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- fill# \)t iPBufytra Cnttrprisr. gr? ^i-L ?G REEKVILLK,8.C. WKPNKSDAY, AUGUST IS, 1869. Fttbodj Public Schools. The Pea bod j Schools were opened In ae? eordsneS with perilous announcements on Inat Monday, (lbs 16th of August) Th? eourae of study tn the Sehooh has heco ex tended ao * to include whatever it aeoassory fur entrance upoa the royaler studies of Furman University and of the Greenville F-male Collefe. The eiUtoes of Greeoville are invited to avail thiatselves, aa heretofore, of the benefits of the Rehooh. ine Male UepirtmfDt, nnd?r thtrft of M-mm. J. B. Patrick ltd W. H. Cmiou, will bo taught in thoGaillardSchool Building. ... The Prmale lVpirlmfit, nmlrr tliirgial Miss WniLDKx, Miss Riica Powni, Mim Gr.nta M. Bailkt and M<a. & L. Bctlbr, will b? taught in tho Old Atidrniy, and tho ndjaceat hnlldlnga on Iho gfounda of tho Femnle College, which la boing fitted npfar the purpose. A branch of tho Psmak Deportment hoo been eetablUhed oo tho aoulh aide of tho liver, tinder tho oaro of Jtfiae K. A. Waid, d-signed for the accommodation of boys under ten, and of girls engaged in Primary studio*. It ie earneatly requested that all aeholara designing to attend, begin now at the Commencement of the Session. It promotes better organisation and the regular ad vancenieut of all the pupils, when all begin together. At the opening of these Schools on Monday and Tuesday, pupils were enrolled as follows: Mule Department, ; Femele Department *2 ; MIm Ward's Department, 45. The Lsw of Dlvorea. Judge Ore has rendered an adverse de ci.ion in the ease of Jomv H. Walkro vs. Mart J. Wai.bkb, petition for divorce.-? Tlie case has been held under consideration n;nce last Court, and tha legal profession will be indebted to the Judge for the vary learned and able opinion in the ease. We have examined thia opinion; it will form a landmark in future eaeea The Judge dlslinctly indicates that the Court of Equity in this State always had tbe power to exercise jurisdiction in divorce cases. We have long been of the opinion, notwith Handing the uniform disclaimers of the Judges, ai.d have alwaye believed that a Court of Equity could aud ought to have granted divorces whore there existed the scriptural justification. It is multireel, thst Judge Orr would restrict the granting of divorces to esses of the most aggravated character, and he would not suit Chicago or the State of Connecticut, We regret that a copy of tha Judge'g opinion could not have been obtained ia time for thia week's Enlerprite; it waa received by the Clerk on Saturday averting, nod we only obtained it on Monday, after the outside of tbe piper was io type.? Our Inner space ia necessarily occupied with other matter, but ate shall eerta nly publish the opinion next week. It will ha found instructive and interesting, not only to lite b-gal profession, hut to every intelligent reader. T??r River Association. Tha Association of Baptist Churches knows as the Tyger River Association, met at Milford Church, 13 milea above Greenville, on Friday, 13th instant, and adjourned Monday, the Iflth. Rev. J. C. Form ax, D. D., waa re-alec ted Moderator, A. B. Woonnrrr, Clerk, aDd Taos. Strbm, Treatorer. The attendance of delegates was large, thirty odd ChareUes being represented. The proceedings were conducted in the most fraternal spirit. The Churches tent op a larger sutn for benerolent purposes than last year, and the plan of sys% tcmatic contributions was recommended to all the Cburohcs as a simple and easy method of j rocuring the necessary funds for promoting the various religious objects which engage the attention of the Association. There was preaching every day at the stand whilst the Association was doing basinets in t lie church building. Sunday was as usual entirely devoted to religious exercises. There must have been near three thousand people on the ground, and most of these were attcmMed at the stand in the grove to listen to the ser* mons of Rev. J. A. Broadps D. D., and Rev* J no. (J. La hokum, both of whom never fail in fining the nttention of congregations, and that attention never fails of ite reward. Br. Buoadus chose for bin subject the character nnd preaching of John the Baptist. Mr. Lam. | prim followed, and preached the charity sermon, from the text, ? I am the rose o4 Sharon,'' Ac., which he applied to the exeelleney of Christ apd the beauty and glory of bis gospel* The afternoon was devoted to a mass Bund?y School Celebration, which was an oeea biun very delightful nod instructive. Tb? singing of Appropriate hymns iu imtt in the bleu <ling of children'* voice*, with thoee of frown people. There were good auodey school peecbe* delivered by A. B. Wooded**, Rev. T. K. Uaimks end Rev. W. William*, D. D, There we* * little ever fifty dollar* take a up in the collection after preaching. The delegate* to the Association were highly pleated with the truly hospitable entertainment received from the worthy eitiscj* of the surrounding country. Whatever alee may have deteriorated since the war, i* is manifest tout they are not backslidden in the art o/ good genteel living. Next year, the Association is to meet at ^Brushy Creek C'hurob, 7 miles east of Green ville. J?r. Ft'kmak was prevented from preaidlig a* moderator, being kept at home by the severe lllneas of a near relation of the li.piily. Kev. R Jf. Wuilpe* scted aa moderator pro tem and made a moat exrollout presiding officer. When the hour of adjournment came, Mr, Whilprm called on J:rv. J O. J.andxum to address a few part ji g would to the Association, end to ol<>s* villi pre}er, Mr. 1 akorlm did so iu his liMpp} msuiiar, I redly glsuciog at the 4 K T,W 1 * i hietaiy of Up body. Ho Mid that tkla woo Ift ftirlydfck tmiioa ood tliit lo wio th? ooly torvlflng oUoiator who took part to iU orgaoiaatloo thirty-elx yotn ago. Tho Weathar ood Cropo, Tho rriora of dry kot woothor, after o fV* good ralor two woeka ogo, hao agoia wrought (teh injury to tbo eom oropa tho1 port of tho eoontry, ood oom will bo oo> I doobtrdly tcoreo tho aomin* year. Tho bottom laod Hi tbia region will yWM oboodOOlly, hot 111oat farmer* htfO but littia bottom, thooo who bar# oooh laoda will boouro of o big p< loo h?r ooro. Tbo prorpoot io that tbo pooplo of tMa State will hago tg Import graio largely from other States and although good aropa of ootfbo may bo madr? tbe dtMwl corn crop will mnke mm; Mtrat n nocounl of th* benvy drain for provisions. The tiim Is ?1om nl hand for preparing lands for wheat. It would be wall for our Carmen to remember that nearly every good yield of wheel thla year come from lead that wee deeply ploughed lest fell end well manured. Land that has been la oats and tamed over In tbe fall ie preferable to stalk fields for wheal in tha opinion of tl? perl so tod farmer*. Get the Walt pleagh. 1 The XIX Oemtasy. i Ik* : Tbe August number of this beautiful Southern Monthly is be Tore at; and we vest are the assertion that a Magaalee more deeply interesting in every depart mint la not published north or south of the Potomac. There ere no eve tinned stories, and every article ie replete with entertainment. Tbe charm of TAe XIX Cevtmty Is that It Is not dry. We have ia this number a raey personal theteh ef finely 8eath? I era Authors from the pea of William Uilmora Blums j a thrilling Episode, 44 In the Barf," by aa ofieer ef tbe V. 8. Navy ; the eaptare of the blechnde runner Margaret and Jessie; Reminiscences of Peblie Men, by a distinguished Kx-Ooveraor of Boat b Carolina ; Description of Medical Life in Parle, by Piuf. T. P.Porcher ; Personnel M Shoulder to Shoulder;" some pleasant tbeaghts about SbeHey, tbe Poet; a tele ef tbe Oredan Archipelago; and a srom of other good things eeleulated to entires tbh fireside, sod make men and wesaea think. Tbe leading newspapers of tbe North, evidently astonished that any goad eon corns " oat el Naeareth," have bestowed unqualified praise on the Magasiue, bare repabliihed iU articles, and declare it to be equal to be best periodioals published ia America. Let our Southern people sco to It that TAe X/X Ce?fary receives their hearty support. Copies may be found at the store of llnanuon A Marshall. More Excitement in ObnrlMton. Tho Charleston papers inform ns that the Savauuab 44 Base Ba'l Club," visited the oil/ the other day, fur a contest with the Charleston Club, in which, after a friendly play one against the other, the Savannah men won the game. The arrival of the 8avannah Club, it seems, roused the fears of another riot in the breast of Mayor PiLuauar, who, to prevent it,had a guard of armed policcmea to eeeort the Georgians from the wharf to the Charles, ton Hotel. The eiliaens regarded this as a gross and unnecessary annoyance, and th Mayor's remedy like to have proved worse than the disease. The Charles ton ians insisted there was no necessity for the gnard, but It | was intruded on the Clnb any how. About ton o'clock at night, there was a considerable I row at the corner of Wentworth and King Streets. The extent of toe damage waa a negro shot through the aria and a white man through the hand. The papers say there was no general ill feeling among tbe colored people, that the row was with a body of idle loaf* ars about the streets. Important to Farmer*. The August number of the Cttrolimn Farmtr is be fort us, with an nnnsnaily interesting labia of conienta. Tha success of this truly home enterprise has bean so encouraging that the proptietor announces his intention of eonverting it into * Forty-column eight-page Agricultural and Family Weakly, at the cloee of the present volume (Nov. 1st), giving twice ae much agricultural matter, per month, as at present, NiMN a large quantity ol choice family reading, and all the general news of the day. The subscription price will be only $5.WO, making it one of tbe cheapest journals of if* class in tbe country. Address orders to W m. II. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N C. Look Carefully on Our ytrst Page, On the first page this weak, will be found a latter from i. * A., Extracts from a California latter, and proceed lags of tbe United Slate* Districts Court up to Tburaday adjournmentAll of these are Interesting original matters. Our Dally Exchanges. We always feel greUlul to our friends who %o kindly furnish ue with their daily issues, our aequaintauee with them ie e# eo agreeable e character that we weuM beleth to give them up. Weeonnead these tethe public: New York fftrmU, fit per annum Columbia Pkinia, 4 fix months Charleston Aim, ? per annum Charleston Courier, " * Wilmington (N. C.,) BUtr, 1 - - To* FirrrntTH Aimernmcxr?H?s. John Quinoy Ad*ma a*id the oiber day to t Now York Sun " Interview " I think," ho replied, -that It will eaeke but little difference whether it to adopted or Boh It io iieonalatent with the former portion ot the Conatitntioa, end U, there* fore, invalid. If declared adopted, whoa the Demoemtle party eomea into power it will aim ply Ignore it." ? # t ff Bomb exhumer* el work digging out the eorp*?a in en abandoned eemeUry at Dubn que, Iowa, the other day, can.a aeroaa a ooffiii containing acme jewelry. A lively aeuffle for the | rlxe look place, end the bonea of the departed were iraed aa drum, atieka to beat each other over the head, and lire akull waa lint led wickedly after the victor i? the coLteat. M fli m m JH y ttf t*? vmu. SUW Bfatrtot Court, for thu Weiteru fuat Tim, 1M9. Aug. ' (Jolted 8tetea Court. Hon. Quo. 0. Bryan, Priding. | / T n* Court w if ouil at H u'ulouk, A. M. Tko Broad and Mi Jaron anowuiud to iMr uun. '*^o*ur nAttain* T? Baron tort 8. Augrtlou fcto vik and othoro, to. John Putor Brown cad Mb- >1 on. Bill for Auoucnt to dJrido TMto Bated* Bailor, Au. On ooottow of Mntot Mm* ' Ordorod, (Bad Bun. Va Alton to iff, toll I J CViWaul ItoitoA Halted Statoa to. Buwton QaakriH. Viola Uon Interna] Xtr?W Law, a* di.tlller, with- j at r^lai tyaiii tag. Defendant find ' fitlQr ud iIwm kttdnd M1m% m4 t* W hiprfaoMd ntm OMtk*. United BUta ve. Guilford Painter. Mag retail dwlwr witbont paying ipwM las, Me. j 44. Defendant pbtd gnilty ud nbaiid to ] pay lu rflllOt ud lapibwd ?te month*. The OnM Jury IWtHted into Court vilk ' the following bilU ud lading*, via: J frw BilU. United States ti Jobs BevU. DMUUUw < with oat paying upecial tax. ' United State* ti. Joka M. Oliver. Puibg J ountMfvit Money. IT* Bill* la following eua, tU j , United State* ti. JmI Hag bee. Purjnry. | United Statu r?. Stephen Bawaa. Illegal d ut111 in g. United Stat** vs. Ja*. Wright. RetaU Jealer in ligaw, without paying tax. United State* v*. Thee. Lynch. Retail liquor dealer witboat paying ipwhi tax, da Jnry He. 1 ebarged with thla oaee wiliwl the rerdiot of " Uwilty. E. 8. Brvine, For*nut." United State* ra One wagon and f borne*. Mined in pcu?**i*a of J. M. Oliver. Informatioa for forlbitM* for Violation Internal Revenue Laws, D. T. Corbin, Blatrtet Attorney. Monition and nrreat ordered, returnable on fourth Monday in November next. United 8late* ti. 1M gale. dUtilled spirit*, foand at AaLrion and claimed by Mr. Dbk. mb. On motion, ordered that tlm m b* allowed by P. J. Taylor Aaeieteat hm*Mnr of Internal Revenue, fur *afe keeping and eaetody f property before delivery to Marsh*]. Oder wee also made by the Judge to pay one balf to the informer end tbe reel to the collector, after paying all the eosta in Am prowling*. United States vs. Perry Roper end James j SlroiH. At'einpt to rescae property from j Revenue Officer, fee. 67, July 18AA. Jury | No. 2 were charged with this eeee and render- ( ed the following verdict, via: James Stroud, 44 Not Ouilty ; Perry Ropar, Uuilty on aecond * count. J. P. Ilitlboufle, Foreman." United State* v?. One wagon and 2 homes, seised in possession of J no. M. Oliver, at Co* lutnbis, P. C. Information for Violation Internal Revenue Law*. D. T. Corhln, Pro. Pet. Ordered, that Marshal aall the above property alter ton day* notice, and return tba proceed* thereof into Court forthwith. Batritdat, Ang. 14th, ISA#. / a Rank rvytcy. Ks. Parte 8. W. Rouijuie of Georgetown. Petition for final discharge. Simonton k Barker, Pro. Pet. Register's report read and confirmed, and on motion Judge algned order and certificate of discharge. In. Re Tho*. S. Miller, Bankrupt, Kx. Parte Willis 0. Ilarria. Potilion to act up lien of mortgage, A. T. Smytbe, Pro. Pet. Ordered, that the Marshal, serve copy of W. J. Gary, Assignee, T. I). Jervey, Win. II. Hoy ward and Jas. P. Gardner and that they answer la M days or this petition ha taksn pro eon lasso, aad that petition he referred to C. G. Jaeger, Register, who shall report after notice toaaid parties and all others interested. In the matter of T. J. K. Dargan, Bankrupt, Kx. Parte 8. Owaos, Assign*#. Petition for aa account of Bankrupt's Kstate U the bands of J. P. Gamble, and order there under. A. T. Smyth*, Pro. Pet. Ordered, that the prayer of the petitioner he granted, aad the Marshal surra the said Sheriff, J. P. Gamble, with a copy of this petition aad arder. Par tber ordered that the petition he referred to J. C. Carpenter, Register, to enqeirs into facts, with power to tnmmon sheriff, J. B. Gamble, and reqnire from him an aoeoant of all his actings charged ia petition and also an account of sale of property of said Bankrupt. Further, that said sheriff J. F. Gamble do pay into Registry of this Conrt the amsunt found to be due by him oa said sale, or otherwise await farther order of the Conrt to bo made ia this sees. Bx. Parte J. M. Brown, Assign an, In re. J. K. Pennington, Bnakrnpt. Order of refer* eoee end sotlee te Men credit ore. On motion of Was. 8boooen. Attorney for Assignee, Ordered, I bet petition ho referred to W. J. Clewson, Register. Farther ordered, that Assignee, give notice ia Lancaster Ledger osm a wank for three weeks to all creditors, that Register report lions established according to priority, end that petitioner hare Is are to mere farther orders. Ex. Parte B. H. Thomson, In an. 0. W. H. Logg, Bankrupt. Register's report oa to solo of property off Bank rapt to selfefr hen Cinweon A Thornton, Pro. Put. Ordered, thet report ho eeoirmed and Aaeigaaa and at path. ad by flmw> w< Aaatgnaa apply fitaaada af ok aa imoubmM by rogalar wl NUk tk yiinik if ?b rf maaSgagt piifw17 Kib)?ct to hrtkr order of Cout UdMfWMn. Allan Cotbraa and &. B. Cotbraa. K*Ma|toHiMtkrMi|4llt8> W without paying ipwW tax. Difciknl In default MU Aagaet, IMS. Qtdeiad. tkt gain Facta* Imm ntarukk tba Ant Maoday id fteptcaiber Mil VtrtnAT. Angnst 16th, IMS. Criminal Dotkti. Tho Orand and Pa*U Joron anawared to their names aa on Friday lad. Unit' <J Htat** *a Alloa Cothran. Viola | linn Internal Raranue Laws, a*et|ona St, 14 and It, hefng a rotail daatar without pay |ng ipeeial las. Defendant *onrioted a*, i loot Court was brought into Court for puniahment and aantanrad to aarentr day a int. ' prleonmeiit and to pay a fina of forty eight dollair. Uuli d State* va Perry Roper. Aiding and ab ating in dU|H*a?.dlDg aad r ensuing . i ii- m?m j?_.. ... ?lx frwah. toMMrtfflM of two liwfnd Mlin The Grand Jury rtUiifd hU ooort ?tth Troe Bill. . Uolu4 f*etee w Bool Moon. IH1M1 Moo towrnry jjo low. "Tjv* bill." United 81 >Ui ti. W. L M-rgnn. M UUotioo witkootpnTilp yei??t?K. ?*rwi Ron without paying ^ tSkSW-I United tetee to Tbomae Holtaelaw. Retail M? wHkout paying mmI*I too, ' MWiioe 44 of Aet IMS. D. T. Corbin. Die 1 lf> K( Irvine, IWmm*. United BtaUo ve, John lUrkt Retail , loelor In liqnor. Motion 44, Ant 1MH lory Wo 1 ekarg'-d with thin oom rendered Ike Miming verdlet, M*d Guiky." I Jk Bmmtrmpltf. Ks Porte Robert N. Lewie. In. Re. n?oe. R Bntee. Petition for Involuntary i Bankruptcy. Waltae* A- Me&tsAefc Qr* , Pel. OnUnd that PttitioMf Iht? Ihti lo vltMraw Petition thai At* flerk da ' mz tit* eoete that ha** awnttd ?ai aAer < led noting said ?mu from deposit foe, pay | balenee to Petltloaei'e attorney. Ex Part* W. B. Creight, eulwtlteted by I. H- Oat heart. la Be. J. W. fonwtt Ex < unfaaito* of wiln tan hi Itnlitun Bapk i raptor. Oil J. H Rio* Pro. Pat. Ordered, , that Jimw M. Daly ex-U ailed 8te?e* Commlaeiooer do eondueI th? axamlnatioa of all oeh witnesses a* may b? Inought liafora 1 bint by the parties at Wlaaaboro, & 0. Tcvdat, Angus! IT. I, (Vert open ad at 10 a'al?ok, A. M. Ex Parte Mi B. Earfo. Ia Re. Thoe J. Pwki tM. Pttltiui to nstnbileh Hen. J. M. Adams Pro. Pet. Ordered that Petitioner bare bare to withdraw hi* petition and that it b* referred to C. O. Jaeger, Regfeter, i to aoeeee ooeta aad thai elork farafoh W. J. < Dlaweoa aad 0. 0. Jaeger with eopy of , mdar. I Ex Part* Kdmood Qfhnore. Ia Re. R. ] C. Miles Petition to eetahNeh Ilea. P. W. , Me Master Pro Pat. Ordered that Petition 1 be referred to W. J. Claweoo, Regleter, to report as to Heaa efter aotieo to Ilea ercdit mo to prere their lion*. Ex Part* Win. F. Parley of Chest**.? Petition for f <al dleohafg*. Walker A Bryoe, IV?. Pat. Referred to W. J. Clawion, Register, for final bearing aad to re>?rt, A*. K* Part* W?. C. Keith, assignee. Ia le. 0 C. Langetoa. Pet It too for coo Armsion ol eeln. J. J Norton, Pro. Pet. Reerred to W. J. Claweoo. Register, to report > tfter giving nolle* lo lien or editor# to shew sous* why said sale should not be ooufirtned. Criminal Dockri. United Slates rs. Rich W bite. Petjnry. A true bill baring been louud again* t Dele nd en t, ordered lhat a benob Warrant do leeue for his arrest. United Stales re. Marshal Brail. WW neee. Young Simpson. Violation Internal p..,...., T - ru.imi i.v?. 1--. u>wa, vwinm) wiiiiwii lax United States n Jrritbs Newton aad J. Riley Smith. 1.1m Wilnossrs, Willis Medtin aod Elisabeth Stone. United Statu vs. Gibson Porter. Witner*. Young Simpson. Idem. United Sister n. Tony A'exander. WltsrtS-?, Jse. R. Smith, Thoc 4. London and G 11 Thomas Violation Internal Revenue law. Distilling without paying special lax. The following order was granted in each of the above carer: The within named parties having bren duly oallad, and falling to answer, it is ordered that Scire Facias do forthwith leeoc upon their rcco {oisancea, returnable first Monday ol September next. Tits Grand Jury returned into Court with the following bills, with findings a? follows, trim: "True Bills" In sa?h of thsas ansae United dtataa vs. Banjnnsla Cash. Violation Internal lUvuune Laura, aaation 44 Ml IMS. United Stat as n Earls Smith. Idem, j sections 4, 4, A at July SO, IMA United Stales vs. Martin Garnar. Idem, .saliva MA AaS I ..I.. OA ICM a, V| aw vmtj ??, icuo. United Statu* >1 Oolumbua Pal it. Idem, ec'ion* ft, ft, 7 and 44, Ant Jul/ 30, 1848. Uaiud Hute* *t Rich Lee, Jr. Idem, action* 6, 8.9 Mid 44, Ant 30, July, IMS Sentence* panted in the fallowing CUM, the Defendant* pleading guilty : United State* n Dock Sear. VblalWn Internal Kevenne Lawn Section* ft, ft, 7. and 44, Ant Jnly, 188ft?dintUlaUow <on> trary lo Law. Vol Proa, of 3d and 11 ooaatn Fined |11.0ft and laprUonmeat of fx month*.| United State* ea. Bird Henhrnn. Mens, fined ft) 1.00 nod la>priaeeat*nt of anvno months. United State* re. WiMUa HIIL Idea, flood, $11.00 nod imprisonment of nnrna MMt United State* ra. John (Ma. I dean, fined $11.00 tad laprinnnaeat of nemo t United State* ra fa. H. OwfWtt. Ob? trnetiag Ravenna Oftwi. I. I.B. %ii*( Ing^ and fnaan Blrnie, Bag, N tee ftiiw meat. W. K. B.*ley, K*q., and W. B Karla, Bag., for Ddtatat Jnry la 1 charged with thfta noaa ratnmad Into Oaort *Uk a rerdlat ol HetOaOty. X. 8. Irvine, fonaan." Tkt, ana MMfW the (Aae ef tha Ceart abewt ftve U(k ik* Attorney* for lb* OotwibmI, aad alao Umm for DMMwt, * great Ital of laterMl ?*4 Ml?| *u ukMM for Uw Mir 4mI, ho Mag iMiklMri a good and par* altlaoa of OnOaillte, for mr 4 y**n. 0en'] Koaloy was paaaltsriy happy la hi* afteete, aaohatalag th* aratenl pcefeaad atteattea of a mwM Coart Hmm with oa* of hla ooa?Im, lucid, and ologaoat appeal*. Th* J a dp* Ml the whota mm to At Jary oa a gaaatlaa of teat, ohalhor Um Defendant wm Mooaragiag hla aaaepaalaa la th* ohatraettef of th* Korean* Ofeeera. Ia upon lag hi* hargrc, with aaa*h eplrit he alladod to a aalaarable and wrote hod practice of ate* 'oarrytag eaaeaalod weapon*, it wm harharoaa that ata eoald not go area apon the It aaaal rootle* of haalaoM olthoat oarrytag reaeealod wm, on?, tepee tally la aeoaatry aow thoaght to ho entirely at peace. , I1 - ?x-j*bsss~ ,u m ' I ? Afassrs. mifcn By Mm M?<?W rf ?y frlaad, Um Hm. J>4ft H P. fwfy, I hWf, b*?n favored vllh th? privllaga of naAi| lt*W wliBi Mtky, " Past 8kies aad ?*hr* R^wimeeu la WrsiftcaUoo. bj a DeFlori" The sutWcs* is aadereftood to ba a graad dbagbtsr af Ibsradt sad f?od A*4$.jfcl|aakaad staaas to bars lobar. I pad ?>ma oftks graias of bar illustrious J Hoito?, As asprclmeo of tba humor and playful spirit of Um writer, 1 bag poo. MasIra. Mitors, to pabliab tba * Biassed " Sawlag lfeaebiae; baft. Uka aM Aba. U j=a pro fadslft wbft "a little aaosdeda," sksat a vary IkUa bay, soft (bras years aM, aad wka as tba erqari wH!' tbs'a, bj St has rwa of ftba bask yard aad ssssiiatisa wMk ibe * rsaaarirdatod," bad k wan aawlri Little Willie K. N- i% of Sdgefleld Dbiriet, atlb?ogh M any baring not yet MM khM*- MMUNM, felt blMiH qviU I little MB, didtlnid frockm, ud |mdj a?bitioocd >nnl>BL After much Importuning In whisk he vn bwM by Onwd Poppy, bin another pratand the Metmi; ?aleri el?evaee ehewy Beottieh PiaMa, ud Wthf Mi ib?w Mt, prates led to MMtMhm Ibwa by the ildofi ?wing iwsehjnt. Thn wrlurtad Willis warn Inelud to jritne? lh? prose? Willie being aea ted in hie high dinner nbnlr tad eery impatient lor the eompletion of the Job, when, enddenly, the moebine elope, nnd eeemingly no nmownt of (entering will remedy Ihe ?otter, end Wll lie. In the nnguleh of hie tool, exel tints, " Mother, won't the d-d eld thing woet f tie mother gnre the yenng ?nn n look of eetontehmeah whiob donbthwe rennlled the roeoUeotion of enndry switchings for fleet mine hehtt ef Inaeeent ew?ilng let the ihhd wne Inenpeble ef mnrnl geih eed ho inotnatly apelb/fied by enying. "Flea?, Mother, / did wed ye to any i* /" Bnt we ere detaining the render Are? the pemeai ef The - Dime el * Sewing Maehine. a a.t. The "Btoned" Sowiaf Machime " 80 you're bought n eenehlae t I'm ee gitd," eoys o Mend : Hew, for help with my work, apoa yon, IH fin Tim- if It will got thnrngh 1ho sewing, III wnevnat my dear, la le? than n weak, that an? took yen n year. Here, I hvongbt yon a? thtage te ran through, for I know, That with tboae Llf&d comfort*, its nothing V WW. [ left all for you to arrange and to haate. It's k to do. Good Wye. Pray ukf huh r A - trifle," nod - nothing," I wish that was tree, j jyi For sha will blank if I oaa't, norar thaak if I : do j? Showing plainly Wy look*, if I aba don't aay It patta. That *ha'a not *r*n ploaaad, and tbara'a bom of it right! Poople tliink my machine aa automaton, or That I'm one aywU, alaa they'd apaia na, I'm are Jaat winding it ep will not make tha thing go? And an imp?not aa angal?oft gables it, I know. Than I'm aeiroaa today, so I'm awra it won't ran, And I'te got aoakathhg alaa that I want to gat doaa. Ah, wan, tot ma oat It in order, aad aaa If it won't for thla amaa, hare aam* pity aa me 1 Snap ! aaap! oh, tha tonatea'a tea tight, I aappo*a. Oraah! crash! It'i toe looaa, by tha loaps that it throws. And thla efo Ik la aa at iff that tha thread eata aad wear*,? Bat than, whan tta 11 may, It palls thraagh amd lean. This need in is heal, aa tha feami wowt tm MAh Aa4 r?? >??il up Ikt polal of Ibt ewe mm lk? plot. tkli mm* be too largo? but Ikit'i earoly too 'no all? WW (u bo the Matter t It woot work at all I Tbo rbottlc it raptj, perkapo. No, It* aot! Tbo thread a*; bo oaaght, or oteo ooom to a boot. That wiry yloee ' tbo rory worst UW,? Tls baK off tbo rpoo), arouod everything'twitted. That* flced. Now, wkat broaka ft I Ioomo! Tbo loop ebook lo right, tbo hooka anaootb, 1 believe. But Oo ooo oeald oow with aaok borrlbh I thread. Aot oa to thio plotter, 'tie rpHttbg my bead i 'Tie ahrtokiog for oO,?I noaat toko off the plete, Dooo worklog work eiroyowo wp to thio atatel But where ie tbo ocrew-drtrer ? Not roolobod I F*V. With tbo guogo end io wrtaaht ttMAbj TtoU itM to In Ami, tor Ito wttog to mJtt torn ln| mow,?tia Mm, tlN, >Mt nm|k t iMiBtoiAAnlUMliii A^toA, Am* M aabaa, H? Tm maw wtom I ' 7 'twin mA i ThU mm to an tow, Art iliilAto ? ' IT itoto to* llmtog tortm >wmto? Ttoa baa* to to* laaaa, tor 'ito aUgy!^ araaaAI ml, imy totoiM, mmw IiwUm to twll rWto?m? W tow* wttto itoto In 1H11111 wmfct tton, r? tomtom Ito* wtoli, toy g It lag Ito* jark? toi I'm am k to wa (torn Ml tony* 6Mlld lUodt A*4 1*4 gat Itoroagh waeto mm, If I'* 4mm I toy baa*. Th? toaattag, m>4l*?? ?*4 *l?g. ? toi, Wtoat ItoM to Ml waata* tefrattlag, aa* taaw Ta my ttoal I * ?? Itoto bmIIm, to tea alM j IWtoal'f Ikatl I aiato ?lop for iU drlvlag m wlU. , ^ *"" - ^-?>? Hi I? Ma-BoanBonBi wlauu of your nlubU popor, to Mil l prooiM mod* to many of oar femora hat viator la dlffcroat Townobipo of tho County, la nferfDM to fortiliiing our iron oat and aafl wglnlif hrm Throo yoaro ago, 1 boagkt It} Mali Maw from l>r. Cartlo, at Dmnfni l>(tap, 8f*aUab*rg GoaoVy, aad applied It to groea weode, aawdoot, lotto* otraw from tloilmv drift** arafek, Am ml * oomoitwlm M|mm ||t* ttoao A* 0w >?| frf%oi^PW?w?j gfro^BP Vm- oM vegetable matter I* Ma rock etate, la order M deoosupoee the heap, Qaiaf aawh pleased with baa taanll peteh of aottsa, tha ant yitfaJ llhadnfo prepared la tha mni way, oa Boyd's Prelife Oottaa la a l?W there I had tha Inl quarter a# wapwt, tha eeosfrd, atahla sea awn, tha th rd, harayard, a ad tha fourth, aothlag. Oottaa, where tha atahla maaera waa applied, waa treat t ha W taatui ta let thaa aay. Where tha aaaapaat waa Bead, a early half the bolls were epeaed before aay other portiaa af the Beldoomweeed; the pUata, atoa, focus tha large qaaatlty of (hit, beat fori At araaait aaah ether ia tha raw?Whlah dlf farad frean aay ether seat too af the flaM.? Laab year I aaad 80 btMheh M af whieh waa bead before fraat va vegetable Matter, Wtf Aw raaniadar aa follows: Littered my bared aad aire jay aow lota every fo ar eight weeks with two thirds pine aad aaa. third aah leaves, aad after a rata, would apply Hme uatU it rfowallall a vary heavy frost; thaw, aa tha heads a?Id aat plough, hara soow to rake up aad pea others to heal aad IK tha toU agaia with leaves aa before; also kept my etoek paoaad at eight aa aaah. Tha heat oottaa re tha form la from tha fleet eolleetfea, heviag, I preeueee, mare rtaea ta rat. Will hara aUta, that a large pea. made of plae Ion fitting aaah ikar eieely with a aarra ar bsolo two feat deep la Uw earth, aad aa high aa desirable, la pleeel la the ooatre af lot la order to be oaveaieat, aad the bdeia to retela tho beet of the manage aad heap K from straplag altar a hard rala; elut have another built lu Ilka maaaar, near tha eprlag, and large troughs attoabed, aad after wash lag. ? ruH}r mwwm !* *VBT?J?U DJ PMIII WU<|M to difamt pwU if the pw, whie^ la wall lltUiW. h la fitia if, by many old pintere, tha* H la a Md aanlliat man are. The UiU, with ma, la eaty enpeHtoeatol. end having givea y? thro* jwrt experience la wnpatlM, wMI give aaw Mttla aaaro oI Uta experimental. Ln?t Spring, the htwai wara ahaoat wild with aalhaalaani a boat ?ottoo aaad?did not km enough lift at aay gla to riplnt my Hilly fields aad mw lad myself with littla over half a ataad. Did not waat much Qaaao?aad eoald not gat tha kind I want* ad. Paaifla, aa U was, bought no rapidly by tha planUra below, aided toy raatars in ablaiaiag a sapply, and kept enough to aoaaplata aad have all tha amp manared.? Aa excellent fanaar an the plaaa baa need Peruvian, Wando and the Vegetal or oa (ha same field, and reports tha Wando beat, aad Vrgetator next Thinks be cither oead too much Pernvian, or It waa a aparloaa ar> tiale. | cannot behave that Onano will pay, aay five or tea years la aaeaeaeloa oa anmaaar eropa?neither a wet or dry aaaaaa well do. Am aatlefivd it will pay aa torulpa aad wheat or other email grata, sxsept whew a general fkilnre, wblah ooenra pretty often with wheat. The greatest objeetiea K that It ia not a penalnent atbciulnnt, aad will eahaaal la oaa year. Wham I aa*d Compost laat year la a field that waa re i gravelly laad made an that portion, oao t thanaaad poaade par sera, Thie year, I , did aot maaara it, bat did aleng aide the aaaaa hlad al laad, aad Sad U la' aot aa rood aotlon w wb?r? I mrf CompMt Ian jmt, , baing la tba mm a)d row* At maaura art ww I?piwfi t w oMtlatrt that i 0?part wtUUrt imnlytm; ud wa proof, win atala that my wagaa* bar* rw> , taraad fcta limartaat Spriaga with ana baadrad boahafc, aad wywl to gat aaatbae i baadrad far wlatar aaa. Tba aadfaMrat af tha will dam bam alztjr jaan rtaadhig. fa wry thlak, aad aa aaak a Ida, baaa a baap 1 aoaw twaaty feat wfda, aaraaty Ira laag aad raaap aa aadb aad baiag alaatad? with a damp eart, wbiab I flad gatta aa fmprortmaat aa tha pwalag ijatia^ far wbiab *agg*H*a I am ladrttad la my frlwd, Alas. MeBaa, laq. I brtiara la tba aid aaaxlm, "Charity ba(fa* at bama," sad wW mggirt, thai iw i ptaatar* wlH graatly baaadt tbrawalvaa ai 4 tba aaaatry, by rpaadiag, thraagb tba Valt , aad Wiatar. fifty ar rtsty dottaw with Dr. i Oartla, who makaa tba wary bait af tba#, aad my aaa baadrad aad fcrty aa aaa bam drad aad fifty wltb tba paor bMtiaat batb wbfta aad idwii, who ara rtartttag or?r hi iiimii7 nt vim mufufk u4 filling wHSag l? work tor koU 1 Ptpi ?>i be?M, or fcrWwl ttwlr wfvaaoad Hula mm. It la a raty aaorra that of Iko yona olwayo alUr laying by too nrop (or mi oaf bant. AlwaaI My fcno?M|A^*lM?ia4|olor&H?IMv , M frooa Um kk, wtO aoM kka M Mad par baokal, or J?t at total boa Mataow do i IhI m| way -aol tka mooay wm to , ^?l Ikara lo bam mma Bona; aad Mo aaeoaj to apandt at boat*, vl aoaif book f tf kto to (Ma way: Ha too a aoaalt gwoall i *f ?* a?ro, koooo, Soon aaalanao of oar(bun, oof lakoaao to apart, fkr oMAdi , too fot kla Moaoy book nod oot laovo Iko plooa to apaoi ogato oM a arigkkaatog j oarpaotor. oadl aiigH WoatoatUk or atoo* makor I Hot baalal aaaplajMOdi* Saa bat* r tar tkoo koiffi kit aaUto till Pprlog u4 aao4 It, or Um grocobaek^ away koai iko oaootry wkara wa attar wQl again aaa it, * oolaaoHM ooltkar too wal oor too df-v, bat ( atrlgkt (or kl* two toaa of Parorfao to pay. Tka parUaa ktotftoi ?ka Ooaao ; um Spring, M4aiA| Mow M Mr rkat^wr?p^Mon,l.?.k. lag aow aoatkir, ood Ifwa do oot adopt f M*,? - V i" w; I % I