University of South Carolina Libraries
wmmrnKammmmmmtmeammmmm y'" A v. v, Ajk Ak * ?a *m. pi tm ;,! i ^ Mp) jjt. ftMtytra Cntwprist eM6*fc=*gtatu i, \jp? 'q> i Wgassdtw ~ cffskiinii^ 6. c. wtnrmuAT, mt tt. 335 ?=*. . 1 if I pi, 1 r OofMntMt QvnUon. , The OoTir?intw Um tJelWd State*. to *f tk? Mblli d?V?t, U.y *?*?,?,. of ths Bcpnblk. We ? * grteeowiy t?**d people M ??g b*?4?Hetioo* mod State The >H?r ?r Ui>n yw i r*??w tdfirom vital iI ?m vhea we beed to boeet of ooi H be* tee an?f freedgm from the berdena of the old kiegdoma o( fiorope. 1%m wee when the nommtni was m? agent ma Nrrnl of the people ; It *11 ami* for thair ber.eflt; mow At* p*opk are treated aa If they exist d only for Dm b*a*8t of the OovmaMi. Tit* high itM on every tkllf NMa tti* laboring man, and tha capitalist alike, to suffer. It I* felt in every thing? from the ho* of me tehee and pepper ho* to the took of alt?or any othar article o# eonattmp tion. The poor man paya at Inset. on an average, ona qoerter of a dollar out of ere ry dollar ho lay* oat, beyond what he ought to pay, If tlta taxes were reduced to what they ought to to. The bond holders pay an tax, and they u*k thole bonds to be raducated in gold, vhen they paid depreeiat ed currency for theaa. The capitalist and trading politioiaoa govern the eountry, and the people are the geese?fiom them they pluck the feathers wherewith to feather their nests. The people are kept amused and misled by patriotic watch-words, and vote to sustaia every abuse without inquiry. We hardly ever hear of any concert.lag themselves about United States taxation or expenditures. So far aa the masses are con* eeraed, it seems that Congreaa might ap. , proprlate, at any time, a thousand millions j of dollars without raising a ripple rn the ( aurfaee of the popular mind. But there ia , more danger, perhaps, to the partiee now , running the Oovernmenl machine trom this | apathy and silence of the people, than there ! would be, If there Was a strong breeze of oppotltion and remonstrance all the lime It ia . the ealm that preeseda the storm, or alas it I ia the ealm of death. * Our State taxes are more easily seen and ' felt, because they are direct And aa they J are now ten lold more grievous on the poo pie than they used to be, it ia no wonder ( Ik.l ? 1 S . l-l-i 1 |i?v puu jun cyui|>wini > inaar. un ( this very account, llicra In a hope of the people reforming the administration of the Slate government; for no man,mho haa any reelect for liia own interest, will sustain high taxea when lie can wield * vote or influence to reduce them to the lowest scale neeeaeary to rust* n the Government The taxes o' the United Stales are not felt directly in many in stances, yet the)* are mote than five times heavier on the people?taken aa roses?than the Stale taxes, and yet there is no complaint. The poor men, and women, and children, of every claas, help to pay tbeee taxes in every article purehaeed for their use. The prodoete, agricultural and ether, told in Ibis Stale lest year, must have amounted to twenty mil lions dollars, snd directly or indirectly, nearly the whole of this sum has bese, or will be, expended for various texed articles, averaging at lenat thirty per cent.; at >! events, the taxra paid by the people of South Carolina to the United 8tates in the last year, must hsve reached five millions Our State tax is lees than one million ? Agitation throughout the country on the subject of taxation, retrenchment and economy, should be kept op by every friend of the people, and they should refuse their support to every public man and officeseeker, who will not eo-eperste in reforming legislation, State aad Federal, lu these matter*. Giving tbe Wrong Credit. The Abbeville Prrtt quotes a portion of the editorial correspondence of tbe Enterprit that appeared ia the Charleston Afaes, duly credited to us; but, nevertheless the Pr? gives tbe credit to tbe A'sies, by mistake of course, Tbe reason is, we suppose, that the Prett i" somewhat iu the habit of regarding tbe Char j. ..</ |>?yna, or uuicr grwi c?i j papers, as tne proper, perhaps exclusive sources of things reilitabl*. Vft suppose that the Preat ncrer read the article in the fnltrprUe, and it only became worthy of bia,attention when seen in the Charleston Xttti. The binding of a book is the tost of merit with some uMart, benea the mistake in the credit; of eonrse, we attribute nothing willful either to the Kditor or Publishers of the Prttt. There is a large class of people who ncrer appreciate any thing that comes from near home, distance lends enchantment to the riew. This Is pretty ofton the eaaa with newspapers. Years ago, when they were not ee plenty to the State of Sooth Carolina, there were two published ia adjoining districts : the larger aad more active, week after week, appeared with fall oolumna of editorial ea the political questions of the day, then vary exciting ; the articles were mech quoted ia the papers of the State and exchangee of adjoining Mates, tnt never noticed by the neighboring district peper. Ones a column of editorial was appropriated by a Georgia paper, and this was promptly copied by the neighbor, credit being give* to the Georgia press. ? ? m i i isi A Pan Acctokxt.?The Arkansas Tran. script of Jane 10th, son tolas the following paiafnl intelligence: ? On laat y7iday, little Freddie Willheobn, .on of the JUr. J. 8. WUlbenh., ot thie plane, we* thrown from hi. korae end died le ?n.u' quenre, .boat (our hour, thereafter. We ere < at a Iota for word, with wbieb to exprera omt r Arrow at thi. .ad accident and beart>rendlnf heeceo.manl. Hie parent, will Me him again when they .ball have ended llfc'a trie la." \ United BUM. Owrl. 1 Tlitc Ctmri will e< n?rne in thi. City on * Monday (be 2-1 day of Augnet nest. ? -T.ll 3 tnHwyinni^i iinin||iil|jipii We pahlta* thepeoeatdlnfa ol the To* B?t liij1>Mlll to th? greet end Importaf irntk. The Cartrftaa Spartan it ntidrf iitokt tn ?iip| o?1ng ihet the rveeat evi ??a m( don# by regular aulborit The feel ta simply Mi la, that for a time A< dereon ' ?u the or ly Booth Carolina tow that had entered much into the &*r U* and It at one t:me eapftoe* that it wee the taly town ia thb Slate thl lay near the air line Croat Atlanta t Charlotte. But after the location of th road in Georgia from Atlanta to Qaloe vflle. then, by neevveiiy. Old Pendletni Greeavilk and Spartanburg were throw oh or a boat the " liie," end it ie, therrfon Mf. SmpoHant to all of Mat on. el-re to the uttermost to aid and awl.t I running tha road through We ara tnue pafltfd at tk? MHitl and wrMl epiri manifested hy tha- ToWh Gotmcfl of Spat Ulbrni, and ?? traM that wur 9o-opfMli<v and mutual afrtfriwa will rasnlt in unitiai till mora ?1n?I| tba Town af Bpartaahuil and OrHiviii*. ?a4 bath with tba grca Worth, Waat, and 8Mlh<??*t W? may inform tha fljpaidaa that th aafi*?fr* wara duly authorised. They aai veyed firat a route by lha way of Aadereoi to Greenville, and whan they arrived her thay returned by nearly an air Una routi baak toward* Gainesville. Furthermore we have private Information that the dl raat route between Greenville and thi Georgia line k firat rate, fwma University. Tha axereiaee af tbla inetitution will be ra ranted the taiddlo of September next. Tbi prospects of the tTolvefslty are Very encourug ing. Bvary ana knows tba President af tbi Faculty, Rev. J. C. Puasss, D. D., Prefceeoi Jcdbor la al?o wall kaown for bU extraordina ry ability as a teacher. Dr. Fink baa lon| bad a high reputation u a linguist and successful teaebar in this State. Professor Hit a is, in the department of Cbetaietry and Nat' nral Pbiloacphy, baa exhibited peculiar quail locations for bie sphere of instruction. Whilsi Professor Tov, in the Greek and Philosophy o Language, has no superior in the States o America. But as this last named gentletnar baa been appointed to, and accepted a prefer torship in tba Theological Seminary in tbli :ity, his place in Purman University la now resent. There is, we dare say, little donbt thai lis successor, yet to be elected by tba trustees, ir ill be worthy of tba place. We can, there Tora, with tba ntmoc* confidence, recommend every one who mey be desirous of receiving I collegiate education and all tha advantages o literary and scientific culture, to repair t< Greenville. Furmau University and othe learned institutions of the place, will secure a great facilities to every young geutlemun !i the Demi it of u sood education as anv Dart o lb* United SUtra. The literary, moral and re ligiona atinnapbere of Greenville ia perbapa a purr, aa invigorating and refining, a* any in th great republic. Prof. A. H. Leiter of Wofihrd CollegeLecture on Language. The Carolina Spmrtam aaya that Profeaao Lhtir delirareJ a lecture upon Language i the College Chapel, on flatir^if eraoinj 11th July, "the beantire and exoalleaelaa < which (in tha opinion of the editor,) entitle* I to rank among the moat arholarly and erudit diaaertationa npon the aubject, that ba haa mc with." We are alwaye gratified to beer the merit of onr Greenville nativee commended. Profa for Liana la a gentleman of fine aebolaatie al tain menu, and we predict will yet pro ft roe* t higher eminence and reputation. Th* trustee of WoflVrd College have acted wlaely in accm ing him aa on* of It* Profeaaora. e #>? a Death of Mr*. Bather Benson. A late Anderson TntelHgmtrr he* a nt tice of the death of Mr*. F>nr?n BlXso! widow of E. B. Brwro-a. in the 78'h year < her ago. Among the older population ? Pendleton and Greenville Dlatrieta, few la dlea were belief or more favorably knowt She was connected with some of the het families in both Diairieta. She was th eldeet daughter of Gen. Jon* Blaiixoami who beeeiae n cillaen of Groenvilla Dii trict in the cloee of the laet century, wher lie reined a large and highly reepeetab] family, and waa prominent in Ida day fo hie eoferptiee, intelligence and gentleman ly character, and ennsiderabl# wealth fo tlio*a early timea The husband of Mrt nrrraoi* was one of the thief and sneccaefu merehanta of Old Pendleton. He com meneed his merea.itile career In Oreenvill na a clerk for fspt Jesuiiah Cwthaub Mra. B. died at the house of her eon to-laa T>r. Cateb, of Anderson, where she has rt sided during the last few years la deelitln health. , Vavspapar Directory. O. P. Row ell A Co., the New York Adrei tiring Agents, are shout leaning a complei American Newspaper Directory. It is a com pilar ion mnoh needed, since nothing of th kind baring any claims to completeness ha erar been published. Messrs. Rowsll A Co. bars spared na pala or expense to make the forthcoming work com plate. We understand the book will be kiadiMM ortif# Titian* af aboat *00 pajtai bonnd lu luk sl?tb, ud sold for Flra Dollar p*r ojpy. As the pnLTlabers in Advertising Agrnti their Israiag * work containing so naeb is formation, nsaally Jealnnrly guarded by thoe ia (bat bae lanes, shows tbst (bey sra eon id en of tboir ability t* la of Barrio* to idtHdiin or tb*y woald not #* readily pi see In tbal baad* tb* ntoars of enabling arery on* t> eon ass (sal* direct wlik pabl takers If tbay * is* Is*. Tl>* State Boom ia Columbia, Wo l*arm from Mr. Crinrm, nftfclaple**, who ha* b**a *ap|td ia tb* work of f ttla* ip lb* a*w S?at< floaee t* anoommodete tb* >gl*lature aad Hupreme Caart, (bat tb* Joh rill ba boiabad ia sta weeks. Mr. J. M At. .a a, tb* anatsaetor, has pu*b*d *a lb* work rith grant rigor aad aoeaaa*. rti - . * < r U "ifjr'Id i5 h cophmmM. The 8utet* Sooth Caroling and ' tko City ?T Ch?ri*tcp wS incur, Id addition n to tho Billion* alroady oapended, the debt ot if ^IflUjBillijiAiJ&Oll Ifi bfllldigy the B|utt R^dffi d Railroad. But It Will oil b. to raall por^w it *o^tM?art*taW&*M?oa4v*4*? a ? allowed to wm (a and nooivo the buatnoaa 0 of the road at Aadersoo^and diwhsrci Ik ?p, on ii|Ju and Baraotieb. VbcBtare should , be warned hi lhk% rod ?i trait that th? City ' of CkirtMtpa, that In time* put hiw shown ? -each liberality, aod (we would raspest/Wly awgguuty v*ry ttutk eagacity and common aassaa in mbs of bar view* of taHraad niltsw. will " inotracther RepreeeaULire* io tb* Legislature, and bor loJfieential oltiiens, against tb* 8a**Saah Yslley Railroad project, thai W rare to ho "" rsrlrsd slen with the expected eompletioa of f tba Bin* Ridge Railroad. ' W* do not prop no* to go Into the tall argu* asoat at this tins* to pfove that tbi* Valley 1 Road fro? Anderson to AngosU Is a am* Paula IMaftat, aad that it wotta bo peona ? nontly dlsaetron* to I ha interest of oar o?n > toHrends aad tb* Qlty of Charleston, aad fan* i oral welfare mf Up 8tat*. It wosrid thru* ap* i on the Savannah Hirer and the Augusta aad , Savannah Railroad not only the trade of the Weal, bat also take away Ilea Charleston and tha State a large portion of tb* business of tbe B 8nvaanah side of tbe State that now Ibid Hs way to Charleston, Kdgefleld. Abborilte. An. I d orson, Oconee, Pie tens and Onsorttk Counlie*, would be in a grant measure loet to Ohar lesion, witbont really benefiting their interaete ( Charleston would be kept out of the peculiar | benefits of the Bine Bidge Road that ah* has 9 so long desired and struggled for, more cffectually than If the road were to run entirely on the Georgia side, for it will here betn only Introduced into the western borders of tho Sta?? for tb* purpoe* of taking away tbet which Charleston already bas. Georgia tape tb* Bide Ridge Road at Daltoa. Will Charleston and tbe Stat* aid in giving her tbe fiow of the t bnng at Anderson ? We hope there is a little ^ more practical wisdom in tha State than to alr low this railroad suicid# to be the result of all tbe railroad excltemonts. Thero U mo nooessity for occurrence of this catastrophic. Charleston Is Ihe natural outlet for the trade of the Bine Ridge Road, if timely prudence la exercised to secure it. And to present the miscbeil we hare indicated, It is only necaasnry to constrnct a road from l!i?ty-six or New Market, in Abbeville, to Ornniterille or Aiken, and thin would be all suHeieat, constituting the nearest possible and be?t route for the trade of tbe Blue Ridge Road to reach the sea. This would also, in a great measure, lesson the damage of the Ballon tap, as It would afford such a straight moto to Charleston from the West that the productsont seeking a tea port market would kave a mora desirable nud speedy transit. The Button connection would be etili important to Georgia to supply the demands of that State, bfit all our State Interests wnoid realise the full benefits of the Blue Ridge by the extension of a Railroad from tbe proper point on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad in Abbeville to Aiken r other point on the Sooth Can Una i Railroad. Our belief is that three eoDuiderations will operate on tbn minds of the people I of this State, who take an interest in such matters. We trust that tone prominent gen' tleuen of Chnrleaton, and tbe ptthlie journals of the City, always so ready to defend her inter eats and that or tho State, will pay the attention to these things that they deserve. We , shell see whether Charleston will, aftergeUiag tbe big elephant aeiosa tbe mountains,endeavor to prevent him diseberging the eonteats of his trunk upon tbe Georgia side, upoo Angaria and Savvannah and not Into her own mart. TU- fli.i. xn I J?i-. ? * ug dmi< win ii tv iioportaa wis eiepnanl it great expert* Mid flak, and graded, bridged and tnnnclad bis way to Hula, If aba * allows a 8aaacnah Valley Railroad to raeelva ' all tbat ba gathart and aucka np from tbe baga >f paatnraga of tba great weat, and from the wea'f tern districts South Carolina. ?. Hearth and Honfl. * Tba next nntnbar of Hearth and Home, It la * aaid, will ba a * pee tally ftna one, both In tba *. rarkty and exoallanaa of tea matter and tba ? beaaty and tba value of ita illustrations. It a will aontaiu tba bugiuaing of tha'vary interase ting story, " Tba Romaaea of a Rirh Young t Qirl," by Oetaro Puillat, author of " Tba Ro. mance of a Poar Young uaa," which waa arar ry where ao daaarvadly popular by ruaaou of tha L singular Interest of Its plot, the variety, beauty ] and 'hrilling character of Ita incldenta, tba ar _ lis tie skill of tba atylo, and tba baahhy tone of f ita asoaalltg. " Tba Ramaaas ot a Rteb Young Girl" will ba found to fiisssm aH these quaili. tlea in an equally markad dagtaa. Tba illaa. ' tratioas were deaigned and angravad si press 1 ly for tba Bonrih and Bo mo la Paria by emi* nent artista. Address PgrrxxaiM., Bates A Co., 3? Park Row, N. Y. . Terms ft par aanum. Hev. Dr. W. W. Hlcka Thle dblli|iilibMl minister ha* favored e our City with a visit, and last Sunday , preached in hie v?ry eloquent manner, two irrmoni, la the owrniag ha occupied the * Presbyterian CHnreh, In lha evening the i Baptist Both ware ftliad with deeply at a tentWe listener*. Ba a'.ao attended the i. Sunday School Meeting of the Presbyterian a Chereh end the Methodist and Baptist. which all united U t the oaaeaion at the i. Baptist Church, to hear en eddrrw from p him. It was en excellent one, end vary * appropiiate. Dr. Hicks ia e very gifted * man Indeed, and we ara not surprised at the ' great Impreaaion made by his preaching upr on tha City aggregation. | f Dr. Hint* teal ore* this evening l?efore the Litamrj Club in the Court Henna. -a ran I * ?. Wanted. At this OMae, MM Subscribers, to pay In * advance for one year?onr price to two dollars per nnaam. This to swell amount, sad the pay want of ft cannot efiret a wan?while in l ha aggregate *l hat pa na gnat dauf, Pay to advenes fey cue rear. 1 * ' - Hre^Mal? partft 'ef tb4 Rt#b and fto?( Georgia, we hear eompUrinte of ?fc? dry aod hot weather, eorn nrepe Kara iWnd Iril^inibh damage vitbla lha >~t few j **! ( ll?wF^.ft^**00ttnU <* fains, btlfnowher ebatre they hraa general. Cotton la not so ni?h Injured by the dry litatehef, bat le hur#byfU etjbeiderehYpf r Thfa Vaaoo, like many preceding, te Jt warning to hnaan not to troat all their chances of a crop to corn and cotton, hut to oullWete thai small grains largely, awl M.h potatoes, that oaaall, anake_ bafajre hot, dry waather oot?mene*-a. Aa w? base heretofore, we will again eagaeet the Ha portaa?e of the turnip erdp, and (he prop er preparation of the land to make It anc eeeefwl. Turn I pa ean be made to wapply largely th? de&eleaey of earn la feeding t? took, beeide? being valuable and healthful for table diet. .'i ? a Lady Ltvyan. Mr*. Asaactua Mawikld was IsUlyVi mitted to the tar in Iowa, and her husband, Mr. Kaxstibid, was slso admitted. If tfrey form a partnership in tha praetiee, we sup poM it will ba la the name of " MAXsrtXb A Wife.* The nimG is of g^eat I?g41 fam-. Who knows bnl that Mr*. MaxSikld shall add to its raoown and h* like P?am. " another Daniel coma to Judgment:* Br the way, it la remarMMa that hnaxarxaitk should hare Selected a woman to (ill the ohsreo?er of lawyer in the * Merchant of Venice," and make her apeak a liule spoteh, mora admired and qooted, than all tha necchee of all the athar lawyer* the world ha* produced, down to the present t<me. This to the day for woman'a right a and now I hey era being adiaitte 1 inio ooilrts to arl rooate and defend the rights of mea. We hope all war*, as wsll as all eoUsra. will get their rights. Sun Stroke. A c?re of sun stroke in our midst Indicates the extent of ths hest. On Monday laid. Mr. Jon* B. Boras, whom our elt itena all know, whilkt employed by Mr. II P. fhvuitr. was stricken down, shout mid day. He hod been hauling hay ami am ployed in other ways t?r which he was ex* posed to the eon, and feeling badly retnm. ed ta the honerj sitting down npoa 'ha steps In the ahsde s few moassnte, he expressed that he was feeling unwell, instantie falling orer insensible. Mr. Bate* Is atlll in ^ danger, although hopes of his reeofcry are entertained. He lint the svmpalliies of the ConiotunilV. This Is the first asm of tha oh?racier wo lirve board of in this section Milan College, TennniM. A friend ha* placed In onr hands a cauiognc of tlda inati'utl in ; It embraces l?oih mala and female department!, and Judging fr.?m the number of pupils, must be quite llouiisning. Mr. J D. Axtnteaox, who form eriy taught a high school in thia place is the President, with several assistants We are pl-aaed to see that Mr. Am>aa?ox ?a mactlng with such decide I suecea* He is a g:adu<?t? of the South Carolina College, and a gentleman of excellent character and at tninments. With his qualifications and great seal for hie profasaion, he must rise to yet higher distinction as a teacher. Don't Tail Worth a Cent! " Bote* " PoJiatoT li*? pfaoed the busln a* manag-njent of Ids papers in tile handa of C. P. Stkks an experienced publish, r, and now drrolrt hit rntif" time U? the dutiea of the sanctum, where, re'leved of bo*ine?? cares, he Is malting Itla giant weekly. Potm eroy*a De/rrorrnt, the aaoat rea-laMe paper ever printed. It in sharper than the 7/t Croats Itemcrrat ever waa?more than red hot. and full to the brim of laughable h?i moarnoa artie'se; s?nif<t?? Nifhi Ghii'lrn and those prtuliar editorial*, none other* can or Jirt write*. Se?<t (or iHiitple aopt-i, or eubseribe by sanding for It to the editor or pohliaher, P. 0. b<>c fl.417. N-w Y??tk rHy. He pay* flte hundred do'-ar* ca?h, fr-r ih* laigaat oluh mii( ia before the )(Ui of September | Tit" raports of Puvraov'a failure arc aimplv toriaa started by those who do ft?t like hi* giii'it p-tpe1* <>r hi- red hoi Mr le of editing a paper opposed tob -i.dholder.' and official corruption. pecimen of Tin# Potatraa. Mr. .If i if* C. Smitu ha? eal.tbltad to o* fine sample* ol Irish Potatoes, raised In the garden ?f IV Jfgf| P. Borer, of oof City. They are of the vatlel) known aatht Early R-ae, and are aup-rior in appearance to any we have seen, very smooth and . aaily p* elrd A eery few were planted by him in the spring, the product will be aavad as reed. Mr Wp liam Bat** haa also furnished ua, which we inland planting as soon as It raln?, specimens of Irish Potatoes, which ar# not eommon here, brought front tha North last fall t tha ethn I* wary thin,' and they appear almost aye less. Mr. UuaMisi ssn* mends them highly. ? lamia Oraafi Leetarer, B. Ink fiwp hall. ** Mr. Picgta reganata no to civ# astiss that - w ^T T Ik* Maannie Onod Lecturer of tbe Slate, B. Real Cmkinx, erill riait OrcenrlU* on hi# teetering lour on the 24 and Id Aognat j at If arietta, 4th end frth j at OowenevllU, 9th and 7th | at Ballet'* Croaa R?.?da, 9th ehd 9tb> The fraternity ta invited te tern eat and hear Mat. IT ta a lin^tlar feet that Old Virginia ha* the dfaiiaetion of tending te O* a free* a negro ell i ten, aa a rapreaentaftva. Thi? peraon, a Doctor *Kor?on. ta aleelad from the oldeet portion of the " Ancient Dneir ion," from the *iret Dietrtet. Bmdee he waa not a " ethrpet bnyaer," but a native to the manor born, and e freed men before tht war. Be " ran a itump " m en fed*peed, i eet BepuMlean eeadidale, egalnet fe reyn I arty anmlaa?e4," oarpet bay Rediral."? He la mid ta be aoher, oivtl, and wclbbe bnva?t|nah ?JMkmuf*, Comply with the fofiowiag pro- L positions, end we will be enabled < US make iuip.ove.ien* fhafc mr* ' rary'mhch dfestte<Hn tbe{ appeal ( aaca oi this iJ We want every every Subscriber \ who b in arrears. to come prompt^ 1 Iy to bur Office and pay"up bfa indebtedness iffilh the Honey, BY , TilE 22D AUOiraT BEXT. If but one dollar is due, co??? and pay it. wx " ! We ' want BrtbscribdHl Vli ite time have just expired or about to expire, to call promptly at our Offic**t?d4?r the cm A in advanoe a *_? ir i ior one year. /.? site M.oney a* vaid rf? every instance, fbr Print- 1 ing Material cannot be botght with AUght else. ~ | We want every Subscriber and Friend to-bring us one New Sab- 1 scriber with the price of subeeriptioii tor one year. In order to'offer inducements to our Patrons to settle and pay tlie money in advance at an early date, so that the necessary Funds to be rnteod Can be secured, ' Wc Will *4*s a Deduction of10 per Cent on Bills, Past and Future, Paid br 2*1 August Went 1 If this is done, we will have some of the means with which to purchase new Printing Press. New Type, and New Fixtures, and the ENTERPRISE will commence I a new career of usefulness. t^gjHNo deductions will be allowed on new subscriptions for a less time than one year. Let every one of oar friends do all he can tor us, for the amount necessary to be raided in the purchase of new Printing Material, will bo considerable, and it will require effort to secure the amount. Hut it can bo done, if but a fow words are said in our behalf and those who owe us honest debts will discharge their obligations. We will again state the advantages wo offer: Those who owe the Office subscription and advertising-accounts as well as all who pay in advance for one year, settlement to he made between now and tho 22d of Augutt next, will receive 10 per cent discount. fSyWe appeal to all of onr Patrons and Friends, t6 do all in their power, by deed and by word, to further onr ends. If but two DOLL.A1tS IN MONEY 18 placed 1Q OUr hands by each individual, the help will Ira considerable in the aggregate. Greenville should sustain one Newspaper and that handsomely, and we think that to call upon the People is all that ia necessary to secure their attention and snpport' IN tux . tmieiiw I TUafc , ? Aftttrn &KtorM?1 Wn.k it i? a grr?t pleirure lo r?*e thiyw. iiil'a <*ul down heyon d the river, llormh for the Council of Qreenvili* Ci?y ! 1 |hink it U neldnna worth while to M Uee lyp"Kr?|iliieii1 dipt ; l>ut U?t week I wmu rna'ie ?*y mat one man Willi d?e*ncy on hi* aid* waa better worth hating than a hundred, Ac.. when It Waa written?better w<>rth hearing. [ tliInk that ekery man who enmea h?re from any of tlia adjacent tawneoHfftt to ba eeirel and hllndfold-d aa ba ptw<a along the atrente, ao that ba may not aaa tha eyn or#?ih? plague *#ot?the tkooaand h?ga that roam, and (runt, and wal ow, and (weed through all our eity. and before a)| our eyna, Tall It not la AoAereon, proaUim it not In the at of Spartanharg, let it not elimh the m .. to A*heeil|e, nor ran along the Air Line Into Georgia? that the pretty city of Greenville toUralaa ao horfibte a nsiaanae. I think that everybody ought to anh aerihe for tha JPntrrpri**, among other ram' eon*, beeanea (boa they And oat what I THINK. Farnuaaaa.?'The Charleston Courier, of |ht lOlh iaat . initain~ Kw IaIUwUm ? "Cntion r>Mi*nari invited to vt*U lh? Farm, at iha Ki i*u Work#, al tha 8ulphnil? Avid and 8#prr I'boifibila Company, oboot throe rolle# from U?? Mty. Ion* tha cotton prodoo?d by ikdi Fortiliwra Tho ?rd were planted on (ho Md of April, and Iho forma on many of ibo plant* otoood eighty ; and on ono plant on* hondrod and ii'j-ioo wrr* eoontod. Tho attention of rUitora I* particularly oallrd to tho fact that th* Eli woo Fertillwr, Bfa I, which eon?i?U of Bnpor-Phoo photo oUinc, ahoar* floor cotton than W?. %, obi oh 1* mhcoO ' with Pemvlon Onano; and a Ion than thai portion akld han boon oannorod with Po j radit flatto alone. | ??. * o> sonoSftLa of aitisena fioaa ill* urroundtng oantry, and patrona and fWfort from inroad, than had eaannMad at thfa'aeat # earning for many yanra. The Commencement Sermon wa? praaeh-* rd OD Sunday, the 11th inrt., by E*r. The enaaaHaWaa"*# iha <Mhw (H?iiii, arhialf had Ha* .frit pr^ea* frr *t4vl Say* pre*lour, elote* ah Ifondey. Th* pleating to their d'toted ah# fkHlifilt l|W ^ rtrueli-ra. It WM atatrd >r the ffijjfctet th* Faeohy, the* quit* a number of th# student* hid not been al>aent from any Corf lege duty during tha paat year Xba teafik mony borne hy the alt feme offtttriaobortf to lW uniformly crrecl XncT gfenllemaoty J !. i .i. l J' \ ' . ><-p..rtvnt ??? v?? yenag im?, ??<ry |i|m? lag - Th# ton# of nmratt established in lb* cipllne an the part of the Faculty mm h*en rendered a I moat nnnece*Mry. A gracious i>?i?ai km pwrmf tw.dltm luilxnia. hp which many hareAeawWoovhi Into the cnmrmmio.. of tha Chflreb. Parent* desiring for' their anna a thorough mentaj. I raining, under moral sad rahglotfa Influence, eaa ecarca'y do bvller tha* nal them to WofToid. Tueaday morning was occupied by tba address before tha two Litterary Societies, delivered by R W. Boyd. E*q.. of Darlington. Of tha eminent qanliflcat too* of tbia gentleman for the dnty aesignsd him,, none who heard him can doul.t, lie ehoee Fit*,I img for hit theme, and forcibly delineated the palM and perpleaitlea tying In tha air of an aequaiatanee with bo oh a. aa wail aa Ibe exalted pleaaniea and benefits resulting therefrom. Ctearnaso of llnMflht and felleHy af eapreaelon cliuractariaed this discourse throughout Tha addree* h?fore the Atbmnt Awocfa tion waa drlieared (n the afternoon, by Ree. S A, Weher, of Andereon. The -high aim of the speaker, te prnee nod illtwt rata the ?> harmony aaleting between eeience and re* elation, called ferth logical nod oratorical * powers of no ordinary grade, attd eom pl-tely enchained tha anient ion of his endl' anee. The Gr?<fhatfhg"(jla'ee wta composed of twelve young men, of line prorobe, via : Edwin Wifry per plea. Beaufort; pejer Campbell Brvce, Oolttmhia; Rlward Patt.r?n nk.Mk.M u n. t.t. n. ?. ?v/., #unn IW mtr Cleveland, Sparlanl.urg j Pariah Alexander CnnttnliV*, Speitanl urg; Janes Allen Eidson. IMgetleM ; L?*if P?n Jones. Edgefield ; H?p? Hull Newt??n. Marlboro'; Plene DuOn? Trapler, Spei taiihu>fr. Oharlea Saunders Walker, ^partaftbnrv; Oenrg# William* Walker. Oarn?lltnn, Kv.; and Daniel All-ton PaPrv. Sparianbunr. Tlia peaking ot the## voting tnefi varied with good muaie, held tha attention of a 'aland quiet andlenee for nearly four hour* on commencement day. Where all did #o trail, dUariqtiaailM aaeaae om? ?i plaoe; yet we amy kg permitted le any that W? were especially pleased with the oratory of Merer* Preplta and DnPro, who, an lker? war* ao honoe# ainoweed by tha P*ralty, were elected by their elaeacna'ea to deliver . reepeetlcelv the Salutatory and Valedictory Addreeae*. Tha conferring of Dtplnsnaa, and presentation of Bibles bj Dr. Ship p. elored the exeretrea of graduation. Tha party at the (Vlege <?n W-dneeday night, formed an appropriate JtmmU to thl* Interesting oecaslon. Every thing pa**ed off rderly and pleaeentfy, and the large assemblage separated at a aomewhat mi smm! bone ot the nhrhf. feeffng that they had enjoyed a "feast of reason land flow 'of aonl." . , . Woflford iaone of the raw.O?llegeaof (be South tfat never *usp< n 'ed during the war. Thuutih tha endoe raeut waa %U lost, the Faculty, with a Una heroic spi lt, still remained at if a post where they fglt the eatiae of (Jhrialien ?d nee I ion meet needed their seryiee*. declining many tempting of : fera and r-lyliK opon an appreciative CliUrch and country tor auppoat.? | And theindiofito^aerr.^n thy -111 .p. it; for. In tir jaHgmnil of Ita *Mt I jndirioua friend*, tha fO<>apn?ti?f ftto ColHP f<>r rxtaneire naafoloaae, ware nevar batter than at tha prevent, A. ). d -'S - ? -1* > , , ram nx mcmust urammm f * w? Metm Kit lor*? f am fbetjorhily interrogated In tafrttrota to bint iitnW iona by tho?a paraona who hare made a fair and juat ratnm of all th?H* to*> to |tn?plfiy Id lho Gonnty Ato?toor? the ralnailon of all rani retain having Ma JnolM by (ho 8ta|p ifeaM of RqnoHaoatoe, Thto donblo' valaation la not intended to apply to than* whq hare dona thrlr doty nod returned th-ir properly ?tito foU vain#; Ihayaatoaal oath; F!r$t, ?t?' intr ih? qualify of the|f luff*; Heoftd. that t? ba? b*#U>?)at*nd af, Iff full f*'rd. that th* dowhV ra1a? alien doaa Mi rqaahea prqparty wKI^ th. liter preparly ! Ik* O^Mqly. ^ ? " ??^M*ily I* n?t an a.V e?lor*m ta^, ap aa? qoirad by tb? OeaWiMMlae. A ahqft vit aaaertna tba?a tkrea pnlafq, au-am u> by any Ma m*1m4m4 la adanl?H?i*r an aetb. r Had ia tba nftea af tk* County Aa*ttai', '-, will bplarwardedl W? tke'lalw AadMW, * wba, > ?la ui Hok 1 sad fa ?ta?a. prant pleaaara ia ralteaktf Utyea bev baaa a?><*i/ a#4 ai na>iHnrttanM? u*?4 by tbia dantM* nfliMUf, All i lila troubta and aenfaalon v?uld Kara Haaa avoided I' tba Oonnly Board q/ Kqn? iution h?d d<*?a thalr dnfy, and had equal. badW/f^rty iffiWMgCTy ware *r<*tad * WfWPffmiTlJa