University of South Carolina Libraries
It HW >l?i< id* without <M?St?*rt It un>?f???w Jan* 33, 1869. st . ? 0KEEiJVUJLE CQVHTx!^^*' > % 1* ****** * i-i CL8YB0RN TRAllfjrtJr.t?. AJmfnttrttvr, ivuivr.n jkmiai, mMMFXU JRRje*IAlI TEAMMULL ;?iT/iX. I?*' rru>nt o?i.pi.h.*?l hating thu Wfli.d bi? L huibend SamMt T>o*le, thWWVnnv ortveah Cottetou, decerned. are aokaMrft, and TIodm Qolletea awtl Jetrtat Trommel i, rrilb ?w of Hi? State t Tt la Tilt th?r 4?, ? anUno of Parry 4 l^rry, Complain ewl'e SutloltoM. tDiww, plead or demer to Aba aaid Bill within fortf day* from the pal Ueelioa of tbie KuU, or the uuw bo Uku rt n?/nw flPTO thettt. W. A. MoDANlfIL, C. C. C. Clork'a Ofl&co, .luue 2l?t, 1869. 8-6 Hot I' 1 M 1 I' '' l STATE OP 80TTtH CAROLINA, 13 Oar At, b? Acaici Columbia, Juue 15, 1 ?60. THE attention of the citiaona of tbe Sliite i? ratpactfuUy hi* I tod to tbe annexed extract* from an net peered at fbe recent aeeaien ?.f the General Aawmhlf, and rati ted on tbe 19th d iy of Inarch, 1849; ant tbelr cordial cooperation with the oftcere charged with the execution oft%?-hnr la ant ?nitj requeeted. The eaewerathw* of tire inhabitant* (| (a furimh a Vpiifor the apportionment of reprerentatinn In the next General AaeemMt. in, accordance wrth Section d or Article II or tha: Ca.HII.II.. m.J >1.. ?... I ? ? 1 II?M Will COMUBMd UNtf ( cUttcu* of oil political Ttewf. s A t ^ y 3 In ooneetioa with thU work tko atatietlce <of tho arffc&rairal (trodwut^Uoa ?r laal yaar wlQ ba talafe, tbi it ia awlmaUy dooirahW thai they ibould ba returned aa fully and intelligibly aa eircumatancca will permit, aa it ia expected thai thay will furhieh valuable data in the future agricultural biatnry of tkc State. UEiNB-Y grAUNICK, Coiumiaaiooer. An Act to jtrbrld* fur tike K-emeratiun of t\t I-kokituoU uf tko Stmt*, r t, w a #a a a a 8tcii?f 3. That It aball ba tba duty of each and every person appointed to take the canaaa )>y virtue of tbia Aft to call pereonetty aw tba head or aauaa member of eaith family ia tba County, or portion of County, for which he or thay ahull Mire boon appointed, and obtain from each he id of a fatally or member thereof, aa aforesaid, the number of parwope contain ad in itfoh family, and aneh other informaHaa aa ut*y be rMuirad and directed by tba Couiniieeioney of the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics. B?*. 4. That each bead of member of a Ifc mily tball, whoa teAaoeed tbsioOo by the persons apmotfeUd Under thia Aat ?o take fcbm at bW har or thtfy ^awa. or pUaa of bii?inea*, Malta, ow. oath of affirmation, a cor real return of ail persona of wboaa his or bey family ia compoaed 1 and alao report aacb other information te aaid canaaa takara aa aeay bo required by law j and the pereooi ao appointed to take the eentue are hereby fathomed to odtnWtataf oateb oaths; antWp.?n the tailuro of any ?erfoa to 45Wwi nA' rttema w reporte when required, bo or she aball bo oai^oot to a penalty of twenty-flvo dollars, to tM.raoorered in any Court of competent jurisdiction. Juno U I t OirnHr. *d?V Mom i .) 1 Jk-!? v IIBADQUAHTKHS 8. C. MILITIA, > Ab/'t axb liir. Sml'i Orrrea, f ??ionu, 8. <5., Juu? if, 18? . rftet at ten tfoh of Enrolling Ofncen, and qf X Alt poraoaa concerned.-la call of u (bo M> 3B?S?sf-?S? of 8o?i% ^a/oTiBa*'* apfrurod March 18, 1868: boar<Unr*auoo% W MMU? or n? W tr*** of ap jr. dw*lll5? b"?o,ah?H, apua Ibo^pplioaiien of By otfoor wtbonitd to mako iuab Mtroflwoot.-gNo laiomation of tbo o??o<of all per* km roabliag or loading In aueh houoe liable to ba earned. and all otbar puppr infornMtiaa eoaeoraUg rucfc poraoaa uaaoh tflevi Biff Ji jWaialUVil m 8ao. VII. Tbat if say ptiwa of wbooi ia* foraation U lopataad by My n?h oOoar, la older to oaablo bUa to eoaaply wUh tbo prwvi. sioae of this M aball rafaao to gfcr* m<-b la* ImagllMi a abaU giwo faloo lafonaaiion, bo olaall-fdHMt.pad pay tvaaty doUara for each iiato of lafonaaiWo doaaaadod of bia by afly *iMb olM aad fklaoly atalod i aad a llko mm for oaob iadloidaal dmo naaialil or fclaly tatod. A at amy poraoa wbo aball rdbdo to giro his own aamo aad prnpoa Information, glrWa ftuoeiiaiBoor laforinaCioa, iball forfeit aad par a tiko bum ; inch ponaltloa to bo rpeororod la a?j Court of competent jnrladietlon. 'ZjJUZt'iZtZ ?uif"C? h 'Z tmd^inprj olhot*,^ 16^+ re*om?4^tn^h? n?m? %f%?r of H* BxMl&urcT t<*Comu*4*ryj !) ff * " mamwmyry "J w** "St. jzsszvt-*: ' AnUtut Adjtr A ND \ ' H IWWy' p ijgf^jdi i * <? i -*** iiMH^^^^B|nAMLk*> <Ni ft 'BBB?v^^^(vWa^ Organised l?t0?Qaadrcpled 1889 THB LARGEST AOGR15UATTON <f* SQUK8TRIA1*. orttNASTW. ATHLSTIC and Aarubati* Artirfn, Saolagital and Or?iU?olu^ic*l Specimen* ever com li<Uted in ?>n* Rutrncllr* &luu*oment combination, uamUrinx ??1 ?i?Tn more TtrA vrirvi t.adtrs. QUEENS 1ST THEIR RESPECTIVE A*TD PLEASING HOLES. mprfe tusiiixo -male artists MORE TRAINED HORSES, A LAKQER M UNA GBR IB Better Jfneie, Greater KovtUit* A wore Splendid tin<1 Com mod inn* Ontflt thnn ever before preeentecl to th? people of . Ml:* |||? Bvtntb, i '?. Will Exhibit in GREENVILLE Saturday, July 3, 1869. At Two and hdlfpaet Seven, Afternoon and flight, 'each day Colonel O. T. AM^B, ..^.....Proprietor. DOC CilAMDKRS Kuslncaa Manof.r. Captaiu J. L. BRKI6K,........ TfimW. The almoat iueshaufti1 le reioorcee of thit coloaeal organ iaalion will he il Up toyed In a f~t GRAND STREET RRO CESSION. At 10, A. M. SATURDAY, J?tly 8 In whi*kf|n addition to the retinue of gor geoue apparelled l,?dk? end Gentlemen, the herd or gnily emparienned Horace and elfln Poniea, Trained Elephant and Canada, I)ena and Cagea of Wild Beaate, the apoclolty net even attempted ky shy other Cireaa or Menagerie en earth, of tarn in< tr 1-10*8, TIGKItS AND LKOPAltDS LOOSE IH Iliji LA YA l.CA bi".. Will form a Scene ?if Oriental Grandeur and TfarlKai InAreeghetem| tip PSfif >'<8 equalling. and eectfnd only in attraction to the ptoweaa of QN0A-.XLLA _].UOF.Kit ASD UtRR Aa dtaplayed in the D.ena^of the Savage Mob pT Pot IWyiiHwW>, see MeremnO. jum* Ura, Descriptive UtIU, Lithographs, Pamphlet*, Ac, | (( u. 6-2 dsns 22 4 W7 H. CAM M KRT PRACTICAL 6UNSIWTH ANO MACHINIST*. /^OltN RITKLLERR, Cotton Gin?, L?ebe, \j XeroSere ON Lamps, Hewing Machiaee iM Parasole HKRAIRKD with piMplntM. CbMiw r*w?n?M?. Corn Sbeiier% from ten to tmln dollar*. I am al*o prepared to furnish BUncil Plata*, for marking slothing. JS#* Rtaad?* At WeslAeld's old shop, Jane 23 . ft it Dissolution. tfillS Firm af COW BR. COX, MARKLEY 1 A CO.. IR DISSOLVED, bj the death of Mr. Lewis Worthington, to take effect frem the Irst day of July, prosiuto. JThe business will be continued by the ondrrsignrd. under the name and style of GOWKRTCOX A MARKLFY. THOMAS a OOWKR, THOMAS M..COX. HENRY C. MARICLIY, ''It 11A ahove change will require us to At ct(,SB IJF.ALL ACCOUNTS to tbe Erst of Joly nest, end compel the settlement of alt outstanding claims due the late Firm. Persons baring claims agalast the late Firm, will please render them promptly. OOWER, COX A MARK Lit. OrswrMs, ?. O., June l?, 1M*. AM United States Internal Revenue, Dar. Cot. Omci, 3n Dirt., 8. 0., > flreenvllle, June M, 1169. f BY Tirtne of authority from A. 8. WALLACE. Collector to District. I.C., I will leM, to the highest Kidder, as Greenville Oily, en fkmlsjf, lAe 24<1 day J*me, IUI, toe followinr property ; to wit: ONB BAP.ttKi, AN? A ?1MIJ0HN OF WHI8KT. wbioh were ariard on tbe premiaea of Carter Tamer, on Iba -ilh day May, 16?. Term'* Cob. Hour of tela. 12 M. A. i,. COBB, Deputy Colleetor. /on? It 4 2 fo contractors! "*. *? < * <4 * u npH 8 Ommloaionera of Ptekoof ?M : 1 OrfnrtHf r/onabte will ^ raaalre SEALED PROPOSALS nntil Thtr-d^f, J*, if laf, lor mjJtWNO' A' tttTI** arroe. 8*1 uda Hirer. a bore th* oM Talantf P.ttd. 1 aprrlArallor a, torn a, da., nan bo eeeo ?liber at New l*in ken a, E. I!?lrnmbe> tnwMenon, Wat*the offlee of Coratu1e?K?era; I al Oraobrliht. * , r? Ctftiman of Plaltrne Oofn.' ALEX. McBER. ChnLmten'QIvanelllr on OBloe of OjNciuiMiftitrt.Orccuvntd, /fna H, rtft.' aoa^e' * Hat I? *+ 4 ! <-i TH3 Second Sasalon, of Ira 'JHWk Month.. Qf til. yaar IMI.'Wtt W> IHlk oa tba 1ST 09 JULY, 4*1 I JRW-KSSte S!?0.^ayahW la advartaa. Far CivaWlAra, *tataiaiaj full informal ton, apply ta -r Juna 16 4 | . - BBQMIlfc^- j MATHEMATICAL AM> CLASSICAL ACADEMY, ?aBi?iK,??iaaifflw,?. ? M ! THE *X?rirfa?* arttl ha i?na< ^yg^^e 1 oil M<md<iy. '28/ik day / ?/W. j l ei n.? of Tuition p?r #rf?na of ?r?kl,u f?U??*l Primary PsparMoritf,. ,* 1 f?n l?i?inf-'Hiaic n^rintM .10 OO Hiithrr n>|wrlm?iii, 14 W ; ?Aif??w*d K*?ll*h l>?H**rtni*?rt -I* CO M*l4??Maii?s ?<m! Lanuu??r* It uO P?r imiiiili, lights * * siting 10 00 Jga |1 AYMC&WORTH EAR1.B, l'llucipsl. Jnr? t S Mf"StTist.Vw-y Spartan copy Ivtcr.aad MuJ bill lo advert ist. Has JUST nCOElYRO a flue Assort mcul of OX-OO R.Sf WHICH H WHL OlSPQSE OF CHEAP FOU CASII. II? is *l?o lo furni'h sll.thf LATK3T STYLKft 0F HAIR JfcAKLRV. I'.i t- i n book of win. U can be s.--n st his blurs. 2-if Jons I DAVID & STUADLEY, FjflffABDISS AID CillSil inKRCtli.MS, AKt> DUMIS IS GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. Pendleton-St, Near Depot, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jtint 2 . t, , * li ~~ DIRECT IMPORTATION. SPECIAL l< f?IIM to tli? large itt,|??r.aii"i. of ?try titr1|rRt TURNIP 8I5I5I), Mad* ! ? th* nndeiaiirned, from C'imt limrvli. Eiiitlniwt, oMiitlmg of the follow* lt?* variHies: OKEFN GLOBE GREEN TOP SCOTCIT RAM- LOTHUN SWEDE E V HLY W IIII K STONE E KIT YELLOW STONE RED TOP STONE. TIIO.T1AS STEER. ' Jnne 9 3 if NEW GOODS. I HAVE ju?t rttwiMd with a 8t ek of Good*, which I am very aintoua to *-x hihit to lho#e who are in need of thrnt. all of whl?*h I rrrphctftillf requeat to fa?or mr trtib a <?!l brlurr purtlittlrg tlnahwi ? Cad aoon, aa I am *.l!log out U?t at low figor?-o. ? T"OMA8 STEEy.? NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OP LADIES' SHOES AND BOOTEES4 iMade ir. th? South,) and warranted equal to C1LBS' BEST. For tola cheap, at STEEN*S STORE. Marsh 11 44 tf t. a? r . r : The State 6f Sonth, 0 RKEXVTLLB COUNTY * By S. J. DOUTItlT, E>q , Probatt Judgt qf mid Cunntg. Ttrunr/a aenrrm ?... W 6I?<1 * Petition in any OAm, prajiag that Letters of Administration with tba Will annexed on nil and ilngdfif the gooda and eh artel*. rights ind eMiW of DAVID MeCLAIN. late of the Cvul) aforeeaid, deoeaaed, should M gran tad to her. i TTUm arm rUr^/eri, Id aide and afrOnnUh all and singular the kindred and ereditora of tba raid Jeoeaeed, to *-e and appear in the Court of Probate fbt said County, he he h olden at flreenrtiie Court Umim, on the 24th day of /tape est, to show cause, If any. why the said AdmfaWtrutlon rtowld not ha granted. ~ ~ tL t. DOOTHVT. *?/.?. C. O0ee of Probate Judge, Jane 10th, 1?80. Jane Id . , * ,, i Notice IS barobr fdT*> I* " whogflt tnsy eonearn, that I will apply th S J. Deethit. Pfo'fJd OmMiIHi County, en the ftffi day pf ]ji\j ?*xt, fur a FINAL DIAOHAROfc''ud'AtlmlhtairgWor th. Ea late of?AllBanGk)f>DLi5TT. WATTR HOWARD, Adininiatraipr. I Juaa till ltd* S I 4 FT TV--1 " i'~. 1 i If , .J rr-rWrr^-;>r aua p. Mora*, d. ix, .<ikA, . ?ru(?*)t 91 8jrf?>?tU TWW. t..? ywr* f- |UHUi?pt,<o. * . Pr?U??er of I?l*r|>r<4aU6<i of tb? ?m -;u.r:v >, T baSt* I Prof^^nr of BM'HrAlIptt^acfiflta, Tli??oto#V, ?uJ f i ?uki >Uuu tiid DaliVrrv Of SrttnoM*. - 'r-'V ,-1 t ^ . Li '.J." T?' KEV. CRAWKOUI) U. ,1T>T, Profeeenr oi In'er pre teflon of the OUT* Uihiil, and OiitMil Language*. WM. MriU.t AHl, D. D-, Profrww of Xa*laa?a<tt4e?! Htabirjr, Charsir Govetnuienk and pastoral Uoiiua. . , rpirx next Session (of sight month*} opona 1. ? Wednesday, Xtjtttmbtr 1, IMV, ?k(? there wiH be u Iaui|aril Address by Pr?f. TOY. It A on trerv account important for 3tai?nt? to l>e present on the Aret day. The atudiea err exekisively Theological, and enihraoc an axtenaiee range of subject*, in which tba heat Cottage graduate* and thoae who hare only a plain English education can alike dud wliataur tlmy are prepared for aud prefer. Ttia whvle requires at least three year a, l>ul a HiadeM may cow* for only a single Suasion, and aaiact hia subject*, with ad vice fr-mi the ?rofc*aora if desired, and may graduate in each of tba particular chooia be attoada, No charges for tuition, no# fees af any kiad. Teat-Book* lent to thoaa wlia cannot con vonieutly pun-hnse them. Students may board at the Seminary Hall, with tonus free of rant, and paying only the acton! coat of tiring, which for tba part Session averaged M 25 a month. Thoaa who-prefer it may ' ward in private famiiita, nt about $16 n month. Im either rasa, fuel, lights and washing will add aotne $2 50 a month. Brethren wishing to attend, hut unable to command tho ncceasary means, will plasma wrUo promptly to Rut. 1). Manlt, Jr., wlio will arrange to give tho.ii pccunUry aid. Churi-bet and in&tvidual brethren and slater* are requested to tend hltn eontrihsKiona, large ?r email, far that porpoee. Greenville if la a healthy mountain region, and is reached by I.ailroad, r?e Colutn in. 8. C. Far further Information, Catalogue*, da., addrees Rev. Jama* P. Horcn, (Chairman of tha Faoulty,) any of the Professor*, or B. MANLY. Jr., Secretary of ilia Faculty. Juna 2 S Notice to Tax-Payers. Dwrt-ry Cuittven's OirMt ) Greenville, is. C.June 2, 1 SCI*.. ) IH IlAVli received tha ANNUAL I I-T In* tli?, A'ar 16ii9, ale?> the APRIL LI>T. ior Qrsrtivult, Anderson, Pieken* and 0?" nee. f will bs 'ln mv office el 'Gr?etf\ 111* Court House, on the td, 4th. *?li. lib. l b and Vtl<; at Andare>>n Cpi>rt llon*e, -hi tha 11 th nod Il'h; at Greenville C.uit llo?i?e, on the W'li, It'll and 18 h; nt New Pl.-V ena, on the Itl ; at Anderson Court House, in th,- tvl, 4Sih ,nit MBit. . .1 VV-II.-II. ?n the Vtf It and 80tl> ; ni I'ei d'eion. 011 Thursday. 1*1 J?ly ; at Anderson. on Fi-i t1*j 1*1, Id and ft'li; thr fnllowltg week ?l Grcenvi.le Court H-mae?f..r i In* porpo?? of collecting (lie Iut.nal Revenue T?Ae*.? l'?rli?< are r.qu.atid I.> ooine forward on the days Ih-vh rpenifi d and make pny ril-lit*. thereby Avoiding the penalty, winch will lie added at r. quired l?v law. IVtwonr owing Tax?-s iMrotd on ?]d li-te. would do well to act tie at once, aa I will le com* palled lo force pay iinuie juel aa ronu a a pot libit. A. T, rmw, I>?-| HI) C-'llectur. June 4 9 4 VBT Anderson InUdHgtnctr and Wa'hajla ('onricr wil each copy four I niefc, and p?e ent lull* to the llfpBtt Colft'Ctor, A. L. Qtl-b. Stale ol* Mouth Carolina, GREENVILLE C0&2CTY. SHERIFF'S S-4l.ES; BY virtue of an order fiom S. J. Doutbit, Prohete Judge, I will tail, before the Court Hour a door, at public! out erjr. on the yfrti Motxioy ra July ntti, tile following TRACTS OF LAND, vi* : TltACT, N?>.|( situated in Greenville County, on waters of Reaverdam Creek, hodnded by landa of Willioot Cralu, R. Furmau Wbllden and others, sod ecnUiaiug JSiykly ohW n half A frmm mnr? or 1m? TR AC^T No. 4, sltuatod in Mid County, on *M Creek, bounded by landtoff. M. Carinas, James K. Di?k?on and others, and containing Eighty Acres, more or less. bold u the property of STEPHEN SUIT*, deceased, tor partition among the heirs. Alao a VACANT LOT, within the incorporate Matt# of I be City of O'reonf trie, bo traded by land/ of A- L- Oobb, J. 0. liailey and others, and containing Ten Acre*, more or lees, bold its the property of WILLfB BBS80N, deceased, for partition among the heirs.TERMS?-A credit of sis months for lots XW. V sad 4, with interest from day of sale{ (or all eseept so much as will pay the costs, which will he required in Cash ; a credit of twelve aenths lor the vacant lot described above, with Interact trust day af sale, feral! except so inueh as will pay the dosts, which will he required in cash?purchasers to give bond witb tWo ,-ipprovqd, securities and a mortgage of the premises te the Probate Judge, tp secure the purohace money. Purchasers to p?y for* papers and stamps. A. B. V1CKBRS, 8. O. C. J una lib 18G9, 2?4 Tho State of South Carolina) GREENVILLE COUNTY. Xa thf Court of Frobato. TIlOlfA- Q., COW EH and W. B. -MILLWEE, jCdmiatwrafors' of W. A. W illiams, deceased, 9* 8. K WILLI AhiS tt a/. Ci tuft on for Final Settlement and Deere* r IT appearing to ray Malefaction that Sara uel R,. .Willifcma, James E .Williams, W. A. B. Darennoit and Marv 2. Davenport, hei'S at law And distributees of the Estate of W. A. Williams, deceased, defendant a in this abm real da tiWr-nad ih? limit* of thie Hut*. On motion of J. P. Moore. Solicitor pro pet., It' ie ordered; That thej[ do appear In priori or by attorney. at a Court ol Probate, lo be hold?-n at Qraenvita Court ilottae on the firat day of duly next, to ehow eauae, if enj they have, why a ft""' settlement of the E*>at? of WEST A I.Li N WILLIAMS, d.-reaio-d, should not be bad, and -a decree |iv?n thereon ; and the If content*, on fatWng to attend, will be entered of rt-eord. Given under my bend and eeal at Greenvilla Court florae on tfcb IM day of March, A. D. 1869. & J. DOUTHIT, P. J. O. <3. Ap 7 41 Kin I II I M ll |IM I Hotiot Jrg hereby elves to all ?bem H may eoneera [ that 1 wljl apply to 8. J. Dootbil, Probate edge of Giueartite County, for a flnal die* eharr* ae Admihletrater of ike Ketate of LKML'KL PAUB, dceca<< <t, on the 25th day of June nb*t. '_LA, .. , TWCMAS A. CAMPBELL, ftf tt . Adalniatrator. May M l f A A&B 8MMKQ AND SUMMER 1 EDM OKs)??^ rK Iodic would do wall to call n4 *wlu Stock of DKKS.S UOODst mt ma m*rlj day. I ?? tow o Waring, at rare Pt*^ -i taauliful Kibttiuaut Jf [ ORIR^TALJA S HUES i otniruu i'UFbi LBN UK CLOTH , 4, 8PRA0UE DaLAINES . ALPACOA LUSTRES, AC. Tbc*> Quods h* v# bean selected with great ear* and good taste. My Stock of Uooda for GBNTS AND YOUTH'S WEAR, will ba tow ad very complete ? Cloth*. CMtiiicrt*.' , Tweed*. Ready-mad. Shirts, RUuk Alpiu* lints, Merchants Union Paper Collar*. Ac. 1 I bar* l?m opened a beautiful lot of 811.- ' VKK WARE. aaoU a* Tnbl* Spoon* Kurk*. ' Tea Spoon*. Butter Knives. Salt and MurUrJ Spoon*. Thi* w?r* i? plated on gcuutuo At- ' bata? full weight ol silver. *LSI. A fln**ele?tl?n of pur* GOLD JKWKLRT. Plain Gold Ring*. Breast Piaa. Ear Drops, he. Photograph Alhuiua, all 'Uri and price*, Ituek Purses, Handkerchief Katrsete, Soap*. I dm now offering a beautiful kit or OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at very low figure*; also Paper Shades, Fire Screens and Wall Paper. ' My Stock will al- ( way* be found complete in this It no. I have on hand all number* 9. the celebrated Willimantic Soft Finiab Black Spool Cot- 1 ton, lb# l-est in traaior Machine*-? try It and ba ooavtiired. lu short, my Stork will ba found complete, frttli and attractive at all lime*. Call and ,. satisfy yourselves. IV. II. Dovcy. Mar * 4i tf HAHTFOHn mm mciiie mm. : 1YTK bare taken tbc Agency in thle C-un? W ty for the aeie ot these UKLRHHATKD 1 EVAPORATORS AND MILLS, for tb* man ufartur* of Sugar and Syrup from tb* BorI gbom and Sugar Can*. W? are not offering to th* public an experimcutsl machine, but one of which there are thousands, said to l?e. now In use. In different pacts of the country, and era will hor* only mention a lew of its many merits, a* claimed by the manufacturers. It rt-qui. a hnt about on* half th* furl and about one bull' the labor, and the cost U about on* half th* prtc* of other machine*. Tbc results attained are a fin* article of Sugar and the finer! kind of Syrnp, (readily selling at from $1 to $1.50 per jrmwn,; aim no ciaitn that it ia the nnlv hi?chlne which CLAItfflfcS cud COfclJESSES ia the *atne operation. With ell tbeae facta in its fn?i>r, there need i'? no wonder at the success' the Gqn.eritl Agent ia raeotiag With in all our Southern cities and i tonne. Wo shall hare one of tha Machine* in operation in town anon, until then we invite our friende and the public generally to call at our stere, ace samples, model, illustrated circulsra, Ac., and where We shall l>e pleased to give tbcin all the information iu our power. DAtlD & STRADLEY. | April T 46 If IW Tmmi FOR ^ALE, a eempM* a-t of R 1(Y Ft)U A SHOE MANUFACTORY. It has iieen naeu hut a #ho?t titne, and will he sold el ouelliird <1 i's o it'inal cost, for cash. DAVID A STRADLEY. June a.- a 1 to VALUABLE MILLS AND FARM FOR SALE. Sear tins City of Greenville. w? } * <fe?lriona of removing Crfpfcy to another County of thia State, AsKjQBOPv I offer for. sale the valuable gltUSS"li MERCHANT MILL known aa PARKIN'S MILL and tha FARM of thrtr A umlrttl anti ?ticeefy a,cr*? of loifd attached, 1 anted ab'ut 4 miles from Greenville, on Reedy Rher. There ere about 40 acres of K.<vod Bottom Laud on the premises, and about. Jot) acres in wood. Much ofthp upland is of pood quality, and wYfole would make a superb farm, if properly .m.Vnagod, There are now about 60 acres in,cultivation. The Mill has a fine reputation and pood custom, and ia in good repair, supply of water on failing, and is situatsd on an excellent shoal. For tern's, andtnrtber particulars, apply Jo the Office of the Southern Knterpriee, or t<> the subscriber. U. W. PARKINS. Greenville S. C., May 26, lt69. May 26 1 tf _ . ( Stockholders' Meeting Columbia and 1 Augusta Railroad Co. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Columbia and Aegusta Railroad Company is hereby called, to he held at Columbia, South Carolina', on WE6NB8IVaT, the 7th day of July next, at II M., to fonsider tba question of approving the consolidation of the ' Company with the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad Cuibpanv, and tha terms of anch 1 consolidation.., . . WM. JOITNSTON, President. June US 4 4 m'iiJjjnery. utj. MISS MrKAY, having returned from New Yont a few dsn ago, baa opened a wellxeMKllwud Stock or MILLINERY, ^nUH ceasiating of FRENCH BONmVVm NETS and IlATS, HATS and 0 Jul CAM fir Ladies, Misses, Boyu JiW ?nd Infoot*. FLOWERS, RIBVVT B0N6. Hair COILS, BRAIDS, At. Ai? 2talK&) MAKINO, in *11 ita branches/at> tended to with neauie&s and despatch." May 5. So tr SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. WOULD rtapectfblly inform the pnhlie that lie fiai Refn?>eed to a room in the OKI) COURT NOUfi)C, where he will lie prepared to receiee eunlomer* *? hereto* tore. Being a Barber, he bopea, by attention to hueineMs, together, arltlf po'fiteneaa tb all, to merit a portion of publ.e patronage. In CUTTING, SllAVING ANJ> SUAMI'OOINO. . Jan SO SB tf tAW NOTICE. Atf BACON, ATTORNEY AT LAW A!*D NAOfStflATE, OFFICE OVER SULL1YANST STORF, toiaaixsy^itLWL^g, o? , PaVld IK t* ,, r call th? pirtio*l? >lW Hon or vur ft tends to tho ibort card. J. F. f?(U b*? a largo Factory, and aaob feeilittee H enable bins to etapply the boat OmIl of III* >wo make at low price*. A vary Urgp.aad (onplou assortment always on hud at kia Factory, fiurlbtck't fllin/, ae?r Northrem rond D*pvt, CiurittUm, 8 C. N. B.?Orders from the country solicited. id J strict attenlfoo paid to shipping io good srderf * . ^ iC"tf AprH V A. C. KAUFMAN BSOXER, M3H& MMMlSSlilifiilf NO. DUOAD STIkEET,' CHARLESTON, S. C< WILL BUY AND 8KLL REAL ESTATE; BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, A?. . aarjtiwscse.. . ... K? Qov. B. F. Perry, Qcepu <$?. S. C.. Charles T-LaWpdci, Cnarlissloo,' S.ff." Lessesne A Mile.'!,' V, , " W. W. Taylor, Baltimore. ltd. ? Maj C. II. Suber, Newberry, S. C. Don. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Vs. Hon. J. B. Campbell, Charleston, 8. O. W. B. Smith A Co., " " . Crane, Boylston A Co., ". " Pelser, Rodger* A Co., < ? Pressley, Lord A Iugleihy, " " J. II. WUaon, * ? Aptd Y 46 3m* I * y. IP a I " " . * 1 d SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanic*! Magazine. (OJidal Org** of I fit South Carolina Sta Ai/i icultural and Altchanical Society.) AT an early data, thesubscrbers wi' piiMbh the of a Monti, ly Msgnzmc, devoted 13 the development ni the interest* of litis State, and the whole S< ulli ; and will dUtrihnlt floe thousand co|'i4? (JvalaitonSly. so that every on* may ? e what it it before subscribing.-Tltey Intend to .malto it the beat and band so-neal industrial magazine ever pultliahrat the South, and they ark t|ie cordial c* >peia:b?n of e\cy good cit ten in thia en terpriaa, which u,u.t redound to the publi, we'fare. Persona wishing nnpica of the first nun. ber. will pleaa? send their addreca to WALKTU,' EV A*NS A COGS W F.I J,. Charleston, S. C. M?? It at ? TO THE rOBUC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 9. C., . SO LONG and n'?lj erd noted by I he late H. ! MfSaWgk BtlTTKRhELD, .will ati be kept open Tor the aceor qindntiiiD ot the traveling publip. And 1 former ft lends and patrons will find 11, usual eeftofompdationa and attentions I stowed an, them as formerly..and the pnhl favors, already ??? well established aa TH HOTEL of i lie TRAVELING MERCHANT . of the South, will, by earnest effoits, ' faithfully preserved. March 4. 18C8. 41 if i -** TaY v > ' . PMIH'S HEPATIC BITTERS. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA* Atra ALL Ml CASKS or III STOMACH- AND LT7EE . ipn us uoMnma rr ru ' 0XOAL FAOULT "V. *"* . ttannfactnredby C. F. PANKNT' CXBC8T AND AfOTHSCAlT, OHAItDBSTON, B. O. lili by Dru**M> Airymfcii'i.' K.m, 24 41 ]; THE MORNING STAR A(3Airt Enlarged and Tni^rorrd THIS well eetaliluhed end popular Do 1y- Ifewsriapefr has recently bee greatly enlarged and Improved, (th* *? . <>?d Ml*r|dnw4 lb eighteen months,) an i? confidently offered to the people of t! two CarAHnaa aa second to no daily jenrn. in eittieitrff ihOne State*. The Star ia a live, practical and prog re ire Jiewepaper, eminently adapted to U wants of thie section; sour.d and eonrerr Li V A in ill (maIiUm and r)a*A?a^ ?a ?? " Oemriteipl#! and {cultural lat create < the South." It coataina (ul) and reliah report# df the naikeie, telegraphic di pa if he*, local new# and penei al ii.te lligenr Term#, in advance: On# >ear, 17.00 ; #i month#, t-V60; three months, $2.00; 01 month. $0.76. . , Addreea, WA. H. Bditor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. & ApM - ? 48 <4 m* ? ....... a i.?m. WM. P. PRICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. dXhlon?ga, GA., WILL practice in the Cenntie# of Lomphtn, Davraon. Hilmer, Fannin, Uni? n# Tnam#. White and Hall. Jan 10 S3 a