University of South Carolina Libraries
_ j ^ ; OUBEWVILM^ 8. C. ' wtDiion, oiittittu, i?e? He*tint* or Uu People?8UU1 Tax**. Wf l**t Week published the proceedings of a large aad respectable meeting of the eitlsens tt (Massy Mountain Township, bold tb* 13th August. Tb*/ were moderate, wtae aad patriotic, free from party feeling, aad well oalcolated to tmietwa pehUe opinion oa Just aad prop?r means of rescuing the people of U 8 at* from the terflbV* oppreiilon of fa gll t ixca, that a central board in Columbia ari.I* tTarily doubles or fixes any way they like, and gives to a few mch or to a single man tbe desI otic power of Extorting unjustly money from the oiUtens under tbe fortes of law. The whole system of the taxes in this State is such es no free people ought to bear when they have the power of relisting themselves, easily and peacefully by the biOiot. The oply way the people oan be long op? pressed in this country is by party excitement. henoe we perceive that oflce seekers and office holder* are always striving to get the people to quarrelling about party matters, Instead of attending tcr their true Interest. ' The proceedings of the meeting of the 15th AugUst, at which Join Dili, presided as Chairman, and Jermason Barton aetsd as Secretary, ought to bo preserved by ell our eitisens as frirnishiag the true principles upon which republican liberty must be maintained. The people ought not to quarrel with each other but unite as one man to defeat high taxes and high salaries aAd numerous officials, and multitudes of hungry office seekers that come from far and nehr to eht onr substance and tax us at their own pleasure to a degree never known before since the first settlement of this coun_ iff. Tbe meeting already referred to protests against division and strife, because they feel that tbey must unite In harmony to defeat the common oppressors, and save themselves and country. And they say truly " division and party Strife tend to weaken the efforts of the upright, and put had men In power." Another Meeting in Glassy Moon tain We publish next srftek the proceedings of another meeting in Glassy Mountain Township. We regret that any eitisen of Greenville should have attempted to vindi- ' cate the unrepnblican principle that a minority of voters in this Congressional Die trict should rule the msjority, or that they should complain of the proceeding? of the Grand Jnry in such gross terms. TheU. 8. Grand Jury was composed of some of the best men in the country, and as pure and honorable gentlemen as we kuow ; and sneh men, acting, as they did, out of a regard for the peace and order of eociety, the vindication of justice and genuine republicanism that public Representatives should olsim their post when they receive a majority of legal votes, and not by virtue of a large minority. Sneh men presenting, as a Grand Jury, nothing but undeniable truth andpure republicanism, ought not ta ?bc de. nounced as "degrading themselves and the county." We regret that any of onr citisent, however few in number, ebould have set such an example of attaekisg good and lawful men, that th? presiding United States Judge commended for their faithful and ins ielligcnt conduct, in enforcing the laws of the country under his instruction. It is even surprising that the lion.. A. 8. Waltact permitted his friends, in hie presence, and wiih his apparert sanction, to denoonce the Grand Jury and County of Greenvillo as degraded. We have supposed that he was desirous of keeping on friendly terms with the peoplo. It may be that he never ex I'wva w uc vitcvcu try u wtijurivj ui wvfD, and ia coatont with a minority. W? are sorry for another thing connected with the meeting of the 10th of September: That any body in Ihia District, knowing that A. SWallace was defeated by several thousand voter, ahonld yet style him " member elect to the United Statea Confrere." We observe some views expr??sed in the proceedings that are approvnble?all that aims at reducing the taxes and expenses of the State and Connty. But it will not do to lay the blame of high taxes on the proceedings of the former Legislatures, or to say that because the State owed a moderate debt before the war, that the increased debt should be excused, end the extravagant taxation And bigli salaries and appro priationa palliated. Death of Hon. "Win. Pitt Fessenden. of Maine. This distinguished Senator died on the 1th instant. He was a Republican, but one of the seven that voted against the impeachment of AndrkW Joiw?*os?. fTis independence in that matter wHI doubtless give him more lasting fame then my (ther set of his polities! life. Death of Hon. John Bell, of Tennessee The last mailt inform us of the deeth of lion. Jon* Bxt.u In his aetive days he was one of the most distinguished men of Tennessee. ITe wee s eotemporary of General Jaohok and Judge Whitcio th?t 8Ut?, and with Caliiocv, Wwith and Clat io Con- I grew. Ho filled many dl?f inguiched positions with greet ability. Off for doodo, The edrt lait Friday morning carried away from oar elty three of o?r defer merchants and bus in cm man, via: Tom W. Dlvn, the prince of good fellow*; Jo*. F. Alex Aunts, dealer In and maker of Saddle* end Harne**; and T. B. fer?r*ow,of the Arm of Writmirb k Frhocaow. Wo are glad to itete, however, that they Bare not left for ever, bat will retnrfl iff due *e*?on, with plenty of good* and thing* With which to aceotniffodato the people. f)onbtle?aw#donot always think How much wo are indebted to the merchant for hi* service*, a* there is no better public aorvahfc - ?? ? . wa Two dollar* and Pwenty-flre cent*,- ea*h, will pay for the Knirrprit* from now till the fir-t of .Irtr.nary; If*I. * _ 7 Fal . ^oewt^Moefc* \ Pnrsuaat to *fpeb>tnl*?? tho QreenviUe County BiU* 8e?W, uxiUw to UhCRnesr* can Bibl* Society, net in the Rpleeepdl OMtknfc on Saadiy afternoon, 13th inat. After appropriate religion* service* by Rev. Dr. X. T. Boist and Rev. E. A. Bollm, addressee were made by Dr. Boitr, Bey. B. A. ?* <? Agent, nod Rev. Ellison Carnae. The fol lowing named gentlemen worn propound M or. I , Imm A# 41m flnntitT Hit iki ownln# fgn* and ' omem wwv?o?^ m wm*W>m^ ,y mwn ??"i nnamlnonsly elected i Tsomas M, Cox, President, \ J. A. P*rife Vice Provident, P. A. Valtm, Secretary, L. B. Cuiii Treasurer. Exucsvrre Commna. Hot. Elusos Cipim, Hot. A. J. Burrou, TMOMAO STKEN, A. A. Foots*, Wm. b. eaili, m. m. gaum, F. A. Walts*, L. B. Clixb. F. A. Walts*, Soe. ssd Depositary. The excellent addresses delivered on tho oeonsios were well ooleuloted to oneosrngo the Bible canto, and doabtloea reaay hearers present made np tbolr mind to eostrlhato to the noble object of supplying the dostftnia. Pr. Bdist, as Chairman of the mooting, appointed oereral gentleman to wait on tho congregation for subscriptions of membership, and contribution, which they AM with considerable sneieas. The work of tho American Bible Society it vast snd liberal, corresponding with ths sontrfbOttons. It was organised in 1818, and has auxiliary societies In every State and regular agents. The sum total of issues and circulation during the your ending 13th May, I860, Is 1,388,811 volumes, and the entire number of Volumes issued in 53 years (to that data) is *6,141,731. The Board.of Managers had the pleasure of reporting the restoration of tho Society throughout the Southern States. Ths agents occupying every one of these State, report 881 auxiliary and branch soeiatiea. The receipta from ! these and branch societies last year were $75,589.74. Plans are on band for enlarging the work of the Society at home and abroad. The publication department exhibits a notable increase. Tbe circular itsuod by the American Bible Society immediately after the war, erineed a most Cbristain spirit. In 1881,11th July, th* board of managers resolved, " they saw no cause to make *07 alteration la their preetloe or policy of supplying auxiliary societies/' and accordingly the board, in a noble and true Christian spirit, continued to sead Dibles Booth during the war as opportunity offered. We annex tho following extract from the olrcolar issued from the Bible House, August 1863f specifying some of the work done in carrying out the resolution we hare quoted. " Twenty thousand volumes for Gen. Joseph B. Johnson's Army, before the fall of Yicksburg; 25,000 to the Southern Baptist Sunday School Board ; 50,004 for Gen. Bragg's Artny> after the battles of Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain; 100,000 for North Carolina troops and people, donated to the Board of Army Colportage of that State ; 50,004 to the TransMississippi Army. Added to these at various times were miscellaneous grants of many thousands of volumes to the Kev. 2>rs. Sampson, Stiles, Taylor, Leyburn, Moore, Rot. Mr. Kepler, and other*, for diatribution by thomaalvas' or institutions represented by them. No application of the kind that waa properly endorsed has ever been refused. Rev. E. A. Boli.ks, the indefatigable and worthy Agent of the Soeiety, lot this State has his head quarters in Colombia where he may be addressed at any time. The following summary of the Bible work in tble State, from April !2th 1SG5, to March 31st, 1869, may he interesting* Tl.. I? 1 1 -* aiiciv u?b won m rcgui?r inorvm in id? contribution! from South Carolina to the American Bible Society since 1868. Receipt! to Mareh 81st, 1860,$1,880.80 ; last year $740.. 48; Increase, $1,000.32. Another year, s'lould the country prosper there will be a considerable increase in the finances from this State to the parent Society. The whole number of boohs sent into this State from April 1st, 1865, to January 1st* 1860, has been 67,204 volumes, rained nt $22,612.28 ; of which 3,087 volumes were paid for at a cost of $1,662.12, and 64,107 were donated by the American Bible Society at a cost of $20,910.10. Of 6,786 families visited, 1,841 were deefi-' tute, and every one supplied. Sabbath and and others schools supplied, 362. New Firm, New 8tor?'house and New Qoods. We have totnelhieg new to report to our readers this week, as will be seen by the I heading of this arliela. Mr. Samuel 0. Clyde and Mr. W. H. Hovey have formed a copartnership for the purpose of carrying on business in Dry Goods and Groerles? but their object is to make a specialty of the finer order of Dry Goods?thep will, however keep well supplied in both lines; therefors in future there will be no necessity for those living in West Greenville to "cross the Rubleon" to procure the belter qualities of goods. This will no doabt be an establishment that will reflect credit on otnr merchandising eommnnity. The building to be occupied by tbem, bee been constructed to' their order, situated near Messrs. DatiO A and C. F Watkbs, on Pendleton Rtreet, and will be completed by the first of neat month. Mr. Curox left Greenville on yesterday morning and is to be absent in New Terk for about three weeks and will return witb a lull stock. ? ? A Valuable Wort, Tbe September nnmber of tbe Carolina Partner is received. It folly sustains its repu' tation ar one ef tbe best agricultural journals of the country. The next (October) number will close tbe monthly series ; and on tbe 1st of November It will appear as an eight-page Agricultural and Family Weekly, la ite aew form it will give twice as much agricultural matter as at present, besides a great variety Iot miscellaneous and gerterar reading. Tbe prleo will remain atf2.0tl per year, in advanceAddress, Wm. II. Itfrnard, Wilmington, N. C 1p?*t corner atontJ the readatritefrtim. W%V the Mtmr rtw and lb to uW ibl* aw>>lda Dttnl; mm it <8* Wat gooda la thla " barg," W( genQetnea who an unsnrpeaeed an y who re for alten t IreseM and clover- , mm. Whew lediea rlalt tb? " comer atom,'' not <M>1? the aUrlM hihAt faoprietor hlmaalf ' luy? Off hi? hat end path oa Ma Wat haw for thalr aereloe, ut eitenda all the kind hhrtlity geoW, fair prteea and poll* attentien. Therm fore the Udlet will do well to rente IB bar the "corner atore." Not waiy ahoold the fedtea remember the soots piaoe, rat irery body who mil lay* tkln( ahonld remember it* an at tfcia establish ?wi all kind* of dry goods, groceries, bordrart, do., do.* will to toad. Wo will explain oiit ".Corner store," we sen wHh on Hoe. tat thssrfai pwaliu Style of tto proprietors' advertisement, |h printed lut week: . i? sasv trXrrme Daiti Of a Vntmblt lady. Xn. Sum Town* WnrmcLD. trldot or Jon* Warrtau>, Boo I or, dlod at tbe rooideoee of her son Oept Jon Wnrnrto, to this City, on Sandey, tho 11 lb September Inot., is tho seventy-nluth yeor of to ago. Tko doooaoad woo bora in Pitjtsjlrania Ooaaty, Virginia,and MM with bah parents whoa a child, to thlo Dlatriot, Wbereehe married and ratted a family* and das continued to reeide to ike day of fc* deal!). | She wae one of the excellent of the earth. As wife, mother, friend aad neighbor, ehe displayed the virtues that moat adorn her ex, and distinguish the Christian woman. For eighteen years pert, ehe wae ooafined to her t>ed with chronic and painful rheamatietn, whtcb ehe bore with wonderful resignation, preferring, eren in her affliction, tho general cheerfulness and amiability of her colore. Truly is ouch a bereavement of the Uviag a great gain to tho departed spirit Court at OreanvUla. Judge Oaa opened the Court of 8oesione on Monday, and tba business of that side of the Conrt was concluded on Tuesday afternoon. Hon. B. F. Pbbrt, in the absence of the Bolioitor, represented tho State. A negro man, Dannie ???, waa convicted of grand larceny and sentenced to two yoera , in the Penitentiary. Jndge Or.H, in hie able charge to the Grand Jnty, gaer, vary forcibly, rmongrt other thing*, hie opinion on the right con troction of the Jury Law* of the State, the substance of which was that In selecting the juries regard must be had l>oth to the proportion of white and colored voters and to their qualification*. We have not apace at prcaent to atata the charge mere lul'y. The civil busineM of the Court will probable occupy thie and the next wtek. Jar ore. Tbe following ia a liat of tbo names of the Jurors atteiyling upon our Court, now in anion: Jrar No. 1. J. W. Grady, Foreman. K. F. Foatar, Wm. Barton, W. A. Cunningham, Mathew Balew, J. M. Fair, Austin Ralew, Stephen Uriflth, ' C. W. D'Oyfey, W. T. Bates J. 11. Stancell, Joeiah Hawkins. Jnnr No. 1. W J, Mauldin, F'rcm'n Fierce MeCallister, Mat Hodge, G. W. Moore, Benj. Jones, W. 8. Moore, A. K. Jeftlrias, A. C. Peace, K. A. Kelly, K. E. fitoni, W. K, Higktower, K. F. Reynolds. Grasp Jtmr. Israel Charles,'F'rem'n Benjamin Bozwoll, B. F. Pool, Thos. Forreatar, Samuel Payne, Leonard Williams, Young Nash, B. B. Glonn, Jan. W. Wood, ' W. II Goodlett, J. M. Watson, II. II. Fowlar, L. D. MorroW, . 8. E. Mays, W. W. West, Q. W. King, gr., 8. B. Boahan, S. Maxwell. Good Sorghum. Mr. II. Fraxks.iii 8o?*u hi f?r?nd us with specimens of sorghum uoIiini, also ?oino for the table, made by him from the present crop of cane. The specimens shown us were taken from the boiler end evinced a remarkable clearness and parity. IIis plan Of manufacture is the same wr practised hi the country, and this is his first cffbrt. ]fe boils but a small amount of the cane juice at a time, hence his sueeess. Stone Ware Pitcher. \te are Indebted to our friend, Col. CI. W. Monsg, for an excellent stone ware pitcher, made at bis factory, on Pendleton Street, in this eity. It is substantially mad* and burnt, MM wlQ compare With Sty ef Mm kind we hare sera. We hare heretofore sflndod to (he fketory of Colonel M., and cannot at any time say too much in praise Of IT, as tba proprietor has exhibited much perseterswce in his enterprise, and his sueeess Is deserted, dealers and buyers will be supplied at very low rater. Churoh Burnt. On BaturJay night last, the Gap Creek Bap. tint OhUrek, situated In the upper part ef this County, twenty-four miles from the City, was burnt. The bufliftng would mat between two and three hundred peftons, it Was a frefee building, and at present supplied by Iter. Micestt I. Imta. The membership was sstall and this will prevs a severe lew to themThe origin ef (be Ire to unknown. Ballou's Monthly Mage sine. The Mws named Mag as toe, for October, la promptly t?? time. It h M excellent t?4 llro- I j ly Monthly, fteing only fl.M per una, M I la about tbo cheapest tugiiine paUtiM. Send the money to Ittfhtr, TiohM * Tittor, Boa toe, Maee., end yee will be a ere to get beek yew money'* worth. Dinner Donee. Peaecngera oe the OaeenrlUe end Colambi* ftallroad, np train, eaa get their dinner at the hotel of J. I>. Strum, Cokeabnry, aa the frain atopa long enough for the purpose. We bare tried Mr. (ii.rarn'i table, and know that be koepe a good one. adrertieemont of the Richmond Kqatnlity Aifo Insurance Company baa been unaroidebly rro.rded out. It will appear next r#*k. Thcmday, B*ptemb?r 9. 1899. v Tft? Court op?n?d al 10 'ela^lfi A. M. The P?tU and PJeaa Juror* answered t<. their same*. V j / fr Jji || Kx parte Henry C. Miller, dWdlloft A? James C.J??yt dablor. Specification# of groanda for involuntary bankruptcy. 8a quel KcOawan end;B. F. Parry formred(tor*. J. P. Read pod William Haory Traaoott for debtor. Thla ease commenced on Tuaaday, and (be argument on both aidea closed to day, with the e?eeptlon of ^ir1 Perry, who will conclude to morrow, and the Judge Will then charge the Jury. Ex pa.te A.0wEt? To re R. 8. Crocket, bankruptcy. Petition to (dablM llora, ti. J. Patterson. Register'* report read and confirmed, and aaeignaa ordered" to eell and apply proceed* of aala M reoommeaded in report K* part# Jolta 1L McDaniei. In re John 8. Preeetey. Idem. Same order aa above. Ex parte Cbarlee Bolt In re William 1L Lartor, Amlgnae. Idem for aole. Ota Wees A Thampaoo, pro pet Sana order aa above." Ex parte Charles Bolt Assignee. Ia re H. 8. D.~ Askew. ' Idem. Same order as above. 8x parte J. 8. R. Thompson, and J. 8 Jeffrey#, Assignees. la re Cbarlaa a Cline' Idem. J. W, Olawaog, pro pat Same order at above. tiJ ifr Eft parte J. H. MeElwea. In re A. M. Xva, bankropt. Potfiioa to oaUbliab lien. J. W. Claw son. pro pet Bone order *e above. ? - i Ex parte X H. Crockett In re John II. Slrotfd, bankrupt Idem. G. J. Patterson, pro pat Same order as above. . jj Ex parte J, L. Edwards. In re D. G. Stineon, bankrupt. Petition to establish lien. G. J. Patterson, pro pet Same order as above. Ex parte F. H. Shurley. In re E. II. Cherry, bankropt Idem. Joseph Hemp mil, pro pet. Ex parte Joseph SI.Gayle, assignee. fa re Jodm J. Funderbunk, bankrupt Petition to mU real estate. W. L. DePass, pro pet On motion, ordered that petition be referred to Register Clawaoo, after notice by assignee to lien creditors to appear and shew cause, Ac. Ac b parte W. W. Adams. In re A. 9.. Teegue, bankrupt. Register's report as tar liana. Jones A Jones, pro pet Ordered that report be confirmed, and that assignee satiety liens as established before Register, ami be retain remainder of vweU for distrl button among general creditors. Ex parte H. llendrix. In re F. E. Rine hart. Ideas. Same order as above. FaiDit, September 10, 1800. Tlfe Court was opened at 10 o'clock, A.M. Petit and Fleas Jurors answered to their names. -'' 4 Ex parts Henry C, Miller, creditor, vs. James C. Keys, debtor. Specifications of grounds far involontsry bankruptcy. Samuel McGowan and B F. Ferry for creditor J. F. Reed and WiHiam Henry Treacott for debtor. Jury No. 1 charged with this ease, l.i. - n. ill. . -f ????v vvum m n nu m t 11 u ivi U " Not Guilty." E. 8. IRVINE. Foreman. In Dmnlruptey. Ex parte J. M. Grafton. In re RnsaeJI Padgett. Register's report as to liens. Jones ft Norrls, pro pet. Ordered thnt the report be confirmed, and that assignee pay liens s? established and reported to Regis tor. Ex parte A. C. Gftrfington, Administrator. Iti re Robert Stewart. Petition for inroluatary bankrnptov. Fa r, Pope A Pope, pro pet. The defendant, Robert Stewart, having died sinoe the filing of the petition in thia ease, and before arijudiea tion, on motion of Messrs. Fair, Pope ft Pope, defendant's Attorneys, it is ordered that (aid proceedings be dismissed from the Court. Ex parU P. W. Chick. In re IL n. Ki nard, bankrupt Petition to discontinue proeeedingr. Fair, Pope ft Pope, pro pet. On motion, ordered that the petition be referred to C. G. Jeaget for m report on the seme. Ex parte Iaaiah Haitiwanger. In ra Jacob L. AoTI. rellllon for sal*. Fair, Pope ft Pope, pro pet Ordered, that it be referred to C. G. Jaeger, Register, to enqnlreand ro port whether it would he beneficial to the creditors to sell the rami and personal property of the estate for eathr, instead of half cash, as heretofore ordered, with leave to report any special matter. The Court adjourned on Saturday evening, and the officers have retarnod to Charleston. For the Southern likrprii#. Sfeur*. Rdittwt?If was stated in my pre ?loo? eommnnieetion, that besides being free from wfn? of the evil* Incident to the plan of dividing tire Beholaitio Tear Into Two Short Terms, that of consolidating thorn, and three laving btft One loig fee eion, teem* to have name poaitive Advantage* which recommend ita adoption. The writer ie eatiaKed that, to far ai the dieelplino of the mind, and the eonree oj etody are concerned?and thla la the fenpotimnf consideration for feeder and pmpil? quite aa mnch, if not morn, aha be aecotnpliehed, in one term of eight or nine month*, then Hi two torms of oven five month* each. The mind of the young, liko the ooU that ha* never born hridiod, h of fir*I refractory, and noeda ho bo broken in; and in order fo be made tractable, Auit be kept in oxereiee for a considerable length ol time. This term ol aerviao ought to bt anffleientiy long to overcome, in a good de? grre, the natural dirinalinaiion to work and the attendant deeiro for reet, for ocaaalion from labor. In other words, habits ol study mnat be formed and Hard, an thai What at flrat wa* an irksome ta*ft, is now ? p|ra*nf*bic oeenpallon. Twenty-one weeki 1? too rhort a time within which to aeeotn p1i?h thin rernjt; and no, months of toil, il gr?at difficulty is in aterttag and getting fcWy- ntderwey. Wu hu tcir #oee, aad the popll prepared to eo?>i tfte inimai or edition, |rl.eft th? ehort t?M lbs atjflred, a?L thi Vaoadten intcrrtoir, I after which, he baa almoet to begin over gait., Wojr jMt one-half of the tfw?? and K ia to ineonaiderable modicum?tbajl, i? thua consumed, ia saved by having one vd| Demon, in at (a* eiOSC, im w*wtr| m Well as th? h rttoap?DHd bj havlpg something to ?baw for his patient sod perceverfog efforts. By tbia plea, also, the moat favorable months for study, and s more regular attendaaes of tip* scholar* era ssoarad. I^b proverbially true, that mors osn be aeooo.. plisbed mentally, if not pbysieally, la eool or erst cold weather, than when It ia vary warn, 8uppoaa tha Bebools hare bad opan. ad tbia jcar, aa heretofore, about tha first of August; why, Sin, taaehing aed study* ing, would haVa been exceedingly wserlaome, If aot impossible, during tha protractad heated tarma with which wa vara rlaifcd, > - . But it may not be so rsadily admitted! that tha attendance ia better la WlnUr than in Summer. Such, however! ia tha fact, aa appears by the record of the Female College at least, for several years past This fact may ba accounted for in various ways, but thaoinple, ibpogb important fact alone, and not tha srpllnaUoa used ba given her*. Another ad vantugs gained by having one Session instead of two, (nod this Is certainly an important consideration lor the patron* of the School,) is the actual saving of money eesurvd by tha former plan. Tha atudeots, with very rara exceptions, will go home to spypd ibe Summer vacation, however short it may be; and although tliey may aspect to return the ensuing Session, and the pa. rents are thus subjected to the cost of two sd?|itlonaI trips, whieh, if the/ live at almost shy point below Columbia, amounts to enough money to pay half tha year's tuilion. But it may be said tbat tbey n*eJ not go <boino. Nevertheless they do go, and av?n if Ibay did not, they would still ba ai the expense of board. At. Besides, H Is not desirable, aad by no tatssi for thefr, good, aa ?' general rule, that they should remain away Aon hows for * month.or six wtfdre; with nothing at ail to do. Tt lias also been asserted tbat pareota living'ia the lew country, would prefer to have their children ia the up-country daring the Summer. Tlite certainly must be - ?e ? ?in luinaif, uiuriiru. renecuon will how. If they cXpeel to continue their rr? idence in the low country, it ia far more prudent that their children ahonld bw at home every Summer and continue aeellmated, than that they ahoald return after pending ope, two or three Summers in the up country and thua losing their aooiliaation to (heir native climate. In the latter caae, they are much more opt to tie taken tick, ana the sickness it more likely to prove (atel. This discussion, Messrs. E-lltore, might he greatly extended, but perhapa euuugh liae been eaid to awaken attention to the subject, and to prova the expediency of the change eo far a* re?peet? the two Literacy Tnetitutione io our own mid*t? and thia ia all that was proposed by the writer. If it ean be shown to be otkerwiee, or if it ehoald be aaeerteined thai a majority of the pa iron# of the School pre'er ooma other plan, it ia to he presumed that those who manaOo the School, a* well ae the tenchcrr, would be quite willing to make lire arrangements accordingly. :? - -? i? fottv of tna Lajid Commission i* a So*iDKLt.?We do not deny that it is a good thing lor the landless to become land-owners, If they, by hooest toil, acquire the means tc do o, as they can ; bat we do deny that aay good ean ooom of a State government lending Ma credit for the purpose ot creating land-owners out of land-laborers than for the purpose of creating house-owneftotft ot home-fa Cants, or ship-owner* owt of saHori, or store-owners out of clerks, or hotel-owners out of oooks, waiters, obutaber maid and boot-bloeka. It ie no business at all for Government, but #U1 regulate itself, It lot alone At present, too, Ike experiment simply frrodueee false hopes ami dissatisfaction, and will leaeen the actnsl production of the State nest year, by its baneful influence, several millions of dollars, ft ia a uiia*kU*. out modeling and m Impertinent interference ?a >ob/ and a? ejtpcuak v* one. [ WiNWetoro Jfoe*/ PcAnrtrt. Dkatw itXioitkixO.?A terrfble calamity occurred ta the town of Caldwell, IV. J., on Sunday im>*( laat, the particulars of which are given by the New York Timet ar follow.' " A young man named Stephen Pierce war walking home from the Methodlet Epieeopal church, la company with a young lady, when they wore overtaken by a violent etorm, which Wat preceded and accompanied by thunder and lightning. The entire village waa suddenly illuminated with an Intenae light, and Pierce and hit oonrpanton fall to the ground. The lady waa stunned, hat the toon recovered and acraamed for help. When help arrived nothing waa found of tne young man who bad accompanied her bat mangled remain*. Hie boot a were etripped from bit feet, hia limbs were ietered and lacerated, and the fan tore* were not recognisable by thorn who had known bleu in life. The aafonmtutk young man ie eaid to be the third of ale family who have loat their livee by the tame eaure." ffWF*.. - lilt of Comitates. AmoW at Ui firrnudia IXtnot for d< WMk Knmrnffghft Utk, 1B6P. A 8IUoa, Hoadorsonrilto, H C; A Fultor A Co, IIend*r*oavUto, N C; 8 Uorni A Co; 2 L Boatkerw; V P Bwrgi? ; A J Rom A Co; 8 Bwondolo; Pnllivan A Soo; H Dealti* A Co; . McFnll A Tbornly, Nov I'ick en*; Bowdon, Ooodlett A Co, Gowanavllle; J W Riploy A Co, Ifondorsonvlllo, 1/ C; 3 Cotboy, Fork* Pigooo, > N C; Gower, Co* A M*rkl*y; J L S MoMian i A Co, Plot Rook; M 0 Tom*, llwAwwrill*, N C; David A Strodloy; Barton A Jfnrrlooc; Junto* A Co, HoadoraonvUto, IV 0; Wood A I Hunter; W J WhiUair*; X Sloop; O W MoI Minn A Co, HendersoavtUo, N d; Dr V B , Dovto; R Kdney A 8m, KdaoprUto, N 0) Morris A MoCarroll; W V Tkock*ti>o; P A Walton i A 8 bunoan; j R Wectaoraland; Looter A , Bra's; J M CrotwoU; W H Watson: Gal no* A Beardon; i 0 8mWh; H B Gibbon; t> B ffetoon. Pork* Plgcow. IV C; Wm Watkins; Jas Boanla tor; J W Caglo; WUIiaia. A Wbitsilr*; Poagu. ; *oa A Miller; Coward, Snitk A Co, Rtohlwad . Volley, N C; M C King; H A Couble; D Troakolmt R J Aliton; Mrs M Puwoll; iuu>?> villa Manf Co; O D 8 Alloa, Pigooo Rlvor, N , C; T n Allen; W C Hill, Crak Treo,.N <?; W II llovoy; J 0 Alexander; Owing* A Brook*; W Londertaan; J WeetAold; Grady, Askeoior* I A Co; Rev J A Droadur. ^$3C^^^h^^7jToMWwlng lumber, grindA SIfawtonK, September 13. * Cotton low, at 3.7*. Gold 35|. SpLttMopK, September IS. CotHv^lW, MUK iWMt little offering* Flour la coed demand?Howard afreet refer>'M??Mb IbmtfcmmdMrtH i%d^0Me JOUa. Pork <Tali. Be. ? i m - . -i -i- - me- - D* A at vmvsra . flaalada * tH v^AILKIivs^ 4#? Cotton In fair donaadrM eaeler, with lain of SOf bate*?-middling* 30; rutelpta S7f. . .^u?uojJjJLiiil .. [ PHICE8 CURHMUfT. ? CABBKCTKD VKKILT. IT U MES8RS. OAVtO k fTRAplET, MERCHANt 8# r~ oRKKifvrr^*? n. e.; s*pt it, i?w. BACON?Bid**, 9 ? 25 ?. Ram*,7 ? ' t? A Rhoulder*, ? WfL 20 ?. BALB ROPB, ft lb, ?| ? 1*. BAGGING, Gunny, ?, yd M.38?83 e. BUTTBR, ^ 15 ? 50 e. B1B8WAX, ? t?,T7. ~.S6 @ 30 c. 0III0KBN8, 9 head,.... ...15 ? 15 ?. COFFV, * ?, R4o, *. 15 ? 33 c. CORK, ? Uebel v.... 41 0001 15 COTTON, }Ilddling,........ .. 39 e. KG08, ? dosea, SuC 100124 f. FLOUR, 9 tack, $50001000 GOLD, 41 8O0$1 35 INDIGO, Spanish Float, $1 0001 35 " Sooth Carolina _.$! 7501 00 IRON, 9 lb, AMrkM/ 74?8c. LARD, ? lb..............,......... 15@t 30<-. LE ATHKR^ $ 'rb"ltof?''^Vmi^k*? 85? 374 c. ? Ti ? . 0?k,.........<5((j.50 c. * " - Vpper _...70@75r. H MM 65 c. HOLAS9BC, 9 gaL, Mus?ovad?, 76?$1 00 * " " . M New OrL Syrup, $1 15 NAIL8, 9 keg.,., $8 50 RYfci, 9 buUL 1 10@1 36 SALT, 9 'ack, Liverpool, .,......$3 50 9UGAB, fl lb, ijotwn,15 ? 10 * " " " C left fled,,....... 300214 c. " h " Croshed, 15 e. SHIRTING, seven-eights, 9 bale, 134c. ' " rtUlL.. 10 e. tallow, 9 %.-r P-H-r >* ? WHRAT, 9 bushel v..-iic.^$l 75017 00 TARN, Perlery, by b II1 , . e 4 >#/ 4 i * 4* #/< 41 0 " baoch $3 15 j maxmia, on the 23d nit., ?t Conwayhoro,' 8. CL by Rev. J. ft. Dunlop, C. P. BOLTON, Esq., odifcn-oftbe Hony News, to Mil* CORA ' BRATY, daughter of Tboe. W. Beety, E#q. ' I ' * Departed tble life at the residence of her bunbaod, 1* Anderson District, on the 24th of August, Mrs. AfYRA U?wife of John P. Sitton. Tha HbpmmmI Karl Ksutn * **?ela*eMft member of Iba North Paefllatl Presbyteriaft Chnrch in Rputubtrg District, for a ixabar of years. She leave* a husband and many friend* to mourn her lots. P. W. Diko, at bia uncle'* residence, near Lincoln, ton, North Carolina, oa the lat August lastMr. JOHN JI. Rfl&ISON, yoongeat son of Mr. and Mfa. ?. K. Roaiaoft, IA the lltl year of hia age. In the very bloom of manhood, sofrounded with frianda and I or ad once, and with every prospect of a long life, haa been ent down by the monster death, from which there i* no escape. Thia sad atrok* fell the mora heavily upon the hearts of bia affectionate parent* and tender aiatera. occurring far away from home, though acta red that every attention was given in hia last illnet* that kind heart* and willing hand* could give. Tet no street mother wag tbero, nor aiatera dear, lo whisper Words of comfort, of wfrm froia hi* dying brow the deatb-sweat. Tet it i* comforting for loved ones to know that he bore, without inuileering or eooaptaint, hie (net suffering ia this world; making hia Bible a constant companion to the end. May Ood'a Met*lag rast richly Upon thia bereaved family, and may this aad providenae be sanctified te (be good of all his mends. A. B. H. September 7, 1889. C ; ram iff a nirrii tihihhp VJMICII muurt; WITH THEIR SPACIOUS PAVILION, Are Coming with a Good Band of Hntio. WILL EXHIBIT . AT GREENVILLE, SEPT. 21ST ft 22D SENSATION COMBINATION. ENTIRELY SOUTHERN. THE beet nritty entertainment j?t of- , f?r?d, performance# being given utb Afternoon and ?t night, .* UNDER CANVASS, By n Company which can *Und tlie eriUeitm of the Prcaa and the Pub)lee. Two diatinct ahowa In one! The beautiful and magie exhibition I The Zye deceived I The Kar am need j The Mind aetonlabed! The talented Minatrel and Ethiopian performeneeembmeee the bant Teaaiwa, Champion BneienM*. Chailnnge Dancer*, and the b?6 Caanedieoa in Etbloi.Un Mintrelcy, General Variety nod Laughable BurWaquee, fW Adnaieeion. 50 Cent*. fMTBnaall Children. 16 Cent* A. ADKINSOff, Advnnee Agent, Bnpt 16 17 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. fo the fiijriWef Court of fbo IJpiU* 5tyi* fa iix Jiirtricf of 5ouIh CtfotfiH. i Bs pmtu Wm. T. Btkmrn** mmi A. Mtvtk*, Align? in r?. John W- Oradg, Bankrapt?PatMam * Bait JUaB Btiat* < <? eumbarad?Gall in Ltm CraBUara, Me. N'Wia-C;Stars J OH If W. OftAOT, that th?y ?r* rr<?ir?4 to MUblUh thf <Pjgh*?g Y, J OUwm, SrSLT iL'r* [riMrtSufW thtoAjM.' 1 "/V W. T SHUMATE, 1 r * ^ BliYTOK, OrtantlWa, 8. 0., S'l* 11th, IMt i S?pt 18 IT ?