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j W,1 BR, nts I i ! ' tfljt ^outjimi (Ctrttrprlat | GREENVILLE, % C. WID?8?AT, OOTtBXE ?, lMt. (Uto MNMI. f We btrt been for tone timo ilhmt ebturcn 1 of the Ttrloai party moremenU and combine- 1 tloo* that hare been proposed and dlecaccert l la most of Mm newspaper* of SewMi Carolina. I Wi think U rather premature to undertake, i now, to form the exact line on which we moat i oontend against the plunderera of the people, ' Who hare already Impoeed, and are eeektug to Impose further bardena of Intolerable taxation upon ua, and law* -vexatious end oppressive to all elaaaea, white and black. We belie to the* now the question of i?fri|e to all la a,settled thing In this State, there ia a hope, If the real a-f.?d? ?.I* tka likaeltan ea<l mntCara af ^ . pU are united, that soma bad law* may b* ra- ] i pealed, and Kmi judleloua laws enacted by 1 the Legislature aooeptabl# to the whole pops* i latioD, those few enly excepted, who waat to * Make their living by publlo offloe, and a oar* I rapt as* of power and plaoe?whieh they eaa only hope to obtain by keeping np party ex* eitement. We believe there are many members of the present State Legislator*, who are avowed Republicans, that will aid In the good work of relieving the people of all law*?new ?r old?that are unnecessary, oppressive and wnjast, and who will advooato measures favor?Me to the liberty and prosperity of the eitlaens ef this State. We need not Walt, therefore, till the election of 1870, but should appeal to the Legislature at its next seasioo to commence the good work of correcting some of the evils done at tin ? ! session nnder the pressure of party excitement, and the gnidanoe of maa who, as time ha* shown, have boon working for their private purposes or folk>wi*g tbsir own notions and prtyodleee, without considering their unsuitableness to this State, or the welfare of its inhabitant*. We would illustrate this, by rede re no* to aomo special Acts of the Legislature that are abominably unjust to every poor man in tbe State. We have a Supreme Court, and its Judges receive large salaries; they are to oorreet the mistake* of the Circuit Courts.? Cases can only he carried before the Supreme Court after tbey are first tried by the Clreuit Courts. A New Bnglander introduced and had passed a law that compels every man who loses a case in the Circuit Court, before be can carry it to the Supreme Court, to give security to pay the judgment obtained against him if be does not succeed in obtaining a new trial; in other words, he most give security for the whole debt, before be can try the question in the highest court. Now, we believe this law will be repealed by the next Legislator*, and that oar former system of appeals, which was one of the simplest and fairest in the world, will be restored. Every member of the Legislature who votes against the repbal of this outrageous law, ii the faots are explained to the people, will not get the vote ot a 'ingle honest poor man in the State, white or blaek, of any sense, or of any sensible hones4, man, rich or poor, who understands bow to do Justice and desires to do it. It is a miserable mockery to bavo a Supremo Court in a State which only the wealthy can eater, to escape irom violations oflaw and justice arising from the mistakes of juries or circuit judges. Wei are satisfied that this objectionable law was passed because the members reposed too much confidence in the wisdom of the man who propojed it, and being new in their places and un. acquainted with legal technicalities did not understand it. We must take it for granted likewise tbst the expensive commission for eodifying the laws will be at once abrogated. We are in fa* vor of codification, but every reasonable man must see that now is not the time. Wait a few years till the laws and changes made necessary and proper by the great revolution of af. fairs in South Carolina become more fixed and settled. A code made now might be and would donbtless be, greatly changed in three years time. There are maney matters of State policy that have no party bearing whatever. The complicated tax law, the laws creating hosts of offices, the new Attachment Act, the new complicated bail law, ete., we should suppose win dc rcpeaica, roe law mad toe old simple ai.d wiser laws again take their place and only anch alteration* made a* will conform t^ the Constitution. We were pleased to see the ether day the Charleston Courier calling attention to some of the laws enacted last session. We have frequently referred to these matters, in which all parties, democrats and republicans, native* or northern man, white and black, may fully agree, all but the real Radical, or genuine carpet-bagger, that has come here for oftee and plunder, and expects to get rioh by starring up strife. We go for the Interest of the people of all classes and colors in advocating such reforms, and will enoonrage and support all of whatever party name that will contend with us for that which is just and equal. Death of Bsv. David Hnmphsys, of Anderson County. This well know Presbyterian minister, full ef years and erowned with the honors of apt one and holy^lifs, died on the 39th Sept., nit. j The Anderson Intelligeneer of the 30th thus notice* the sad occurrence : " It is our mournful duty this morning to record the death ?f Rev. David Humphreys, which occurred at his residence in this county, on Tuesday night, after an illness of a few week*. This exemplary servant of God, through a long and usefal life, bad the utmost confidence and respect of every one with whom btj cmiiD in oonuui. xio man id idii Monon fcw b??n greater MotwI ill all the relation* of life, and hundreds and thousand* all over the land will learn ot bis demise with sorrow iv| heart*. Bit ha was faithful in all things^ and baa tarred the Lord with unabated seal for more than a half century. " Henceforth, there is laid ap for hiss a crown of righteousneas." Mr. Humphreys waa pastor of Good Hope and Roberts' Chnrches for nearly fifty years^ and daring all that time, in season and oat of season, his charges were never neglected oa a single ocoasien. It was expected for bha to preach his semi-centennial sermon atflmij Hope Church on the second Sabbati^nraAeher II* died in the 76th year " His remains will be Cburoh to-day, at 10 o'clock." a.-*- " '"ijass " ** K"~ , This MaMhaNtu Otftutoc otil! to harping 1 *m the.toeg*# qautlw, r*lunthi| the ?Ul* a u4 now attorly hlnthargM of Stotkm par* j oeewtioa of Dbw* mm. Ho to o grtoi itltoul ? <Ubt nu-Mruti th? debt paid in fold, thot i ton* NUbwbi to paper. the people robbed tor ] Ibo beoeft of bood-boMotw| M* pioi to t think ttol tto Mtnn* m4M etoitr bhI bo a mtotobni by (Tarlaitfig ilander o?lbe donlb. ' Bo wo htot fr? tto wiWM<fa Into* 4 ly delivered by tto Sownlor Wow the bfnun ebnnotla Repablioan Convention. Ho to still t itodnl Imthr Jobvoon, still threatening (to fUHh with Vtoual iw>w.r .aJ wmmmmmmmm . till inflating on tba tra klnx foblee, and tho I offeringof " faithfal UnlonUU." We had hop* 4 that the doaaoa apirlt of falsehood and hate WttM bo chained hy tba common IWM of tba A mar loan people North, Sooth, Salt and West, but ha la still at weak donate tag Bvwxaa, tear- , lag Tmiu Pimn and making him foam ' at the month, and driving thorn poaatassd by ' htm into tbo tombs at mm and ami-tad issue*, J dragging ant tbalr bidaona oorps 44 to Mgbt tha tools of fharfal adrersarioa." And all tkla that party fury and lent political atrlfo maj till rage for tha glorification of tha loader*, and to tuff tho pookota of ofioo soakers. Mrs. Harriot Baocbar B tow e?Blander of Lord Byron?Consistency of VannUaiam. W? piaaantad onr rradera laat waok with a ' fell notice of tho publication mnda by Mm. grown, obarging infamy against Lord Vrnon and hi* sister. Tha world rejects tba atory aa falaa and improbabls, bat a ktpdrad ?p!rlt In 1 this country, Vmiu Paojrs?prince of. radical* and political fanatics and hater* of tbo i Booth?arowa bis foil fatth hi tha story, aeeor* ding (o statements in tha public preaa. Theae two pnhHe characters an consistent ; they have Boa risked and hoooma famona ky nnrtlng and eiroalating tha villa* slanders against tbo Son thorn people. Exaggeration and falsehood, hatred aad all nnoharitabloness, seem to bo the neeoosary material of tbeir literary prodnotiona. Mrs. Brows baa probably oaaaed to olandar tha Booth, and finda saw fields for ax* aggaration in Bnglish life^ hut Wskdsu . Paiun' tengua atill throws of Mo aateaio von. J am at tho Booth and has aaeagh to aparo aid , and comfort to Mrs. Srowx's asssulU on Braox. Dti0n-aa7 oi uoiODflr. The weather b*iof bright and Mr, Monday ( morning brought the nntl nnmhor of pereons to attend the aalea. After Mr. J. C. S*i?f , S. J. Doutbit, Esq., and A. B. Vickbri, Esq.( t disposed of their proper!/, those in altendaaco J dispersed. I Mr. Smitb's sales consisted principally of household furniture, a good portion of it second-hand, which brought customary prices. We add list of others sales: salbs or s. 1. douthit, esq. Tract land Estate of Josbpb II. Tvrnsr, deceased, 103 acres, purohased by Pbilbmok Turner, for $710. Tract land same Estate, 233 sores, purchased by same, for $800. albs or a. b. -eickbbs, Kit). House and lot of Estate of 0. H. Wblls( | deoeased, | acre, purchased by Mrs. L. C. Bolliuo, for $1,660. Land J. W. Brooks, 168 acres, purohased by Pbrrt A Pbrrt, for $1. (Questionable titles.) Interest of O. W. ITtds in 30 acres land( bought by Wb. Kskkw, for $106. Watch, Clock and Jewelry Establishment ot Mr. James O. Black. The other day, whilst passing down 8treot, we dropped in to seo Mr. Jabks O. Black, whose stand is In the Loreland Building, en Main Street* We found the proprietor in, ready to wait on his ens to mors as well as exchange a chat; and before we hardly had time to tell him what we wanted, bo called oar attention to his stock on htnd, a portion of which was fresh from New York. In his show-case may be found a variety of articles, vis : Plain Anger rings, fall sets gold breast pins, varied . solid sleeve and collar buttons, studs, genuine jet jewelry, gold pens, fine periscopio spectacles of frst quality, lookets, ear drops of beet gold, ear hoop riags, watches and docket, the latter both 30 hour and eight dey, watch keys, coral necklaces, Masonic jewelry, Ac., Ac. We do not pretend to give anything like a list 1 of bis stock. Those wanting things in his ' line, or watehea or clocks repaired, are inform- < ed where he may be found. I The Coming Election in Mlsslselppl, ] Judge Dbwt, who is the brother-in-law of 1 President Grant, U the candidate of the e ones rvative republican party in Mississippi for Oorernor. He will ho supported by all parties exoept the proreriptira radicals, who have a candidate of their own. The election of Judge Dint and the aueooaa of his party ts ooofidently expected, and llhe the election in Virginia, It will break up the Bitter radars, es Jjidge Dunt styles the radicals ef that Ktate. Messrs. Foster A Hunter. The friend* ef these gentlemen are reminded that the junior member of tbo inn ia now absent (but is expected to return in a day or so,) in New York where be has laid In a tall line of goods, in all tho different departments of tbotr trade. Borne of them hare already arrived, and an advertisement giving taller par* tIonian will appear very soon. Hall Bond from Georgetown. Booth Carolina, to Charlotte, North Carolina. A lively interest ia manifested In thte proposed road, and it ia very probable the road will be built. Laneaater and Georgetown are npeeisHy earnest about it. Wonderful Southern Discovery. In the Sooth where Liver completet pad bilious diuMw prevail to eo greet ea extent, there hae long been felt e teed of e medicine that would act tpteijlomlly end promptly on it* Liver, restoring it to its normal functions, and at the same time be sate from after offsets, and vet so Simple that it might be used bp anv om It is claimed that DR. TUTT'8 VKGJCTA BLR LIVBR PILLS supplies this want. They eet directly on the Liver j their constant wee will net injure in the slightest degree the meet delicate constitution. Females at any period may nee them with great beneflt, ana realise great relict from the distressing nausea which they experience at certain times. These pills are aotraflgmmended as a tmimtrrml ewr? mil, diseased Liver, and those maladUflHBhow a derangement of that im such as Dyspepsis, Sick Heads JMPPidigeation, Loss of Appetite, Costiveness, Piles, Jaundies, Boar Stomach, Led Us ' Heartbnrn, Chills and Fsvsr, Foul Breath, Restlessness at night, and Flatnleaey. Thaee i invaluable pills may be fhaad in every Drag ( Store of any note in the Sooth and West, r*TJ kud ? V?5S? Crop. W< >a?o oat quite and Wa taken tato cos ilderutton tbia important fact,awd hava aalaeta tad hoathi a atook of goofa that will MRU lard Haw la quality, quantity, durability aa ihaapaaaa. W? will ba plaaa.d at all tiaw I how you aar atwh it to fraab. Jaat froaa Ha fork, and aomprisea of rariona description* i ggg&esii MHHBH Assessor ? Notice. T&fS till hava FIKy par arau aMai to tha aat jaar'a return. TA>aTHua DtaiHat Aaeaaaor. Qot >0 1 Found PIN Sunday. 3d in?t.. aboat four mllaa frw Lf tha city, an tba Laaraea r?w4, a P0C1 ST BOOK, contain lag a Mail amaaat i money, which iha owner cac have by d.tcril ng and paying far tbto wdrwrtiaeaeent. JAMBS SHKPPARD, 4 mil*, from Uraanvilla. Oct 6 H 1 SOI Tffil WHEAT CROP /II XVIfO WABJW ruilil LV IZER Just received. JULIUS C. 8Mim Oct SO 3 MISS HcXAY WILL OPEN, ON THUR8BAY, 7TH INST ffiCDSJSJW?. RLSVffS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, <tC^ PKHSOtTALLY a-lec1ed from lite N?< York ind Baltlmor* Markets. T> i urn lion of tiie Udlttk rcaprctlully sol sited. Oct ? SO . If To Rout. A Lit RGB and comfortable HOUSK, oot taioieg iii room with iIJjmnnm; oi m?n?, in the nkirki of Greenville, and with m easy waiting distance of the Fnmu Unl rwiilf. Apply to JAMB8 BIBB IB. Attorney, Old Cowrt House. Oct I M 3 eot Peabodv School Fund. TIIE subscribers to tho Fund for the sop port of U? Peabody Reboots, ore bereb lotifled that Mr. P. U. RBILLT 4a authorise o collect tho Brit quarterly payment. Mi tailly will call a poo the several subscriber brtbwitb, and the committee be go to urge tb mportaace of promptaeaa in raa pood lag to hi oqaoota. B. MANLY. Jr. Y J. A. DAVID, } Kx. Com. BLLI80N CAPERS, J Oct 6 St 1 WARTHEN*STORE 30 MILES SOUTH QFQREEKVlllE rjT,HE Subscriber ia now receiving. no JL will continue to reeeive regularly e< ery week, hU &JXHD TC&33US& STOCK OF ? ? 0 D i From New Toik, Baltimore an J Chaile ton. My line of Goods will comprise Eoesy Article in the regular Lin of Trade, suited to the Times, and Special wants of Customers. I announce myself la FULL BLAST < competition against every railroad an country town within thirty in ilea of n Store, and MOST POSITIVELY AS8ER1 thnt I will sell Goods lower than they ea bj had at any of there point*, for the rei on that I CAN AFFORD to do it, not hat lag rents to pay, town tases to pay, aa many other expenses to incur incidental t owns. I WILL BUT COTTOlf fn an? quantity, and ALL OTHER PRC DUCK. JAMES m. SVLLIYAII, W arthen, October 6th, 1849. *0-4 OTTR GOODS to* vFALL TRADE A*1I now ready for distribution. T1 Stock of Ooede AT RETAIL la tl Front Store Is replete nod fall, and of ere conceivable style and price. Omr Shawl and Cloak Department Presents mm rare attractions la prices ai Oar Dress One da Department, As asaaL esMbits all tMa handsome aowskk Oar Hosiery and Underwear Departsse Sappltea all the artielee of ooaafart aad pi Iwliou for wlater aw. ' Omr Xttin ul gtlwiiitery Dtpu Will, M heretofore, receive oar boot attenU and every nor ally, aaefbl or ornaiaeotal, a ba bad from it Oar Carpat VapuUaMt Tbia aaaaoa areata everything of tba kl arar exhibited la OolaaabU before, eoaprlei everything known to tba trada ia tba raj Floor Carpeting*. OCR WX01KAL8 BXPAJITHZ3T Ia a apeaialty, wherein w* alalia te riya i tba advantage* that oaa ba abm T Goods tot too Department are oa kaad bought right, and aold with aa littla axpea aa they eon ba bandied anywhere. Wa aolieit a aall from fry oaa waatti Good*. Wa ooaitively guarantee oar bt certainly aa aheap?often a beeper?thee a be bad elaawbera. R. C. SHIVKR. Cola table, 0. 0. Oct ? M IS Notice T8 hereby given to all whoa U My eon eel 1 that I will apply to 8. J. Donthit, Fraba Judge, of OvaaavUla Count v, antktlrddmy Nortrmbrr ntwt, for a deal diaobarg* aa 8tee tor of the Setete of IlANUL WQOD, doeea d. 8AMCBT, O. SBffTIf, Ri'r. Soptewbor 37th, 1Mb. lb-4 !d ro a* K. ?fa?Jll?tk. Jf Otutr wCoU JU GOATS >pj BWlNK fcwd raaalm >t lin? in th? { Iplrttlon of At* illy* Mid Qoato or Swine r^meln^UDeUlmod, tho Policeman *t?ell tfr*^ t- bo a lion' CHy, bo or they >< niyJuTi Umum? itiimi m the (?y*?l *" ?' Uo NMM?r* (hinm for OtiklaUtM* while in tho poiiotl; arid the Poffeeme* are - hereby Wtmeted to dm proper dittgeeae to Infcno (ha owDem of Ooata or I?Im. _ (when eoeb owoereMp l? known,) of tka impounding of their aoltnala. All manlao eoPeeted from the above soureea, to be de poetted in tbo PnbNo Tnwry for tbo An ind benefit of lb* City. Sac. 2. Be It Author ordained. That tbo . owoon'of all NUl?, romolning hi tbo otrooto at night, bo and thoy are hereby latd fifty ?*SM?*3**An<fte^t further ordained. That tbo Clerfc of Council ie hereby directed to open a book For tho rogtotrotion of Ear Marheof Ooate, Swine and Cattle, by tbo owaoro tboroof, for tbo parpooo of onahliag tbo polioomon to giro tbo aotioo aforooaid. 'I 8ao. 4. AM it la hereby ordained, That all Ordinaaceo heretofore paonl relatiro to tho running at largo of Ooate, Swine or Cot tie bo and tbo Mate ero hereby repealed. m Done nod ratified under the corporate eonl of l( tko Mid City of Or oo lit file, on tho fifth doy i. of Ootobor, to tbo yoar of oar Lord onothonaaad eight hundred and lixty-nloe. W. R. JONES, Mayor. A. R. McDayio, City Clerk. Oetfi 30 1 STATE OF SOUTlt CAROLINA. OOONU COUKTY. - Wm. C Keith, et al. ) to. [ Bill for Partition, Ae. . Mary R. Keith, el. aL J T TTNDKR " ordpr from the Cireuit Court, I U Equity elde, for tbo above named State r. Mid Coonty, I will Mil, to ths k)|k?t bidder, before the Market House in Wnlballa, on Sale day in November wegt, the Rani Brtatsef Wm. ? L. Keith, deceased, oonsiatinf of the aeTaral Traou of Land, at follows: TRACT KO. 1, Or the Cbeohee place, eon tain log 2,470 aavan, are or teas, with goad form Improvements, good fenee, and in a tboroagh state of en'Uration. This tract lies twelee miles North-west ofWalhaUa. and contains IM wares of good bottom la saltlratioa.h lerge quantity of good > npland, and an outlet for stock range aot sur' passed la the ooanty. Deposit gold Is foaad 1 on every part at It, aad baa keen profitably worked la past pears. % TRACT NO. 2, Or the homo place hi the Tillage of old Pickd one, containing 129 acres, more or lam, with r- good Improvements. TRACT NO. S. 1 Adjoining Tract No. t, containing IM antes, piers or lose. No improosmewte. ; . TRACT NO. 4, In tho rill ego of old Piokons, containing 1 I sere, mere of lorn. Ns Improvements. " TRACT NO. 5, In tho village of old Pickens, etatatning 1 acre, with good Improvements. TRACT NO. ?, " Is the village of old Piekoaa, containing 1 acre. No improvements. TRACT NO. 8, Or the Gnrley Tract, containing 24 acres mom of or lam, aiteats In tho Ooanty of Piokons. 5 TRACT NO. 8, i f Or the CtlbMm Tract, cmUIbIm 47$ mtm o mora or lost, eight mllee 8*it of WalhaMa, ?du Join tog lands of M. P. Mitchell. No Imprever menu. J TBACTNO. 10, Or Coiitiii Tract, containing M um, Mora or leea. >. TRACT WO. 11, Of AtWtora Tract, containing IN Nm TRACT WO. 14, Or A Ikon Tract, containing MA nemo, mora or lom. ?' A3% TRACT NO. 13, Or ttm Bold Tract, containing IN norm, mora or lean, bo bo TTndar tbe una order, and at Ike ramo time rr end place. I will alao rail Ike Bool Batata of Tho?. J. Keith, IiiimN, rta t TRACT NO. t 1 1 ad la Ike T 01 ago of oM Plekaoa, tmteklig 1 aero, mora or lorn. '** TRACT NQ. 4, . Or tko Devil's Beak True*, containing 811 none, mora or leee, adjoining? OtrWa. go loeaeawamaal raaalat !*.,? Jk am Id IV? Utipi VTWTolllit iivpvora gw|Q lOUuu Ira IBs . TRACT NO. 3, rt- ' 0a Ceaorooa Crash ,|e on tain tog Mf iqm aai or leee, adjoining Ian da of T/ra Maaldfb. ? TRACT NO. 4, 0a Six HQs Creak. Piekeao Of?If, containing J00 acres, mora or m .1 ?J TRACT NO. 5, On Snow Crttk, eon tola tag 840 men* mother TVMI8 ??Tbapo mif* will 80 nmto <m m ,, aiadtt of mm two u4 ftfM yoorx, la tfcrao h oqaal aanaal hiUttawto. P?mWm> I* gWm _ bond ud two gwd mrotion. with 4 mttrlffaa of yualia to Monro tbo Mrobooo aioaoy. ??>rt>nr to pay oxtra, In oaoh for alt aoeoooa 2 ...... J Qoti n i Votiee _ T8 hareby fiooa to all whom It may aa*? X oora, thai wo xrill apply to8LJT.X>oatMl Probata Jwdfa for Grtanrilla Omalr, on "? tbo M day of Norombor aaxtcftr t. i^al % dioabavfo aa Admialainrtawaad AwhKrlWx/ trtx of tbo Brtato of RKITBTW W>WT>*Pf. 4-~* Oat. lat, 1888. kO-4 n gJog wlU^b^fll^isbed^Btji^^^n? ft* Mghoot rri ktHhj ?i?A il 4n?y ' ?! ' Ls:nCv.' 28aeM.*&x?& *n? Wl a 1*7 01 nnTcniner nm. i?r I discharge u Administrator of lb* laito ef RL1A8 CHAPMAN. SHERIFPi SALES. nr^.S^twten he'hours a' lfl o'rtwk A. M In th? forenoon, and t o'oiwek U the after?*#Ali defendant* right. <MU And infthstt la law and really, ln?na tntt of Laatf,1iaowa tha How attend of lb* defendant, JarreMt w. Y arifIn nod other*. Alio the Abnnr Baldwin Plane, containing 360 acres, mora or lea* adjoining lands Of J. H. and It iojoo sad oth'ra. Also the Pmy Went 1 Tract, ootoUlolag l?0 asras, mora on less, adjoiatng lands of William Weat, W. P. pJltard sad others. Alto the William Wot Tract, containing 44 neres, more or leas, oa the west aide at Reedy River,on the.Getor. gia Road, beginning 00 a W?b at the river, adjoining lands of Pollard, Went and other*. Alio the Mill Tract, containing to aaara, mora or lei. adjoining lands of T. L, Bed rick, William Davenport and fb? Romestead. Alto sue small tract of Land, out off from the Homoetead, and lying on tha wast' bank of Reedy River, containing 36 acres, more or ice*. Levied on as the property of f. R. 8roy rr, at tha enlt of A Evlns and Riiaa Earls va. I. R. Banyer and James L Orr. One Homes and Lot hi the city of RreeavlUe, sontaiaing on# aero, mors or less, adjoining Lots pf Mr a. It. K. Spear aad Sltxander Ntrtoa's estate aad others. ls*Mf on as the proCirty of Col. 8. 8. CrittsadsP, at the soil of or of Alexander NorAlso the fblhiwhig Lets of Land, vis: Lot Ita. 1, containing Mi acres, mere ti&wattk'Jz&iALSi S Fenny Hammond. Let No. S, bounded by C. T. Hemmosd, Choice, Peel aad ethers, containiog 63 sores, mors or lost. Lot No. 6, eootaloing II sores, mors or lees, bounded by lands of O. W. Collins, C. T. Hammond aad others. Let Ne. 9, containing 41 acres, mors r lea., adjoining lands of William Wasson and Lot Mm. 19. Lot No. 19, containing 42 arret, more or ltaa, adjoining lota Wo. 9, IS aad If. Lot Ho. 12, containing 99 aewi, more mr Tama, | a<|lMi| lata Mom. 1, 18, >2 mad 28. Lmt Ma. IS, eontainiag 44 aarea, mere or I eat, adjoining Lota Noa. 10,12,14 and 14. Lot Mn,18, adjoining lota Mom. 1, 19,29 and 22,containing 61 aarma, more or lata. Lot Mo. 19, containing 90 acraa, aaorm or lata, adjoining laada of Joba Kantian, Lota Mom. 1, 9, 19 mad 18. Lot Mm. 29, eontainiag 99 aarea, mora or ieta, adjoining Lota of John Keenan, William Bmtea and Lota Mom. 18 and til Lot Mo. tl, containing 71 arret, adjoining laada of William Bates, mad lota Mom. 20,22 aad 24. Lot Mo. 22, ooataieiag 71 aarma, mora or loam, adjoining Lot. Noa. 17,1, 8 aad 28. Lot Mo. 23 containing 71 aaraa, mora or Imam, adjoining Lota Moa. 17, 22, 29, 29 aad 27. Lot No, 24, containing 92 Mrea more or. Use, adjoining land* of Wlftem Baton awl O. W. Oolites aad Lots Moa. 6, 21 mad 26. Lot No. 26, eontainiag 129 aeraa, more or loan, adjoining land, of CI T. Hammond aad Lota Man. 9,1, 22, 22 aad 29, Lot Mo. 28, containing 88 aarea, mora or leaa, adjoining land, of Rar. W. Drnmmond and Lota Moa. 2, 8, 23, 28 aad 27. Lot Mo. 27,eontainiag 87 aaraa, mora or leas, ?(J?ltiB( It**. W. Drummend, Lota Noa. 1, 2) aad 29. The ahorenamed Lota are within one mile and a half to throe mile, of the city of Greenville, lying on both lhUi of the LanreMs road. Plata of tha came can be eeen at tne Sheriff's office until day *f sale. This la a splendid Opportunity to umbo a good inr?e?meat. Levied on as tha property of Doreaa Green, deceased, at tha salts of William Jenftlhg., Robert Mckay, jKxaSator, and others. Also, erne Tract of Lead, coalmining 294 acraa, more or 1cm, adjoining laada of William Lea, Moees Fowler and others. Lerled on as the property of Barker 4 Prlaea, at tha salts of L. J. Jennings A Co. aad otaars. Also oaa Tract of Land, containing one hundred moras, mora or leas, known as tha Bay lis Prlaea plaea, adjoining laada of Sirs. M. Taylor, (Hirer Barrett aad othas*. Levied aw as tha property of John W. Cunningham, senator, at tha salts of Nancy McKianey, for another, and other*. Also on* Tract o( Lead, containing 899 acres, mora or toaa, haowa as the W. Frank Priaao place, adjoining land* Ot Mrs. K. J. P. In cm, Lashfal C?asaaad otksrm Levied aa as tko property of John W. Canning ham, Mjtoaator, at the salt of Money McKteaey, for Alao mm Trait at Ini MrtiWig N7t Mil, iiw or um, adjointag 1m4i of TtaiUy BklWdMr, jMtfk Barton u4 otbora. LorWd os aa tba yroparty of WBliaaa D. Dlekoy, at thi Hit of J. Itara?y Boar don. AUo MM Hmm and Lot Land la to* town of Qmnnllti, containing ISA aarno, Mora or lona, adjoining laodi of Nnl Nancy Bnwdon, Dr. W. A. Mooaoy and othwo. Loried oa aa tho proporty of J. Ranaoy Bowdoa, at Um Mil of Wilitam 0. 9tat aad otbon. A too oao raoaat Lot to too otty of Orooo. Bio, oa too aorto alio of Baaooatoo atroot, sstsajf* ieBz*r& oatato of Ooaoral Owaaa aad Boaooato* fTo^tlL ?R?rK|*VS! AUo, oao Traoi of Load kaowa aa too fan Hills or Oblaka MUla. Wing oa botk aldoo at Bahida iSm, aad loofudlug too OrUt Mill Saw Mill, Cotton Taotory aad Oardiaf' Maauss^tsagMfe tIHo. TkUtoarory daalrabM ytaoo, good oattoi > aowor. Aao ftakory, aad a hoattoy llOaAoa Looiod oa aa too projortj of flaw M. Narr Oaardlaa, ot al., at too salt of Jarwalak fan add otoora. AUo too Mtortof Porooaal Proporty, eoartws r Carda, I mm atato Poaolh, 1 doooa koaot A Byno, BoU BiaAoa, 1 rroaa Mttokoa, II UtltoJoWM yoaada Ma W Ura Mato tag, blato Bw Tfcrndd, 4 Bpooaa, aotall loi Hrlraori. rftioon andfaokl,! do.^aatoUrt wieftflEam ireifc; ml bi ?m% hmmrmm, t mmh hmm t Tm PoUl mfefpm M, IB mall PIMm * BIm *m mmui lot fimw imO lot IMpbor, anall lot 1 Ej>tooi ?ft)iiy J BfoW*', ??? > 'Co^^'j^CoJSw'CSJ 1 tot tanoQr B*ek*. I wmm $p*4m. half Ml Poll, 1 Omtof, 1 lot imply Boom, 1 IrMB, 1 Am-RmIIm, 1 lot OMtM Ploa. UfM NMlki pupuli of Lowta D. Bar PIOKIIIB, ao.c Oelobor 4, 1MB. 78 1 BUY BOO|S< 1 iti brow tin mnn t fcftrtnnm aVn nn THIS MftbMi A KB ifm sowbl consists Dry Goods, Notions, Fancy A .. *i cx o o Clotliing, Boots, 8boos, ha1] sugar, coffee, tel crockery, bagging, t lead, 8hot, bl indigo, madder, i iijrrru a general variety TT inform my friends, will bo SOL Corn and Produce Generally. Give selves, at the xra^r stctookbs fi Oel'S * W A FALLi STOCK OF J :o:Gentlemen, go to AND BUY IIDIY MBS they have a good stock :o:? Ladies, Misses, Gentlem GO TO 60LLIVAN A Si BOOTS, SHOES THEY HA VE A LARGE ST0 ANY IN T1 :o: ' K ' " t ^ y 9 * Ladies, be Sore to Ck A5D BtJl B1KSS i THEY HAVE A TASTI Everybody,.Go to AND ] DRY GOODS AND NOT THEIR STOCK 18 LARGER TIIAN EVEB Go to Sullivan & S ? - - , wrocenes, Table an Leather, Chewin) Tobacco, Gig; j3T Qo where you can buy G 0T Go where you can buy P Go where you can buy CJ [ the Store ot SUEaSaJTir JI.I r t3P~Mr. JAMES A. McDANl an-^,.w'^ pleased Always to wait c r tn OMUU PAPS* KILL, ; caamoLL co., ea* WILL P*T oMk for laga, Uf, ui *14 F?p?r., OrSw OT1WIU4 for . , WnwlM, NMiUtMd Prtal Pj?er. r N*? Mill, Para fttar, LItvVm. I iMWMlb. ^ if " ! " " Hf. f killoooT"1* '^ I ?*w. Cm, ? 0*IU(? Tm*U," j t Of ** *' ? ?j? J TUTT'S VEGETABLE ! fclTOlR 9IU ! Omm ikMMi of lit IJrrr iwl RtoMMk. 1 , TU lite KlPaCTORAlVT I ! i ' DELIOHTtb* ?r??t AlUretlr* m4 BioM , I saLs^eKftr> ?l?n<1*rd p'eptrtlioM Mr* W Ml? by Drof, fial MtryvkM*. (M Wjf. i i?j>j r ' g 1 Cottoa Ik Vi* York, 0*Ut?r 41k, SB Mob j ColaaibU aaA AafaaU, t? m*U; OrMarUto ?Mk?U UmiI Ik* MM M tut WMl. H uj^ *? ft*. ST SELECTED STOCK I ?? witimom w "iSS ^ f/iM-* . X iDairVJBLlir, 1 fG OF .i l /Mjfl rticles, Qants' and Ladioe* Ddy I Gents' and Ladies* ra *? * &6, HARDWARE, IES, ROPE, POWDER, LUE STONE, , 5PICE, CANDLES. * I STOOE, WHICH I BEG TO i D LOW for Greenbacks, Cotton, l me a call And examine for yonr* W ITRHT BTOH2I. T. W. DAVIS. [ WISfSf raw conn L daw uuuuu im\nv I Sullivan & Son, your (SUTHIRS, | just from new york. en, Youths, Children, dn and buy your i AND HATS, >CK, NOT SURPASSED b Y IE CITY. > to Sullivan & Son, t your a O O 3D 8 , i :ful assortment. Sullivan & Son,. buy linitn ah am* ir**t*\n lUi\8 UV ALL MNUS, I AND BF1TFR ASSORTED t BEFORE. I on, and Buy Your A id Pocket Cutlery, T j and Smoking J on, &c. &c. OOD GOODS. { RETTY GOODS. HEAP GOODS ; and that place is & <?s I tEL la with SULLIVAN A SON, m bis friends. it ?r EXBCUTIV1 DBPAftTMKBT. Ofnn or AooiToa ov Stat*, > Columbia, 8. C., (M. JUt. ISM. J Wt. W. W. MOHKRTSOIt, 0b? * IW> R 0r?**wUU ; ' * Bin?! ? OkMlar Li(*w, IM AafWt | M, n? nw li<nin?i ??>< rtUrt U>? mhlit/ imf?i y >iHi |>i>t lMj?y*w ioUl ? r*? mitnl iiiwiAM to* w. I Ml MMtMMwMll Wttwll Wan to ^bb^p 'or ilitfi iunn Mt rflw tywt to m?i tb* lKS?^^^L*sa!?Lr?f * MnMit tmmmmM km wn km V M to tlmfan ostoat of ito latWHjr in- bk bMHylp- latoMrhglto omfUUmo u K M illg, *!>!* ? *?* kmi) H ku too* rn 4. jm tono^. aba .# kilknil ^tttto1 too ott vCTtoptof op w**?J* K^?y|W,to moot twraa, w4U s?r ^rsnx-'vs^3^ - ' KStJBM TOMUNSOff, BUU AnAtfor. "<** M 1 * I J