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^uirarp?""" DoaSMess, too, tie bird la gdostion Eating with tee geeat a t?al, Suffored tiluols ftenl Itidlgeeton, 7?tlng td the nSdnlog m?l< *>,' An?f1w?irf!r*J3!rWa* v Tofjse sportsman?early rising ^tedU,.anf.>rMr. IVrhaps its foang, loo?lad ft flay? ? ' By'-AfcCvpareat Wtt forlorn, !-<*- ' CA#g?MBfcwrbal dUmti men/, from thf keen, eoM afr of Monf. Other kirJj?For blr4? wltl ok after?*' ^ When tbsy uff UU bird alight, Ktght have ehirped stltb eeerefal patter, ?? Ah ! the rake's boon oat all night!" Summing up the case concisely, This, decidedly, I t?y i *\ . , ' ; ' ' Early birds dee'* get on aiealy, Early rising does not pay. V ' , ' > *' .. i Put it dbwn, I say," ami the baud of^hd spcalWr'slowiy and deliberately rinsed a revolver. It was a very anxious moment for tbo lookers on. Uno of tbc combatants was a brawny ruffian, upon wboso faco was stumped all tbo evil passions ot the human race. Black haired, black bearded, blnck eyed, and strong enough to have felled an ox with a single blow of bis fist. Tbo other was a pule, slender, |ntellcctunl looking young man, boy almost, with light curls and complexion, and blue yW. ^ h ^.-.,0 The scene was in the little town of Washington, on tbo Brazos riv"or, in Texas, and the time midnight. 14 Do vor know who yer talking to, boy f' was the coarse and tineducatcd answer of Lnko Benton, than whom no gambler in that vicinity M as more detested and feared. A man to whom (and not without reason) was imputed every crime?even that of murder ; who was an unfailing shot with the pistol and rifle, and unmatched in skill with that strictly border wen pon?tho bowie knife. A short residence in that locality had given him a reputation as a dnelist, for tlio long grass of the Tumpna covered the forms ot t\vo who had fallen by his hand. hVberc! he came from, no 0:10 knew, and lie was particularly ro iccnt about his former life. Still, it was whisper. cd bohind his back?for no one was foolhardy enough to ray it to his face?that ho was one of the . very few who escaped from the terrible justice of "Natchez under the hill,' when the outraged citizens awoko in their wrath, and took spcody vengeance in their hands. Do that as it might, he had already earned a name sutficicntly bad to need no additions even where the great majority ol crimes were looked upon lightly? making Texas in its infancy the paradise of sc undrels. O/ the other, his boy antagonist, even less was laiown. It was but , two days since his arqy^l, and. he liad como on uoreeoacK, ?nu mono Or his business, lie Imd hbrmngtc say, but his suave manner, and <piiet, gentlemanly deportment had already made him friends amotif the better portion of the sparst population. Very much to their surprise therefore) was it that they had seen him enter into a contest al cards with the great professional gamester, Benton, confident thai he would either be cheated or bul i lied out of big money, in case lit was successful, which was alinoei beyond the range of possibility. But for two hours the g:uno bat been progressing, the gambler get ling more aognr nt cvgry deal a and the youth keeping perfect 1; cool, and breathing tannVmi words, as if his object was stil further to provoke hiin. If it wa his purpose to do so, I e was mor than successful, for Benton ha< suddenly sprung to his feet am drawn his heavy knife, with ai oath upon his lips and murde flashing from his eyes. 41 l'ut down that knife," agnii . l .1 _ rcpeaieu me young nuui, ium Whitcman, as lie Iiad given all t understand was his naiuc. 44 Pu it down. No one but a cowar and a c eat would attempt to us such fatal arguments in a siuipl game of chance." 44 Kr cheat?coward !" thnudei ad ltenton, with all his wrat aroused. 44 Py heaven, I'll inak yer eat yor words." 44 For fear you do not fully ui dorstnnd, I wilT repeat thctn." 44 \or da: e not!" a ss hisse from the more than tightly eon pressed lips. 44 Coward ! cheat! I dare sr anything to one like yon." W'JX S*i coold pot sqtiujsoq. at the ulpvhst sublimity pf nVe fcoblficfcs Afid-bn*vei?jr, even thoogh he wee courting*hie oven death. ! .jit 1 Something'ip the fhattnWof the young inun, too, appeared to deeply impress hie antagonist, *rho hid never before restrained ble hand from swill vengeance. The doliCAte framo trembled not; the swo.'t, almost girlish expression npon these mobile fine remained nnaltorcd ;, the chceka were unhlnnched, and the mild, blue eyes never swerved iroru their steady w|'vn ruv 1101 j uiuva uuva It appeared as if tlie serpent and the bird had changed places, and the flerco charmer become the charmed. M Pshaw !" at length continued Luke Bonton, u I am a fool to tnkc any notice oi er boy who I could crush between my thumb and fingers. Tnko ver money, of ycr such a sneak go back ermorg the women, and never dure ter show yer face crmong-men again." 441 rare nothing for the monev,w was still the response. u Irs nothing to ino." 44 What do yon want, then 44 To p-ctve that you are a coward at heart." ' '* tr ,11 4I Kb man eVei4 lived that could prove sbcl) a thing." 44 Simply bccauso yon murdered them, Luko Benton." 44 Murdered ? But no, I'll not fight er boy." 44 Because yon dare not. But vou shall havo no excuse," and Mark Whiteman spat full in the face of tlio blood stained gambler. In tin instant all was confusion. Benton sprang forward with his knife upraised, and would have cut down his ins.ilter with a blow, hut others ilirl tliARAmn. Thov ro aliased that blood idust be slied, hut they insisted upon " lair play," Even in tlie horriolo code of Texas dticlirg thev demanded tlmt rules ot honor (?) should be strict !v adhered to. "If you must fight,*' said an old mngfw, h mid I see no way to avoid it now, it shall be all open j\ud above board. It's your choice. 'Trenton. Pick vonr weapon, and stand up and fight it out like a man." "Pistls, then?ten pneos ? word !'* was the gmiT answer. " Arc you satisfied ?" was a ked of Whitcinan. " Vcs?peifcctlv. Let bim take bis revolver?1 bnve mine. We will coninience firing at the word, and continue to advance to do so until one or both fall." A few stops from the house brought them to a spot where tlie , green grass and bright flowers had . mofc tt mi cTico been stained in , such encounters. The men were plncod, the weapons prepare 3, and . tlie fatal word was about to be giv, en, when Wh item an called the ranger, (who was acting as his second,) and taking his hand within J his own, whispered : . " You appear to be a trne hearted man, and I wish to ask a fdVor , of yon." [ 44 Speak on. Anything I can do I shall be done. Just say the word , and I'll take yonr place." J 44 No, not that. But if I should chance to fall, promise that you will see me buried as I am. Do I not let my dress he disturbed in t the least, lloll me up in a hlatiI ket, and let no one pry around me t after I am dead. Will you prom . isc me that 2" , ' 44 It is a strange thing to ask, { bnt I'll do it." 44 Then I am ready." ] a Tea, I'll do it," repeated the . ranger, as he slowly retreated muttering to himself, "and if yor y do tall, I'll send a bullet throng) ^ the skull of him that kills yon U and may tho good Lord forgivi g me if it is murder." 0 44 Now, Luke Benton," contin I Will ? <> T 1 j | nea w lineman, "i am rcanv.-j i Yet one word and he stepped t< n 1 his side and hnnded him a minia r ture. 44 If I die, look at this." 44 I'll do it now and with trem ? bling fingers be undid tho clasp k then let it drop from his hand a 0 if it had been n serpent, exclann (j ing: 14 No; I'll not fight you.? j Take him awnv, some one; taki c him away, for God's sake." e 44 Not fight! Then yon will di< like a dog !** and Whiteinan raise< r- his weapon and motioned for tin h word to be g ven. e It was some tiine, however, be fore his request was complied with i- Tl>e sinewy frame of the gamble trembled fike a dry leaf in the ar d lumn wind ; all the color had lef u- Kb face; his lips were like a-die* i h:s pistol was pointing downwardf i)' a J shook in his linnd. At lengt ; he succeeded, by a nt'ghty cflbri ? j-Ta ail Blood npon hi* guard. from two pairs .of Hps. " One-rtworr^brfBj- l" * 'lhe report of the pistols cut the last word in Iwaln.' The second? rushed forward and lifted the mfen tip again, for both hud fftHen.-? One, hotrdrbr j wbuWheter brent he moro. Lnko Benton had ftjnght his last duel?had gone to his final A - * MVlilt U ItAikttf 1\nllikf .olnlY nwuiuik nivu ui? ucui ? uiiiiwvivi*? VVhiteman, loo, wai dangerously wounded. With bis breath babbling forth through blood* he call* ed t|?e tangfer to him ana asked him for the miniatn^o. It was given him?tho fair face of a voting man. ffe covered it with hloooy fingers?whispered," BuVy it with me f* and he, too, hnd censed tolivo. With tearful eyes that form was prepared for the grave, the ranger insisting that his promise to the dead should be fulfilled to tho letter. But all saw sufficient to satisfy thorn that he who callod himself Whiteman was a yonnjj woman. And years later they tooud a clue to the mystery. It was a wife, who had then revenged tho murder of her husband?murdered for saving her from dishonor. From a bloody grave in the chapparol, she had gone to join him she hod loved so well in tho laud that lies beyond the river. Was her last act one of sin t It is not for ns to judge of such a thing. We know nothing of tho maddened heart and insane brain ?know nothing of the long days and longer nights of suffering? j nothing of how we would net under such circumstances. Better leave judgment to 11 im who can read both the mind and the heart, n?.i _:n a: ~.~.i ?i._ ?uu n IIMPU w MI un vwiuu i irrr VI ing ballet. None other i* withrtht sin, and who will dare to cast the first stone? The largest elephant in the , world arrived at Now York by the I steamship Helvetia. 8he is called the "Empress," is about twenty years old and stands twelve feet and a half high. At an early hour the Hamburg steamer dock at l!o boken was crowded with an eager throng, who waited patiently for the enormous animal to come forth. At last came the Empress, slowly and deliberately ; turning sharp at the gnng-plnnk she suddenly gave a snort and a mar that sounded like distant thunder, and seemed disposed to make trouble. The keeper sprang ahead, and in the most endearing manner persuaded her highness to descend. The ship almost careened as slvo, advanced a little more to the side, nud um lingo toot, like a pillar of the Cue tomliouse, restcu on the * gang plank. There was something al> s<dutely touching in the way the gigantic beast would reach fortl her trunk and put it around the keepor, who would pnt it and agair invite the Empress to conio or and not bo afraid. The huge ani mal s'owlv descended, the crowc parting silently ns she advanced When she reached the dock thr 1>er?p)o cheered londly, and tin tceper put his arms around hei trunk and kisser) it with delight As for her majesty, she trumpeter out her pleasure in a series o whistles and screams. Then ad vancing stately up tho wharf, anr reaching terra Jirma once more she expressed her satisfaction b; taking dirt in her trunk, and toes ing it upon her back. Her high ness will be exhibited in Centra Park. Misstn'o Notks.?We copy tb ! following from the Torre ilaut * (Tnd.) Journal j 1 A gentleman of this city lias 1 number of notes, executor! by var ? ons persons in favor of R. '0. Shi 5 ders, who was a captain in the Cot federate army. The notes en * brace in amount, in thenpgreguh -, ten or twelve thousand dollars art > I were found in a Confederate el - eampment near Spring Hill, Tenn after the retreat of the Confitn - crates from Nashville. These noti 'i may he valuable to Capt., 8., an * he can learn in whose possess^ - ' they are by addressing the editt * of this paper; and they will be fo e warded to him if he desires it an will furnish his address. 0 i ??? - , f 1 Dr. Fratoclts, speaking of ed s cation, says : u If a man empti his purse into his hoad, no man c? -1 take it away from liitn. An i i.' vestment in knowledge alwa r pays the bast interest. ft! M N'ubodt ever lost anything 1 ; lore," said a sage looking pur so i, 41 That is not true," said a yoni h lady who heard the remark, " f t, I one? lo?t three nights sleep.w ing from the beach, nnion oown. Tiiis excited him fearfully, and be stent off a boat ? oaje feTirtMi into the matter. Presently- the boat retarnod, and brought a grave leaking missionrtfy;- Thr<*p!Wn,i anxiety ran 14gh. 4 What's the tronblecrut there ?" lie asked ; tl qnick f * W9II, 1 am grieved to say, sir,* replied the missionary, "thattftc natives have been interrupting ortr sacerdotal exercises." 44 Whatt what was that you said they'd bren doing t" 44 It paths fho, sit4, to any that flirv hnvp hppn infp.rrnnttnrr nnr sacerdotal exercises." ' : ' ?. tfWV?r<! P"1?' Stand ?}', now, to givo ein the wh??lo battery 1" exclaimed the captain. ,T" . 1 A ;; Tpbe -astonished missionary has 'tenedT to protest against such rig* oidus mbdstirei and finally suecbcdfed fn making tho old tar nn^ dorfttjtnd that the natives lijaftyily hcen breaking tip n prayer meet ii?i v is Oli! in that nil V said he; " I thought yon meant that they'd etopped your grog I" tNPU>s Tkviko to Stoi? a Rait.road Tkain?A Sacramento paper tells tho following ratlief funnv ? % It is currently reported tluit a new tribe of Indiana were discovered pear Independence, on the line of the Central Pacific, who did not acctn to be - its Well posted in regard to railroad mutt ore as their red-skin brethren of tho plains. The pther'day, a locomotive having parsed by, to thqgr bowilderincut, they resolved to lay fn w^it or pursue and lariat tho inonftlr. A cooi'diu pi ado n very strong InrTnt, and perceiving tho fhystery approaching, stretched it across tltcf truck,i eimer end being held firmly by twenty or thirty id the would be captors. The engine Came thundering along, the lariht was struck just before the headlight, and it,is said the Indians exhibited greater feats ol ground and 1^0.. ?i.? ivn > iiiiiiiMiii^ iiutii ^ v?vi oven *IM'? fir?t-cln6s circus. A drunken Indian, on visiting ! the city, having strityed from Imp hotel, ti?m\cl liimaelf lost on tiding t?? return to it. After looking ' about in strange lodges here and ' there, the Indian exclaimed in dia' may, "in]ntiJiirU" .lint, .jecov' orifig himself, and nmviTTing'to aoi l^ru>wledg*i mic|i short sitfhtedne&s, c-'ntiiufco, *flrawing 'himself'hp: tVNo, Injun m?t Inet?wigwam lost ? and, striking his tyrcast)?Injun here 1" ! 'TJotyc in i Honars.?*A eqirrps ' pondent of the Rural Xew York " er, who says he has used it for for ( ty years, calls the following 441 sine cure.'" lie takes soft witter I adds niorctnlt than it will dtM<>lvc add with a woollen rag bathes tin , horse on the small of the l?acl I with this brine, rubbing it in hard B ri t.?a :? ... 4. i i u u<us uvvci Mivnu iw IU mil w relieve the animal. 1 At a Methodist meeting a singci f who led the psalm tune, tindinj . that liis concluding word, whicl 1 was Jacob, had 4iot syllnblei i, enough to till up the nrmsic nde y* nuntely. ended thus ;u J A-aafu] I uc-riddle-cob." 71 ,'{ . ' An Alabama rnralist complain L' that be sent four dollars to a jew ciry linn iu Newr York for a mut ic box playing twenty-four tunc* ? and received in retnrn a jew harj 6 ./ A oolokkI} lady, boasting tli a other day of the progress made b ber son in iuitlmx?uc, exult ingl * said :? V lie is in do mor^tiwrtio w 'Pud oat or?j* of Bnat fThnJ^ase e, will be very short this seasond qfamt <me third of tsicropy j Cor n- dbokfl l*uiyr but tho *beat ttrop i.. ! tine. ^ | A mam in New Ilavon has h j vented a machine by which on " man can sew six hundred pairs < ,n ! shoes in a day. >r r. Umava is said to have eigl ffhorreand square miles of iron an ~ rconl lnml?. ' , ? , Im Putnam, Now York, a lad n- died from having too many teel es extracted at once. U1 A mark that cats chickens jir M" sheep is the latest production >'* Missouri stock breeding. Commccticct has fifty-five sa ings banks, in which 149,019 i! * positors hare put $41,803,000. I Tme new French twenty fi or franc gold \ iecet will be colli \ Empercnrs. . d io"' Cut ^ ??< doHat lihml t fW?d the internet or ft whloh 1? to be annually denoted to the prmpmr c ^jon^of * medal ux bo^xivaodo that member of xai A wbM ,.?> wt'<lllti> (WWrnm li hoc I Nrir To**, May 81.? In the OM Moo! Aaaemhly, a r*oftrt?i f?i offered er?rt*a)dnfc 71 CbrUtien anlutntion! Jo the I'rcsbxlppan eh ere bee of the Southern Statee, expreealiig UnflBMfN Mat the dag (a Mi**** Wheat til Prhrhyterian. nay ha waited In a freehdrgeniaJtion, that thall ehrar tot whale land. " '* <d4gOW'd' - ^ *?tr- r 7' 1 ff ? Ratfia.?Th!i saw idoa W being trlei Hn ? Laarona. .A practical planter, in tbn neigh- t' borhood of Waterloo, h?s imported a number * <>f plant*, and tho experiment of ita culture I here will bo intelligently "inaJa. Xho plants it wore oougm m i<?aiMUk . J" [Lanrrairil?e II,mid. * W. K. ItlLIT. ?. ?. WILL*. 9 ^kdLfeY'fc wwLtir1 t AW*4y*j *ifcltor44tyri tifc AND XN tX^tUTY, ORKENVILLK, 8. 0., PR VC-T1CK in Ik* Court* of the |tffeuinil of tho Doited Rtates, *ad tciv*. attention to ?uci in llankrupley. r~ m Judo it 8 f Law HotUe?Change of OffleeT f Gr town 1-8 ho* moored fit* T.nw f QJHeo to tho building nnrth-eant earner of tho Public Siptnre,. in port occupied by Jutt'WC. Snitth. Auctioiicer. and tjie Kt)t?r> pria* Printing OflBo, ?p stall*. A. BAC03NT. ATTBRIEY AT LAW AlfD IQAOnTAATE, OFFICE OVER SlLLltAXS STORE, QL3I, 0. (9a Feb 10 88 ST 11 ! i....' i 4 f W. H. C AM WE II, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH ; AJfD macttivi^T. ? /SOni* Mirtl.nit fuataJL mdX. I Keonoena Oil Lotmpe. Meowing M? chine* and Paraeola, RKPAttiEp with J prompt nee*. Charge* reti*on?Me. fund?At old Shop. Ffcb 10 M I'ifJl SAMUEL BLACK. BAaBBE. ' ri?pfttfn|ly inf?f? ih? piihlie ] ? w that he ha* Remnvid to a room In t the OLD COl'RT IIOl'SR, where he will tie prepared to rec>lre customer* a* h*r*tofore. " Being n Proft?yoii%l Barker, lie hope*, by atienfloh to biuine***, trstiVr vritti polMenie* to ell, to m?-rlt a portion of public p*iron?jre. in CUTT1X0, ijllAV^NG AXDsHAJIIOOIKG. I Jam HO 81 tf ROSADALIS Purifies the Bloofi., For 8ale by I)rn?gUU Everywnere " Insure Voiir LiA1 nl Once! rl',lIE ulnerther is Agent 'or nee of the I X I**' unit miei relish's Companies in ^ the world, n purely Southern omitpetiy, "I'd ' in manege 1 liy some of the lies' men "? Vlr' gini* In regard to it* eitce***, we chal I 'enge a eompariaon with any company In { the vrorld. The largest proportion ?if Its Policies are on the Use* of citir.-ne iif that * State, where IU ttamdinq and character i* ) heel known. It ha* revviileen kind*,of IVIiciea, a// now fifjeitimp, *nd ll# rale* Are, leu than Northern eompanler, lor the r<-a*nn r t hat Northern eontpanie* pro feu tv believe T i hat Southern people do not five 4a long aa X"rihern. when the eery retrrae i? the eau 1 ('alt nt onee. and recti re a Policy' Were 8 fer to Rev. IX M Turner. Oeh. 8. MtHfov ,. an. Rev. J. P. Freaalv, R?*. R. O Ofter, Ret. J. I. Itonner, Dr. O W Pre** lay, Dr. 1 J. W. I lea rat, Rea 11. T. Sloan. l>r. J. J Wardlaw. and at le*?t one Awndred otfrri in Abhrtllle, who have intared. To G, W. s Sullivan, linn W.-D. Simpson, Judge Men ro. Horn 4. P Read. Col. IX L Donald, 0. I_ W. Anderaoa, Dr. Spting, l?r. Ilerktdnle. and a (r*tt many other* who have alio I Injured in thii Company. Gen. N. O Evan* >. waa intured in thin Company for f&.OOO, and thl* anionnf waa prompt/* pawl ianarrfi C mtelf mfler Ala daa/A. Th* Company ha* y isaued over 20,OUO I'oliciaa in aaveoteen .. mi??t h*, ha a received ao inareaao of a early 940/t.OOO in that lime, and have only lost u Jhm by danth, for vrhlah it ha# paid $1*7.000, leaving a clear income of about HWAOO, eight y.eevan and a hall per e*at of which ? will be divided among the Policy behh-ra, ? W* challenge thn world to bant thid Pn _ Itraaeh, the State Agent, ha* loaned one II - il l?-ill- n> .. r?? rtfru, I* cell *1 one# ee<t |?t a P?liey, a* few will ? wen call om yon nt yoarbaaaae; and tiaff yon l? ntii utlil we m? Wish mewring W? olnwbiro ,e JO UN FERGUSON. Afwt 4 . * Per Greenville, 8. C. J Dr. J. Tl. I>?A*. Mtxlieal Exnminer. Greenville Q II., March 8, MM. ' M?r 10 41 19 id Offer SXMordi&ftry I I ,V#er/y Si* Hu?4r?4 P*gm of lb* flftiwg I Htniing ft* 40 onU ly TN order *0 the people no Opphrton. ||l 1 KjrMWwMt Wetter io^nMnf-0 with their heeaufel me HA line, OWCI A MONTH," the pnbtWher* will e?ad (he (|r?t u| it* ikmnktrt ?.f thU year for 60 eeatn Keel* e ntiwher of Onne a Month " ?o*Uin* M 01 ilo?il?le-e??lMfnn pagea of the beet eteeWe end entrri ining u<i iiirt/uetlte reeding to W toned la wt mag ?a?na in thwenwetry. TM ? 35afiW&3tt?rw'; Rend 60 cent*, and yon will get lhi? hean' tH?il waenwlne ftvwa Jananrv te Jnne of thia ve Tenr.eontaining 674 pagreef thn e* reedmw. , A Mean T ft. ARTHUR drSONft, "U 1 909 * 911 Oh eft net Street, Ph.Udelrl, a. M.y 19 91 tf * ' 8 r . Ufcuua.wl Brili iri k? o?ot?, **<1 to *]] bu#inew intra***) to bin. i h*t%k 4DiK?iut?d iirtnt lir Iki fcl 'Wl th*j ooo NMMtfotMt iMfki OUAKO,m M At wV. ?-<?? t . ? k? ???wip? *rtUW*Js*H ?**., ? ! ' nd Herod in any q?hM*?y. Oaar *0 f*?? jtSFQft ' renter Mr1 'LOU 0 lU4^d.:?W?M/aift Hit (valor all l cm Five ihonaand mi Umbo PIvnpM t*Aa th?Jwt*d* of tUa (ajrmore.o* Viffin-. a, Hart* and South Geroljani MdTwNe m> Over 60 of the vntow Wmi?W old in GwoavlIU In oaa iMoUb CerUft. atao from tho boot I our F?*n<wv'<t?i ba ;iven, who havo uned Mm Plough 4amato? u|C M*rlr vrop al IMS. -i *?? Agency for ,r ' t'nrdvell's Superior CORK A S I> COTTOS PLA stkr. . STRAW. currKus, CORF ?* BBIAiPW, ORAPS, ClOVKiL aiH Hi* Scada .?piliad at ahort notice. CaorrRQ STUTES, STOVE WARE.* - """PA? to# OFFICESTOTES, 'tr ..l? u ck?.p M ... k. VtiRtitjnrrs t SMITO. OrannvilU P. 11 % a J**ft ? #' ri i~. j k>1" <r?i ?.a^i.a !. *? .* ? ??;?r 57?r~r,? * ? .-.?r* Fairricw Sugar Company/ rTS Ontnpihy having bought tha ftigtl In thegrrat dtrcCVcry of making ?ogilr id reHniag ayrun mode fWHn Sorgo Cane, In hat portion of llrrenriHe PWtrlct embracing ho Third RrpWncnt* wr propria to men iUHAUjlOUSRaml BKFf NKH noarPAlRi'IRW aa aoon aa pravtldaMa. Tn ihuo wko r i?. f..r ??r.? - - ?? - . ww^ni iv ohui wrir oinr re propose to sell Farm Right*. Wo believe hp t? *>o one ?t (ho greatest iliseeveriee for ho South that could Lara Ucn u>e<lo, and .av* no Anukt that it will I*, ia a /Sew. yraw, lie great rtaple of the South.1 Its operator* iro simple and eo#t comparatively not bin* )o itart a farm worlrv, and wi" P>y ?*o t>u>? hater than any crop except cotton, and we beieew witl doable that great ling of the South, riteae wishing HtrMe sbooW tall at once on [>r. W. A. llarrie<??r at firirrbw. or Dr. Vf. i\ Pas am ore, at Cfvenvilha, wbo will take great Measure in giving fall particular#. We will urnikb seed, free of eoat, exovpt freight, to bqso wishing to plant. w. A. nAnRisojr. W. P. I'AHSMOUE, Agents fox Company. T. I,. ROZF.MAT, PnsMifcnr. Sept i y n ? vff V iv,1 Greenville & Columbia R. R. P A S > E N (; K R TR ArRWtwn dWIy, Pni,.-la ye ew rap ted, connecting with liflltnia hi Charlrslww lUUeaad, aa fallows: Leave Columbia at ..7.00 a. m ' Alston at H'hS ? ^?i?Mlaalwxyw>iiwii(i lilitiv.iW.W * *"'? *^sa,*lra?rrsrl" V ,Uro?nvillo at... aeweae fnae oh Leave (J rem villa at..M...^^v..?....,.#.00 a. pt. * Ahderton at J.... " At.herWIe at ......./, " -Noail'arry at l.t* p. at. " AUlhn at........ I.dtl Arrive at Columbia at.. 5.00 * Trains on the Bine Ridge Railroad wilt also ran <ee follow* > ^ Leave Anderson at. .....5,50 p. m. " Pen.Ileton at 0.20 " Arrive at lYalhalta at d(.i.N' " Leave Walballa eh. mrpvmvt i.Mi. m. " PtQdhili ttt sWAfwerwetOm*. " ov irmo wm mum tmm Miim to AtdcrmM Mn4?Y ??rt Friday . . a . v JOMipumi, Feb 54 ?*Pe i a w^L? Charlotte A South Carolina Railroad, and Columbia ft Augusta Rail road Co*a ^ 71 QK59flfibfl3 lB STPKRINTKN'DKNT'6 OFFICB. } ommm, Fab. i. IM?, j > T SAwf.^K'S.fJBL a. Ji iter ring with tram ftttti Auguata at ^ Lwro Colatbla wll HPM ? Ch*rU>Pe ?,.|UPM ' firceniboro, If C? _.l W A M ! " Richmond, Va NAM J Mitiaf eloaa aaaneatlana with trains for I "-" -' "JSl.MWNw. IiMfra Naw VatfcA:..U. X ArHra at Ricb item*..................... 1 M P M Uata JUekOoA4u..?n....?M.,Mi..J OOP M " Hrae?alx>m, N C.^u'...,..J 00 A M i " 4 ffcatUUr. 24 C?* ? ? 0 M n" s *] Ji Ttekala, (44 at Qnlaatla aid baggage 9W - " If South Carolina SklUw* Compan-. ttuuu Bu?MmK??iR^ O'rfca, Aprtl I, MV; YVJT klto ATTEU StniDAt, Ttftlfflaat, KftftMnMSffg : tMfln( C?lw?bi? M.....................7.44 a. ?. Arriving at Cotaabia at nA.U p. aa. aioat axraata raaia. Laariag (JoiaraMa JiMi* > Arrivi.g - WjjJfc -5ar-^? - WIB ran aa Mondays, W.AaaadaJttf a^ft fatTtw Train *anr raaolee Wha*e Ofl^.wt ,? i r?<