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* iW-M tfk v y i? ^r. k ... <5$t ?rusciP|?iu)i ... .>: i ^.... ... ?,..._ ..,, GRRBNTfLLfi, R. C. fmrioit, im m. n? Report M*?Ul??K Internal Pomona c?ata| la paaaaaaioo or karia itim of nay wwra tk*4 amy Interact oa rondera, will roofer a favor ky reporting tkoa to tkfa oOeo far pakHUMlia. LeenU Mmh w eapeeialty deairn. Thene tiring at a dlatane au trite <H and wo will ptoparo tkaai lab ?ka fteper akapn, oaakting aataaa arkaro da aii<ar |H|ii. Tka aaaaa af the write akoaU nlwaya nmotepany a Uttan. Traa Upoooh and IVaa Vagra Saftrafa la f"k? JTeWfnmrUrt 9/ Raditmlitm and Myn t tl awk, " ? < aa too jsmss /" bow ll ?' wrnW omt 0m Gran ft mm, ly Loyal Ltayarrt. THere ?m MMlttf u election for city (A Ml IB Washiagtoa. The aegroes bring la i majority, mM ta a in vat violent and outrage ow manner. If aaeh wn bad been wieM by Democrats or white a?a la South Carol im or Georgia, wbot a bowl ?mM bard boea raised by the Radicals. AU liberty of free'snfflragi or right ta rote as the rotor chooses, was op posed by the savage negroes la Washiagtoa and some of their own race barely eooopsd witl their lives o? attempting to exercise it; b?l for the polios oay one weald bare beeo billed, murdered out right, who presumed to voti as they wished, In opposition to the Radica nominees. Tbo negroes carried the electior triumphantly, not on the " peace " order, bnl in furious violence and disorder. Will Congross reconatroet the District of Columbia. Oh no. It is only the black bull that is gorlni the life out of free speech and free ballot. Tin interest of Radicalism is promoted by the eleo ti?n. The New Tork Harold thus comments " A CUy Coanoil and ebarter o(Boers were ti be chosen by general vote, negroes having th< right of balloting. Trained, apparently, li the tactics o( voting " early," if not " often,' as well as in the system of "pipe-laying" o *' eolonislng " votes from abroad, colored seei of the radical stripe entered the eity or torn 1 out fr->m their several domicilas within th corporate limits in Urge nnssbers at the earl it i boors of the morning, commoneing, to arriv at ths different ward centres *s early ss fou o'clock. They were weli prepared for a election campaign, having their ballots i their pockets, bludgeona in their bands, an< their overcoaU on tbeir shoulders. The; appeared determined to vote as the freedoi of political decision dictated, as democrat or radicals. Free expression was not permit ted, however for, as appears from oor telrgrap report, a democratic mulatto named 8tuar having attempted to vindicate his principle i the legal manner, was set upon by the colore radicals, abased, driven from bis position an rompolled to seek shelter in a store, where b was protected from the negroes by the pn prietor at much risk both to his person an property. Stuart proved a plucky fellow. , squadron of mountod police having arrived i bis place of retreat, he came forth, went t< wards the ballot box, hut was hunted froi plaee to place by hie infuriated brethren. Tb police were compelled in self-defence to fire o the mob. This goaded them on to act with fury which is described as almost demonlae i intensity, the officers being assailed and th Superintendant wounded in the affray. P< licenses and citiseus were seen running in art ry directions, shots resounded on all sides, th alarm became gcnoral, and wonder is exprem ad that a number of persons were not kille during the melee. The Mayor was insnlte by the triumphant darkies, who lighted bon fires as an evidence of their triumph, howtip around them in a meet exciting manner. Tb disturbances subsided at a late hour in th evening. The poliee ran Stuart ofT and stai ted him for Baltimore. Negro equality is al most completed and the * underground " rail roaa again In operation. VMM. We are a grievously taxed people. Th State tax on all property, real and persona i* three fourths of one per per enol ; th County tax is t kitty one-hundredth*?lh two combined are one dollar and fire eent on every hundred dollar*. ThU ia not all real eelate has been aeseraed double lh amount at which it was returned by th citizens. All, therefore, who made fair re turns of audi property are really taxed twi dollats and ten cents on the hundred dol lata. We hope a mode of relieving sue I may be pursued hy the officials of the Stats We hare been informed that there it a wat in which those who returned their proper ty originally at its full value, can be pro Weted from thia sort of doable tax. Th State (axes now are about tan times mor heavy than before the war, and the moe virnvAVSns na?f Sa ' ,l*- - i a r-?? ? " "" '? penditurea which call for them were toUll; uncalled for by either the poliey, the inter e*t? or bnoor of the Bute?each ee the enmptinn of more then a million of Slot Bank bilir, which alone now call* fur nee one-tenth part of tbe taxes to pay the inter eat to a few greedy eapitaliaU and apeeuta tore, who are getting a duller Iron th State for every ten eente they epent in hoy log the bill*. The people roaeethem ae|vee to bring the members of the Legiela lure to atrict account, or they will be utter )y ruined, eapeeially in our upper eounti* where we have aot the reaoorea of raiaini large cotton orope to aupport our now lord and marten. We believe that our immedi ate drh-gatioo, aotne at lea at if aot all, c| pored the bill for givieg Bute bond# fc bruken bank billa. Surely a great refori n>uat take plaee next aeaaion, and a belt* system of taxation adopted. Coasia'avoh ruinous and eonaplieatad tax bill moat I expunged by tbe oomaaon aenae aaembera < the Legislature, and a more simple end}ui one adopted. The South Curo-ima RrpuAlitmn of the 12l June expreaaes the opinion also that there ie remedy for ovor araeramenta. In reply to eea ptalnta from the Counties named, it aaya, " n< doea it follow that the tax payer la without t medy. If there la in Marion or Orangebui k'ltuntica (or elsewhere, of roarec tbe cdit< - 1 ~mmmrm^SSSSF*rm7mmm*? TUB S f ??.) to* poroc wboao ??ufny too k*t ; p*? >ko*? Ma trwo Vmtoo, MMi KBi bjl ? pHodT**** - 9 Mw? W?w fnul taa. Tbo kail ?mm 4a it tint m4 ration of ftoit by air tight vmmIi h bac owing I lion h4 ?*N praralwt tb? tilw lit * utility if tbo praetke boeoaaao known ftw | oxporionco. Tbo itono jar ku ken fkuf to * | ha tbo tkwpMi Ht boat raaatl br yiaaaiptng * feilt, ast m will ia a fhw tijn bin a largo ' ooppty of iktn jan M?aufa?torod i? Groan" riUo, by m ontorprlaiag gnUnii of tbia ' plaoo. Tbaao jar#, wo loan, will bo oold at * prieo tbot orory body oaa afort to bay. Unliko tbo'tin tboy will last yoars and yoara. A t dollar por doaaa of qaart also j Q por doaos far half gallon ; and (I par doaon for gottoa ? aUo. i Tbo prloo la tbo aaaao aa for nil otbor atono . woro. Poraoaa aboutd rrnumber that tbo atono wwro la n for anparior artielo to tbo iiiwm i I anrtbeo war* jags and Jar* which wa have eomk I monly had la 'hi* airkrl. Th* common jag . | war* la not alwaya to ha t tested, aa it I* tao | porous although apparently wall glased. Thla k atona war* la all mad* of reload olay, la aolld and itnparriona to air, whan properly eealad. i Tbp light la parfaatly excluded, aad glaaa jara . are objectionable la thia reap act. Th* atoa* , Jar ha* ao polaonoaa gUalug, and with cork i 1 atoppara, which will he Atrniabed for a alight t additional coat, th* arrangement la perfect. Direction* far pwttingap frwlt ia atoaa Jara : i Thla may h* dona with or wlthoat eager: | many prefer to pat tbam ap wlthoat it and , add anger only whan the fmit la naad, accord t ing to taata, hot aa aagar will ha naad any how it aaight h* aa well to pat in at tb* atari. Th* t reeling la made by a mixture of two parta of j rorio aad oaa of hecawai, atewed aud atirred I together till Well mixed. The jara ahonld be haatad by being placed la boiling water, whiUt I the fruit *r vegetable* are being prepared" , Whan wall heated, take ont one at a time and ( 111 to th* neck of the Jar, drive in the cork? i about one eighth of an inch below the top ? then aet aaide the jar for about tan minutea, r P*t the hot sealing wax on the top and after n it coo la amootb with a hot iron, and the work i. ia don*. If the wax ia found looac at any time ? apply tb* hot flat iron aa at flrat. It To pat up prcacrve* in atone jara only ball a pound ot augur ia neceaaary to the pound of ir fruit, ioatead oi p.-unci for pound aa generally a uaed. Peachea for inrtanea, may be aicely n praaerved with leaa than half pound of rugar d for each pound of fruit. Theae ahould be boily ed eight or ten minutea and put up in the jara n corked and aealod aa in the foregoing goneral a directions for all fruit and vegetable*. A > cheap way ia to peel the peaches, quarter them, h put in the kettle with a littlo water, add a few t pound of sugar to a half bushel of peachea, corn or the kettle well and let it remain aver the d Are long enough to come to a boil, (train the d ayrnp from the penchcr, pat up in jars, cork, i? immediately and aeal after ten minutes. The ?- trne flavor of the peach is best preserved in id thia way. In thi? method no syrup ahould t>e A put up with the poachca, aa they make enough it of themselves. >. Tomatoes are drat akinncd hy poring on boilm ing water, hull ten minutea, add no seasoning, ie put in the jara and cork, whilst hot and aeal in n ten minutoa as in case of fruit. When opened a for use they may be cooked and aeasoncd aa n (rcah Uuuat< es. ie Green corn ia l>oiled aa for table nse, remove >. the grains from the cob, put in jars and eork i- while hot, ard aeal in ten minutes. When us? ed boil the corn in clear water five minutes I. season aa may suit the taste, d There directions will gire sufficient hints to d intelligent housekeepers to eaeble them to put ? np and keep erery variety of fruit and regetag blea that may he desirable. Wc have frequent. ? ly published direct ions for fruit preserving but ? formerly the cost of cans was a serious impedi . ment, but now that the stone jar is introduced at a cost within the reach of all, we hope our |. friends and the people generally will take care to have a pleoly of tresh iruit all the year round, which would be a great comfort and conducive to general good health ; aud every ( body lutes to diminish tho business of the duot, Death of Mra. Amelia Wells. Mrs. Amelia Wills, widow of 0. II. Wells, died at her residence in this city on ' Innitu _?> I-- 1S.L T 1 IM J? * .. _ ..mvi u i?g, i?>vu u iiiiii, 1 pwp, hfjra oo e She wm the widow of 0. II. Wklls, who wa? * well known in the upper part of tbie State and 1 elsewhere as the proprietor and publisher Of 0 the old J/oMntniaerr and was highly esteemed as an intelligent, kind and obliging gentleman* Mrs. Wkli.s was a native of England, eame i_ to this country when a young girl, and alter re j main ing with her parents a short time in Char. leston, removed with tbem to Greenville. Here she married, and raised a reputable lamlly? t and here her modest worth aad genuine Christ tian character, her goodness and unassuming t virtues, were known and appreciated. She has livsd a lifs of unaffected piety, always wearing the ornament of a aseek and qaiet ' spirit. She nsver asglseUd bar domestic duties as a devoted wife and mother, nor faltered * in her friendships. She was constant in ber e attendance on the public worship and was a r devoted reader of the Bible at home. She united with the Greenville Baptist Church '* thirty yanrs ago, and during all that time * adorned the doctrine she professed, by ber good and consistent conduct end died as she r had lived " happy in the Lord," these words . were among the Inst she repeated. The funeral sew toes were wsrs performed in (he Baptist ? Churoh oo Monday by the Pastor, Mr. Tiranas, j in a manner beftting the occasion and Chris* ( tian character of the deceased. Rev, J. P. . Borca, D. D., concluded the cervices at the grave by prayer. Mrs. Wiitt leaves two daughters and two sons rewiring and a sunT ory that will be lone affectionately cherished " by bar family, ber friends, and by the Cbureb r with which she was connected. '* cotton Prospssti in Ornnnntln. The proepeet ef cotton is better than it wai " a few weeks ago, It is sow taking on a rapid growth. Mr. Prai.psn Goessrr has shown ui -h ffne speeimsns of the plant, maasuriag nearly a 14 inches in length, a re-plant, from field a- be cultivates near this place, and we obsern ?r several patches about that indicate a proepeel a of yleldiag well, provided the season is favorrg able hereafter and aa sari/ fvast does not osur cue. m t-m i a i Ifiiui |o Utii JAt* lfaiiilag* 'iflur ? Ttd.t> tt?M IHW Willi lilt. l 4?Saaday Imm. Mm lhMM??rnM ?k* has leag boon a mpwM niMni a| Green villa, aad Mr Joan Ourt, of Iralaad, woro Miriod at tk? raaidaaaa of Dm (mm?r, >7 R??. E. T. Buiw, D. D. Tka laeideat ia a pitailng oaa; a roman tie history attachaa. Thirty-threa y?an bar* lad #lnaa iba pari lea became engaged, nor here they aaaa aaok other to that ttaie, a ad doriag a loaf portioa ol It vara Ignorant ol eaal? otber'a whereabout#. They vera bath attached whan m?ra children, So their native Ireland ; bat whan the engage moat became known, the faialUee of both wera opposed to it from opposite religion# eiawa, and that of Mia# O. contrived to her, sgsiaat bw will, ta the Uiiittd 8?Ui Mr. O , all dt?oo?whi?, mIImwI la iHt British army, ant being a war* at flrat whither the My had goat Hit aaraar aa a eoldter aoniinaad twaaty ni yeara; la the meanwhile be l<>ogbt ihroagb the terrl bla Sepoy rehelliea la Indie, meklnf aa many heir-breadth ereepee "in ?ha immi a art deadly breaekea * aa Oiauia He returned to England mne three or fear yenre ago, and, having la the meantime had anma eorraapoadanae with the lady by lottir?hr hie devotion never faltered? eilvd for Uiia country. She Wee on her voyage at the aame time to old Ireland, and the ehipe paaeed each other. Ha found hi, way to the great Weal; and having been proelrated by ebolere, and loeiag the meane brought with him, ha went to Montana to recruit Laet Friday ha arrived by tba oare in Uraanville, euod-nly and unheralded, and forthwith (ought the houee of Mtw 0.. who knew hiui inrtantly on eight, but ne did not reeognixe h<*r in the rmc manner, for the had changed from the fregile girl to the mature woman. Of eonrae rite waa agitated and overjoyed aa he waa and there heing no longer any Impediment an Immediate marriage waa determined on. The reault was their onion on Sunday, aa before elated. They both have the rongratulalions and kindeat wither of this community, and the good proapeet. from apparent vigorous health, of enjoyinv many yeara ol htippinere, to crown their mutual au>l rare eonrlanev. J 0 The Huonlo Proceeding tn Convention, Febrne<r. 1809. J Aim* DtRNiK, Esquire, of oer city, who made (be report ? Chairman of tb? Committee on Foreign Correspondence, thui concludes : Our labor is ended. What we at the outset feared would be an irksome task, bas prored a pleasing pastime. It will be perceived that we have rigidly (perhaps t<H> much so) adhered to what we conceived to "e the province of a Committee on Foreign Correspondence, lis : to give/Virls, with a slight iotermixturc of commentary. We thought thst we could best serve the purpose of our appointment by juct telling in n few words the transactions 0| our sister Grand Chapters, with auuh quotas tions from their proceedings as would assist the understandings of our readers. We havs avoided all reference to political Diallers, thinking that nothing can be more out of place in Masonic matters; and it is a source ol pleasure to us, that in the whole of the proceedings recei/ed hy us, not the least reference or hint can be found on such a subject which could offend even the most fastidious. It will be seen that we have included in out report the transactions of the Snpreme Grand Roval Arch Chanter of Scotland. This is the first lima I bat tbe Committee on Foreign Cor respond* nee of thi* Jurisdiction bes gone outside of American Capitular Freemasonry foi materiel to work upon. We hope it will out be the laet. Wo have now a representativa near tbil Jurisdiction, from both Scotland and England; and it would certainly be a source of great pride to u.? if our proceedings should ba noticed and reviewed in Europe as well as at home, Capitular Musonry is ona throughout the world; and everything that occurs, both in Europe and Asia, Africa and Ocaaaioa, should be read wilb interest and pleasure. It gir< s as pleasure to'report an improved eondition of our Chapters in the United Statee. Now States are being formed in the great Weet, and are knocking fur admission into the erst widening circle of Grand Chapters. The State of Delaware, long without such a body, has at last woke up from her long sleep and has become one ef our number; and on the far distant plains ef Nebraska the ring of tbs gave| comes to our ears. \V? aro a growing nationi and tbe time is not far distant wbsn Companions from tbs East and tbe West, tha North aud the South, from every State and Territory of our vast Empire, will meet at our General Grand Couvocations, to exchange words ol greeting and fraternal union. So mote it be. This extract gives some idea of tbe nature and extent of tbe matters embraced in tbe report. Tbe docameot is bigbly creditable tc the iadrsWy, research aud learn lag of the author. ? - 44^^ ? Valuable Mil's and Farm for Bala. Our readers have doubtless observed in tb< columns of the E?ttrpri?? the notice of friene <3. W. Pirimi, who offer* to aell hi* Mill ?nr firm, if tooted nbowt fowr mile* from the City It wm our pleasure i few d?ys since, to spend en hoor or 10 inspecting the machinery of tb? mill, we olao took a alight glanee ot aome o the load. The apparatus at the mill la in com plot* running order, and torn* oat the heat o floor end meol ; in grinding wheat, no mil maker a better article for biteoit parpoaea Mi. P. ahowed at into every atery, and we an aatiafled that no better investment could b foaad, by I boa* who have money to lay oat The bailding U ao aitnated and the wheel b ? admirably eonatrwetod that no damage eat noaalblc arise from bieb water karla. loci a wheel, end the weter it directed to tk mill by e dam tbet could he replaced for Aft; dollars. We were informed that the eaetom I nflrltallj en tea si re to keep it rwnaing eon , tinually, and now that hareeet la nearly upei I ua, the patronage meet he el ill greater. I Of the land, rnneh it in erigiaal woods r while a good deal in hettom. I Parties desiring a safe and paying iaeeetmen , wonld do well to giro Mr. Panama' propertj 1 a oareful esamia Jttoo. ^WRobm communications are nssaasarllj omitted this Week. 11' '" 1 rvmgt JK5EJL RJRzS*' r HmftMikttWMlMMtaMlMW, J ah i^m (ma lB* ,^it? By Wet evening^ MR, ?e m? at 'lyiw mm mamaaim* AVaA | BUfl |k^ c&rno?5C^.r.i: , 1 killed tot kit MpgnMtt, theMat uk? Rrimt Hi, the leader ih?t, and itl Mrrtod to Sea tin* go, te te pat to Rwtb. Ifracto whetMafena* tnUoi takea pliM, II wUI ynvtk* mlr bmtUKy to Ik* Spanish OhmiiiI tow Ik* R?yli af Mm United >toln? and Ma Mm Sonth AmRu nyMtw, m wW tonn the Ittliywlww of Cmbm. Tb? ftnntonti of Para i*4 Chill km already MknovMfW lb* tolll|?mi right* oi Ik* revolutionary ge-ern- ] Mat la ttoa IiImR, m4 they will ka ynptitl-j la Joia la tka war against Spain. Wa km considered tka revolution la Cuba aa unwlte thing, they should kaya oo-npe rated aitb Old Spain In throwing eC |ba oomipt rata of IaMI* a ad tka Itosaaa Choreb, and i weald thereby have gained naeb Mara thaa | they aaa poaalbly laky t revolution that only mrvBurai 10 AITNMIM tM country, an* destroy its yrMptrll; u< prtpm. Tbia has b?M the itnrwbW sad i??Nur rwalt in a very BfiaM eolony that ?m largely slave holding, on engaging in revolt against *he other country. Ticedm and good government and prosperity and progress can never exist with a controlling AfHean element in the popnlation, and lata than a majority can control or tetally poison the apringa of all tree advancement, when oomhtoed with and maai1 painted by the vioona, the fanatical M the ignorant of the white race. Resumption of the Klngstroa Star. We are pleated to receive again thia exchange which haa been suspended for several months Ita appearance la exocltent and we hope It will be more fortunate in the fhtnro. From the issue of the 9tb wo mnke the following extract. The gentleman alluded to ia the father of onr e?teemed town*man, Pronator P. C. Dotmn, of the Female College: "7 he Lot of a good Cititen.?In these times of vice and corruption it ia a serious matter for a community to t>e deprired of ita boat citisens. They are needed to givo tone and chari aoter to society?to diffuse among the masses of the peopio those principles wbieh should 1 govern tbem in the formation of their habits through lite. " The many friends and admirers of the Hon. A. W. DoxtKK will regret to learn that be, aeeoinpanicd by all bis immediate family, with the e a caption of one son, left thia District on the 26th ultimo for California, where he expects to reside permanently. In the loss of thia citiaen Williamsburg and the State have been lyric poetry or ttaaar Tinaon. The freeing was beautiful and tbe leeltre rerjr well attended, by a a*o*t attentive assembly of ladle* and gentlemen. Ciover aad ether Oreeaea la Oronnvllle. Mr. J. A. David and other gentlemen hare demonstrated that elorer and other grasaea wM thrive finely in thla aection. A aenall Cold of elorer near Mr. David's residence is said te he eqnal to tbe very beet that the Worth or West eea prod are. The yield of bay i* anormon*. aad provas that sneh msdee ef forming may maka a* independent in onr agrlcnltnrnl supplies, of nU ether eeeticn*. ProoMdlag* of the AptMltnml CosventlOB. We hnve received from Meier*. Watm, Kvass A Coos well, of Charleston, thirty eopie* of tbe proceeding* of tbe Agricultural Convention of Bonth Carolina, held in Columbia In April last. Wa have distributed them T earetally ever tbe Oeaaty, am angat eur leadtag agiitaliorlMB. ut-|FTiTcu 01 gemiemcn wium aeriHint aao fidelity to their interests ?u the work of hie life. Me belonged to that eehool of politic* which bettered in and advocated the rigkts and sovereignly of Stale* ?ol the Constitutional remedy to Withdraw our allegiance from the Federal Government wben^it reared to d spensn those blessings for which it was originally formed. He was honest, sincere and patriotic in hi* motives. He was not influenced hy any ( ambition for offiee, for altbongh again and again arged by his friends for poaitioos of great bonor, ho invariably sought retirementf He was jealous of tbu honor of bis eeetiou, and whenever assailed, his hold and trenchant pen was not slow or ioactire In repelling the caluinnly intended to degrade her. No man in the State fell more keenly than be did the failure to cstablieh onr independence. Being tbe eery aoul of bonor and oournge be was restire nnder tbe present state of things, and flnally determined to seek a borne more congenial to his taste. His refinement, culture, intelligence and high spirit could not brook the , humiliation to which we are all subjected. t " We tender him onr individual wishes for his future happiness and prosperity.' A Long and Cordial Bhnkn of the Hand That clever, jolly, whole-*?nl?dt good 1 looking gentleman, William 1.. Kino, K q . of the Charl??!on Couriar, gave us a oall yesterday, and we bad I ha pleasure of look i>i> it* r.? ..A a.t 1? t-i- 1?J end we nature our friend* that it ia * Mtii taeiioa that we value vary highly. Wher ever you come in contact with him, you meet one who ia the pereonlficalion of fin ' i-hed addrea*, and the more yen know of him the belter are you phared. He topped with Mr. Swanoal*, and remained two daya, looking after the interrata of lib paper. The Courier ia Appreciated in Greenville, and we know ita foo'hold upon our eitiaens i? not io the leant ditninieliing Lecture of Profenaer Rivera, ef the Intk Carolina TTmveralty, be fere the Literary ClaV Profetaor Rivaaa, of the 8. C. tJr.lveraity> baring arrived ia Greenville, an Monday, wai > invited by a committee of tbe Literary Clnb to ' lecture before it on tbe character and poetry ef Haver Tivrod, a ton of 8oeth Carolina. whoae poetical geniaa aad early death at tbe eloae ef tbe war bare eltetted aaeb bovtow ? frr hie Ita, aad arweb well deaerved aalegy of 1 hia writiega. The lee tare ef Prof. Kivrii wit 1 a as oat lataraatiag end heaatifcl tribute to tbe .' poet. He teemed taapirrd by bie that* a, aad gave aaany fine poetical utterance! ia llluatrv 1 ting hia fevoret'la opinion of tbe geniaa aad 11 9 s i. ft . i .:t v'g-. ??, f , fflr i.i ~?~ fi Mk Dk. ?.*#>> rftt. fhto wi inrroandtof M.ay ? feratok a? ftr ??HtoaU? *?ik Mtk MiM?riftMMt?IMyNMIiin Aoir oktorratfea. Wo 4o Ala tkJH Wotoay jjrimt wtoktog to ??r ii.toi lk( vll ivl* *? foal tkfti Ikftv mm Ml ik*|f Mkatfiiw tton moutj far ??ikt Barer Pwn*r to , 'ai*.to hava ropltod upoa to tog iclarrogatod | *4 ? Mltorfei NtrMttou to tk? toot m?mf I of ntllH on UI klimllai sad aaaalu ? " ft* kNH," my to, 'ni itouil yo?F ilMUt" y| proposn poi ^ connIIm ewtelvee it?M to Matter* transpiring to thl* loealty, bat wi*h to prist from *v*ry gnarter thing* that wilt to psmaad *Kk b*a*it and iaatrattioa by ?v reader*. Wo d*air* tto Xrl?rj>rtW to to Mora tbaa a reprint or ottor popor*. Jb? newspaper i* aJitbographUt, and U expected to traaofor occarriag ? * ?? to paper aad tbonoo to tto mind* sad under* tending* oi tto pooplo, and unloM wo bar* co-operation ta tbia, U will to oat of oar powor to do * mueb good *n wo otborwlro might. It 1* important to bar* tto paper ft)led with ft* doing* and acting* of tto oonatrjr, as they for** a part of tto hietof? of tb* time*. Who of oar frlanda writing latter* to * front tto nay for pnbiloatlon, daring the war, bad an/ idea ft*; worn recording history t Bat tneb is tba (bet- Tt * Ju*t yesterday tbat w* were called on by a distinguished gentleman who is collecting tto itcods of tbo war in tbij Htste, for tba ?*a of our flies from 1841 to the ta (render of Lan, and he noW ha* them, tbat to may gain what Information to *an from tbam, for tbat purpose. We with coming generation* to knew tbat wa bar* dons our duty in these vary trying tint** of obango end revolution, aad they mutt know the ftot* from our own montbt. A people'* history t* not contained in n latemeni of tto battle* won aad loat, bat also in tboae mailer* af farm, thap. oAra, pulpit and rostrum evolving avafll* M*w Stock- Chatter White BoarMr. Julius C. Ssnvr baa imparted from Parkaabnrg, Cheater County, Pa., a fine Cheater White Boar, which breed many of our farmer* know la an exeellaut and thriving one. He ie six month# old, end will weigh two hundred and iwrnly-flve pound??at Ave months old he weighed 175 pounds, the increase in weight I* so rapid thai it i* almost incredible; but w* kuow ilia statement* to be facts. The feed given t.i. i s t_ i -UL what in gi*?n Ike common rnn out itotk ? Tide hog i? woith taking a peep at, aad Mr. t*aitb will be plraved to show him in the pen. Our people are waking op to Um introduction of new brooding dock, which ia a favorable omen. Mr. 8arm intends soon to bare something in a different lino. Imported Turnip Sood. We always lake pleasure in seeing oar citi-. sens introdnce new eecdi as wall as new stock, for we think thoee who are that engaged, are doing quits a* much good for the country as be wbo causes two blades of grass to grow wbero but one grew before. Mr. Thomas Storm railed na Into bis ntor* tba other day and (Lowed us bis different va rieliea of Taraip Seed, vary roccntly imported direct from Christ Church England, vis.I Green Globe, Green Tap Heoteh, East Lothian Swede, Early White Stuns, Early fallow Stone and Red Top Stons. Soma of them are for Km <*ardata anil ikfKnM kaal affltail foa fa alliwa lock. Il (night he beat for all of n?r fkrnan to try something different from what thwy hare been planting heretofore. Be id villa remain High School. The Commencement Exercises of the above Institution will lake place nn Wednesday. Md iust The Examination ia the Male School commences on Monday* a Hi. and in the F. mate School on Tneerfay, 22J inat. The Anuual Address will be de livrred by Coi Juus Evan#, at IS o'clock 11., Wednesday. The public and the friends of the Institution ate invited to be present on the oec?ai?n. Werelnrn thank# to the Principe! Rev. K. II. RriD, for a special luvilallon to attend. Working of the Streets. Onr City Conncil deeervea great pre lea for the very efficient manner in which it la having nor (treats worked. The upper part of Main Street, Coart Street, Fall# Street, hetide# other*, are receiving eapecial attention, bat not mora than is needed. A had place at the eerner of Avenae and Palla Street which baa baeo under the direction of Aldermen Cowan, baa been vaatly improved. The work goes bravely on, and before a great while we hare no dowfct' the report can be made that all the thoroughfares of the place will be in las repair. DeeornUon of Confederate tiraves. Many of the grave* of Confederate sol. aier# inrotignou. ine tioiiUi hare been decora t<xl, aithia tha part mouth or to. The lalie# of Greenville hare not, we heliavef had a deeorrtion eioee the 4th of July* 18t>6. Ought they not to ?r*? flower* over lh*n annually | "The Rebel'* grave?oh lore it well, The epot where troe men fighting Ivtt, Traitor* to wrong, to guilt and fiand. But Iron In freedom and to God. Who dared the freeman'* eword to draw To v.ndicat* the freeman'* law ; And from the land they eould not eaee, Took ita Inat gift?the Rebel'# Grara." Death of an Old Ottinea. Mr. Tannae Yniui, the father of tar worthy Sheriff, died at hi* aeaUeaee, ka thia plaee, on Saturday laet I lib Jane. Ha had been many year* diaabled hy pnralycia, hot not eoaftaed eatlrety ta the bona*. Xttaara row LMh Attention io calked to the advaetieimant of I. P. eonai, Oenoeal Agent he hanth Carolina far the Kdeth America Life laenrance Company of Haw Tark. jm-A. C. Kaorman, Keq, Broker and Coamlaeloa Merchant, of Charkotoa, adror tie** |MM ta loan. * ^1 ' kag?? Tba Bank. Brtata, Qoh> Estkar. J?l/. M/ Gr.sdfatWi Crate. 'la ll? Yr?rOit?," 8?mI MargaristTW Oaallai? a from California. Tfe. Divoraa TKa TmHIm l OMe?r and tba Partisan., My Trip la i Salty Am, Km laandattoa, dvMtef tba QaaaUam 4 AMMf Lora. Dal*. Hatf, 4 i fttaT Lara. LmI and Plank ar Job* Oakla/b labarttaaaav Oraadpa'a |V?, Wow Allan and Bar tin Caught a Burglar, Dm Hooaakaapar, Curiou. Matt*., Facta an<l Faneira, Adwnturaa af Mi. B)ab tba Artist. Elliott, Tuombb A Tauaot, PuUiabara, Baataa, Masa. Prim tl.ftO. Daath of B*r. BmrtC of whoa* death appear* ta aar dotted citiaana of thi. Count/. Hi was distinguished for hia boaeely andshnpUsitwaf pher. aiifa* nlain ttraal l?a 1 nana^a Haaaa anw piAint piwiirii gvw* wdot* sew www a fakblWI IHtad, a good neighbor, aad pfcaa Christian Minister. Ha aoagbt to do tho right la all kla transactions, public and private, aad loarao a para aad honorable ansae, of whteh pride, and an azaaipla of integrity that ail woald do wolj to amulets. ^ otMWWoea* The Air Una Railroad Committee iNtiaf. Tba Executive CoaaiUa appnlated to proMat* tho aaooaoa of tho Air-Line Railroad, era requested b/ tho thtimn, Uto. W. K. Raalit, to aaaambla at the Manaioo Hour*, aa Frida/ evening past, aad 7 o'alock. Faaetoal attendance la necb daairod. " Honey Order " Poet OHeo. 1 Pur the infunuatiua of our business oommunify, it ia elated thot there i* a likelihood of the poet office at ihie plaaa being made a mjney order rffia*. Wo hope It will prove true, at the convenience U a rery great one. ? r Reply of 0. V- Loelie, Load Cemmissioner, to the totter of Jerdam Bateea aad ether. This is pabiiehad ia the M*p?U*tm* *f tba ttth Jane. We ibmll give it a piece la the fninprfn, aa it U in answer ta what originally appeared in aarcolamaa. The Weather. Oa Monday there woe a eoatlneoar rata all day, glviag torn* aneaonaaa about tba wheat crop. Tba last two days, lha weather baa prevailed, hat rather toe coal for the goad health of cotton. Advertiser** Annette For June ia on ou- table. Tiiia pnhllcation Is In ths interests of advertisers aad newspaper publishers, and wo find in it that engages one attention It ia published by Geo. P. Howst l A Co , AdverUe* >ng Agmts, 40 Park Row, Now Yoik, at tl per annum. Ths Monthly Calograa. A Journal of boms aad foreign literalrra, miaoeHany, news and typography, R. & RiLar, Jr., Editor. Published to Baltimore, ai ?i pw year. ro? tn wcnru nmmai, light Wasted. J/Vaara. Editor &?If (km U anything clearer than mul, it la the *on> mni.iaatioa of J. D. il in your number of Joo# ?, the aubjeet of the Road Lav* ft remind* ina of?44 My wife hoord Aunt J. min<a any lb at rbe heard thai Bill Sykea' wife told her >liat ah* had been inform d by Job Toadl**' brolher-io lav that hi* vifc told him that it had been hinted that Bob Hqneexelgnn'-er'a old apottad aov'a pig* bad rooted the hog trongh over." Well, I mutt eonfeaa that eeer otnea reading the ooromueieaiioa of 1. E H. 1 bar* felt eroa* eyed, crooked necked, or It aaay be I have been troubled vilh neuralgia. 1 aay, 'et aa hare light. Ceo anybody tell, from reading that eoanmuaieitlea, who doe* end vho de-a not vorh the roadf? Meaera. Bditora, do |xd*li?h tho Tovoebip Lev agaia | or vill aoanabody, lu a fav vorde, espiaie vho doea aod vho doea not work Lka rout f K? anlaMii > ' - t-u ? tiala ol jumbled sad aoafaaed Hn> V* don't want Ik a why and ib? wherefore of I ha downfall at lha Confederacy. Tha way things are |?ih| am mow tbm roads will not b? worked at all, unless there ia something mors eaptfeh. I mtdotrad that one men, high |a the Union League, haa taken H npou himself to go to tha hand* working on the road and tailing tha negroes tliay had ao right to wntk on tha ? road, and to go home. Light la Wanted. ANON. ?ob tbi soothes* sxtaaraieb. Mmarm. JNItors?If yon war# I* M a essay Scotsman *!# lhara a batter plow than nlae-taalbt of ear farmers onef* he might a newer by asking aaather question ?" Ye bea what (WiU) plawf*. On tba eligliteet atudy of tbla imptamsat* wa aaa a rembisMhi of two wsdgaa, a par* pendtealae slsnvsga and a heriieatai aaa Vow hew ta tarn a furrow allaa with tba lea at rsaiataaaa la the grant daeideratacu.? Tha Watt Plow prsarwfa a sharp litaag thaeHea; a good abara twdataab k at batr Insert k A longer and mora iinMbiar moVl'baard woald a?H batter far I?gb award lauda; bat tba Watt anils wall MaMh fee eueliekt . U.E?i ?l? itaMw %