University of South Carolina Libraries
STMT It. <s :< Gentlemen, go to ...ft* . MM THEY HAVE A GOOD STOC , f* *&- **< / * > ^ Ladles, Hisses, Gentler GO TO SULLIVAN A I BOOTS, SHOE THEY HA VE A LARGEST ANY IN 1 . M ?? * 4w twW'W ; . .... V :t Ladies, be Sore to G AND BU ?m 3R 8 8 THEY HAVE A TASt ? ?. Everybody, Go to AND DRY GOODS AND NO1 THEIR STOCK IS LARGER THAN EVE Go to Sullivan & ( Groceries, Table ai Leather, Chewin Tobacco, Cig Go where you cau buy C Ggn Go where you can buy I |^T* Go whero yon can buy C the Store ot S0SJLSWU CT-Mr. JAMES A. McDAH and will be pleased always to wait SepUmber 1ft Annual Report of Receipts ai Council of Greenville, tor \ Tth, 1869. A. 72. MeDA VID, Clerk end Treneurer, in a / DR. Amount of Ca*K Rtteleti from Novetrtbrr 24/A, 1868, to September 'ith, 1860. Cash on hand. | 22 To On CUy Lot# 228 40 Beef HJcettee# 118 00 Profeaaional Income#, Ac., 88 80 Bbowa and Exhibition#, 4. i? . Q ^ 140 00 Batea of Good#, Ac.,. ... ftlt 47 Dray a, Buirgie*, Carriage*, Ae. IfS 76 BtreatTaa, 268 00 Fine#,.,. ............. ft 00 Ralnil Lieenaea,.802 81 Oo Expreaa Company,... 12 60 ,t Oo imuraoce Company, 00 67 Caab borrowed......... 660 00 a . . > - , f 3,681 22 1862 M?-ji 7- To Caeh on band, $ 02 r\ >** rj- ' ' # ; * v-.V..!!, I " - ?.< ? fiv i A .t t .i w*?7 .' ? 1 . . ; ?r'T * - * * j -7,1 , Sept U. 7 ... LIME FOR SALE. T HATS nmItW, direct frets the Lime JL KUn,t>o eonatfooMiit, 1# Barrel* or Lime, TURIK BUBHKL3 KAClf. Jallm C. Smith. / H I* r* l - - - -?-?? ~ ? - Notice f* *??T Hall. Jaane* * Hall, Thonwi Hal), and all other* k** H MrMMlii thai 1 *111 am>W. on I ^wTklkt mmnxrps, Aitai.Mrwtor. ^1. ftptmtbov 11, ICftO. 17-4 MRS. GRANT TfrwaotrULur > ?*?? ib?u<iiM?r 1? OrMTilli ltd twimnitt llil il?b Ull Mrtriftg M Work >a DRIBS MAKIKQ imUkViiitii, lid kof? to nttlu a Mttfttiil Hbtttl Culling ltd letting doat lac short Ml notlN. LAT CT FASHIONS ooasUnUy r*ortv?<t, which th? W rnilj at a|| Uimt to eshihit. pt 1# 17 S % " tirtfci i- " . ^ 'Jf J ??<* * *9 i W1RTS1 NET C101S it%TV?V i Sullivan & Son, \ V VATTO > ?L?TM!1B?9' K JUST FROM NEW YORK. . aen, Youths, Children, SON AND BUY YOUR 8 AND HATS, OOKy NOT SURPASSED B T "HE CITY. >: I o to Sullivan ft Son, T TOUR eoois, EFUL ASSORTMENT. , > Sullivan & Son, BUY HONS OF ALL KINDS, ; AND BF1TFR ASSORTED R BEFORE. Son, and Buy Your rj #1 Pnnlrfif /Vi4-1 owrr LIU A WAVV VUWWJf f g and Smoking rars, &c. &c. 1 jOOD GOODS. ' *IiETtY GOODS. 1 JI1EAP GOODS; und that place is (t ^ ten. : iIEL is with 8ULLIVAN & SON, on his friends. 17 tf nd Expenditures of the City ( the Term Ending September * itamnt with the CYJjr Ccmneil of QretnoilU. . OR. , Dubtmmtntt from November Ud, ISttS, to 1>h S*?tembo?, I860. By Caen paid for Work on Slraeta, &*.,. 4... %. f 18?0 00 By Caah paid Marehai | BaUon.... 130 *5 By Caah Refur.darf Street and froggy Tax... .v. 8 00 By Caah pa\?J for Stamp*, .. .v..,.*w .... 3 30 l Bp Caail n*id far R*nn!. ing Deed,. I 00 Br Cwh paid boy a guard- 1 ltog lire, 8 00 By Caah paid H. Stone for Coffin, 2 00 By Caah pild for digging ?rav? nod repairing Ilridgfl, 76 By Ca?h paid Thou. Powell'a aetsoutot,.*.vt 10 00 By Cnah paid varioua other a conn la, 1,882 78 By Caah patd A. R. MeDaald'oaalary....... , 41 84 By Caali paid Commiaaiona on reeeieg $363l.? ' V9 at 24 per cent ..... 90 78 By Caaii paid Commiaaiona on paying out $3,464.14 at 3$ par ot., 84 86 By Caah on hand,.,..,, 01 $8,481 39 Wa cartify that the above Report ha* been examined, and the Vouehera found correct. NATHAN WHITMIRE, U. A. PICKLR. Com mi tine. September 14th, 1849. 17 1 PLJ1JYTERS, BT SHIPPING THEIR nnTirniu W 19 m WW THROUGH ua? GAM OBTAIN LIBERAL CA9I ADVANCER, EITHER ON COTTON TO BE STORED AND HELD, OR FOR X3tf MSDXATS BALE. WE WILL SHIT TO COLUMBIA, ; Charleston BALTIMORE MEW YORK OR LIVERPOOL. DAVID &. STRADLET* 8*r* in 17 if Tk* " EYE (tottery " Implication Co., a, Ckartotoa, baoa bom oo wnec? fwl Itt litorary enterprloo that I hoy aro diotribming bandrod* of rhoico Htandard worba //* to the parobasj crs of the Moff*ilno. A?fc Iter ft at Harrison | A Marshall'*. ' ^ r - - r " flTRBft T*^5 sf satboritj fraaa Boa. . & X> TKIm, ODllNhr W Dteteiol Booth Carolina, I will aall at Piakaaa O. H., 8. 0., oa the 1Mb daj of gaytaibwt baataat, on* C.t ia Julj, 1868, for violation of iotoraal t-J.- _ W_A_IX/>V? BpMttl Depot; Colleetor, M Diet., 8. QL September II, 1869. 17-8* , 1 THR BEPORTER. Best paper in new York for u>? MONET. Brfm fhU of reading. 8npeior MTtrtMif median. Qoee to nearly ?n> t State in Urn Union, end erery boom in the 'fUage where it l? pebUebed. Monthly?60 ewtf peer. Qreet Inducements to-egeoU. (end ft eenU for epeelneo oopjr, or 1ft eeote md reoefoe ft fcf four noetha on trial. Adlreee Ineloeing monep. C. H. KEELER, PnMiaber, SO North Avenue, Owogo, N. Y. 8ept 1ft >7 tf GAINES & ^ BEARDEN, ARE RECEIVING A LOT OF MMTim PRIBTS* CALL AND SEE THM. 8?pt 8 16 U GREENVILLE PAPER MILLS. rHE undersigned have this day formed a copartnersbip under .he name of IAHEI BANNISTER * ItIT, 4 f For the purpose of carrying on the OF James Bannister, T. J. Bannister. THE Mills are now in excellent >rder, and we are prepared to turn out a FIRST CLASS PAPER, Which we will warrant to give latiafection* A FULL SUPPLY OF PRINTING. COLORED, Cinaf r vnn a nrkv?f/a tilttN ft IVUAFA'AIMli Can be fonnd at all times at onr Agents, Messrs. David & Straiv lky's. 8cptotnbcr 1, 1860. 16-tf THE Id VXD VAUtf un IISISAICE COHFAHY. ASSETS, Si2,000,000. NO COMPANY in the United States nan eUim superior advantages to this old and well-established institution, whicb haa been doing boaineaa villi the greatest sue eeaa for about twenty-ire year*. H is (trietlg mhiutl, and never had stockholder# to appropriate a portion of Ha earnings.? It ia under i<yal snperstston, a protection to policy holder., which Is afforded nowhere but la New York and Massachusetts. Its manager* cannot speculate with the funds of the Oombeny, hut are obliged to invert as tba lawa of Now York requiia traateeeto invest trust estates. The official reports, for several years past, show that this Company has been latter managed than any other doing bosiasaa la Now York. An Investment in tkis Company in as safe as snything earthly can be. It offers security and cheapness, sod has advantages over any other Company in the United States. Reference may be made to the following gentlemen: Gov. B. P. Perry, Col. G. P. Townee, Thoe. M. Cox. Thomas Steao, II. Boattie ft Co.. Wm. T. Shumate, Jas. P. Moore sad L. Williams. Par farther infotmotion, apply to the an deratgneri, agent for Green vOle^ or (o J A*. R. 8COTT, Attorney at Low, Greenville Court Hoom. w. h. campbell. Sept ? 16 tf Notice r hereby given lo all whom it m*y son* urn, that I will apply to 8. J. Douthlt, Probata judge of Greenville County, for a Final Diecherge aa Admiaiatrator of the Rata Ira of ROORR LOV ELAND. daararad, and I. N LOVKLAND, daeeeeed, e? On MA day of Ortobtr war/. September Ath, 1M?. THOMAS a GOWER, Ad'or. Sept || U 4 COTTON. THE Rdbirerlher bee loet received a new PATRNt OULLPTTT OlN and PRESS, and ia prepared to GIN and PAdtC COTTON at thle place, oo the moet reaaooable terrua. Cotton dill We delivered at the Depot, or any other point In the City, free of eltarge. John wfbtfield. Greenville, 8. C., KrpL lat, I Sep 1 1 li If H *&?'T s H I COLUMBIA A BALTIMORE ADVBR1VT8. > \ i ... . ||p Nickerson HouseHotel, COLUMBIA, 8.C. THE undaraigaad htTio| KRfkji BBWBWEP hU laa*? ?pot At ibon Popular How, will endeavor to ,* wake It aw* Of tba moat agraaaMa Batab la tka Saalh. A aall la aaUeftad. Free Oniniboa to and Craw tka Hotel WM. A. WRIGHT, Proprietor. Sept 15 tf NATIONAL HOTEL. ?(?iwaznmA, 0. o. PROPRIETOR. I*, HAMILTON JOYNER. CLERK. RATES Or BoarJ per Day ,|(3 00 8unpcr, Breakfast ami Lodging..... * 00 Single Meal. 1 00 Sep 1 10 tf MARBLE CUTTING. BOY IV E 3c SPROWL, COLUMBIA, & C, CONTINUE TO MANUFACTURE MONUMENTAL. WORK In all iu branches, of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE. u Sept 8 . 10 If MRS. C. E. REED, FASHIONABLE 18LLIBS1V* CORSETS, , ? a Kff ES sff A a. IHilDAL VEILS) DRESS MAKING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Main 8tre?J, Opjwits SUTPHEN"3, Columbia, 8. C. Sep 1 ( If In "Tsulzbacheb, SIGN OF TI1E MAMMOTH 'WATCII, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C.> DEALER IN AND MANUFACTURER X)r WATCHES, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, ETC. AN ASSORTMENT of Gannino PEBBLE SJ'ECl ACLES always on hand. Repairing, in all ita branches, personally attendee lo, and the amplest wot is'aciion promised. Gregg's Building, Msln Street, Co Inmliia, S. C. Sep 1 16 3m jkl^ W~m AND WI1TEB IMFOBT&TIOI 18B9. MBB0X8. MILLINERY AND 8TRA W GOODS. ARIHITOMO, CATOK Ac CO , 137 k 130 Baltimore et., Baltimore, lid, IMPORTERS end Jobber* of Bonnet *nd Trimming Ribbon*, Velvet and Saab Ribbon*, Bonnet Silk*, Satins and Velvets. I Hustons. Blonds, Lacs'*, Rvehes. Notts and Crapes, French Flowers and Festhers, Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Bats Trimmed and Untrimmed, Silk, Velvet and Felt Bonnet* and Hats, Sundowns and Shaker Hoods. The largest Stock of Milllnerj Goods in this country, and Unequalled in chorea variety, which we offer at prices that Will defy competition. wr Ordei s solicited. Aug 15 14 5* CUSHINGS & BAILEY BOOK 11LLXR0 ABO BTATIOVXXI, 101 Baltinsore-et., Baltimore, Ifd. TUB Largest and Beet Assorted Stock in the City, of SCHOOL. LAW, DENTAL. MEDICAL, CLASSICAL and MIHttRLLAKBTITTfl General Bank and Countiag-Hooae Stationary of all klnda. Blank Books made to order, in any style, of binding and ruling. Aug 20 14 em* Bailey's Patent Feather Renovator and Cleanser. HAVING purchased the right for nalng thn machine In Greenville County, 1 will viait the different neighborhoods ol the County ol Greenville, starting the firet of September. Those who have old PKATHKR BEDS they with made ea light and ea good aa new, will do well to bring them to n?e. Read the recommendation of Dr. Bidet. PETER MoAULEY. Sep 1 10 tNotico 19 hereby given to all whom it may uoneera, that I will apply to8. J. Douthlt, Probate Judge of Oreenvillo County, nt* (A* 12tA ddjf of OtUfxr ntti, (of a Pinal Discharge ea Administrator of the Estate of DAVID W. GREEN, deceased. Parties having cislrr* egeina the Estate, will present them to the Probate Judge properly attested for payment; and those indebted, will make payment to the same. W. R. JONES, Ad'or. Hept*mh?r 7th, 1869. Sept. 8 10 4 PUIS 8. efc" -rr? STATE OF BOOTH CABOLIH A, OBKKNVrLL* couirfr. 8 J?y 8. J! DOUTatT, Boq., Mgt of Pro. hoUo/mid County. J WHEREAS, JAMBS W. DUKOAN Ui tiled a Petition in my Og?n praying tk*t Letter* of Administration on all ud singular the goods end chattels, right* tad er*d? it* of WILLIAM J. SIMMONS, Into of the County aforesaid, deceased, should be grunted to him. XAese are, tkenters, to eito und udmouUb ull and singular the kindred und creditors of P the said deceased, to be and appear ia the L Court of Probate f? r said County, to ha holds* ?t OrtNTiUi Coart House, M tilis ltd daw of September {?,/., to ?bow euN, if any, why tho Mid Administration should not bo (ranted. 8. J. DOUTUIT, J. P. O. C. Offleo of Judge of Probata, Sept. 2d, 1869. Sept 8 18 2 1 The State of Sonth Carolina. p ORKENVILLB COUNTY. by a. j. Dourmr, e^hu,, j*dg, o/pr? b ctio of bxmid Comm/w WHEREAS, SAMUEL M. COX baa fllod a Petition In my OBoo, praying that Q Lottora of Administration on aU and singular tbo rooda aad chattels, rights and erodita of JAMB8 COX, lata of tbo Coonty aforesaid, do* r coaaod, ahoald bo granted to blm. 1 Tkete art, tkerejore, to cite and admonish all and aingalar tbo kindred and creditors of the Mid deceased, to bo and appear in tbo Coart of Probate for sold County, to bo boldon at Greenville Coart Houm, on ikt l&th day <>/September fnsL, to show canao, If any, wby the said Administration ahoald not bo granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P. Q. C. Offleo of Judge of Probate, Sept. 4th, 1809. Sopt 8 1? 2 The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Is Chancery. JAMES N. TAYLOR ... A. B. HUNT?Bill to Fnrelott Mortgage, Are. BY virtao of tbo dee retail order made by J Judgo Orr in tbo above ease, I will sell I to tbo highest bidder, at Greenville Court < House, on SaJrt-daw im October next, tbo 1 TRACT OP LAND described la the bill; vis: 1 All that tract or parcel of Land, situate la ( Greenville County, on waters of Math Creek, known as the Miles Piaoe, containing, Throe j Ftandred and Ten Aeree, more or less, adjoining lands of Taylor, Nee res, Donaldson and otbeia. TERMS OP SALE.?One half easb, the balance on a credit of twelve months, secured by bend sad mortgage. Purchaser to pay for | stamps and papers. W. A. McDANIBL, C. C. C In C. Clerk's Offlce, September 7, 1809. Sept 8 .< 10 4 ( The State of South Carolina. /7 r> DPtrtrrr w o /*/\av*v/n?v wniioiT r H.L.Ll WUX11 I, ' BherifT* Bala. \ BY virtue of an Order from S J. Douthlt, 1 Probate Judge, I will expose for aale, 1 at publio outcry, before the Court Mouee 1 door, on Btlrlay In October neat, the fob * lowing TRACTS OF LAND, via : 1 Traet No. 2, situated in Greenville County. 1 on water* of Middle Tiger River, bounded * by land* of L. Cockrel and others, and eon- * taining 233 Acrce, more or less. Ti act No. t, situated in aaid County, on r water* of aaid River, bounded by lands of J. Ponder and othera, and containing 163 ' Acre*, more or less. The above Traet* of Land are Bold a* the property of JOSEPH H. TURNER, do e?a?*d for partition among the heirs, Ae. TKRM8?K credit of one and two years, with interest front day of Sale for all except so much a* will pay the Costs of the oase, which will bj required in Cash on the day of sale. Purchasers to give bond with good and rufTioient sureties, together with a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Judge to secure the payment of the purchase money. Purchasers to psv luC stamps and title*. A B. VlCKKKS, S. O. C. l August 21, 1869 Aug 25 H 6 SHERIFF'S SALES. xv -1-*-. -# y ??- * ? ? i? i virweoi Bunury wnnoi rterte raciat 1 .13 to me directed, I will eel), before the ' Court House door, on Saleday in October 4 next, betweeu the honre of 10 o'clock A. M ' In the forenoon, end ft o'clock in the after noon. All defendant'# right, title end interest in lew end equity, in one tract of Lend, known a* the Sylvanua Baldwin Place, containing 230 acree, more or leu, adjoining lends of the Homestead of the defendant, Jarrettt W. Yyargin and others. Also the Abner Baldwin Place, containing 250 acres, more or lees, adjoining lands of J. H. and R. Joycu and others. Also tin Perry West Tract, containing 120 acres, more or leu. adjoining lands of William Went, W. P. _ P.llard and Others. Also the William West [ Tract, containing 44 acres, more or leas, on | the west aide ot Reedy River, on the Georgia Road, beginning on a beech at the river, adjoining lands of Pollard, Weatsnd others. Also the Hill Tiacf, containing 20 acres, more or less, adjoining lands sf T. L. Hedriek, William Davenport and the llomestead. Also oi.e small tract of Land, cut off " from the Homestead, and lying on the west bank of Reedy River, containing 25 acres, more or lew. Levied on as the property of J. R. Smyer, at the suit of A. Kvjna and Klias Karle vs. James L Orr and J. R. Smyer. Also, ono tract ol land, on the Spaltan burg Road, about two milea from the city, containing 66 acres, more or less, bounded 1 by lands ol Rev. Samuel M. Green, Henry ' Morris and Robert Ward. Levied on aa the property of Thoa B. Roberta at the suit of James M. Sullivan for another vs. T. B. Ro- . berta, W. T. Shumate and Robert McKay. Also, the defendant's right, title and interest In lew and equity, in one tract of Lend, known ee the Israel Charles Milt Tract, containing 50 aerea more or lew; on I this tract la a good Grist and Saw Mill, | adjoining lands of J. D. Sullivan, Elijah : Farmer and others. Levied on as Ihn prop* . erty of George W. Hyde, at the suit of Jere , raiah Roberts and others. ( Also, one House and Lot in the oity of , Greenville, on Boneombe street, bounded on the north by Lsnrens street, east by W. J. Wbitmire and south by Buncombe street; lot contains } aere, more or ieas. Levied on as the property of the estate of O. II. Weils, deceased, at the suit of G. F. Townee and others. Also, one tract of Land, containing 168 acres, more or less, lying on the right of the Buncombe road, about three miles front the city of Greenville, bounded by lands of i Perry A Parry, William Choiee, J. 0. Fur* man ami others. Levied on as the property i of J. W. Brooks, at tks suit of A. 8. Duncan t for another. I Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for i stamps and papnr*. A. B. VICK ERB, 3. O. C. September t, 1860. 16-4 | A Handsome Inducement.? Every person who sends $3 50 to the "XIX Century " Tub. lication Co., at Charleston, 8. C. receives thgt superb Magssine for ons year, and a eopy of sitbsr of the Waverly NovoL or tbo works o! Charles Dickens that may bo designated.? Bpvcimeu number with I'romiutn list 35 cents P I B. MULLIGAN. m AJTD GENERAL IKIIKIII IHCIAIT. Bccoto)h|od$fioif Jiibqlrf, CHARLESTON, S. O. SAVING ample meant for aoodaetiag my boaineoi, 1 am at all liotaa proa rod to make liboral adraacoe oa Cotton. Joly M 10 ly P. P. TO ALE, 8H3A?I&a0W<5>S9rBS.(0.? Maaafootaror of MORS, SASHES, BLINDS. 1 t '* ? *> *!' Nf.'* : >p HAVING the largoH and aaoot eomploto factory in the Southern Sutra. and :eeping always on hand a large and moat HOCK OI LJUU1W, BASHJ3S, 3LINDS, Sash Door*, Store Doors, Shutters, douldings, Aa., A* , I am onabled to aell low ind At manufacturers' prioes, N. B?8trict attention paid to shipping n good order. July 11 tf SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Kackaaical Magazine. Official Organ of the South Carolina Stmta Agricultural and Mechanical Society.) A T mil early date, the snbser'bere will ljL publish the first number of m MoathCMagasiae, devoted to the dovelopmient of t meteriel ietereate of th\i State, mod the vhote South ; and will distribute fire thouend eopies gratuitously, so that emery one aay Ms what It Is before subscribing.? ["hey intend to make It the beet and 1 random est indnatrial magazine ever published it the South, and they ask the oordial oo>peratiom of every good citizen in this enerprise, whidi must redound to tbe public velfare. Persons wishing eopies of the first nnmjer, will please send their addreoa to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL. Charleston, S. C. May 11 51 If TO THE PUBLIC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON-, A C, . SO LONG and ably eon ducted by the late H. L lain BUTTER FIELD, will still IBQS:b< kept open for the scromnodation of the traveling public. And its ormer friends and patrooa will find the itual aeoommodatione and attentions be towed on them aa ToVtnttVf. nod the public Tore, already ao wall established THE lOTELof the TRAVELING MERCHANTS if the South, will, by oaraeat effort*, ba althfully preaervad. March 4. 1868. 41 tf TSfcTT 'ANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CTJ*E DYSPEPSIA* an all hueasm or tbb STOMACH AND LIVER. nor A?a uoowmun rr m * MEDICAL FAOULTT/ IIEQEMAN Ac CO^ AGEXTS, XXW YORK. Kannfactnred by C. F. PANKNIF Cnffll AXB AWTHICA17, CHARLESTON, 8.C. an Vf ATTMfttISSS JWywm c.~n Feb 24 40 ly ^comifTiKr HEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIES, unsurpUNd by any Tie yet manufactured. Kor Matatti, strength and durability, tbia Tla is* no equal. Having sold theja for the lasi hree years, we feel that we ean cordially ret ioaaesd them to all Planters as the artiele hey want. For sale by tiEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, Charleston, 8. C. Aug 18 13 Sin Notice T8 liereby given lo all whom it may concam, that we will apply to R. J. l)outhit, Probate Judge of Greenville County, on the 29th day of September next, for a Final Discharge as Executrix and Executor of the Betate of ALEXANDER NORTON, deceased, and that a Final Settlement of aid Relate will be made on aaid day, if no eanee be ahown to the contrary, Therefore, all part tea having elalma against aaid Estate will present them to either of us, properly attested, on or before said day, or they will he debarred, CHARLOTTE NORTON, F.xrculiix. ROBERT McKAY, Executor. August 26th, I860. 16-4 jmwmhT BONE AT THIT OEEICE. *