University of South Carolina Libraries
Pr Wr: CddnnBO to -rem Soon?Aim , ? WM AhB-Rw* Wa* Ruixnrr ~Mordereoe nftifc Km inlg eonamenaed la tyaaweleee ? Co??^ tlte Meat of many aaU-reat brolle j year* ago. It appear* thai a sheriff eed , pom were fired upon by a former, oa J Whosa goods tba officer attempted to levy, ( lor oob payment of rent The sheriff was mortally, and three of bis pome aertonaly, wounded. This le bloody Work, nt a time wian.theory of * Let oa hare paaoe" pre. vatts over the land?especially In tba Worth. Bat the law* moat be vindicated, aad tba Governor will, no doabt, take prompt mea ores to see that they am. In tba cm of this Violent and mnrdaroua reslatanoe to tba Sheriff of the County of Reoeeelaer, while In the perfet maoee of hia offloUl doty. rtf ' tr !l rr u [iTW JUT*S JOLWTmM<*> W-* . > n'H?i Tn liir or m Intra Church Bin?Har hi oat Qraetons Majesty Queen Victoria has rigMd til* Mil, which hat pawed both Hoaawof Parliament, and which disestabllehea and dttandowa the Iriah Protestant - Church establishment, The terrible bill U new tew. We Mnat now wait to tea wheth er or no the Iriah people will be satisfied. We moeh fear thatH)neen Victoria or her heira will bare to sign manj more such bills before our friends of the green itle will ssy * enough." Gladstone, Bright and Lowe hare, howerer, done wall. They hare work still before them; but they hare girrn proof that they know how to do it. If Pat keeps . at It, Johny Boll will do more for him. lie eew't help It?Mw York Herald. Smanoa Explosiom.?Last Tuesday night after all the family at MaJ. Ilalley Smith's had retired to rest they were startled hy the sudden explosion of a coal oU lamp which had net been burning at any thus that night. The lamp and tha globe orer it ware both blown Into inch small fragments as to look like they had been amaahed up by a hammer. The fbmlly hare been to the habit of using salt In tha lamp to Lnoxease the brilliancy of the light* and the moat reasonable way to aeeonnt ft>r tha aeeident Is that the oombtnatioa of the salt and oil generated a gas that caused the explosion. Eeep salt out of your lamps, salting does not at all agree with* them. (laei'r^M (ITjr.) Oheervsr and Rtporttr. Tan New York Tribune baa received special Information from Harana, asserting that the new Captain General, Caballero de Rodaa, has been instruoted to offer the Cubans the powers of self government; and, mhirruon, that the proviiloail Itidm of Spain, and especially General Prim, have baaa or are in faror of sailing the island to the United Si at en TnxCaort ix Msatox Diaraicr.?The Marion Creaent, of the 28th instant, aaya: Wa are highly gratified to say that we had, on Monday night, a good rain. The rain has, we learn, been pretty general; and allhongh it has come too late for many fields, it will do immense good to the orope. Tan Mills Hones, Charleston, is positirely to be opened on the 20th October, l>y Meesr*. Uao. W. Pauses A Co.. of New York. It is to be famished in all tlie modern improve, menls, with $76,000 worth of furniture.-* Board $8.60 per day. Canar Coax?Tha Early County (Ga.) News of laat waek aaya: " Wa hoard of a farmer trying to engage corn the other day at eaventy fiva eents per bushel?ho said ha would have several hnndrad bushels to dispose of. We look for It to be dowa to and plentiful at fifty cents about gathering time." N?w Tots, Angust 4. Gotten steadr, w,ti? sales of 1,200 bales. Gold weak at 86f^ n?, n A > m ""Su" * Cotton 88ft. Flonr firmer and in good demand?Howard street superfine 0@0.6O. Wheat firm?red 5 BOf^e.BO Pork 84.00. Shoulders 10. Whisky 1.08. , Aiocera, August 8. Cotton market doll with salsa of 00 bales ?reeeipts 8; middling 81ft<?88. Lirarooi, Angust 2. Cotton a shade firmer?uplands 12] ; Orleans 18(3)18], L1H of CossigneM* JfrmW at Me QrtmmlU Depot, for Me Work Ending Angutt id, 1808. H F Burgles; Lester A Bre'sj 0 0 Felger, PiefcenssiUc; Mrs J Anderson; SrF A Walter; H Beettie A Co; 0 0 A M; Oalnee A Beerden; J C Breathers A Son, Way near Ills, N C; O W Fletcher, Bhufordsville, N C; W W OUreath A Co, Wew Piokens; McFall A Thoroly, Mew Piekena; Bowden, Ooodlett A Co, Qowensrille; B teahouse A Terry, Fairs lew; T L Boatman, Re id rills; A 8 Da-can; J W Ripley A Co, llendersonrUle, N C; TSteea; J L .Southern; J M Tarry, Fairs lew; J Mitchell; Barton A Harrison; Ferguson A Miller; J C Smith; Jno McKay; C O McDowell, Hendersonsille, N C; Foster A ITunter; H G Mark lay; Coward. * <th A Co, Richland Valley, M C; R W is; Johnson A Groses, Mills R vsr, NCjS.udA Btradlcy; J B Beehanan, Hsndsrtonsllle, N t'l Hopkins A Thorn berg; J Cathay, Forks Pigeon, N Cj Wood A Hunter; 8 N Stesens, Ashes ilia, M C; Jnstna A Oe, Henderson sille, M C; W F Theckston; W L Waters; J R Long, Richland VnUey, M C; J F GUnath; Bnlltran A Ben; T H Allen A Ooi W P Pasamore; liatoeriUa Manf Co; i W Baric; H M Smith; i W Cagla; Wa Mo Dade; T W Darls; T B Ferguson; V MeBee; A MeBee; Wllllaase A JOHN lfcXAT, Agrat. OmmCmmm JbotM at Ckt SkmiJum Kspr?aa Ofa jqr tk0 W**k Ending Id mat O O M A Ov. Wdkt Kr J Viltkiwr; Moo aa Hulill, D Horlb+ek; H D Lowndw; J O iMtk; Hid fSillfr, Williams A W; J D OaUiard; John MeKsr; W P Piiwo^ L O BoUfor: Mmoo 4 Griffin; 4,? U Prior, J MitchsU; J 0 Bailey; T J MahaffVy; J N OfN?; J w Omlo Dwld 4 Btradlay; Mr* A CUdviHi H T TbooMooj TO Hoapar; 0 P Wat art; 4 MaBae; MeBaea' Bill* W F Tbaxton; L Jennings; H M Brysoa; J K Bo rmD 8 Bradtlf: L Cobb; 0 W (WUn; J 0 Doatdcon; Mils 4 Vleli; Whilmtra 4 Fargnaon; J L South art; W L W-?Urr. J M 1U>UR II A KoKoy; 0 Pooh F 4 Waltar. A A notar I 1 OoBoroa; L* wis &?atbarn; W T 8b?m*os T Q Donaldson; R McKay; Dr T O Crt/t, U M.llik.a; J M RodIop; K 8 i Kr OiotalaoA. ^TToWC MAY, Agrat ?*? i 1 ~ Airtnb eft she kuktn lOI, f*r tk. W~k Sndin, Awgm? M, 1M*. V W Sharp*. Da* Wset, 8 C, B H Laud. Augusta, 0*; Pell* Lake, Bdgefield, 8 C: T A Hndd ud LM; sad two Children, Do* Weet; 8 B UilHcsalOkarlMtMi J TtmmI, Counl]P| T D Gwyn, Long Branch; John Williams, BpirUsbarn J A Townwod, 8 C j J L Msoldin, Wllliamston; J Q Isxktnw, County: M Day, Anderson; OKC Norwood, Richmond, Vs; Y 0 Lipscomb, Nlnty-six; H W Lelmnd, Nlnty-six; B Joynsr, Colombia; Bd HamllUa, WUliamfto*; Jaoob W Doyle and Lady, RichmotuLVa* Capt GriStha, New Pickens, 8 C; 8 J King, Anderson; J BratnleUe, County; George Butler, Bdgefield; H M Tamer, Bpsrtenburg; J H Morgan, Spartanburg; John K Dickson; Philadelphia; G W Sherad, Anderson, S H Dates, CoUQty; K B Mason, Piokans; Lewis ermiher.tWalhalla; 8 1 Clary, Pickens; B A Haskell and son, utnns, C H; E Ramsay, Florida; R W Boone, Asheville, N C; John Dsrenport, Asherllle, N C; T J Blford, opirwiourg. SrrctAL Notic* ?To partita tn want of Door*, fuhN and B'lnds, we refer fo I he advertisement of P. P. Toafe. the large manufacturer of thoee goods iu Charleston*? Price list furnished on application. 9-tf Religious Services Hast Sabbath. Meibodtat Church?Her. A. J. Stafford, :i, A. Mn and 8. P. II. Rplseopal Church?Rev. W. T. Potter, 11. A. M.. and 0, P. M. Baptist Church?Rer. Dr. J. A. Broadua, U, A. M. Prayer Moeliog, 8 10, P. M. Presbyterian Churah?Rer. Dr. K T. Bulat, 11, A. M., and ? 80, P. M. P?ICGS CURRENT, oonnaorao wrbklt, it MESSRS. DAVID & STRAOLEV, MERCHANTS GRKENVILLB, S. C., AUG 8, I860. BACON?Sides, V lb,. 20 (3 28 e llama, " 44 20 (ft 22 e Sbouldere, V tt>, 18 c BALK BOPK. V lb I2| @ lie BAGGING, Gunny, B, yd...... 28(330 e GAGGING, Dundee, W yd.. 20(322 o BUR LAPS, BUTTKR, VI lb, 20 (?) 25 e BEESWAX, V lb >25(380 r CHICKENS, V head >.15 (a) 25 ? COFFEE. ? lb, Rio. *5 (ft S3 ? CORN, V bushel, $1 2 COTTON. Middling, 28 ? EGGS, V dosen 10(3124 < FLOUR, V "Mb, " A4 50(385 5 GOLD 81 88(381 8 INDIGO, Spanish Float, 82 00(32 2 " South Carolina, 81 76(32 0 IRON, V lb, American, 7i(3R< LARD, V lb 25fi?i30, LEAD, V lb ?20 c LEATHER, V lb, Sole, Hemlock,..85@374 < ? a *t 44 Oak ..45(0 50 ? ." " 44 Upper, >...70(375 < " " 44 Harness 55 < MOLASSES, V gal-. Muscovado, 75@81 0 ? " " New Orl. Syrup, 81 2 NAILS, fi keg :....88 6 RYE, bushel, _..l 00(31 2 8ALT, V sack. Liverpool, .....88 6' SUGAR, V lb, Brown, 15 (3 20 < " " " Clarified,... 20(u>224 ? " 44 44 Crashed 25 < SHIRTINQ. slven-eights, bale, 1?4< - ? retail - 16 < TALLOW, # lb .. 15 ? WHEAT. # bushel $1 S0@$l 1 YARN, Factory, by bale,- -$3 0 " " bunch $2 2 Weep Hot. Lisas to A roan Mornait. Weep not for mo, my fond Mama, I've left thia world of ain and pain { Weep not for me, my aweet Mama, Nor wish your Tommis back again. Weep not for me, my dear Mama, I'm bappy, and most sweetly rest My aching bead?'tis easy now. Pillowed on my Sariour'a breast. Weep not for me, my swset Mama : Though short with yon my stay bad been I suffer'd many weary days? Tho' your loss, is my greatest gain. Weep not for me, my loy'd Mama, Do not think me dead, but sleeping; Hare early gone to join the throng Which dear Jeans has In keeping. Weep not for as, thon fond Mama, Year four angels are in n*aven; Ood lent na to yon for a day } Has taken what Ho had given. Weep not for me kind, dear Papa, Tho' greatly I am miss'd by you | My sisters and fond brothers, too, a long rarewcn?aaiou i aaieu i A FINE BVCIOY ANY PERSON WISHING A GOOD BUGGY, Should call on J. C. SMITIT. Aug 4 11 2 CLASS iPOl BOTS. ON OR BEFORE THE 14TH INST. 1 propoM to op?n CLAB8 for BOYS OopatfB. Englifh, CUcaieal and MatkMnitiMl. TERMS?Id Adrano*; |M p?r Tweln Woaka. Hours, frooi 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. D. 0. ANDERSON. A tig 4 11 2 SUNDOWNS! SUNDOWNS! JUST RECEIVED AT Miss McKAY'S, A LARGE SUPPLY OP SUNDOWN AND IDLEWILD HATS AND TRIMMINGS AT LOW PRICES. Aug 4 II U iiiPiiii & sunn. DEALERS IN QjCNBRAL MERCHANTDISK A>4 ipaU for Uo Solo of ?oo4wi*'i Colobrotod mmr mm m mm mml. "w 9 GREENVILLE, 8. 0. WE or# proporod it oil tlmra to All or dm for thio 80potior Artloio o WHISKY. To Ukwo who hot* o**d Goo J wia'i Wbiikj, wo unhoaiUtlngly My, thoi yoo moy roly on gotting 0 poro, unodalUro lod ortiolo, Njail In ovtry roopoot to thol formerly modo by hhn. To thooo who h??< ooror oood it, who wool o rolioblo ortiol* foi modtotool porpoooo. Mil o boolthr botorogo MO got it 'J ordering dir*?Aly from HUMPHREY A OOOWIN. Aug 4 11 4* IITDIII JT. H. ALLEN, GREENVILLE, S. C., /^.UfKRAL Atxtigattr and CotnotLaion " Merchant, ean be found at tha Store of T. II. ALLEN A CO., late Hifblower A Co. All boaineea entraeted to him, will receive ?triot attention. Ha will alto attend Saleeia the Country when applied to. TVrme Low. Alao, at the 8tore, ean be found a good aaeortment of Qooda of all kiada. A?? 4 it U? Valine. ALT. ptrtlri having claims agalnat the K'lnte of WASHINGTON NIOOLL, will i>l?ur preeent thsm to mo properly attested ; and all indebted to tha same, will eome forward and tattle at once. DAVID B. MOOTX, Ang 4 11-8* Bseeutor. The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Bp 8 J. D OUT HIT, Etqmrt, Judy* of Probait of amid Ooamty. WHF.REAS, LEMUEL O. SMITH haa filed a Petition In my Offioe, pray Ing that Letters of Administration de botia now on all and elngnlar the goods and chattel#, rights and credits of FRANCIS SMITH and A. T. SMI VIII, lata of the County aforesaid, deceased, shotild ba granted to him. Three art th err fort, to olte and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors , of the said deceased, to be and appear in tha Court of Prol?te for said County, to ba , hoi den at Green villa Court Ilouee, on tha 14fA dap of Aufmoi two/., to show cause, if , any, why the said Administration should not ba granted. 8. J. DOUTHTT, J. P., G. C. Office of Judge of Probate, Aug.,. 2d 1869. Aug 4 II 2 I ** The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. . By S. J. DOUTI!IT, Eeq., Judge of Probate WUERBAT WILLIAM L. HOPKINS yy has filed a Petition in my Ofioe, pray. ing that Letters of Administration de bouie V torn on all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of IIENH.Y 11. 8PK0U8E, .. late of the County aforesaid, deoeased, should t, be granted to him. i. These are (here/hre, to cite and admonish all 5 and singular the kindred and creditors of the i. said deoeased, to be and appear in the Court !. of Vrobate for said County, to be holden at 0 Greenville Court House, on the 16th day of 1 I Auguet {net., to show eause, if any, why the 6 said Administration should nnt be granted. U W. J. UUUTUIT, J. P. ?. c. s. Office of Judge of Probate, August 2d, 1809. Aug A 1! 2 I. The State of Soath Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY, rl la the Coirt of Common Plena Sitting la 0 Equity. 5 JAMES M. SULLIVAN and others re. WIL9 L1AM M. THOMAS and others? Hill to Net 5 net'rfs, Rmrijttt, for Account, Relief, Arc. 9 fT^HE complainants baring filed their hill in 1 JL this case on the 20th day of July, 1809, >. and it appearing that the defendants, William !. ilicksou and Martha- A. llickson, reside be. >. yond the limits of this State and the jurisdic>. tion of this Court: It is ordered on motion of i. Sullivan A Stokes, Complainants Solicitors, 9 that said Defendants do answer, plead or demur 0 to Complainants bill, within forty days from 9 the publication of this rule, or the same will be m token pro co?/e??o as to them. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Office, 28th July, 180V. Aug 4 11 0 PROSPECTUS. THE WILLIAMSTON, S. C., a. ?. mm Wm. A- McCORKLE Editor. M This argos o'er the peoples right* Doth an eternal vigil keep; No soothing strains from Maia's Sons Can lull Tiia hundred eyes to sleep." \\7 E propose to publish and issue about I lie ' TT 1st Sept., 1809. at Williamston Anderson County. 8. C., a " Weekly Newspaper," to be deyoted to Literature, Science and Art, and to the political principles of the found en of the American system of Government. Its columns will eontsin origins! matter from distinguished contributors. Thsstseof the sheet shell equal the " Largest Weekly" In the State, and eontain as ntuoh reading matter. We are pleased to five notice that a die ungmmeo vjnenuai or ma Stile hu promia ed us occasional articles, which alone will b? worth the subscription. The Editorial Department will oontalo spicy matter of an independent oharaeter. Terms $2, in advance. Addreea. 4 W. A. MoCOUKLE. Williatnaton Argus. Aug 4 11 C* it 8. C. and C it A Bailroad Co'a SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE,) Columbia, April 10, 1809. j ~pA8SBNUBH Trains will ran aa follows : noma mortb. Leave Auguata, at 7.40 a. m. " Columbia 8. C., at 1.25 p. m. Arrive at Charlotte, N. C 8.10 p. ni. COM ISO SOUTH. Leave Charlotte, N. C., at.... 5.60 a. m. " Columbia, 8. C., at ..12.50 " . Arrive at Augusta 8.15 p. m. , Through Tickets on sale for prineipal points k North and 8outh. Baggage obeoked through. Close eoaneetions made North and South. CALEB BOTTKNIQHT, Sup't. Aug 4 It tf ADMINISTRATOR'S SA1LtiCw BY VIRTUE OP AUTHORITY FROM SAMUEL J. DOUTHIT, ESQ.. Judge of Probate for Oroonvilla County, I will aell, on i SATURDAY, THE UTH DAY OF A DO. NEXT\ The Personal Property of Mrs. MARTlA LOVBLAND, deoeeeed, consisting of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. ' TERMS OF SALE, CASH. HOUR OP SALE?10 O'CLOCK, A. If. THOS. C. COWER, Administrator. Joly U 10 1 Estate Notice. ALL nereone having elairoe against the Estate o? Mrs. 8. W. THRUSTON, deceased, Will present them attested; and those indebted, are requested to make payment to me. THOS. B. TIlRUBTOlf, Ju}y M 10-3 Executor. M * R 8RTII! THE CASH STORE. CALL and m? th? Stock of floodi that FOSTER 4 HUNTER are offering to the pnblte FOR GASH, At Cadi Prion We have tried the Oaeh Sv?t?m for one year, and And that it operate* to the advantage of both the buyer and merchant. We are enabled to bur flood* to aaneh greater advantage Villi Ready Money, and can Sell for Shorter Profit* in eonaeqoence, a* we do not need to make any allowance* for oonlingencl?-?, and eaa live on entailer Income*. With a atnall capital, we ean do a considerable bntlneaa; keep larger Stock*, and aeeein modal* a larger number ol individual*.? I | We invite 0A8II PURCHASERS | rUS'l hR ? IIUHTKK. July 28 10 8m POSTER A HUNTER offer . -T Large and desirable STOCK of Hens' and Boy*' HATS at extraordinary low prise*. AN EXCELLENT assortment of Ladies', UIim', Children*, Oenl* and Youth* SHOES, at price* to compare favorably with any market. FOSTER A HUNTER. BLEACHED and Brown Cotton SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, at the low price*. FOSTER A HUNTER. BATB4V1LL& end Buena Viet* YARNS and SHIRTINGS. For **le t.y FOSTER A HUNTER. FAST Colored CALICOES at 12* cent* per yard. For aale by FOSTER A nUNTER. July 28 10 Ira STOW STOVES, STOVES. jm THE STONEWALL COOKING vy&al^lThe mint durable one now in tine, Call and exarain# it, and ere different *lxc? from No. O to No. 9, Uauufaolnrer* o plain and JAPANNED TINWARE. All kind* of Tin and Sheet Iron work don, on the moat reasonable term*. A J. ROSS A CO., At tli* West field Old Stand. July 28 10 tf G. E. ELFOIiD, JOB PRINTER., GREENVILLE, S. C. Office' in Old Court House, TJpStairs. ?r* ntfllRn me in n, i.e. ASISIBMS EMS ALWAYS OSJ 1AM FOR SALE. Mums IN COLORS OR BRONZES, ORDINARY PRINTING, EXECUTED PROMPTLY, July 2L 0 tf The State of South Carolina GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8 J. BOUT HIT, Eeq., Judge of Probate of taid County. WHEREAS. THOMAS C. OOWER hai filed a Petition in my Office, praying that Letleri nt A^mini^rtlinn <t? An?i? on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and ersdits of ROGER IA>V4tLANI>, late of tha County aforesai^, r deceased, should bo granted to bim. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the Mid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probate for Mia County, to be holden at Greenrille Court House on the Itk stay of August next, to show cause, if any, why the Mid Administration should not be granted. a J. DCUTHIT, J. P. G. a Office Judge of Probate, July 24th, 18(19. July 28 10 % The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUTHIT, Esq., Judge o) Probate of said County. WHEREAS, THOMAS 0. OOWER has filed a Petition in my Offioe, praying that Letters of Administration de bonis non on all and singular tbs goods and ehat ties, rights and eredits of I. N. LOVE' LAND, lata of the County aforeMid, deceased, should be granted to him. 7T - - ? ? 11 er?y hen wlt^ e??-l II ?nd ingul*r the kindred end creditor* of th? ssid deceased, to be and appear in the Court of Probata for aald County, to be be holden at Greenville Court House, on tk? 1th day of Anyuot noai, to ehow aeaae, if any, why the aald Administration should not be granted. R J. DOUTHIT, J. P. O. 0. Offlee Jadge of Probate, July 14th, 1869 July 18 10 ft Notice IS hereby given te all whom it may eon era, that 1 will apply te 8 J. Pouthlt Probate Jndga for Greenville County, on the ftSth day of i?(int nest, for a final discharge aa Administrator of tha Estate of IIKKIIY LANOFORD, deeessed. JOHN C. LANOFORP, Amioietrartor. July 13th, 1669. 8-4 GREAT BARGAINS. Kosxsire,' W. EHOVETS. too douadW hose, wortii eA Ai - A 1 * ? Ail ou V/is. ax omy zo uts. A_rAi^ These Goods were bought at auction prices, and cannot be duplicated. June 80 80 tf ./ETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Lately Rfprteeutei by MESSRS. SOWER & WORTHINGTON. ASSETS, f 10,350,519.93. Diviiable Surplus, $2,676,099.48. $1.88 of Auiti for Xaoh $1 00 of Liability. LIFE INSURANCE is now sought by the wealthiest men of our commercial cities as an inee?r?i?N(, but to tbo poor wan it comf inonda itself in a very especial manner, for whilst he lives he may by industry and frugality support his family and pay the small sum annually which will insure their comfort after hia death, Life Insurance is rapidly bo. coming the happy substitute for Orphan Asylums and Poor ilouses. One of the first considerations in an Insurance Company, is a well-organised system of doing business and a discreet method ef investment The present condition of tbo dRtna is a guarantee lor its ftiture responsibility. RtFKRS TO REV. BASIL MANLY, D. T)., ' COL. IIENRY P. IIAMMETT, Mr. J. A. DAVID, Mr. THOS. M. COX, Mr. THOS. 0. GO WEIL ' Mr. THOS. STEEN, Mr. W. T. SHUMATE, Mr. A. R. McDAVID, Prof. P. C. DOZ1ER, Major SAMUEL STRADLEY, if- rrtnw ri r? attwv U1I . uuiiil V. UX\ X j | And many others in this community who have examined into its condition, system and plnns. Persons desiring to insure in this very superior Company, can do so by calling on "W3I. E. EARLE. July 7 7 tf Increase of Capital Stock. THE Board of Directors of the Carolina National Bnnk of Columbia, 8. 0., hav ing resolved to increase it* Capital Stock to TWO HUNDREDTHOU8AND DOLLARS, anbaoiiptiona will be received for Stock at any time. For information or subscription, apply to the President or Cachier. A Dividend of Eight Per Cent was paid to the Stockholder# out of the profits of the Bank, for the six months ending June 80th. and Thirteen Hundred Dollars carried to Surplus Fund ; all free of United States and State Taxes. L. TV 0HILD8. President. W. B. 0UL1CK. Ca>hier. Columbia, 8. C., July 12th, 1869. July 21 9 8 Dissolution. TIIK Firm of OOWER, COX, MARKI.EY A CO., IS DISSOLVED, by the death or Mr. Lewis Worthington, to take effect from the first day of July, proximo. The business will be continued by the un> 1 dersigned, under the name and style of G0WEK, COX A MARK LEY. i THOMAS C. OOWER. THOMAS M. COX, HENRY C. MAKKLEY. THE nbove chamgo will require ns to CLOSE UP ALL AOCOUNT8 to the first of July next, and compel the settlement of all outstanding claims dne the late Firm. Persons having claims against the late Firm, will please render them promptly. OOWER, COX A MAKKLEY. Greenville, 8. C., Jnne 10, 16A9. 4-8 State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Za Probate Court. THOMAS C. OOWER, TRUSTEE,rs. FRANCI8 ELLEN DARRICOTT tl aL~-F*tition for Rtlitf, <te. ON hearing the Petition In this case, and it appearing that Samuel K. Williams, Thomas A. Williams, James R. Williams, W. A. R. Davenport and Mary E. his wife, reside oat of and beyond the limits of this State on motion of James P. Moore, Solicitor Pro. Pet i It is Ordered, That they do plead, an* swer or demur to said Petition within forty days from this date, or the same will be taken pro conjtsio uuoit ttiem. 8. J. D0UT1IIT, P. J. Q. C. Probate Office, July 1st, 1860. July 7 7 6 Notice IS HERRBY given to all whom it may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Donthit, Probate Judge oi Greenville County, on tk$ SOth day of Augnat namt, for a final discharge, aa Admlnletrator, of the Batata of JOHN COOK, deceased. 1'HILSMAN HUPP, Ad'or. July 11 9 4 CFt. WADBT THOMPSON OFFERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY. OFFICE for the prevent at bia father's residence, Rutherford Road. t 11 # y t i. sasaaBBBmmmmm CHARLESTON ADVERTISEMENTS. A. B. MULLIGAN, AND GENERAL :m\m\ kbbciait. dJLfh^rf, CHARLESTON, S. C* HAVING ample means for conducting my boainrw. I am at all limes prepared to make liberal advances en Cotiuii. July 28 10 ly P. P. TOALE, cej ai za n\ a. a s w ? ssr,, s. <0^ Manufacturer of nnnDC caqucc m irna UUUUO, OA?nElO| UUini/Di HAV'NQ the largest and most complete ? factory in the Southern Statre and keeping alwaye on hand a large and moet complete stock of DOOR8, SASHKS, BLINDS, 8"#lt Doore. 8tore Doom,Shuttera. Moulding*, Ac., Ac , 1 am enabled to sell low and at manufacturer*' prioea. N B ?Strict atteulion paid to shipping In good order. July SI 9 tf SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. (Official Organ of the Sotil/i Carolina Stat? Agricultural and Mechanical Society.) AT an early date, the subscribers will publish the first number of a Monthly Magnsine, devoted to the development of the material Internet* ol this State, and tha whole South ; and will distribute five thou* sand copies gratuitously, so that every ona may ace what it la before subscribing.? They Intend to make it the beet and handsomest industrial magnsine ever published at the South, and they ask the cordial cooperation of every good cit sen in this enterprise, which must redound to the publlo welfare. Persona wishing copies of the first number, will please send their sddreca to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL. Charleston, S. C. ' May 12 61 if TO TIIE rUBMC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C., . - 80 LONG and ably eon i/wtvX ducted by the late H. L. M**ajKg^BUTTERFIELD, will etill ^ rJaw ' ' " kept open for the accommodation ot I he traveling public. And ita former friends and patrons will find the usual aeoommodations and attentions bestowed on them as formerly, and the public favors, already so well established as THE HOTKLof the TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the 8outh, will, by earnest efforts, he faithfully preserved. March 4. 1848. 41 tf Mail's HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA; AMP 4LL MS 14SIS OV TBS STOMACH AND LIVER. mr 4u Mpwenw sr ran *. MEDIOAL FAOUX.TV. i HE OEM A IN Ac CO^ ( AGENTS, NEW YORK. > HaimfactnredbyiC. F. PANKNUt 020087 1MB APOTBIOAir, OHABLB8TON, R. C. IWW1 tfate By Druggist* mseiyinAui < Feb 24 40 \y Hack Line Between Greenville and Spartanburg. HMSpt , THE subscriber reawPPg^rfcj^^spfctfullr inform* the P"Klt* that ha continues ^flr *1 rt"TiriTf 11 keep the LIVEItY STABLE at the old atana in rear of tha Palmetto Houae, Spartanburg. Ha t*kea thia oeeaaion to return hia thanka to thoaa who hove ao liberally supported him, and aaenree them of hie beat attention. In addition to the above, he haa recently bought an internet in the Livery Stable in Greenville known aa the Prince A Greer old stand, more recently kept by Mr. James F. Thaekaton. Ilia Hack* leave 8partan* burg on'Mondaya Wednesdays and Fridays, with the mail; and leave Greenville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. J. P. PEACE. ? i ? ?J - WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Peri?eopic Spectacles, Ac WILL"jri*f ?D e?tr? nf'fmMtot any Rft 8nopi*l atfenjLt"' JWtfon wl?<Fpren to RKPAIIU **<*? of ?*?rjr doscru.lion. Bent rofei*noo? ?ivon. jJntm Q. BLACK. Jane 30 '' C tf <5?5 BONE AT THIS OFFICE,