? ?.? ~ . I> Jwj^fafcjyiit >t Mairtiil? 1 II li I *BMiiJillll?W t-j-J ?'?? ?-**
&'.-*F . I^OW N>. Sr;
la?tnd the rate* of
one dollar pot fcptaro of twolro Minion Unoo
(this aMM typo) or Iom Iter tbo ft rat insortion,
fifty cedts each tor the second and third insertion*,
and twenty-fire cents tor subsequent
insertion*. Tnatty esMiwts aHI haiada,
All advayitoeuMuta Must hare the number
nf Insertions marked on them, or they will ha
Inserted till ordered on* sad eharftod lot.
Unlets cordoned Otberwteo, AdverUsetnents
will inrhrthhly U ^displayed." * *
Obitenry notices, and all matters insuring to
to tbe be not* of any one, are regarded as
" Now I lay R? "?any It darltng j
" Lay mo,* Ikpod the tiny lips t
Of my danghtef, kneeling, bonding,
O'er her folded fingtftlps.
" Down ta sleep "?"to sloep;w she mnrtnnrod,
And Iks eorly head dropped low )
a r .1 t ?i " r .1 J> ,
Cl-V "T> ? "
" Vdu (ig nj ll *31, I know."
" Priiy the Lord'V-tbe word* came faintly,
Fainter still?* My soul Jo lteep f
Thou iuv tiiw um fs!r!y redded.
And the child wm fast asleep.
i * "' <' < v ....
But the dewy eyes half opened,
When I clasped her to my breast, ,
And the dear voice softly whispered,
" Mamma, God kaoits all the rest."' ' ' '
0, the.trustin*. sweet cMfldltf' ' 11 ' 4 |
Of the child heart ! Would that I
Thus might trust my Heavenly Father,
lie who beers my fcebleet try.
Extract ftrom a Private Letter.
Consulate of the United: States at1
l*ort Stanley, Falkland Islands,
South Atlantic Oceant South
America, May 20th, 1869.
2o ?Ze Governor B. F. Perry,
Greenville C. II., <N. C.
My Pear Sir?It line occurred
to niy mind, that some account of
this aide of the globe might be
interesting to you, as I am now oi>
the opposite side of the sun and
moon troin you. When it is Summer
at Greenville, Sonth Carolina,
if ia W itifot* Qt tin* To.
1 amis; it ie noon-day with us when
you are shrouded in your midnight
slumbers. While I am writing?May
20tb, 1809?the snow is
three inches deep at Falkland Islands,
white, in the United States,
you are having your early potatoes.
I must iirst give you a brief account
of my long voyage at sea.?
I left New Yoik on the 21st of
December last, on board the American
Bark "Wheatland\ bound for
Buenoe Ayrcs, South America,
and after forty-fonr days?outright
of land?on the morning of February
4th, wo entered the mouth
of the Rio de-la-plata, (one of the
largest river's on the globe.) At its
junction with the sea, it is one
hundred and fifty miles wide.?
Soon after?sixty miles distant?
the high neake of the naked mountains
of the Republic of Uruguay,
were seen in South Amorica?
welcome sight 1 the first land seen
in seven thousand five hundred
tniles 1 A dove came on board at
this point.
I will now recur to my voyage
from New York to this point, from
notes which 1 lake from my diary.
We sailed east until we came
near the coast of Africa, and thence
south towards Fayal and Santiago,
Portugal, and the Capo-de^verd
Island!*, leaving Brazil to the right.
We crossed theeqoator on Sunday,
the 17th of January. Becalmed
on that day. The sea was smooth
and fbone like glass. Several
whales came near the vessel this
day?one very large one ; he stood
np ont of the eea with bis head,
back and fcdl, and spoated water
six or eight feet upwards. He
imade our vessel look small, t was
pleased to soe him disappear.
We had two gales, and lost some
elf on board in both storm and
calm, and with marine philosophy
?that if our ship was no! lost* we
wortld reach the land.
.1 raustjnow return to the River
Platej (nirfliey call it here,) and
' !?W7W account of ji|?ntevideo
and Rnenos Ayres. The
former eity to afar^r writes from the
sea. on the right bank of the Biod*fa>pla?,
(U|??iird. W..UM1,) btt
Ml OOtC||, tllOft Wf 'twv 10
Iheaa hundred vessels io port?
fltauj from the United States. The
?I> built up, and the public
Delldingi are spacious and well
arranged, and some of u?c private
nianeiona art decant European
capital controls tne commerce oi
South America, and it is very well
th?t it does. The Datives, Spaniards,
make no progress in the art!
Commerce ? wool, hides, dried
beof, hoXs, bones, tallages**
tea. Wool is very well put uj
in bales, Kke cotton lh -the United
States. One man in the Argentine
liepublic owns a millien ot cattle,
and many Wool-growers frbttf lOff,
000 to 200,000 sheep. Foitgf
three thousand beef cattle wW(
driven to Montevideo by the large
cattle owner above mentioned, tc
be bntcbered at one time, This
will give rou some idea ot mdivid
01 wealth in South America.?
These wealthy gentlemen, howev
er, nave, sense enough to make
their rMidnnnA in P.ncrlond
My limits will not allow me tc
give von * full detail ot many mat
tcrs tfiatr come under my notice in
South America. It is a country
of unbounded natural resources,
which itobeingt!nveloped,'tiysome
extent, by English enterprise.?
Brazil % a rich country in the precious
ores?diamonds a staple pro
duct. A coffee field in Bread, ie
as handsomely laid out and col
tivated as a flower garden. The
nobility are hard to approach.?
The Emperor is par excellence : hi*
presence can only be reached by
those who stand nearest the throne:
still, 1 do not look on Mfteil as
being half civilised, if the Eoglieli
were not among them.
The war witn Lopez is slid going
on. IIo has falien^baek from
his Capitol six hundred miles: but
in a fight he whips the Brazilians
badly. As a commander-in-chief,
he is much in character like Santa
Anna. I saw some of his men?
prisoners?at Montevideo; they
are a mixed race?halt Spaniards,
half Indians, with a portion of the
negro; a specimen of what the
population of the United States
will be by-audby under the equal
ity of races. A struggle for the
.existence of an Empire or a Republic,
is an issue in which I feel
a deep interest?more particularly
MfltAM r? ? 4 .. r? ^ L. k? ? ?" ?B
wiiqu im wuivai ib oviwmi oivnized
nations; because, upon the
result trfay depend the welfare ol
the whole human race. Not bo
with barbarians at war, which al
ways results in making room tor a
better population.
I have no.news from the Uuitxd
States whatever. When the pub
lie debt is paid, and the Federal
Constitution is recognised as the
paramount law of the land, and
the Angjo Saxon race maintains
thei.e Appropriate statu* iu society
and Government, I shall be glad
to hear from my native land?not
Falkland Islands.?East Falkland
(Port Stanley, rmy -? Consulate,)
has an area ' as ' large as
Greenville, Piokene and Anderson
Districts, in South Carolina. It ii
in latitude 51, 40p> S"nlh ; longi*
tude 5(, 49<> West; two hum red
and fifty miles southwest of Caj>c
Horn, and seven thousand five
hundred miles from New York?
beyond this, n6 vessel ever sails.?
It is one endless space <?f ice from
here to the South Pole. Ihe Falk
i j t_? i_ ? i ?
Juno isianas are naaef or trees
bosh or sHrub of the wood kind
the landscape is picturesque,. pre
sentingan ex tonal ve view of big!
And' rugged monntains and hilh
covered with rock, and with peaki
shooting up several thousand feel
above the sea. The more leve
parts of the Islands is pasture foi
wild cattle and wild horses thai
exist in great numbers.
This is a British Colony. TV
Governor resides * here, and th<
whole inale population (adults) an
officials, except those persons con
nectfld with two imnortimr houses
and. all supplies come from Lon
doto; no commerce from the Unfte<
States. Goldf add silver1 ctirrdric;
it abundant?no paper money.?
and highly accomplished, andkaej
3> fhsnionable life all tbe timo.reat
efforts at display by botl
exes. I am reticent, ana resolved
if they can show more dignitynati&nal
or personal?or sit fai
tber back in the Chair of Stat
thai* the Consul of the Unit?
Statea, it aball coat tbora an effori
i least. My health is robnsi
weight 175 pounds. If I Ihr* t
return to the United States, I she
take an rout* the other half of th
glob<- ** Tm&tL.
Consul United States.
A ft tint tiffin Iff ii nffT
i Mr?. Harriet Beecber fctowe has
i giro the true canee of the separa,
tion of Lord and Lady Byron.
We have sat some tor* publicaI
tion of tbiee boast ly Charge*, but
give, in lieu thereof, such com,
menta of the preaa aa throw light
? on the alleged inydery. and develt
op fe*ac(Ty the worth and infamy
! of the evidence. The Missouri
t Republican says: .'
4* This mystery?if we are to bei
licve' Ifw.' Btowels account?is
now cleared away by the revelation
of Hlich awful ornilt tliat tliA
tragic story of Beatrice Ceuci is as
i nothing in comparison.
,u The following words c ntain
\ the essence of the charge preferred
against Lord Bvrou by his wile,
speaking throngU-her friend *.
"*JPronvtheXeight t$ which he
, might have been happy as thv
i hneband of a noble woman, he fell
into the depths of a secret adulter
i ous intrigne with a blood relation,
so near in consanguinity, that dis
i covery must have heen utter rnin
and expulsion from civilized socie11
The person here alluded fco can
i be no other than Lord Byrou's halff
sister, the Honorable August*
r Maria Leigh. It will be reinemi
be red thai the father of the poet,
i 4 Mad Jack Byron/ as be was called,
was a confirmed roue, so utterly
infamous in his wickedness
> that he wtp virtually banished
1] Irom decerit society. In his twen>
ty-seventh year, he eloped with the
, ftl archioness of Carmarthen, whose
> husband shortly after procured a
divorce, when Byron married her.
She died in 1784, a victim of his
, neglect and ill-treatment. One
i daughter, Augusta, was the sole
i fruit of this wretched union. The
i following year Byron married Miss
Catherine Gordon, the mother of
> the anthor of 4 Childe Harold.'
Augusta, then, must have been at
I least two or three years the pernor
' of her half-brother, but a strong
- affection existed between them, the
i records o f which are scattered
through both bis poetry and correspondence.
8 he was lira last to 1
leave him previous to his final de*
partore from England ; her name
was amorrg the last that lingered
I' on his lips when he lav dying at
Miseolonghi, and he bequeathed
L to her all the property he possessi
ed, except what was already settled
upon Lady Byron and Ada.
It was Augusta's hand which placed
over Byron's torub. in Hucknall
Church, the tablet which bears a
i name that needs no sculptured
marble to make it immortal.
44 Augusta died a number of
y years since, and, up to this time,
i no breatli of slander from any
i quarter has ever stained her reptiI
tat ion.
44 The world is now asked to be1
lieva that this lady formed, and coni
tinned through several years at
i least, an incestuous connection
with her brother, and that a child
- was born of the unnatural alliance,
i But this is not all; we are asked
- to believe that Lady Byron knew
, of the connection immediately after
l littr inirriairo an/t ?Ko? #?? - -
, w?v? imwi| <i vui n
rie of duty to her husband, and
tbe sake of* tbe angel that was
? in him,' she tacitly sanctioned it
i by permitting the partner of bis
t crime to remain under her roof
1 while she herself continued to hold
r the position of a wife. More than
t this even; we are told that she did
L not leave Lord Byron of her own
* free will, hat was driven away hy
? him; (hat tbe offspring of tbe iu
9 trigue was protected and cared for
- by her until its death, and that the
* same kind offices Were afterward
extended to the mother. The
1 world shrinks back involuntarily
f from the o oaten plation of the Jtor
rible theme, and nothing but Mrs.
1 Stowe's high character for iitterrb
i, ty and truthfulness prevents the
P story from being at onco consign
ed to oblivion as a slander too vile
h ior criticism, much less oontradicl?
tion. Bat there can be no doubt
- on one point?what Mrs. Stowe
' says was derived from converse*
? tions with and memoranda snbmittod
to her by Lady Byroo herself!.
t? The whole fabric, then, must stand
or fall upon the veracity of Lady,
o Byron; tbero is no other proof,
'1 nor does Mrs Stowe claim that |
? there is any.
"Now, while we are willing to
concede all the admirable qualities
to Lady Byron which it is possible
erf deliberate!? HWfied mr 'vrae
cheated into beltertnfc as real what
was only a monstroas ballocUiat
ion of the brain. Byron's open
immorality has long been acknowledged,
even the' moef enthusiastic
admirers of ills genius, bat
we contend that there it nothing
in hia recorded words or actions
which wiH jostlff such allegations
as these. Reckless. defiant sinner
he may have been, Wt that he ever
steeped himself in such beastly
criminality as is hare sea forth, we
do hot belive. Nor if he did, do
wo imagine for a morn cut that a
woman of Lady Jjyton's pnrlty
and principle wonld liavO consented,
from any motive however
high and noble, to bare not only
cloaked his infamy witb ber own
unspotted garmente, but accepted
him as her husband and the father
of her child."
The Republican then refers to
an article.trom Blackwood, on the
other side of the question, and thus
continues s
"The article from Blackwood
will be fonnd exceedingly interea
ting, in connection with Mrs
Stowe's statement, and is a fait
companion-piece to it. To oni
mind it utterly disproves Lady Byron's
story as told to Mrs. Stowe,
but it shows, moreover, that Mrs.
Stowe was uot the first who had
beard of it As yet there is an utter
absence of fact or circumstance
to sustain the horrible charge, and
the verdict of the world, upon the
case as it stands now. will be that
it rests wholly upon.the unsupported
assertion oi a woman who was
forced to give some extraordinary
explanation of her unforgiving
conduct towards her husband."
. The Ooorior-Jonrnnl pursues the
theme with indignation and pours
the seven vials of wrath upon the
perpetrator of this scandal and the
publisher of it. It says:
44 A mystery has hung over the
subject for halt a century, and
Mrs. 8towe professes to reveal it.
The professed revelation is most
revolting. The illustrious poet,
we are asked to believe, was guilty
of habitual and long-continned incest
with his sister, aud had a child
by her, who died in Lady Byrou's
arms years afterward when Byron
was a wanderer in self exile from
his country. But this, even if
true, is not, as it purports to be,
an explanation of tlie separation of
Lord and Lady Byron. According
to the statement, Lady Byron
was anxious to the last to live with
her husband, and it was he who
rudely rent the conjugal ties asunder.
" Now it she knew him to be
guilty of the horrible prime of incest,
it was reason enough wby she
QIIASIM uKunrlrwn Uim Kwf
no reason at ail why be should
abandon her, and seek to make her
his enemy, especially if, as is represented,
he was terribly anxious
for the concealment of his guilt,
and she was the only person who
had the power to reveal it. We
do not believe that, if she had
known him to be living in the
commission of incestuous acts, she
would have been so unwomanly as
to remain with him for years, ae
she is said to have done, or even
for a single day. The woman wh(
lives with an incestuous husbanc
seems not many degrees removed
from incest. The very thought it
revolting to hnman nature.
" Mrs Stowe says, that, when
she was in Europe she made the ac
quaintanceof Lady Byron, and,
that the latter confided to her the
whole story of the relatione be
tween herself and Lord Byron witli
permission to publish it at some
after period if events should ren
aer tbe punuoation necessary
Unwilling to qoestion Mr*.Stowe'i
personal veracity, we shall no
dwell npon the intrinsic iunproba
bility that Lady Byron, passing by
all her thousands of distinguished
and trusted acquaintances, woulc
select an American woman
"little more than a stranger to her
to perform this exceedingly deli
cat* and important service acoord
ing to her own discretion. Bat, i
authority was given to publish th<
story in the event of the publics
lion becoming necessary, the au
thority has beau grossly abused
The publication cannot be oootid
ered as either necessary or proper
It can do no good to any ons. 8<
far as believed, it ir^iu ies all t<
whom it refers. It dishonors^ th<
memory of both husband and wife
The excuse offered by Mrs. 6. for
the publication at this time is the
appearance of a Life of Byrofi Vy
the Countess Guiccioli, once his
mistress, who, as Mrs. 8. alleges,
attacks Lady Byron. But the
Countess' volume has been before
the*public more thau two years,
and it contains uot one word calculated;
or intended to disparage
JL*dy Byron. Mrs. Stowed article
fraa wholly uncalled for. It is a
disgusting intrusion. It seems to
have been suggested by no worthier
thought than that it wonld add
ty the writer's own importance.
" Mrs. Stowe tells the world that
Lady Byron loved her husband
devotedly throughout all his life,
although separated from him, and
bad no dount, after his death, that
be was a purified angel in Heaven.
If such were her thoughts of bim,
if she revere^ his memory and believed
that he was a dweller in the
i abodes of the blessed, how can it
i he supposed that she would delibi
erafely furnish the materials for
> the publication, after her death, of
article and desitnied
to'bluet his mighty fame, eo tond
ly and passionately cherished by
. herself, throughout all the future
ages I How could she, clinging
almost wildly to his memory, and
deeming bim a shining star in the
, paradise of God, seek to make his
- name, one of the loftiest of all time,
a scorn, a by-word, and a curse in
the mouths of the generations!
Did she do these things f
" We find in Mrs. Stowe's publication
no explanation of the '
means by which Lady Byron became
acauainted with the revolt
ing secret of her husband's incest
with his sister. Certainly others
knew nothiug about it, and she
was the very one from whom, of
nil persons then living, he must
have been the most anxious to conceal
it. And yet we are expected
to believe that she was the only
one acquainted with it. If she had
known it, others would probably
have known it by the same or similar
means, or a thousand dissimilar
moans, and it would have gone
abroad npon the 'eagle wings, upon
which x immortal scaudals fly.'
" There is another matter in regard
to which Lord Byron is certainly
calumniated most infamously.
We are told by Mrs. Stowe
, that he made a regular and persistent
effort to convince his wife
. that both of them would best promote
their own happiness by indulging
in the pleasures of sensual
lore wherever their tastes and fancies
lured them. This is too monstrous
to be believed for an instant.
There is nothing in it in keeping
with the character of Byron. lie
was a proud man, as prond as the
Son of the Morning. lie was ready
enough to indulge, in unlawful
loves, but sooner than attempt to
persuade his uytfe to do the same
thing, sooner than tolerate her in
a career of guilty voluptuousness,
sooner man tec aimeeit be pointed
at and sneered at as the dishonored
husband of a libidinous woman,
he wonld have invoked all the
lightnings of Heaven to rush into
| his heart and explode there.
, " Mrs. Stowe, as if aware that
t her extraordinary story in regard
> to incest needs all sorts of bolsterI
ing, looks through the poetical
I works of Byron, and, without the
i least authority, assumes that every
ptooage that can be tortured into
, seeming adaptation to her purpose
. was intended by the poet to apply
to himself, This is preposterous.
| It is contemptible. Such evidence
would never be aonglit except in a
i case of a miserable dearth of evi(
dence. The immorality of Byron V
. life, and a portion of his writings,
unquestionably deserves the sever|
est coademnation ; hut wo are not
I willing that the name of the au.
tlior of much of the most glorious
wAaImo 2ii f Vnrvl ^
f pvcn jr 111 I.UV uii^iiou inu^UHgU,
I the author of poetry alraoet superI
hnman in its beauty and sublimity
and power, shall be forever aaso'
elated tn our minds with a crime
[ from which the sonl shrinks with
. more horror than from the thought
f of eternal death."
3 Mrs. Stowe says that the story
r of Byron'a incest has been known
for years in Great Britain, but that
1. no one there has cared to make it
- public. Ah, a population ot 35,.
000,000 or 40,000,000?and not a
> Mrs. Stowe among them all 1 But
5 do not the comments of the Lone
don Times, which reach us by the
. cable, tell a different story ? Would
the Times "bo so emphatic if the
story of Mrs. Stowe had been
Known in England for yearsf
Hardly, we thinlri
t The remarkable sermon of the
venerable father Hyacinth, and
for the delivery of which he has
been summoned to Home, concludes
with the following strong
sentences: 44 Do you know the way
Prussia triumphed in the field ??
Twos not because there was a lack
of bravery on their sido; it was
not the effect of that wonderous
weapon, for the acquisition of
which men are now so eager *, but
it was because the assailant was
better edncated than the assailed,
and had a superior religious training;
it was because every Prussian
soldier had a Bible in his
cap or helmet. In other places I
have asserted, and I assert it again
here, that shiah annotitntno !??
strength of Protectant nations is,
that when the people come from
tlieir work, they enter the family
circle, and sitting by their hearths,
read the Bible and the national
poetry. We arc behind hand with
rrotestant nations, and especially
with those that dwell beyond the
Atlantic and the Straits of Dover,
I have trodden English soil on
two occasions, and have come to
the conviction that the strength of
that country is from the Bible."
Ricnra.?The man with good
firm health, is rich.
So is the man with a clear conscience.
So is the parent of vigorous,
happy children.
So is the editor of a good paper,
with a good subscription list.
So is the clergymen whose coat
the little children pluck as he passes
them in their play.
So is that wife who has the whole
heart of a good husband.
So is the maiden whose horizon
is not bounded by the " coming
man," but who has a purpose in
lite whether she ever met him or
So is the young man who, laying
his hand on his heart, can say,
"I have treated every woman I
ever saw as I should wish my sis-,
ter treated by other men."
Sa IQ tlio ?k?
.y uiu ntllU 1/IJ11U WHO gVOT
to sleep with a kiss on his lips and
for whose waking a blessing waits.
Chinamen, who walk over bridges
built two'tbonsand years ago cultivated
the cotton plant centuries
before this country was heard of,
who fed the 6ilk-w6rm before King
Solomon built his throne, have fifty
thousand square miles aronnd
Shanghai which are called the Garden
of China, and which have been
tilled by countless generations, and
are as productive now as ever.
The area is as largo as New York
and Pennsylvania combined, and
is all-meadow land raised but a few
feet above the river; lakes, rivers, ,
canals?a complete net work of
water communication; the land
undor the highest tilth; three
crops a year harvested ; population
so aense that wherever you look
you see men and women in blue
pants and blouse, so numerous that
1 you fancy some fair or muster is
coming off, and all lmnds have
turned out for a holiday.
[ Western Farmer.
r *| f ? ? - ? ...
Lovb is Blindj?A curious marriage
occurred last week in St.
Lonia. A stone blind bridegroom
was led by his blushing bride to
the altar of a Justice oi the Peace.
That honest and benevolent functionary
felt it to be his duty to inform
the poor blind man that the
chosen of his heart was really one
of the ugliest women in the world,
and that she had already, to his
certain knowledge, buried two husbands.
To this the bridegroom
responded that he had seen the
lady a great many years ago, and
that, according to the best of his
reoollection, she was then " a tiling
of beanty " and 44 a form of life
and light." Aa the nnfortunato
man insisted upon being married
to this dream of his earlier and
happier days, the knot was tied ;
bnt the Justice swore that he
conldn't in conscience take a fee
for doing it, and so the poor victim
was led away rejoicing.
A catfish, weighing 277 nonncts,
has been taken in the Missouri
1 River.