University of South Carolina Libraries
N*w Tour. Juo? 14. ??> timm um Mmi at f *li. <M?H. .. 1 ' e.rff.1 Ir. nr, ..'si 3 ji|. I Vloar tall m4 hnn kayi-r*. INmt wili. | 09 <9 109. ., Arflfiii, Jan* 14. Can tram win wtfa* of INMni iwilph Mj Middling* rtraag. at H. Cititinw, Jim 11 m *m*y with aalM of M9 Kiln ,niA-iu-?. |A. r?M|ai? 1J? " ww y "|*^Frw t ? - - LIYaarooi.. JuneJ4. j ^ Cottmi qaat and steady?upland. lt| ( OrHY3tEiyEAL. ? MM RkptM Clinrfh at New W*y^O, iWM ??wh. IIM, fit R?r. DM. Ma A BnMh *1*1 Riebar* Furman, the h?v, Basil manly. u.. ?f or*?n*m?, 8 to Mlw H ATTIE SUMMERS UAIR, of , Ktwharry. Ko eardr. .H+ V frlntor'a fee eOMVafl. Viliml.N Sunday. June ltth at tha reaWanae of tba Sride. ky Dr. 1. T.BuUt, D D.t Mr. JOUN (IRANf. of Bnllvroanle. iO?a*T Antrim. Ireland, and Mlaa MATILDA GRIFFITH of Uiia place. . OTITOA1T. V Ana, ?A H? rertomoa fbrtWCownto, an | lhe?th Inab. Rao. DAVTU BT.TTHfc In I tha Shih yaar olrhla age. Ha wee for many yean previous to hit daalh a mini*, tar of ilia g or pa I, of the Baptist danuiuiuatioo. 1 ? imi ' Mae. CAROLINE BALLEhnn. (La if t faationata wlf?,the patient ahdaeN-denying mother, died at Jioma on tha lfttb day of i March iia. Tha light has gone out id her huahend'a dwelling, the enttada of domcatie < joy Ore final.ed In that l<>naly home?the beauty of that flower which ottea gladden, ad tha Im arts of aU tha family, haa perished, and all, save tba odor of a g?od influence, cherUhed la nt?roorv'a urn, naapaeaad away from eaith. And thl? la tha fata of alt earth's children?tha true, the beautiful and tha good, muet all paaa away ; lha world must loea them. Their charring enunaela. thalr patient endttrancec, their un pratendtoa fidy, ahaII Sit* only in their affects on tba Httaaof tbaaa who know and let* i ham on earth. Mrs. Ballanger bad bean for year a a member of tba Church, and ehowed her ( lore to Jeetra by a H'e of humble, actlee pi nj, an mi'K wnn mourn ner (triy, md i her mindly nnt'mslr lone. she has left aesnrance that the labors sad suffrriag* oi the lifa on rarlh. are exchanged for "ih? r- at that rrniainrth unto the people of Gad " How ' hlreeed are the dead who die io the Lord!" The world akewe bat little sympe thj of treating with the whlowrd hmlmnd end the mothrrlesS chid, no", breeua- the human heart fa Ineapahlo of mesh ?ympatby, hat heeaaee nnn- ean rtotim the niter deeolatitn and loaeltneea of tneh a state in-epl those who hare felt it themselves.? 6 eh only e?h unite In the prajor eon. tained la the foHlowing Sines, pe->ned hy oar to whoa* the sul jeet ol this aetiea wae especially dear: No mother's loos lo light the path The little foot must t road; No aiothei'e hand an dry the Irar, Or soolbs lbs aebtag head. Sweet Jnmwi, ha thou srer a ear The little bmfc> n hand; Bleas with a Savior's lewder car% Shield with a Savior a bead. Oowcatvllle, 8 CL 1 " ?=' N Fireaxem'a Parade. THE PALMETTO Firs Company will parade at their Engine House, at 4 o'clock, Fri4*y, Ike 18(4 {not. The men will appear In Ml uniform with white pants. A full attendanee will be expects 1. By order of the President A. A. FOOTER. Secretary. Jane It 4 1 School Jfoiioo. THE elnd? earreiaaa la# the Ursa, of Mm COLORED SCHOOL la GreeaeilW. will take f)*W mm 7lw*% wad Fridmy, /mm %Alk mntf MM. at U.e Fre.-dn?ae'e Sehoolk?o? Piiraary and loternrdlale elaaeea oa Thuradey ; ?d?ta??d ?iaMM m Friday. &i?riliii omawar* at A. M. All ialereeted art invited to iiUaA P. A. DKLDCK. flnnifUK & CL, Jmmm 1Mb, IMF. Jane It ' 4 1 Notice. THREE wRI baa looatiag of the REPUBLIC AW PARTY ai drawn Ilia a H, B. CL.on tba 3d day mf July, 188#, laatead of tbo 4lb, laaawaab aa tba 4tb day oawaa oa Snaday. Sararal addraaaaa wlU be delivered. Jane# t J DiMOlRtJon. THE fir? heretofore eaietiac vaAr tha < aaiaa and atyle of H. C. GRADY A CO. la U?U day dle*olv?d by mutual t*e eat All debte owieg by aaM Arm will be gold by Jaaara Baaaieter, and ad debta aw. I off la aaid Ann, will be aettlad witb the , aaid Baaaieter. H. C. GRADY. _ JAMES BARRISTER. minw, & C? Jan* 1?, IMt. If otic* * I T5 Ntirtec fro* tha Srn of IT. C. ORADY JL A CO., I toktjteiwn of iotroOaoIng Mr. JIMtf VA7NIHTKK, lot* of nld Arm, mjr ,* orgotk *? < lolUWoioaii, o?>4 foo him ? eonHnnotlon of potrouogo M liUmllj *H. 0. ORADY. J*m)< 4 1 ' . ' ?.' % fllQglrhollif' ytftAyty AtfMti liilmd Co. mm, U k*r*by e?Uod. W> bo kjolA ot CoknMt, " f ftuoUi Corolloo, on WfDNRSnAT, tbo Tib Aojr of Jilr Mtt, M 1JM, U todtAit tbo < J?Hm of opprorlo* tho eonooiktttioo of tbo Company wlib (bo CborlolU on4 Sootb Com- . )ko? R*ttr*o4 Ccmpony, ond th* Ur?? of ocb J JOjrVfSTOH, PiMkdoot. < #WM 14 4 4 F* 1ST A fSSSvftSftS'iSI tQtolM.Jmilton THOKAH C. OOWIR, THOMA8 M. COX. * IBR1T O. MARKLS7, VOll ?W# Ann irlff to??rfto m to 1 CtMl VP A1% AOCOVST8 to *? Ink *f J*ljr MS*. ?a4 *s?H (h? **UI*N?**t rf ?tl MtoWMtof etoffcn 4m to* 1*1* Pint. Vtoito* >HMH?* *tfttm? Oh? tot* Pirto, Ml yto*** r*od*r toc? promptly. UOWlg, COX A MARALKV. <JIM*TIU., 8. C.( Jim 10,1800, 4-8 . ? ? _ _ T.. Vfetted StatM Internal Bereave* Dir. Cot. Orrton, tn Dirr., 8. C., f Greenville, June td. 1M9. | T)T rlrlw of nlkoiity from A. 8. WALJL> LACK. Collector 8d DieUict. 8. C., I will mD. to (ho bigfaei i, bidder. i( Oreenrille Cliy. on Hi'irfij, tie 24/A dmg J*+*, ItH, ibo follow Vne property t to wit t OKI DAKHIL AND A PIMIJOHN 07 WHISKT. wbleb worn ertsrd on (bo (mnlm ef Carter Terror, on the 4th dor Moy. ISM. Torino Ceob. H?er of aele, 12 M. - ?' A. U. COBB. Depntjr Cviiecio*. Jane Id I 2 KIVG'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, * YORXVILLE, 8. 0. TI11I Second Srt'loo, of month*, of the year I8A8. will beeln on the 1ST OK JOLT, end end on the SOih of Noermbev. TKKM8.?For Tuition. Board. WiAlaff. Feel, Light*, Book a end Stationery, 1190.payable in advance. ForCircnlara, containing full information, apply ta COL. A. COWARD, Principal and Proprietor. Jano Id ^ 4 I TO CONTRACTORS. THE Commlvefunere of Pirbene at?<l Ort-rrriHe C?nntlee will refcetve 4F.AI.K1) PROPOSAL** until 71*r?rf?r, Jh h, let, tor BUILDING A BRIDGE mow Saluda River, above tlic o >1 leland Fold. Plana. epetifl<v<tit>ne, trrtnr. da,, can b< ran either at New Pirken?, E. ILdcmheV rceMetiec, or at the office of Cumin lealon era, at Grenuville. E. HOLCOMUK, Cbetiniao of Pickon Com. ALEX. McBEE, Chairman Oreenvili* ' on OfVlne of Cotcaaieaiwoera, Greenville, June 14. 1M9. *' June Id d 8 fKT* Wnlballa CWur copy twice, and red UIL *"? The State of South Carol n&, GftKENVlT.LK COUNTY Ity S. J. D OUT HIT, E.q., r.oUu Judy* / MtW Cvmmty. WHRRKAS. RKBECCA McCLAIN, has filed a Petition in uiy Office, praying Ik# Letter* of Administration with tho Will stntexrd on nil and singular tb? goods end chattel*, rights and credit* of DAVID MrCI.AIN, late of the County aforesaid, diseased, should he granted to her. 7*A*?* ore lkrrt/--rr, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditor* of tb* said deceased, to *>e and appear in the Court of Probata for said County, to he hidden at Grocnrille Court House, on the Stth day of June out, to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should wot ?*> granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT. P. J. O. C. Office of Probate Judge, June 10th, 1M9. Juue M 4 9 '? X" * < * Wotice to Tax-poyer*. Tbkasi' bib's Omit, C. U.S. C , J|jvv it June 14 b. liC9. TflR Duplicate of the Taxable Property of the County, as ntnde out by the County Anditor. is now in my hands, and 1 am saw ready to raraire the Taaeeof the County. 1 will be found in my office at Qrrearilte C. II. from the 14 lit ol June t<> tliffi lflll dhf Jutv Ait/I Is* lli- -..ii-luu - ?! - - ? ?... ,j m* ?..? different Mtlloul It the following for tbs purpose of ree. iving the Stele and <Vu' ly Tux for 1868 : IW J*a Lenderroan'a. Monday, 19 h July. Basil Charlrt', Tu-sday, 20th July. Col. B. F. Mn-leyV, Wednesday, 21?t July. C?dar Fall*. Thursday. 22>1 July. Fair-view, Friday, fJld July. ^Impeo'vllle, Saturday, 24th July. Batravill-*, Monday, 26ih July. Chick* Sp Ing*, Tu<-aday, 27 th July. Grocv'a, Wrdrieidar, 28tli July. T* IX McMukin'*. Thnred?y, tt li July. HodnrV Friday, 30th July. ClrTrla. d'a Midi, Saturday, Slat July. Marietta. Monday. 2d Augoet. E- N Coleman'*, Tueedey, 8d Auguet Tit* per centum of taxation upon the Real and Personal property of eaoh tax payer for the 8 a'n, has bean fix-a at a*vm and * half anilla on the dollar, or threa quartern of on* per e*nt raa ckntvm or taxaTiox. For general purpoaee of 8uta Government?three and thirty Art oaa hundredths mills For interact on State debt?threo and eeventy five oaa bnndrvdthe mills. F?r aahonl purpoaaa forty on# hundredtha milk. Total Scats tax?earsa and fifty oaa hundredths mills For County pornanaa three anille on the dollar. All male pereone between the agee < f 21 and 60, sot physloeily disabled?on# dollar. All tasea will hs doe on filteen'h day of Angnct; after that lima the tax-payer will ha sah^eet in an additional tax of SO per seat, np la the first day of November. Af ter th?t line, tl>e Tr?ii*i-?r will | r ?n ' t? eolieet W dietreee tkt tdditioitl of SO per cent, wHh penalty of I per oenL oa the Mill W delinquent. W. W. ROBERTSON, Oouoty Treaeurer. Job# H 4 1 Notion IB hereby (ire* to elt whom it mey eon rera, that I wi!l apply to 8. J. Dooihit, Probata Judge, for Greenville County, oa I Ho gib day of Jaly Mil, for a FINAL DISCHARGE oa Admiaiairatnr of the Relate of JAMES GOODLETT. dteeoeed. BATTR HOWARD, Adatlaietralor. Jane Sth IMS ? S JHOE MACHINERY. T7H)R BALK, a aamplete eet of MACHINE r RY FOR A SHOE MANUFACTORY. It bee been need hoi a eh eet tinea, nod will In eulf at ooe*4hlr?t ol |ie oi Hrinel a?et, for teeh. DAVIT) A 8TRADLET. Jnae t f la ' I IVTRill MMT*MT WTWT "BRING YOUR BILLS ISMlilULTI B*nlr . vffr?...V. *. .M tlwIOd H?in t'l . I IK^ gUnk *f Newbiry,. * ?/? I *| .1 * I Hunk of Charleston,... . 71 Planter*' and Mechanics' Bank....79 Peoples* B >nk. .70 fbntthwenterH R?:!ro.-.d &>uik,....&5 Bi?k of th* Stat*, (I'M,)*....... .40 B ?nk nf I ha Slat*, (new,)........16 v, B?i.k of Georgetown ,<...? Batik of Cbmer,. ...... P Mfiehant'* Bnnk, CUamW,....,.. 7 Hank ><f,.......,.'.. .. / 9 Htaia BMk.N .'Oil r.Vi i.iti. f O Commercial Bonk..............? f l. Farmer*'and E*ehange Bank..... 0 iy Higheat prtee* paid for Bonk Bill* of all ih?* Southern Stolid. tw Trlaea not guaranteed agatnet floe luawe.a H. BCATTIE * CO. June I I ) ENGLISH. MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY, ?E3iiSiK fflS>l&aiiS'??Sf C. O. THK ti- n lttt trill ha reanaton Monday. SIM day of Jnnr. ^g?Tarn.a of Tuition per Session of afcJF twenty weak*, e* followa: Primary Department. f 7 00 Intermediate Department... 10 00 Hixbtr Eugli?k Department, .14 00 Adrsneed Kvgliifc Department,.... IB 00 Malln matiee and Language* 19 00 Hoard n?r tnonlb, light* and wa ahiag included 110 00 KM. llAYMtoWOKlH EAKLE, Pi iueipal. June .9 t OTHr^a n1>urg'djp<irf<fw copy tviae, and Mini bill to adv?rti*er. HAS JUST RECEIVED fine Amort ment of OLO O KB, WHICH HE WILL DISPOSE OF CH?AP umm1 shoes AND BOOTBB8. (Made la the South,) and warranted audi' fo MILKS' BEST, tor aale cheap, at STEElfS STORE. Mwek U 44 tf VottM. IN eon fortuity trHh the requirement# o' the Internal law. I hereby (flee notice to *11 peraon# who may claim On* Still, Cap and Worm, which were Bailed near the premiaea of Jan. M. Barr, on llta 28lh day of May, 1889. hy Jlejt M. Perry, Araletant A?aoa*nr, beeao*# of being need In violation of the Internal Revenue law, (lha aama having been turned over to me,) to make euoh claim# before ma within 80 day# front the frat publication of thW notice. A. L COBB/ Dtp* Got, Juna % 2 8 FOR CJASH. tlf i? ?ll.l pf*-p?irt) to furliirh all the latest styles of hair je^klry. * I'm'twill book of V lliith t'MU lie Bern at til* Store. 2-tf . June 2 DAVID &STRADLEY, F9RWA&D1SG ill COMHISSIOI AMD DBALKOA I* I v*- * ' >.' ? .a . r. ? GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Peudlcton-St, Near Depot, GREENVILLE, S. C. Jun? a a tf DIRECT IMPORTATION. SPECIAL attention I* called to the large importation of very excellent THUMP &BBI), Made tie the nndereigned, from Chnat Church. England, coneUling of the follow intr variMjes: GREEN OLOFE GREEN TOP SCOTCH FAST LOTHIAN SWEDE EARLY WHITE STONE KARI.Y YP.LLOW STONE RED TOP STONE. THOMAS ITEES. Juno * t If NEW GOODS. T HAVE ju?t returned with n St?ek of 1 Goods, which I am very anxious U> ex hlblt to those who are in need of them, all of wliieh I respectfully request to favor roe with a end before purchasing elsswhere ? Gall eooa, aa I ato sclliog out fast at low, figures. M # THOMAS 8TEK\. NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OV I S B T S R I SOUTHERN BAPTIST IHEOLGGIOAL 8?klHAftY, SkEERVILI.B, 8. 0. ??*5 ~ ' " 3 AM KB f. BOTCK, ft t>M ProftMor pt 83 Ua??ll? Thtvlogy. Jouif A. BBOADVt, D. V.t fwfiwar of liUrprtlatiM mi (k? BttTw Um?ot. > * v ' 4 bASTL MAKLT, JB., D. D., tVofoMor of BiMlrol luirvdvctioni I'vUnlt Ttieotoff, ?nd i'r?|<?r?livu and Dwlivtrty f 8?rmoe?. HUT. OKAWrURD H. TOTy Prulww M- l?t?f>r?UtiM of tho Old tW Ulttout, a?d Un.-ii la I L? kg u ago#, JJ' WlLUlJtS, t>. 0., rrofwoor of. E^cl'iufatical Clitueb uuveruiiTcrii ana rasiorai lrutics. rpHS ? ? 8?mIm (of tight MoiW) openi JL on Wi<i*t?dag, Xtpfmbtr 1, UMH>, wbcn tliero will be an Inaugni'at Addwat by Prof. TOT. Ii h on every account important fwt Students to he present on tl|e first day. Tbe studios atr exclusively Theological^ and embrace an extensive ran ye of sahjocts, in which tbe best College graJDates and those who litre only a plain English education own alike find whatever tb?y ere prepared for and prefer.' Tbe whole requires at least three years, but s 8tudont may cowie for nnlv a single Session, and select his subjects, with advice from the Professors If desired, and may graduate in oscb of tbe partiuulur schools bs attends. No charges for tuition, nor fees of any kind. Text-Books lent te those who cannot oon voniently purchase them. Students may board at the Seminary Ilall, with rooms free of rent, and paying only the oetual cost of living, which fur the past Session averaged S3 25 a month. Those who prefer it may boatd in private families, at abont f 15 a month. In eithar ease, fuel, lights and washing will add some S2.od a month. Brethren wishing to attend, but unable to command the necessary means, will please write promptly to Kev. II. Manly, Jr., who will arrange to give thc.n pecuniary aid. Churches and individual brethren and sisters are requested to send him contributions, largo or small, fbr that purpose. Urcouvillo is in a healthy mountain region and is reached l>y I.nilroad, eta Columbia. S C. Por further information. Catalogues, km. sddrraa K?*. Jasim P. Botes, (Chairman o the Faculty,) any of tbe Pro fee tors, or B. MANLY, J it., Secretary of the Faculty. June 12Notiee to T?x-Payeri. DurtTT CoLLxcTon'a Orriog, > Greenville, S. C, June 2. 19611. ) [HA VK received the ANNUAL 1.1*1 f?>r the or 1869, also tlie AFKIL Ll-T, for Greenville. Anderson. Pickens and Geo noc. I will be In mv offioe at Greenville Court Tlonee. on tha 3d, 4th, flih, 7ih. 8'-b and 9th; at Anders-n Court Howe, I lie Ilth and I4ih; at Greenville Court Hours, ihi tha I Bib. !7<h and I8'h; at New Pick ens. on tha ; at Anderson Court House un the 26: It, 26ilt and 28th ; at Witlhalla, on the V9 h and 80th ; at Pendleton. or ThuraUv. 1*1 J?ly; at Anderson, on Fri lay 2d, 3d and 8'h ; the following wnk al (Irrtnvi.U Court f?r t he pnrposeo collecting the Iiilernnl Revenue Taxes.? Partie* are requested t > coma forward 01 the days above specified and make pay hi-lite, thereby avoiding the penally, whid: will he added ne required l>y law. Peraotu ow ing Taxes sneered on old 11-ts. would dr well to settle at onea. aa I will he compelled to lure* pa) inutile jurt aa naiu aa |xx aihle. A. T, rORW, ' Depaty Collector. June 4 ' 8 4 or a nderton Inieilijftuctr and Wa'halla Courier will each copy four t tan, and present hills to the Deputy Collector, A, L. Cohh. Klalc or Month Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of an order from S. J. Doutfait, Probate Judge, I will sell, before the Court House door, at public out ery, on the \firnl Hondo* in July next, the following TRACTS OF LAND, vis: TRACT, No. X, situated in Qreenville County, on waters of Rcaverdnm Creek, hounded hy lands of William Crain, R. Furnan | YVhilden and others, and containing Highly and a half Acres, more or lets. TRACT No. 4, rrtuated in said County, on said Crock, bounded by lands of J. M. Carman, U ....I ?>>.? -?.l -? "* ? ? ?? > "? ? ?IUIU| Eighty Acre*, more or 1cm. Sold us the property of STEPI1EN SMITH, deceased, for partition suiong the beira. Alio a VACANT LOT, within the incorpor to limits of the City of Greenville, bounded by landa of A. L. Cobb, J. C. B?iley end others, end containing Ten Acre*, ' more or leas Sold a* the property of WILLIS BENSON, decerned. for partition among the hairs. TKKMS?A credit of six mouth* for lots No'*. 3 end 4, with interest from day of sale, for all exeept so much as will pay the costs, which will be required in cash ; a credit pi twelve months lor the vacant lot described above, with interest from day of sale, for all except en innoh as will pay the costs whieb will be required in cash?purchasers to gire bond with two approved, securities and a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Judge, to tocure the purchase money. Purchaser* to psy for papers and stamps. A. B. VICKERS, 8. G. 0. June 8th I860, t 8-4 The State of South Carolina] GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia the Court of Probate. THOMAS C. GOWER sod W. B. MILL WEE, Administrators of W. A. Williams, deceased, ? 8. R. WILLIAMS et ml. Citmtion for Fit*ml Settlement a no i Decree TT appearing to my satisfaction that Sam J. ucl R. William*, J ernes E. Williams, W. A. B. Davenport and Mary K. Davenport, lirir> nt law and distributee* of the Est*l? of W. A. Williams, deceased, defendants in this case, reside beyond the limits of this State. On motion of J. P. Moore. Solicitor pro pet., It is ordered: ThAt they do appear in pefton or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdefi at Oreenvlla Court House on the first day ol July next, to show cause, if any they have, : why a final settlement of the Estate oi WEST ALLl.N WILLIAMS, deceased, should uot be had, and a decree given thet eon; and their consents, on failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand and aval at Green viife Court House oa title Slat day of Mareh, A. D. 1869. & J. DOUTHIT, r. J.G. C. Ap7 46 8m Not i?? Tfl hereby given Is all whom it may consent X that 1 will apply to 8. J. Itoalbil. Probate Judge of Greenville County, for a final discharge as Administrator of the Estate ol LEMUEL PAGE, deceased, on the 26th day ef June next. THOMAS A. CAMPBELL, Administrator. May 26 .1 fr prise. JW. it + nmUGKYEO AS w.*> hmsts A lrtw AKD COWPLETB STOCK OK SPRiKG ARB tUMMiR (g????a TOB LmIIm vnld do vol! to ooQ and ov MiM my Stook of OKBSS GOODS at o awl; day. I am m? offering, at vary tftodtrato prieee, a bcnuLilul aaaortmast ol ORIENTAL LUSTERS STRIPED P0P1.IX& LtfffOB OfjOTH SPUaqUH DaLAINKS ALPACCA LUSTRES. AC. Tbeae Good* bate be%b aelecled with groat caro and good uate. My fcU?<V of Gooda foi GKMT'S AND tOUrh'B WttAK. Will h< jound rare complete ? Cloth*, Cuiilttrrti, fweoda. Ready-made Shirt*. Black Aipltx .. Ilalt, Merchant* Union Papa* Collar*, Ao. I bare jaat opened a beautiful lot of Sit.. I VSR W ARB, itt?b al Table Spoon*. Parka I Tea Spotiua, Butter Knirea, Salt aad MvaUrd I Rpowua. Tbia ware la plated oa gunttioe Al< bata?fall Wright ol ailver. I atoo. t A Una aeloetion of pare GOLD AF.WRt.BT, I Plain Gold Itinga, Broeat Pina, Ear Dropu, Ao > Photograph Alhutna, all aiaea and pricea Bkfk .uraea. Handkerchief Kttnoti. Hon..? >' I nut now offering a beautiful M of oil WINDOW Bit A DBS AND FiXtUkKS. ' very low limrci; also Paper Shades. Fin . Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock will al ways be fnnnd complete in this line. I have on hand all numbers o< the celebrated Williinnntio Soft Finiab Black Spool Cut ton, tbe beat in uae fur Machine*?U> it ab( ' be Convinced. In ahorl, my Flock will l?e found complete i freak and attractive at all tonus. Call antl i satisfy youraelvea. W. II. Horcy. Mar 54 44 if HARTFORD HUM Midi! MY. W'K have taken the Agency in tbia Coun ty for the tale nl (bote CRLKBRATBI EVAPORATORS AND MILLS, for tbe man , ulacture of Sugar and Syrop from tbe Sbr i j gbniu and Sugar Cane. We are not offering to the public an experi , ' mental machine, but one of which there ar f thousand*, aaid to bo, now in uae, in (Ufforen partr of the country, and we will here onl; mention n few of its many merits, aa claimei by the manufacturer*. It require a hut abou oue half tbe fuel and about imo half the laboi and tbe coat if about one half the price o other machinea. Tbe rcsnlta attained aro i fine article of Sugar and the fincat kiud o Syrup, (readily celling at from $1 to $1.50 pe gallon,) and we claim that it ia the only ma cbiue which CLARIFIES aud CONDENSE: in the auuie operation. With all those facta in ita faror, there nee< i be no wonder at the auceeaa the General A gen ia meeting with in all uur Southern cities uu< , towns. We shall have one of the Machinea in ope rut ion iu town soon, until then we invito ou friend* and the public generally to call at on ' Mors, see rumple*, model. Illustrated circular* ' Ac., and where we ahull be pleasod to giv 1 them all the information in our puwor. i DAVID Sl STRADLEY. r April 7 40 tf ' Dry Ooods. Provisions an< ; Family Supplies. CORNER AUGUSTA & PENDLETON STREETS WOULD inform hia (Vienda and tbe publi in geueral, that bo baa now on hand i 8T0CK of DRY GOODS. CALTCOKS, BOOTS. SHOE! IIATS, TRUNKS, AC., AC., TOOBTIiaa WITH GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS: DACCN. LARD, RICE, SALT. COFFEl SL aA R, MOLASSES. TEA FISH. AC., AC. And would be pleued to meet with continued favor. Having recently returned froin th< Charleston market, his Stock is therefore fresh Also keeps on hand, POULTRY', KuGc AND BUTTER. 62-6 Msy 19 RARE CHANCE! Tho North America Life Insurance Com pany, of New York. ASSETS FOUR IIILMOMS AND A QUAKTKB. DESIRES to secure Local and Dleirlci Age its throughout the State of Soul) ' Carolina, and will make liberal arrange menln with m<n of energy and activity. It issues all the desirable forma of poiieio at rates as low as other first class eonipa I idea. It gives a loan of one third the pre mitnn when denred, nnd receives til* hal acre in one, hoo or three installments, tcith i thirty day* grace for payment*. Its policies are now forfeitable for a eporijiet 1 amount, in esse of failure to pay premiums No restrictiona ou Southern resilience or true f el. Active men with sueh a company eai make an agency pay them well. Apply to ? P. GEORflfc, , General Agent So. Ca. AdJresa, eare Charleston Hotel, Charles ton, S. C.f till 10th June; after that date > Columbia, 8. C. 1?4 VALUABLE MILLS AND FARM FOR 8 A Lit. Near tke City of Greenville. I AMMM^BKING deairioua of remotlb, I fl|HV to another County of thia BUG vWE|pk I offer for aale the valtoabl maBStm MERCHANT MILL known a PARKIN'S MILL and the PAItM of tkre lundrtd and twenty owe# / land attached Situated abont 4 utile* from (Jreenville, oi Reedy R'uef. Them are abont 40 acre* ? good Bottom Land ott the promise*, and ahou 1 AO acme in wood. Much of the upland is o good quality, and the whole would make i superb farm, If properly managed. There ar bow abobt 00 acrea in cultivation. The Mill has a fine reputation and good cm ' torn, aud Is io good repair, supply of water un failing, and is ri lasted on an eieellent shoal For terms, and further particular*, apply t the Offlco of the Svuihtr* fstnyriw, or t the subscriber. O. W. PARKINS, t Greenville 8. 0., May SO, 1800. May 50 1 tf MILLINERY. MISS Mf KAY, baring ra turned from Maw York a fo\ MyAEB day* ago, hu opened a wall *? looted Stock of MILLTNKRY |MB aonaiatiag of PKKNCH BON , fflffgl NKTS and UAtS, HATS an, JHl CAPS for Ladioa, Miaaea, Bo* MilI an'1 PLOWBHS, RIB f Wwl B0N8, Hair COILS, BRAlBg Ac. ALIO. DRlCflS MaKI^O, In all It* brabrl>oo, at tondad to wilk aoatoesa and deaoatok. May 5< If AA.TQ4LE, ; *mAaufcaK v??.*.<*? BOOBS, BASH, BLIHDS. , Ifora.??Wa troald 0*11 Um particular at ten , lion of oar friend* to the a Hove card. F. F. ? Toale baa a targe Factory, and anrh faeilitira nmn nin io swppiy im Mat wvrk *1 bia own luki it Id* prices. A *ott largo and ( complete assortment always on hand at bia ( Factory, Horlbeck't Wharf, fear North-Font#ra Railroad Depot, Charleston, S P. N. H. ?Order* from th? ronotft loliflM. and strict attention paid UJ shipping io g<?od , wnlti. 4<My April 7 A. C. l?AtF!IIAS, ; iJ&OKSGS, ' iini81!!& 6 eOHMiSSiOI ft&ilf MO. U, BROAi) STRKET; | CHARLESTON, 8. C. WILL BUT AND SKLL BKAL K8TATK, liuMtM, STOCKS, BANK BILLS. Ac. I RrFERKMCKft. Ex Oor. B. F. Prrgf, Greenville, 8. C; Charles T. Lowndes, Charleston, 8. C: Lesser lie A Miles, * ? tr. w. Taylor, Bsfltimtrfey IKd.- ? MaJ. C. fl. Suber, Newberry, S. C. Gen. T. M. Logun, Richmond, Va. Ilun. J. B. Campbell, Charleston^. C. MT. B. Smith A Co.. " M Craaa, Boylston A Co., " " Palter, Rodger* A Co., " " I Preselcv, Lord A Inglcsby, " * . J. H. ?? ?i x Apiil 7 4ft itn* SOUTH CAROLINA * State Agricultural and Mcchaftical r Magazine. (Official Oman of the South Carolina Sla't j A tp {cultural and Mechanical Society) I A T an esily date, the tfthtfert>< tt #?ll r XjL puldieh the fi st number of a Monthly Magazine, devoted io the development of 5 the tnaleiial interests ot this State, and the whole S<>uth ; and will dietriluite five thouI sand copies gratuitously, eo that every one ' ntay s>e what it la before subscribing.-^ ' They intend to make it the best and hnud ronesl industrial magazine ever published * at tbe South, and they ark the eordial e??. r opeiation of evcy good eit ten in thia efr, lerprise, which uiuit redound to the public 0 we'.fare. Pfriont wishing copies of the first nuh' her. will please send their addrecs to WALKER, EVANS <fe COGSWELt* Charleston, S. C. - Msv 12 61 if * TO TI1E PUBLIC. THE PAVlITOxN IIOTEi, , CHARLESTON, S. ! , _ SO LONG and aLfy ?A? ? A^L?V| dnoted by the late H. I. * fl*4Bul BUTTERFIELD, M dflll H*9@B3flC-he kept open for the ? modation of the traveling pnblle. And fta former friend* and pntrona will find the usual accommodations and attritions be r stowed on tliem a* formerly, and the public favors, alrtndy so well established at THE 1I< )TEL of I he T It A V ELI NO M KR CfT A N 1 of the South, will, by earnest efforts. La faithfully preserve.!. March 4. 1868. 41 if j * Ptllllllll'S HEPATIC HITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA* 111 ALL DISEASES OS III ' STOMACH AND LIVER. *nrr ah ucoitmiti rr tn ' medical rAoutirV. HEGEMAN At CO., JWF TO JIK: Hamifaetnred by C. t. PA5JKNXN. CHUttfiT AMD ArtTflttltt, CHARLESTON,; triw tals by Druoj'gU AMrywIfsrs.'if L Fob 21 AJ ]J THE MORNING STAR. AQAIW E l' Enlnrfed nnd Improved S s rBlLIlS well established And popular Dob t JL ly Newspaper has recently been l> greslly enlarged and improved, (the see1 oed enlargement in eighteen hum I he, J ntid is confidently offered to the people of the ' two Carolina* es seeood lb uo daily journal in either of those St ft tea. * The Stat is a live, practical and prbgrct ?i*e newspaper, eminently inifiled In thA k wants of this sretion ; tubed and conservative in it* teachings, and devoted (6 11>e I, " CVitnnierelal nnd Agileulttifal Interest* of o tlie Snnlli." It contains and telinl.lo n r?pt>rU of tha trinkets, t*k graphic dispatches, local news and genet at ii.w-lligence. Terms, in advance: One vear, #7.00 ; six months, f* 60; three inotUifc, (2.00; one month. (O76. . Address, Win. H. Bernard, ? Editor and Proprietor. " Wilmington, N. (7' Ap 2i 48 tf j WM. P. PRICE, ' ATTORNEY AT EAAV? l' DAHLQNE6A, 6A? WILL praelfee in fhe Counties Af Lumpkin I>*w??>n. ttilmer, Fannin, Uni? ?, Towns. White ahd Hall. Jan Itt U ||