University of South Carolina Libraries
BAR mo*' PLOW STEEL f" ^TtAILS A *H" t "rfffeTAti " ! ' 1 "GUNS ' 1 3srxx> *.m HARD WARE WHOLESALE 8TORE N< Eetail Store Corner Kin: CHARLES'] September It L Ami* STOCK OF I ,.wv | v? ?4? .* UVbbl I :o: Gentlemen, go to AND BUI ssaby - mm* THEY HAVE A GOOD STOCI ' 7 \ % t \ fct ' ' ' v V1 *' ' ? :o: V Ladies, Hisses, Gentlen GO TO SULLIVAN & S BOOTS, SHOES T11EY 1IA VE A LARGESTC ANY IN Ti :o: Ladies, be Sure to Gk AND BUI J) I K S S i TIIEY HAVE A TASTf Everybody, Go to AND ] DRY GOODS AND NOT TTIEIR STOCK 18 LARGER Til AN EVJkli Go to Sullivan i Si Groceries, Table an Leather, Chewin; m_i /i? ^ JLODaCCO, trig |^T~ Go where ytm can buy G |?gT Go where yon can buy P r^r* Go whero you can buy 01 the Store ot * suMjiru |3TMr. JAMES A. McDAN] am! will be pleased always to wait t September 15 GAINES &, | BEARDEN, ARE NOW. BECEIV1KO A FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FAILJL* AND WINTER Their goods mavi beer carefully 8el*eted by on* of the Firm, wlio hu iuat r?Ura?l from New York. Oor OOOI>3 baro bee a bought aa CHE]AL1?9 AMD WILL BR SOLD AS ? - - , . C3XKXC JLPf Aa aay ia thia Market. Call aad eaetulae oar Stoek. Wa W<ll take great pleaaore la ahOwlag aar To aay who may gfre oa a eall. r.OME AND SEE. Sepi n 19 If . Tn? annual meetfe* of the Board of Coai. f mleetoeer# far Green* 111# County, will * * ** <* ?he Mom JWarfny of Mooomhtr ml. ' ? ? katoa the Ant dap of NmmWr, i y . . -A- ISAACS, Clark. a , m,l vUr^^! *> ? , Greenville, Rept. 20th, 1969. Sept 92 19. 1***'+ WWST7'' rs~> ,. 4 ) < MILL BOOKS *>*{? 60LHNG OLOTH Jr! CIRCULAR SAWS ' DOES PLOWS > ? IV EIL A r, MERCHANTS, 3. 39?AYNE8TREET. g and Market Streets* i:on, s. o. wHfca iEW GOODS VMVMV ; * j ^ 4 \* ' Sullivan & Son, 'YOUR . :. --.Y:r. ffi !L ft * WIISI ft ? i JUST FROM NEW YORK. ^ ^ ; / * f r t-#*. ? f V ??- V ? ,* ? ? > j* ten, Youths, Children, ON AND BUY YOUR 3 AND HATS, )CK, NOT SURPASSED BY HE CITY. ' . ^ > to Sullivan & Son, { YOUR OtOODS, 2FUL ASSORTMENT. Sullivan ft Son, BUY , 101 OF AIL KINDS, AND BFTTFR ASSORTED BEFORE. in, and Buy Your d Pocket Cutlery, 3 ft !_ 5 auu omo&uig ars, &c. &c. OOD GOODS. RETTY GOODS. #i4#. [1EAP GOODS; And that pluoo i? ? & S@TJ. [FX is wit!. SULLIVAN & SON, >n his friends. i? if IN BANKRUPTCY. In the DUtrict Court of the United State*, Par tht District Of fkoUk Carolina. Ik tm Mattes or A. W. Noewood, D?xi nvrr. ^ . BY whom a Petition for Adjudication of Bankruptcy wan filed ou lha30lk Hay of Deewahis A. IX Utt, it *1i Oonrt? Thin li to rire notion, that on the IIS Ay of Srpttmbrt, A. ? 1869 a W.rraot in Bankruptcy ?a? tnenatt against the Retain of A. W. NOEWOOD, in the Connie ef Qreenvttle, aad Htate' of Bdctff' Carolina, who Wan been adjudged a Bank rapt on bit owa Patiilon; that the payment ef aey Debts and Delivery of any Property belonging to anid Bankrupt, to him or for hit Me, and the tranifer of nay Property by him ara forbidd.a by law ; that a meeting of the Creditors of the aaid Bankrupt, to prove tbMr dehta, aad te choose oaa or mora Assignees of his Relate, will be kohl at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hotden at New* berry C. II., South Carolioa, before C. Q. Jeager, Regie*r, on thl lfth day ef Oct#bcr A. D. 1869, It TO o'clock. A. M. T. R. JOB58TON. U S. Marahal as Metttagtr. Sept 19 19 1 I Tho State of South Carolina. 0R8BNVILLB COUNTY. X* %ho Comma* Pleas?Equity tide. THOMAS 0. GOWBR, Administrator, ?. P. . y. VUDDUTH, et al.-Bm frnr SmU <*f Ileal Jfmit, to f?|f DtbU, <K nNDER the DoonUl Order made hi the here ease, the Creditors of the Estate i an. MARTHA IsOVBI.AKD, It* repaired to establish the rank aad aeiout of their els ins ifiiait said Estate, before the Clerk, within n4n* mentis from this date. W. A. McDANftL, C. C. P. Clerk's Offiee, September Sfttb, 1309. Sept 29 19 9m a Attv t' .<*. ~ IRON TIER, AT tow m . f H'r FOR THE CASH. DiitM M SIradley. it ? n tr' NOTICE!. "* ALL PERSONS INDEBTED H. RE ATT VI? Sc CO., ARK earnestly r?que?t?A to forVani and SETTLBTliEIR ACCOUNTS. R?pt 22 18 % ? 1 PLJlJYt'tlRS, BY SHIPPING THEIR COTTON THROUGH US, CAN OBTAIN LIBERAL OAan anva wrcai EITHER ON COTTON TO RE STORED AND HELD, OR FOR IUUEDI&TB 0AL3. WE WILL SHU* TO .. COLUMBIA, CHARLESTON, BA LTIMORR SEW YORK OR LfVJSJiPOOL. DAVID & STRADLEY. 8ept IS 17 If J Equality Life Insurance Company, of Virginia. SmA Principal Offiet, Jfo. 1016, Maim Strati, Rickuwmd, Vm. * REASONS why every one ahould loiure in the Equality Llfo Insurance Company, of Virginia: let. It ie more Liberal to the Insurer* than ny other eompany, and will eventually be* ?nme rarely Mutual and belong to the insurers. 2d. It circulates ite money amongst its patron*, who are lire t a surer*. Consequently they are continually getting the benefit of the rapid accumulation of tbe Company, the money being invested by tbe Board ef Director* amongst the Insurer*. 3d. Tbe loan* of tbia Company are a* liber* ?1 a* other companies who declare dividend* t the end of Uie second, third and fourth years, but this Company at the end of tbe first and every year. DAVID B. CLARlt. President. THOS. H. WYNNE, Vicc-Pre*ident. JOHN Q. WINN, Secretary. (lun. JAMBS H. I,ANR, Actuary, Dr. C. H. WADAVI?1 i Radical Ad* Judge JOHN A. MKKKDITH, Councilor. MaactftM. ? J. B. WiatTow, Trcamrat and Secretary R. F. A P. U. R ; W*. J. Jotiitaon, of Johnion A Hunt, Wholesale Groceri^ W*. II. Powaan, o( Win*t?o A Power*, Whole**)* Grocer*; At but Gnawer, Treasurer Buckingham State Company | J. F. Onion, Superintendent Adam** Bxprw* Company; Caari.b* Y. Mobat*, Murrt* A Co:** Sngar Refinery; O. A. Par La, Bwpertwftat Manchester Cotton Mill* t Job* B. Ttim, -John H. A Join Tyler, Jeweler*; Nmii Mit.t.wroan, Whoteeak Dry Good*t TaeaA* 8. Balrwim, Clothier; J Otl a M. Go DDI*, Caahier Planter'* Bank ; J. R. Dowat.t., Superintendent We*tern Union Telegraph Company r Aux. ft. Rofiaaraow, Cattle Broker; Oaoaaa I. tiaaatira, Whole?? Grocer | R. Ia BaoWir, of Brown, Jone* A I I Wholetale Grocer* ; A. Bopbkbr, Drwg gtet 5 A M. KdMtiiAH, Of S. A M. Romabeum, Dry Good*. Banality Life IuintMt Company. gtrfireniMtn Peeplltfel^ortyoe Imwa itii to jour inttroH to do oo. Ajena wmntrd eeerywltre. * ItrWJ. A3, vcninv en .^Travelling Agen^CIwrtHiW, 8. H1HI Utt , COTTON GIN!! IHAVK HKNTED CAPT. J. L. SOUTHERIT8 COTTON GIN AND SCRXW, And parties having <X)TTOH to Gfff, will do well to give mo i trial, aa I havo had the Oin and S?r?w put in COMPLETE ORDER, And now propose to GIN FOR THE 13TH. Tho Oin te about (ty iniloo north-oast oi Oroonvillo Court Houao, noar tho Ruihsr. ford ton Road. Satis button given or no charge. T will alao furnish LUMBER st the Mill or deliver if. R. S. R03EM05D Sept 23 IS 2 " " STATE OP BOOTH CAROLUrZ GRJBBNVILL* COUNTY. lalktOMrtafVntaU. CM AMI Kg TBRRY, AdmimiHrm/or, ??. WILLIAM FORD, M l.?PttUUm /#r m Will RtttUmnmt, Rtlitf, 4*. IT to Ik* nibiMllM of the 1 Oourt, Ikit tbe Win ol BmM Ford, deeeeeed. vhaoo mmmm nre unknown, tho belre of Ma MeBJroy, whoee mom ore unknown, Dovld Me&lruy, Wilaoo B. MoKirov iod Mary Holloa ud ber huebend, Clerk Helton, Defendant! la Iblo mm% re ido without tho Unite of ibii 8tate: It to ordered that they do appear in perron, or bv iUoiDIV. it t Court of lV?k?U Inhi hold Ml tor 6nmiIU? OoMtf, *1 Greenville Court Boom, om tk$ Uk 4my / Ntvmmbrr A. D. ISM, U ibow mum, If any they eon, why a Float SiltlMiMt of the but* of JAMBS MoELROY. deoeaeed. ehoald not bo bad, relief greeted the Adminlstra* tor aa prayed for, aad a Decree given thereon, or their consent, in foiling to attend, will be entered of record. Given onder rty bead, at Gresnvllle Court Wnaae, tbie ttd day of September, A. D. 1869. S.J. DOUTHIT, Probata Judge. Sept If If I WANTED. AGENTS to aall a now book of great val* ae to Feres ere, Mechanic*, aad work* Ingmen of all tradea and oeeepatioaat 18th edition new ready. The FAlXIBr ABB XXOHABIOT MUTUAL. Edited by Qaoeaa & Wianra, dr., author of " Elements of Agriculture," " Draining for Profit aad for Health," and formerly Agricultural Engineer of Central Park, Mew York. 800 Octant Pogct, end eeer 109 Illmctratioms. The Mew Orleans Times says: " It Is a book whieh should be in lbs bands of every Farmer aad Mechanic." The Mew Orleans Picayune says: "So valuable a book should be found in the bouse of avery Farmer and Meehanio; its elegant Illustration* will make It waleome everywhere." Active men and women ean make mors money and give better eatlafaetion in a*lling this book tbnn any work In the flald. Send for 18 pege circular, tailing nil about It. ' E B. TREAT A CO.. Publishers, Mo. 684 Broadway, M. Y. Sep 11 ; 18 1 GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. TIIE undersigned have this day A formed a copartnership under the name of JAKES BANNISTER ft SON, For the purpose of carrying on the S5d^23Q 5^3 O ? James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. THE Mills aro now in excellent order, and we ore prepared to tnrn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, Which we will warraut to give satisfaction. A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, TAKNA WRAPPING Can be found at all times at our Agents, Messrs. David & Stradlky's. September 1, 1869. 16-tf Notice 13 hsroby given lo nil whom It m*y oonmm, that I will apply to S. J. Doulhlt, Probata Jadga of Orwnrille County, for a Final Discharge aa Administrator of th? B.Ut?a of ROORR LOVEL/VND. dsosasod, and I. K. LOVELAND, deceased, on Ik* 9 tk day of OctfoAsr sot September 8th. IMt. THOMAS C OOWKR, Ad'oir. Sept 8 <* 16 t COTTON. T1HE Sabeeriber hee inet reeeivrd a new . PATENT GULLETT GIN end PRESS, end ie prepared to GIN end PACK COTTON et ihte piece, on the moet reeeoneble terme. Cotton will be delivered etthe Depot, or eoy other point in the City, free of ' charge. JOHN WESTFlELD. 1 Greenville, S. C., Sept. let, I860. 1 Sep 1 16 o tf ; THE REPORTER. BIST PAPER IN NEW YORK for tlx MONKY. Brim full of reeding. 8ape I rior advertising medium. Gone to nearly eve : ry Stele In the Union, end every bonne In tlx i Villege where it it pnhliehed. Monthly? ? , rent* e yoer. Greet igdaosmente to agents . .Send 6 eente for specimen copy, or 11 oent i end reoeive it for fenr month* on trie!. Ad dreee inclosing money, C. H. KSRLER, Publisher, tO North Avenue, Owego, N. Y. Sept U 17 tf ' Notice IS hereby given to Henry Hell, Jem* Hell, Thomee Hell, end ell other -whom it mny erne em, the! I will apply, oi the ldtk dny ef Ontober neat, to 8. J. Doe thlt, Probete Judge ef Greeevtlle Connty for a Pinel Settlement and dieeherge an Ad e ?A *R- - m s.e- U ? - nisixrawT VI W MOIN Of 'AMES UALX dsoeaeod. WK3LKY PHILLiPH, Administrator. September 11, 1869. 17-4 "MRS. GRANT RE8PKCTPU LLT 1b for ma th? Ladles e Greenville aid community that she I till carrying on work ia DRKdS MAKING is all iu branches, sod hopes to receive i eootinoed liberal patroaags. Cutting an< Beating doss en toe shsrtaat noties. LAT B8T FASHIONS constantly resolved, wbiel . abe la ready at all times to exhibit Sept1* >7 8 Fooa mea were raeaaUy found hanging h one tree on Grape-vine Prairie, Texas. The; bad made an error as to tbeewmersbipof eom< ' h?rsea. Accidents will happen. .'A i'iii .??L- 'g" r I ! ! i a ' ?" == )' ===== COLUMBIA A BALTIMO&B ADVBR'NTS. <u n imi' 1 i " t : act. .. ? NickersonHouseHotel, COLUMBIA, S. C. TBI ?An(|M4 k*Tlnf jRSflR2_BJE^EWXD bU Uom upon tk? ibon hpalv Homo, will oadoovor to I Moko M MM of On mm! igrmbl* HoUU to , tht BmUi. A mII la aelfolted. I ^0 Vim Oaanlbma to and from the Hotel. WN. A. WEIGHT, Proprietor. Sept 8 18 tf NATIONAL HOTEL, <9<S>ILWHHIB)m# 0. (&, miu, 1 PROPRIETOR. P. HAMILTON JOYNJCK, CLERK. RATES Of Board par Day.,., 8* 00 Sapper, Break fart and Lodging*.... 8 00 Single Meal*...'. 1 00 Sep 1 16 tf MARBLE CUTTING. BOYNE Ml SPROWL, COLUMBIA, S. C. continue to manufacture , MONUMENTAL. WORK I In all ita branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. Sept 8 16 If MRS. C. E. REED, FASHIONABLE niLLIBiKV, CORSETS, ? ia ks ^ ffiii la ss w a a, BRIDAL VEILS, DRESS MAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Main Street, Opposite SUTPHEJfS, Columbia, S. C. I Sep I U 3m I. sdlzbachebT8TON OF TIIE MAMMOTH WATCH, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C., DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER Or WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. AN ASSORTMENT of Genoine PEBBLE SPECTACLES al waye oo hand. Repairing, io all ite branches, personally attended to, and theampleataatialaoiion promised. Gregg's Building, Main Street, Co lumbia, S. C. Sep 1 1$ 3m CUSHIN6S & BAILEY. BOOK SELLERS AND STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore-it., Baltimore, Md. THE Largest and Beat Assorted Stock in tb? City, of SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL, MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MISCELLANEOUS HQB*3P C^JNMLBHF* General Bank and Connting-Honae Stationery of ell kinds. Blank Books made to oraer, in any siyie, 01 oinuing *ua ruling. Aog 26 14 ?m? IN BANKRUPTCY. In tt)? District 6ouH of the United 8t$feu fof fya District of Soq'h Cnfoliira. Ex pari* Wm. T. SAumat* and A. Myth*, Attignt** in re. John W. Grady, Bank rapt.?Petition to 8*11 Jt*al KUate wins cumbered?Call m Li*it Croditor*, dee. . "^T?)TICE ?a hereby given to ell Creditors . il holding Lienc against the Estate ot JOHN W. GRAt)Y, that they are Mjnired U> establish the same before W. J. Claw son, > Esq , Register at Yorketlle, S. C, within 1 lorty days from the date hereof, or be bar * red from all beoefita of the deeree for dia tribution to be made in tbia case. By order of Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, Judge of aald Court. W. T. SHUMATE, A- BLYTHE, Assignees. a Greenville, 8. 0., Sept. l&th, I860. , Sept IS 17 4 ' Notice , ii iwiiuy |ITN w 0ii Whom it may con X MTU, that I will apply to 8. J. Doutbtt, s Probate Jadgi of OrHBVll)* County. M <A? IMA day of October next, for a Pinal Dia harf? at Administrator of the Estate of DAVID W. GREEN, deceased. Parties having elaitDi agalns the Estate, will pro* seat them to the Probate Judge properly attested for payment 1 and thorn indebted, . will make payment to the same. ' W. R. JONES, Ad'or. * September 7th, 1869. ' Sept. 8 16 4 ! SUNDOWNS! SUNDOWNS! 1 JUST RECEIVED AT , Miss McKAY'S, ? A LAROK SUPPLY OF f SUNDOWN AND 1DLEWILD HATS ? AND TRIMMINGS AT LOW PRICES. Aug 4 II tf CHARLESTON ADV8KTISEMENTS. A. B. MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL Clllinill HERCHAIT. Bccotnhio^tion dJUhqtf, CHARLESTON. S. O. | | avimu ample means for conducting XI my business, I am at all time* preparad to maka liberal advance* on Cottoa. July 28 10 ly P. P. TOALE, oiCAiaii.aBS3,jp(P2ff8s-(0u, Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS. I... v^ llllll IK war * HAVING tha largest and mwt complete factory in tha Southern States, and keeping always on band a large and mod complete atock. of DOORS, SASHES, BLINDS, Snah Doore, Store Doors, Shutters, Mouldings, Ac., Ac., 1 am enabled to tell low aod at manufaelnrer*' prices. N. JV?Strict attontion paid to slipping in good order. July 21 0 if SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical Wagarins. (Official Organ of the South Carolina State Agricultured and Mechanical Society ) AT an early date, the subscribers will publish the first number of a Monthly Magazine, devoted to the development of ,V,. ; ? t iui. oi.i. -?i it.. vuo uniciiai luicirjio wi Vlll* omvr, auu iliv whole South ; and -will distribute five thousand copies gratuitously, so that every ona may see what it is before subscribing.? They intend to make it the best and handsomest industrial magazine ever published at the South, and they ask the eordial cooperation of every good citizen in tit is enterprise, which must redound to the publio welfare. Persona wishing copies of the first Dumber, will please send their addreca to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL. Charleston, S. C. May IS ?l ' If COTTON TIES. BEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIBS, unsurpassed by any Tie yet manufactured. For neatness, strength and durability, this Tie has no equal. Having sold them for the last three years, we feel that we oan cordially re* commend them to all Planters as the article tbey want. For sule by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, Charleston, 8. C. Aug 18 13 . 3 in THY PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, an ALL MS IAS 13 or THB dXUMAUli iUND LiViili. TOST ASS SSCOXMSKDEB IT ID 1 MBDIOAL rA.OUI.TVv I1EGEMAN & CO., AO EX IS, NEW XORK. Manufactured by C. P. PANKNIH, CBS08T AND AP0THXCAS7, CHARLESTON, S.C. KfEor Bala by Efugffist* Everywhere,'^ fob 24 40 \y Til E NEW YORK 1M IISDQA1CE EflMPAIY. ASSETS, #12,000,000. NO COMPANY in the United States een claim superior advantages to tbia old and well-established institution, which has been doing business with the greatest suoeess for abont twenty-five years. It is strictly mutual, and never had stockholders to appropriate a portion of its earnings.? It is under legal supervision, a protection to poliey holders, which is afforded nowhere out in New York and Massachusetts. It* managers cannot speoulate with the funds of the Comoanv. but are oblloed to invait the laws of New York requite trustees to invest trust estates. The official reports, for several years past, show that this Company has been better managed than any other doing business in New York. An > investment In this Company is as eafo aa anything earthly ean be. It offers aeeurity and cheapness, and has advantages over any other Company in the Udited States. Reference may be made to the following fenllemrn: Gov. B. F. Pvrry, Col. G. F. 'ownes, Thos. M. Cox, Tbomae Steen, H. Boat tie A Co.. Wm. T. Shumate, Jar. P. Moore and L. Williams. For further information, apply to the undersigned. agent for Greenville, or to J AS. R. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Greeovilla Court House. W. H. CAMPBELL Sept 8 18 tf siisir BQWI AT TH'S QfflCE,