' ' 1 .1 !
How tub Ratb Stole thk Eooa
?SoreraI hens had been laying in*
the same ne9t, and day after day
Mvo nest baa bean examined by,#
boy who gave hla attention to such
thinga, and thenn'mbfer never seemed
to incroaso. The boy being satisfied
that there was some sly trick
practiced upon him; determined to
watch the result and detect the ,
imposition if possible. The neat I
was in the cbmer of the feirce,
about three rods in Hie rear of the
meat-house. One bright morning,
about 8 o'clock, he heard a hen
cackle, and ran to the nest, apd.
there were three or four eggs in It.
lie immediately concealed himself
behind the ash-hopper and waited
to see what might fellow. Presently
a rat came from beneath the
moat-house, then another and then
the third, and proceeded to the
nest, when one of them tnre.w himself
upon bis back, the other two
rolled an egg upon'him, when the
rnt which wae on hit back clamped
fast with his fore legs, and tho
othor two took him by the tail and
moved off briskly to the hole out
of which they had emerged, and
rollod the egg in and returned for
another, when the boy interfered
and arrested the proceeding.
[Christian Observer.
1 low to Juno* tub Character
o? House.?A writer in tber
Oonntry Gentleman offers the following
as the result of close observation
and experience: If the
color be light sorrel or chestnut,
his feet, legs and face white, these
arc marks of kindness. If he is
broad and full botwecn the eyes,
he may be depended qn as a horse
of good sense, and capnbTe of being
trained to anything. As respects
these horses, the rnoro kindly
you treat them, tho hotter you
will be treated in retnrn. ffor
will a horse of this description
stand a whip, if well fed. If yon
want a safe horse, avoid one that
is dishiaccd. IIo may bo 60 far
frentle &3 not to scare, but lie will
lave too much go-ahead in him to
l>e safe with everybody. If you
want a fool, but a horse of great
bottom, get a deep bay, with not a
vvbito hair about him. If his face
is a little dished, so much the
worse. Let no man ride eueh a
hor6e that i6 not an expert rider?
they are always tricky and unsafe.
If you want one that will never
give out, never bnv a large, overgrown
one. A black horse cannot
stand heat, nor a white one
cold. If yon want a gentle horse,
get ono with more or less white
about the head, the more the bet
tor. Selections thus mado, are of
greater docility and gentleness.
A raw Jonathan, who had
been gazing at a garden in the vicinity
of the city, in which were
several marble statues, exclaimed :
" Just seo what a waste! Here's
no less than sue scare crows in this
little ten-toot patch , and any one
'cm would keep the crowi from a
five-acre'lot." ' .' ' *
PcuriNO a Witness.?A lawyer
engaged in a esse tormented a Wit- "
uses so oineh with questions that, i
the poor fellow at last cried for
water. , * - -
" Thoro," 6aid tlic jo^ge, 111
thought you would pump him .
Willi* F ? , a little five-year
old, was playing with a honey boe,
when the angry beo stung him.
" Oh, grandma 1" cried Willie,
didn't know bcee had splinters in
their foot."
" Why, Sarah, yon look good
enough to eat," said a loving husband
to his wife one morning at >
breakfast. "Well, I'm eating as
fast as I can, aint It" was the
ready reply.
A HKoao driver of a coach in
Toxas stopping to get some water
for the young ladies in tlia carriage,
being asked what he stopped
for "1 am watering my flowers."
A more delicate compliment
could not have been paid.
Aw Irishman took th?
Boston for Worcester. On jumping
from the cars he remarked that
" if ho had known he conld have
made the journey in bo abort a
time, he would have walked afoot."
A son of Earn, while hunting
for rabbits, came across a jackass <
in the woods, and shot him. 44 By
me soul and St Patrick," ho ex- Jj
claimed, " IVe kilt the father of
all rabbits." "
Witt are greenbacks like the l
Jews??Because they are the pro- '
duce of Abraham, and no one '
knows if they will be redeemed. \
A crmararoNDKST thinks that 1
one of the most surprising feats of \
the last administration was getting ,
Muddont of the Dry Tortuga*. 1
rnotr rn ?otn coammm^ J i
,xS: rrr^flri^rdj I
Road be bntit witMhtahowin?tlMc fetereafc j ,
i?nd Spartanburg, with like reettlU. <J9 ,
After that i? dona officially, the Railroad .
Company will know how to act, and* It will ,
depend'upon their t impte eceeptaaoe, after the ,
location of the road, to luoalve the aubetrip.
tlona to tbo nat. *'' ' * (
To thia point wa aboard now act, Tfe rtwald
not lot ihA mallear ratal until ?? tiara rtana **Jb. ' i
eially, *11 that wo can <M to got tho location ]
through tho oomnoroUl contort of oar Conn- J
M ft 1
In order thot wo may understand fttlly whit ]
it to bojjon^ J^wUl hora r|lhrl<L|lto A?>W ??V 1
log the Count** authority to subscribe stock
to t$d Roodj
" That from and after the portage of tbP
Act it shAll** fateful far ?nyC?drrtp, 1%wn
or Ctty, Iti (bit State, In tore (tod in tho ootittruction
of tho Air Lite Railroad in South
Carolina, or any branch thereof, to tdhtortbo
to the capital stock of (aid (Cmpnny, or of
any Company with whloh It ?uay consolidate '
or unite, on ok turn and to ho payable fa WfeV 1
manner ?s the people or the proper authorlttoo J
of such County, Town, or City, shall doom hast, <
determine or authorities." . :jr I
By Section 86 of ftn Aet to mpbO tho JnHi"
diction and dnt lea of County Commissioners,
It It provided i
" Bach County rhall bo-a body politic and I
corporate for tho following purpose*: To sue
and I* aued, purchase end bold for the uoo of
the County personal estate end* lands lying
within its own limits, end to ftuke nrecuserv
contracts and do neceoeary aots in relation to
the property end concerns nf tko County.'4 j ,
It WouTd'seom (hat the County Comtulssioners
hare full authority to act in the matter of
subMribfag te the riock of the Air Lind Railroad,
o* they may pass an osdff py
election, submitting to the people whether they
shell subscribe $200,090 of stoekhy firing the
bonds of the County, provided the said Road
) located and built within1 two miles of their
respective Court Houses. They can paea such
en order and piece It on the rccendn <4 jftbe
County, end 9b?it it to e rite after gfafag
if teen days notloe.
This would be acting officially, and In n manner
that the Company may knotf what help to
I thirds tbis nitmlaiiui tn ?? -
people is tho mors democratic, besidos ths people
become the hstt*r Informed, end tbe inter- ,
est taken would add strength te tbe eatorpri.T,
- ? A Let
tbo people cantasi this matter and nrgc
tbe Commissioners of each ef the Oountiet Iff
pons an eh an order and submit the question to
a vote, tbnt what we do may be a matter of
Atlanta made a practical question of it, and
subscribed in prirato subscription $250,000.
The eity gave bonds for $300,000, and wltli
liberal subscriptions on the line in Oequta,
they have gone ts wtoiV land are building the '
road. They did aot only tall and promius, but
tbey suited that to action. No other points
on the line has dona is. Had paints of Mter.
est on the line in this State done the same, the
road would now bar? been compete. Atlanta
has struggled without pny material help. Lsl '
us come np to the full measure of the work and
get an interest in tho road. " 1
It is certain that we can got tbe rOad-'at ]
Walhallo if an interest anfleiontlgr strong is i
sbown. It may sost some mope to build It
but the adrantaga to tbe Counties, in preserr. '
ing their oosamereial centers, will react to thm J
benefit of tbe road by increase of local freight* J
It will be a general benefit to the Counties in i
diffusing its advantages throughout its extent, ]
giving a market for everything that can be <
grown. , i ^ !
Ilenee, let as rest not antil we have spoken ,
officially what we will do. Let the people urge ]
the Commissioner* to act without delay. Let
si concert ef action on the liae through the 1
Counties of Oconee, Pickens, Greenville and '
Spartanburg be bad, and thus secure and help (
bn ild the road. .
Let us girs new life to this part of our Stats; 1
ioi i no aouDu oi me exe oebtard to nebo in oar j
forest; let the virgin timber be brought forth to |
increase our wealth lu bouses, to Improve and r
beautify our homes, for uh ta meehsnlcal J
work at evidence of tbahandiwork and fndoa- '
try of the community 5 let the aound of the *
water-wbeel be heard with ila haaa af nah>B? ^
ery, producing wealth fjonj nature's rlrgin (
material ; let the sound of the hattmtr and 1
law resound with the eheerftil voice of tho |
mechanic aa onward in progress we more in 1
developing the westlth ef a County, possessing
all the advantages that oaa he olabsitxl tpr
health and a home. H. T.
September IX, 1M9. '
SrasKtng ef the bastneM prospects of Char- *
leston, the Co*ritr says: , J
la tba exercise of this duty, it is a cause of ?
great satisfaction that we eaa give, nabesita- t
tingfy, the note of eheer aad encouragement
te all who are interested in the adraaeing for- <
tanes of oar cherished metropolis. Oar dlS- 1
1?1? - * - - - - - -
^ bkiob in aamnr, ana -formidable in j
array no tlx; kor* boon, hnro gimp away w- ,
dor tho energy, fort Undo and spirit of work, <
which hnro no signally pontdtd oar pooplo. <
The sonoon J not put, hno to the ng rlcnltornliot,
h??n ?no of afoot stimulating angary. <
Good priees in Um year Jnot oloaed, nnd on '
added manifeotation of tho inherent otrongth j
of oar groat otapie, In the nana sow bodoro ,
no, all bid him onward in the hearty punnet of <
hia farorlU cult ere. Thn Inereasiag otrongth I
0f oar inooelal otataa, the cheering aondiUon,
comparatively, In Which many of on* haako, 1
heretofore prootrate, hare recently ahown
themaelraa to be the renewal of oar badness
relations with many of oar Important m+tt-fullum
eonnoetiono, *ho eatahltabtnont and oner,
getie development of many new branches of
iadastriel parsmitf, as tarUnoad In oar phosphate
companies?the lifting np into seme*
thing of its former magnitude, of oar .great lobbing
horlneas, as inrtanoed in the activity
of Hayne, Kast Bay and Mealing streets?and
the general determination of oar barlnesi people,
and capitalists, to remove every OhrttaO- .
lion to, and to afford every facility for, making '
Charleston eligible and preforable as S centre '
of badness?all?make ear hearts heat warmly,
In view of a foil and enriching tide ol pros
lhat we fatlMtoi* ** *?> -*P tb? li??BM **>
rUw or our rM^cU^^parteteule ?f tad*?ftrrr,?r^lW
Core Tut rcsoirobeo warrant u? in IM^Of,
? m jMl ttpptoslinati'in, tb* JolJowing itatotoent
gi the probablo ralno otcapoTt* ?bw4 wilE J
paee through tUs point daring the. eofliing
DaiOQ ; > W< IPHWU^,
Cotton, oplrtdr,3?M<W bales, ah I
?--- . *. ?* *Q j- ? 1
*>uv?r v?f......... ..?-^50^)0^00
Cottoo, m ieleade, 14,000 bale* at
$200 bde.. ... 8,000,000 "
Rioe, 46,008 tteroeo.. 8,500,008 |'
Phoophetee, 38,000 H;; 888,800
Naral itoroe, 80,000 barrel#. V.Y,{.,.. , If0,000 I
Lnrnbor and timber, 20,000,000 feet., 200,000 I
DomeaUca Md jruv, 18,000 bale*. 2,888,008
lundriea... 1,808,008
l.r?? * . .Vi4' $88,260,000
-rHtT-> ' *i * * ?i<?
Patent o* TitViHiR.?Ifur persona are
|l?81*to mIiwm uttrlag from wmi on the 1
fin nr. Thaw ail lotion a or* not onlj rrrj
painful, bat not untrequently ocoaalon permanent
crippling of too member The
following duple concoction ie recommended
M n inre care {or tim 4iatree?ing ailment t
Take eommoir 4ee1o nam, inoa al ia aaed for
a*Mag.d**A p?rfe and beef, dry it In. am ofeA
then pontjd U fine and mix it with aplrita et
turpentine In equal parte. Pat It on a rag; <
wrap It atonnd tbo thumb, and aa it geta dry,
put.on aome more, and in twenty-four boure,
we are eaaumd, Ue fbMn wQI bd dead.
mowmm?e>?mmmmefia? In i
job printer,
Office in OM Court House,
Up Stairs.
! mmmi blanks i
LhWAY.n. ?1 SUA TO
i|M|Sims* *
.* -X
July 21 ; 0 tl J
SHEIttFF?9 (|ALE?. j I)
TlV virtue of edndry write of FterU Facia*
J) t<> me directed, 1 will Nil I, be/ore the <
CVnrt House door, on 5a fed ay in October a
next, between the hour* of 10 o'cTodr A. tf. i
In the forenoon, and -8 o'clock in the afterAll'
defendant'* ftKhf, title art^ intercut Jh'
5w anlf equity, fn one tract of Land, known ,
ilu-HyNanue Italdwin Plte^ eoptaifciiig '
180 aere% mpre or toto, "aitjolliing lands of ,
he Homestead of the d?feuil\al, Jarrettt
W. YeartHn oful other*. Alsd the Abner
Baldwin Place, containing 290 acre*, nforO J
>r leaa. adjoining land* of J. H. and R. '
~?V? ? ? ? -
. mn.ir. A>an ma rsrry VV r?t (
rraet, containing 120 acre*, more or leas,
idjoining lends of William Writ, W. P;
I'cllard and others. Also the William West
rraet, containing 44 acres, more or less, on ?
he west side ot Reedy Rhrer, on the Geor* ?
jia Road, beginning on a beech at the *(
river, adjoining lands of Pollard, Weataad H
jthers. Also the Mill Treat, containing M ?
lares, mora or loss, adjoining lands of T. L. (
fled rick, William Davenport and the Home*
dead. .Also one small tract of Land, eut off
rom the Homestead, and lying on the wsst
>ank of Roedy River, containing 25 acres,
nore or loss. Levied on as lbs property of .
f. R. Srnyer, at the suit of A. Kvins and (
Mi as Earls vsu Jamss I* Mar and J. R. ,
liny er. * . V# a A e 7
Also, one trsst ot Land, on tho Spartan 2 *
inrg Road, about two miles from the city,
lontsining ?6 seres, mom or Ism, bonndsd
?y lands ot Bar. Samuel M. Orcen, Hsnry 1
Morris and Roboct Ward. Levi ad on aa tbo 1
iroperly of Tbot B. Roberta, at ihe suit of
lames M. Sullivan for another vs. T. B. Ro>srt*,
W. X obsssvs aw Robert iaestay.
Also, the defendant's right, title and in. j
oroat in law and equity, in una traat of '
Land, known aa the Itrael Charles, .Mjll
fraet, containing SO seres, mare or lOsk; on J
Ms tract Is a fond Grist and Saw illllj ;
id joining lands of J. D. Hnllivan, Elijah
>[ >? mu ouifit, w?iert on ii the propirty
of George W. Hyde, at tha salt of Jerentah
Roberta and other*.
Alan, one Honae and Lot In tha eity of
JraeDVille, on Buoeomb* atreet, bounded \
>n tha north by Laurent elreet, anal by W.
I. Whit mire and eonth by Buncombe atreet;
ot contain* | acre, more or lean. Levied on
ta tha properly of tha estate of O. H. Walla, :
laeaaaad, at tbc anit of O. F. Townee and
> there.
Aleo, one tract of Land, containing 169
icraa, tttora or lata, lying on tha right af tha ]
iuneotnhe road, aboot three milaa from tha
dtp of. Qreenvlllt. bounded by landa of '
Perry A PCrrp, IFfTliain Choioc, 1, C. Fur- ,
nan and othera Levied on aa the property <
>f J. W, Brooka, at tha euit of A- 4- Dunoan
or another. (
Terpoa Caeb. Purehaeere to pay for \
ttampa and pa pert. t
A. B. VI0KER8, 9. 0. C.
September e, 18J9, , f ,
?*~r. n a 0 . t: '-H?r J
WILL practice in the Count We of Lamp- 1
kin Daweon, (Miner, Fannin, Union, *
row... White and lfall. i
Jan 10 93 tf (
' * 1 I
F. TOWRlfl hae removed kit Law f
tj, ORoe to the building aortk-eaat cori?r
of the PuMIc Square, In part occupied by 1
Inline C. Smith, Auctioneer, and the Kntar- 1
>riea Printing Office, up ?Uire.
Jan 8 33 tt J I
I +rm. -> w * <-/ n "ai '<
f (SI WCA. i
JSm*t '%;
Which they propose to Sell Low to Make j
Room, end enable tbem to
mwmm |
Biro^^m a call, and tee ifthey are not in ]
fcAHlTfiST. i
Awg 2b 14 * tf |
sovxos j
a TO
1IE3^ IS?!
w H. HO VET |
RTomr I
Aug 18 >'<!?* ?f
WLeWu or Retail.
*?:? 7" V
JUST fk&ded, eh alee Mnoeovado, Porto
lUeo, English Inland SUGARS. Alto, I
, very Urge Maorttnent of Refined Bugare. ?
VII gredeeWeale T.rj- Mr.% * 8
t Wfioleerte ami Retell Store.
CnOICE Molded, MoeyoYtdo, Cob., F
rorto Xfeo UOLAS6B3, foreole cheap,
it Jd ** 8TLEti^
Whoteeale and ReUil Store.
a OLDEN Symp Beehive, Silver Drip a,
Golden Dr!|>?ill eliolee. for ante low; {
(% ' * STEEN'S ,
Wholesale and Retail Store. q
\ VERY enperior aeleotion of TEAS, a
ex. whivh I can warrant aa cheap, ??he
tame Teae can be purehaeod in Columbia or
3harleeton, at retail. Cholee Gnn Powri?? -
>2.00, |2 2* Md 92.SO- Young 11 j eon, Im- 1
>erial, English Breakfast, Oolong, Super>olong,
Souchong, for sale cheap, at
Wholesale and Retail Store. j
AISO, a very choice aeleetlon of Can ?
FraiU, Oystere, Pieklee, Sardines, Hal 8
non?emoked and plain, for sale at reduced >
jrices, at STRESS ?
Wholesale and Retail Store. '
?to:? *
[AM also receiving every weak, a aaw
apply of Freeh ORACKEUS. Soda, \
dutter, befton, Cream, Trenton and Dinger (
inaps, far wale low, at OTKENU "
Wholesale and Retail Store. [
-or? ^
\ VERY choice -election of COFFEE *
rV. hat been received, consisting of the "
olio wing brands; Choice Rio, Prime Rio,
Common Rio, Java, (Old Government.) La[ayra,
Ma rata bo, and aholaa Old Mocho
Coffee, for sale aa low as they ean he bought T
a Columbia or Cbarlaaton at JUtmil, at
Wboleeale and Retail store.
?to.'? .
[WILL Duplicate any Bill of Order from \
Charleston or Columbia, in tlia ORO- 0
Aug 2* 14 tf 8
hue State of South Carolina. 8
tariff's Bale. ''
BY virtdoaf an OrderfrwtnB J. Dnnlhll, ^
Probata Jatfgt, I will aspoae for sale,
it pnblio outcry, before the Court Hooee
Ipor, on Saleday In Oatober nent, the fob
owing TRACTS OF LAND, vtt: J
Trent N?4 2. situated In OreAhvllle Countv,
> waters of Middle Tiger JUver, bounded
jj laous 01 uoaxrei and Mbtn, and coo- ^
aining 288 Acres, mora or leaa.
Tract Wo. t. situated in said County, on ^
raters of said Rlear, bonndod by lands of /
I. Ponder and others, and containing 168 (
lern, mora or lsaa I
The aboro Tracts of Land arc aold as Uic J
>ropsrty of JOSEPH H. TURNER, do- I
tca?*d for partition among the hairs, Ac, c
TKRM&~~ik credit of one and tiro year*
with interest from day of Bala for all except J
k> mash as will pay the Coyte of the case,
rhlah wilt bs required in Cash on the day *
if aale. Purchasers to glee bond with good
ind sufficient sureties, together with a mortgage
of. the prom lose to the Probate Jadge .
o seeure the payment of the purehaee mooly.
Pofehaeera to pay for siampe and tl- ]
fee. A. B. VICKER8, *. 0. 0. s
August 21, 1869 v
Aug 29 14 6 I
1M i S S b
' l;
#1X13 P. BOYCK, I>. D.)
s Prof?or of Byatefctatie IM44r>
. #OH* 1. BBOAl>U8f IX D.>
Profeuor of Interpretation of the New Teetamest.
/ r\ 1'
BASIL MAHLY, #*., p. D.f
Profeeeor of Biblteal Introduction, Polemic
Theology, mod Preparation and Deliver/
fSerSU? 1
KKV. OtAWfOKD H, TOY) -y?r
?ro lessor of YiAerpretiTnoii oT the OlJT'eoU?entrand
Oriental ?A
i ? ?i .? jf> . *aifl *
Professor of EaplwoMiaoJ iJiotorj, Cbnreb
OoftngMl and Postoral Dutbi,
T*H? ? 000*1*01 (of oifbt months) open*
M On Wodnrmday, iH*j>trm(rer 1, 1809, when
here will bo on Inaugural Address by Frof.
TOY. It is on everjr oceoeftt Important for
Itudcnta to bo preaont On tkt Irat day.
The studies oro eacloeively Theologies* md
imbraea an eatensire range of subjects,- In
vhich the best College graduates and those
ebo hare only a plain English education can
iltke flnd whatever they pro prepared for and
trefsr. The wfcol* bourse requires at least
:hreo years, Wi s Student may eome for only
t single Session, and select bis rah jests, with
idvlee from Ifcw *?roforsors If desired, Imd may
graduate in each o( the particular ebools be
attends. - No ohargoa for tuition, nor foes of
in)- kiM, TV* t-Book* lant to th#M who cannot/.conranientt-f
purchase them. Students
? saBs
jf living,'HehWh for the past Session aferhged
18 25 a month. Thoee who prefer it may
boaid in private ferniliee, at about #<5 ?month,
fa either vise, fhel, lights and wasbiirg will
add some $9.09 a month. Brethren wisbiag
to attend, but unable to command tbo necessary
means, will please write promptly to Rev.
B. Mtstr, Jr., who will arrange to give them
?eenniary aid. Churches and individual breth-en
and slaters are requested to send htm contributions,
large or small, for that purpose.
Srcenville is in a healthy mountain region,
tnd is reached by Railroad, r?a Columbia, 8.
3. For further information, Catalogues, Ac.,
iddressltev. JfAisks P. Borer., (Chairtnaa of
the Faculty,) any of the Professor*, or
B. MANLY, Jn.,
Sseretary of the Faculty,
June 3 4 .! 2 " f> 4
n. K. EASLET. a. a. WELLS.
ittoraay* and CoubmIIotb at Law
(lllPVMVTt T u a
PRACTICE in tho Courts of tho State end
of tho United Ptutca, and gire especial
iMention to omos in Jiankruptcy.
Juno 13 3
Ba WGaiEtSp
Ll ment of
He ie a I no prcpated to furnish all the
i Pattern Book of tvbioh cao be aeen at bta
Itort. f i t-*f Jane 3
rtOfclT SHELL** S, Cotton Glna, Locks, J
O Kerosene Oil Lamps, Sewing Machines
nd Parasold REPAIRED with promptness.
!barges reasonable. Corn Shelters, from ten
n twelve dollars. I am also prepared to farlab
Hteneil Plates, for marking clothing.
J/Sft- Stand? At Westbeld's old shop,
June 23 5 *" tf
lack Line Between Greenville and I
{fl>*Dec1futlr iofanna tht
yS^MEzsSEiimP'1'1"6 l'",t aontlnuei
saeges3b3b9to keep ii>? livery
TABLE *1 the old stand in rear of the
'ilrarlio Houae, Spartanbnry. Ho t*kee
lib oceaeion to return his thaoka to thoie
rho have ao liberally supported hint, and
aenres tnom of hia boot attention.
Jo addition to the above, he haa recently
ought an Iwtiraat la Ike Livery Stable in
Ireenville known as the Prinea A Oreer
Id atand, more recently kept by Mr. James
TUackaton. Hia Uaoka leave Bpartaaorg
on'Mondaya, Wednesdays and Friday*,
rith the mail; and leave Greenville on
'uesday*, Thursdays and Saturday*.
duly 1 7 tf
PIENERAL Auctioneer and CammWrion
UT Merchant, ean be found at the Store
f T. H. ALLEN * CO., lata Hlghtower k
Jo. All huainaoa entrusted te Mm, will reelve
atrlot attention. He will aleo attend
tales in the Country whau applied to. Term*
y>w. Aleo, at the Rtora, oan be found a
nod assortment of Oooda of all kindav
Aug 4 11 12*
Law IT otic??Change of Office.
rhe State of South Carolina.
la Chanoery.
limn W tiTi.na - ' ?
... .v.. n, j*. D. UVBkl?mil
to Fori lot Mortgage, So.
BY virtue of the decretal order made by
Judge Orr in the above care, I wilt eell
0 the blgbeet bidder, at Greenville Court
ioune, on 8a let-day in October next, tbe
TRACT OF LAND described in tbe bill; Tit:
111 that tract or parcel of Land, eituete in
IreeavUte County, on water* of Mutb Creek,
:nown a* the Mtlee Plaee, oontalning, Three
?oitdrod and Ton Arret, more or leea, adfolaeg
la ode ef Taylor, Neeves, Donaldeon and
tTrMS OF 8ALK.?One half aaeb, tbe
aiaaee it a credit ef twelve month*, aeewred
1 y bond and mortgage. Pa re barer to pay for
tamp* and paper*.
W. A. MeDANIEL, 0. C. 0 in C.
Clerk'! Ofee, September 7, 1Mb.
Sept 8 Id 4
Stwctal None* ?To partiea la want of
>oor?, Ha?he? and Bllnae^ we refer to the
idvertleement of P. P. Toale. the large manifaeturer
of thoee gooda in Charleston*-?
'iloe liat fnrniebed on application. 9-tf
,-iu uim.
cnnvinnrvi^ itn mmnffiiv
t ' <pr # y v
ui?vv?iJiV1IU3 A 1'liO VISIONS,
Pendleton-St , Inr Dtyot,
June 2 2 tf
Ch-eesrille ft Columbia E. B.
a mill t i C
*f>A0SKK(lfi>a T*A ifiCtf ran dtlly, Sonriay*
excepted, connecting with Night Train
on Charleston Railroad, as follows:
Lsava Columbia at.,. ,7.00 a. ft.
'? Alston at _8.55 "
? Newberry at. ?10.35 "
Arrive at A bbevilte af,.. ..21.30 p. m#
" at Anderson at... 6.15 44
** Greenville atNm> 8.00 "
Leave Orecnville at.,..,.... 8.0# a. tn.
" Anderson at....... 8.48 "
44 Abbeville st.....^. ww.. .8.41 44
44 Newberry at 1.28 p. m.
" Alston at..; H.OO 44
Arrive at Colombia at 5.00 44
? Trains on the Vine Ridge Railroad will also
run as follows >
Leave Anderson Art. .....wN.2# p. m,
" Pendlnton at "
Arrive M Walbulla at ?8.00 "
Leave Walballa it.n..w ..4.00 a. m.
< " Pendleton ftt MISSt 5. 40 "
Arrive at Anderson at..~% .6.10 44
The train will return from Helton to Anderson
on Monday and Pride y morning*.
General Superintendent.
Fob 21 40
South Carolina R&ilroatl Company,
Gkitrab SupantTiMrw.wT'B Ovrtcr,
April 9, 1880.
ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, 11th instant,
the lotlowing Sehcdulo for PASSENGER
TRAINS, will be observed }
Leaving Columbia ?t 7.48 a. tn.
Arriving at Columbia nt.?... 4.10 p. m.
nifftrr v.xphks* train.
Leaving Columbia at ..5.50 p. tn.
Arriving at Columbia at ..4.45 a. m.
Will run on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
Arriving in Columbia at fl.00 a. m.
Leaving Columbia at 2.20 p. tn.
The Train now running between Columbia
and Kiogviile, in connection with the Through
Mail Train, will be taken off on Sunday, April
11. If. T. PEAKE,
General SunorintrnA.ni
wh -wi n*?n ivivfuwmi
raovxmoHAL services
OFFICE for the present at his father'* residence,
Rutherford Road. ^
WOULD reapeatfully inform tha publie
that ha haa Removed to a room ia
th# OLD COURT HOUSE, whirs ho will
be prepared to raaatwe enatomere aa heretofar#.
Using a Pra/raasowW Barber, ha
bop#*, by attention to hoainoaaa, together
with politaoeaa to all, to merit a portion of
pnblle patronage, In CUTTING, SIIAVINO
Jan 2ft 86 tf
April It 47 tf
C- & S. C. and C- & A Railroad Co'*.
Columbia, April 10, 186U. j
"PASSBXtlEK Trams will run as follows:
ooiwa worm.
Leave Augusts, at 7.40 a. trr.
" Columbia. S. C., nt..... <.1.15 p. m.
Arrlvo at Charlotte, N. C 8.10 p. ni.
coming south.
Loavo Charlotte, N. C., at 5.50 a. m.
M Columbia, 8. C., at ?12.50 '
Arrive at Augusta ......6.15 p. m.
Through Tickets on sale for priocipnl point.*
North and South. Baggage checked through.
Close connections made North and South.
CALEB DOCK Mil 1IT, Sup t.
Aug 4 11 tf
^|^5lThe most durable one now in use.
Cull and examine il, and see different sizes,
from No. 6 to No. 9, Manufacturers of
plain and
All kinda of Tin and Sheet Iron work done
on the most reasonable terms.
' A J. ROSS A CO.,
At th? West field Old Slond.
July 28 10 tf
Jewelry, Feriicopic Spectacles, &c
WILL order an extra artirlo
fnv an- ? '
?j frvi.uii. pjujciai Rti<*n-If*
Vian W?U b* given to RKPAIRJQ^yflPINO
An* Wat oho* of every dee
cription. Beet reference* given.
J A if Kg H. BLACK.
Jane 30 0 tf
A?5PlF'^)SU0a"2r AT? M?,
Office it Greeavltle C. H., 8. C.
July 7 7 ly*
AND magistrate:,
a. ?.
Feb I# ' ?? ? II
RIR. utmnv tusuam"