeeaaed. TERMS?Cash. Purebaaera to pay for Titles and Stamps A. a VICKER8, S. G. 0. Oct # SO '4 TUTT8 VEGETABLE ilmraie Curea diseases of tha Li ear sad Stomach. TUITS EXPECTORANT A pleaaant aera for Coeghe, Cold*. Ac. TUTT'8 8ARSAPARILLA AND QUEEN'S DELIGHT tha great Alterative and Blood Pur??er. TUTT8 IMPROVED HAIR DYE, Warranted the beet dya la nee. These standard preparations are for sale by Druggist a very where. Oct t-ly. Notice IS hereby gives to all when it may ceoaera. that J will ipplv lo S. J. Doutkii. Probata Judge of Greenville County, on the 4th day of November next, for a final dieeharge aa AdmlaUlraU?r of the Rotate I ELI AS CHAPMAN, d-eeaeed. JAMBS UKKCE. Admin let ra tar. Out 41b. 1849. 90-4 Notice P hereby fivee to all whom it may eon era, that we will apply to 8. J. Dontblt, Probate Jedge for Greenville Coaaty, aa the Id day of November next, for final dieeharge aa Admiaietrator aad AdminieUatrla of the Bttate of KBUBIN BOWDEN. deooaaed. R L BOWDKN. Ad'or. NANCY BOWDEN. Ad'x. Oat let. 1044. 10-4 Aneiaor'i Notion Til ORE pereotM who do not make their JtfTUKN BY TUR l&TH INSTANT, will have fifty per eent. added la their laat yMr't retara. . . y U. i - . - t T' ?- ARTHUR, 0 r .! DMrlat Anew nr. Oei ? to t IB?? 8IT &S, i jrow tit A WLL ARB N! WELL SELECTED IH HEW YORK, HALTI T8E LARGEST AND BE 1YHL ?OBGSS OONSISTU Dry Good*, Notions, Fancy A Clothing, Boots, Shoes, SUGAR, COFFEE, TE CROCKERY, BAGGING, T LEAD, SHOT, B INDIGO, K ADDER, I WITH A GENERAL VARIETY iufortn my friends, will be SOL Oorn and Prodtfee Generally. Give selves, at the sravr Btnrooicsa t 0*S X RBBP IT BBfOHJ lr.' ?? BOiWO AT TIB Blfi 9 Broad-Street. IS THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP, PURE aui h . Brandiet, Whisky?, Knmi, lfr?, Bittc IN CONNECTION WITI LARGE RECTIFYING SSTABLIfl The only establishment or that vkm they atkt Nothing bat Pari aad Ua Importers of Foreign ] To which they would call tba attention of tha who will faror them with their patronage, that I South. % UW HEWITTS GLOBE HOTEL THREE DOLL AI ONE OF THE BE8T HOI ' Oct SO " MASS r * BAR IRON PLOW STEEL NAILS METALS GUNS A KTD C3rJE2 HARD WARE WHOLESALE STORE NC Retail Store Corner Kinj CHARLES! September M Tho State of South Carolina. GRREN VILLK COUNTY. i Xa tit OMrt of Prate*. NELSON AUSTIN and WILLIAM A. AUSTIN t? HARRISON AUSTIN. et *1. ?Ptitiou for Pmrtition of Rfol EMmU. IT tpp*?ri?|[ to tho MIMHiion ef th? Court that Harrison Austin, Larkia Austin, Anderson Austin, tka h. Ire of SARAH NATION, dees seed, ?h?M name* are unknown, B Ran both Browa and kar tea. band, Brows, ate Willy Lyon, Dofeadaaia in this aaaa, reside without the j limits of thi* State: 11 ie ordered that they '( an*w*r, plead or domar W> the Petitioa with ] la forty day*, or the eaaao will be takoa , pro eoafoeao agaiaet them. O. #. UUUINIT, | ProbsU Jodga. Oat lot,1??. #0-? ( Notice T8 kmbj kHw to *11 vbt* It ?ay oonooro, I lb at I will Apply to a. J. JD'iothlt, Pro** to Jltp, of O MM* tit* County, m l*? ir4 rfay o/ iHoMiWr ??', for i ImI tiwbim u Eiaoutor of tto Krtole of DANIEL WOOD, dec**aod. SAMUEL U. SMITH, K?'r. Soptowtor nth, ISA#. 1*4 For Ills, a THE RESIDENCE OF Col. W. & THOMPSON, HPTFff For forttor InbnMtion, ooo Dr. WAPDY THOMPSON. TraaUo. F?pt 9# 4 is ' ? e glp?lll tsjuir GROCERIES, i 7 In KB. * rivijyg, 1HYY STMK, I MORS AND CflARLfeSTON MARK8T6. b ST MECTED STOCKi y ssroji. SO OF i rticloe, Gents1 and Ladies1 DSf x Gents* and Ladies* ? P S, . AS, HARDWARE, IES, ROPE, POWDER, LUE STONE, i SPICE, CANDLES, STOCK. WHICH I BEG TO . D LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, J me a oall and examine for your1TMST BVORS. o T. W. DAVIS. > tf 1 ! THB PBOPI K, " THF Map 10IV NO. 989 w ? # C - w Augusta, Georgia, ? AND UNBDULTERATBD LIQUORS, AS Gins, WiBCt. Aies. Per- 0 !It, ScC. I THIS HOUSE IS A 1 Q AND REFINING r 3 JEX. JBk/L EKTT. ' KIND, IN THE' SOUTHERN STATES adulterated Liquor*. Thay tit tin C Liquors and Segars, I trad*. Th?y defy competition, alia ring *n hey will Mil cheaper than any houae in the I ,W k II. C TTA T>TT T>TPT\ JT/1 IT-r* ms\ . ? ^4i>X/ 1/ t/XX/ it/ 11 ?S PER DA Y. rEL8 IN THE SOUTH. I m co. ' MILL ROCKS' BOLTING CLOTII CIRCULAR SAWS . ? z . noES PLOWS ** jijtiik, MER CHJiJYTS, >. 39 HAYNE STREET. % and Market Streets. TON, S. C. '? , IN U Ibe Court of 1be blnited Sltfef folr lb? Strict of 5o?:b Cq^oiin^Er pario Wm. T. Sktrmate and A. Bit/the, A?ipnee* in re. John W Grady, Bank rapt?Petition to Sell Beat hUate ?* * cumbered? Call in Lion Creditor*, etc N?JTICE m hereby given to *11 Creditor* holding Lien* against th* L*t*t? ot IOUV W. GRADY, that th?y are required lo establish tbe name before W. J. Clawaoa, Esq, ReglKer at Yorkville, A. 0, wilhla lorty day* from lhe date hereof, or be bar red from all beaedla of th* deer** for dia Lrihatioa to be made In this caae. By order of Boa. Geo. 8. Bryan, Jodge ?f aaid Court. . W. T. SHUMATE, A. BLYTHK, Assignee*. Greenville, 8. C., 8ept. 15th, 1555. Sept 15 17 5 THE GEORGIA PAPER MILL* CARRQLL CO., OA., Rill Old v L^9TVi l/nWr Ollfllwa for Wrapping, Manilla and Print Paper. Mew Mill, Par* Water, Live Me*. Prieaa lev. T*tnta eaeb. All itedrie* promptly aafVerdd, Add re**, M. P KKLLOOO, Pre*. C*.,? College Temple," Ifevnan, 6?. Oct 5 30 1* 1 ~ CLER1CS_ SALE7 STATE Or SOUTH CAROLINA. OCONRR count. m. C KeHb, ?t ?1. 1 r%. > Bin for Paftltfow, Ae. ery R. Keith. 01. al. J "TNDBR mV ttrder fro* the Cirenit Coort, J Equity aide, for the a bo re named State id Coanljr, I will aelt, to the hlgheat bidder, rfore the Market Houae In Walbelle, on Haleay In Nor ember next, the Real Batata of W*. . Keith, deceaaed, conaiatlog of the aeeeral ruj of Lead, aa follow* I TRACT NO. 1, t the Cbeohee place, containing 2,470 acre*, idre or leaa. with wood farm ianronwanli nod f?nc4, and in a thorough state of ealtivaon. This tract liea twelve milas North-west r Walbalia. and coatains 2(0 acres of good ottom in cultivation, a large quae tit j of good ptaod, and an outlet for stock range not enraassd in the county. Deposit gold la found a every part of it, and baa ktta prottably orked lb past years. TRACT NO. 2, >r the home place hi the eillaga of old Pickds, containing 128 acres, more or lose, with ood improvements. TRACT NO. S, > rdjoinlng Tract No. 2, eontalnlag 188 aeroe, tore or Ira. No improvements. TRACT NO. 4, n the village of old Pickens, containing 1 ore, more or leas. No improvements. TRACT NO. fl, n the village of old Pickens, containing 1 ere, with good improvements. TRACT NO. ?, o the village of old Pickens, containing 1 ore. No improvements. TRACT NO. 8, >r the Onrle^ Tract, eontniaing SO acres more r less, situate in the Countj of Pickaas. TRACT NO. 9, )r tba Calhoun Tract, containing 475 acres ore or lass, sight utiles East of Walhalla, aduining lauds of M. F. Mitchell. No improveaeats. TRACT NO. 10, >r Coneruss Tract, containing 80 acres, more r less. TRACT NO. 11. r Albert*on Tract, containing 880 acres tore or less. TRACT NO. 12, >r Aiken Tract, containing 200 acrcr, mora or !SS. TRACT NO. 18. )r the Reid Tract, contaiaing 300 acres, more >r less. TTnder the same order, and at tk. time >nd place. I will also sell the Real Estate of *kos. J. Keith, deceased, vis: TRACT NO. I, n the village of old Pickens, containing 1 ere, more or lees. TRACT NO. 2, >r the Devil's Fork Tract, containing 811 cres, mure or less, adjoining^?- Corhin. No mprovemant. Deposit gold lound on it. TRAf!T Vn ? in Concross Creek Contain ing 200 acres, M re r lees, aJJoioltig lend* of Tyre Mauldin. TfcACT NO. 4, in Six Mile Creek, Pickens County, eontaiong 200 acre*, more or leee. TRACT NO. 5. )n Snow Creek, containing 840 acre* mon'or * *. TERMS :?There tale* will be made on a red it of one two and three year*, in three -qual annual installments. Purchaser to give >ond and two good *nretie?, with a mortgage >f premises to secure the purchase money. Purchaser to pay extra,in sash for all necessary papers and stamp*. J. W. 8TRIBLIKQ, c. c. o.c. bet 6 20 4 LOOK OUT FOR CHOICE GOODS A T VERT LOW FIGURES, STEEN^S STORE, Wholesale or Retail. ?:o;? JUST landed, choice Muscovado, Porto Rico, English Island 8UG ARS. Also, a very large assortment of R*fined Sngars. All grades for sale very low, at sTeF.jps Wholtfde and Retail Store, ?toe ? CHOICE Trinidad, MuaeoTado, Cuba, Porto Rleo MOLASSES, loraale cheap, t STERN'S Wlioletale and Retail Store. GOLDEN Syrup Btrhire, Silver Dripa, Oclden I>rip?all ehoiee, for aale low, at 8TEEN'S Wholesale aad Retail Store. AVERY tuperlor selection of TEAS, which I ean warrant a* cheap, aa the tame Tea* ean be pnreliaeed in Columbia or Charleston. at retail. Choice Gun Powder, ft.00. $2 25 and $2 50. Young Hyeon, Imperial, English Breakfast, Oolong, SuperOolong, bouchong, lor aala obtap, at STERN'S Wholesale and Retail Store. ?:ir? ALSO, n vary ehoiee eeleetion of Can Fruits, Oysters, Picklaa, Hardiaea, Sal men?tmoked and plaia, for aale at reduced prieea, at 8TF.KN3 Wholesale and Stuil I AM air? reeeiving every wee*. * n?* apply of Freah CRACKERS, Soda, Butler, Bo*ton, Cream, Trenton and Oingei Snap*, tor sale low, at STERN'S Wholesale and Retail Store. AVERT ebolne election of COFFEE haa been received, eonaiating of tb< following hrtnd* : Choice Rio, Frimo Rio Common Rio, Java, (Old Qovernanent,) La guvra, Maraeabo, and eholo* Old Moelu Coff-a, for *ale aa low a* they eaa be boogbl Id Columbia or Charlaatoa at JbNwfJt at STERN'S Whotemla and Retail Store, ?sot? I WILL Duplioata any BUI or Order fron CharUaion or Columbia, in the ORO CERT or PROVISION LINE THOMAS STEKN. Aug M 14 tf *WI mmrn ?JL mora a v n IRON TBS, AT I.OW FIGURES FOR THE CASH. David & Slratflry. 18 22 If a ?? PLJlJYTERS, BY SIlirriNG THEIR 60TT0M THROUGH US, CAN OBTAIN LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, EITHER ON COTTON TO BE STORED AND HELD, OR FOR X24M3DXAT2 DAL23. WE WILL 8IIIPTO COLUMBIA, CHARLESTOy, BALTIMORE HEW YORK OR LIVERPOOL DAVID & STRADLEY. S?t.t 15 17 II GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. '"THE undersigned have tliis day J- formed a copartnership under the name of JAMES BANNISTER A SON, For the purpose of carrying on the OP James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. | :oc TIIE Mills arc now in excellent I order, and we are prepared to turn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, Which wo Will warrant to give satisfaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, URN & WRAPPING Can he found at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. David <fc Stratv LKYVk September 1, 1869. 16-tf ~1ionoii TO IUT1HS W, H. HOVEY IS SELLING OFF SUMIUBR CALICOES AND AT REDUCED PRICES TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL AND WINTER STOCK. 11 Aug IS M COTTON# , raiTlfi flnhwH>*r hen fciat rtetlnd i ??? ' M. FATSNT GUULBTT GIN and PRESS, 1 and ?a prepared to GIN and fACK COT ' TON at thU plaee. on the moat r?at*n?W? ' term a. Cotton will he delivered at the ??*' pot, ar aay other point to the City, free of el nrga. JOHN WESTFIELD. OreenriWe, 3. 0., Sfpt let, 1809. Sap 1 IS tf 1 MB WttK I PE3BF AT tmt OFFICE. /