University of South Carolina Libraries
' ' ' Poetical Extract#., Oh, Absalom ! my son ! my ion t His Boom ww while m snow ; Ho slolo plf *"d o^oy he ran To the Bay of Biscay, O t ^ ? ' Tho boy stood on tho burning deeb, And smoked his pips of day, And bot His money on the bob tailed nag, > When the moon bad gone away. I'm loody since ray mother died? The lev H round her eUll? ** i v Va Bo YH pol a bag of * * "? O, "With U?t eword-wf Bunker Hill. It ! the bonr when from the bought. ' -> I kissed my >olly Ann, 80 ran, KHjah, end horry up Temp, Yet, or eey other men. Oh, what ere the wild waves sayingt ^ I cried the long night tin ongh. And e voice replied far np the height,'] A little more cider too. HES"" The harp of nature's advent at rung ^ ]a coming through the rye; Then kirn roe quick and go, my honey, , V . ? . Said the epidcr to the fly. My Willie's on the dark, blue aea, With five hundred thousand more, And my days are gliding swiftly by To the old Kentucky ehore. *' Jeems " Has Been to Town. Our verdant young friend entirely misconstrues the intention of our "Timely Warning;" but we think it has "had its effect, and for the amusement of tho thing, publish his lettor, excusing his vordivn- 1 ey and hopo the girls will, also: MISTEU NusErxrKR MAN.?1 take my pen in hand to let yn no I am well, an? I went to town totli?r day tu take mammy's butter an eg* tu git her sum coffy. I dun purty well in mi tradin, an was fthinkin yn wus rite clover fellers iatownaftor anl, I were standin ? ? - 1 11 Oil 3 Cl puny uriuti wttiRwajr u looking at the thnnderin big brick houses and fust thing I node I 6eed 2 tarnashnn purty gals comin down the walkway, an I just look at em a little?fust atthor faces an then at ther fixins, and I telyu, tha had lots on oin, and it mout bo I peped at ther fete, when a elerk feller what stays in a brick storehouse, a mity sqecmish lookin chap, with a ritin pen behind his eer, and hare 60 slick a fli cudent lite on it, an his boots was black as a molasses paddle; ho moshuned me tu cum in thar; ro in I goso. Says he, yu rausent Ink at the gals fcto. What's tho reason I musn't says I; and he giv mo a nusopnper an told mo tu rede, and I red that ar ritin what the gals sod about the boys lookin at ther fete an ankles, and says I what (Ins Mr. Local hav to dn with it; sa)*s he that's what tha call the editnr, then he got tu winkin and grinnin at totlier feller, and I thought he wer green, and left cm. Now, mister local, as tha call yu, that's a hucklbcry over my por eiinin. I never luked at town gals fete afore, and I never seed als fixed up that way afore, nuthcr ; I rcckin if I wer to soo cm I'd look agin?I cudut help it ; I dont no what's the reason the gals in our nahorhud dont have short cotes and party tixins ; but tha aint particular ahout ther fete?i'vo seed em hick the cows when tha wndnt ntnnd still nt milkin timr? and tnto chips in ther frocks tn. Them ar gals scd a gud cle about the corporat capacity an about local habita shuns. Gewhiliko, is yor name local habitashnn tn ; well mister local hahitashun you 10 a smart man I reckin?youvc got snch a big name, and yu no what eovporit capacity is but i dont and i dont no what hurry nuthins without a local hahitashun is; but yn town fokcs have a hepe of things we dont; and rcckin that is wun, for : them ar town gals hav a grate clump of hare on ther heds as big as a tnushpot, an our gals haint got bnt jest a little topnot. I dont see intu it; but I rccon its canso tha liv in town. If tha think thecoun- 1 try boys dont no the gals hav fete 1 nnd ankles tha are niity ont of it, ! for i've seed mammy and nancy 1 jane hav? a hepo longer stokens J than me ar dady, an if tba aint got fete what do tha want with em ? ] Put I must stop mister local habitashun. U must rite soon. Yonrn 1 til deth. < Jel'ms 8. q. c. Gi.iboabblb. < [North Georgia Citizen. ' An old resident was out on the ? street the other mornincr about 8 ^ o'clock and was asked : Arc you 8 going to attend the wedding this 9 morning?" "Wedding"?replied the gentleman. " No, sir. 1 at- j tended one about twenty years ago ? and haven't had a day ot peace f since." j AmtNELof sixty feet length, j" the work of six days, would have prevented the Avondale catastrophe. * J Silver goblets, lined with ggyUl, aro used in Boston beer-saloons, now Butler has gone to California. - T- -fr. Jjl nV^i^ ' iH i ji 1 - _ - 1. -.. 1 I Ku Klux in wbmdoklth?n?e-. I DKRnt II a no nr> bt a Mo?.?In i Portage City, Wis., on Thursday, William Spain, lawyer, and Barney Britt, farmer, met in the street and renewed a qnarrel that had its origin when they were members t*f the Nineteenth Wisconsin Regiment. After they bad separated Spain went home, proenved a revolver, and on meeting Britt again soon afterward shot and almost iftstajjjtly killed him,scarcely a.word being exchanged. Spain then deliberately walked down the street, flourishim? h i a ,, n followed by Marshal Dickey, who arrested him. While he was passing up the street again an excited crowa of people followed, and when opposite the American express office a general onslaught was made upon the prisoner. The oxcttement increased tearfully, and cries of u Hang him." " Hang him," rent the air. The crowd soon increased at the Express office to the number of one hundred, who took the prisoner in their possession, placed a rope about his neck ano dragged him to the nearest tree, below the Ellsworth Houso, and hanged him. Lkabn A Tkaok.?In these days of commercial uncertainty and die aster, we hope that onr boys and young men wiH tirrn their atten tion to n trade or the farm. Says ono ot onr exchanges: M While skilled workmen in most of the handicrafts are getting good wages and plenty of work this | summer, thousands of clerks and i book keepers havo lost their situations. Dull times come, and they are shoved off, as their places can bo filled at short notice from the multitudes who are ever grocdy to get a precarious situation behind n counter. The most pitiable object to be found, when hard times come, is the man who knows how to do nothing for self-support but sell goods?a fact whicn young men who feel above 1 learning a trade,' 1 .11 ?- * * suouia rememocr. JNor is it much better with employers than employ ccs. A New York merchant of thirty years' experience says that be can count up only four houses I which have run the gauntlet of that thirty years without failure ! The notion that there is any easier ; and surer way of making an honest living than in the sweat of the face is a great humbug, and it is a pity that young men so often allow themselves to be fohled by it." A Laby Shot in South Caroli na.?On Saturday last, Freeman Powell, who was bailed out of Edgefield jail a few days since, where ho had been confined for an unprovoked attack upon Mr. Wooley, of Graniteville, visited Kalinin Mills, and while intoxicated, fired twice upon a negro man with a pistol without provocation, when the pi6tol was taken from him by the negro and handed over to Mr. Stone, father-in-law of Mr. Powell, who resides at that place. Powell, going soon after to the house of Mr. Stone, cot noBRMcirv of the pistol Again, and demanded something to eat of Mrs. Stone, with the threat that if she did not comply with his demand he would shoot her, and immediately carried it into execution. The shot 1 taking effect, passed through oVie ankle of Mrs. Stone and lotiged in her other foot. It is hoped that this dangerous outlaw will soon be returned to his proper quarters. [A ugusta Const it ut tonal i?t. Englisii Nobility.? A remarkable feat ore of English society for Borne time back, has been the ruin of wealthy noblemen of high rank, by dissipation and gambling. The latest case is the yonng Duke of Newcastle, about thirty-five years old. In five years, he squandered a property that paid him a yearly Income of $3 6,000. His ducal mansion?Carlton House Terrace, baa been sold at public outcry.? The sale has extended even to the photograph of his wife as a bride. Among the articles sold, were :lio most elegant furniture, 700 lozen choice wine, 4,000 ounces >f silver plate, carriages and lorses, the Dutchess' guitar and nusic, his tliree children's little onveniers, his Bible and Prayer [look, the M Racing Calendar," in eventeen volumes, and the five or n'x cups won by his horses. The Duke married in 1861, Henrietta Adela Hope, a beantii?l daughter of a rich banker.? ilia tnrf exploits had even then nvolved him, but his father-inaw gave him a check for $228,< tOO to wJaat^pnt his sporting liar ulitie^flpF gTtia Ramie plant is maeting with Bach favor in Mississippi. The protticst necktie for a lady - the arms of her baby. Priucipil Office, No. Illl, jfaiN Strmt, Mickmond, Va. . "T~> EASONS why or cry one should liwrt In JLV tfc* Equality tire IawtMMi Company, of Virginia: lit. It 1* more Liberal to the Insurers than any other company, and will eventnally be| come Purely Mutual and belong to the In rarer*. 2d. It circulate* It* money adsoBget It* patroar, who are the IntrtfrcTJ. Consonantly tbey are continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of the Company, the money being invested by the Board of Director* amongst. , the insurers. 3d. The loan* of tbia Company are a* liberal a* other companies who declare dividend* at the and of the second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of the first and every year. , DWID B. CLARK, President. THOS. n. WYNNE, Vico-President. JOHN Q. WINN. Secretary. Oen. JAMES II. LANE, Actuary, Dr. F. B. WATKIN8, 1 ? ... Dr. C. IT. W. DAVrS, f Medical AdrUern. , Judge JOHN A.MEREDITH, Counsellor. MStOTAM. J. B. WmsTon, Treasurer and Secretary R. F. A P. R. R; Wn. J. Jonnaen, of Johnson A Hunt, Wholesale Qrocere; W*. H. Pownaa, af Winston A Powers, Wholesale Grocersj Albert Oudwat, Treasurer Buckingham State I Company; J. P. Gianon, Superintendent Adams' Express Company ; Cwarlbs Y. Mob- i bib, Moirls A Oo.'s Sugar Refinery; O. A. Pr.rt.R, Superintendent Manchester Gotten Mill* ; Jon* H. Truth. John H. A John Tyler, Jeweler*; Moan* Mntiitin, Wholesale Dry Goods; Tnonas 8. Bai.nwix, Clothier; Jorr M. OonniR, Cashier Planter's Bank; J. R. Dowbll, Superintendent Wcetern Union Telegraph Company; Ar.nx. (J. Ronr.irnro*. Cattle Broker ; Gannon I. ilrssire, Wholesale Grocer ; R K * ?? -r ** * * Co., Wholeaala.Giwart 5 A. Boamcaa, Drag kt?t; 8. M. Kokkkbai'm, of 8. A M. Itoacobaum, Dry Goods. Equality Ufa Inauranoo Company. |0*?rnMi'*( it* FamphUh be/or*yen (nam re, it ie to your inter ft to do to. Agent* wanted everywhere. BF.IVI. G. IIF RIOT, Gen. Travailing A goat, Charleston, 8. C. Sept SI IS tr GREENVILLE "j PAPER MILLS. THE undersigned Lave this day formed u copartnership under the name of J AMES BANNISTER 4k RON, For the purpose of carrying on the OF r? A. 3P K R. . James Bannister, X. J. Bannister. THE Mills arc now in excellent order, and wo aro prepared to tnrn oat a FIRST CLASS PAPER, " Which we will warrant to give nnt'ofn />a * DUUOlUl/tlUll* A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, YARN & WRAPPING Can be found at all times at onr , Agents, Messrs. David & Stbadlkt's. September 1,1869. 16-tf STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. greenville county. In thi Court of Probata. CHARLES TKRRY, Administrator, ri. WILLIAM FORD, H ml?I'etitiom for a Final Settlement, Relief, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the C??rt, that the heirs of Raehel Ford, deceased, whose names are unknown, the heirs of John McElroy, whov names are I unknown, I>a?ld MoElroy, Wilson B. Me Siroy an.l Mary Helton and her husband, Clark He'ton, Defendants in Utia ease, re- , aide without the limits of this Stat*: It ia * ordered that they do appear in peraon, or hy Attorney, at a Court of Probata, to be holden for Greenville County, at Greenville Court Ho nee. ow tke 41* imp mf ifswnhi * * next, A. D. 1899, to show aaisae. it any they can, why a Final Settlement el the Xatate -* of JAMKt MoELROY. deeeaaed. ehnnld ? not ho had, relief granted the Admlnietro- h tor as prayed for, and a Decree given thereon, or their consent, in falling to attend, ^ will he entered Given under my bend, tt Greenville Court . TTr.oee, Uii day of September, A. D. 186?. 8. J. DOUTHIT, I Probet? Je^je, " Sept 29 10 6 _ .> WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jew elry, Feiifeof 18 8pcetaelei,6? l8L.n WTLL order en extra article ? INU One Watefeee of every dee oription. Beet reference riven. C JAMK0 O. BLACK. e Jane SO 0 tf 0 Ee Pa JONES? ! Aipw^asfaw av i AATD SOLTC/TOk IS EQUITY. wiurucnretriu r COURTS OF THIS STAT*, u A LOO, IK TTTB TTKITRD STATES COURTl S Office at Greenville C. S. C. Joijr t 7 ly* M AMUPACTWtlM, IVPOjtlBftS 11 Rmin nm< Whin. Rnla lJ,.il,..T-...L. Mid V*3mi> Leather and Vulcanised Rubber Sapt 2# 19 ? I C0LXJ*?lA.*fl?BtecX11 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. . jTtfSri ^1 pffitSpmBf rrinE \ Tba labia will,always ba supplied with tttrj dallcav aftba i^o^baifc tare the JKpw Tork and Charleiton markets, and no effort* will ba (pared to giro perfect eti?r*a?lonC IP Bterylbapect, to oar pawns. 'FREE Mf.eOB In the wfwlorjr fwry day fiom U until 124. H "IL'badkxNHOP, } F"0''*'* "'' Bapt? . 18 | fr,l( tf , | Nickerson HouseHotel, ri CX>L!TMBIAv B.C.KHC4/jM^vs THE undersigned baring MCTL RENEW EJ> hi* kMa upon ' the aboro Popular Hevae, will endear or. to j J ? M'l . make It one of the moit agreeable HotdU fn j tin South. A call ia solicited. t Yre* Omnibus to and from the Hotel, r ?| W U. A. WRIGHT, .' -Co- iV-. i Bapt 8 15 tr { NATIONAL HOTEL, , ODWIMM, B. O. 1^1111 miur ^RO^Rtf-lTOR. 4 i r. HAMILTON JOYNKR, CLERK. , RATES ; 1 i Of Doartl per Diy |s8 00 ' Supper, Uraakfart and Lodging..... 2 00 ' Sinylt Moult. 1 00 Sep 1 15 U ' HM cum I BOY IV E & 9PROWL, . COLUMBIA, fiC, ? ' CONTTWUM TO IT A NUT A CTVRM \ MONUMENTAL WORK ? In all ita Lranelioa, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. 8*pt 8* ~*r 0T n t* MRS. 0. E. REgD,* FASHIONABLE aiLLIllRY, CORSETS, n ? a ss j&mim m n? VftJDAL VEILS, DRESS MAKING e IS ALL ITS DltASCHES. Main Strael, Opporiu SUTPHEWS, C?luml>la, 8. C. 8?p 1 15 8m I. SULZBACDER, SIGN OP THE ] MAMMOTH WATCH,\ MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., * DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER BATCHES, ?r i CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. A N ASSORTMENT of Genuine P ED RLE A SPECTACLES alwtyaon hand. R?airing, in nil its brnnebea, personally at> tod?<l to,and the ampUataatWnaito* promim! fir...', u ..i it! uj. a>.?- n. V'HS vmiui*!, mmmiu OITWI, V/V imbla. a C. Sep 1 IS ta JUSHIN8J A BAILEY BOOB m ABB ilATXOBXBS, 2S2 Bel theorem, Ball Invert, Md. HK1UK LH|Mi tad Beat Aaaortad Stock **tire At; CLASSICAL an* IMBSLUTO) Irncral Bank and Coualiac-Houaa Stationrj of all kloda. Blank Booka made to wee, in any style, of binding and rnllng. Aog 2? 14 em* RUNDOWNS! SUNDOWNS! JUST RECEIVED At Miss McKAY'S, A LA ROE SUPPLY OF SUNDOWN AND IDlEWflD NATS AND TRIMMINGS AT LOW PRICES. Aog f ll If "I v "-V ri GBNER A L CHARLESTON', S. C. R P. TOAJ,E. , *? A ? ? ?? w ? wr; a. ca.? .? -iMjHiMntMRiiu D0pft| SASHES, 0L1NDS, H AVISO th^argct and m??t oq.ii pleta M*ory HI cooping nlwnv* on hand n hu ire and moot ^plem slnok/ bf DOORS, HaMIES. SLINR9,8kili J)i>or9. 8 fro r>no?-?( Slmitoro, 11 Hiding*, Ac., Ac , ] arn cnnlilod to *-11 low mil al manufnMuror*-' price*. . , . . I r*Y* nH"i ? goon order, ' July SI 9 ^ tf ?i , _-rr?HS-?*' BUUTII CAROLINA State Agricultural and. Mechanical Ofiriol O^ffttn -of ik* Soufft Carolina Stm't Ayt icultural and Mechanical Society.) . i ? - i A* T an aarly Hm#, the sftacrbers will tV jRihlieh the first number of a Monthv Magazine, devoted 10 the development of ne material fnterrM" ot thl? State, and the hole South ; aitll will disti Unite Ave thouland eo|4#a gratuitously. to that every one i nay see what H i? before sulacrihing.?They Intend to make it the heat and h'and- . lotieai industrial magazine ever pulill.-hed i it the South, and thev ark the cordial eo>patation of rvoij good eit sen in this roar prisa, wWh ma t redound to the public areifaf. Perrons wishing copies of the first nom>er. will please send their gddrrca to WALKER, KVANS A OOOSWKLL, Charleston, S. C. May U ftl If t comN tiks!~ HEARD'S PATENT LOClt TtRS, nnrur- I 1 passed by any Tie yet manufactured. Kor neatners, strength and durability, this Tie as no equal. llavirtg sold then for the last hree years, we feel that we cao cordially rc?loiuincud the us U>.?Jl Jtlauters as thu article, boy want. Per Vale by ' "A r\ ?.'] > ,UEO. W- WILLIAMS A CO., , w _ . Factors. | Charleston. 8. C. Aug IS IS Kra ' Tlt"V iNVMIHIQ llCPITir DITTCOO nnnuiii u II 1,1 It IIU UII1LII0/ THEY CUBE DT8PEPIIA, in tu MUiiN m m iTOKACE AND LIVER. mr am wimmip n no * MBDZO AX. FACULTY. HEOEMAN Ac CO., aowm. irnw tomk. laxrafactnred by C. F. PAHKNIK. CHZKX8T AVB APOTHZCAt?, OHARLB8TOX, B.C. 24 46 ?- lj NEW^ORK^ v:' life nsnmei mr&VY. A SSKTK, 912,000,000. No ooartutr ?, u4 cwm st.t?... claim unprrior iilvnaUifN to this old SJbt&rraRaf iSYrtfcft? JT:: ?? " for abont twenty-fire rear*. Jt U Uriel I \i mutual, and n^r ktlVorkBMn^ | to appropriate a portion of It* earning*.? 1 It i? under legal ruperuitioa, a protection to ColicT which la afforded now her* at In W?w Tort" and Maaeaehnaett*. fit anan*9?fr|fnfor ai>e?nlAI#k(?l the food a of the Company, W are obliged. inraet aa tne nti of Hew York IrwKN lo I invest trnet estates. -Til*- ofTWoJ r sporty for fMH psift, shew t>i*i thia Cota-? Mnr hu been better managed then iny other doing bneintfb fn nA-TH An ; investment hi thin Company i* m aft m STOESfJ?E SSZTS?! any other Company in the United States. Reference may be made to the following ' KtUmen: Oow. B. J". Kerry, Ool. O. P. ?ne?, Thoa M. Ce*r IVtna Steer, II. Re?Uie A Co.. Wm. T. Shumata, Jaa P. < Moore l?f l! WilUerrf*. For further taformatioa, r.pply to tha anderslgned, spent mr Bre eneilV, or to JAR. R. SCOTT, AU or any st Low, Qrneavillo Coartnouse. 7 W. ?. CAMPBELL. 1 Sept I 1? it its wwrmm at Tifff omen. 1 k.7. jil MtettMmneMwmnrfl ilfflfi OFF .$>,W? BOOM , ?^SSC=?r? EAftTER A.HUNTER'S "vsrjfiKvr* % i %% Wiii?*li they ^rorowp to Fell how lo Moke * Bodro, ?nd en alio Him to < l:UY A COMPMtl K fVMti ?mki ! r*^ *3? G9^4pl 3EK. * Giro tliem n call, and aee if I hey are not in EARNEST. i . vi tr LOOK. OUT r i r(W s CHOICE GOODS ^ ? r/aAXtf> W riVUHKB, 4t i " . SlEItN'S STORE, W boletnlu or Retail. | JUSf landed, ?h?ie? ffnnruvado, .Porlo lti< o, Englieh Is'xluf I "ft A It"* Aleo, a very luift* aeo?Sn?ei|t.' of it lined Sugar#. AII'grade* lor attld v^i^y'ld#. uT STERN'S Wholeeal* a><4 Retail S<>ro. CYfOTCE trlniAif, Mueeovadn, Cuh*, &rly Rl{v yOLA^iiy^jt'|i|l?chnip, _ lAolMal^ at id lit tail Ftore. /~1 Or.nEK Fyfnp Beehive, Silver Dripo, | VJT Ocldvi* ?3rip?-all choice, h.r eale low, *i 8TEKN? Wholeeale and Retail Store. A VERY euperior aehe'ion of TEA9, 1 whl.-ft I ran wmrant a. cheap, a? the lame Teoa ran be pnrehnaed in Columbia or Cbarltfl'**. at retail, t'huire Gnn Powder, J 14 Ul *?> 4A ...! C-l AA V... II - , ... -w - m vii iik I*) run, i 111 * pnrial, English Hrmkrni', Oolong, SuperOolong, tonchoog, lot axle chenn. nt. STEFXYl ' Wholoale and Retail Start. ALSO. a vary choice ejection of Can Fin1l?,nj?t>n, Pickles, Sardines, Sal ' mon?smoked and plalj, for rata at reduced price*, at , "* STERN'S ! Wholesale and Retail Store. 1 ? ?-a.?o;? IAM a'sn r?c?i*in|{ every week, a new I supply of Fresh CRACKERS, Soda, U utter, Wa'ou. Ciaam, Treaton and Otagv Snaps, for aale low, at RTEEN^S Wholesale and Retail Store. . AVERY choice '^ecliod of COFFEE J Iimi been received, consisting of the following brands: Clmioa Hio, Piime Ria, Con>tii?n Rio, ,l*va, (Old Government.) La- \ (jnyra, Marncat-o, aid eliaiee Old Mocha L'?>ff ?. for sale a?to# astliey eart he honght in Colntubia or Chatlaatoa at lUiaiL. at STERN'S 1 "Whlesale and Retail Store. i -toe- ; f I WILL Hitplicate any Bi'l or 0 der from Oliarlecon or OliimW*, in the GROCERY or PROVISION LINK. , . THOMAS ST$EX. Auz U ll tf ;:JT > ?>??/ . .k sosxcs , BUVFRS IS SELLING OFF SUMMER CALICOES AND iiVC\^v AT REDUCED PRICES TO WAKE ROOM FOR FALL- AND > WINTER STOCK. ! A*' I* 1 I U t? " mitt mm M V V W 1 V ajuq STAVES. THE STONEWALL CQQUUSQ ^^|Th# iwrt dwraM* o?a ?o? la dm. I Call and examtaa i|, aod h? different aii**. * prom No # to No. 9. Manufacturer* of * plain and f JAPANNED flVWARE. < All kinds of Tin and Sheet Iron Nork dona > the anoal reasonable terms. A J. ROS* A CO , Attka W*et/Uld Ol?*U?d. I July ?.9 ^ ^ t T~^1 tff~ | WM P PRICK* i ATTOIlNttY AT LAW, DAHLONtfiA, 0An . W1*pm^uan^ist r#wn?. White and Hall. Jan 1? 32 ft ? StBCIUIVT* PendletGa.Si. Year Depot, ^ jRBKNVrtl#; ?. cJun? 8 8 if GREENVILLE, N. G. )IRce in Old Court Sltouftd* . r UpStairs. MAGISTRATE'S BLAHS ' &S.WAYS OSLHIBB^ FOR SALE." I nanai*IN COLORSOR BRONZES. ORDINARY PRINTING, - EXECUTED P R O M P T L Y, kuim'jww 1 caxi.?x.T. ' Jnly 21 0 If ? / K. K. KABLKT. ?. O. WCILI. EASLEY & WELL8, attorneys and Counsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, ORKKNVIM.K, 8. C.t PR\CTICK in the Coo Mo of the Slito and of the United Stntca, end jyiee ctpecial ittenlion to caeea in Dankruptep. Jane IS 9 ? ? HAS JUST RECEIVED fine A wort* ment of OE.OO RS, NHICH HE WILL DISPOSE OF CHEAP* , FOR GASH, He ie aten pr?paied to fnrmeh ail (he LATEST STVL1? OF HAIR JBWBLRY, k Pattern Dook of wMcb eau be aeen at Ma Here. 2-tf June 2 W. II. CAMMED, PRACTICAL 8UNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN SHELTERS, Cotton Gins, Lock*, K?r?f?o? Oil Lamp*, Sowing Machine* in<l Parasol* REPAIRED with promptness. [ihargrs reasonable. Corn 8beHers, from ten .o twelve dollars. I an a loo prepared to forliah Stencil Plate*, for narking clothing. J?* Stand ? At \Ve?tfield'* old ihop, June IS i If T. H. A LLEN, GREEXV1LLE. 8. C., GENERAL Anetlooeer nod Commotion Merchant, can he found at thfc Store -I of T H. ALLEN * CO., l-te Hlgblewer * Co. AH tinainea* entrusted to him', will re- 4 eeive atrict attention. He will al*o iltwd Sales in the Country when applied to Terms Low. Alee, at the Store, eau be fonnd n \ good assortment of Good* of ell kind*. A*? 4 11 It* L AW'NOTIQE, A. BACON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AMD MAQDTKATE, OFFICE OVER SVLLIVANS' STORE, fBTftTMl gtV\V 1 fl. ?. Wb 10 38 11 BR. W AD?T TKQMPSQM ! OFFERS MIS raonssiovAi. sebtios r<) THE COMMUNITY. ' >... ? . SAMUEL BLACK. "HTy wsSjgsstitirotoiiz * ? K IWW'VUM VU *? OLD COURT HOUSR, **** ha will unt;? Law IlHii flWll* of 0?oo. ri F. WWW* fc? vmbWe4 Ma U? 4 Mf, MHto ttrtMMl ??. T3f 0>. rfeMMAruM. m fwrt MMpferf V> WH* 8. Aaoiicao^ m4 Ikt Katerm\m 0*M, ?f *^*3a7*? Ml ? *'4 B ii i - * A * ' -*L i j | fiwtui W?Mr??T? fOWiO MoOMH of >oorX IW??K rUmr fc> ?*? ^74t <*** ** ?? #P.*F: T*aM. Iwm manH?^v.r?r of thoaa fU ? Charts, Mm lial furnUhcd ?f?ptl?BUo?. ?-tf y