University of South Carolina Libraries
With a large and i ^ ing Exclusively for C JLiEIVCE of QUALI ?ne are constantly Goods, embracing all Dress Goods. > rrr X Particular attentioi tion of Pricesrand Fi A full line of Entir Merinoes, Empress C We call the Espec Stock of Domestic G and American Manui In our other Depa ; mmm, bmn$i y-' Wyi 'tV' 7 _ * _ ?T Wholesale JBuj K Stale of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Sheriff's Sale. BY virtue of en Order from S. J. Doulhit, Probata Judge, t will expose for eale t public outcry before the Court Houm door, on Saleday in November next, the following House and Lot, vitt All that parcel or lot of Land situate lying and being In the City of Greenville, on Main Street, bounded on tlih north bye lot be longing to 0. B. Irvine, and on the aouth hy a lot belonging to the Eat ate of Vardry McBee, deceased. On aaid Lot ie a House and other bulldinga Sold ae the property of FRANCIS Bl'RTY. deceased, for the payment of the debte and for partition among the heirs of said doeeaeed. . ^ * TERMS?Caah. Purchaeere to pay for Titles and Stamps. A. B. VICKERS. S. G. C. ? Oot 6 SO 4 S The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. j Id the Cottrt of PrOhato. NELSON AUSTIN and WILLIAM A, AUSTIN va. HARRISON AUSTIN, ot al. ?Petition for Partition of Real Potato. r appearing to the satisfaction of the < Court that Harrison Austin* Lark in I Austin, Anderson Austin, the hoire of 8ARAH NATION, deceased, whose names are unknown, Hliiaboth Brown and her hue Duno, ??kj. jornwa, ana winy LWVf U?- 1 f-adatiU in thin eas?*, reside without the limits of this State: It is ordered that Hi-y t answer, plead or demur to the Petition with in forty days, or the rams will be taken pro eoafesao against them 9. J DOUTHIT, Probate Judge. Oek 1st, 1869. ?o-? E. G. BOGERS, Hit ALE ft IN , [FTOKfltlWtBi OP EVERY DESCRIPTION, 143 and 145 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, OA. BURBA US WASnRTANDS, SOFAS TKTB A-TBTKS, CHAIRS, ROCKING CHAIRS, WHAT NOT8, COTTAGI 8BT8 WITH A*D WITHOUT IHI/MRTWliflU 3P4D1P&L OeM v a, ? is n - I> , . . r rn BSlttli ? I IT mJMn. W JBJLUSJ& 9 II msLS woreb, Broal^t, A?f?ttat Ra. - MARBLE MONUMENTS, t" j U&&3& fi?T >S3 55 S, MARBLE MAWTLtA. A*D ivKVl TURE, MARBLE Of ALL KIVD8 OH H AJTO. OA FVEMI8HED TO ORDIBR. [ JZip?? * Ooa'"y wa"Uy r COTTOH GIN. 4 pssaa~m rl *t M y?tri *fo. .-*y &. w > Will *i?c lib p*r*o?*l Mtoatton wfe* ?| k??, wfcv MM Mr. W M. BRAMLETT. ' . I ? mt?AI npi, win attend Um *?itniii .. _i 1J*M ^ L_ jr **. . I mmsBsemmsmmmmBrn T 'if rado nd the Public 111 itfiiiv iw WII?I . ,* . . . varied experience in t ash, from first hands, TY and LOWNESS making large additic the LATEfeT ST1 n is invited to the Dri V * abrics. ely New Black and loths, New Poplins, 4 ial Attention of Pure roods in the market, factured Woolen kno rtments will be found m, SHAWLS, CLOA WHITE GOODS rers are respectfully r KJKT IT BEFOR] TMu m,-?. mm AT THE HIS I Broad-Street, IS THB PLACE TO BUT CUBA?, PUR1 sue A Bmndiei, Wfcfskjrs, ftnmt tero, Bltt IN CONNECTION WIT LARGE RECTIFYIN B8TABI1X! The ohlt establisiibIent or tha whsrs they make Nothing bat Pars ud 0 Importers of Foreign ro whtek thsy *saM eail tha attaatton of tba ah? will fmroT thstt With thslr patronage, tkmk tenth. *ntn%Vi HEWITTS GLOBE HOTEL THREE DOtLA, ONE OF THE BE8T HO Oct ? ] lAlf "RATI TUAV PLOW STEEL NAILS V -V METALS GTTN8 AND OrJBl HARD WARE WHOLESALE STORE N Retail Store Corner Kin CHARLES H?p>Wifc?r XV f ' CARPETS, RUGS, OIL CLOTHS, WALL PAPER AND BORDERS. ? ** ' C. -LARGE NEW ' STOCK OPENING . .V* * a*?<, '* James ?. Bailie * Iffi. HEW GOODS wasA^irtturivm, "*!> AUGUSTA, OA* OKI M U '.flp* i WI.. Y still V S IkfillJi vs r, jitrGzrsTJi, i . \ iV a-.-* o * Generally Extra I SR DRV he Foreign and Don we guarantee our < ) of Price. No Paf >ns to our various D fLES and NOVEI ess Goods Departmc Colored Silks, Han kc. hasers to the Larget comprising every d wn. full and coipplete li U. HOSIERY. COUI AND NOTIONS. equested to inspect < JAS. A. i THE PEOPLE, <\ rp ITT & ??=, INN NO. *6* Augusta, Georgia, 5 AMD UNXDOLTXkATKD LIQUOXS, AB , Gix?, Wines, Ales, P?rers, Icc. tt THIS HOUSE IS A IQ AND REFINING IS S M ?1 IV T. T KIND, IM THB SOUTHERN 8TATXS n adulter* tad Llqion. Tb?j or* ?1m Liquors and Sfctfart, trad*. Tbey *aiy aMwrlag all they Will Mil akaapar la an aay ko?M la tbe 1W I M. . ? FARE REDUCED TO RS PER DA Y. TELS IN T^E SOUTH. ta Wt ? L MILL ROCKS BOLTlKG CLOTH CIRCULAR SAWS .a i > a ijttm j*)' * HOES BLOWS INHIXIAX. -7 JflER CHJIJYTS, O. 39 HAYNE STREET. _ g and Market Streets. roN, s. c. 1* is i I i a.i ii in T in i i t > I? i | OHOIOH FAMILY GROCERIES, wkmmi LARGE SdfflPlPILfliS OPKNING ??OS a. BAXLin ABEO'S, _ AtfOWMRA, SU., o?? ? _ u OIbb GEORGIA, * v: v ^ ^ M| J nducements in 1 nestic Markets, BuyGoods for EXCELties will undersell us. epartments of Fresh jTIES of Imported int, and an examinadsome Silk Poplins, . .. % V P * * it and Best Assorted escription of Cotton nes mn, H00P8K.IRT8, >ur Stock. GRAY & CO. GAINES &, BEARDEN, ARE NOW RECEIVING A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER ???PS. Their goods itaVebeen carefully Selected by on* of th? Firm, who bee jnat returned fmm New York. Oar GOODS hart been bought en AND WILL BE SOLD A8 An n?y in llik Market. 0*1' and examine oar fttoek. Wb will tek? greet pleaeare in (bowing our ^153h 3BE^ ?9BI To any Who may gtre ut a call. ClOME AND SEE Sept t* 19 If ?VI|VO< Dtrnrt CtiLicm'i OrrtM, > Qreeuville, lift II, 1969. | TIT virtu* of authority from A. S. Wall***, tj Collector Id Diit, 8 C., I will Mil. to ? highest bidder, at reourllle CMy, at It o'clock, M., on Smtmrdof, tko M dof of OeM* her, 1869, the following property, to wit: ONK BUGGY, ONK HORSH AMD HAENK88, being the property which waa alaad by H. 0. tfoMly, Special Deputy Marsha), on or about the 9th of Angask for baring been need in violation of Internal Rev sou* Laws. Tenia Geeks A. L. COBR, Dep. Col. Internal Revenue. Sept 39 It J_ The State of South Carolina. OP *BNVTLLM COUNTY. Ia the 1 mmmm Pleas?Xqnity Side. THOMAS O. OOWMR, Administrator, es. P. 9. 8UDDUTH, el nl?BiU for SnU of Moot Eotato, to Poy Dobu, So. XTNDER the Decretal Order made In the U above -ease, the Creditors of the Rotate of Mrs. MARTHA LOVBLAND, ale feqntred to establish the raak and amount of their claims against said Rotate, before the Clerk, within atne ntewiA* from this date. W. A. McDANIRL, C. C. P. Clerk's Offlos, September 18th, 186S. apt 39 19 Nt COTTON. THE Subscriber h?a just rtctirtd I new PAtnv Dint 5J?J* P'tPf1 * 0IIf **4 PACK OOT TON at thW plana, om Mm bom reasonable term*. Cotton will b? delivered at the Da> poi. or a.y oikar point ta t*. C*/, *4*.1 a l arge. _ lti - ? fOHN WESTTIKLD. Greenville, 8. a, Sept. let, !???. ??P 1 If U CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, ? (7. E. H JACK80lf, Flopr'ftor. A. BUTMatFTKLD. (Formerly of tba Pavilion Hotel ) W. 8. KILI.1B. 8?pi N II |f iSriSe. . THK RniDtNOR OP Hovaa and part of the Land, i For farther Informal Inn, Ha Dr. WADDT THOMPSON I "-n j > i i? i? i f**?rT| trr t - *? ** r n r? i s Charleston ' Advertisements. . .'I ... = SAMUEL C. BLACK, Z 1 STOCK AND BOND BROKER, NO 28 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON. PARNOUtAR atteatfon rWen to pvr- I ahaea and Ml* 9t 8BCURIT1ES on < Commlaatoa. Ioforautloo |lv? dhMi'uly. KMTKM TO } *?r. K. T. BUIST j a bailey, THOS OTEKN. BapUaafrgfrfl. 1888. 18-18 STEAM BAKERY, ! Aim CAMPY MANUFACTORY X C. H. CLAUB801L 10 MAWET-8T. CHARLESTON, 8. C. ALL KINDS OF I 0RACXEB8, BISCUIT AHD CAKES i Manufactured daily of tb? b?t Southern Floor, equal io quality to any J other, *| reasonable price*. Also, has at bis aatabl lab meat an ex ten aire CANDY FACTORY. < Those Candle* are constantly made to order, and at all time* Freeh and Warranted pore , aad to atand tba climate. Order* will be promptly tilled to aattsfitetion. Sept 29 19 12 voana aoLnawma. itatatw a. aomstmn. MOSES GOLDSMITH & SON, < > Won. 4, ? and 9 VENDUE RANQE, CSAr.L,3SDTO^, 8. O. WnOLKSALB DEALERS IN IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KIND8 OF *AFBR STOOL BIDES, WOOL, creasra, ipwirss, A?. A Sallable Stock of Heavy and Light w a A.A<nk? For Tuim uses Always on Hand, and will be Sold Low for I Sept 19 19 38 "kimsSAN^ ?abj?* ff<&?s?&x, 279 KING STREET, OHARLBSTOIT, B. 0. OUR ASSORTED CANDY it put up la 9ft and ftO Pound Boxes, suitable for Country Trade. WARRANTED Perfectly Pure and TSTSy.^WlLOraRA'S'EBIS), Befog free from Terra Albe or Marble Dust, end Manufactured solely from CRUSHED SUGAR, A Discount is made for all Orders of 800 pounds. Bead for Circular. Sept 30 10 12 T. M. BRISTOLL. C. T. DtTSUAM. m A. e. snovs. T. M. BRISTOLL A CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES, AC., NO. 140 Mf ETIN6-ST., CHARLtSTON, S. C. Stoek Replcaisbed Weekly by Steamer, Late Dauham, TWt A Co., 148 Meeting St, Opposite llayne 8treeL Y Sept 39 19 f 19 PAVILION HOTEL. (9 m A.xa&aov ?sjr? ss/?a BOARD, Per Day $3 00. R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. Mrs. U. L ttDfTfeRFIFXD, , Proprietress. Sept 39 10 tf a. 0. rroLL; ciuui wist, w. e. viuii. STOLL, WEBB & ^TSOLSSALS DRY GOODS. M7 !??MnsEi(9 ffffd&JRflL IM LAoFflTORE. ffiaM? ssaastf, ThyeeDoora below Wenlworth, CHARLESTON, S. C. TERMS CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Sept !1 1? 13 ?. ?. mvim. attrt a. mlior. um *. vtutN. D. F. FLEMING A CO., DBAX.BRS BOOTS, SHOES, AND TRUNKS. Of. A ?f no. -<m nayne-ot.) cor. unurcn, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Sept n 19 19 JAMJKS >07 KINO 8TRKKT, oaARtaeTON, b. a.. DEALER IN WA rCtJKS, OLOCXS, JE WELR Y, SILVER WAKE, PLATED WARE, SPECTACLES, AC. WttckM m( to any port of the country. SILVER HUNTING WATCHES FROM FIFTEEN DOLLARS AND UPWARD. SEHTS Gold Hunttag Wateboa from $90 and Upward. LADIES Gold Boating Watohe* from $90 aad Upward. AMB"?M&rcHB8 OKE KB K3 JUL Sm RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ' Sapt 99 * 1# 2? 1 11 I I B I. Charleston Advertisements. 1 WM.OHlLDEN&W),i IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF 6ReeK!RV,l 1ST Reeling Street. watchesTjewelry ' A SO SILVER WARE, _ 255 KING STREET, | (Corner of Beebfetn,) I CHARLESTON, S. O. 1 Sept 29 19 12 L B. fTODDARD. O FBONUKftGBIt. B. B. STODDARD KO,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BOOTS. 8K02BS, AND TR.TT3W BL 19 At MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, 1?6 Jtiviing Blrrrt, 4 (nrarly opp'-errs ciTMtt.*"Tos Hotel,) I 0BA&gcK8702T,S.a " Sept 29 19 12 T EDMONDS T. BROWN, , OF THE LATE FIRM OP F. D. FANNING & CO.. MEW DEALER * IN MENS AND BOYS' HATS, CAPS STRAW GOODS,! A WO. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, CHARLESTON, S. C. 1 0T Opposite Charleston Hotel. Sept 29 10 ?6 C. N. AVERILL & SON, ? w si ii\ a iu COMMISSION MERCHANTS J AND * Dealers in Corn, Oats and Flour, 'L 68, CORNER E A S'T BAY AND f< NORTU ATLANTIC WHARF, r CHARLESTON, S? C. 1 EEFEHENCES: o T. P. STOVALL. A CO., Angtoeta. BLATR. SMITH A CO , Atlanta. CLAOHORN. HKRK1NG A CO.. Atlanta. MARSHALL A. BUROK, Charleston. non in ?"? ? "" ? ~ i i-\j. n . niLLiAsia at to., Uliarleaton. Sept 29 19 15 THE POCKET CORE 8HELLER. j ^ T!>E!NO the owners of ihe PntenNfti^hi | I) of the State of North Carolina, of ( this popular farming implement, we offer | County Righto and Shellers at Great Bar- J gain*. C N. AVERTLI. A SON, t 68 East Bay, Charleston. Sept 29 19 12 limns. TQMUISSI ill ; WHOLESALE AND iDaksu^ias am Saddlely. Saddlery Hardware, Carriage Ma tenals. Leather, <fce. I 169 Af*?tinff-Sl, Oppntit* ChnrUnton Hut el, j CHARLESTON, S. Ct * Sept 19 19 It | 1 a. Btsncorr. c. wuLfcun*. j. h. pifpbr. i HENRY BISilCUFF & CO., < OROCER8, | AMD DEALERS IN WINES, LIQUORS\ SEOARSs TOBACCO, c??7. 1 lt)Y f!AST SAY, ' tl CIlARLfiStOlT. S. C. J 8?pt 29 19 24 H o. cLAoitoi. a. wnm. CLACD7S & WJfTE, ' NORTH EAST CORNER OF FRA?Evt9iARF , ON CUSTOM HOUSE PQUARe/ CHARLESTON, S. C. J COMMISSION MERCHANTS, < And Whole**!* Dealer* Id * GROCERIES, LIQUORS, AC., AC 1 Sept 29 19 26 F v^r idE .-'V ' 2* MM rnrnm mmwwt AND HUM TUB, J AT lOW FIGURES FOR THE CASH. David 9c Stradley. 18 sa U PLJlJVTERSr BY SHIPPING TUEIR COTTON HROUGH US, CAN OBTAIN LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES, ITHER ON COTTON TO BE STORED AND UELD, OR FOR IMMEDIATE BALE. WK WILL SHIP TO olumbia> cnx bleston, baltimore new york or liverpool. DAVID & STRADLEY. Beit 15 17 tf Iff BANKRUPTCY. it ifoe ?)i3fhcf CotiH of 1be bfnifcO Stqie? foi* Ihe of Sot; \) Cqfelinq. !** parte Wm. T. Shumate and A. Blythe, Auigttee* in re. John W. Grady. Bankrupt ?Petition to Sell Real Relate v*mcuinhered?Call in Lien Creditora, dka NOTICE is hereby given to All Creditor? holding Liens against the Estate ot OIIN W. GRADY, that they are required o establish the same before W. J. ClawsoD, Jeq , Register at YorkviUe, 8. C, within jrty days from the date hereof, or be bared from all benefits of the deeree for dis nbution to be tnade in this case. By order of Hon. Geo. 8. Bryan, Judge f said Court. , W. T. 8IWMATE, A. BLYTHE, Greenville, S. C? Sept. 15th, 1869. Sept 15 17 6 IN BANKRUPTCY. [n the District Court of the United States, For the District oj South Carolina. a thk Matter or A. W. Norwood, Bankmrt-r, BY whom a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy was filed on the 80th lay of December, A. D 18T58, in said Court: rhlc is to give notice, that on tht 21af day / September, A. D. 1669, a Warrant in iunkruptcy was issued against the &tate ?f A. w. NORWOOD, in the County of ireenvilie, and State of South Carolina, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on bia iwn Petition ; that the payment of any Detta arid Delivery of any Property beonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for hia Me, and the transfer of any Property by dm are forbidden by law ; that a meeting if the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to vrove tbelr debta. and to ehooae one or mora ksalgneea of his Eel ate, will ba held at a lourt of Bankruptcy, to be holrlen at New erry C 11 , South Carolina, before C. O. eager, Register, on the lflih daw of Oeto>tr A. D. 1889, at 10 o'clock. A. M. T. K. JOHNSTON", U. S. Marshal aa Meaaanger. Sept 99 19 * * Hack Line Between Greenville and Spartanburg. l?an - TIIE subscriber rofully inforroa the . P'i!>'<< that he eonllnnes BsSuBSftSSdlto keep the LIVERY ITABLK at the old stand in rear of tho 'nlmetlo House, Spartanburg. Ha takaa hia occasion to return hia thanks to thoao vho have ao liberally supported him. and issurea them of hia best attention. In addithm to the above, he has recently nought an interest in the Livery Stable in Greenville known aa the Prince A Oraer >ld stand, more recently kept by lfr. James P. Thaekston. 11m Hacks leave R|>artan jurg on-oionciays, Wednesdays and Fridays, with the mail; and leave Greenville on rueednyt, ThursJaya and July 7 1 - tf Notice T9 hereby given to Henry Hall, Jamas I Hall, Thomaa Hall, and all others vhom it may concern, that 1 will apply, on ha 16th day of October next, to S. J. Donhit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, or a Final Settlement and discharge aa Adninistralor of the Estate of JAMES HALL, lecea?e?t. WESLEY PHILT.TPS, Administrator. September 11, 1869, 17?4 Notice. T' lTK annual meeting of the Board of Com. I mlasionera for Greenvilla County, wilt Mil on the Firs! Tveiday/ of Wormltr mort. $AT1 persons harfng deroarde agalnat the bounty, will deposit the iaae with the underignni, ea or before the Brat day of Movaaabav, *60. A. ISAACS, Clark. County Cominlesionera Office, Greenville, lept, Mth, 1*69. Bep? ?2 1?. g /