University of South Carolina Libraries
oflF -ff-' -Mm ? ?' at ji wlftl^ A?l8rjr. i doMtauy*W?? nl?Mrit.^Ufyr'{*?. * $*! "V^l ft ?f-vj$> io*rooe ?? " ud JjwU?that th.y >iid ??t aqualto* ?l?* f*ap*rtflt?? ^iSSSSVS^tk rciur^d it lm>i*?to aii dollar* p*r u3*ar rta?fWo*r lb*' UJ^U^All till* &i?! iSTr&dkJ i>i?kv}M<y^M* *,heir duty i?r a diKrii|nMl?B to rrtd? (Mrdl rj lu ilreraaaid tha tatoa ul tfcalr property, ia.iaa^*# ifttvaaalpg U. ?h* *aa* m hlfe Wn l??y <faN??il|r, bad ?* bad ?? jfM??.B?r4 J U. H. sib a but At. ?r Aionn Csm kin* piwb it)?Af o? tw? V?ssivi?m lami Cnofcaa*.--Yhq W% Alt IMrrd cktrtA front New York on th? IM of J*m laet( 'if d?nto> 'i IwMl Ti*rr f? fimV "'"TMBTHH ii mi' *f"~> The balfaat corei?t?d of one 100 poandfr Kwit gnn, two 40-pounder*, wr ?n ( Inch Dehlgrtm.'ak 1 forty field piece*, with ? eee*td*rahle quantity of email arete ?ad ammunition. At WttUekm ISO men, under the commend of Opto Afktr men end Hatrleon, we?e taken on boerd. end the rental eel rail for Cub* with e fair winj and without muleeUUoa. The At* KM red reeehed Branoe, a emnll town about three hundred mile* e?*t of Hatann, after run of fife day* and $?ett\. hour*, and wm toe ed by mule* up a ri*er to ahoa1 twenty-t wo mile*. where A* discharged tier pae**er<g~r*. Cholera had 3u?t then broken out In the cautp* of the patriot*, and in oooeeauenee the o?a hun?*reJ end t**fy of thl* fiarty ?efner d ft enliw ) the Cuban raokn, eten after I hey h?<i been offered a bounty per bead of one tlionetnd dollar* in gold, pro 'SR&Pfc ,el.*fn^ wnl*' V^a termiaation of the eir'klj *e*Hon, On the MC-md, day after S>f4** , m.?-iwu urrnnHirl, kM foArtf ?rlvc? <m (lif adlaeenl Leigpte. but the AroerloaWn, tin Tor LI uUnant Claicy, draie tlirm from ilwlr porllioe eiihout the lore of ? man. After ihie victory they r* em b.ik. 'l wnmiLitod. Hi d rct?>rped .Mlely to lit" Yjb>f eb^u^ey. WU h tl} r^rrptioa ?i two men, nnmed WhIhIi and Mill<r, of Petersburg, Va,, nW-dknd ef rholan no """aVui.- uui n. The Oaafc. | "Whrt yitk bring or Mad an advertiacioent, pull out tba nub and pay fur it - doa't aak for I rhdlUnWe go an tba caefe When yflier MWribe',,pay i? advance Jar nee your. <5 " > jfcitlMML ' - 'FrrtfiAt. KitiC* ?T? i-nrtl?n In Vant ?<f JLmht. yarfie- .<n-f. Bind*. two re'ar to ilto itdttfr'iM'tn. jit tf p. p. Tuple, the Urge man itfei-fiTr/'dl 'liKiv goodA in Ch*r|r>i?n'? 1'iW-l.e1 lurnUliod on application, -f-tf \ 4Vrf??^% ^ tkratoern ^ETotaX far lAa iftkdfepv/eJy **, l?i?. Utdwd ItuM. Waledat; Jam** LktlUtn. *Ptr*ei>* County4 jfalm A. UbiU, 'Columbia; I>. O. MAOall, e*Ht?kHte. ?. Ol W. g. K4r<egr, apaWweieaWg-"; A. -B. Ratrfmctr, Rprfrtan>?**? ?k W,-?yia, tt^ao^vtlle. 8. o , B. B. Vaughn. Greenville 8 0'? Pr. Llneow, K Y ; ? A TieKntkine, AlX Century, Cfcnrleiton ; %>r.-*W A Vulhreatb, Kdgefeld ; Fell* Lake. Rdgeield ; V R Lund ram, -Milton* S C: W ?Buiitb. FaitVUw; W W dUrhte, V?.; J ? Alexander. t)ain<i\ille <5a; Juqu McOuU liiegb', tdroenV ille B*Q-, ti F M-iecfr/GVcenville B f| vale*adder. 4*. Strfion; Mr. Hinyrea, Baltimore: C P Derertport, Greenville County f? C; I. OnontogtiHtn Aid lin, Abbeville BC: H O Myeefy. Charleeton ; Pan B Moore, dA?*lll# jljCj A Bydney Rmitb, vawnnnn C) J If fflilo, PMMoo 8 C ; j Bnma Klrkeey, P*h?n? ?<C* # ? frflftaw* MHMnBMMMMMMMWHiUB New Ton, July If. Sli'%. "*'?* * < < Baltieoee, July l#. | Cetten datl. it *?*. Floor doll. Wkka* M?nf ?.* . Com?white t.l?Q l.ffj yM? llfUl. Pe?w qaie*, at *4.00. Bacon *c?t*? ?clear 18) ; heme Iff doll at lf|. I Adsciu, July 18. Cotton market cliff wltk aalee of 70 bale*? reeeipu 7j?|-UtUlka,. JlfcSl*, koldara rely "PVT \+ P RICKS JDIJURENT. COaaECTED WIEILT, BT ' * MESSRS. DA,VHH*UA?iEVtM4RCHANT8. 8*88 " .. *?*. em? ? ? < Shoulders, ? tb ........ .......18 e. BfttB HOPS, fl ft, .?. 12i A jU MfMIIIM, r?uT.nT, m, yd. ...tBf&m. BAUtilNU, Dundee, * yA. I llfHl IAP8 16 | ftUVTBRt * ft 2? A 36 e. crMyMS>l """ ' j ff. e. rj[WO? 144^ ^'^^''' '''*' B"l>' V^rf(nrrl*?? R?s v. ' D.Thom??, 11, A. M. PTgClPjh- tl. k\ *' I* P. * " I'rvtliyt-riatt Clitfrk-v-K*-* Vr. ... T. . . Taken Vp. I 4 LARQR. T>AHH. b.\Y. MAREMULB. \ XjL blind io th?* right ry?. 1 . <fc> W-. V. ft ftWtfc , KnrS. O. McOWhan1*. , OrNAvilk, 8. C., July JOih, IMP. July 91 -jU r, 1 WATT PLOW. npO MEET THE DTMANf* FOR A ' A tttfOR TURPI PLOW, w. ku? orJ*r?d and nrtcWti ft d?w lot of there celebrated STEEL AND CAST IRON | T0WIINI, FVMQWIfif AN9 .80f .WlM- , TH? beet implement tree yet ueed for ?U I tho above nnmad uses, aftd warr?ftt?d to do | wry kind ol turning and eukivsirng in i ft-Id or garden, in nsaaasr e?p?*W to ?tt ' eSJkers mr y?t mwk * Wo h?*? sold In OrrravHI* Onnwty O.VJf 5 HUNDRED AHDTWBNTVOFTNRSK < PLOWS, and hart gWen entire satiafaclion. Call and tor the Watt Plow at JULWSC.TW ITU'S, . Knl North Old Court Hoofer. July ? a_ JIT JUTCTJOJF.' sro\i: WAKE. I WILL 3FLL, OS MONDAY. %D OF , AUOUS7, tn fmm nf my Oic, ft l?>t < of arpoMk and JUG W AHK, aeoeiettBg in , part of: \ Pitchers, Jogs. Butter Jar* Bs*i'i?, Churnft. stul many oilier article*. < ^ JTTLIlfc C. SMITH. | July *1 9 Si at jitrcTiojy. \ PONY, HOBSC AND CARRIAGE. BKTWERN hours, f II and 12 oVlo.k, 1 in front of my Office, on Sslrdsy, ' t Pony, one Horse, 1 (Jn* 1 Second liand aroall Carriage and flame*.- ' I Two-liorse Carriag' an-l liars*-*. | IUJUIU3 V. SMITH. ' July 11 2 WANDO& PERUVIAN mrnumo TMJV THRHKHrPFKIOR FRHTI! I2KRS 1_> t? | u? you> Tnriiipaitt witti: Thrr6 Ton* Wati-lo J T?'iiTiin? IVrnvimi j Tw < Tuns in'iw * o'? hand ?n.i t.>r I ? hy Jl'l.lUS C. SMITH. , July 21 V 2 , Notice IB HKRIlHY to <11 ?h..m it n>mv | th?' I will appv to 8. J. < 1 touth I. P'nl'ii- JuiltfM I (j r'i-^iiVirU t <2"UUI v ?m the JOtk t/.iy of .1 next, (?> f 'a 4i ?l >lti>char , ?> A*l liiwrauo-, ot it ? I K<t?t<al JlMlJI IHlOK. 'lwwa??A v I'. ILEM N IIUPF. AdW 1 Jul? SI t 4 A ? i J M !. i ? II Increase of Capital Stock ___ i TUB Hoar.I ?.f f tir-nor* ot the Carolina N ?hnMl Hmili of CnliimMa, M. C . hiv in* .-?..rv-d to increase lt? Ctpiul Stork to fW0l^JM)flEt>tHOUSANl>D<tU.AE3. 1 uliaeii|>tk>M will b* received for Stock at any UCQr. For information or subscription, apply to the Prnnhlt-nt or Oa?hi?r. J i\ IriVHiriM of Ei*ht Pec C?nt. wan paid " to the Stockholder* out of the profit* ( the 1 [tank, for the ox month* *n<tln* .lime SOth. J mml TMrt*#n Humiifd DoHmw ntrHad to 0 MtHyl"* K*nd : all fr?t of United 8i?U? and ? Pkr?L I t D. OWTLTW. Pr'?id?iit j W. ft. GULICK C*-hier. , ^Coluinblft, 8. 'C.. July lith, 1889 July ? 9 t ' - - O. E. EL FORD, JOB PRINTER, GREEN VILLE, S. O, * Office in Old Cftvurt Settle, ] TJp Stair*. S maem ma ! IK.WATS 01? HAHB ' FOR RALE. PR8RT8R6 1 IN COLORS OR BRONZKS. 1 WARY PRINTING,! EXECUTED PROMPTLY, 1 m CXSXKiT. : July 21 2 it u _ I Notice I IB kef* by ni?m ? > ?l' ? hrtm if ro?j* ? on tbal I ?Ul ?p| tv S ). oolhili 1 I'r -tniU judir? fcr Oi? ??ilU Gumy, ?n J liMll k ilt) nl Ami.# ibin.ldiH >! M Ailw?lm?1r?t"r u' Ihe E?I*I- o> *Y LAJIOruHD. A?*+*. ? iOMM O. LA xOVlMiK B daiioiMrator. 1 July)**. Ittf. Bi I t I? TM S R I "TTOStit'l m: #^9 C> i?w?eiou>r*?g -dug PKABonY HOHOOLft, at Orewn , ^MHK't"*. 8 C, w*M ehe<. o* 4% U ^Hr ^ i<nrni. tM9, PiUr?k?T tor the Ma,.? tme? I, a "lifl ** *1400 Mr innDn, ?M M |5iwMl, SC $800; ale* ? lady M rrioel^l Wf '( t ftOO: B.tartrs f?yabl? qnarTdrty; *rm? averaging eleven week*?Um iuto . test* 18tf? of A?*urt. ~^W* < ^krttm, tftatrmbn or we B^tera, or fo n. C iittut, W, Secretary, Greenville, 8 6. July 14 8 S Assignees' Hale. BY virtne of ?o order tr<>ra b'* Honor , O?off?8, Bryan, Unitrj Slate* Jud?e W the District t'ou-l of*?utie.Caroline, ? will soil to ilie highest UbhUr. U*fo>e the| 3ourt llmis* 4<x>r. on tabula v in Ao?uet Ml), bMVMO lite hours of o'clock in the orenoon and 4 o'clock ?o the akernnon. the I fEitSt^AC PROPERTY of JQUN W. IRaBY, Bankrupt, coo~>et ing ol Mic lotca aoU Account* do* the Hem* of Ora iy, Ferguses A Miller ; Gieriv. Hawthorne k Perry ; Orsdv A Goonlol; Gradv A Ilaw. hoM. WT li >- . " * r , ? ? uiwij m vv.| ?ndrf?n? W, 3mdy ; ao? halt Interest in I wo Mul?r ; half ' ntereet 1? the Leal-r Paper Mill Mmrliintry, and various other sriiaUa A list at ha N?laa and Aoehunta can ! ? accn at the lfc?rlfi Ofllce from the I6tli Intl. until day ' af ale. Tanna, cnah before delivery. W. T. SHUMATE, A. BLVH1E, AMianata. July 14 8 8; Fhe (Hate of Sooth Carolina, ORKEWILLS COUNTY. ' therifTi Sal*. vlitne of an Ordar from 8. J. D"Uil?it. Probata Judge of aaid Conn*/, 1 will ?xp?M for rata at pu'die ?ui ?rv before ilia >?urt Honee <W, am tMt Jir+t 1/on day in , ilvftW surf. tha following Traat ? ' Land, Mki AU that Traat of LAND, eituated In the bounty of P ekene, ea water* of the South fork of Saluda Hirer, hounded bv landa o< Uri M. A. Careon, J*m'a Former and otkrn, tail oontaudnil one thousand on* hundred , ind thiit> ara ea. mora ?r Im Hold *? the ;>rop rtj of BoBERt UREEJI FIELD. 4? Maeed. Tn?K*? A eredR of ill mnntha', with in rat from date, for all aaoant en machete ill pay ilia oorta, wldeU a ill ba required n caih on d >y of aale. I'urchnaer* t" ?ive >nnd. with npproved sureties, and a niortM* ot Uti premie- a ?o tha Probata Jodc. it aaoure the pay nn nt <>f the purchase money. I'uiuliaeeia to | ay for tltln and etmapa. A. U VICEKKS, & U C. i July 11th. 1840. 8-8 Seek Line Between Greenville And Spartanburg. l THE sohserlber re>r>,,ct<t,l^v i'dorma the |>ub tlx*' he eoiiiii.ii. ? ITA'BLK ai the old etniid In rear- of the almrtio llnu?e. Spartanburg. lie I kes hi* o-eaaion to return Itia thanks to tho*? .. i-~ i--?- - - - - air HQHiauy *ii|>|>ort<d him, and 'S*nr<-? t .em of lii? Le*l attention. In addition to On? nhove, he lias reoenfiy * n.nuht an liitrltit in th* Li vary SluUe in [Ir^enville known as (lit* Piine* t flror id Hand, more reeeitilv kept iiy Mr. James r Th arklloii. Ilfa ilncki* leave Rpai'in- I mrgf on Mondnya. Wednesday* ami Fridays, ritH ilie mail; and leave flreenv'lte on Tuaadnys, Thursday* And Saturday*. J. P. PICACF, July J ; "^7 tf State of South Carolina, 1 OBEKWILLK COUNTT. 1 . la Probata Court. . < HOMAR 0. OOWBR, TRUST Bit. r*. PRAW- ' CIS ELLEN DAttRlCOTT rl ul.?/\(iiion for Rtlitf, At. - ' [""VN hearing the Pe'HIon in Ihia rase, and Lft it appearing thai Ratnuel R. William*, 'buaat A. William*, Jaaiea B. R illiatn*, W. ( 1. D. Davenport and Mary a hi* wife, reside , it of and beyond the limits of this Rials motion of Jama* P. Moore, Solicitor Pro. I , 'at: It is Ordered, That they do plead, an. ? nor or demur to said PetiUou within forty < ays from thi* date, or the same will bo taken a re ?*a/?M* against tkem. B. J. DODTHIT, P. J. Q. 0. - } Prohsto Offlce, July lit, 1869. k July 7 7 6 J STATE Oft SOUTH CAROLINA, J GREENVILLE COUNTY. la Ckaaesry. ' riLttAlk A.*tDAWI*t,<JL*RWP.r. vs. s HLtRHA K. CDLESSAN.?Bitl to torcUtt ( Horiytge, At. il BY virtus of sn order from his lienor Jsmes 1 L. Orr, I will soli, ou salasdey in An- ' P est next, the TRACT OP LAND dUSUrihed ib i S ra piouuwt, to RN blgfcaat MMeT, it Groan- < 111* Coart Ilouea. h The Tract of Lnnd CoQtaini Ont Buiutrrd ni Thirt* icpcn (137) Acrtt, lying oa water* oil noraa River, adjoining land* of K. N. Coloion and otlter*. <' Term* caah. Purebaacr ro pay far Hemp* K od paper*. . * If. A. *eDA1?r*T>. C. C. C. In C. ?l rtortt'a OWee, duly 13th, 1M?. f July U 8 S A. WAPftY THOMPSON OFFERS HIS PE0FB89I0VAL SERTlCF3 .i ro THE COMMUNITY. "VFPICE for tba preeent at bla fatber'a reaJ idence, Rulborford Road. Juiy 7 I t U WOOL CARDING. ; r WILL CARD WOOL for Toll, at oaefourtb ! lor rash, eleven cent, no ? id I familbiog the greaae; at nine eeeU 1 bm the ffmrn 1? ftorwtebed. Hit fourteen >4 ililMa. I will take lard or grain in paycot for work, at a*rk?i p?ir?. Would alto f?j to ike public tnat I barn rein tlj repaired a; FLOUR MILL, and bare r ia of Ibe beat 8meyand Separating Maebinoi <m ia aca, clear a and laarea the wheal clean 6 id nice, bet one other like it In the State. 0 I re tare thank* for paat favor*, and hope . (aerit a oontiaaed patronage. I JOSEPH EDWARDS. July * 8 S Shim r.S hereby given to aft whoa It may concern, J L that I will apply to 8. J Doathit, Proate Jadge of Oreeavllla Count*, on the 8th ay of Auao*t nest. A. D. tSM.lhr a FINAL ISCHARO* a# Rxerntria of ike tetofe ?tl ""WBwShl' ? Jnlj Ttb.fif#. ft ^ * I SWiSMEYvj, EBCBA.NT9, ' i <'' * V . ;T?. * . * 3R0CEKIES ?fc PROVISIONS, Pendleton-St, Vmt Depot, ;?. GREATS BARCAISS * * . wews- - 808xs&t, ff. if.*hoyey's. ' 100 doum hose, WORTH BOCts. at only 96 Cta hl!*L ! Them* Goodn Were ; boafbi at aactioB ! prices* and cannnt ; be duplicated. June 50 #6 tf I - i /ETNA LIFE IHtURAHCE COM?AWT, j Lot eljf Rrpiftuttd by MESSRS. SOWER & WRTHINQTQN. J A SSF.TR, tio.aso,319.93. Dlritable gurphu, $2,870,?09.48. ' St.M of AaMts for Emebtl OO ?f Liability. Life insurance u bow .ought by th. wealthiest men of oar eommarcial citie. I w MB vwmimw, bat to the poor mat it eonsraen<t. itself In a rwy aapoclst manner, for wbil.t ha lira, ha atj by industry ami frugality .Bppurl hi. lamilr and |>ar tha .mall sutn annually which will insure their comfort ?ft?t bW death, LWa 1 nee ranee Is rapidly becoming tha haprr aahititaU for Orphan A.jrluin. and Poor llnnici. One of tho first considerations in an Insurance Company, is a wrll-organrsed system of doing baa men end a discreet method of investment. The prcnent condition of the Altna ( is a (ursatM lor its fature responsibility, arans to Rev. basil manly, d. p., Ct.L. HENRY P. IIA MM ElT, Mr. J. A. DAVID, Mr. Til OS. M. COX, Mr THOS. O OOWER, Mr. TIIOS. 8TEEN, Mr. W. T. SHUMATE, Mr. A. It. McDAVID, Prtif. P. C. DOZlER, Major SAMUEL 8TRADLEY, Mr. JOHN 0. DAlLEY, And many others in this community who bavo examined into its condition, system and plans. Persons desiring to insure in this rery (a- I perior Company, enn do so by calling on WM. E. EARLE. July r r tr LAST SALK * of row AT T OTQ ? V ? ? -A- * Jl K ? For the Vew County of Piefcens. ' ">11 K uodcrsiguod, Commissioners appointed i by tbe Con /en I ion to seleet and locate the 3onnty-slte fbr the new Picken* County, will 11 to tba hlfbwt bidder, at the new location >n Tuesday, tba 27tb day of July neat, Court IVcek, the rouiaiuing LOTS AT PICKENS C. II,, * Comprising respectively, half-acre, one, two t ind four acre Lots, judiciously laid out. t The location is near Hunter's 8tore, be- j ween Town and Wolf Creaks, 14 milas from id Piekens C. 11-, 20 miles from Ureanvilla 1. Jl, and 17 miles from Pendleton Village, md in a healthy section. The location la a aest destraMr one, being situated on a beautl- r bl plateau and surrounded by a fertile region, I rilb thrifty inliabiiants and thft village rapid- | y improving. There is on both Town and Wolf Creeks, I no Water Power, With good Saw Mills, and a almadeuee of the best timber near by . Tbe county-site is nearly tqui-distant be woen Kcowce and Saluda Rivers, baa a floe lew of the Mown tain scenery, and will eoW laud a large trade from the mountains and 1 rum North Carolina, and good oouutry farm- J sg lands can be bought in the neighborhood. Tie Court fTofcne and Jail having been competed, line situations for Schools, Teachers, lvOhanies, *Urcbants. Physicians and ethers \ csiring a good eouutry to live cheap and eaTtby. TlEUMS OF SALE. . t One third cash ; balance in two instalments a f 110 days and ais months. Purchasers to ^ ivo bond and surety for the purchase money. Itles to he executed, hut not delivered until be bond for the purchase money is fully paid, biruhaser to nay extra for titles and stamps. JaMRS LfcWIS. Chairm'n. f JAMR8 II. AMBLKR, RKRbR HOWBN, r W. T. FIKLD. < J. R. UdOOOOD, Commissioners. For fhrthef information, apply to the under- J Igned at Pickene Court House. " J. K. HAflOOtV e Sec'ly A TreaiV Board of Com'ra. ' c Jot.? IS. 18?9. 8 4 ? a Dissolution. rHR Finn of QOWBR. COX. MARKLRY A CO.. IS DISSOLVED, by the death of " Ir. Lrwlf Worthingtoo, to fake effect from tha rat day of Jwly, proximo. The nuaiueea will ba continued by tha unrralgned, onder the nana and atyla of OOWR, COX AMARKLBY. THOMAS C. GOWER, THOMAS M. COX, , HENRY C. MARKLEf. ' - w?? rHE above change will require aa to CL08K UP ALL ACCOUNTS to the rat of Jaly neat, and compel tha aattlamaut r all owtatanding claim* doe the lata Firm. Pereona having claim* age heat tha lata traa, will plea#? reader theaa promptly. GOWER, COX A MARKLKT. Greenville, 8. C., Jane 18, 1849. 4-8 WATCHES* CLOCKS* Uwelry, Periscopic Spectacles* 4o JnLo WILL order an extra art Idle far amy pan an. Speetal attewIt ^ tiou will ba giron to RKPAIR. j BQgmfPviNG 8na Watebea of every do? rMBoa. Bent reference* given. JAM BS G. BLACK. * Jura 38 4 If | MMUJGA V ILLS, 8* C. J?M * I * HARTFORD mm unai csKfiii. ; \?TB b?t? takoa lb* Anoaoy I* H?ia C<mi> ( Xy tT for lb* aalo ?( tkeoa CSLBBR ATKD i BVAVOlUt 0A8 AST? MILLS, for tbo maa- i orfaeunfe of 6i|tr ul Bytwp ftm U* Sor|b*m Ml 8??*r Omm. Wo Mi ?ot offering to tbo fiUI* u oxprrl- . ?to! Maobtoo, M ooo of okith Ik or* *vo 1 ibootanda. bat* ta ha, MM M Mr bo ffiffbrowt part* of two ?W>ntry, and wo till km owl/ woMfaff I low of Ho >? >/ Morlu, M aUlMaff by I bo mooofoclOtori. It rc^wiroo bwt wbowt )M half tbo foot oof wbowt ou botf tko labor, in.| tbo ooot la aboat om balf tbo potoa of itbw Maebfcoa. Tbo rooalta at tola ori aro a | m muoi? vi oafir mo UN VfNII KM of 1 ijrmf, (readily eeltiag U ftem $i to $1.41 per relloo.) and we claim that It la tha only at bloa which CLARIFIES aad CONDEN3K8 ( in the aama operation. With all thuee facte la ite haver, there Mad ^ ft# m wonder at the ?nccear the theneral Agent h meeting Wfth la all ?er Souther* ?Hlea aad prwnr. 1 We aball have one of the Machine* f* ope- I ration ia town eooo. until then we invite our 1 hienda and the public generally to call at our 1 More, eae ?ample*, model, Illnttrated Hreelarr, 1 he., aad where we aball be pleaaad be give I lb?m all tbe information in oar power. DAVID it flTRADLGY. April 7 ? - 44 U DIRECT ! IMPORTATION. SPECIAL attention la eattad to ttia large importation of t*r>* uxeelleat TURNIP SUM), Made hv Ilia nnderui'ynetl, from Clinet Pliorch. England, eouaiating of the following varieties; 1 OKEFN OLOBR I GREEK TOP SCOTCn FAST LOTHIAN SWEDE i EARLY WHITE STONE i EARI.Y YELLOW STOKE RED TOP STOKE. < ? THOMAS ITEE1V, June 9 ' A tf j "new goods. 1HAVE juat returned with a Stork of Good*, which I am very unxioua to to thore who are in need of Ihrlh, all of which I respectfully rcqneat to favor roe with a call before pureheairg eleewhere.? Ca!l aoon, aa I aui telling out faet at low figurt-a. ? , THOMAS STEEN. May 8 ho tf NEW GOODSi JUST AKRIVED. j A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP f MD1B3' SHOES AND BOOTBBS, Mndo in the Sooth.) and warranted equal to iltLRS' BEST. Tor sale cheap, at STERN'S STORE. March 34 44 tf Bo W0!ilMJl91 & & n A8 JUST RECEIVED a fin* Amort < 11 ment of * OLO OBLSf VHICH HE WHl DISPOSE OF CHEAP FOR CASH. lie it also prehaied to turnieh *11 the .ATESTaTYLra OF HAIR JEWELRY, Pattern Book of which can be eeen at hie Horn. 8-tf June 3 A W. H. CAMMER, PRACTICAL BUNSMiTH AN0 MACHINIST. ? CORN 8HBLLBR8, Cotton Otoe. Ml, brtMM Oil Unpt, Rewing Metkiea ad ParaeoU KKPAIRKD with promptneu. 'barge* reasonable. Corn Shelter*, from ten o twelre dollar*. I am al*o prepared to fnriab Rtcnetl Plate*, for marking clothing. m flt.-J A a ? ? --- * " " * * <*.? ITMIMM I ?U atop, June S3 I tt ' E. P. JONES, Aww<ii>iRa*n7r AW a?A"sy, AND SOLICITOR IN EQUITY. WILL MACTICK IX ALL COURTS OF THIS STAIR, ALSO, IN THE UNITED "STATES COURTS. OBoe at QreaaeiUe 0. E, ft. 0. July 7 7 lj? MILLINERY. MI88 McK AT. having reADnA turned from New York n few /Su^H dny? ego, has ohened a well ealeeied Stool, of MtLMNERY, consisting of,PRHNCH RONHfj NrrT end IlAtS. llATS and VBFf CAPS for Lddfes, Mtaeer, Boys Jm *Dd !**? ? . Yl-OWBRS, BIBPVI BONS, Rait COILS, BRAll>8, to. alio. bRBftft MAKING, Hf all Be hraoefces, amended to wUk asailoas and driyeleb. M*y I; * <f "l ? ai a a * m 'v-aw,?. ?l, wafcMn.rf MORS, MR&E8, BilKN. 1 " ' ._ ' ratannH Hi r ETATINO lh?1wfMlul tMd MHfMc I.X _ fM4?rjr i? (Im Svailkni 8l0l? ??i SUNOS.8?sh Door*. R^niOMO^Jitnv tf .>tildin(ff, ?ke , An , I aru cuabUd to *?H Law tod ti utanufaalorar.' prloM. N B ?? SLtIaL ! fa*?1*'? i*?U ok'ik^fe^. n good order. Jely 11 9 W A. C. KAUFMAN,' BROKER, miibCHmnaiT NO. 19, BROAD 8TU1T, CHARLESTON, S. C. FILL BUT AND SBLL REAL ESTATE* BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS. *?. INN yiBMPM l* Oor. B. P. Perry, QioenriUe, S. C. Charier T. Lownde*, ChuUitw, 9. CUaeeane A MHea, M ? W. W. Taylor, Baltlaorr, 1Id, MaJ. C. H. Sober, Newberry, 8. C. 3en. T. M. Login, IkhOoM, V*< Horn. J. B. Campbell, Chaileates, S. C. nr. B. Smith A C?., ?mee, BoyUtoa A Co., " w Petier, Rodger* A Co., M w Pi*wfty, Lord A lugleaby, ? ? I. H. WIIm, * ? Apt 11 T 49 8m? SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. [Ojlciot Or pan mf the South Carolina Stats Agricultural and Mechanical Sscistg.) AT en curly date, the aabaerbera will puMlth the firel number of MonthIt Magaaine, devoted to the development of lite materiel interest* of thi* State, and the whole South ; and will distribute Ave thoumad eo)'lee frataitouely, eo that every oae may tr< what It la before subscribing.? ritey intend to make it the brat and handtomeet induatrinl magazine erer published at the South, and they aek the eordiat w iiperatlon of evory good cit'tea ia thie *Bterprise, which mutt redound to the poblio welfare. Prreone wiehing copies of the first number, will pleaae eend their addreea to WALK Lit, EVANS A COGSWELL, Charleston, S. C. Mar 19 61 if TO THE rUBLIC. TEE PATlUoN HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C., I BO LONG aod ably toil dbeted by the lata tt. L ISgj BUTTKBPIBLD. will attll SMBft ha kept open for the aocoannodation of the traveling publie. And ita 'ormer friends and patrona will And tha lau?l itaohimodationi and attention* be itow*d on them a* formerly, and tha pnhlU kror* already *o well established ae THK lOTBL of the TRAVELING MERCHANTS >f the South, will, by earnest efforts, he aithfuliy preserved. March 4. 1868. 41 if i - ' wniirs hWtic tttnas. THEY CmUE DTStEMlA* in ail an cans or na STOMACH AND LIVER. MSDZOAX. WACUlVV. HEGEMAN At Cd? 4?jnrn, mmw rojut. ?< lannfactnred by C. F. PASBBH OHARLH8TON, 8.C. Vob St to ly State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. By 8. J. DOUtftlT, lfKfuTrt) Judy* af Probata of said Comity. WUKRKA8, ALUC1 R. JENKINS, EM tiled a Petition ip my Olw, praying that Letters of Admin ietrhtiUh with Am Will mmiW on all aM singular lb* (wdi aa<t chattels. rights and credit' of EL1&ABETII HUGHES, late af the County aforesaid, deanased, should bo grhalod to kin. Tkft art, tktrt/or*. to eito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the aaid deoaaaed, to ha ahd appear in the Court oi Probata for. said County, ta ha h olden at Greeorllle Court House, on the ltd day of July intt., to tbotr cabse, if any, why the said Adtniaiatrntlbu shouM not be granted. S.J. DOUTHIT, J. P. G. C. Office of Judge of Probata, July 5tb, IS BP. July T 46 ' 1 The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. ht tks Court af Probata William Orttn re. J. wee W. titers ef m(? PttitioM far Halt of k*ai ?*att, fo* Fartitioa, he. It appearing la my saliefcetion that James W. Green, Sueaa Green, Mary Grean, Lisite Groan, June Groan, Bailie Green, Laura .iHvv and Nanoy Green, Defendants in ? side without this State: T" .. n, ?"& d? ^ M> d"rnur this dete, or the *m*wi|U4 i Jens t*4f> ' . i