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r Ba?iitif<dBwrw. *' The Omalt* Reptf>lk*o give. the following history of tbe origin of this production, winch tbe London SiAsctator ha* pronounced the finest yooin ever written iii America: 44 The early part of the war, one dark Saturday night in tbo dead of winter, there died in tbe Commercial Hospital inCinofanati.ayoung woman over whose head only two and twenty summers had passed. She had been once possessed of on enviable share of beauty, and had been, aa ahe herself says, u flattened and souglii"fbr tbe charms of tbh facebut alasJ upon her fair brow had long been written that terrible word?prostitute I Once the pride of respectablo parentage, her first wrong step was the small beginning of the u same old story over again," which has beeu the only lite history of thousands. Highly educated aud accomplished in uianuers, she might have shone in the beet of society. But the evil hoar that proved her ruin was the door from childhood, and having spent a young life in disgrace and shame, tlio poor friendless one died the melancholy death of a brokenhearted outcast. 44 Among her personal effects was found in manuscript 'The Beautiful Suow,' which was immediately carried to Enos B. Heed, a gentleman of culture and literary testes, who was at that time editor nf ilia "NT of! an r? 1 T%% 4-1% v. >uu j.<ativil?u UU1UU. JLU OUU W lumns of that paper oh fcho morn ing of the day following the girl's death, the poem appeared in print for the first time. When tho paper containing the poem came out on Suuday morning, the body of the victim had not yet received burial. The attention of Thomas Buchanan Head, one of the first American poets, was soon directed to the newly published lines, who was so taken with their stirring )>athoe, that ho immediately fblowed the corpse to its final resting place. Such aro the plain facts concerning w hose 4 Beautiful Snow' shall* long be remembered as one of tho brightest gems in American literature." THE BEAUTIFUL SNOW. Oh ! tho ?now, tho beautiful snow, Filling the sky and tho earth bulow ; . Over tho house tops, over tho street, Over the heads of tho people you meet, Potto ing, Flirting. , , Skimming along: Beautiful snow ! it can do nothing wrong; Flying to kiss a fair lady's check, Clinging to lips in a frolicsome freak ; Beautiful snow from tho heavens above, l'uro as an angel, gentle as love I ' l. . Ob ! the snow, the beautiful snow. How tho flukes gather and laugh as thoy go Whirling about ill their uiaddouing fuu; I T -l-.-- - ? ? ? j? in no Kiuu wuu every ono? Chasing, Laughing, Hurrying by, It lights on the (nee, and it sparkle* the eye, , And the dogs, with a bark and a bound, Snap at the crystals that oddy around? The town is alive and its heart in a glow, To wclcomo tho coining of beautiful snow, How widely theerowd goes swaying along, Hailing each other with htunor and song! llow the gay sledges like mctcufs fhish'hy ' ' &ight for a moment, then lost to tho eye! Hinging, **" ' Swinging, , Dashing thejr go,. ? _ Over tho crust of the boautiful snow? . ? . Snow so pure wben it falls froui tho sky, As to make one regret to see it lie, To he trampled and tracked by tho thousands of feet, Till it blend* with tho filth in tho horrible street. Od? I was pure as tho snow, hut, I fall; t Fell like the suow-flakos, from heaven to hell; Fell to he trampled as filth in the street; Fell to the seofiod, to be spit on and boat. mending, * t ? ??: v? Cursing, twn<,.tlr,~ ia .ii~ . w "?w ? Belling my soul to whoever would buy ; Dealing in shame for a morsel of bread; Hating the living and fearing the dead, Merciful God I Have I UIm m low f And yet I was once like the beautiful snow I Once I was fair as tbe beautifut snow, With an eye liko a crystal, a heart Hla Its 1 glew; Onee I was loved for iny innocent grace? flattered and sought for tbo ebarnia of iuy | face. ?' Father, Mother, Sister, aad all, Hod and soyivif I have lost by my fell, The veriest wretch that goes shivering by, 1 Will make a wide swoop lest I wander toe nigh; For ell ibet is on or ebore mo, I know There's nothing as pure as the beautiful snow, "# * 1 How strange it should be, that this beautiful snow Should fail on a lienor nowhere to go! How strange should it be, when night comes again, '1 If tbe snow and ice struck my desperate brain ! | Fainting, | Fronting, , Hying alone. . , Too wicked for prayer, too weak for a moan To t>e heard in the street of the crasy town, Uone rnnd in the joy of the snow coming down ; To bo end to die in ury terrible woe, ' With a bed and a shroud of tue beautiful snow, 1 tnl rtui.T ? > L.? ? *? ' j? IWtf (raiupWU ?auw, BlMor, daapairiiot! Christ atM? " O nma tb. aftl that litest* tel Aa4 raise it > Dying for tloe,,1 ! Tbs Crnctllcd bong on tho ?wuini/>?>. ilia acconta ?l uiercy felt left on IbiM-eaiu la there mercy for no 7 Will Ho bOed my I pr****-' I O God ! ha the limn that for ainaerf did flo?? Wash ma, and I ahall be wh itar thai snow. Koys to Sacceu. I 1 ' - i i *. *' 1 OPINIONS OF MILLIONAIRES, ETC. , Man 4s likfe alnpjr {&}! #Bcfvc him lying an. jdlenpsy a^gek the sunny fence of prosperity, and ftu the good that is in aim melts like butter; bnt kick him arovnef and ho gat hers strength with every successive revolution, until he grows into on avalanche. To succeed, you must keep moving. : The world-renowued Rothchilds ascribe tllsif success to tfre follow ing rules: Be t>ff hand-; make a bargain nt once. Never liavo ariy$avid Bijirflo, tlio ctlchratod political economist, had what he' called his own three golden rules, j the obseverans? a? whiofa he ?6ed to press on his frienda. They were :, Never refuse an opinion when you can get it. Cut short your losses. Lot your profits run on. John JaCob Astor, vrbtit reqtif* ted to furnish incidents of his life, replied, 44 my actions must make my life." Stephen Girard's fundamental maxims was, 44 take care of the cents, the doty&pa?wiU take^aro yf themselves.* *% *? Wf *?f Robert Bonner, who made a fortune in four years out of the Now York Ledger, attributes his success entirely to his 44 persistent, re|Hinted, and generous advertising." Amos Lawrence said, when ask ed for advice : 44 Young ,m a n , baso all actions upon a principle of right; preserve your integrity of character, and in doing this, never reckon the cost." 44 Many a man has lost Leine a r V ' O ? great man by splitting- into two middling ones."?Phillips. John Freedley'e never-varying motto was: 44 Self dependence and self reliance." He says: 44 My observations through life satisfy me that at least nine tontlis of ^hosc most successful in business^ start iu life without any reliance-except upon their own heads and . hw'ik ?hoe their own row; from the jump *T7 UTT Jiirn im Is icholns Longwortk,iI)v_Cincinnati milliouarie, saya:-*?t4l have always had iwo thiugtj before me ; do what you iund|>rtakc (hhroughly". l?o faithful iu all accepted trusts." 7 r~ 4 7 a T # r P. T. Barnum, the noted exlii^i tor, ascribed itlh sncc*es? in accumulating a million dollars -in ten years, to- the unlimited use of? printer's ink. John Randolph said": 44 Mr. Speaker, I have found the philosopher's etone-j it la 'Pay aa you go.'" y-T :.l<; A. T. Stewart, mcrehapt priticc af New York, says: ",No abilities, however splendid, can command success without intense labor ind persevering appliq^fibfi." 44 Half the failures inlifo arise ft nl ' ircmi me pnuing m one s Horse as lie is leaping."?Chapin. uTho world estimates men by .lieir success in life, unJ by general Consent, success is evidence of superiority."?Everett, <k There is nothing like a fixed, steady aim. with an !h>uoi&LUj purpose.' It dignifies your nature, and insures your success."?6ocehW. n" t>n? A Ypvfn?^veaqiier^fflffied three new scholars into a Sunday-school where they were asked their no men: u What is your name ?" " D?d," replied the first one. " Oh, 110*, your name is Daniel; Boy it now." * ' r Daniel." M Yes; w?U, Daniel, take your seat." "An<l what is ypnr namel" \nu? asked of nil tuber two. ,? T-Pr, ** 8am" said he. ' Ofi.'JWr.'nA ; ft iJtitifcftcft down, Saumel. And ^ now let ns hear what yonr name is, my bright little fellow V* said he, turning to the third. / W;?'. ? n i" VI NU:B?tlBiWllUllr , the young fellow replied : " Jmiuel, your Lon^'.** Stand, blt no Mote.-'?A Frenchman, being about to remove hia shop, his landlord inquired the reason, stating at the same time that it was considered a very good ?tand for business. The Frenchman replied: v . * "Oh, yes, he's very good stand for do business?by gar, me stand ill day, for nobody come to make me uiove." ^ ' - V p; f IJIK11I '? f r ' ' < 'I ' dtflUI A few Maxims fer OlrliNeper make yonr appearance Jti I the morning without having lint j bathed, it only with a sponge and j A qAart of water, brushed and ar- i ranged your hair, and dressed i reel f neatly and potnplotely.? 1 Keep your ck>thing, especially 1 your under-clothing, in perfect 1 order. Never 1st pins do aftt^ AS ' buttons, or strings take the place < of proper bauds. 1 Examine every garment when it cornea from the wash, and, if < necessary, mend it with noatiioas 1 and precision. I>> noC sew up the ' hflo8 in jour stockings, as we have 1 'sden some care let* untidy girls do: 1 but take iu a broad margin around ' (iia whyle, be it small or large, witb a fine darning needle and 1 darning cotton, and cover the frac- < tare with an interlaced stitch so 1 close as to be as strong as the body 1 of the stocking, and flno enough to < be ornamental. ( Stockings mended in this way 1 need darning but a very tew times i in the oourso of their existence. Never carry coarse embroidered 1 or lacod handkerchiefs. Fine, I jduiu white boso and black kid ' slippers, with only a strap or ro- I sotte in front, are more becoming. ' Train 3-ourself to some useful I occupation, Remember it is wick- 1 cd to waste time, and nothing < gives such an impression of vanity ' and absolute silliness as a habit of 1 ijdlijng and never having anything ' If yon are in your father1* house, J take some depart ment of household ( labor upon yourself, and a part of 1 the sewing, and make it your bnsi- J nesa to attend to it. Do not let a ' call from this idle girl, or a visit from that, or an invitation from the other, interfere with the por- ] formanco of your duty. Let your pleasures come in as the recreation, not as tho business of your life. it 3'ou want to marry, do not court or try to attract the attention of gentlemen. A little wholesome indifference, real or assumed, will be much more likely to accomplish the object. Consider, moreover,! that it is better to bo a woman t tlmn a wite, and do not degrade t your sex by making your whuie t existence turn on the pivot of I matrimony. <* I If you can, cultivate to pcrfec- t tiou some art by which you can >, gain an independent livelihood.? ? [Do it whether there is necessity f for it or not. Do it quietly, if yon | will, but do it. There is no telling t when or under what circumstances c you may need it.?Demorest. t ' Slight Circumstances. c Sir IV alter Scott, walking one 1 day along the bunks of the Yarrow, where Muugo Park wasl>orn, J saw the latifcr throwing stones into the water, ami anxiously watched * the hubbies that sncceeded. Scott ^ inquired tho object of his occupa- * tiou. ' 1 UI was thinking," answered Park, u How often I had tried to sonud the rivers iu Africa, by rah f cidutiug bow long a time had r elapscu before the bubbled arose to 2 the surface." v It was a slight circumstance, <1 but thu traveler's safety frequently t deMttdcd upon it. . * lit u watch, the mainspring forms I a small |x>rtion of tho works, but it propels and governs the whole. So it is in the machinery of human ? life; a slight circumstance is per- , initted by tho Divine Ruler to de- 0 ratine or altor; a giant falls by the ? pebble; a girl at the door of an \ inn changes the fortune ol an empire. If tho nose of Cleopatra hnd c been shorter," said Pascal, in hie I epigranunattic and brilliant man- c uer, "the condition of the world f would have been difleront." > The Mohammedans liavo ft tra- t dition that when their prophet concealed himself in Mount 8bur, nls pursuers were deceived by a j spider's web, which covered the .v mouth of tho oavai LutLcr uiigbt h have been a lawyer had his friend t and companion escaped the ffcffn- e der storm at Er-fmrt; Scotland had wanted her stern reformer, if tiiM am<?al f\t ltn? ' ? .'JW V. | r?9fikVUVi im*l not started him in the chapel of 8t. Andrew'# Castle; and if Mr, Greenville bad not carried, in & 14-64, hie weiuorabto resolution as 1 to the e*i>euie!FCT of chditgtfig * "certain stamp duties'7 on the l1 pfontilidbs #f Africa* Dip Wes- *' tern world might still liave bowed M to Dritiab sceptre. D At a Hotel Dinner, a gentleman observed a person who sat opposite 0 use a toothpick which liad just ? done the same service to his neighbor. Wishing to apprise liim of r his mistake, lie said : 44 I beg yonr pardon, sir, bnt yoti are nsfng Mr. *s toothpick." f 441 know I am. Do you thinic tl that I am uot going to return it?' c 1-4^ in -w 6 pi T 81 ?<? ?- . / . 3aii i. ,iTWBt.-;-f-ran <QmU*B ta'?, w knowledge yf tho vake-of iM for frttemeg ,/battle; but we Lbiuk opr dairymen hat* yeM? learn how valuable it is for their purposes. It is.aywn thmngh the section ha rfiir It die farmer in tjrenty?why we do not Know, ^xoepting that it woticMfiJhi Inuo s&x&mt OwlnSWi ?i>iiS iTv^ri/i ?rii.7^Ri. v . v.'??4 v. id wuo vi iuo toi y Murliest to start in UxMpring. It not only cptpes forward early, but It grows 4outin voisty iirgjgp tha Mason. No other grass is solittle * fleeted by drOUtKi, or -still betr with out. in jury ,l*yi\y stocking.-:Mii|?halically a pernjanept pasture, lasting many years, improving the joil bv uio I'aoTaflMfl IhnbSS out fityOus 45Jt)t8/"an<Witt*cryvil Hit daisies And most other "vegetation. It wants to occupy tho ground solely. Oroli'&tll grass is, howevor, tile tu.oat unsuitable of all grasses for the lawn or grass plot around tbo house, on account of ltd rank tfWtn atidf tendency fogrow'ifc buncoes. 4 xlds is obviated in the field only by tlilck sowing, which should not bo'teas than two bushjls to the acre. For hay it should Iw cut <ju?Uj young?and, a good ulan id to sow clover With it. Tliis lusts a coiiplo of years, when the >rchard grass will crowd it out ind take possession. An orchard ^rass sod, on being plowed np, is dways found to be black and rich. Lt is a meliorntor and improver of be soil.?Practical Farmer. ' t Elkoaxcb Does Not Make a Home.?I uever saw a garment too ine lor man or maid; there was mver n chair too good for a cobdor, or cooper, or king, to sit in; lever a I ouse too fine to shelter he liunmn head. These elements ibout us, tbo gorgeous sky, the mperial sun, arc not too coed for ? . - - *1 C3 ~ T? 7 ho human race. Elegance fits nun. lint do we not valuo those ih>Js of housekeeping n ttttlo more hou they are worth, and som?iine8 mortgage a homo ior the nahogany we would bring into it! hud rather eat my dinner off the >oad of a barrel, or dress atlor tbe abhivu of John tho Baptist in tlie vilderness, or sit on a Uock all ny lite, than consume myself beuro I got to a home, and take so nuch pains with tho outside tlmt he inside whs as hollow as an imply nut. Beauty is a great hing, but beauty of garments, muse and furniture is a verv tawIry ornament compared with donestic love. All the elegance in lie world will, not make a homo, md I would give more for aspoonul of real hearty love than for hiploads of furniture, and all the forgeouaness that all the upholterers in tho world could gather ogcther.? Tloc^dort 1'arktr. The First Bale.?The first bale if now cotton was received at n..i * *U? V/1IUHIH) iroiil lux US, oil tllO id instant, as we have been adisud by t olograph. This is bo veil lavs earlier than last Reason, whon he first bale was received at New h loana from Texas on tlio 10th of August. " Papa,- what is a huitibn^?" 'It is," replied'papa, u whon na*ima protends to be very fr>ml f mOftfn Yrtfs no bnttbitsOiviWy hirt till reminded of it a ctatcn nnoe." Gvn. Grant made tho following doqnent effort on the occasion of ita recent visit to the workshops f the Baltimore ami Ohio Kail* oad: u Mr, President?I thank rou for your very cordial rccepion.w A mi.a wt>a ted old darkey in Montgomery, while watching moneys in ? menagerie in thMtr city, poke thitsly; " Dem children got 00 mnch sense to oonfe onten dat age) white folks cnt flit* tails off ind set'm to vodn and makin' con UtewtioflB.7' "DftObnkrekatit* Tillpleeshc o sing the von dousandth and wo'th pBoJto," Mid ft Dutch par* on ? be gave out the morning lyutn. 44 There are not ao many a the booh," responded the da>jriter. 44 Yell, ricn, pleaah sing so uany as tare pe.n TTojtouino God.?No inan hours God, no man justifies God at o high a rate, as he who lays his and npon bis month when the od of God is apon his back. As a man is brought op so is he. future changes may oeeur, but lioy will ouly swav, they cannot bongo the original current. " ?" ' I 1 P1181.' THZ WUX1AM8TON, 8. C., fm. A . XcCOBXEZ Ed.tor. i " TM? Afgua o'*r tha peoplaa rlgbu . Dalh an eternal Vigil ' ' ' . No toothing at rata* from-lliita^'Son* J Can hilt kit huadrod ijrt la ahtap." V17 E propoaa la pobliah aad taaoa about tha Skwlo the poliiioal piHrtolplea of the fonrtd ?nr#f the Amtflwa ijiton of Government. Iu oolnmns will contain original i?liar from diatingutahed contributor*. Thaeiaew* the abort naiM aqwal lhe"AurgeU Weakly" | 3a the State, and contain as much reading matter. * j %*tr, d ua otcaainnal artteThft, which -alone wiif ha worth the aohaertpUoo. The Editorial Department will enntaia Bp icy matter of m independent aharaeter. Tertua 8j, lu adnata Addroaa, W. A. MeOOMU*,^ Bo WllliaBjatoa Atgua Aug 4 11 ^ 1 ' w. K. BABLBT. ?. ?. WILU. EASLET A WEILS, Attorneya And ConneeUora at Law AND in equity, GREENVILLE, 8. C., attention to eaaaa ia Bankruptcy. . \ dune 13 ' ' 1 . 1-- 1 ...I, .... Law Kotioc?Oha-nfe of Oftoe. GP. TOWNES haa ramovod bit Law , Ofltea to the building licrth-oait corner of the Public Square, In part ocoupied by Julius 0. Smith, Auctioneer, and the Enterprise Printing Office, up stall*. Jan 8 M tt WHTPTpeice^* Attorney at law, DAHLONEGA, GA., WILL praetloa in the Countiea of Lumpkin Davreoa. Mi later, Vaimin, Union, JTnwni, White and llall. Jan 10 . 33 tf EVP. JONES, JVWWCJDlTUtfrnrS' AW MW, AND SOLICITOR tltfblQUITY. " WILL l'R ACTIO* It* ALL courts of this state, A Lao, IN THE UNITED STATES COURTS. Office at Greenvill# C. H., 8. C. July 7 7 ly* W. h. CAMNEK, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CHMOT1V SJTELLKR8, Cotton (Una, Lock*, Kcrocene Oil lumps. Rowing Maehiaaa nnd 1'iirniMil* KKPATRKb with proutptneas. Charge* reasonable Corn HMIuri, from ton to twelve iliilUm. I tun nine prepered to funpUh Stencil Plates, for marking clothing. aWT* StauU ? At WoaHrelifa old chop, June 24 6 tf K wiiiip nAS JUST RBCEITED a Gue Aaorlinent of OLO C I5L B , WHICH HE WILL DISPOSE OF CHEAP FOR CASH. Ha ia *lao prrpatrd to furnish all the LATKSTSTYLES OF UAIR JEWBLRY, a Pattern Book of which cau be aeen at hla Store. 2-tf June 2 Greenville & Columbia R. R. TRAINS run dally, Sunday# exoupkxt, aouuactuig with Night Train on Charleston Railroad, aa follow as Leave Columbia at. f.flfe a. tu " Aletnn at N.5S " " Newberry at ...10.35 " Arrive at Abbeville at... p. a. " at Asdntoa' at. .......6.15 " Greenville at........ 8.00 " Leave Greenville at...*. JKM a* m. 44 Anderson at 1.45 " ? a kkoaa.. . - " nvuvvfiiV " # M Newberry at......... 1.15 p. m. J fTrain* on tb^Blug Uidgv Railroad will also run u follows s' k ? ' Lur* A Minnow at..................u.*5.10 p. a. " Pendleton ni.. .^,.....4.20 " Anivn at WalbalU at................ ..?.? ? Lawn Walballa ai...H. id a. m. " Peodloton at .....................5.40 " { Arrive el Ai?der*..n at.,,...,...........?0.40 " Tbo trail wilJ return from Helton So Aadtr?on on Monday and Friday innrningf. JAMES 0. MKBEDlTII, TOM ? ' ? ?' South Carolina XAilroAd Company, "OaiitAt/ 8or*i*txin>it*4*a <Wtea, April 9, 18094 I < ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, llrb InAJht, tbc following Schedule for PASSENGER TRAINS, will he obaerred j . .i . i'Ar riMiisiariua Leev jng Columbia at .. 7.48 a. wi. Arriving at Columbia ll..T ,...9.19 p. *u man* urixn tiuA . Leaving Columbia at.. ....5.50 p. m. Arriving at Columbia at ??_A.i4 al n. CAXDK!) rUI(., Will ran on Monday*, Wednetdny*, and Batardnye, ? i , Arriving in Coluiahlaai. ,?s ..1J.0# a. m. Leaving Columbia at..... p. ro. The Train no* miming between roTumtie and Kiogvilte, in connection with the Through Mail Train, will bo taken off on General Superintendent! April 14 47 ft SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD reepeetfully inform tko pubiio that ho hno Removed to a reum In the OLD COURT HOURR, where ha will he prepared to rvwlft eootomere an hereta. fere. Being a ProfuvtUnml Marker, he hope", \*y attention to buoineeaa, together with politenrm to all. to merit n portion of hnbtie patronage, in CUTTING, BUdTlNO ' ANDHHAMrOGlNG. r Jen 2vi U if MERCHAliT^ AM* BRAUUS IH ?....>- -?Jl. -- i GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Pen dletoa-fit, Btur Depot f " GREEK ?IIL?, 8. C. J""- *' 1 . HABTFOHD M6HM ucmi ivruY. a XHr X hare taken the AgetJey ttHMe ?too* TT tjr for thsraleot there 0SbS)UUTKJ> BV APO JtATOKS AMD MILLS, U r Ue mmmtoeture of Sager ud 6/rap from U?o Sorgbam Sugar CIM> We M Mt oM?| to the mUM m expert* mental machine, bat one of which there are thousands, said to he, now to ure, in different parts of the Country, mM we wiH here only inenttoa a few of iumany merits, as claimed itsaawmJhwiasiifc: and the cost to about torn half the prise of other machines. The seealts attained are a I ffne article of Sugar and the finest kind of i Syrup, (readily mIiIng at hen ft to fl.fifi per ; gallon,) and we el aim that U to the only machine which CLARIFIES and CONPKJiSES 1 l(i ft La lima fDffAtiOD. k With ill these facto in Ms fee or, there need t>- no wonder at the raocesstoeOeneral Agent to snrettog wit^ to all oar Southern titles and I -towns. We shall hays ens of tha Machine* tn operation In town soon, until tnen we Invito onr frieoUt and. the publio generally to call at onr store, soe samples, mOfle), illustrated cirenlars, Ac., and where we shsil be pieiMod to giro them all the Information In tor power. DAVID & STRADLEY. 1 . April 7 45 If | -? ??-da ato Nsd - sa [ r; LAW NOTICEA. BAOQisr, ATTQRKSV AT LAW A If Ik WAC18TBATE, OFFICK O YER S UL LI YA SfT STORB, I (amWMKF&U&WSM, 8. (3. v.l. 1(1 fig tf DIRECT IMPORTATION. STECIAL Attention is en I led to the large importation of *ery excellent. ' TURNIP SEED, Made be the undcraigncd, from Chrtat jChurch, England, c?l>Mating of tka follow inc varieties: GREEN GLOB* 1 " . GREEK TOP SCOTCH EAST LOTHIAN 8WEOE EARLY WHITE STONE EVUl.Y YCL1A>W STONE RED TOP MtOitB. THOJIAS June 8 S tf "new goods. THAYE jnat retnrned with a Stock oC Gooda. which 1 am Tory anxioua to exhibit Wthuce who are in need of them, ail of which I.rarpactfuily request in favor nra with a call before purohasiug elaawhore.? Call aooo, aa I am selling-out fast at low figure#. \f THOMAS STEEN. May 6 6u M n JUST ARRIVED. * " 0 I A 0PLBNDXI) ASSOftTIIINT OF um& mm ' ' AHB ' BOOTBBB, (Mario In tba Booth,) ml warranted owtal tw MII<ES' BEST. For Ml* cheap, at ' HTEEN'8 STORK. March U 44 tf 0* *i. C. and 0-41 Eailraad 0o'?. frtEBIWTBJfmnJIS omCK,) * 'A * 'Connrata, April 10, Itfttf. J jpA8S?5UB&Trmlarwto mim allow?: lin/ A ofwU^^.^.7" .ri?Ao4. aJl " Columbia. 8. C., at 1.3* p. in. Arriro at Charlotte, ?/. C . ...8.10 p. m. .6 >/.' iU COM IN* OOtlTM. |7 1 3f.r; Lnrt Charlotte, N. C., al 5.AO a. to. * Cnteinhte, 8. C., at t*.te " Antra at A(pit*M~.M^..^w?.*.lt P- A . Through TmkaU on aate Car prfcaaipal polnta North aad Booth. fcam ahaahaJ CkiM ?n?oiJp?? M?(i? N-?rth mmd tomttu . CALK* BOUKNIttllT, Bupt. ^ I A*? U '* EK? VAOtT THOMPSON OWW? PI8 ' *; FBOTEBftlOYAL tBRTICXS TO THE COMMUNITY. OmCK for M? prtMut at bta fatkac'a ? *> U?H, RutB?sf?rd Kaad^V ^ The State ef South Caroline. [;. . tMonrnis comcTT. IK tfct C?wt if Ctran P1?m fittUf (a &syg&i*.. 1 UiliiMnitwNAVtrMr 19*9, ?od M appaaria* ttat lb. W*wKii WlHtaa* Hiektoa U< Martha A. l&Hlwat, b?% yoa4 tb. HatlU of thte Btata M IbaJaHwJietioa of tbi# Oowtt It W %e?w# M otW.a of siIIItu a bt*ka wu|<?toirti bomioii, that nM MlMteUA mwm, pUad ot domor ttkom fro C. C. c. CWk'a Ofto., UU My, lift. A?( 1 11 t *&4