University of South Carolina Libraries
* ? iws--.' ? . - . vs.. ;.^ <ii*yti-'ijMy%gi^WiBW f???0mm (JKRKNVIiXtt, STC?= * * 9n WEDHK3DA1, JUH* U, IMft. Tt>? Bspubtioaa fwtr tut*nnw(i Th? Contest tor UoT?roor?8*?W?? They ere rnnni?f lw? Msdi^les of tb tins party toc OtMTMr, 1c T*??*sce.? W? U*ve seen U l^lM U?sV although they are both rapr?Wka*a Uwj. hare boll. vowed lh?maalv?? IB favor of removing the disabhiiint. ?( cvary eUUto in Teooea n*. WMV> P?kt it a fr o# govern moat?nt free M North Caroline Bod Statu Caroline, which ia freedom compared to that in TtDDftm. The eaa dilates ore IK* W rrr C. Skttbb and fa B. Sronha. Pkatu muat be tha moat enlightened Bad liberal man of th* two, if we may judge from the abuaa heaped npon Mm by the Avheville Pionatr, a North Carolina radical ' prese, that eondemna In Teancaaee what the ( p>?rty supported In North Carolina, that la, ( giving tha ballot to aIt white olt liens, a* ; w ell aa nrgmea, and relieving. aa far aa < Stale ao'.lon ia concerned. all tha paopie i from political disabilities?thoee who fait It < I heir duty to anpport their State and tha 1 Confederate cause ia tha war, aa well aa I from tha aagroaa giving to Utomandi of ' men of character and proprrty, and thous | * anda of tha beat eitisena of the State, eqita' 1 rights with the raoicala to protect thorn. ' srlvce by tire ballot. It is aaid Ibat Akdkxw JoHvsor espouaaa j the cause of SeK:xn in oppo*ilion to Sroam* , and that the d mocrata also favor bis alec- ( tiou; we koow not how tbis la Tire j Knox villa II*kig, (of Bbownl?w memory, , although he ia not now connected with it,) < which is one of the moat efficient of tha r?" i publican paper*, alvocntes the election of!? ^tNTta; > does tha Nashville Prut and < 'P.met, leading republican, do the tame thing, and doubt'ees many other papers of the same party do likewise. Sum was 1 the regular nominee of the majority of the tepulilican party convention that lately ' met at Nashville. But BuoW*u?w hln>*elf hss lately written a letter in favor of universal suffrage for all men. We nnderatand that tills means the removal of political disabilities from all m?n. Browklow and othar eocniog tnen of the radical ultras in Tenneaaee know perfectly well that the time is near at hand w hen the proscribed will have the power to retort unless they show a willingness to l>c liberal whilst liberality may be worth something. The great majority of Tennea e-e families are opposed to radicalism, and haye felt ita insolent tyranny and oppieseion most keenly ia that State ever the war. And although the ladieale, by depriving the majority of the right to vote (or past political opinions and aation^ have kept themselves In power, they know that thousands and tens of thousands of Vounsr men of lho?a families era ?jmim forward to manhood who have no dissbllb lira to m-ntsnd with, and that they will mrely vote en maw ?tc dnst the oppressor* of their fathers and brother^ moth-re and ?i.?ler?. They may know also that the lifting young tn?-n of character and influence from among the republican families, espe dally all of '.he better class, will, from the generosity and noble feelings and sense o' justice natural to youth, be apt to take i lea wi'h the oppreaaad. At th? eame time the radicals know that the nefrors a d V liitea of their own party era dying ; that time is rapidly, in thia way, pairing off a radical voter with the disfranchised aoavoter. Common sense, therefore, teaehas timely prudenee to the advoesW-s of pelitinl tyranny, n..d di?f anchisem-nt for pant political opimooe. Th-ir eaoea moat bef-mi weaker and weaker, aad if they per severe in attempting to keep up their Tin. dictivs oppression*, it must end in their political dretruetiouin every Southern State A timely retreat alone oan save them in all those Stales of the Southern States where tliry have keen disfranchising the great body of Ilia respectable white men. aa in 'JYnueseeeaod Arkansas. The sndorocrs of , such doctrine* la other State* *hou!d alto lake warning- in time. Tboac who alijr < ihitmelves with the enure of the oppressor i will chare the tame fate wherever they may he. 'r " 1 Siore writing the foregoing, w# hares-en iu the New York Herald a full aeeonnt of the Pcxrsa and Stokk eontaet In Tennessee. It appears that the Convention broke np without making any nomination it a body, and that the easdfdatee war* brought out by their respective partisans. Thseor respondent of the Herald predicts, and |siess hla reasons for so doing, that Bstrrsa will be elaotod by a large majority. Ilia plat form for immedmt* sufranohisamsat of at) the tax payer* ia th* State is supported by the beter class of republicans, and of courae Its will gst all ths best of his own party a* well as srsry corner rat ire rote in thsStata. The same correspondsot of the Herald state* that StOk*s ia his fit ft speeali j at Kaoxvilla aroared himself in faror of i continued proeeription and peraeeution, and that ScNTsa'a reply taking lha oppoaita round km a moat telling una and waa Wt)l received, ^ t.e- r Personal. Ve Lave received a call from Mr. P. A. D*> F0!?TAl*e, wvbu la can /analog tba up country to the interests of the XIX Om*tury, the new Magaslno published!* . Charleston, Ha le* to ) a found at tba Maoiicn Jfonee,. and will i?<lay cail oa ooarbaaiaasa.mon and toraivrrow (Thuraday) will viait the residences of our ritiiona. Wo commendbUn'to tho people goo?rally. A copy of bis Journal can be a?e??t (hit oBce. JStT-Thc Chicks Springs Academy, Mr. Joa. H. Principal, will ba opened on i the Sf'.lj iQft., instead of the ?lat. S?c change. 1 I TIm Alr-fcOM Knllrond-. Avtiom at U>? arMBT& aitir o??MUiMrwUMf xc? fort*. On Monday, our City Coancil had a ttcot f w iiiBouow um n wm atierniinw u ?u?Tiu the Mfe ?r?M UMmI dollars by (be corporation. The Council went lb Iftol. Utwl of the limits of the charter, It. MiktM ibn roi- their Htt|kNwr patriotic act lea. aad it matt b hifthly g ratifying to ibM t? keu? tW the elliaeae al the plaqa a. oat heart ly appro re What has been ***** *. t-.C " , The effort, of the people of Green rills will aot .top at the attle. or the Council; arrange Mill are already adopted to preenra Individual subscriptions of dctk oa the Maie condition^ which bed ia rtWaf a eery large additional amount, not only in the Untile of tbo CHy, bat throughout the County. Krery eltiica, ho be law! holder, Jiaraeer, mershaat, aeochanio, or profeeafoaol moo, ean afford to make the moat liberal an bee rip lion oi .took, aad gain In erery way by so doing, [n tbs first place, the instalments will not be ml led for till the location of the Road la make through Greenville and work of ooo.tract ion sono manned. This will immediately raise Ike ralae of all property and atimalaU erery bus boa*, and the Rood will thus remunerate the itock holders at once aad enable them easily to raise the money I rota time to time ax it nay he wanted. In the second place, the Iteck itself wiU he valuable, no subscription ran be considered as a donation. Tbo AirLine, when finished, Wilt connect North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Washington City. Philadelphia, New York aad Boston, with Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana with ker groat City of Orleans, aad Texas. It will Bonstitute til* streigltcst and, ol course, tho quickest and tbsrofure the beat route or txavol (or tba immense populations of tbo States and itiea wo haro mor.tionod, a* wait as (or busttJeoa purposes. Tba Hock will pay and In all probability will be above par. Tho benefits tbe Road mutt brhig to Greenville end all thit section, bare bean eo frequently insisted on that it ia hardly necessary to reiterate, and the oominon acnta of tba people perceives a'ao that a failure to eectrre this Road will be disastrous to every inter, st of tbe country, and place Greenville iu a position of inferiority that would oa permanent. It will not do t' think of losing the Air->Linc. We trutt that tho enthusiasm of a number of our oiliteos may bo caught by every man, and that "with a long pull, a strong pn'l and a pull altogether," tho trains of tbo Air-Line may l>o brought amaok up to oar " Queen City of the Mountains." , Tha people of Greenville in urging tha location of the Air-Line Road through tho Cityare much encouraged by the fact that this place is just about on the most direct, and at tbe same time best route and wo think tbe cheapest that could selected. Tho Company would be, It seems to ns, a decided gsfner hy the location, on account of these considerations and for the reason that it wonld build up a flnuricKinp ah {? ?a?iu ?iiK *11 i?? tions of business. Besides, the location through Greenville ft ill keeps the route on a lino villi Spartanburg, which would also be a place of decided importance, and which will douMles* do her part to secure tbe success of Road. It eannot be expected, however that the Road will come to in tin less we ?Sow otrr faith by our work*. Every man abotrld subacribe for stock according to his atnaost ability, ?a- ' i Senator Laalls, Land Agent. We publish tbe reply of Mr. Lcslib to the communication addressed to bitn by several ex-Confederate soldiers of this County. Ho seems to be liberally disposal, except tbat be ascs the occasion for a political erect. lie hiuki tbat tbe land holders of tbe State should hare divided out their land with tbe Southern soldiers, after tbe war. If so, tbe radicals of tbe North who lost no property should nauck saere have divided their land with tbo t'nioa soldhss, but Uie^ did not do it. Soothers land holders ware overwhelmed with debt, and in this State a small population of white pcoule were r?bl>ed of about fire bun dred million* ofprnperty, hy tt.e Lin ion ravers, withont com pen sat ion. There v? no power Icfu with the old el?M of ritfnens to reward the Confederate soldiers. We were willing to do whet we eoold to repeir their broken fortune, end to arafce then ooinforQsblo. The new powers tbet be ia this State extort by bifk end oppressive taxes money from the people to fiIj their own pockets, sod bosst of liberality, fursoothe We here often hi ard the cowplimen. beetowed on a certain cTase of men, that they wars rery liberal?astonishingly liberal?t other peoples expense.1" Wo Bavo heard of the rubbers who, after plitadering the father and mother of a family, have liberally given back a1 trifle or two of Ute spoils to soma of the children. Adventurers corns here from distent ragiant, seise the parse of the Slate; pay themselves, and as many other* as they please, high salaries, then bosst of liberality in selling land that is not their awn, to the poo* srto ewe .* land, toe, it may ? #, that la ret forced to tale to pay the very high taxes that they thrive apoa. Iven every forty aero tract that may be sold, has to pay twer.ty6re cents on the sere to the Land Agent, which, in many caeca, will cause the Stato to give him one fourth the prior, or more er less as the land may rail. XIr. I.**lie, besides his handsome salary, is to receive ten dollars a head for every nogro or whitcman that beeomes a purchaser. Should there be s thousand daring the year It will ha only ten thousand dollars pergaisilee. But Mr. Iim.ii i. - so is i ? 1 - - - apirit than many of hi* claaa, tad will take peculiar tad poooniary pdeoavr* in exonating ttUoa to all buycra of land, bo I hay whit* ?r black, ex* Union or cx Confederal*aoldlora, and Ilia ought ao to bo, If lb a law io oarriod out. " * m ~ ' Roe. JamM C. Fcavaw, D. 2)., win preach id the FSarheUrlau Church on Sabbath next, 2f th inat,,,;U paatnr befftfc Id attondaneo upon another abnych lw ao adjoining county. Tbo lower bridge i< aoodlng repair*; apart of tho-railing being down and a portion of the Snoring looae. Anotbor b?u painter could obtain employment m OracnvilJc, J a good, rylUbl* ,rork" man, ISOy, bes I ecu moat A^ore>lj noticed by the Pnw la thin 8UU u4 el?a here. We fhUj concur la the? co?adctioae to the Ujo, end patronage of an intelligent public. The onatnatn are varied end egeelle^tW written : cfrnWfrka.4 The lock ede J tin* niip If fie | lC*h(^i?4| IWTPalDW*-; 8Urr of tk? Bad, (pootry |) lfy Friend's Re rooge x The lforthla ?Ka Bofltft? A WRoOee ; Ih* PkefNW of 1 The-Deat^ ft **P M-Idoo,' (poetry;) - rfhtfnldet to shonider*-^ KMliltrMMI of Confederate Catxpe and PVMa? by " ;? Boll* j A Chapter on Icamigratloa; An Freeing With a 8pMtsaliet ; The QJd Lawyar'e Stery f Kditorial Workshop { Agricultural ftepartmeat; OUa Podride j Bopertinent of Science, Art and Discovery I Diabos aad Sponne?Soesetbing for Ltfkt | Paoora ?n Pn??**t at Book I, Publishers a*d Aathoro ; u Improvements * of tka XIX Ow< ury?Sooty-graphs from a Charcoal Gallery ?Ethiopian Bloqueuo* on a Banders Old Uaoda at Maw Bellows, OdUsaaJ Coda M tba public at largo. Wa odd Iko manager's not loo, which briefly amVodiaa the character of tba enterprise. To tkm Pobli* ?" The 19Ui Cantary " apcaka Tor itaclf. It la the aim of tba Publishers to' mako a sprightly, rivaetou* an?l enter'sin lag Magaslna. The articles are abort, pithy, pleasingly varied, and there are tie confineed stories. It is a Southern as tar pries, nod We have la! lb eaoogh la our people to baiiete they will lend encouragement to Southeru Literature. Yearly enhecriptien gJ.W). Single auoebers 25 oeuu. Postage only two coots a number. P. G. dk PoJlTAIhB. Busineaa Maoager XIX Century rubllebiog Company, Charleston, 8. C. Minute* of Pm^terf. The pastor of the Church here bet bended a* * copy of the mlauto* of the one hundred end eixty-fiflb eeetion of the Presbytery of 8outb Caroline, held et Smyrna Chereh, Newberry County, g. C., April S?12, ISO'J. From it we learn that twenty tninietere were present, ktco absent; ijiriy-ltc cburchee representedeighteen unrepresented. It be* reoelved end paid out e* follow*: for Foreign Millions, | $76? OS; fur Domestic Mission*, 31C88 07; for Preshytcrtal purposes, $162 45 ; SuMebtalion, $73 41 ; Theological Seminary, $319 25 . Publication, $113 85 | Church Bxtenrion] $13 00 ; lor Dissbkd Ministers and Fawiiliee of Deceased Minister*, $86 03; $354 00 were also received from legacies which amounts were donated to Domestic nod Foreign Missions and In the American Bible Society. Tbc Committee on Statistical Report presented the following, which will inform otfr readers of the extent of this Pre*t.y?crr The Presbytery of South Cefollna would respectfully report to the Qeoeral Assembly, to meet at Mobile, M.iy 20tb, I SCO?-That it enusicts ol 27 ministers and 55 churches. It has under its care 6 licooliates and 3 eandi dates. That it bar dissolved the p.ntoral relation between the Iter. D. M. Turner, D. L>., ami Upper Long Cane Cbureb, and the pirlorat relation between the Iter. J. C. William* and Greenvilto cbureb, anJ dismissed him to th* Presbytery ol Concord, Synod of North Carolina. They hare organised Ahbcrille i church end Wathalla church, ilare inatalled RjT. J. O. Lindsay, pastor of Upper Long Cane eliureb, and Rec. D. XI. Turner, D. D.? pnrtor of AliUti!!* C. II.; and that it baa II' c-cad A. P. Nicholson, J. F, Latimer, L. K. Glasgow autt W. C. Smith, to preach the gospel. The Ttadical Trtnmph in Washington? Fartieulws &o? Civ en by the fiad.ot' Freu. A North Carolina Republican paper informs its readers |*at the fate men it "pal election in Washington City "resulted In fernr ?f the republican party by 5000 inajori.y. The w&oie ticket was elected. The majority was about 4000 larger than at Ibe former election." The information is not giran of the mode in which this majority was secured, nothing said of its being essentially a mere negro party in Washington, and that a mob of aaraga negroes controlled the election, raiiiug a terrible riot in attempting to kill tome citisau or cititcns for during to rote the democratic ticket. Toe fuithcr particnlar of tbe interference of tka police tsl their hiring to flro OB the mob to trrut k f the killing ttsereby of one negro, and mortality wounding aoolhtr, of the firing by the negsoee, sod their *ttaek on the premises of ft cittern where a freeman, who had (imply rotod to d i/pleaie them, had taken refuge. Vox ie any thing Mid of the reported import*' lion of negroes into Washington from beyond the city limits to oontrol the election. Theme JubHoo. The great B-wt.-n IVan? Mueieel JoWee t? going no. The efleir ie immense. Fifty thousand people eeated in the b?i)<!tf>g, end thoueande of ni'siesl perlot irora The ebornt ia ten ihonaand etrong. and ia some pi- ci the congregation jots in the singing me ETwir > * > vwiominoea and Trtt, and * many column* of n?*r|>i|-?r areouulr, lhal ana luiiat ? ait UU lb* manor ran bo a littfe tondrrred to pi*MDl tha I'tdiDf item*.-? Tlie cry i? ('race I IVare J in U-?*lon, ohiM thrjr rhrriab U dmu Pott Lira and kit |>riaei|-!*a bo U otili for oar, and Hai lata ly gi*en a wbooj- to rnr arsge ike Indian* to kill and i>amrr< >ho vIntra to tl.a Went. Tmljr th? pmliir Mend*, taotllol, of the o?1-red tare* art remaikablo pbitaoIhropiit* and gre.-.t praer b-tero. ** My countrj I Ma of thee ibey ting." rati. *? ? " II*, ho, haw, The Ciren* h*? eanif f" The agent hat paid "a ?I?H, and for* nialtea the information that (hit great Cirru# will exhibit ia Greenville on fjwtorday, Hd Jh'y a eat. The eaoapepere apeak la, excellent Uirat of the exhibition. It will he especially remembered that I lilt i* a Southern eoni'wn, Col. Antra having tarred la the Confederate army. The adveitire. rnent in another column, ihteraperrad with brilliant plaiurea. will explain full partieo lara. Large Idll* will at*o be found [Oflol in diff-rent parte of the city. The pfcVtt* ion will be tfirtid ia Ihe elreue lop treating Chureh Street. The company will pttf up el the Southern Llo'.e!. j: ] eminent that (he Senate rejeetad the treetp-W? I imM tt did not settle the ^Mttica fei dispate J sad that Qatar's adnata istraltaa approves the acMoh 6fWf BehaBa^ThPhe^a ta*t*cted to negotiate a treaty J oat to kctk parti*^ im) l' *??V10 fcp^uMa. vTh? qCLStm J K eftu hofcot any thUj aaWa Jlalij difljruat * rroai the toraaa of tba njwM treaty t Wo doubt ia. Tbo Rodtcote My yo* ?Hoo tbo country ioto a foolish and ruinoa* war, because (k?) bated Awo*am Joaoooit, CaiwiaM wot ayfwn what Sowaao Uroogbt-obaolc baaaosi ba ftu an friendly tttM -uitb ^oaaaoa, A . wtr nltfc England would ^c^aiion mocb human an flaring, and tha alangbtar of many 1 thousands, ptihapt millions, bat it wo?M grati- , l> Radical rancor abd " tba truly loll ** would flonrtcb on tbo blood and kn kw bones of tbalr feltbfbl follower*. Tbo Wader* would gat offloo and Cat natrarii, and talk Mad sWeer Republicanism, and call a groat many patriotic mactiaga to cwliat toMWr* tad barrgb ft# tbo party that ahowr iu lovo for tbo (woplo by do voting tbom to aUuaghtor add tim survivors to olaviab taxation. Catnlcguo, Tbo cattjogtta of tbc obcrn and stbdaata of Pavldsoo Collage, for tba thirty-second acholaatle year, end tag Jane 14, 1MB, baa Laoo reOairod. North Carolina, South Carolina, Aiaharna, Mississippi, Tanaroaoe, Georgia, Ar kansas, Missouri and Toxaa aro represented in tbia Collogo by student*. Total aaaabar in attendance, 121. Tbo ooarac of instruction 1* o high on#. A studobt ?un attend a jear for $240, hi* whole expanses. Davhiaou t'ollega Is situated on tba l!ba of i tba AfWmtlc, TonoiSsas and Ohio Railroad, 1 twenty utiles from Cbafiutta and by design { about equl-distant fWiat tbo four to Was of i Cbarl<>lta, Ptatesv illo. Salisbury, and Coooerd- < The maia tailding ia> abd elegant, j having boco erected just before ilia war a* aa i expense of about $90,0"$. This With the olli- i er hnlldincs in tba eoclosOre affords aint>W so" i eommodafiont fof a large number of studoats. i Besides a considerable trect of land around the College; tbe en;lo*ure around the Landings contain* shout twenty t*o acres planted in tr* *. Tbia site of the Collage aod rillage la remark aid* fbr it# health "and entirely free i from any local sickness at all time* of the year. The Tillage af Daeidaoa College affords a small but pleasant society composed maiflly of the families of tbe oQccrs of tbo College and otbvra in some way oonnecltd with it* The country arcuud Is thicaly settled with a population remarkable fbr it* morality. Tbe means of living are cheap and abnndadt, and the remoteness from towns tends to remove nil temptation lo vt?e aod extravagance. Though instituted and ntidcr Ike car* Of Prcsbyacria*S| the advantage* of the institution are freely and iKfuaily encoded to all students of good moral character, tbe design af tbe founders being "to catond the blessings of liberal education to all classes of tbe community prepared to enjoy them." Judge Green. The FTincs'rcc Stmr in noticing the sonrf thai r?cvntly lias b-?n In scsioi et that place, takes occa?i >n to pay a hi^li ompli ment to hi* If-nmr Judge Gi.Kffv, St " a gen. tleir.nn of hrillhint talent*, with a q tick, comprehensive, ana J tnind,"* but fesr* th it ev*n his [wn.ira lig exposition of ti e law will faetl Li find a k?l>*>uii I.. <1.? mind* of ihore to h?in it ia an! will ???li it* aub?i ante ** on llta ild ; *rt *ir." (The editor it Hod nf to the pre IxiiMldMife of ?rjtron on the juries In hi* C"i?niy.) fte e?nnhidea by observing (hot Jtidifr Oa?ew " in mihrnll^ (tiled for lit* <t(Th-? which li? 61** with no ninch courtesy .Mil ability." Th* Judge i* a' broth* r of Re*. Samill (>i Ban. of Uiio*, oho ha* been long** well known ai.d ptotalaeiit citizen of OremviHe. Tiik bill to d'tentablirh the Jriali Kpiaeo pal Church han pawed the reeond reading in the ? igliah lloune of Lords, notwithstanding there wan at that a dcteriuirarti.n on their part to defeat it The Lotds are wise enough to Toreaee the evil of adhering t'io atrong'y to d paying ayatrinf, and of opposing iha progress of reform, when it ia insls'-ed on by the people, and '.he Q ?? n and Commons of ?i.f*and. The B'tts Chnrah la England will" fall l ye and bye, and sj will every cfter State Church, sooner or later, end pcnsh with the principles that hold them. Chttrehe* rvu-t aland on their own merits and eoufcmnity to the model of the New Teatamen*. LMtui of Sr- J. T. Boyca Before tho LVttrary Cl.h. On Ttt^iy frtylng, I>r Ccjf# Ireture in the C?Bri Humr before thr Lit* erary Club an I bo an* }-et of * Mormon rem/ There waa a fin# audirnre p reran'. and, aa mi flit i>e erpeateri, I ha laetare waa very able aa wall aa iaieraeting. Thore who heard were folly poet ad ia (he biatory al Ike iiae aa-1 pmtrat and in the character f 11.a aedjieaa iarwiiea of doe ^tuiU>, now preaidrtl attf t>y Bri^hau Young aben the Iretorer tihiliiled aa a roaa of rewsrfcaMe ehrewdnere and lalviile filled to |fat<rt llitna ao railed Latter Day SainU. Tba Ifttry Stab)a- 'A cbaifa. Mr. J. P. Fnoi, who owaa a livary table at Sperteahurg, infurai* or that ha baa parrkand a ane half intorcet, price $IM0, in tha liveey ataUU of Mr. Jaasa TriMmt, I orated aa Waahfngtaa 8treat, and la rear ef CapC J. L. Bovtbbm's total, mmm TnAcmmrau M Puc> uf?<t to ko?P a .apply of hNM and v abide. for hire, and will nlaa convey partla. to mmj y?iat darired. Tbey will hara conHantly on band lb* boat of prtmftr and Heart stall*. Mr. PBACB mora IItie of aeOota odarion frarto from (Ma [4aeo to fipariaa* burg (thin *Ai to BBaniBlary wton wo got tfco 4ir ltina Hatband bralHV rofalarty, and having recently paaaad trtril, to tnto pi ewe are in eoraaseadloc him to tto patrons go of the public, bb tto driver, aoo oarafol, aUeaUva aad expodittoaa and tto atooh era p toy ad la raparlor. Call on M'r. T. ift OtteovQla and on Mr. Tat gfartanlnrg. J2S22582!22i222S^fliBj2i8RBfl3M Mr MblUN mm tk? oc?Mlofi.'*"Yfco Court J 0K$SI *h orowdod wttfc tfco la^iM u4 , pfflgmon ud youth* mho bad. fem la*it?4. eery complimentary tolhe professional skill of ' solo. Miss M At*qU eaag UactUCUy. " t'- ' """ ' fuU? oloor aad street, 0afjy qtlUvatcd I Uil DiUCD admired. M^SSt?U% NoUf, With | s voice of poculisr aweetn<#? and exqeislto j modulation, sang " FtMer of the KigLltogale," , in tks Frcncb ; " Tbo Rciltu," tfl Italum. It , is sot serprliihg that s geniletaen OfeoltrrataJ^toiluI taste, cf &fcrdpfc*B 4MIMMP I ttorikctrsMSt shkM lsH^iMtMMkiilk roice or Miss L M. ons or U? UM **d f Iutisa ta stjrie. '*' j Tba perfctmancec of the yoenflolt* m tba plsno aliowsd great attainment sad skill. Miss InDlK McKsr, " If bifperirig Wind*;" Miss 11anr IIachn, "The Prisoner Miss 1 Mihy Dsyis, " II Panino;"Mits Kfcaa Me* ( kst," Mocking Dlrd." tnd httier pieces ser- < srally. We emit speeiftcsttora oftbe delight- I fal ebefai singing of several 0ns pleeee, to i which !! joined, rruincor OtO. accompanied | tbo sin gar* with the Piano. i 4Tie Mansion Honae-arcsBTille ? I)e?ir- t blc Bummer BeSort. I Our friend Swa*n*La had tha Maosfoa Hou.'t, aa uaual, In ita neat and taatafhl order; bo mora comfortable place for rotetnar tracalM. Oor baalthfol Montila ataupkMa, boJltata temperature, cool rtfr?Un| nigbta in?l mo rain ft, and tha pleaiant ecenery arobnd OreoneHU, aH contribute ta raodar H attractIra and delightful to aU, eepecielly ta those loath of #a dlia ihmf cotao here ta tha rummer cad oacty autuaru. Our litafbr? iortitutioua, our charcUaa of different denomination* and tha excellent thinlrters who rarre them* contribute no lltflo to the (r'nto^ and eat la factlon of ritttora, at all acoeona. Thar? are mora indaeetaenta for <o? country paapla to make Greenville reeurt aow thaa formerly' and many years ago a Ursa aambar of tha wealthy (entry of South Carolina and Southern Georgia war* wall contented in Spending meat of tbalr autumera at ibU place, and aiuo# tha war Ihoae who can afford to learo at this aaaaon their more aoathern homer, It aceaia to us, would prefer a * topping place In upper Carolina. Parade of tha PahbotlO Fira Campanr. Tito above Company ?u out on it* monthly parade on Saturday leal. It praeertcd aa appearance that waf truly creditable, and taenia to bo improving erery day. A pretty full cumber were in rarks, headed by iu inildttiKiklt CtpUln, Mr. J. C. Smith. Thelr uniform of red *hirts and white pants mud* i them impMiii II they marched and countermarched. Afur proceeding through several treat* down to Ibe Court llousu, the corps relumed to tha front of the Mabtiin Ilouao , and for soma tituo engaged in ?ho direrion of ? throwing wafer, aotae of which wont ai high ( ai the higherf t nllding. in quantities sufficient to have tstifigf itbed f Ore. The Company, we understand, baa had reeently quite a iua< , her of acromion* to ita rank*. ( We think wo mro never talking amid whan , railing attention to tha importance af aaataia- , Ing our fire companies. They are tary falcra- , t-le, aa<T the place would be in a very Lad fix , without aometbing to pat out firoe when break- | ing out. Each member should not only fee' j proud of hla organixatlon hut endeavor to gat , ontaideri to take an interest in it. j Vmkaa ad Mil)* and l?a XiUta ! Rev. S.ulrcL M. Guar* tells ai that he haw I porrhamd from Mr. T. XT. Bane hla Mill, lb- < acted about one and a half mile* from rim City,' on tha hsortti road, together with a : i ._.l 1.11 .r i..j -u 1_ tract, price, $2,000, rub. TW purchaaer e?- i pacta to occupy (ho place etKl atro Mtcndi la- 1 trtuio| the capacity of tlia ntitl. 9h? TfyeOrtphla Journal ?4 AdfrarftNt' 1 Wa are indebted to Menu. Vt iina, hf ah A Coaewr.i t., publisher* and priotara, for ( No. 1. volume 1, of tba above yuornal, davored j to tba atltaaciaaoi of Ik iutcraata of tba pub" labar*, printer* and binder* af the South. It M handiouieiy printed and caeitica baaldaa miacelluny, a' variety of rycdMcn aheet* of type* and cut* which erHI lla dvefot in ordat** ing. It will ba iatwed qoiriuly from thaaatabllrhmcat af tba alora pea tic wen la Char* lata*. t f t Thd Bon thorn Hohal. Whenever at range ? coma to QtwadVilla and aftarwnrda apaak kiadly of eny Of bar paopla or of our ioatltution*, wa take great plaaaura la noting tba faet. The Prfbjtrrimx contain* i tba aanezad paragraph : - Sonlktm ffotrl.? Perron* rliitleg oar " Jdountain City," will And at tbl* Houaa a nra sou gnimtmj nasi, IW rata; M (Ira cof?tl *?!?? , n< to hnlih |MK with b?*t Ihro ltd iNomaoditiMi tt low rote*. Dlatingulabod Arrival Gov. At-PHKP Cvmmiko, of A?tgakta? lw '1 arrived at Greenville, and It aeJOaHkifcg ok lh? Mini Ion II onto. Tor tin Bootfcara laOtyttw. - , * ; o lfiMri Kdihtr*? In jour papr of the ltlh ind. flnta ippwra rnjeUrlooa womooioiitloi under I ha hud ot "I4ght . VikUd," the wriUr at) ling hiip'oif "Aooo/' , | mmm ron.pmm irrMH IV^UM pro *md bp bis wMt of at??ul npuitf kr otoprrbond Uo oomttnntoatiooof J.B. B. 0? lh? Rood low. 1 Irotp oyotpolbiM *1U? ' Anon " in bU DiW<* Un ; for initoad of going lo thoor who oould havagiroo Mm II U>? light bo to antfe noodod, bo boo < orn proper to oontult old A tint Jigla*,? Now what doeo A if fit JrHtlm* know hnut low. or worM*f rooddf Whot oo? alto toll bout what io going U OoiotoM* or < Wooblngloo, ?T Orrtnyillr Court llourrl' i or whot tori of light "Anon'' wa'iU; wh'lher it it natural fight, rtlffrtal tigttt,' I otiticol light or tht ? Ugh; of .Mbor ddj-mf* list " Aoob " is m? ?f k?r fWi gr?4" ? AiUrH, and ha with lh? raat of baa fcaatf bai baao kept la 1|mnm? af tba truth ifwbo did tan avar tha bag Wraufh.? Ciaw, avrrr body bat Aunt Jnnima'i bah ro?l nUndor, oifetUtod 4^ wlftajt Ja*N n^n "^J^W| *^W VT w9 nVIIVv Id that, c'd ?***$ * fbUefUg jHgi jva?d over the trot^uBty bad bo?? p?n?p?r?d aud M oo lh? pwfl?jr<V^? |||> j?r?, ?4 tboy hH?a? ??j MM ?bout the qunntitj that back .honld ??, ??d hod a fulling out and an awfrft Bgkt, and in ilia Ijm1? turned oTif tba ? MB; tad UuaU Bart to poalrb tkrta foe ictiog ao fooiiatily, turned Vbrn all aul #f MHa, and It foabaaa at- awtal pal adfo weaver rlnoa iBttt tba poor thingt barw bad ta raol pig or dia. " Aaoo " U arty taxiou* to hara tka trough pat balk, aad lia.taaia old *ogp pat' Op again; bat tba ?U trough fiu laid in tba and aatil b -la rottaa, aod Uaala 3a* baa > ' ' ' i?(rruiin. d to hara a now t-oogh and new >?ua and try another brtoi of hoga that rill not fight ortf Off rarill. If poor A could only get b?t<y tbo Mr pea ind g?t to ant a will out af tba M* troagb. ic world hara all lira Hgbt ibatba aa ?auch loodr oa tha aommaaiaatloA * of-J. B-B.; tad In a vary ahort tiofo hra rtvuld bo aarad if nil l.fc menu) Bird pbytful ?B.O?W?. . TV- ? U..l_ .? j M i. ** isUoa and hi* rsfersBM* to M? wift wMl ' d? of lhe?tory of old Auftt JCaly, fci llen td? entnp ntrriaf In Pldii Obvaty, > <1 ?m lUtaning eery elUoiinij to Dm trencher d-??*th? iha eff et of nin and th? Inception of tin dee ll. fin eoiwptrad It to l twp-i?l Uint aloerly Mtwlna Urelf iround ita victim before it fa tolnroJ Into he horrid aepulohrn Of thn MODlUfi jbtrO If death. At ibii pnint, Aunt Haty bqgan o shout in * eerf (Mutual Manner. In thn irond thnrn ?u youth of about thn noM kirntal caliore as "Anna," who had lisUohi very itiwtMy to thla point, hot no KNHvanold Aunt Kniy began to ah oat, ha lurked Snd looked at bar with a h or rifted Ktonurianaa and oried out at the tap of his roicbi " I)ara now ; dat aaaka bit old Annt faty." la io seideat that poor " Alton,', tftrr reading thn oomi&unlaatioo of J. D. H.( ,bought somebody was eoaka bit; f hope it not his wife, for thara is enough affl etioa n old Auol Jemima's family already. . . j. u a ?? i Circular. To ri'i Ojfkcrr* of lit Itibit SocittUt, esaf ifldt co ?p*roti*g tritA the American DikU 8*tU* /V. in iViikfl Cn r*%1i met l)iit Erkiiui i lennit ? ti fU??( four attention to Ik* following important fr. itructioni from Che Secreterie* of the At*?ritan Bible Society, Albl* Uovlrt, AitOt 'tlk't't, Sew Tort City r " Tho Committee oO Tnetribotlnjt bat* 10itruetcd to lUtf, tbtf ktiMfltf lk*f will (spent all application* for grant* of book* by taxUiari**, and so for a* practicable *11 otb>r? to rcoeie*Uu m*nrnmmf/lk*A?mi/rmm (!? < Simrta ih r?<pr*ot* an mm<k, ttgiiM f.tb fall inforBTaftod of fho faefr #bkrk' tin fore* eaob caa*. Tbey are aepoelally daairoa* k> know tb* extent of doetitation, tbo efort* made by applicant* to bolp theaaaeleee, or to p.y I* part for book* roeoired from oar Bbi poattory, or to ooatribwto to tb* oaato, tbo aomber aad oboraotar of tbo popalotfo* to bw (applied, and, to two, all fort fo*y (ton tb* rotnidlUe* of tbo propriety of then* AfHiU;'' fmunt needing Aihle* and TcitadteaU for Sabbath School* or distribution, bmI ipply to th* officer" of tb* BibU Society Lb the city ?r court hone* tow In the District where I boy mid* ; *vf M fhby can oof fit *tlfr|Stt?^ the officer* Will pkwee n gAit tM t# ftfiw* book* for their Mthfy, toMil th* demeed, fro a* lb* American Bible Society. "?* * IV m?t tk4 dtmm*4/mr 14* ?W / 0*4 im lAm SUtf, * th* aen (tier tea are ?am*?tlj reqa*stc4 to tocroeae tbolr eSorta to eel** fend* for gratuitoa* Work, end etpechTTjr U bmrfo without unneceuary defey, ell fond* eow Uk bead or rwedtty collected for book* *i *e line tloa Mcoetat." * Tb* en no* I report of tb* American Bible Society for May, 1Mb, announce* (bet important pla** are now fe bead for lb* *elarg* # n**t of tb* work of lb# Inhir et koine and abroad, Jorjrbteb^ Providence ha* P*CulUclloe? from paetera of eb or oh be, u< contribution* of aay anaoant from all flrtoeS* of tb* Bib)*, will b* tbaakfolty reeeWed and duly MkaowludMd. Pica* *ddr*M m* at Columbia, 8. C., I^W? il< rkw / wfl Mart, uod It wtB aftord m t y lMt?r? to NTfltM. Yomtw mlr, ? K A. BOLLS*. ? Aft Am. BMu SWy 4m 8.?. 0?idou,'B. 0^ J?D? I, 1MH. 4 SKSSSSPRSRBSEHK'lSSS^SPSHMi WHW? Iwtlm lot htlrtt lfaihodlat Chtuuk-?IUu. A. A. IMbit II A. II. F" p I *< opu 1 Ofcnr*h?B?t. Klllera Otpwn, * III A, H.. and ft. P M. Cltureh?R??. W. ?. TLomm.11, ' ? ? Fetor*, 11, A M., tad ft, P. M. ? i> , 1 "?i .i. " Jf?w TdttA, J?m 111 Quid ftftf. CoNhmMaIH. ^ Cottoa ?t !5S@13|. M# 2^^f * buyer*. VkMt Ml Ml MmImmM* CMM*'. (Oft. Wktak.y Mare*. ut I dSGBI-fti. mF . ^ *