University of South Carolina Libraries
* into? a jewel'jr*8 ehop, and see W\v _ l ? r ?i * _ _ jij.a. ?_ cweiui *ne worKmau muse ne in flatakiag up thearticle he hakl* in hie-hands." Visit the shipyard, and the man with the bfWrtl a*e meet learn to hew on a line, or be. dismissed. Yo? think of being a clerk* Well, remember, that a in intake thirty is ttttW-lcas tliwift crime. I never saw a man wh<? wan,.very partiouliar about bis affaire that was not successful. flW exact is a military officer in the command of men. A clumsy sailor ^-ill never rise to the command of a ship. But there is one great danger which be=?ets many yonng hien at the present day. It is the disposition to avoid all solid improvement, and to take up with subjects which require no thought, and which serves as mere warfare with godliness. Our portion will be that ot the ungodly. As the tree faUetb, so shall it tie. We shall reap what we have aowru . y-mvi - rt Taxes. *11 lis k a subject ia which we all take an interest, and about! which we can scarcely speak too! often. Time too, is precrms, as a penally of SO per cent, is added to all taxoe not paid before August 9. Several citiuens of Marion addressed a respectful letter to Audi tor Toiniiueoa, asking for an abatement of the assessed value of pioperty in that County, as canalized by the State Board. Mr. Totulinpon replies at length, concluding his letter as follows : 41 You ask that a new valuation may be ordered. There is no authority under the law for such an order. The only remedy is for individuals who feel aggrieved to send through the County Auditor a statement showing the value of their property?such statement to be supported by affidavits. Tin's 6tatemeht should give a full do scription of tho property, such as the. number of acres of arable, meadow ot wood lands, as the case may be, together with a description of the improvements. Tho County Auditor should consider the application tavorablvor unfavorably, and recommend such an abatement as he thinks just. I will then, to the best of my ability, act in the matter ; and }*on may be sure that I will be glad to make an abatement in the assessment, wherever it is demanded by justice. $ fc -iy \ |v t* I am, very reapecttfully, Your obedient servant, lvKi ifiw TOM I.INBW, State Auditor." ?< ?": f T > *+*? * I I Pl.t f < J M U ) '1 Tnr. contract for finishing the Ti i -n* i i i i Dine xuage ivoaa nan neen given to Meases. Ciosuoll, Patterson & Sellers, of Ilarrisburg, Pa. A piuljr f?'?i Kew York bid lower than they.did, hut as tbev did not come well recommended, the above named gentlemen were allowed the contract at their own proposHfdft. The} are the main contractor^, vet hare several others from Pennsylvania associated with them; one of whom is Col. McClore, of Pliila^ dclphia, who is known to many South Caroliniansthe commanding officer who surrendered to Qcn^ Hampton at ChaucejJoravflle, Vay and who is now a leading man in liia State. All of them are known to be men of wealth and reliabil ity, several being prominent bankers. Creswell will probably do the head work, and Patterson, who is very wealthy, will advance the principal amount of capital necessary to carry out the work, which will be done with all the rapidity modern skill can invent. They miena employing immediately a regularly organised company of tunnelerg, whose headquarters are at St. Louis, and who have done u great deal ot work on the Pacific Railroad. These they will bring down and set to work in August, ,two ymr% from which time they arc to have the road in running order, and they aro to take first mortgage bondfe in payment. So, at last, all the fuss And fume about the great Blue Ridge Railroad, with which the people were getting very distrustful, has assumed a "local habitation and a name." ~ ? A LotrtsTii-LR polieeman personated a thief f?-r fun the other nighf, j and did it so well, that he got shot- j 1 " ?'- - ' I I eo5eSK?B5^imPwilh^^>S!o? 4 th< ma* of paper ?r? very much extended ' y a patent proem by M. Pa*y.?. The paper made by ibia propeaa ia of a peculiar kind. Japanese for -pocket handkerchief*, an.l la extant til* tenuis #pirapci?t?. JBotfe U|i u H *n<f regetsbie miflefiafs Af* rfnipfojrd la I# production. Among the We find torn# not hitherto mtioh employed lit thi msnufabtafe ofpipae, AsMZealand aim*I maiteiwamd ore wool, sftfc, ?kh<? and other ftj*tetial. which is eyrtainly's nowellj la p*p? rmaking. T}?e*e >ari?ui matter* are reduced to p?ly and hleaebed, and iheo J felted " fri appropriate maoliln cry, which is. no doubt, the same a* i* uaad in ordinary papefdhAlrtng. It will eaMly.'be und?r?t0o4 th?\ the mixture of aoch material* a* era hav* named give* a papkr of extraordinary pliancy', flexibility and strength. It can. In' deed, beaown together with ae maah eaa?' and rtiaVea d? stroifg a scant a* the worm fabric* il I* Intended to replace. Tlie u?w to whiah tliis paper saw he pot are lanumerable. Wt may mention a few of the articles we hare seen. First, petticoat*, wliteh ao girl of the period -could There may be printed egaetly Ilk* the fkirta ana ao fashionable. or they may he whita, ahd hare open wo-k stamped oat >n patt-rna. which *carcelv any arronnt of la. her with idfMrl ami naedla Ao\iH Imitate. The marvel I* that they can he cold retail fbr sixpence e*eh?Kttic morn than tlia rost Of washing a petticoat- We hare next bed fareiture, af initiation cretonne* and eMwtae*. Them are printed with pattern* af great Wauty, and a set of emtaine will cmlj' oost five ahlllincw. ,W? have also guilts, whiah. beaid** beiur non-con Juct?r* of heat, bare a T?rv gantaal app-arancs.? W li?t? dSy-?nVrrs for beds are r?n<V *Hli embossed patterns and *aually cheap.? While U?M? clothi, stamped Willi patterns in remarkably pool taste, will, we are eure, aoon ornament many a dinner table, and Serve to light the fires the day after the party, unless the host be of an economical Inrn and re-sells them to tbe papermaker. But the material is also applied t<> articl- s of a- mere nulptpti|M. pharaeier. Very good imitation leather is formed of it, ami furniture covering. and even aboea may be made. -The feet ean be Ota-le impermeable to wet hy tlie Introduction ?>f oil* and In d:a-rubber. * We have said tnontrlt lo show tlint a m-tleilal is produced which will probably have considerable influence on otBie of onr staple industries Taper collars, it may'well be supposed, hare nlready bad s sensible influence on tbe linen trade, and' the furfher eatenslve substitution o( paper for wov?n fabric* nattl produce still greater,*a??t*?* A " ??*??* T. W ?L , Air-Line Railroad Meeting The railroad meeting on last ll-aday wat att#h?lcd by a large mmiber of our rlt1?i*n< From tbe proceedings of the meeting, giver below, it will be seya that; the people arc be ginnhig to fralire the great Importance Of t>ib enterprise, and tbe reees?lfy of earnest aetior in order to seenr* its benefHs. The move mcni is being takes bold,of by, iur best an-1 agosi luumauN oxiHiii, wdii wo mile te etrerj enterprise that affects the material interest* o our Couuty. * <j"~\ tr?" Leery clttren, be he Tan d-liolder," farmer merchant, mechanic or professional man, hoi a personal interest in the success of this move sent. The Air-Line, mken completed, wil eonnect Washington City, Baltimore, Philadcl phia, New York and Boatou with all the large cities of the Southern States aad the groat cilj of New Orleans. Xt will aoaalitute th straigbtcst and, of course, the quickest am host root* of travel for the immense pnpula lion of those cilice and of the States in whicl they are loeatdd. Tbo failure to aaeurc thi road wili-be disastrous to every in Ureal of th country, and five ia Spartanburg a retrograde I movement, from which it will be difficult t< recover. It will u?t da to of tuning Iht Air-dine. ' ' * ^ a-a. At the moating on Monday Capt. 8. C.Mean1 was called to t?re chair aad Samuel T. Poiniei appointed Secretary. Addresses were inad< by Col. 0. Cannon, T. 8toko Farrow, Wn Walker, C. C. Turner, Dr. Winsaaith and others. Col. Farrow, who has made arrangeaaeati to settle permanently la Atlanta, eialed *om< important facta In relation to the .road, auc Urged upon oar people the pee sea it J of promp action in oyder to secure its benefits. Wi wish the Col. could ires a > among us to aid it Securing tltia object. W.a know, however tba I he wilt da all lu hi* risfti-r for'ua at it* A# last* terminus. The following resolutions, being offered were nnanimoqily adopted : Whereas, id Air-Line Railroad to prujeetnt from Atlanta, Georgia, to Charlotte, Nortl Carolina, passing through the upper portion lb if State, which it trf form a link in the grca Ikrou'jh'llm of trarel from Kagr Of leant t< Paw York, aadltla nit'important t? lbs irter aata of oar paopla that Spartanburg should b on thia line of road, Tlierefora, \ , Jifofvttt, That we aarneatly call upon th aitizena of thia County to give all tha aid it that* power to aaeura thia eeaneetion at Spur tanburg. /{*??hrW, That a Committee of flea be ap pointed to eommutrieate with the President t tha Air-Lina Railroad, with tha view o tab ing the necessary ate pa to aaeura thia ol.jeot. lifoh-td, That wa will cord tally eo-oporat with tha people of MrnenvNteln any aaavaincn that they may fflgjttat to aaeura tha road1 paaakag Graaarilto and Spartanburg. That a mass moating ha bald a Bhteadey hi August, Tha Chal?a appointed Cat. Cannon, Di Wlnemith, Cat. Joel Poster, Oea. Millar an. Samuel T. Poinieron tha oommittaa to aorrei pond with .the President of tha road. Th meeting than adjourned to Sntesday hi A ague [Spartanburg Gatrfft. ft Mil Id tituto for ? IIm *f rail*. An on4W?? wlr*| r*p* U p*a?lod o? % ? ?*<'? pulley*, whlel11 whfrh ^Ingnflasly irr?yd to premise a (kmet (qalllbrtaM, ,"jH at ffce itne tithe to ? withoutbtoHwHii hi* eWoopports. Tk? tirepow^S- U supplied %f e J mi IT stationery . engine, theJwlrs rut? rtnnhg re?n4 a 4 mm, Md the boxes carry from one hnndrei to six bouAroa nv^pda ?f suuibaudim. ft Instated . * tbati^ire Vemwty, cap-We of tranflvortiag y titer iimxkl i?y, With Ate neeedeary .memo.; . power end rolling -took, can bo eonstmeted for r V? hundrod and toy poonda per alio, and owe 1 thousand tons per it A speed of As miles An hour. The experiment bi ndw being proeo. 1 oeted with complete aifcoess between some L4?d#e*bt# Abj?<?mAAi aM a railway :"? "it 1j ? MTvry. IIMQ WOQM Br6 VTlM lO W "A CBVfN ff tTAOllfHI ' . in I'raMs.dUlf e?? Spain* Tim. most iaapotthnf point in the invention 1/theUnattfo# df passing the pyif efbSMpm^ h^swmmwtemol so o^rvlng the frame of the track bos as to make the contra of gravity come en dor tho tope. Re admirably is/tkdi maeagcil that '1 twoon Dover and Qalais. Such an iuvention will find mnltitudinone forms of application in this country, and Ingenious eagtheere wtM, wio doubt, soua he pnshing U npon public attention, basing its claims to favor upon Its chfcbp cost. Woaee no reason why tho grain Wcvsm tors of New York shoald not be permanently connected by this style of carrier with thosd of' the West.?-Yew i'ort ITtralJ. QRKcRAL'The New York eorres, pendent of the London Standard makes the following mention Of General Sickles* appointment as Minister to Spain : r 1 The appointment of General Riekles as Minister to Rpain has been olleialty published. Vl.i. .i. .. ).. _i r? .. (I..., Mure then anything else be bee June, baa loa' bim the confidence Mid support of his most Judicious advisers. Ilia earliest nominations to oflire of men admitted to t>e corrupt, were excured or palliated by the charitable imputation of ignorance oi their bad character. In tlr? case of General Rick lea,' tlie President ha* keen warned, if. indeed, be stood in need of warning, and ho therefore sins against light and knowledge. The new Minister 14 Spain was, in times gone by, a Dcmocratio politician of this city, with a large control of the mob. of whom he was a good representative, end by whom ho was sent to tbo Federal Congress. In the llouso of Rcprckcntatircs his affiliations wore With the extremists of the disaffected South before secession had token a definite shape, and when at last South Carolina with', drew from the Union he was bmd In his professions of approval. A public speaker of no piean ability, be declaimed against a coercive policy, nad than srrnfriato Uie Northern army, where, to do titiu justice, he acted with eoarf age, loaing a log on the field of Gettysburg. In the camp.^fuYur the Presidency between i Grant and Seymour, be took the stump with grcab ardour and effect fur the former, making spcee&M every wlicrc, and ggttlag paid fhrghcin i hy Republican central eounnitteej at the very moment that ho was drawing bis pay as an i officer in the regular army. Ilis natural gift i of oratory exerted for a popular candidate, and t Ibe mute oloquenco of his wnodon leg proclaimt ing the eaeriflce he had made for the cause of r Ihc Union, were very powerful with large nsf scinblie*. Foeially, General ?irkea ha* |uBg been proscribed in the United States. i Tnr. Eccmbucal Coctteik?A cable die . patch has announced the probability that this I Cotincll would he postponed one year. The following from a correspondent at Florence to r the l'all hlall Qaaette, indicates some of the f difficulties which the Pope haa encountered t ? A report, which is rrry generally credited, J is spread hers, according to which serious difficulties hare occurred as to tho convocation of b the Ecumenical Counell. It seems that the t overtures made to various Powers hy Prince e Hohenloe, the Berarian Minister, with the s object of organising a coalition against the ?' Papal pretensions, hare bad a oertain degree I of success. France and Italy appear disposed to join Bavaria in its opposition, and neither Austria nor Spain fa witling to Support tba r Pope, though fhey decline to take any active > steps against him. Cardinal Berardi, It is added, has been sent by his Ilnttneea on a spe eial mission to Paris, in order, if possible to arrange matters. There la, I hare reason to t believe, lone truth in this rumor. It is known I that Prance has again attempted to establish a k i rftouh between Victor Bmannel and b | the Pope, on the basis of certain proposals i i which had been previously arranged between t the Cabinets of Floveaee and the Tuileries; | ; and ber present attitude as regards the Ecu men leal Council la aappoaed to I* cauaed by . tho failure of this negotiation. ) ' On the Tth of Angwat nest, wo ore promi?od i I that sublime phenomenon, when the euo? f In dim eelipoe, dieawtroee twilight ohcdo t On half the notion*, end with foor of obaaga a Perplexoi monorebo. Tho eelipoe will he o tntol one, beginning oi a oanrioe of the 8tb in the PoeWc Oceon, eoit of : Jopon, in lotUado tbirty-eix degrees oud fifty. B three minntee, end the line of the teal eelipoe a oroseing into Alooko mm ihenoe southeast _ | wordly oerooo tbio eootlnent, ending in tho At* j lontie Ooeon off the North Caroline oooot from Beaufort at anneet of tho 7th on tbie coast, ,f while it will he tnnrlae of the 8th on the Peeif ie near Japan. The eelipoe will he began ot twelve mineteo pact Ave P. M., oad will ead , at euneet. Extenatre preparations are la pewt grew hy a company of Government officer* for an expedition to Iowa nnder Profeaaor WiU | Hani darkness, for the purpose of observing the eclipse ; for Very Interesting add importaat ihniiiitlnflew are made for thoae eeltpaaa feaohing evop to the material* of tho ana It* r* at if.? Wmtkimfton ImUii'fmttr. ^1 * ... . PnuvDtcB* are like r?U, ai>3 a man's " mind like a 'rap ; they g%t la easily and ' ^ can't get out at all. ^ 8 B Tfeft* eeuuU in KurtlM?i .MM* JU^MK, Mioygao^edhioa ami .fawn p> twj> eflBEf. A <*?'d, wrt ua bnetwerd ?prtn( tea M?ft> lowed k; pM^Nil \Uid i# HtnllnK Hnrafrt Areafcete, M?|m Mid barfVtapaf^^* the Court Houer doer, oeHaledey In A?cw*t aa*t. between the hooraof 10o'clock A.M.In feecteno^^^ ooe Tract 4 l^n<i. aenteioing *15 ecrea, more or la*#, adjoining 'end* of tr. Jnmre Harrison, Dr D D Moore end olh-ra,(th?* H?meat*ad to he r> t off to the JMenqertt h?f. rw day of eete.l Iher yimtrij of. O. P. Berry, et the roll o| J no B 0( odletC eurriror, for Peiw Ceahlo, M eigtire. Ale*, one Tract "Lend, Containing 1000 aeree, n>oi? or le?e, adjoiatag !?n'> nf Wll. Hem -Choice. P?rry, Suoud and ether*, (HomeMearf to he act off to' the Tlrfeodant ixftore 4ay or Mi*.) Levied on at the property ?f Kielord P. Poeter, at the mil of Geo. W Latham and other*. AK one Traot of TaaI, toMtialnf I9S eer-a, more'or feet. a<ijntn?ng lands ?f JbbH' M. Pi-dm, James I>nnt-ar and other*, (Home ete#d ?e be art off to the Defendant before H*t of tale.} Leeled on at the property ef James R Strap et a)., at the twit of Theodorio Parmrr and other*. Also, one Trent of Land, containing 800 aare*. more or leet, adjoining lands of John ford, fw. fltyvkint and others. (Homeatead to he eat ?df to the Defendant before day of sale ) Lttird on an the property of Gaston Terrs, at the auit yl Geo. W. A overtoil,, J. W.iThombai* *nd"othera. Alan, one Tract of Itiei, fOMalnlnf 18 aorta, more or Joe*. U|"?t? tkte place is a woi Crist and Flouring Mid, adl?iolng lamle of t?V?. Tthann Maghea. ' Also, one Treat ' Land, pntdwln|t *26 arret, more or teen, ''known at the Morton Plane" adjoining lends of J. P. Bennett, Mrs Jane Garrett and other*. Alan, one Tract, containing *tW acrse, atar? or Iota, known aa the "Home PI are," adjoining landt of {dtillxnao HuH, Mr*. Nancy Austin and ?t htrr, (Homettead to be art off to the Defendant hetore day of tale ) Levied ?>n aa the property of Jerer K S'ona, at the apii of David Anderson, Ex'or, Nlm rod Donaldson end others Alto, one Tiart of land, containing 492 acre*, more or Ires, lying and eiiaated 17 wihe above Gr?*eavi|i?0 if., on Gap Creek U"?d, on t>oth a'dea of Woif Creek, Branch Waicrs of MiddleBalttda River, (Homratead to l?r net off to the Defendant before day of ?ale ) Levied on aa the property of John Bate*. 8>\, at the rtiit of hvaor . Kelly, R. I). f<ong, A sat truer, end others. Alto, the Defendant's right, title end Intere-t in taw ?*d Kquity. In one Hotter and l#ot in the town of Marietta, 8 C . " known a* the Marietta Hotel," Containing 4 acres, moffr or les?, adjoining landt of J. IT. Cleee land and others. Levied on aa the i-roper IV of J, W. Xiwtley, at the aait of H J. W, Hilt. Also, one Hmi?e and Ltd % the City of Greei)vill,e. w hereon . I he Itelrnilanjt now live*. eoiitainiiig 2? aeijo,jnore or leas, aid inining lands of K H Irvine. V. Me lire'* eeta'e and oilier*, (Hoinrs'?*d to he hi off luilw lirft iidani heiore Jay of mU.) Lriiril on a* tli? properly of W. J. Whi noire, al ilie (oil of Henry A Oauhlo. A'eo. one Tract of I.and, containing 130 niTea more or lor*, adjoining land* ol Thos. Taylor, Joseph Tvlwaid*. Levied on ?? il?e properly of |\ji. r Southern. at tb? suit J. v Bowdeo ui<d oilier* A'ro, one Tract of {.and. containing 349 ncrcja, morn or ! ? * ' known as lha Cole* iimo Tian* " adjoining land* ol John Vi al * n. W*. A T<<wne?iirid oilier*. Aim, one Tract of Land, containing 243 Hti>a more or Jess, ' H"tne Place," adjoining Innda ol J din Mnrkley. W A. TuWwea -...I olheia. (H omeslead to he set ft to tfie DeTerdany Tie I ore day of rale.) Levied, on as the property of L- Vf. Wataon, at the uii ol Moaea J. parti* and oil*era. AU?>, all T)- fenJanl% right, lille and In. cre?l in Inw and Rrjnlty tn one Tract of Land, known a* lha Silna Baldwin ITwee, (lot,laming 2341 acres, more or leia, adjoin in if land* of ilie llomrs'ead of. the Deleod aui, J arret W. Veargin and others; ala^ lha Ahner Baldwin Place, contaiuinv H0<? arret, nuire or ices, adjoining lands ol J (1. and It. Joyae and olbrr*; the Parry We*| Tract, eom aiiiinir 120 acres, more ?r lent adjoining land* o? Wi|H*m Wert, PhiHemnn Huff and others; the William Wert Tiaet, containing 35 acres, more or leas adjoining land, of W. P Prllard. the Mil! Tract and oilieft; ol*u, ilie Mill Traet con'atnlng 1S| acre* more ?>r I era. adjoining land* of T 1*. lie^rick. Wni. r>?ven|>ori and the llonta ] ?lead. (the Honiesiead having bcen'set ritf lo i he Defendant la aecordanee with an Act of tha Legislator* to determine and perpetuale the iionieriead;) alao, one rmnll V a -/ r - J ..I ! Aa ~ ' i i nci t?i liiiiKi, ciininuiiiiK to iicrm, nior? it )? ?<, m<Ij iii>ii>if tha fbmrsiead <>n one aide, ?nd Rea-ly lliver on the ?iher.. Lrvinl on U lite properly of J. Unfits Sroyer. al ike Hit of Tlieudorirk Palmer. A Is . one Lot on Main-tueei, in the Citf lot GreenvUi*. whereon stands the walk known Black Hniith Hhop of Pstor f'aable, ontsiniinf I nore, mors or kw, liqmided by Main nod Buncombe streets; on the e*?t end north, the lots of J. IfePharaon and William Be??tie; on tha south, the Ht<?re I louse of R. Long, ts exaeptefi; sign tha John Qinitii L??t, eon'ainintf | of sn acre ; on lids L->t la a small Cottage; also the Riser Lett now ?ecti|>iad by Frank Smith and others, oatsUisK I nares. more or lass; there are on this Lot tou> Dwelling II uses; also, one l.ot in the eastern portion of the City, known as 8il?er Bluff or 8/onry Point, containing A aaia; Iwo small Cottages on this Lot; also, one piecs of Land oh the Laurens Road 8| milaa from the City. c?nI tainiug & new*, m.-rs or Uwe, Hyyisakatk of John P. Peat, f K Martin and others: alaa. the Horn* ktatf th* Jail, h-.tiaded ; hy Murphy, YWkers and others, (the H?tne I stead to he act off to Defendant before 4*7 t,f aa'e). Levied on as the itmperty of Peter Csulile, at the suit tit A J. Andrrsdn, surviving Executor of tha Estate of Larlin 'Trndrlcka, drKSftf Tern# Cash, .'pur chaser* to pay lor stamps and paper* ' A. 0- VlCKKJfc*, tL G C. July tth 1800. 7-4 I .... .1 Dlata *f SAnlh Paeollno WW?'/V vi wvukii uBiuiiua. OKBBNVILLS COt'XTY. la Sqmlty. Euan* On*** Hk?iu va. Eliiabrtb jr.*nn*, A. *. Jtnaina at at.?Bill for Far tltlon of float KataU, A*. rpilB Plaintiff having lb I. da; flt.d bi. Bill 1 is tbo above cat*, abd It appearing U (be aatlafaetlon of the Court that the Defendant., 111KAM UOODiJBTT, LOriHlOOOD LETT, ELIZABETH aOODLKTT. MABY (lOODLBTT. EMILY UOODLBTT, Wft, LI AM OOODLBTT and DAVID HOOD LBTT, children of MAKKIKT UOODLBTT deceaeed, rceide wiiboatibe State, and the Jurisdiction of tbli Conrt, U la ordered, n| motion of PnatT A PanwY, Complainant | So lie! tor*, That tbei do aaawer, plead or da mar to Complalaasrf Bill within fart* 4mm ' from tfcb poMleatioa of this lab. of Um safet will bo taoen pro eoof?o ae to tbom. W. A. WrDAHtDL, C. C. C. F. Clerh'a Mh, Jbdo Slat, 1HA9. j JuOe 24 44 ?M > > | glT "" ISfoN A mi OOTTR8IC, AKD COUNTS OS OJUWJAtJOJf. I I* TtU j xnusnrsu owvwwt tumM# A^ 'sfeiaEff^ Mtdi+*i Orfami?d 1848. Okmr **r*4ty m ?km( Art ^ (t? Ityhlatnrr, ftbruarg 10(A, 1853. 7VWJirt?J. g. ff fi 81 rf i r i frf mi BMT 30 S?cr#mry- 8. Nitinr, Bs?n fS?t Wallace* , SvUeitm* I she Kmj, Mi WelJI , Street. A DW vwWiWiVwWH^p iwl tni ooDtloalu ?til Mar* i?>|WM Aitt oray, Pbyalology, tfaiNw MWU, luetics Obititrki, Practical Mi Dranitntif* Anit i ss^s^stiar^TSt^ the Eye and Ear. Clinical Med idnt MtAfNff gery, Rledtoel Jfuiwpni11 v iicc, and OhpTulttty. Tk? nm?4 Sesuioa mhmmn u* the In Monday in March, and doting the iMtoUam Thia Session, constitutes the Spring m* 8ai>ner Bmhna, and wabrmw the felkmbii 8 tad ice : Sergio el, Mtaroecoyto, Pathefctglce' Descriptive aud Demonstrative AiMuaf Plastic, Military aad Operative Surgery f Anal y tic and Orgaoie Cheaeietry ; Pharmacy ; Ma terla Medica, including Practical Botany: Oh stetrics, and Diacaae of Women And Orildreat Comparative and Human Physiology ; Aoscul tation and Percussion ; Practical Instruction iA the (Jaivf 4m Si|nsaa|% LaryafMaipi ^t?Alj?hCnpe, Opthalmojcope,' A tiro scope aa< Principles and PrTfttco of Marine Path dogy : Clinical Medicine and Surgery ; Genet al and Special Technology? and Clinical It straetiona In the Use of Atomisers, Nebolii era, iiypodaemio It);eatisaw, Uihalalia?, etc eto. atoi'UTialt or t?b nr.pic*L nurterns nm /"res for en# /mil aeerse of Lrrtmrt*, til Matriculating Ticlrct, |i- Dcmommlrator'o Ticket, ftO. ~ * Uu.egricaBT.T-A few young mea.uot ahl to pay full fees, nlll Uhana Aw hy iffljrii to the Doau. f MUSEUM. The Museum is one of the largest tn the eiti embracing a fine collection of Anatoaalca Physiological, Pathological, and Zoologies preparations, which are highly advantageoa to the student ot uasHiciw*. BOARDING. Stud ants fan ohm* hog? from |l * M| welter ran teat Mvnta*** roams ami hofr tBiihsefvel from ? to $S per wccV. CLIMIOAM INSTRUCTION*. Anpli means of fllustratinc and taachin CIin?c?l Medietas Md Surgery, and tb< DO cue* of Women and Children ere presented i the various Hospitals and Dispeasariea c I hiladclpliia. Clinical Lectures are also riv eu by the Professors, in the University ifal lour timer a week, than fumiehiae a eoan of instruction of a highly practical characto' UNIVERSITY DISPENSARY. The Dispensary of the University is ape twice a week, and largoly attended y patienti who are pcesccilicd for ttiroa.'hont the yaai and affords aoadditional opportunity by whic each student may acquire skill in the diagnosl und treatment ef disease. HOSPITALS. Numerous appointments, as Internes, < Resident l'Uysieisns, are made annually In Ui different Hospitals of the City, and era open t competition. Clinioal Instnrctlen (without fee,) b five through out the year, in the Pblladoliihia iloi pital,(Almshouse,) wbieh contains WO bed Instruction is also ftlvew at' Wte Pennsylvsat Hospital, Episcopal Hospital, St Joseph's H<>| pital. under t'?) care of the Sistera ef Obavitj Wills' Hospital for the Kyo, City Lytaf-h Hospital, and the Children's Hospital. Among the other Hospitals and Dlspvaaarit accessible to the Student, may he named it Philadelphia Dispensary, Southern Dispenti ry, Mayatnensing Dispensary and 1 fort her Dispensary, togeshsr with German llospita Jewish Hospital and 8u Francis Hospital. PRACTICAL ANATOMY. The Disrooting-Rooms are open in the Un versily throughout the year (eaoept July aa August), under the superintendence ot U Professor of Anatomy, and the Demonstrate as dissection ia now legalised ia Pennsylvt nia, tbo coat of material is very small. PRACTICAL SURGERY. The Operating Room ta open during tl Session, under the supervision of the Protsssi of Surgery, and his Asdstants. Tba appliei tion of Baodaxes. the treatment aI Fracture and aMlutM?im?w?>an can ha bmsira I tired'by eacli student upon tbe Cadaver. Ii I strusreuia, splints sud UsMsdagcs are} aapplis TliXT Boots AKB W*RM OP KBPtl KNCB. O* psirnrs or Mtltiqiri t Psiae'* Pre tire of Mediclue ; Pereirs's Tberapalici Walsh* mi tbe Disease* *f tbe Heart M Doners, Inetodleg Physical diagnosis f- Hal on's Practice and 8ciena* of Medietas. Oa AmatomP : Mbrleeh Kbmkntary Trei Use on Human Anatomy, with Koltker's M eroscopieal Anatomy; Sbarpey and Qaain Anatomy -f Urpl'* Anatomy i Wile<ut.> Ana I o> Mm?u Mmiiii PaiaWa Syaopaii I Paine'a Tberanntlca, and Dispcaaary j i hrtdgenient of Pi retra's Materia Media*. ! Oa Cmwinsti Posrne'e Chcmiairy-f Jebi ston's Turner's Chemistry ; Reansult's Cben tstry | IelimAa'l Pbyaioloflaai fh em is try Teylor's Togtoalogjr. Oa Siiaaaar . Byes a Principles and Pre. tiea of Snrfery ; Pagat's Surgical Pathology Macleod's Surgical Diagnosis. Paine's fa*Itntoe at Medietas* - W U .1 On Oaararaica t Do* gab ore's OWstetriet mgmm I St rat ions ; dsrlag the Spring and Saatmer, Stadia*, ^R^itajtoaty l>eaeit*trtlk>ns, Le Rlti I?ITKW8 0f TBI STUPBMTft *Ka?h Ktadent daast yrmi| bla Scbelfersb I av TUVaIa Id* iKa vari/.am kranak*m ma?n? log tbe lk? price if Sabelarabi I b?ing?a leer, (totog cheaper tbao a?y Mb rcgoUr Medical College to I be United Slatei all feee Mat inbertiMjr be Mid to adrear Thoee deeirtog Sebelarebipe rboald order tbe ::xH&L3S?E3 > portent information la loot. Book* end Inatr mertta, for 8ttidaeto, are farniabed it We m certify Drug Store, at twenty per eent. U than publiabcra' and manafbeterera* prtoea. On ordering Seb?torabif%tbe money tboa , be aeat to tbe Dean, by lipreea, or to P? I Ofloe ordera. Board will bd faraiebcd by t i Janitor, wbo la alwayc to MtWdaan at | I College. All baggage abewld beaddoaanadU thtfb i edrlphte Veleereity, Mintb end l.aiaat, pi i tbo Stndent ebouM repair te tbe CoHigi fc mediately apeu arrir tog to Wp City, tbe* ea tog empeaae. raettLTT or Mretoira. P tit. W^Paine, M. 0., Theory a ad fraetl --m ^ ryaatf h?Hlw ?f M?4>?l??. " Rain* B. Wm*1 ' . ss^rptAm?ssaa jr.&SSifcjr. M. D.. MatWte a?iiMu ?* Br*.fw^^wl?||i^Niii*ii?Mp. fnji WlllWIf HnM ; ? i JULIUS C. SXITK. J AUCTION AND COMMISSION XlltaWNT, fl COURT B0UI1 SQUAB*. G*?enville. B. ft L ' T>WR*0ir AL attention |?n*a lad* edNA* ? .1 Real and ^eeaaaalTYnpnet?, RevSaf v of Bbuaaa and Owllceting ol >Wi? and JU eoanla, and la all baaiaaae tnlrtatd te War i Having km ayfd*??l'?|wmi>klw W? u Irving Fart Mate* tbngreaa ba foamd A t oAUh- and aoldtftObarledUni prida* . j and dray afre added : J MATCH' NITROGEN MED fciwHW b CHATS. WA9DO AND SAW?* |! RAW BONK, PERUVIAN : ??Airo? I I An gennlne aTtinla kept for naln and * ordered la aay quantity. Onr 90 (a* . of fkvpkil* and Peruvian Ouaao arid f i>t dm l?e iba wbnat wing la GmenHUn a thla.taH. 5 ArnM for the Celebrated WATT i- PLOUGH ? torn. MtvoU, and enlifeator all ia wa. Viva iknawl nf tWa Plough# I am tn the hernia ol the tannera of Virgin* * la, North and South Carolina, and T??we* aaa (Her |o of iKn vntkona IVflw old la Orrmfim la aaa month. CnrtHfo r eatne from tho beat ml our PI an tare aaa ba l' given, who hae# mad the Plough la wak> tug Ihrfr ?Ttg> ot lSS&. A ferret for !i C?rdwcll'b Snpertor CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, g STRAW COTTERS, CORN SRKLLERS.dK ' GRASS. CLOVER, andoabar Saadaeapn r, pllarl at abort nottee. I COOKIE* STOVES* STOVE WARE, I FAlfcOBL AND ; OFFICE STOVES, Par nl? an cheap aacaa ba bought. [ JVLIOftC.BUlim a Greenville C. H , 8. C. p- Jan 17 BS ?f n , The S ate of South Carcliaw, l> QRKENVtLLt OOUXTY> Is la Iwitf. CL4YD0RV TRAMMKLU AHmtoiorrotor> Br., TOLIVKR THAMMKLL, JKIItAL r TRAMMEL!., JEREMIAH TKAMMELL ? *f ol.?BUl for Itttirf, .4<**>*?(, jW> ? rWrt? <>/ <K THE C'mMtfatoant kttbt tiU day IM kit 1MI ?Mi the Oteritv aM M aff iiHm r- that tha Defeadaata. Jfleerra Davk and hat * taakaml SeCftae* Davk, the tMNrta of Look a Colteiaa, Ismwl, trbooo * am or ore ttkmai, i- u4 Tk??M Cvtletoa aad JehUI Tratemll. r. reside ?ai of iW Slate t II k Oaim<( That h I boy do, am mouoo of forty a forty, owe* plaiaaat'e 8oliettera, war, pM or |wr m to the uU Bill with la forty 4oy? from tka >e pal-lkelioa of thia Rale, or the sate* ba takea 'N pro ooofoooo II tw theo*. W. A. MoDANIRL, C. C. C. If Clerk'* OAoe, Jaae Site, ISM. M i. u ft t uiur. ?. ?. iruu. J V SA8LXY * WILLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at law AND IN EQUITY* GREENVILLE. 8. C.. 10 T)RIW1CB la (ba Coarta of the State aad >r X of the United State*, wad (ire eepeetet 'uj^i;1nju> CMe'ln jr. J Law Wetloe?CTianfs of Office, F. TOW MAS he* removed hU Law C- \JT * OAee to the kiMhf atetk eaat *te i nar or tha PeMie H*aem, te part ***epl*d kfi t- J alia# 0. Saaith. Aeotioaeec, aad the Eatrr- % i < prise Printing Ole*, hp ?tetra> d Jaa Si t? A LAW NOTICE, ; r.| A. BACON, ' AYTORHIV AT LAW I' AND nAOIITDATE, *. jrprt'w *&fwn wmtrrjunr sroMKt (SXkmM&WULJM, **<*??! W I# T. ,, u tf ' wk. t. mat ?-"iM ' attorney at law. OAHUMttSA, ?A, li tlfllt mrtlw a tlw Omrtw rf lwa? W kin. D?w?on, UUmms, fa**** Uafea* BT*7M,.!rwu ** * ? l* . .. .. !W .. ... iTi'w ,,,, ,,,^1 *. > ij. > II, III I II " ROSADALIS i Purifies the Blooi, ' IM M? ky Snt|iiu Imywltr^ ft SAHTOL WUAC*. llim, ?. i \/LTUVU> fuWy iafotn Um fwMfc ifeaafefijia r?r?. IM** a JyMr.H W Hoth^ bf '?*!??<?, "y?W K. U* .?. 1? ?*f+i ? lf?V H Jh W tft M