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J$~ At A M jit ^outlrtru trttrjrrigt gBBl Ml ? , m ?t m,mi .i GREENVILLE, 8. C. nonuiT, ivmxin n, u?i. rjr Law. Judge Oae gave it 11 hla opinion, lo bit Charge to the Oread Jury hot week, the aa the lew bow alande, construing the fire and aeooed ante of the present Legislator together, that joryoeea ere to he eeleete* at ill for qualifications, as well aa ia propor tioa to the numbers of white eed color* oters. The list Iron which jurors era t< be drawn will, therefore, eonaUf entirely o qualified persona. As w# tadwiUat it, nob Township u re qntred to nlKt lt? portton ofjiron, fitHI* a* to htol1||MM and moral character oom blood. If tbt natnber of qualified ootorod to tore U equal to tbo naunbcr of qualified whit voter*, than tbo oolootioa io to bo half aad bal wbito aad colored ; but if tbo number of quail nod ooUtfed voter. is vSS tblri, fbos tbo Hn tion of juror* la made two-third* wbUe ani ono-tblrd blaek. If tbo proportion Is ten o twenty white* qualified to on* of colored, thei the proportion of oeUetton* win be mad* ae cordingly. W* do not pretowd to giro tko ex net language of tbo Judge, bat think wo bar fairly stated It* substance. Ofeourse, a* tb< Judge said, tbo lam* rate of mloetion 1* to b? carried oat la aay ease whore tbo proportioi of oolored rotors duly qualified a* Juror* ii greater than the qualified number of white* In tbi* way all the provision* of the jary law would bo fairly enforced j aad in tbt* way, likowlae no diaerlmlnatieB wbaterer would b? mad* on aoooant of color. Bvery one car oee that if tbo mtoctlon of the jury Hat ia made to depend aolely on tbo proportion of nun*bar* Without regurd to qualification*, tbo law, a* it now stands, would bo disregarded as*well a* tbo fundamental principle of equal right* In the Constitution and law* of tbo country. Other iudge* in the State have expressed the same opinion* giren by Judge Onn, Judge Thomas among them, and the construction of the jury laws will, we think, meet tbe sanction of the entire Bench of tbe State. Ool. D. Wyatt Aiken, of Abbeville, on Small Orain. The Camden Journal baa an interesting letter of CoL Aiexm on tbe culture of rye, oats, barley and wheat, also clover. Col. A. recommends, from hi* own experience, large corps of small grain, In place of too exclusive reliance on corn crops for feeding work ani. mala and stock of all kinds. He averages 6 bushels rye to the acre, and aows one bushel whilst aocording to our mountain district experience, one-balf bushel of rye sown to th< acre i? quite enough in all cams. The enrllei in the season rye is sown tbe lea* seed is re. quired. One of tbe best farmer* of hi* day it Greenville District, tbe late Wk. Jacobs, bai told na tbat early sowing on riek laud, on? peck of rye to tbe acre, evenly distributed would produoe more than a larger quantity ol seed. Col. Aikbn succeeds with oatjaud bar )?y, alio with cloTer culture, bui we are ait on iihed at hia report of an average of only 10 01 12 buabela of wbeat to the acre, when be atatei that bo manure* with &0 buahela of cotton seed and sows 200 pounds of Wando fertiliser ovei bis wheat in the spring. Surely there is soma, thing peculiar in the land or ploughing or other methods of culture that makes so poor a re. turn for such high manuring. Perhaps it it the want of deep ploughing. CoL Aiken is regarded as one of the best farmers in Abbeville, and no donbt deservedly so. He has succeeded remarkably well in the cultnro of Sorghum on a large scale since the war, and baa made it a source of profit. State Elections Signs. Vermont and Main in tha late elections have goaa Radical as uraal, but California has revolted, and ia now overwhelmingly Anti-Radical, Democratic or Conservative or real Republican, as tbe case may be.? The signs indioaled are, that Vermont and Mains, having no Chinese or other colored people to trouble them as voters at home, are still mighty willing to pat the bugs on California; tut tba latter having the pleasure of their company, sad mora ax peeted, can't see that it ia auch a glorious Messing to have Chinese solera rammed down her throat; consequently, California will rote against the 15th AmendmentGen. Grakt'b adriee to the eontrarj notwithatandlag. Another Southern Commercial Convention. The Convention is to meet at Louisville, Kentucky, on the 12th October next, and is expeeted to be a real Peace Convention.? The Northern States are htvhed to send Delegates. The meeting takes place according to a resolution adopted at the late Memphis Commercial Convention. It appears that a eity most hare eight thoneand inhabitants to send a Delegate, and may send one for every ten thousand over that nnmber?Governors ef State* to appoint a Delegate for each Congressional District? Railroads sash, entitled to a Delegate. The Revolution ia Cuba. The ravolation is progressing still, and till seems no nearer its tad. Old 8pain ia sending more troops Speia never koows when to quit fighting. The general eon elusion is, that the war will go on till tha Island fa elfestnarWy ruined. Reports of hatllea continue, but ao aea knows what to believe about tha reporta. la otir opinion, the revolution ia Cuba was a very foolish thing. The United States ought to try and stop the shedding of blood. Vrosdmsn'a Bureau Again. It Is reported at Washington that Gen. Cabby resoaimends the re-establishment of the Freedmans Bureau in Virginia, on aoeount of the drouth, to prevent suffering among the negroes. A Largo Law Butt. A suit has been commenced by Thomas A. Batks, against the Union Pacific Railroad for thirty-nine millions of dollars, for money and supplies famished. l i?mm , ^ Editorial Ovrrespoaleno*. Cuaelwtoh, 8. C , Bant S*d..lfM. 8 : Mwy poraooi, .?pon bttte beta#, writ* back booaaaa ther liTt aoweikina woHk N-' cording i other* do ao from very d)fferoa|r*a i mmmi wbtob k feat they bar. *&,<, to My: m, ntder, wo warn yon not to Mit . on reading thia farther, aa yoa will certainly not And any tbing either piquant or Bow. " Leaving Greenville an Th a red ay, J 6th, npon getting in the ear#, wa fee ad ofcraelf , ia aery good company, ao Peat A. RUttr, < 1 board. Wo^laaraed from l*?P [ e were oo innr way 10 nieoa weir LDHrtcl j Meeting, which wsw to ba-held ul-Amdeiwen the eeme dtj. They got off at Bel ton?an " espeeial train waiting them to receive them and other* of the name deetination. a TiMwfU -hick ?; re*: fross f ville to Columbia wee a new one, oqt and out, having been placed on the track but a few days before. It wee built at the Work " ?hop* of the Qreeovllle and Columbia Rail! ? about it being in awth excellent flmth. The ear* arrive in Columbia at ? o'clock, and the train scarcely etops .moving before r pereengnr* are well iafonned by thd differ ent hetel drummer*, that them are atich ia> - atitutione there. It le amaaing to bear 1 these drummers porau* their calling. Ten hear, " Nicker?on Hotel," " Colombia Hotel," -National Hotel,* in spirited language B all aronnd you, frequently accented la a * manner that engngta the attention of the s traveler. i We gave onr eheek to the "National" , man, and the omnibus soon placed ua at the spacious hotel of Mr. i^obtrt Juyner, which is located in n few yarja of the 1 depot*. Hie National Hotel Is Well kept > in every respect, end those who once atop , there, will certainly be well imp re reed with i the kindness sad attention of the Proprietor, aleo with Mr. Hamilton Joyner, the Clerk, ' and likewise with Mr. Hater Heine, n Ore*a ' ville man, the letter having been connected 1 with the house for the past two or three 1 years. Having spent a day at the capital, y* had , the plcaeare of eoatlag in eoateet with a nam-, bar of the business man of th* place, although many are absent from the city and were at the North, purchasiag their fall stocks of good*. Tbe merchant* of Colnmuia complain that the up-country dealer* will not buy their rtidrt of them, preferring Charleston, Baltimore or New ' York. If Greenville retailers can buy as i ' cheap at ibis place a* any where else, wo do , Dot see m by tbey do otherwise. Probably the , Columbia wholesale men and tbe country dealer* aro mutually to blame if the former will and figure*, could detect nothing bat vltt tu beautiful and grand. The Lutheran Church wne crowded to iU fullest extent, many not being able to get in at nit. After hi* djupoarae < waa finished, a collection wea take*, and there i aeemed to be a very general response. I We called to aee tb? gentlemen connret* i ed with the Courier and Nemo, who gave oa i a cordial reception, bnt they never da otb- i erwiee ; for gentlemanly bearing and genu. I ine courtesy, the Preaa of Charleaton ie nn- < equalled. j The eetabliehment nf M rear a. Waisaa, 1 Etam k CoaewKLt, No. 9, Broad Street, ia I one which will well repay a rlalt They . have the most Improved machinery for J printing, and gat oot work ia beantifol va? ^ riegated color* that equal* any dona at the t North. Thefr stoek of card*, printing pa . per, l>l*nk book*, and every thing needed 1 in s printing office, ia very complete. I On Sonday, we accepted an iovilatieo to ^ dine with Mr. Ronarr Hamilton, auporin- J Undent of the Pavilion Hotal, and round, ( aa we expected, that thie popnfwr (topping place wee quite up te ile priatioe glory ? [ Mr. II haa been but a abort time m charge; he haa large experience in thia line, having t mora recently eonduatad tha Nlekeraon b Qouae of Columbia. r " A not endeavor to make too large a, and I will iovita business through the local prtu, , and the country merchants would make more effort to build up our State interests.?there * would be less r >om for these complaints. It is I hardly to be supposed that the latter will i knowingly go a greater distance to buy stocks , of goods which can be obtained for less money right at their doors. We called on a number of business men and requested their cards for insertion in the Enfery>rt??. Those of Mr. Isaac Bulsbacber, | Mrs. C. E. Reed, Messrs. Boyne A Sprowl, . and the Niekcrson House and National Hotel, bars appeared before our renders, and now those of the Columbia llotel and of Mesars. | Hopson A Sutphon, besides others, will be seen in the Entrrprimt. The Columbia Hotel, which is owned by Messrs Gorman A Uadenliop, is probably tbe largest one in Columbia. We bad the priviloge of being shown over the entire premises I I by one of tbe proprietors. Although it has been in operation for a few months only, thsy r are renovating it, preparatory for tho fall season and tbe 8tate Agricultural Fair, which commences on the 10th of November next. A conple of wings are being added, which will make it still larger. These gentleman were ' formerly attaebees of the Charleston Hotel, I and they are endeavoring to eondnet it on the , plan of that superior establishment. By invitation, we had the pleasure of dining on Friday, ' at the Columbia. We took the 6 o'clockJtrain on 17th for Charleston, arriving at live o'clock, A. M. Just after reaching the city we loarncd by telegraph, the dreadful news that the up express train wbioh we bad passed in eoming down, had t precipitated from the track, killing tbeengin, eer and a fireman, besides scalding another severely, also dsstroying nearly all of the freight ' on tbe train by fire j tbe entire loss, we learn, i will amount to near $100,0(10, which includes the damages te the Railroad trestle-work. Tbe accident occurred at Congaree Swamp twentyfive miles from Colombia. We felt thankful, indeed, in eecaping this terrible aocident, as i the train on which we were, passed ovar tbe line place but a few bours before. We are stopping at ths first-clnss place, the i Charleston llotel. IU former style and management nre kept np by Mr. B. H. Jackson, into whose bands, it passed s lew months stnee. He is assisted by Mr. A. Butterfield, formerly > superintendent of the "Jfavilion," together with Mr. W. E. Miller, the latter having been attached to the establishment forth# last twenty years. It is indeed cheering to see the life and ae- I tivity as exhibited on the streets of Charleston. Everything is life and commotion and business, a o?.,U ik.i (a allfwi.a T f waw iIa.'S 1 VU Bl/ni ?UM* M H/ Aft uuu ft take great pains you will b? ran over, either by the active people, the drays or hy the streets ears. A gentleman who has been born and raised here, says that the prospects of the busi? , ness of the city are better now than they have been sinee the war, and will approximate ante- * beliam times. How glad we are that these. I people here, who hare done so much and suf- | fered so mneb, are retriering somewhat their . shattered fortunes. They are all heroes. Meeting, King and last Bay Streets do a great ' hastiness, and it will ooaae hard to reooneile ourself to the quiet of UreenvUle after looking at these bee hives. . On Sunday morning, we attended the ear* rioea held at tha Lutheran Church, on Arcla- ] dale Street. The palpit was sop plied by Or. W. W. Hicks, whom the citisens of flrwevHIs well remember. Hie address?far It was not ' a sermon proper?was in tha interest of tha i Avondale coal mine sufferers, end be took his text from the 19th chapter of 2d Corinthians? " Charity snffereth long and is kind; Charity | never faileth." His effort far surpassed in alo- < que nee and pathos, any of his seratons or ad- ( dress in Greenville. His whole frame seemed to be thrilled with the caure he was so earnestly pleading. Those whe have been aceos- j tomrd to bear him, think that ha excelled himself on this oeoaeion. We tried to follow him in everything he said, end in his thoughts '8lnee onr ?nrriv?I In the olty, wither# S^wV?^JKto5^J?'i5^ lo UrtmTllW W? have atoo met Mr. A. B. Muuioen, cotnnaiadaa merchant. whoee card ia published in o?x paper. 11* mkM a?| ratted In the'-up country and haa many aoqnatntanooe and frienae in onr aaatioD.-o Tho?? who hare cotton to chip can not find a more tellable and trustworthy agent witb whom in deal. .fX: fc?fts^&DB*s city, a relative of tboee beariug lb? name residing la Oreehvtllc. & & q?1U an agreeable gentleman. . - . - ; Charleston invites the people of the monntaim to viail her and to friendly and ir none at boaleeee witb bar merehanta, and ltia.ta.ika honed the Invitation #111 pot ?o Unheeded. <V * ahould build up pur State ae much sale In our powbr. h We leave for Augusta to night. ' J. C. B. roorth Anniversary of tfea Xsoalata* Keafling Club. Last Wednesday evening ibiritui line uolleetloa of the tliU of our sity gentry lb Ibe Ooort House, to hear the iMtm of Dr. Bt Mamlt, delivered by request of lk| Ex oelsior Reading Society, on their Foarth Anniversary. ^ MaJK-t displayed much playful Wit and hutnor io the inaugural of his address, learning and eaieaoo ia the body af It, with admirable descriptive powers, ?x posing and exhibiting to the mind's eye the woaderfa) mechanism of the organe of apeaob and hearing, with erordeeo eharp. laciaivo and Marching, that he became a groat demonstrator, M ft were, physical and metaphysical, of the whole anatomy of "Talk," which wm the subject of the od dreea. TTe closed with a few not.]# and eloquent eentenoea on the duty aud reepouel bllity of " talking" fur the right and against the wrong, aa occasion and opportunities arise. Court at Oreenvtlle. Judge Out dismissed the Juries ou Tburiiay tout, after disposing of a great many cases In the Law Oourt. The Equity Docket was called that day, Friday was entirely occupied iu bearing Equity eases. The Judge finding that he could not finish ho Docket no Saturday, adjourned the Conrt liter dark on Friday evening, appointing an ixtra Conrt for the Equity and Appeal cases' e be held oa the first Monday la Wovembet icxt. Is r?turned to Anderson on Saturday, shore Court commenced ibis week. Letter from Joseph Powell, Esq , Our readera are generally acquainted with the character of Mr. Jossm Powell, former-, ly ef Greenville, ?. t?.', 'hut mote recently a litiaen of his native Beat Tennessee, nta letter (which appears on oar first page) addressed to Governor Paanr fVosa the Falkland Islands, will be found interesting. _ If unvarying devotion to the Union through good report ?nd evil report, at whatever saeriftoe, could entitle a man to Federal office, then the Consulat0 was properly betowed in his case?yet it teems that he Is not In favor of mongrelism. lie has " seen the elephant" in his travels. The Cotton Market in Oreenvllle. Messrs. David A Stradlet bought the first bale of new cotton brought to Greenville ootr three weeks ago, and ainoe then we learn that they have purchased a considerable number ofhags. Wo are glad to learn that the trade Is opening at this piaee. The cotton advertisement of Messrs. David A Stradlet, we presume, has attracted notice. The Termers' and Mechanics' Manual. This is a lerge and valuable work just issued by JS. B. Treat d? Co., Publisher* New York City. It contain* much information for ell elatse* Two hundred engravings. Sold only by subscription, and the Publishers want Agents to sell it. See edverticemeot in another column. Our Charleston Advertisements. The cards of a number of the merchants of Charleston will te observed in oar advertising solumns. The especial attention of the pnbllo and of the merchants and business men generally is sailed to each and all of them. We will next wrek endeavor to fire each more particular notice. August* Advertisements. We hare on file a number of farort from the nerebanta of August*, wbieh we bar* keen lompelled to postpone nntil next week, returnng home too lata to secure their latertioa in hie issue. Hereafter we hope to he able to ieep our readers hotter posted in refercnee le he business men of Augusta. ^WThe Theological Seminar/ at thlsplaee ass, we learn, llfty-oue students, and more expected. /t#~Furman University lias opened with TO or more stndeots, and moat flattering prospects ahead. /SWTbe Female College, as get, has not a great number of pupils, hut the superior corps >f teachers and other advantages af the Instigation moat attract a larger attendance. We learn that Got. Pmr le mneh improved, though etiil eenfluedte his house. won ma sournnnn nuTxaraiss. City Council, Hog* and Aeornt. It le an old saying, that "God made the sountry and men made the tows," but as our (own or eity is inlaid with and surrounded by lelde and forests, and many trees here add there, filled with seems, and these aaerne are sow failing to the ground for the henafit af the li: v"? ?? L- ?is ? ? MIVIIIU^ HV??; ? WW ??1U, IDniVIVV*! Oira is a rural eity?partly mu-a?d? oad partly llfMt from the btadi of tb* boneftcient Creator. Bat, Meuri. Editor*, it i* imported of late that our City Council It aboat to Intercom their earthly authority and separate (ho top aod acorna, and tbui estand tho mancower sot only ortr tho I elds, tree* and trine >f tho town, bat aloe of tho rural prootooto, (iteration* and suburbs, for mile* la aod troand Ur*eurilfe,to the greet distress of maoy Mople who, In thle year of direful oearefty, iare not wherewith to feed their etook. It loom* to aao that oar worthy Mayor and Allermen will ehwoaltthe wlaho* of the people of bo towa and country round and da nothing >ut what i* common, just and rnaooanblo, to et tbo hog* run out. It will bo a groat exwnee aod aerioue nuisance and Heaey lot* to ha people who are owner* aad Uaant* of Iwelllng* for Am or *lx tntlee *quare, to bare all heir bog* pat op to bo led on corn or el*e to lore thorn c?u*ht, iaponoded and sold for *x*d*m, by theMasahal. Are we not sufficient UU, M iff wWWHd^KiQIi* olijr, and cot cootprikUvaty had uodw} iafluc nee I larger lumbtn iboui their premiere than thoj do About our itrnti, to where you will tnd oo? eUfrn jflmA cjf oMjht^Aoaa. Iteaaina a * .vVaj * rv| lUncer Cmrni>fb? drought boa boon very Mnn, and wo ut aware tba Crop* bun WfD cult quiu) luwif datw u??u U?Cm !utc 70S ildtrailoh tbif important fact, and hare sefooUd M* Pfb ?% <*. I? ? M. Jni In* |U? Yfrb, a2* Mmgiiu of ?*> Iticripti >o? o< lr?s mi as A Fsnausoa's. Two doort north Couch Factor/ Qreenrille, 8. C. Nrw Tofts, September 27. Cotton aulas to-day, 1,600 bale#, at 29.? Gold?Street prices during the day varied frMB.l.ll M lJ6,elofing 1JM01.86. . , * jCaABLaOTos, September 87. Cotton quiet and cteadr with sales of 40C bales middlings, 26Q26|*, receipts 1,118. Maubiwb, on the 28th Inii, by Rev. A. Acker, Me. JOEL MILTON BROWN, ol Audercoo District, and Miss KM MA V. FARMER, youngest daughter of Elijah and Elisabeth G. Farmer, of Greenville District, MP* Printers fee received. Brood Mare and ~ TWILL cTw fbr sale, on 'Salec-duy, in front of Court llonso, betwooo 12 and 1 o'clock, One Fine BROOD MARR One Finn MODS !. .?? One Spring WAGON. TERMS AOCOMMOlMTTKa. JULIUS C. SMITII. Sept 29 19 . i ?, (./W r/t^ltwtW^k "m? n ? 4TM WJ ls Jl ItA/l, 1 OH WEHHH8DAY. OCTOBlH ?TH, y ViLl sell at tub rbbidbnce op 1 Mr. STALL, on Rutherrorrl Road, 1) Milm fiow Town, the following: One Horw, one Carriegn One Wagon, one Set Harness Corn Shcllor. Farming Toola Little Giant Corn Mill Lot Corn, Fodder, Shuck* . On? Cow. Store and Fixture Chnlrr, Bedel cad, Sofa, With many other article* Article* to be removed immediately. TEEMS?CASlL JtJLltTS C. SMITH. Kept 29 19 1 COTTONGIN THE undersigned is again ready to OIN COTTON with trained bands, water power, at a reduced price, (baling at ovst for casb,) at the old stand established by bis father AO years ago. ' t' Will give bis personal ^tention when at home, when absent Mr. W. n. BRAMLETT, a caroful manager, will attend the bwalaeaa. WIL A. HUDSON. Sept 29 19 . 9 v Hotice i T"S hereby given to all whom it May eon earn, A that I will apply to 8. J- Duutbit, Probate Judge, of Oreenville County, oe fh* 3rd stay of November mem*, for a Anal dUcbergees Baecutor of tbn Batata of DAN1KL WOOD, deeeai ed. SAMUEL Q. SMITH, / ' % t |" ' litiilii September 27U?, 1869. Sept 98 19 4 For Sale, t THE RESITtEKrB n IT Col. W. B THOMPSON, with about 150 acres, or the esBjaSC IIoom and part of the Load. For further information, aee Dr. WADDY THOMPSON, Trustee. Sept 29 19 v ? 4 Notice* Durcrr CoLi.acrom'i Orrica, 1 OrwauTltle, Sept. 2ft, 16?9. J BY virtue of authority from A. 8. Wallace, Collector Sd Diet., S C., I will eell. to the highest bidder, at Greenville City, at 12 o'clock, M., on Saturday, the 9th day of Oeio* her, 1MV. the following properly, to witt ONK BUGGY, ONE HORSE AND HARNESS, being the property whieh waa aetsed by H. C. Mosely, Special Deputy Merahal, on or about the tth of Angnst, for hurlag been need tn violation of Internal Revenue La we. T?r*H Cash. A. L. COBB, Dap. Col. Internal Revenue. , ' Bdpl 29 14 _ 2 HOPSON & SUTPHEN, ?(DlLWamBlt^ ?3- (Buy MAHTTFACTUILERfi, INPOEIEES asp pgAnaaa w SADDLES, Harness, Bridlea, Bite, Stirrup*, Spare, and Wbipe. Sole Leather Trunks and Valieee, Leather and Vulcanised Rubber Beltiag, Copper Rlrate and Lace Leather. Herneae and Bole Leather, Calf Shins, Machine Need lea, Oil, Ac., Ac. Sept 79 19 4 COLUMBIA HOTEL* COLUMBIA, SOUTH CABOLTMA. ; TBS Proprietors take ylwww hi antionnete? Ibis electa tly-mraiehcd XetabllsfaMeat now op?n for tbs tMoanoditloa of gnosta. The table Win be (applied with every delieaey of the -seen?both from the Sew York and Charleston markets, and do efforts will be spared to (Ire perfect satisfeeUoo, In erery reepeot, to oar patrons. VRR LUNCH ta the refer!or/ every day fton 11 aatil 12*. H.MH.GDADraHOP,} p*?raiDvea*. Sept If It tf CHARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, S. C. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. A. BVTTEBPIELD. (Formerly of the Pavilion Hotel,) W. S KILLB& Pert 29 It tf ! . I SAMUEL. C. BLACK, ! STOCK AND BOND BROKER, #0. 28 JiROAJ) ST., ClIARLKSTOX. PARTICULAR attention rteen to porB*d MU pT SECURITIES oa ; Uommlarioa. lDnrtMllot gWen eh?crfallj. trai to R?t. K. T. BUI8T, J. CL BAILEY, THOR 8TEKN. September 11, 1869. .. ' 18-XS I 8TEi? BtlSRTt I CAfcD* Xitifa#A(Wo&Y r , : J, ft & U40MM, ,oj? [ 10 MARKET-8T. CHARLESTON, 8. C. ai RJtWljtJyff* pH CRACKERS. BI8CTTTT AHD CAKES MANUFACTURED dally of the Wat Southern Flour, equal in quality to all/' , other, at mason able price*. | Alao, baa at bU establishment an extensive OANDY FACTORY. These Candies are constantly made .to order, > and at ail ttanee. Freeh and Warranted pure aad to ataha the elite ate. Orders will be . promptly Mod to aatillhoiioR, SeptZf . It 13 J r VMM tLBISITI. AOUABAir A. OOLMMtTtt. MQSES.tJOLDSMITH tSON, Mot. 4, .nd 9 V?NDC? *Aa?*, cha?.1i3ctoit, a. a. VOOLE3AU DKALXES IX. IRON METALS, RAGS, AND ALL KINDS OF PAPSR STOCK. HIDES, WOOL, SJKHSffe, imiafla MOP. A lelttU* Stock of Weary and Light KID3B AN? (3EXITS For Tapncra nsei^Alwejrs on Hand, and will Sept 29 It >6 KINSMAN'S ~ ?<?33?* flTA?!??*!^, r 279 XIEO STREET, osARi^aoToxr, c. o. OUR AS6UKTRD CANDY ie put op in 9ft and ftO Ponrul Box**, suitable for Country Trad*. WARRANTED Perfectly Pur* and Bcinjr fro* front Terra Alb* or Marble Duet, and Manufactured aololy from CRUSHED SUGAR. A Diaeount la made for all Order* of MO pound** Send for Circular. Sept 29 ^ . It 12v , i T. IT. BRISTOLL. C. T. bVXnAMA. i. MKitr. . T. M. BRISTOLL A GO. WHOLESALE DBALK&8 IN BOOTS, SHOES, AC.. NO. 146 MFETIN0-ST., CHARU8T0N, 8. C. Block Replenished Weekly by Stcataer. Lat* Dunham, Taft A Co., 145 Meetinf-St., Opposite lfayne Street. Sept 29 19 < >\ v 13 PAVILION HOTEL, @ lii S S3 IP ? SJf p 0, T BOARD, Per Day - f3 00. R. IIA MILTON, Superintendent. Hra. II.L BVTtERFIELD, ProprleirrN. Sept 29 elite* . > If n. C. IToLl: writ. . e. viuia 8TOLL, WEBB & CO., W50L28A.I,3 DRY GOODS', asy SD?aaaiSi(i9 cmmau 98? LAcTlTOBE. Sao? eaaaatr. Three Door* below Went worth, CHARLESTON, S- C. TERns CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Kept 29 19 12 D, F. ftlliMl ?A*'fc A. XBLtOK4AMI H. WILMI. D. F. FLEMING A CO., DBAX.EIHS BOOTS, SHOES, AND TRUNKS. Vo. 2 Hayne-St., cor. Church, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept 29 19 12 JAMRtt AT.IAMl 307 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, 0. 0._ DEALERIN W A T0HR8, CLOCK A, Jg WKL R Y, SILVER WARE, FLA TAD WARM, SPECTACLES, AO. Watehoa font to ujr put of Ibo eountrjr. SILVER HUNTING WATCHES FROM FIFTEEN DOLLARS AMD UPWARD. GENTS Gold IIanting Watobo* from |Hud Upward. LADIES Gold Haatlng Watcher from |M wd Upward. AMERICAN WATCHES OF ALL KINDS. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Sept N IP 90 1 '.TWT?^ IB WM.G.WB1LDBN&C0,, ' . IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF ^ ISr IK Y lj| 197 Hireling Street. WATCHE^ilCWELRY AMD SILVER WARE, * 2&5 KING STREET, (Comer of Beaufain,) 1 OHARLEOTON, ft. ?. XifcVM \i is ? " - : l Itimum c TKoHtB?nc*R. I!. It, STODDARD & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ROOM. 8S0K8, \ ? 5#> US') * TJEl TJ.TST EL 8 A1 MANUFACTURERS' PRICES, r 163 Heeling; Street, (mcamly oreoarr* oiiabi.e*to!? hotkv,) ([) 1?J A. 18. & HI ^ ? Sfj ? Sept 29 19 12 EDMONDS TdBROWN, OF THE LATE FIRM OF F. T>. FANNING & CO.. WHOLESALE DEALER IM MEWS AMD BOYS' HATS, CAPS STRAWGOODS, AIMO. * * LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS, CHARLESTON, S. C. f*r Opposite Charleston Hotel. Sept 29 19 26 C.N.AVERILL& SON, (0as?aQAi?i COMMISSION MERCHANTS i "n?o1?- *- n ~ - - ? aawwvftAVS* AAA vum, uan ana jfiour, 8, CORNER E ART BAY AND NORTH ATLANTIC WllARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. REFERENCES : T. R STOVALL, <fc CO.. Augoela. BLAIR, SMITH A CO , Atlanta. CLAOnORN, HERRING k CO.. Atlanta. MARSHALL A BUROE. CWIeeton. GEO. W. WILLIAMS k CO., Charleeton. Sept ?? 1? JU BEING the ofroersof the Patent-Right of the Stele of North Caroline, of thie popular farming Implement, w? offer County Righta and Shallera at Great Bargaioa. C N. AVERILL k SON, 68 Ea?t Bay, Charleston. Sept 29 10 12 lamTHinsii & m WHOLESALE AND i&}21I,?\UUL. I03AfiU??aiiR3 HOT Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Carriage Material*, Leather, A a. 1K6 ir../.'-- Oj "r> n- Oi ?*?- v' - * Cfl AKliKSTUN) ci? Cv Sept 29 19 )S . ?i?Hcorr. o. wolbcbb. r. a. mrn. HENRY BISBCOFF If CO., u tlftUfcVL OROOBRa, AND DEALERS IV WINES, LIQUORS^ SEGA US, "* * TOUACdO, * dcC. 107 EAST BAY. CHARLfiSlOI^C. 8?pt ? |9 . . , y. JA , | I ' I ?. olacm*. a? tnn? CLACIUS * WITTIX, NORTH EAST CORNEA OF FRAAEA'A WHARF M ii 1m' Arti?irt Aii?ntf < mi 8?yt 29 19 20