University of South Carolina Libraries
mom yr^Uhli, pim?l? pUa of IwtUtooomo flay mlleg~.n4 /oauiriod kmr 4?Jt to ntki tho trip, uj Vflgmf M* flfl' drod pound* por bushel. From flftooo to eighteen Is s losd tor two, and IWee'jr olghl to thirty fir* for fopr, nod nhout forty to flay for six male* or bormft Ai my ws|<nm pom rsjnhrly to and from tho kilo, K v:H old ray droitinf In purobnoo it tho mm* roUo 1 in SO oonto por bMhol~*lriotV ouk ffHodk^ Very reopootinlly, WM. A. AogmtUth. isey,. Boo AofeMRT.-A* N?MH. d. A. Sohrook. Mogiotmte, noting M Coroner, on Ft Idny, tho ?th tMa?p<>i tho body of Wr. Joooph B. Hughes, gentleman we'l known la thia eloiaity, ot wbl?h Inqneot (t appeared 4UI Mr. H^n and colored \x>y. Wad* Dfc, war* ooming to Camden h a wagon m that, aaeroiag. Wb*a a boat eight diIIm froai low*, a pia* Urea, which had bj aome manna *aught flra a?d burned through. Ml spot Dm wagon, killing Mr, Hugh** aluaaat la*taataa*oaa|y, **d mortally wounding * of |h* mulea. The wigoa wa* ahnilarad. Wad* t>yn mad* bit twtp* by leaping from it. [Omdm Journal. In Traa*. than* will b* *a oaeHInc ampalgn betwtrn Qarrtl Davis and Governor Hamilton. Upon the ticket with Hamilton will be pr*a*at*d th* nam* of Ik Bnuld* Baker, a* a candidal* far Li?uten*nt Go* crnor. Baker waa an *riglnal Unionist, and lied from Texad la oompany with Governor Hamilton. Among nhr laawaa pmaentcd far lh* abdtpalgn 4* ah* dlviatnn ?d i tnr Slate, General Da via favoring immediate divieina, and Governor Hamilton oppoa ing the anme, until th* influa of population ahall warrant auch separation of th* territory. r i amn* i Donations an id bo Liked th* pp.. .| ^ Church, beeanae Lb* mlnlater let the people talk baok." Lift of Ooosigwooov J???W mt lit OrttnvilU Dtpot, for the Week Ending Angust ltlA, 18*9. A Fuller A Co, M 0 Tea a, Henderson v Hie, HC; J L Southern; Gower Co* A Mark fey; WbtUaire^A Fergnaon; 8 Swandalnt J L Maw tint; Full ATboratoy; fttniin A Miller; O A.Ttenholm, Flat Rock, N Cf Mill. A Mo Bmjor; J )U J B Humphrey.; J Lentherwood, Woodruff, 8 O; David A Stmdley; C G McDowell, HtndtnonTlUt, N C; G.ine. A Itoardeu;'William. & Whltmlre; J 8, HcndtnoDrilli, N C; RarrDon A Manhtll; J W Hart; McFall A Thorutoy; J Mcl'hertou; J II Laanlag, Brer.ixl, N C; Steabouae A Terry, Falrriew, 8 C; CTennent, Flat Rock, Sf C; T W Davit; J M MeMlnn A Co, Brevard, N C; Humpbrey. - A Goodwya; A 8 D-inoan, J C Smith; J F Rtn; Bato.rUl? Got Mr. L V Farr; H C Grady; W J Whit mire; Hopklat A Thornburg; li.tla A BiVt; 8 B Malehior; W Bowmaa A Cot T B ArUtui> II F 8ow.U; K J A It too; J M 13 ok lor: J M Wc.tmor.Und; A McBee; 1W Riley A Co, H.nd.raouvtll., N C; A Whliirartt; W G Goodwrn A Co; J 8 Land; W C Hill, Crab Tree, N C; N F fiargU.; Dr F A Wall*. Coneigneet Tteertoei alike Sontkem Krpret Office for the IFtA Ending, '.BrK inM A Me Boa; *? A> L Cobbi J Henry; R R Rhett; Bivid I 8trade?; C F Watert; J A Broaduc; 0 T Biatoa; J McKay; W H Pot- i ry; J U McBaayer; Vr. B 8 Jnekaoo; M Melliken; R K Meleemhe; fl 8 Crittenden; L T Jenningc; W U Campbell; J W C*gle; Mill. A McWrayrr; II GlaaootHeury Moril.; B P Jone; C H Launoaa; JBImto; Ralllvna A 8m; T 8 LowndOTj B Wberto; 8 W Melton; R M Wallace; Mitt M Grace; J M Ronton; A M F-lger; T Stoen; D Horlbeek; Harrl.ou A M; Mr Fall A Thornley; B P Butto, Mr. Uaeb; B Manly; Wbitamlm A F; L 8 Gt*h; R G GU1atat J P Moore; Got A Camming; J F Kara; L J.nalng.; F Haba; M M Gain..; BUM Rryaoat Mr. A D Lowndes; 0 P Walwg Thaa Croft; Dr Jao Aedersoe. JOHN McXAY, Agent. ? -9 Arrival* tjt tlM Sonlhara HoUl, /"or A? Ifwi tndif Aoywef 17U, 1M. Dtl N Bellkeo?B f MoNIt, Ctm*y; Jama* M?<Mle*gb, 8 C; J 8 RtMtwi? Col T L Im-m, Aoidvillat A P SteM, County; T? I tally, Um| O P Wh4, ft?M< -villa; J 41 Hawthorn, 8 C; C A Ha mood. City; Wa Bp-ear?T W 8po*anr, Blodo; liio.a Powell, BwilMt C; TwjhfAwMiti Ooon- i ty; Rer T Urn an R Gateoet Yorkrilie, g C; Poll* Lake, JCdgefteld; II if XUlngUM, Baltimore; T H Howood, Koar York; LB BodaUf, Colombia; A am? Hook ay, Coutn John Buoy, Cooaty: Hawil GriAo?J J Goilmano, Union, B C: Rio hard Poeter, Bime; J A Towaiud, BOr'Joho K fToBa, OolwmUa, g 0 W BowoB, Ooontyi J W Boyle and Lody; MarietU.BC: Cania Q WOtlaaes, Kentneby, L M Gentry, Spartan barg, 8 C; J H Denato?, H C Oovfc, B?rMtry, 8 ?, H M Cowan Spartan barg, 8 C; G W Franklin, Low?a, 8 A 1 ..J JL? . ? L -J, PRICES CtRREST. eraucna wuilt, it ME88RS. MVM ASTRA8LIV, MUCRANTS. GRKKlOTLLB, B. C., itV IV, 1MB BACOB Bidaa, ? A, M A Aa Boms, * ? *? & St a. DAV\fuRI| WMVy Wf WmnjaaeM***!2BW BAOGIBO, Daadaa,* yd-.. a. BPR LAPS...... U BUTTsEaJA WboeiBil aooMaooo aoooooeaoBB A BE#* BI|iWiy>Vd.e,,.d? .A e^i&ll #0 f??&f WJSL ???'.? tit off ^ktawwtee^ " "~*~*1 tf^i 00 lkimfa^5nctiar55^^r s^s? * molami*. v ?jpk^^7sai?'? '2?X s ? ? ** cc?b5i ???inia. -^u^a:.::.::^ lillow, a k,... 1 " ??MB8ttEggga ' ^ t v-.^-'w * ' l T m i: f War ? a C?ndle-nj#k?ir rtT 'font and meat hooelegs of jnen t Beoaoae all bis works are wTcteo, ETkii bw rioted *+u to %hi. ? ^ * . * . . r?? "v * Poison qnlet .?J Um.hs^ Gold a-*. NiunJ>lM. W^.iTTto?W^f.St?t t? as 8fco?l<lm IS*. Ur4 ft??. * "* aveuerA. a?fM( 1?. t pnw WH%n tHfilft. with Ml? of IS liilrt niSflil; mlUiii| S4?ll. LiTBHrooT., AmfnM IS. Cotton firmer?optaods Mi Orl?? 18* J 18.WO bala* w-x ijyj.-iij-a.i-.a. r. fr?ui N?tioi ?Te iwilii l? v?it ml Dyt*. "?ubH Md BHa4 ? Nhr lo the fA?WwHNt of P. P. To?k the Urn* toaoafaotnror oC Umm gooda in Charleston-? Priori >M furnished on nppiieiitton. tf-lf Mlfim fcniMi Vast kkWtk. MUhodltt dtwreh?Rev. A. J. Stafford, 11, A. M? aa?t ?. P. If. Epteooprl Chureh?Ree. W. T. Pairar, 11. A. M.. a?d 5. P *. BapHat Chureh?JUe. Dr. J. A. PcoadBa. II, A. M. Prayer HmU*. 8 16. P. MfiWhyHrlaa Chureh?H?f, Dr. K T. Botai, 11, A. M.. and 6 SO. P. K. Auditor's Notice. THE TMatrlet A?m>ri will taka roller that tlin are Hereby required lo eoaeear a* tha afnea of Ike Coni ty Auditor on Wed M<l*|, the let day of September. J M. RUKIOTf. Ovualy Auditor. ' AnyIS IS S COHON TIES. T) BARD'S PATENT LOCK TIBS, wmwmrJ> piiwf fay mwy Tie yet lae?feetared. Tor neotaeea, etrewgth and durability, thia TH bra at equal. Harlng eoM tbeja for (be lajt tkrea yeere, we feet that we eaa oerdlalty re* eoaweod ftia to all Plaliiin aa tke rrtiole So waat. Tor wh he ' T V? UKO. W. WliiLiAMS A CO., T re to re. Charleston, AC. Aif18 IS im i Nolicc Ao nervoy giwen in all whom it may ?>? Hrn, (hat I will apply to 8 J. loulhit Pr?bat? Jud|? for Groan*ill* Onanty, on lha ISth day of Sentemliar ikx', for a final discharge aa Administrator of tha Katata ol JAMB8 MoOLUKE, deceatrd. W.D MoT LIT UK. Auiiniatrartor. Angnst 13th, 1869. Aug 18 13 4 The Eqmit&ble AaaurenceCompany Hew York City. CA8I1 Awets, Tan Million Dollars. Pramium Income, 81a Million D-dlaia. Forty Piva Thousand 1'olicy Hold ra. An mil em?h and par-ly Mulnal Company. Halt a Million Dollars insured la Chester and Union Counties. Iasaraaaa aaaiy plan, but takes aa wofse. insured nearly Twelve Thou rand good Eirks in 1868, a large portion of the*n belag in the Southern 8utrs. T^U HOOPER. Special Agent HUTCHINSON. BURROUGHS A CO, OmaatAl Agents, Charlotte, N C. Aug 18 - 18 .1 Executive Deimrlmrat. Lud CoaimiuioDer'i Oftlee. Colombia, 8. 0., Aoocsr 11. 186,t. NOT1CR la hereby given that this Office la aow organised, in aecordwiiue with tha law araallng tha sema, and 4a r?ady t?? proceed to bneinrse. In tha purchase of Land* the interests of tha 8tste will be aareftilly guarded It ia tha desira of the Coaamlasloner to purchase none other than good Lands. In Siuxl loeellrl? - 'L _ ?? ...i-.b, ?> vficir i?ir market value, and at aucb prleea a? the re me Lands would b? Bold to private Individuals irr>n|em?nU have been made l.y ehieh the Dooda authorised to lt? Imued f< r the ponhut ?# Lao da will ba eon varied to our. rency, aad Loads ao purehased will ba paid for ia etrrtMjr, The Commissioner invites all aartiei ownlag daairabla Lauds, ia do* alrable localities, tbhlof to sail them, aad willing to taka market prtoea, to forward tkelr proposals, giving a deeoription of the Lands for mla, iheir locality, qnaltty and adaption to the production of omtnn, corn, aad graina generally, with a view to the eommeaeemmt of negotiations for the sale of aald Lands to ihs Stale. C. P. LESLIE, Land Commissioner. Ang It IS S RESIDENCE AND STORE HOUSE FOR SALE. Mijk I WILL SELL, on very reaeonabio nil terms, lbs large BRICK HOUSE AND Kl. LOT, ea Mala Oroaa Street, aaat aqaara below theCoart Hoaaa. TbiaHoaaahaa ten Rmnu, all In peed repair, aad also the 8T0EB HOUSE AND LOT aew oeeepiod ho Has* A OachtvL 0. >. IEVlEB. Aag 11 ? 4 The State of South Carolina. , GREENVILLE OOUNTT. i UiKRirrS SALES. BY virtne of an order from 8. J. Dontbit, ' Probata Judge, I will sail, at pnblle oet an, bafrira the Coart Sea* door, ea tha let \ Meddav In September next, tha fcllovlu TEACT8 Of LAND, vb : All thai ntlCT OP LANE attaaM. blue m nm m (M Oim>| af OnmvIU^ m' ' 4 ASM *f UjvBKlAlm V> f-n nslMst <.f Wn Of MMMIVMu vrfOh OOUnaty 9J IIOII OI Jmm McOtlituk, 1mm Prencb m4 othsrs, * M4 omuIBIBI WM Nesrfurf ?*4 IMJT-NM Acres, MOM or bo*. BoM M tbs property of BALUS K. JORDAN, for partition among tbo Abo, all that TRACT OT LAND, oltnala, J lying and bo tog to mM Cooaty, on mIm of Brooby Crook, bo?dod by landa of Joooph Bdwardo, A Id rid go Oroon and others, aad con lain log One Hundred mmd Birtj-eir Aeree, t on or boo. Mill tboproperty of DAVID 1 W. ORKKM, doooaood, for partition among tbo 1 botro. i TEKm.?Tbo Jordan Treat, on a credit of C twolro months wiA intoroot from date, for all V sscoat go mneh as will pay the costs, which J will V o roqnlrod In cash, porch ace rf tc giro I h band with at boot two approved eorottaa aad o a mortgage of tbo premises to tbo Probata Red go, to ooeuro tho payment of tbo pnroboM h money. Tbo tfrooa Tract wilt bo ooid for b oaab. Holt ? to pay for titles and stamps, o A. B.VICKE38, 8. 0. C. Aagast ith, IMS. . ;?? 4 ? % A > S iknt U ywt, nkWh lU MI. Awssi !?*, 1Wfs *** ?* Hoaxes TO BUTIRS W. H. HOVBY T ? - VJ ? . m SELLING OFF SUMMER CALICOES AND REDUCED PRICES | TO HAKE "ROOM FOR FA1X AND WINTER STOCK. A?g is . is ,j tr 1 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLK OOCJNTY. B,8 J. DOUTHIT. X?q . Jnlgt Pro bate of mid Cou*t# \\f HZkRA-, AB*ALGjI BLYTT1K km I '? * AM a Petition la my (MAm, pr?ying that Letter* of AJminUstratkxr tva all and ilamilir tk? t:o?da and chattel*, right* III f diUof DAVID BLYTHR, lata ol U. C-ontv tfnreitld, dadeaaod, abontd ba grant nl to Elm. mm, tkerrfor#, to ?ll? and admnni>h all and lingular the ktadrod and eroK ilova of thoaaid deeeaaod, to ha and appaar in the Court of Probata for raid Coauty, to be hotdan at ?UU n . u ? . ? uvvrt nunn, nn the 8M, doj of jlmguat. ?'? ?/., to ihnw hmc, W any, why the said Administration shaald not be granted. | 8 J. DOUTHIT, J. P. O. C. Office Judge of Prol>'t, Aug. 17th, 1863. Aug 18 * . IS 8 DR. J. L SOIOMONS or OHA.B.LBBTCXT, OKFKRS hla services to the elMx-ns of Greenville and vicinity Orfice at Uie Mansion LIouse. Aug 11 12 tf STBAYEDOR STOLEN, From the subscriber. on Sunday, iaat., a large BAY MARE, black Qpiit mane and tail, blind ia the right eye, and baa a wart net ween the right eye and the mouth, also has gear marks. Any information given me concerning said Mare will ha thankfully received at my residence or through Plain Poet Office, Greenville County, 8 0. THOH. GOLDSMITH. Aug U 13 3* lotiot 18 hereby given ta all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Doathit, Pro* bate Judge of Greenville County, on the 9th day of September next, for a FINAL DISCHARGE as Executor of the Estate of FRANCIS TU0MA80N, decnased. G. B. THOMASON, Executor. August 9th 1869. Aug 11 13 4 Notice. IN conformity with tbn reqnirementa of tbo Internal Revenue Law*, 1 hereby give notion to all pereoua who May claim ?*? Still, Coy omi Worm, which were seised near Putapkiatown, In Piekene Coonty, on the premieae of Mr*. Bawa Tr*M*r, In tU month of July, I860, which were then being meed in violation of the Internal Revenue Law* of the United State#, the mine being in nay peaaeaalon now at Piokeaa 0. 8. C., to eonte forward and i nark* aneh olaim within Ml day* of the ftrat loaning thla notice. F. A-BOEB. Special Deputy Collector Sd Dial* 8. C. Aug 11 IS ^ * l* UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. THK next 8oeai?n wilt begin on Jf Hl^the Iret MONDAY in October, and eoatlnue, without intormiaaion, to iRv the ensuing July. AdvanUgea are offered at thi* IniUtation In 8tndnnta In Law, (the graduate* being untitled to practice in the Courta of thia State;) In Medtoiwe. (the Nana of Instruction being extensive and thorough, with two wrUtan examinations during the Session:) in Engineering, Matbematlea, Mental, Moral and PoHUoaf Philosophy, History, BhotTta, Bogllah Literature, Ancient and Modem Language#, and fa* thu various SeientMo Sohoola. Expenses fop Boaoton of aha naantha % ' Annual fan, 84.00; Library fee, $10.00: < Booaa Bank tan, $14.00) Tuition Ma, ; 1 for eueh of thrue schools. tliOOO , t-i.i? a. LW or Medieiae, 1M.M. Botrd ua to had < it |1I U $34 y?f mtli. By meeting, U will < For Ito toil hfcwni dtoi Oktphgw \ la tto Hwfrttry of Ito Feonlty, Bar. 0. Brace 1 If oik?. B. W. BARKWSLL, CtatoM of fMiqr. ?olambla, 8. C., Angnet % 164ft. Aegll 11 1 | rhe State ef South Carolina. ? ORKKNVILLK COUBTY. . , ,, la Cliiwry. IAMBS N. TAYLOR e*. A. B. WVWT?BfU j to Foroloot Murtfmg*, ths. BY vlrtw of to tointol tow ><? to m|? Ott to tto ton mm, f will Ml o tto Mgkto bidder, M Oma*ill( Ooart loeie, on 8mU?dmf to totolir mil, to rlLACT OF LABD deeeribed to Mm Mll| rtoi t 111 tbet troot or porool of Load, eitoaie to * treenville Comijr, oa wotera of Moot Crook, novo tto Mi loo Place, containing, Tkrm Imndrtd mod Torn Arret, wore or to, adjoto*g loo da of Taylor, Mooroo, Doaaldooa aad TBRM8 OF 8ALB.?Ooo half oaoh, tho alaaoo oa a orodlt of twelve month*, Moarod ' y bond and mortgage. Pnrebaeor to pay tor . tempo and paper*. W. A. McDAMIEL, C. C. C to C. 0 Clerk'* OMee, Aeg. ?, IMV. Aag 11 12 ? I 1BTI1 I T>T ^ti iw ^ ssr,?x.?K:r.atsS^i iiw.wmw* Taaat of Laadt k?WM? tffW witta PUm, watoblag M mm aaora ?i Im, adM*hiS laada af Mieheal Whitman and olhm. U?M oa aa thapropaaty d M? BaU-, Br., at tka ?att of Baaaa A. Idto aad dk*i?. Alao, mm dagta havral fikot flaw and ?m 81 War Watch. War (ad oa aa tha praparty at flaaton ftftr, at salt of fl. W. Aadarawa aad othata. A(ao. at Gaaaaailfe 0. 11., oa aataa day la aptaaibav aaxt, aaa Statttoa. latM an aa tha pr?party of (Urrtf B. Fnvirr. at tka rait truVtraVrauM aad A. Ha MrDarkL Aha at Dafeadwat'a raaldaaaa, b tha City ' a. Otraavfla aa Taiilii tlhr aala l*T la BaptaaAai aaau the paaaoaal piapaitij m tka Difaliai, eoariatiajr at Bala aaa. Watdfwhaa, i Talilea. Ckalta, ShddUy, Ceaae, aad aaa half! iahraaat i? aaa tlray Mara, aad yarloM atbar arttcWa, tka aaattptad proparty aBatrad hy law to ha aat of to Dafcadaat taMa day af ? ah. Lara lad aa at tha proyaaty af Waa. T. i snewnta, at lk? sett mi J. ML gaiflm lor another *1. Tito*, R. Robert*, Robert McKay and . w. t. nMuw. | Also, at Defendant'* Saidanaa. mi Tom. dar after *alaa day la September meat, th* following prranaal property. L? Witt t food atqIra, % Uheat*. 4 aomiaon Window One* Ulna, 1 aland of Drawer*, I man's Paddle, 4 omhih* Table*, I pair Andiron*. 4 map*. 1 Looking Olaaa, 1 W*?, 1 lot aid lop*. 1 l?? B?rgt?g, 1 cross aat Paw, 1 Oaphoard. 4 empty blo'aaaea Barrels, 4 rlne Box-a. 1 lot dag*, 1 otioa Plant**, I Harrow* t Wagon Pul-?. IS Plow Prima * Plow 8??cka, I old Wi'p>n B?di?a, 4 * aeon Wheels, t Axle*, l Or nd Stone. 44 h.*d Sheep in tka tainge. I ?a Blacks th Tool*, 1 D ak, 1 Cloek, 1 Tool Ch?a? and contents, I 1 notnmon Feather Bad. 4 Water Stand', | W*i?r Bucket, Bowl, 4*., 1 Mohuwee Hill, five hundred dollar* worth ?tT peraoanl proCrtjr baring been *et off to the Defendant, ivied on aa the property ot J. K. Stone, at the anil of David Andera?n, Kaeeutor, Nimrod Donnldeon and other*. Alan, one Tract of Land, known aa the Shock- 1 lay Plaea, containing 144 aero*, mora #r la**, I adjoining land* mt Mr*. Baa, Ham* Plaea, and | others. Also, on*Traakaf Land, Host* PUcc, containing 185| acre*, more of lew, Homestead t* ha ast to th* Defendant, before day af ants. Lev >ad on an th* property of Tboeaaa A. Holtselaw, at th* anjt mt W. D. Diekay and others, a. H. P. Pool and T. A. Holtselaw. Also, on* Tract of Land known sa th* Bay- I K* Frioco Tract, containing 140 aeras, mote or 1 lee*, adjoining land* of Mr*. M. Taylor, OIL I var Barrett sad other*. Also, on* Tract of Laad, known aa W. Frank Prince Plaea. containing 444 scree, more or lew, adiotoing leads of Larkia Cannon, Mrs. K. 1. Prinea sad others. Levied on aa the property of John W. Cnnntnghna*, at Ut* anil of B. P. Parry and others. r' Also, on* Tract of Land, know* as the Seth Pool Tract, containing IMS net**, more or lore, adjoining lands of J. L. Westmoreland, James Roe, Mr*. O. W. Tarpin and other*. Also, one Tract of Land, Uotae Place, containing 343 acres, more or lees, Homestead to be set to the Defendant before day ot aale, adjoining lands of Simeon 8tyle?, Q. W. Holtsclaw and others. Levied on aa the property of Stephen II. Pool, at tbe anil of J. Ramsey Bond**. Also, on* Tract of Land, known as the Alfred Cantrell Lands, containing 244 acre*, mora or tea*, adjoining Wa. Lee, Mo#e* Few ict Ann inwri. O'-vitu on ai the property of llwktT A Price, it the ?uU of Jobs P. Hightower. Alio, The Defendant's right, title, and interest in law and equity, in one Tract of Land, known as the Israel Charles Mill Tract, con* tainlng 30 acre*, more or less, on this tract is a good Grist and Saw Mill?enjoining land of J. 9. Sullivan, Klynh Tamer aad others. Levied on as the property of Geo. W. Hyde, at the suit of Jeremiah Roberts and others. Also, the Defendant's right, title and interest in law and equity, in one Tract of Land, known as the Ilendersvn Good Tract, containing 281 i acres, more or less, adjoining lands of i J. H. Cleveland, Lardnvr Gibbon and others. I Levied on as the property <>f Valentine G. Good ot the suit of A. Sloan Duneaa. Also, one House and Lot, in the City of Greenville, on Bauoombe St., bounded on the north by Lanrens Street, east hy W. J. Whit* mire and sooth hy Buncombe Street, lot eon* tains } acre, more or lcaa. Levied on as tho property of the estate of G. H. Wells, deceased, at the suit ot G. F. Towns and others. Also, ono House and Lot in tha City of Greenville, on the south side of Heady Hirer, Lot contains one acre, more or loss, adjoining lots of Green Poor, John Westfiold and others. Levied on as the property of Jane M. Berry, i at the anit of Win H. Ooudlett, Kx'r, Ac. | Also, one Tract of Land, on the Spartanburg Koad. abont two miles from the City, containing Ml acres, inure or less, hounded by lands of Rev. Samuel M. Green, Heery Mor ria and Robert Ward. Levied oa as the property of Thoe. B. Roberts, at the rait of Jm M. Sullivan for another ra T. B. Roberta, W. T. Shumate and Robt McKay. Also, one Lot aad Cottage, oa Baaeetahe Street, Lot eon tains | acre, more or less, ad- <i joining Heme Lot, aad J. A. Meredith. Also, the Heme Let oostaining < acres, more or lees, adjoining lote of Mrs. J. ASweod, Dr. 8. o. atnoui ana others. Levied on as the I property of Robert McKay et the (ait J. M. . Sullivan for another rtT. B. Roberta, W. T. . Shumate and R. McKay. Also, one Tract of Land, Home Place, eon* 0 lain lag 1M aerea, more or leas, Homestead to " be aet of to the Defendant, before day of rate, adjoining laada of 8. 8. Crittenden, R. Croft's J Katate, and others. Levied on aa the proparty of T. 6. Croft, at the an it of Hamun ' Beat tie, AdninUtrator, and others. Alae, <>oe Tract of Land, on the White Hers# Read, containing 388 acres, more or teas, bonneted by landa of B. H. Bates, A. B. Crook a Rotate and others, Homeatcad to be act off to Defendant before day of sale. Levied on so the property of 0. W. Mr Carrel! at the eait of Minerva Bradley, ItacntHi, et. aL | Alee, ese Tract of Land, in the neighborheed of Falrvlew Chare h, containing WO acres, t more or Use, Homestead te be eat aff to Defendant before day of sale, bneeded by leads of Jas. B. Savage, Jamas Danhar aad others, j Levied m as the pruptity ef Dr. Wm. A. Her- j> rleea a* the salt of Theedoric Farmer, As- r dgnes, n> Jesses B. Savage aad Vs. A. Bar- . rieo... Also, ose Treat of Las A harms as the Be- , mm Pleee, eeataisiag MO acres, mors er lees, s^jsialag loads ef Dr. Wm. H. Aastla, Tboeaas ' L Walker aad ethers. Alee, the Heme Plaea, 1 matalatogM# aerea,bmm erjea* edjoialng leads of Dr. Vs. H. Asstia, Thomas Aastla md ethers, Homssteed te be sat off to Beta* k Uat bedme day Of saief aloe, Mrs mesh Males, a Levied em as the psaaasm ef Dr. Themes C. I Aastla, at the salts of A* M. U Breath, Sarah Bha pmaa aad ethers. Verms oeah. Fettihanrs te pay for papsss tad stamps. 1 A * vrcveao " ? 1 ? m?* % AV?M1>0| P> U !> 1 A?(M U 4 I SUNDOWNS! SUNDOWNS! JUST RECEIVED AT miss WcKAY'S, ? ? LAHO* MUPPLY OF m IUN00WN AND IDLEWILD HATS ; AND TRIMMINGS AT LOW PRICES. J *'?g ? ? pi Notice. i A LI, partiaa haying claim* againat lh? J t\ RaUU of WASHINGTON NI COLL. 7ill pl?aa? preaeat tham to ma properly at ? ntw ; and all Indebted la ibt aama, will 1 ome forward and aatiU at onea. J DAVID B. NICOLL. Aag 4 11-g* Kxecuior. J LB I S S . '" MS"'*1' QKNJSRAf, JK K RCHANDISE, MmA l?Hti hr Mi if GOODWIN'S Celebrated whiskey, GRBRKVILLK. %. C. \\7 E wrt ptBpwtd ( >11 IIhm to till nrv d>? (air tkb Btfoinr AhI?U of WHISKY. TotKo-a wK? h??r Hard Goo.l win*# Wkwky, we anhrtiUlliiKly mt, that y-m mm* r*i, o? coding a pur**, unodult*-ro-1 lod article, mjmI to i?*nr ni|nd to thai ft>rm?rly mod* by htm. To tto?ao who have ???r im?I it, who want a raliahla >r?Ul? fc madia nat umI a h?althy brrerig*, *aa n?i H t>y ordHng dWW Na HUMPHUKYS A OOOWIN. A<? 4 . .? tl 4* T. If. ALLEN, GKKtliriUE. 8. c., GENERAL Aneliooeer a at Cooiml-nloB Mffehnllt, ?M h< l?and ?i to* OiOi? of T. H. ALLEN A CO.. lata H'gblowrr 4 Oo. All wtrtifUd lo him, will rearia. .trial (tUilioa. Ha will a|?o attend Salaaia tha(Vantry when applied lo. T-rma Low. Aba, a% Um St-Ta, can b? fonnd a goad aaeortroaot of Good* of all kinda. " ST0VE8, STOVES, STOVES, THE STONEWALL COOKING 'i^VTlif moat durable on* now In dm. Call and exaadaa it. and m different ulaee, from No. to No. I, MaaaCaalarnra of plain and JAPANNED TINWARE. All kind* of Tin and Skact Iron work daaa on iba inoat reaaoaaM. larma A J. BOSS A rO.. At tha kmtild Old Stand. July 18 10 if G. E. EL FORD, JOB PRINTER, GREENVILLE, & C. Office In Old Court House, Up Stairs. IIITII BLAIK AfcWAYS 01 FOR SALE. psieififl? IN COLORS OR BRONZES. ORDINARY PRINTING, EXECUTED PROMPTLY, OSIUM. July 21 9 tt State of South Carolina, <?DKENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Frtkto Coart. flTOMAB C. OOWKR, TRUSTER, . FRANCIS KLLBX DARRICOTT < L?ftiitiom for Htlirf, Jcc. N hearing the PeMtion In thU cue, and it appearing that Samuel R. William a, rhomaa A. WillUm. J? ? ? t. B. Davenport and Mary B. his wife, reside ?t of and beyond the limit* of tbis State ' a Motion of Itnei P. Moore, Solicitor Pre. et: It to Ordered, That they do plead, id. wee or den or to said Petition within forty lay* from this date, or the tame will ha taken n coo/moo against them. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. 0. C. Probate Ofice, July lit, I860. July 7 7 8 TIIE CASH STORE. 1 CALL and aee the Stoek of Goods that FOSTER * HUN 1 Ett are offering to t he public FOR CASH, kt Cash Prioea We hare tried the Cash iyetrm for Me year, and And that it ope atee to the advantage of both the buyer nd merchant. We are enabled to bur tools to maeh greater edrantage with teady Money, end ean Sell for Shorter *todle ta eewetqnsnei, ae we do not need n anake a ay aljewaoeee for cauUngeneUe, nd ean live on entailer Incomes. With n mail capital, wa aan do a considerable welnem; harp larger Steaks, aad aeeom todate a larger number of individuals.? Va iavite CASH PURCHASERS. FOSTER A HUNTER. Jnly 18 10 8m SORTER dk HIIRTF* . L' Ltiy* and didrahlr STOCK of Men*' id Boy*' HATtJ it extraordinary tow rioie 1 N EXCELLENT aaeortment of Ladioa*. !X Mia***', Ctuldrmi, Gent* mod Youth* HOK, at prleo* to o?mp*re favorably ith any Markot. FOSTER A HUNT Kit, 8LEACHED and Brown Cotton 8HEET 1NU8 and SHIRTINGS, at the low rieon FOSTER A HUNTER. 3ATESV1LLE and Buena Vi*ta YARNS and SHIRTINGS. For *al* by FOSTER A HUNTER. 7*AST Colored CALICOES at 124 <*?t* Z per yard. For axle by FOSTER A HUNTER. July 28 lo Snt | C IAKLk*ri>N AUVMttttffJttthJi'IH. I"K MULLipN, : iit1 wr -4*? EKER AT. CI1MISSIII MUCIUT. ficcclfliDodqlion iOtarf, CHARLESTON. H. O, HAVIXO am|>le mean* fc?r *m^ri4>*4 ty I.uf4nf?i. I ?>> At all lini*A pared bo toaka liUiil idviscw on ,, July U 10 ly P. P. TOAI,E, <am Ai&iLaswcDsar. a. ^ M?MbeUmr ?f UOOES, SASHES, BLINDS. - We III nW HAVING the largest and moat romptete faetory in (he Sou:hern 8*ate? and k?^p<ng alnmyn on hand a Urge and mutt eomntnte atoak of DOORS, 8AMI Ks, BLINDS, S >ah Door*. 8t<'?* D?><?ra, Shu iter*. Moulding*, A?., <fce, 1 am enabled to net) low and at manufacturer*' price*. N B ?Strict attention paid to alt pping lo good order. July SI 9 ?f SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. {Oftclol Orptm of the South Carolina Stan Agricultural ami Alrchauical Society.) AT aw aarljr date, the *nh#er;b*ra will publish the Amt number of a Monthly Magaii ne. devoted to the development ??f the material interest* ol thi* Stat*, and the whole S<>nth ; and will dietrlbnte five thoueand eoptoe gratnRonsly. no that every one may aee what It la before aubeeribimr.? iney into rid to mak? it the best and haulso-neat industrial magazine ever published at the Sutith, and they ask llir cordial co? operation of ??ry good cit ron in tliia >& tcrpriao, wiiicb tuu?t redound to the pubiio welfare. Persona wishing copies of the first number, will please send their addrees to WALK.K11, EVANS A COGSWELL. CharlesUiu, S. C. Mav 12 61 If TO TlIE PUBLIC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C., . _ _ _ SO LONG and sidy eon duel.d by the late H. h BUTTERE1 ELD, will stiil fc-ifnSifft. be kept open lor the accommodation ol the traveling public. And its former friends and patrons will find the usual accommodations and attentions bostowed on them as formerly, and the puhlio fwvurs, alriady so well established as THE HOTEL of I he TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, bo faithfully preserved. March 4. 1868. 41 tf PMiKNIl'S HEPATIC BITTERS, t THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, in ill mum or tbb STOMACH AND LIVER. van til uoommn it tii mbdioal faculty. HEGEMAN At CO., Aaxtrra, irwr TORK. ttaimfntared by C. F. PANKNIH, CH?n? ASS uvnacjjLT, CHARLESTON, B.C. M? Ay DruggUt* E* ory w*?i Kub 24 40 ly Hack Line Between Greenville and 8partanbar*. ^1^ _ tiip ?t 11 ? - , mn uuwnnfr r?* fully inform. the tth&WSp^CJfLi.ublic that he continues flSSSC9S9to keep the LIVERY STABLK at the old stand in renr of tiie Palmetto Howie, Spartanburg. He t?k?.-s thi. oeesaion to return hi. thank, to those who hare so libeially supported him, and assure, tnem of his best attention. In sddilion to the .bore, Ha haa recently bought an interest lo the Livery Stable in Greenville known as the tMnee A Greer old stand, more recently kept by Mr. James P. Thaekslon. Ilia Hack* leave Spartanburg on'Wondnys, Wednesdays and Fridays, with the mail; and leave OtcenvilUi ou Tuesdays, Thursday, and Saturdays. J. P. PEACE. July I 7 tf WATCHES, CLOCKS, Je welry, Periscopic Spectacles, &c MSap WiLTj'order an extra nrti<-t? [P J jMfor any person. Special Mini, lv JgStlon will he given to KKI'AIK. fine Watohc. of every description. Best references given. JAM K8 U. BLACK. June 30 6 tf &9ME A.I THIS QFEIQE,