University of South Carolina Libraries
.. " r " r!^P^W?y? ffrai |?Uhl ta ow Manda - wh? ? kiadly ftwalok ? wHk ?k*lr dally iMM, our ?q?intoa? with tliera la of ao atrMablwwakaiaatw tfcal wa would b#loth W ?W? Am *pk W% command them ta tha Hbiia: , a Haw Ynrk ttmlA, $13 par urnra. ColWrtuU Phanix, 4 ill months CWlnaton S'nrt, 4 par annum . Charieston Courier, t " * -^'Wilmington (H. OL.) Sit, 1 " mat fwaaw it Harper** Parry, valued at fpvnral allliow of dollars, la on trial at Parkendxtrg. ObM Jurttar hw ' bench. WSlmpta* tort** jMitH and Hn. B. Hmlik and 1L Blaekbera lor . the United Statee. ' A colored woman, aamed Lney Thnrtoan, aged 11? yearn, to atfll Htlif la Kentucky' She wan formerly a eiave la Virginia, flk* con v tree* Ireeiy a boot incident* that Mew- 1 rod daring tho revolutionary war. An apple gathered in October 1868 aaye the Aahville Newe I* aoand and good the 6th A eg net 1868, this la good heaping. ? Preeton'a Lemon Soger, for ante by Feeter A Hunter. Naw Yoaa, Angaet 9. Cotton inn and active, with sale* of 18,000 bale*, at S3|. It broke *u<klealy alter 1 o'clock, when it was quoted at Mi. Gold 35|. . ? Bauriuonu, Augu*t 0. Cotton dull-at M|. Flow dull?aoporflne e.tO @0.76. Wheat firm, at 1.560 1.64. Mm* park 84.90034.50. Bacon?ehonlders 154. Whiskey 1.I6@1.M, Corn iteady?white 1.80: yellow 1.11. Acov?ta; August 9. Cotton dull, with *ala* of 5 bale* ; receipt* 7 ?middling* nominally, at 111. CuARLBftTO*, AugUfi 0. Cotton dull, with sale* of 8 bale*?middling* nominal, at 81|. LtranreoL, August 9. Cotton a hade firmer?nptanda 132 j Orleaaa 130134. Arrivals at the Southern Hotel, For tkm Week Sfding input 94k, 1969. O A Walker, Spartanburg? C K Fran a I in. O W Franklin, Clinton, 8. C; H 0 Corwin. Newberry, 8 C; David Uljrmp, Coke* bo rg 8 C; Canon Young, City; Jamea G Hawthorn, County; Felix Lake, Kdgefteld, 8 C; K Bacon, H Throe ton, City; F B Mo Doe, E K Mason, JoabMauldin, Piekeaa O. H; Jeremiah Loo per, Picken* County; J L William a, Spartaabnrg; J W Doyle, Penrylvania; Milton Of burn, Greenwood, 8 C; T B Cunningham, County; Dr K L Went, Marietta, 8 C; John J Cennada. Chicks Springs; W L Qnlney, Hamburg, 8 Ct E II Hamilton, M Nice, Williaasatnn, 8 C; P V Landman and Lady, County; 8 P Rntledge and Boy, Abbeville; A 8 Solomon, Augusta, Oa.; J Bryant, Spartanburg; Aurtin Wood Id, Cokeshnry; J H Dennia, Newbetry; F H Ovaley, Columbia: 0?C Foiger, Piekana; William R II olio way, New York: L D Itadcliff, Columbia; B F Hutching* 8 C; T R Mlckle. York; W A Millar. J W Fenlla, Oaonae; Newton Oambrell, Richard Alexander, 8 C. Srrcial Notice ?To parties In want of Door*, Faahee and Blind*, we refer to the edvertleetnent of P. P. Toale. the large manufaeturer of thoee good* in Charleston*? Price liat furniahed on application. 9-tf Religion* Sendees Rest Sabbath. Method let Church?Rev. A. J. Stafford, 11, A. M., and 8, P. M. Episcopal Church?Rer. W. T. Potter, 11, A. M? and 5, P. M. Baptiet Church?Rer. Dr. J. A. Broadne, 11, A. M. Prayer Meeting, 8 1ft. P. M. Presbyterian Church?Rar. Dr. K. T. Buiat, 11, A. M? and 5 80, P. M. List of Consignees* Recti red at the Greenville JOeyot, for the lFee* Ending Annuel 9t\ 1889. n A Canble; John WaatSatd; J B Rlrktcyl J M Weatmoreiaad; J B Darin; Q W Fletcher' Bhufordarilla, N C; W A Laaley, Piekana C Hi T Stoen, Dr W Wiliiama; 0 D Allen, Pigeon Rirer, N C: A M Folger; W P Paaauore; T W Davis: D B Nelaon, Forks Pigeon, N Ct flower Cox A Mark ley; Mr* Bllan Walton; Stanhouse A Terr/, Falrview; J H Allen A Coj W w *? w U DVUOIcmj UT TT U WTUi Johrnoa A OrtTM, Mill* River, N 0; C G Mcmmlnger, Klst Rook, N C; JBeta* A Co, II eoderaon villa, If Cj J C Smith; William* A Whltmlre; II Beattle A Co; J Catkey, Fork* Pigeon, N C; McFall A Thornier; P Canble; Morrla A McCanel; J MoKay; Wood A Ranter; 8 N Steve*)*, Asheville, NC; JO Beach M, Koidrllle; O D Allen, Pigeon River, N C; A 8 Duncan; G H .Id roan; J M Orotwell, Glencoo Will*, N C; 0 C Polger; Ja* Birnle; D B , lleyward; J M Bennett; K E Holeombe; W B HarrUon; BataavUle Manf Go; David A Stradley; J W Cagle; U M Smith; P 8 Rtttledge; N F fiurgiss; L M Hatch. Cotuignmm Recewed mi tkt Sonthrm Exprtu OfSea, for tho Wttk Ending 9tX intt. Mr* M X Gain**; L T Jenningr; 0 0 Folger; C G Mernmlogor; Ferguson A Miller; (lowor, Cox M A Co.; W J Whitmirc; Mr* 8 Jaokf *on; A M linger; J A Broadu*; N llowen; J M Rnnion; Mr IHrnie; Mr* J Jenkins; D Horl* beck; K P Butt*; 0 A A AUton; J W Cagle; Mr* M William*; A MeBee; H Beattie; J B Douglass; David A 8tradley; Mr* R A Clark; F Mr* K (lerrard; T B Clark bob; Mr* 8 Hatch; McFall A Thornley; Mra L Mwyn; W L Water*; J D Galllard; Mi** M Grace; Matthew* A McCall; W 11 Uarriaon; William* A Whitwire; J L Sonthem; Mr* B V Cleveland; B Manly; W H Bo wen; W C Goodwin A Co; Aug Kong; J C Smith; D C Andoreon; T R Galoes, L Gibbon; P MeCauley; Ja* Montgomery; MoBee*a Mill*; M Hendrix A Co. Tounutaient AWAKE, ye knight* of OraonvUU. The day* of TonmnmanU and Co*tame Ball* have returned. Yon am invited over to Glenn Springs, In Spaiteahnrg Ooanty, on 1st September next* to participate M ?m of the rrud at affair* arer glrn of Um kind; four apian* did prta*a la ba (Iran. 1st. Oaldaa Crown ; 2d, Raddle worth fort/ dollar* i 3rd, BrWia and Martin gala, wartb tawtj dollar*j 4th, a pair of OailtSpnM^.arorth law dollar*, with tha prlrilaga of arownlng tha Qnaan of l?ora and Baaaty, and lat 2d and 3rd Matda af Honor. A waka, ya gallant kalghu, and lank ta yont taada and oottumo*, and lat WraaarPla, the qnaan elty af tha aaanntala* hanr o* aotno at tha prlaaa. Ta Mr onaa af thla OHy, whoa, roay rhaaka and daailing eoetamoa In Oetoba* laat sauted tha kaarta af many to bow bafora you, ibay am Jaat aa pretty nowj go and ntdra yaw arawna, far yaw rlahly daaarra tba^.?4tep gprlnfaiaaTeryptoaMUitplasa, and a*5fWhaaga wa* tha aamnar raaort for hnndrada af paaplt. Ton wilt find the vary T haat af aaaoaodatlona, and to go will ha to fcr hara a planaanl Uata. TOM." Ang 11 1* 1 1" . """1 MHmlta <MMmd la Union two weeks d#> MlwsMn Bandere ead VJ? W. reatttlag h? tU Veandlag of the Utter <Udgerously. the difficulty originated In ?e tiling tho aCaire>6f an etd basloes* Brtn, in whNi hoik were iaUeeetod. - > A Cuntoce Sotctoa.?A men named Rthree U, ia St Loni*, committed suicide ImI Thursday, became tfc? sickness of hie wife rendered her unfit Jo support him. PRICES CURRENT. connncTBo wscKir, nr MESSRS. DAVID fc STRADLEY, MERCHANTS, ORRENVIbLB. 8. C., AUO lk, 1?M. BACON?Side., ft lb .10 Hera., " " 90 (5 91 e., ft tb IS e. BALK ROPE, ft lb, 1H O 1??BAOdTNO, Oenny, ?. yd. J8(?0?0 e. BAOOIXO, Dundee,"** yd.. tO(o>We. BUR LAPS. a 16 BUTTER, ft tb. 90 <$ 16 e. BKK9VTAX, ? lb .15&H0 e. uiuuKKnn, v bom, (cp zs ?. COFFBE, ? ft, Rio, ? ? S3 e. CORN, ? bathe), ? ft 26 COTTON, Middling, 28 e. K008, ^ do,en ; ..10@Ulr. FLOUR, V seek >4 50$$5 50 GOLD I 8?0$1 5?T INDIGO, Spaalsh Float, ft 0U@2 25 M South Ceroiine, 75 @2 00 IRON, "jft ft, American...... LARD, ? ft - 26@Xfc. LKAD, ? ft _ 20 o. LBATI1BR, $ lb, Sole, Hemlock,..35@S?7J ?. m 4i m .. ,.45(3)50 e. ? " ? Upper, -...T0$7?'e. w it ?4 Harness 55 e. MOLASSKS, "p gal., Muscovado, 75@$1 00 " ' " New Orl. Syrup, ft 25 NAIL8. ? keg. 48 50 RYK,y bushel -..-..-...I Od@t 25 SALT, ft sack, Liverpool,.', 8S 60 8UGAR, P ft, Brown, 15 (3) 20 e ? 5 " Clarified,-. 2O022J ?. " " ? Crashed 26 e. 8HIRTINQ, seven-eights, 7p hale,........lSJc. " M retail Me. TALLOW, ^ lb -16 e. WHRAT. * Vnthel .41 50<a?l 75 TARN, Factory, by bale,..- .ft 00 bun oh 42 26 DR. J. R. SOLOMON, OBARLBOTON, OFFERS his eereiees to the eftlaeos of Greenville and vicinity. Office at the Mansion House. Aug 11 >' If tf ^STRAYED OR STOLEN, From tbe subscriber, on Aunday, Inst., a large BAY MARK, black l-Hj" mtnt and tall, blind in the right eye, and has a wart between tbe right eye and the moat h, also has gear marks. Any information given me eonoerning said Mare will he thankfully received at my residence or through Plain Poet Office, Greenville County, 8 C. THOH. QOLDSMITIT. Aug It tf 2* RESIDENCE AND STORE HOUSE FOR SALE. ?ffij I WILL 8BLL, on very reasoneble II j terms, the large BIIICK IIOU8K AND BPLiiUii on Main Urow Street, next quart below the Court llouee. Thl? Houn bas ten Roonti, all in K?od repair, and a I ho tbe STORK H0U8K AND LOT now occupied by Ilart A Oombre!. O. U. IRVINE. Auk II IS 4 . Notice T S hereby given to all whom It may concern' X <bat I will apply to 8. J. Doutblt, Probate Judge of Greenrille County, on the 9th day of September next, for a FINAL DI8CHARORai Executor of the Katateof FRANCIS TU0MA80N, deceaaed. O. U. TH0MA80N, Executor. Angest 9th 1M9Angll 12 4 lost; A BOUT Ik 24th of Jnly loat, some where ,J\ within the City of Greenville, a POCKET BOOK, with the following eonWnta i One Note, for $40, on Dr. John A. Brood a?; one Note, for $29, on Jamee K. Dickson, Esq., and one Note for $20 on Edward Foeter, together with $26 or $27 la Greenbacks ; there may aleo hare boom several receipt* and papen. A liberal reward will bo paid fbr tho return of all or anv of the above article* to me. Tho payment of the Note* bare been stopped. 8. MARTIN. Ang11 IS 1 Notice. IN conformity with tbe requirement* of the Internal Revenue Lane, I hereby give notion to all persona who may claim on* Still, Cap and Worm, which were eeiaod near Pump kintown, in Plokena County, on the premises of Mr*. Susan Trotter, la too month of July, IMS, which were then being need in violation of tho Internal Heveuuo Law a of th* United States, the same being In my possession now at Piokem C. H., 8. C., to eome forward and make to eh claim within SO days of the first is* suing this notice. ?. A. HOKE, Special Deputy Collector 3d DisW, 8. C. Aug 11 11 . ? UNIVERSITY^ OF SOTJTH CAROLINA. 1 * TIIR next Session will begin oa t'" first MONDAY in October, and continue, without intermission, to WjF the ensuing July. mhr Advantages are efibred at this Institution to Students in Law, (the graduates being entitled to practice In the Courts of this State;) la Modiolus, (the eonrue of Instruction being extensive and thorough, with two written examinations daring the Session:) in Kuglneerlng, Mat hem at Ice, Mental, Moral and Political Philosophy, History. Rhetoric, RngIlish Literature, Ancient and Modern Languages, and in the various Scientific Schools. Sinenses for Session of nine . Annual fw, $4.00; Library (We, $10.00 ; Room Rent fee, $14.00; Tuition fee, | for ttek of three eeboola, $14,000 ; TtMloi la Law or Mod tela*, $40.00. Board mm be bad at $10 to $30 per month. B; meaaing, It will be lean. For farther information,read far Catalogue* te the Secretary of the Faeultv, Rev. 0. Braoe . Walker. R. W. BARKWKLL. Chairman of Faculty. Columbia, 8. C., A ague t 3, 1000. Aag 11 13 t SUNDOWNS! SUNDOWNS! " JO at RROKIVKD AT MiM McK AV'S, A LARQR SUPPLY OP SUNDOWN AND IDLEWILD HATS AMD TR1MM1NG8 AT LOW 1'RICFS. Aug 4 11 tf ti > J r- --J "rt'rt. IIT1IIR The State of South Carolina Q ORKEftVlLLK COUNTY". ^ , SHERIFF'S SALES* , tjV iMdfc of M dMer from 8. J. DouthK, U .D PtoMt* JU'lge, I iHB Mil, at public out or/. Wort At Court H?uw door, on tbo 1ft *"' ** r AU that TRACT OF LAND fttnate, lying ^ and being ta tno Ooaaty of GreenelUe, on #atora of Mountain Crock, bounded by lamia of ^ Jaoaaa MoCullough, Jcdm French And others, } and containing One end StMty-icfen irrw, more or leso. Sold n tbo profwrty of ? BALL'S *? JORDAN, for partition among tl?e * hair*. y< Also, all that TRACT OF LAND, situate, t? J ring mam wmg n wra voumj, on *?ior? in 10 Brushy Creek, bounded by land* of Joseph 0l Kdwtrdi, AldrMge Green and other*, aad eon* m tattling On* Jinndred and 8irty-*Cr Acre*, mora or leaa. Sold a* the property of DAVID W. Q REEK, deceassd, far partition among tba TERMS.?The Jontan Tract, on a credit of ~ twelve month* wUh Intercut from date, for all except *o much a* will pay the coat*, which ^U1 be required in ee*b, purchaser* to give bond with at leaat two approved caret ice and a mortgage of the premise* to the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the purchase money. The Green Tract will bo sold for oaab. Purchaser* to pay fur titles and stamps. A. B. YICKKK8, S. G. C. s August 5th, 1809. Aug 11 IS 4 The State of South Carolina, * GREENVILLE COUNTY. " In Chanosry. JAMES N. TAYLOR v*. A. B. HUNT?Dill In Fn relate Mortgage, BY virtue of the decretal order made by I Judge Orr in the abere case, I will sell to tho highest biildor, at Greenville Conrt House, on Salet-dag in Aentember next, the TRACT OF LAND described in the hill; vis : ' All that tract or {>srcel of Land, situate in Greenville County, on waters of Mu*h Croelt, known as the Miles Place, containing, Three Jfandred and Ten Acre*, more or less, adjoin, i lug lands of Taylor, Neeves, Donaldson and | others. TKRMS OF 8ALK.?-One half eash, the ( balance on a oredlt of twelva months, secured by bond and mortgage. Purchaser to pay for ? stamps and papers. W. A. MoDANIBL, C. C. C In C. 1 Clerk's Office, Aug. 9, 1M9. ! Aug it 11 , ; 4 SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VniTOK of sundry writs of Fieri Facia*, to me directed, I will sell, before the Court House deor, on Sale* day in SEPTEMBER next, between tbo been of 10 ' e'eloek in the forenoon and 5 o'eloek In the af- * ternoon, one Tract of Land, known as the Whit miro Place, containing 86 ft ores mora or lean, adjoining land* of Mlcheal Wbitmire and others. Levied on aa tbepropeity of John Bate-, Sr., at the auit of Evans A. Kelley and other*. Also, one Tract of Land, known as the Shockley Place, containing 140 acre*, more or leas, I adjoining lands of Mrs. Roe, Homo Place, and others. Also, one Tract of Land, Homo Place, ' containing 186 J acre*, more of less, Homestead to be act to the Defendant, before day of sale. Levied on as the property of Thomas A. Holts- , claw, at the suit of W. D. Dickey and others, 1 vs. H. P. Pool and T. A. Uoltselaw. Also, one Tract of Land known as the Baylis Prince Tract, containing 100 acres, tnoro or less, adjoining lands of Mrs. M. Taylor, Oliver Barrett and others. Also, one Troet of Land, known as W. Frank Prince Place, containing 300 acre*, mora or less, adjoining. lauds of Larkin Cannon, Mrs. K. J. Prince and oth- , crs. Levied on ns the. property of John W. Cunningham, at tho suit of B. P. Perry and others. Also, one Tract of Land, known as tho Seth Pool Tract, containing 680 acres, more or loss, adjoining lands of J. L. Westmoreland, James Roe, Mrs. G. W. Torpin and others. Also, . one Tract of Land, Home Place, containing 343 acres, more'or loss, Homestead to be set to the Defendant before day ot sale, adjoining 1 lands of Simeon Styles, G. W. Holtxcla^and ! others. Levied on as the property of StdQHlflP H. Pool, at the suit of J. Ramsey Bowdoa. Aleo, ono Tract of Land, known as the Alfred Cantrell Lands, containing 364 acres, : more or lees, adjoining Win. Lee, Moses Fowler and others. Levied on us tho property of naraer a rnce, at ice iuu or juUd r, liightower. Also, The Defendant'* right, title, and internet in law and equity, iu one Tract of Land, known as the Israel Charles Mill Tract, containing 30 acre*, more or less, on this tract is a good Grist and Saw Mill?adjoining land of J. 1). Sullivan, Elijah Farmer and others. Levied on as the property of Geo. W. Hyde, at the sait of Jeremiah Roberta and others. Also, the Defendant's right, title and interest in law anil eqnity, in one Tract of Land, known as the Henderson Good Tract, containing 281ft aoros, more or leas, adjoining lands of J. 11. Cleveland, Lardner Gibbon and others. Levied on as the property oi Vonentine G. Good ot the suit of A. Sloan Duncan. Also, one Houso and Lot, in the City of Greenville, on Bunoombe St., bounded on the north by Laurens Street, east by IT. J. Whitmire and south by Buncombe Street, lot contains { acre, more or less. Levied on as the 1 property of the estate of 0. II. Wells, deceased, 1 at the suit of G. F. Towns and others. I Also, one House and Lot in tbo City of i Greenville, on the south side of Reedy River, i Lot contains one acre, more or less, adjoining lots of Green Poor, John Westdeid and others. , Levied on as the property of Jane M. Berry, , at the suit of Win H. Goodlett, Ex'r, Ac. i Also, one Tract of Land, on tbo Spartanburg Koad, about two miles from the City, containing 56 acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Rev. Samuel M. Green, Henry Morris and Robert Ward. Levied on as the property of Thoe. B. Roberts, at tha suit ef Jas M. Sullivan for another vs. T. B. Huberts, W. T. Shumate and Robt McKay. Also, one Lot and Cottage, on Buncsmbe Street, Lot oontains ft acre, more or Uss, ad- i joining Home Lot, and J. A. Meredith. Also, tha Home Lot containing A acres, more or lass, adjoining lots of Mrs. J. Atwood, Dr. 8. 8. Marshall aad others. Levied on as the property of Robert MoKay at the suit J. M. Sullivan for another vs. T. B. Roberts, W. T. Shumate and R. McKay. Alaa, ena Traet ef Land, Home Plaee, containing 356 aeres, mate or Woe, Homestead to be set of to the Defendant, before day ef sale, adjoining lands of 8. 8. Crittenden, K. Croft's Estate, and others. Levied on as the prop arty 01 x. u. urate, m im son ?f Hatnlin Seattle, Administrator, and other*. Also, oo* TfffetsfLand, on the VVbiU Bora* load, containing MA acre*, not* *r leaa, bounded by lands of H. H. Bate*, A. B. Crook'* Rotate aad other*, Honiettead to be *et off to Defendant before day of sale. Levied on a* the property of 0. W. MeCarfelt at tbo *ftU of Minerva Bradley, Executrix, oi. at. Also, one Tract of Land, in the neighborhood of ?alrvlew Chnrch, containing 2AO acre*, more or leaa, Homestead to bo set off to Defendant before day of sale, bounded by land* of da*. E. Savage, James Dunbar and otbera. lie Vied on a* the property of Dr. Win. A. Harrison at the suit of Tboodorte Farmer, Assignee, va. James X. Savage and Win. A. liar IsAn a^O il# Also, one Tract of Land, known a* the Borut n Placr, containing MO arras, mora or less, adjoining lands of l>r. Win. ii. Austin, Thomas A. Walker aM others. Alto, the Home l'lace, containing 6*0 teres, mora of lets, adjoining lend* of Dr. Wo, fl. Abstirf, Thomas Austin and others. Homestead to be set off to Defbndant before day of sale. Levied on at the property of Dr. Thomas 0. Austin, at the suits of A. If. Oilreatb, Sarab Chapman and others. Terms egab. Parabasal** to pay tor papers nod sUmpf. f A.B. VTCKERS, S. O.C. Aug 11 12 4 ' i t i Viffln-rfiii i ri feliTiif Iannis i wHii. DEALERS IN rENTERAL MER CTTANDISE, | Ail Afuti fer the Salt ( GOODWIN'S ELEBRATE D WHISKEY, GRfcEKVTtXE, s. .ft. L7E7 E Are prepared at all tlm?-a to fill or- < t T d?rt for thU Superior Article of I 'IllSKY. To theae who hove used flood- i I ia'a Wliirky, we unheaitaliagly w?y. that | ?u m*y irely on getting a pure, uaadiilt> raid antrlp, eqealin eVerV re&peet to that rinerly made by htm. To thoSe who have ?ver need it, who +attta rfcliatdfe article for ( ediotnal purpoeaa, and a lailtby beverage, in get it by ordering directly from HUMPHREYS 4 GO0WIN. Aog 4 11 4* A Fine BUCJUV ANY PERSON WISHING A GOOD BUOOY? honld call on J. C. SMITH. Ail* 4 11 .2 GfcAU WM ?0Y?. \N OR BEFORE TUE lttTIl INST.. I IJ propose to open a CLASH for JUOY$. Otokii English, Classical and Mathematical. TERMS?In Advance; $30 per Twenty Veeks. Hours, front 9 A. M. t?? 1 P. M. I>. C. ANDERSON. Aug 4 11 2 F. H. ALLEN, GREENVILLE, S. C., PI EN EH A L Auctioneer and Cbmnd.eion UT Merchant, can be found at the Store f T. H. ^LI/EN A CO., laU Ilighlower A )o. All bualaasa entrusted to hint, will rei?iva strict attention. He will also attend tales in the Country when applied to. Terms [/>*. Also, at the Store, can be found a food assortment of Goods of all kinds. Aog 4 11 It* Notice. ALL parties having claims against lite Estate of WASHINGTON NICOLL, will please present them to nie properly attested ; and all indebted to the same, will some forward and settle at onoe. DAVID B. NICOLL, ~ Aug 4 11-8* Executor. THE f ASH STORE. CALL and see the Stock of Goods that I FOSTER A HUNTER are offering to iho publio FOR CASH, At Oaeh Pricea We have tried iha Cash System for one year, and find that it ope rates to the advantage of both the buyer and merchant* We are enabled to buy Qoods to much greater advantage with Ready Money, and can Sell for Shorter Profits in consequence, as we do not need to make any allowances for contingencies, sad can live on smaller Income*. With a small capital, we can do a considerable business; keep larger Stock*, and aceoni module u lurger number ol individuals.? Wa invite CASH PURCHASERS. FOSTER A HUNTER. July 23 10 8m L^OSTEU A iitJffTEU ofr. r a Largs and desirable STOCK of Mens' and Boys' HATS at extraordinary low pricea. AN EtJCCET.LRNT assortment of Ladies'. Misses', Children*, Gents and Youths SHOES, at pricea to compare favorably with any market. FOSTER A HUNTER, BLEACHED and Brows Cotton SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, at the low pricoe. FOSTER A HUNTER. BATEWILLE and Buena Vista YARNS and SHIRTINGS. For sale by FOSTER A HUNTER. FAST Colored CALICOES at 12^ cents per yard. For sale by FOSTER A nUNTER. Jnly 28 10 8m The State of South Carolina. QRKENVILLR COUNTY. By S J. DOUTIIIT, Etquire, Judy of Pro bait of taid County. IIRKEA8, LEMUEL O. SMITO has ? j meu l enuon id my umce, pray ing that letters of Administration dr bonit turn on all and singular the gooda and chattels, rights and credits of FRANCIS SMITH and A. T. 8MIMH, late of the County nforeisid, deceased, should be granted to him. Theu art Iktrtfort, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to he and appear in the Court of Probate for said County, to bo holden at Greenville Conrt House, on Hie 16<A day of Atigutl intl., to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. a j. doutiht, j. p., o. c. Office of Judge of Probate, A tig., 2d 1860. Aug 4 11 2 The State of South Carolina* ORKENVTLLE COUNTY. Jig S.J. DOUTHIT, Ja.lijt of Prolate of raid County. XtTlIEREAS, WILLIAM L. HOPKINS I f has filed a Petition In my Office, praying thai Letters of Administration dt fonts non on all and Singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of HENRY H. 8PROUSR. late of the Connly aforesaid, deceased, shook! be created te bint. There are therefore, to eite and admonish all and singular the kindred and oreditors of tha said deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probata for said Corfhty, to he holden at Greenvllls Conrt House, en the 16fJt dag of Auguri inrt., to show oause, if any, why the said Administration should not be granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J. P. G. C. Office of Judge of Pfobsts, August 2d, 18(19. Aug 4 II 2 The State of South Carolina* UUKKK VII.L.U COUNT V. la tka CaiVt if Common Pleas Sitting la JAMB? M. SULLIVAN ud others re. WILLIAM M. THOMAS ud other*?Hill to Art KrotipU, for Arrottnl. Hrlirf, it-e. TilK eomplalnaats having fled their bill In this cue on th* 20th dey erf July, 100V, end U appearing thai the defendant*, William iliekson and Martha A. Jllekson, re*id# he* voad the limits of this State and the jurisdlo' Hon of this Court: It is ordered on motion of SalHran A Stokes, Complainants Solicitor*, that said Defendant* do answer, plead or demur to Complainants bill, Within forty days from the publication of this rule, or the same will be taken pro as to them. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Office, 28th July, 1809. I Aug I 11 0 v*;' ffc <if ii* *t " a' r? ? , . CTOVES, KTOVES, STOVES. g. tllfc stonewall cooking RImL *** wl W&3 9 mott (tnrftltta &ne no# 5n um?. Sitll ?nd t^nniliie il, ?nd w* diffweni nit**, inn, *? mi (?Ui v aiouiicwren m plain and JAPANNED TINWARE. Ail kinds of Tin and ShMt Iron work dona im ibe moat reasonable term*. A J. HOy8 ft CO.* At th? Wreifield Did StaHd, Jnlj 98 111 tr GREAT mum. iixr KOSXERT, AT W. n. IIOYEY'S. 100 dozTladies hose, WORTH 50 Cts. at only 25 Cts. a These Goods were bought nt auction prices, and cannot be duplicated. June 30 HO tf A. K* EIiFOKII. JOB PRINTER, GREENVILLE, S. C. Office in Old Court Houses Up Stair Si MAGISTRATE'S BLARES A&WAYB ?Jf BAH1 | FOR SALE. raWiM IN COLORS OR BRONZES ORDINARY PRINTING, EXECUTED PROMPTLY, m *. ? . July 2t 9 tf PROSPECTUS, THE WILLIAMSTON, S. C.; jbl. mm. ? mw msi 9 Wm- A- McCORKLE Editor " This nrgue o'er the peoples rights Doth an eternal vigil keep: Ko soothing strains from Main's Sons Can lull his huodrfcl eyes to Sleep." V\7E propose to publish and issue aboatth vY 1st SepL, 18C9. nt Willismston, Am derson County. 8. C*. a " Weekly Newspaper, to be devoted to Literature, Science and Ail and to the political principles of the founc era of the American ayetefn of Goverhmen Its columns will contain original mntU front distinguished contributors. The sfee < the sheet shall eonal the " Largest Week I j In the State, and contain aa touch readin matter. Wa are pleased to gite notice that a dii tlngnished Chemist of the State has promii ed aa occasional articles, which alone wi be worth the sohacription. The Editorii wilt ' - ^ vr-?i wuvmu ojwcj ujitbvcr ui m independent choracter. Terms $'2, iu advance. Address. W. A. MoCORKLK, WilliamaUm Argus. Ang 4 11 Dissolution. THE Firm of GOWER, COX, MARKLE A CO., IS DISSOLVED, by tbe death Mr. Lewis Worthington, to take effect from tl first day of July, proximo. The business will be continued by the nt dersigncd, under the name and style of GOV KR, COX A MARKLEY. . _ THOMAS C. OO* fell, THOMAS.*. OOX. HENRY U. MAltKLKY. TIIW shove change will require na I CLOSE UP ALL ACCOUNT8 to tl first of July next, and compel tbe setttemei Of all ofitatandlng claims due tbo lata Firm. Persons having claims against the la Firus, will please vender them promptly. QOWKR, COX A MARK LET. Greenville, S. C., June 10, lftfifi. 4-8 Estate Notice. ALL persons having elaims against th Estate ot Mis. S. W. THUUSTOI deceased, will present them attested; an those indebted, are requested, to make paj I mcnt to me. TH03. II. TIIRUSTON,/ I July 10-3 li.\>:ouU ==rsr.^a?. X-". -X - '-LV1 _ X-?^a; Wf CHARLESTON ADVRRTlSEMKITrt. ri. mulligan: . AKD ^r. GE^ElUt eeHHISSIOI MERCHANT. BceetohioOqiioq UU^qrf, CtiARtiESTCJi^. fc. C; HAVIXO ample mr*n? fof eritolucting tn? tiuMnefff, 1 am at all liniee prepared {p make llbei HI advance* on Cotton; July 28 10 . ly "p. P. To ALE, y si /& is it. is s w ? ssr9 , o=, Manufacturer of DOORS, SASI1ES* BLINDSi HAVING tha largest and most completd factory in the Southern S-*tes knd keeping always on hand a large and ijiost complete stock of DOORS, SASHKi; BLlNl)9, Such Doors, Store Doors,Shutter*, Moulding?, Ac.i AO t I am enabled to sell lovT and at manufacturer*' prices. N It?Strict attention paid to shipping in good order; . July jj 3 ' tf SOUTH CAROLINA I State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine; (Official Organ of the SoyUh Carolina State Agticuitu'ral and J/eihanical Society j AT an early dfite, the kftbeertere wiii publi?h the first number of a Monthly Magaxiae, devoted 10 the development of the mateiial interests of this State, and the whole South ; and will distribute five thoui sand copies gratuitously, eo that every one may are what it le before subscribing.? They int -nd to make it tile heat and handsomest industrial magazine ever phblUhed at the South, and they ask tile Cordial ce* operation of evbijr good bit:f.en in thie enterprise, which tuust redound to the public welfare. Persons wishing copies of the first number, will please send their addrecs to TIT a i V f?t> rf a vo a n/\no ti? nt r IT AUlVOiV, XL. V AilO 4V ^UU-3 n Llili, +' Charleston, 8. Ct; May 12 61 tf ' TO THE PUBLIC; THE tAttLlON HOTEL, en a rlestoX s. a, SO Loifb and ably cbn ducted l?y the late B. L MtSlfffa- BUTTERHELP. ^ ill still ha kept open for tlie accom, modation of the traveling public. And ita former friends and patrons will find the usual accommbdatione and attentions bestowed on them as formerly, and the put?li<, | favors, already so wejl established as THE llOTELof the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, b^ earnest efforts, b? faithfully preaerVUd; March 4. 1808. 41 tf * PMHIirs HEPATIC BlTTtBS. ) . . * . " twpv mm* ti vkppuct a . A in) ALL DI8KASKS Or TO! STOMACH AND LIVER, tflCT AM KICOMMEfBrtl BT TO* * MEI?IOAX, FACULTY. HEGEMAN Sc CO., Aanxrs, jtb?r tojrk. < I- .. ?*? L Manufactured by C. F. PANKNIfl, j caansr and apotexca&t, rV OHAUL.KSTON, B.C. r Mir For &<tto bf/ ItruffffUia JEverytchcrr.'&l fc Fob 31 40 ly ! Hack Line Between Greenville and Spart&nbnr^. 0 fcfiW, , TIIE subscriber republic tf^t he continued l nr<1U/?'" keep the LIVERY STABLE at the old stand in rear of tha Palmetto Hotrte, Spartanburg, lie taked this occasion to retnrn bia thanks to those who bare so libeiaMy soppbrted liira, kna aesuree them ot bia beet attention. Y In addition to the above, be hke recently of bought an Interest in the Livery Stable trt 'v Oreei.tille known as the Pilnoe A Gfeer old etand, niorC recently kept by Mr. Jatne* J- K. TUaekstdn. Hid Hack* Uate Spartanburg on'Monde^a, Wednesdays and Friday*, with the mail; and leavfe Greenville Oa Tueedaye, Thursdays fcnfl Saturdays. J. P. PEACE, July 7. 7 ^ It WATCHES, CLOCKS, 11 Jewelry, Periecopic 8peetaelee, &C '* fLT.'ordcr an eilra article fri^SfK^ peMon. facial atten, It' Jffltio" will be given t.. KKI'AIK1 X(1 tine Watches of every dee-J ~ criutiuo. Bcift references given. jaMks o. black. June itf 6 If j <jes wusr. t D,0,NE AT THIS OFFICE. JAk