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a beflex of popular events. i I f JOHW ^ PA1LKY- f??'^~ I?" GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA. SEPTEMBER IS. imp vql ^^7 ,. " O. F. TOWNKS, l' - _ BDITOE. ' _ . ?. Hffoiut,}*?"?? feuascarrrtow Two Mhn per lina. ADTiniwuimr inserted, at the r**e of \)d* dollar par square of twelve Minion lines tthU aitad iyfe> ot lews for Mm tret insertion, Ifty eanU each for tba Second and third insertions, and twentT-flve oanta for subsequent Theertlons. Taarljpoontraata will ha made. AU adVertlaemenU must have tba number >?f inaartiooi markad OH them, or Ikajr will ha inserted till ordered ant, and charged for. Unless ordered otherwise, AdrertUouenta VU1 invariably ha " displayed." Obituary notlees, and all mature inuring to \o tba boneit of any one, are regarded aa Advertisements. There la Vo Death. OT BIB B. BOLWBB LTTTOB. There ia no death ! The stare go dowa To rise upon soma fairer shorej And bright in Heaven's Jeweled crown They shine for evermore. There U bo death t The dot I we tread Shall change beneath the cummer ihowera To goldon grata or bellow (rait, Or rainbow-tinted floweiJ. ,. The granite rocks disorganise To feed the hungry moea they hear; The foreat learea drink dally lMa From one the rlewleea air. There la n? death I The ledrcs may fall. The ftowem may fhde and para away; ~ They ooly wait through wintry hoars The coming of the May. There ! no death ! An angel form Walks o'er the earth with silent tread j Me hears our heet lored things away; And then We call them " dead." Me learea our hsartsall desolate, He plucka our fairest, sweetest lowers; Transplanted into bliss, they now Adorn immortal bowers. The bird-like voice, whose joyous tones Made glad theae scenes of alu and atrlfe, Sings now an everlasting song Amid the tree of life. And where he shea a smile too bright, Or heart too pure for taint end rioo, He bears it te that world of light, To dwell in Peradios. Dora unto that undying life, They leevo us both to eotne again ) With joy wo welcome them?the same, Except in sin and pain. * And eror near us, though unseen, Tbe dear Immortal spirits trend ; For all the boundless universe Is life?there are ao dead. Proceeding! of th? United State* District Court, for the Western District of South Carolina?August Term, 1869. SiniMT, Sept. 4th, 18*0. Court opened at 1* o'clock, A. M. Criminal Docket. United States vs. Wm, Briant. Violation Internal Bitms Laws. DislUUag without pnying tax. It appearing to the satiefaetion of the Court, that the defendant Wm. Briant, has escaped from custody, having been cocami t ted to jail at Spartanburg to eerre sentence imposed for a Violation Internal , Revenue Laws, It is on motion of District Attorney, ordered, that a bench warrant do forthwith issue for his arrest and commitment to jail at Oreenville, South Caroline. United State# vs. 1*0 wooded packages of tobacco found at Columbia, 8. C., in possession of Charlotte A 8 C R K Co. Information for forfeiture for Vieiatioa Interael Revenue Lews. Condemned, sold and proceeds In Regirtry. United States vs. W> do. Idem. United States vs. 24 do. Idem. United States vs. 11 do. Idem. United States vs. * de. Idem. The Marshal having made a report oi sales In tbe shore named eases, del amount of which befog three thousand snven hundred and thirty four dollars and dfty-f ra cants, bavlnr been paid into the RegiaUry of the Conn, and the Clerk hating taxed therein ax follow a, In aeh eaae: Dialrlet Attorney, |U; CWrk, $7 M ; Marxhal, >31 ?0?1?> nit Ml* lVatt amount, >11 TS4 M CoaU of Court in each caae, *M 1??k aU >2*5 iO " HtMOi Lett mi par eiat, Commlaataa of Reglater, ST Si IS Ml 71 motion of Dlatrlet Attorney, ordered' that (he. foregoing taxation of ooato be eonfirmed, and that one-half ef aald amount be paid to ileal* ML MAMMIk nhd bar been ad Judged tbe laformey la eaid eaaas, and the other half thereof be paid to A. fl. Waltnee, Collaetot, for the am either United fkatoo. September Sth, 1*49. IN WNN WNO ?P?M M IO OOlOok, Mk The PtiHtad PUoo Joeemt MnrirW to Wohil Deeiet Ux. Boetfeo ft, AM IMi Jury No, I eta?*ed with tkie mm, reodor ad iho following terdloi: " H* tJollty." J. P. OlUltoooo, Foremen. The following 00mo vera etraek off tho Doekot, ?toi United Stole *. Mi & Blookor. VloiillM Internal Rotoooo Low*. United Sutee TO Ton* Alexander. Idem. Uoited Sutee nlfl. Burton. Idem. United BUtoo to. John Dill. Idem. United Autre to. MorIon Donoldo. Idem. United SUtre to Marital Brett Idem. < i United State* u O Howard. Idiw. United Statea va. J. Holootnba. Idem. UolUd Slate* ve. Jes. Phillip*. Idem. United State* u Gibeon Porter. Idem. United State* n J. Newton and J. R. Smith, Idem. United Sute* ?. Joho Rector end Hoke Roe*, violation Internal Revenue Law*. waa ordered In ana* United State* T*. Tboe. Ljieh. United State* n. Robert Rodger*. Dietilling without paying tax. Jury No. 1 charg.d with tlit* ease, rendered the following verdict: "Not Guilty* B. 0. Irvine, Foreman. Con tin ami Dock*. Th* following S*lr* Faelaa war* discharged: Wm. Cudd. Default reeogoiaance to Uetlfy Vs. J no. Wright Rnwell Goeaelt to testify t* C. McAbea. T. J. London, Jaa. R. Smith, G. M. Thomas. ld?m vs. T. Alexander. Alias Scire Faetae wa* ordered Id ease Chae. kfcAbee. default reeonisanee to answer. yuagmtni eoanrmea, vu iVtrM II JN. Cannon and J. 0. Fool, for $600 each, for default of appearance lo answer on part of J. Me A be*. and Aliaa 8cire Feeias ordered aa to 0. MeAbee and JeJF. McAbea for dafaolt of appearance of J. llaAbaa. Diaahargad on payment ot Coats in A. Colhran and J. L. Cotbrao. Default of A. Cotliran to aniwer. /* Bankruptcy. In re. Thoa. J. Hamilton, bankrupt.? Judge approved of appoiolmant of T. II. Clark as Assigns*. In re. Rhydsn R. Grigsby. Idem of T. H. Clarke, Aatlgnee. Ex paru Win. J. Hoke, (Aaalgnca) In re. Jas O. Qibba, Bankrupt. Petition for Mia of real estate. Pope A Hasket, pro pet. On bearing report of C. O. Jeager, Regisle**, on motion, ordered sale to take place after giving 21 days notice, ar set forth in the petition and Assignee, after paying liens out ot the proceeds of sale, and hold ths balance subject to further ord?r of Court The following order was issued by the Judgei West*** District or Sotrrn Cabolika. August term, ISO9, of the District Court of the United States for the Western Diitriet ef South Carolina. Pressat, Hon. George 8. Bryan, District Judge. To conform to ths manner of designating the juries, la substance, to the laws and usnges now in fores in the Stats ot South Carolina. Ordered, 1. That the Clerk of the District Court and the Marshal of the United States for ths District of South Carolina do make np a jury list from the County of Greenville, South Carolina, of three hundred names of cltlccns, qualified under the laws of ths State of South Carolina, to serve in ths highest Court* In ths State iu which juries are used, in ths following manner, to wit: They shall eail upon the Collector of Internal Revenue of the Third Collection District of Sonlh Carolina, to furnish from the aid County of Qroenville the name* of three hundred men to be selected by him, and euch aa be think* well qualified to serve a* juror*, being person* of good moral character, aoand Judgment and free from *11 legal exceptions: Provided, If the aald Collector of Internal Revenue shall, after thirty day*' notice, in writing, froaa the Clerk and Marahal, negloct or refuse to furnish the list of name* as hereinbefore provided, then the Clerk and Marshal shall prooeed to select a list of juror* from the *aid County, of like number and qualification*. 1 Of tbe list made up as aforesaid, the Clerk aud Marshal shall eause the names to be written, each one on a separate paper or ballot, and shall roll up or fold the ballots so as to resemble each other as much ss possible, and so that the name* written therein shall not be visible on the outside, and they shall place the ballots In a box, to be kept by the Clerk fbr that purpose. This box shall be securely looked and sealed, and only opened at the time and for the purpeee of drawing jurors. Tbe list of jurors, and tbe box, as thus made up, shall be tbe list and box out of which jurors shall be drawn fbr the ensuing two years. 3. When jurors are to be drawn, the Clerk and Marshal (ball attend at tba Clerk'* office, or aome other public place appointed for the purpose by tbe District Judge. Tbo ballots ! the jury box rhatl be shaken and mixed together, and the Clerk or tbe Marshal, In the pretence of the District Judge, nnless necessarily absent, without seeing tbe names written thereon, shall openly draw therefrom the number of jurors required. If a person so drawn is exempt by law, or is unable by reason of sieknees or absence from borne, to attend as a juror, bis name sball be returned Into tbe box, and another drawn In bis stead. 4. A jury list Sball be made up la tbe manner herein Indicated, during the months of August end September bi-eauially. ft. Qraud Jurors sball be drawn end sosnmoncd in tbe same manner as jurors for tnals; and whoa dratrn at tba sams Urns as jurors for trial/, tbe persons whose nemos are first drawn, to the number required, sball bo returned as Grand Jurors, and (boss afterwards drawn sball bs turors for trials. 6< Grand end Petit Jurors, at any stated term of tbe District Court of tbe United States for tbe Western District of South Caroline, nail be drawn and summons therefor Issued at least fifteen days before the commencement thereof. t. Mo mors than thirty-one persons te serve as Petit J users, or ntnstssn to serve as Grand Jurors, shall be drawn and summoned to attend, at see and the sum* time, any Court, onlaaa tha Coart (ball tlkmlN oriUr. 8. When, by rotiot of challenge or other wlie, a oofllefent naaibar of jurori duly drawn ad nnaoaid cannot ba obialnad for the trial of My canto, eirll or erUalaal, tha Coart (ball forthwith aaaoa Juror* to bo rataraod from the bystander* to coronieU tho paaal. Tba Juror* ao rataraod from too bystander* aball bo ta tamod by tbo Marshal or bin dopatlot. aad ahall ba aaah aa aro qaalttad and (labia to ba drawn an Juror* aooordlng to tba pror ialoaa of law. . Ho pat ton aball bo llablo to bo draw* aad arva an a toror aflnaar than onoo la two yoan t bat ba obott M bo oo sxetnpt, anlao* bo aUond wad wn o? a Jaror in pnrraanoo of Uto draft It. Tba jarara to aMaodaaoa at aay tor at of tba Onrt) aball bo ontpanallcd to tbo oaare or m pror Mod by tbo law* of tbo But* of Sowtb Corolla*. II. Tbo nrtoo bor*lot*ro pooood volatlro to designating, drawing aad ?*?paa*IHag Jaror* fbr tbo Wootara Dtetrlet of Boatb Carolina ara hereby rescinded. OHOROR 8. BRYATf, U. 8. Jadga, Dlatrlot of South Corolla*. September 8, 1889. 'J Tuesday, Sept. 7tl*, 1860. The Court was opened at 10' o'clock, A. M. The Petit and Pleas Jurors answered to their names as oo yesterday. Inquiry Dooket. Shipley, Reane & Oo. vs. II. J. McLauriu & Co. Assumpsit.? BlAnding, Richardson & Khatue, plaintiffs attorney. Decree under rule of Court for plaintiff, for five hundred and fourteen dollars and twenty-five cents, with interest from 13th Jannary, 1868. H. ?. Dibblee & Co. vs. Charles & Co. Assumpsit. W. Q. Des Sanssure, plaintiffs attorney. Decree under rule of Court for plaintiffs, for six hundred and twentysix dollars and eighty-three cents, with interest from 14th February, 18C8. ' heue Docket. ' B. Z. Ilerndoh, (Assignee,) vs. Wesley Sanders. Debt. Wallace & McKissick. Nil debit, Shnnd. Jury No. 2 rendered the following verdict, to wit: We find for the plaintiff, twenty-six hundred and fifty-four dollars and twelve cents, with interest from 7tli Sep member, 1869. J. P. Hillhouse, Foreman. Enquiry Docket. Jas. II. Bemis vs. Jno. A. Talmadge. Assumpsit. McGowan k Parker, plaintin's attorney. Decree nnder rule of Court for plaintiff, for one thousand nine hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifiy-three cents, interest from 1st September, 1869. Butler, Broone <fe Olapp vs. L. D. Merrimnn. Assumpsit. Samuel McGowan, plaintiff s attorney. Decree under order of Court for plaintiff, for eight hundred and forty-one dollars and forty-three cents, with interest from 6th January, 1868. In Bankrvptcy. In re. James Simmons, Bankrupt. Judge approved of the appointment of T. R. L. Woods as Assignee. Ex parte Jno. Wells Simpson, of Laurens. Petition for final discharge. Simpson & Simpson, pro net. Petition referred to O. G. Jeager, Register, to report, and final hearing ordered to take place before this Court, on seventh day ot October, at Charleston, after publication, <fco. Lx parte IL W. Allison, of Laurens. Petition for final dis charge. Simpson & Simpson, pro pet. Same order as above. In re. David Riker, Bankrupt. Report of L. McLain, Assignee^of sale of property of Bankrupt, in pursuance to order of Court. Ex parte H. W. Garlington, of Lanrcns. Petition for final discharge. CresweH <fc Garlington, pro pot. Ex. parte B. J. Singleton, ^dem. Pet. in pro per. Ex parte Moses R. Walton, of Edgefield. Idem. Pet. in Dro ner. I Register, C. Q. Jeager, reporting favorably in each of the above cases, tho Judge signed order and certificate of discharge under seal of Court as prescribed by law. In re. J. T. Medlock, Bankrupt. Judge approved of appoiutment of T. R. L. Wood as Assignee. Ex parte Jno. T. Peterson, (Assignee,) in re. J. H. Subcr. Petition to sell real and personal estate. Fair, Pope & Pope, pro pet. * Ordered that tho petition be referred to O. O. Jeager, Register, to report after notice to lien creditors by Assignee. Ex parte Jno. T. Peterson, (Assinnee,) in re. Martin Chapin.?Idem. Same order as above. Ex parte Jno. T. Peterson, (Assignee,) in re. O. H. Sondley. Petition to sell real and personal estate. Fair, Pope & Pope, pro pet. Ordered tbat Assignee do sell the real and personal estate at residence of Bankrupt, on 15th November, after giving notico three weeks before the day of sale. Wednesday, Sept 8th, 1869. The Oonrt was oponed at 10 o'clock, A. M. The Petit and Pleas Jurors answered to their names. I89u* Docket. J. T. Davis vs. James Hunter. Trover. On motion of W. II. Trcscott, defendant's attorney, It is ordered, tbat the plaintiff in this case, do ' put in scenritv for payment of oosts, on or before the first day of i the next Term of this Court, or be non-suited. George Camp, surviving Executor, *b. James A. Doyle. Fi. ta. in case. J. W. Harrison, plaintiff's attorney. On the 8tn day of September, A. D. 1869, On hearing tue affidavit submitted in this case; and on motion by Mr, If^rry, defendant's attorney l It is ordered, that Mrs. Jane x. Prathor, Administratrix, with the will annexed of Patrick H. i'ratber, deceased, and successor in interest to the plaintiff in the above stated cose, upon notice to be given here of this rule, shall, upon the 2nd Monday of December, A. D. 1869, shew canse, if any boo can, wny satisfaction of the Judgment and execution in said caso should not be entered. In Banhruptcy. Ex parte F. II. Dommick, (Assignee,) in re. Jno. Mayer, Bankrupt. Petition for sale of choscs in action. Jones & Jones, pre pet. Register, C. G. Jeagcr, under oraor, made a favorable report, and on motion, ordered that Assignee sell Ibe cboeee in action after publication in Newberry Herald. I Ex parte David J. Winn, As-' signee, Bankrupt. In re. Jno. J. Ores well, Bankrupt. In re. Jns. A. Barnes, Bankrupt. In ro. Ishain Moore, Bankrupt. In ro. Rich M. Moore, Bankrupt. Petitions for sale Ot outstanding debts. Richardson ?fc Moses, attorneys for petitioners. Ordered tbat the Assignee in each of these cases, sell at public auction the cboses in action after giving notice of sale as required by the general orders relating to sale of personal property. Ex parte Berry Alveraon, of Union. Petition for final discharge. Wallace ?fe McKissick, pro pet. Ex parte Charles Bolt, of Union.. Idem. Clawson & Thompson,*"pro pet* . v Tl*_ i. rt rv /n i * tux parte r. u. yoieraan, ot Laurens. Idem. A. (3. Garlington, pro pet.' ' Ex parte John B. Cooeart, of Lancaster. Idem. It., ison, pro pet. | i ^ < Ex parte flenj. J. Gurpton^ of Lancaster." Idom. It. E. Allison, pro pet. Ex-parte Jas. M. Gayle,.pf Kershaw. Idem. W. L. DeFass, pro pet. i .. ' Ex par to Jas. Garftbrell, of Anderson, .Iddln. Iteed A Brown, pro pet. ^ Ex parte Francis D. Green, of Lancaster. Idem. It. E. Allison, pro petl Ex parte Jas. B. Hnnter, of Lancaster. Idem. It. E. Allison, pro. pet. Ex p:?rte T. B. Milford, of Abbeville. Petition for final discharge. Samnel McGowan, pro pet. Ex parte Simon M. Mills, ot York. Idem. Wilson A Wither spoon, pro pet. Ex. parte U. 0. Mark, of Richland. Idem. F. W. AlcMaster, pro pet. Ex narto Win; F. Nelson, of Fairfield. Idem. Jaa. II. Kion, pro pet. Ex parte C. J. Trido, of York. Idem. J. B. Smith, pro pet. Ex parte Jonathan Page, of Kershaw. Idem. W. L. DePasa, pro pet. Ex parte John II. Propet, of Fairfield. Idem. Jas. H. Ilion, pro pet. Ex porto W. M. Ray. of Union. Idem. Wallace & McKissick, pro pet. Ex parte Thoe. W. Rabb, Jr., of Fairfield. Idem. James II. Rion, pro pet. Ex parte Thos. Scanlon, of Kershaw. Idem. W. L.DePass, pro pot. Ei part* Joo. Shillinghara, of York. Idem. T. J. Ball, pro pet. Ex part* Wno. Shiver, of Richland, idem. F. W. McMasler, pro pet. Ex parte A. 0. Squier, of Richland' Idem. F. W. McMaster, pro pet. Ex parte J. M. Timmoce, of Darlington. Idem. Warley A Dargan. pro pet. Ex parte T. B. Walter, of Marion.? Idem. W. W. Ilarllee, pro pet. Ex parte Saling Wolfe, of Fairfield. Idem. J. II. Rion, pro pet. The above petitions were reported to W. J. Clawtoo, Register, to have hearing after publication in due form and notice to creditors, with order to report i lo Court, whether all the proceedings have b?en regular, and whether they re entitled to discharge. Ex parte R. E. Blassingame, of Qreen ' ville. Petition for final discharge. E. I P. Jones, pro pet. I Ex parte David Crawford, of Abbe- ( ville. Idem. 8. McGowan, pro pet ' i Ex parte 9. B. Massey, of Chester.? j Idem. E. C. McLure, pro pet. I Ex parte Salathiel Martin, of Green- 1 ville. Idem. Easley A Wells, pio pet. |1 Ex parte T. B. Milford, of Abbeville. ' Idem, 8, McGowan, pro pet. Ex parte W. O. Moore, of Abbeville. j Idem. S. McGowan, pro pet. < Ex parte R. M. Palmer, of Abbeville. Idem. 8. McGowan, pro pet. Ex parte Jas. F. Steele, of York.? Idem. T. W. Clawson, pro pet. , W. J. Clawson, Register, reporting ' favorably in each of the above cases, on motion of respective Counsel, Judge signed orders and certificates of discbarge under seal.of Court. Ex parte Wm. T. Shumate and A. Blylhe, (Assignees,) in re. John. W. Grady, Bankrupt. Petition for sale of estate of Bankrupt. W. E. Esrle, pro pet. Ordered that tbe petition be reforred to W. J. Clawson, Register, to report after notice by publication, and mail to creditors to prove liens and show cause why said estate should not be told ; Ordered that aaid notice be published, by Assignees three weeks before sale, and creditors prove their liens forty day* from date of said publication, Ac. Ex parte Wtn. T. Shumate and A. Hlylhe, (Assignees,) in re. David O. Ilawlbome and Sidney II. "ritrbyfill.? Petition for Involuntary flaokruptcy.? W. E. Earle, pry, pet. Rule to show canse why the firm of Orady, Daw* thorne A Turbyfill, should^flot be ad* iudged bankrupts. _ Urflfo consideration of tbe argument of Subset, adjudged that tbe firm of Orady, Ilawlborne A Turbyfill, composed of Jno. W. Grady, D. O. Hawthorne'<k Sidney II. Turbyfill became Bankrupts, and are declared and adjudged Bankrupts; and ordered that aid Bankrupts do, within five days, transmit by mail, prepaid, a ached uj% of creditors and inventory of their estate in the firm, and verified, Ac. Ex parte Wm. T. Shumate and A. Bly the, (Assignees.) of Jno. W.Grady in re. I). O. Hawthorne debtor. Feti* tion of Involuntary Bankruptcy. Order on debtor to ahew cause why Grady A Hawthorn should not be adjudged A/nuai up; in. Saute order as above. Moixa Cotton.?A specimen of this excellent variety or tho cotton plant has been on exhibition for several days at the house of Messrs. Greer ?fc Lake in this city. The stalk is of medium height, but it exceeds in quantity of fruit any 'specimen which we have overseen. It was grown by onr enterprising citizen, Judge J. W. Knott, at his residence upon the Bnburbs of the city. It is stated, upon reliable authority, that the prico of seven- ' ty cents per pound was refused in ' Savannah last season for a bale of this cotton. It is equal in staple to t h e finest Sea island cotton, whilst tho yield per acre exceeds , it. Wo understand that it was ( grown by Judgo Knott as an ex- ] ncrimcnt. The results so far are , highly satisfactory. Ho has but | six acres of it in cultivation, and i some wise men estimate that he j will pack two and a half bags to j the acre. We bog Mr. lvnott not \ to be making any such ridiculous | crop as that. Twelve hundred < pounds of this cotton to the acre would be worth, say $840. < [Macon 2 elcyraph. , R*!TTuckt promises that ere long onr belles shall not have to ' send to India for cashmere shawls. < The Angora goat is now sncoess- ' fully bred in this country, and of 1 the 3,000 or 4,000 wool-bearing < goats of the best breeds, Kentucky claims the largest share. Neither < France nor Kngland has been so J successful as America in acclima* ' ting this valuable animal. Kentucky, especially, is already producing superb worsted stuff from \ the Angora wool, and cashmere J shawls ore the next in order. $ [Richmond Enquirer. } - 1 . 11 I VP. Country Girls. Meta Victoria Fuller, in a sisterly way, thus talks to country girls: The farmers' daughters are soon to he the life ? well m the pride of this country?a glorious race of women which no other land can ibow. I seek not to flatter them ; for before they Can become this they will have to make an earnest effort for one or two kinds. There are some who deprecate their candition,tkey demand more consideration than tlioy merit. A want of intelligence upon all the subjects of the day ana of a refined education is more excusable in a connKrir nrii-1 in ?? mm j gill) VUVSO uajo VI mwiiJT books and newspapers. Many girls are diseonraged because they cannot be sent 'away from home to boarding school; bnt men of superior mini and knowledge of this world, wonld rather have tor wives women well and properly educated at home. And this education can be had whenever the desire is not wanting. A taste for reading does wonders; an earnest thirst after knowledge is to attain certain a sweet draught from the Pierian Spring. There is a fanner's daughter in this very room in which I am writing?a beautiful, refined and intelligent women?in whose girlhood books were not so plenty as now, and who obtained her education under difficulties which would have discouraged any bnt one who had a true love for study. Confederate Heroism.?Whatever else written about the late war may be true or false, the following from the pen of Qon. J. A. Early, or Virginia, will never be disputed 5 I believe that the world has never produced a body of men snperi* or in courage^ patriotism and endurancef to the private soldiers of the Confederate armies. I have repeatedly seen those soldiers submit, with cheerfulness to privations and hardships which wonld appear to be almost incredible ; ana the wild cheers of o n r brave men, (which were so different from the studied hurrahs of the Yankees,) when their thin lines sent back opposing hosts of Federal troops, staggering, realing and flying have often thrilled every fibre i n my heart. I have aeon, with my own eyes, rarged, barefooted an?i hungry Conlederate soldiers perform deeds which, if performed in days of yore by mailed warriors in glitc tering armor, would have inspired the harp of the minstrel ana the pen of the poet. A Noble Boy.?A boy of fifteen, in Black Law county, Ohio, whose father died three rears ago, leaving his widow arnf son an eighty acre farm burdened with a $1,000 mortgage, has taken whole and solo charge of tire farm, hiring help only in seed time, harvest, ana threshing, paid off the mortgage, purchased a harvester, a sulky plow, a wagon and 6at a of harness, besides an eighty-dollar sewing machine for bis mother, and is uow out of debt. The lad besides attends school three months in each winter. Advantage OF LAW.? A youn^ man who studied law in Connecticut, became acquainted with the following facts, which are very remarkable, though not very singular : A farmer cut down a tree so very near the boundary line of his [arm, that it was doubtful whother it belonged to him or his neighbor. The neighbor, however, claimed the tree, and prosecuted the man who cut it for damages. The case was continued from court to court. Time was wasted, temper soured, And temper lost; but the case was finally gained by the prosecutor. The last my friend knew of the transaction was the man who "gained the causo,*' came to the lawyer's office to execute a deed on Lis whole farm, which he had been compelled to sell to pay his costs! Then, houseless, and homeless, he jotild thrust his hands into his pockets apd triumphantly exclaim, 4 I've beat him 1" Wirr is a candle-maker the voret and most hopeless of men f because all his works are wicked, ind all his wicked works are ironght to light.