University of South Carolina Libraries
SitAii. fiiOMrtntUTi Dkad it JBtoifoa. ??Tbo WMt>on correepnadcnt of the tofcMM Ad,*tdttr wrtlta as fbliMra Jour.ia 1: " There ta qoltc 1 aMToVonee or opinion In the Q rend Aria/ of the Republic in tnle eootion regarding the dcooretioo at the grave* of Cod fad erate deed. Poet Mo. 1 of this citjt it. tolVao nUanhnoeeljr t^ai 'while We hold so t inalich dgalbat thadaadwbo fbl) 1? attempting to hanl down our Hag, sad thereby endangering the natioa, we will not divide onr honors by decorating fjhnfederate grarra, and thereby telnt the character of tboae who sacrificed tbelr live* that tbelr country might live.' Port Ho. It, la PeaneyTraitla, issues a cireu} lar, saying that it baa decided < not to paas by ? the grave* of Coefedera'ea alorpiog in oar lines, but to divide each pear between blue hnd grvjr the firtl floial olftMtigJ ot a common^ tountry. We hivi ntt powerlees foes. PoJv ko. 19 think* of the Southern d?*4 - only as War# ?M?t'" ? ? IncKMtAftV* **? Mtjanwn.?Ws regret to Hsru thai, some time last week, a murdrr wrs tomuiittrd in the settlement known as 8ulubrihr.ln Pickens County, which exceeds'lu (loudUhness and cowardice anything we ever hcsrd bf. The hart and stable* of a Mr. Willard Was discovered to br on flro at a lute botlr at bight, when be and a man hy the name of llampey baateOod to the scene of cnnftagrntiftl, lo arrest, if |wt?|li|l, the dernnribg HiH-f. On rebelling tha shot, it WM found that the fire had tuade Such headway Uiat it could not he stopped, and Willard find Rainpey rushed in the etuhW to retctjo the horses add other stock, and white thus engaged, were fired upon hy unknown persona without. Mr. Willard wan struck in the neck by a hall, which resulted in his deaih n a few minutes. Hampey was struck'on the teg, causing a painful Wound. We are not informed of any elue as lo who the perpetrators were. (JTcoirec Courier, *r?tn Saw Capitai, o> Rcssta.?Kiev, which Aba Euiperor Alexander has Selected f?r the new capital of the Russian Empire, is the chief town of t)ie Ukraine. It Is ten degrees further 8outh than St Petersburg ; it Is equals lj near to Moscow! it Is within easy distance of Odessa and the Black. Sea, and it 1^ much f nearer Wot otilp re the Polish provinces, hut also to the Austrian provinces, to Turkey and to Persia. A grand palace U now being erected for the Our, and large territory has-been purchased for the Imperial family. Kiev will before long he a court residence, and the Emperor will have there under bis hand at least 300,000 Russian soldiers, wbicb ke'ean mass in a short space of time, by means of modern convey fit. Pitcrsburjr, with Ui crind avenues and in* hoipitablo cliiuuto, ii to be abandoned to trade. [0 altimort Galette. Twa or mi An***n Brother*.? The run of tb? United Stales against the Armtnd Brothers,who Ueilt skips for the Southern Confederacy end eold I hem after tlie cleee of the war, is Soon to come up again before the French Court, of Appeals. The United State. 'Government ha. retained M. Jules Fnvre in place of M. Berryer, deceased, as its prineipnl ronnsel. The case was decided adversely to the United State, in a lower Court on the . ground that some of the material evidence against the Armand. eons'a'ed of document* which had been stolen front them. Tho Uni led State, authorities supplied otlyrr evi dence to cover the s?tm? point, and the matter Is to be heard from the beginning. Mr. Gannett Pk.dadt.?The steamer Scotia, now on her way from England to New York, number, among hor list of passenger* ths benevolent and truly good George Poahody. It 1. intimated that this unexpected though welcome is on a mission of poace; tlin, , loving England af bo does hi. native country, he is concerned m regard to the feeling created in tbe former by Mr. Sumner's recent speech In the Senate on the Alabama qaostionMr. Peabody, remark, tbe Philadelphia T.e<lger, will probably be agreeably surprised to find our comtaerolal and banking circle-as *' calm a. a summer', momiug" on thie and other international tpMsUoas. A Washixctox correspondent of the New York Herald telegraphs I President Grant, it Is now stated on what la said to be good authority, d?ea not support Mr. 8nmner In his Tiews on the Alabama claims expressed in his late speech in the Senate. He calls the speech good rhetoric, but bad logic, and profbssc-s to believe that feu inner biuisolf was not sincere, hut was actuated by a desire to aver-reach Banks end the annesetlonists by putting Kngland against nil notion of ceding her North American possessions te tble sneotry. He holds that if we would not go to war with 'England we most conduct the nogetiatious m It h courtcousnese. ' * General Canl?y refuses to accede to the petition of the Colored Men's Convention requesting hisa to issue as order giving colored people equal rights in ears and steamboats. Ho snye the courts ouly havo authority to redress such grievances. Mrs. D. W. Ooetjen, of Charleston, Was so badly burned by the explosion of a koroseue lamp, on Snnday evening, that her Ule is despaired of. <JREENVILLE TRICES CURRENT f ooanweraw wanner, it MESSRS. OAVIO 8t 8TRA0LEY,MERCHANTS. f flRKENVILieTiTc.. JTN^ A,l8d*. APPLES, * bushel, dried, p'lM,$1.000*1.25 " " " " uupoeled, 84 r. rit r $1 oo HACON, P lb, new, 18 @ 21 c. RALE ROPE, lb,.... 12J (<? lie. BAGGING, Gunny, B, yd 28(fo;i0 e. BAGGING, Dundee, yd- 20022 c. 11UR LAPS .. .. 14 BUTTER, "? 1h 21) 0 24 e. Bl'CK WHEAT PL0DR,1tf 100Ibs,$3.0u@<(.00 BEESWAX, 1(t lh 28 @20 c. CHICKENS, V b*?d. -1& <9 *? ' COPPER, V >b. Hio, 24 to 83 c. CORN, ? bushel, new, *1 1401 24 COTTON, ri0?5c. EGOS, ft dosen, 10012} o. PI.OUR, ft W 0000 24 GOLD,.... ?..f1 850*1 10 INDIGO, Spanish Pleat, *3 0002 24 " So. Cd j*1 74602 00 IRON, 1* ft, American....... 7ie. LEATh?RrV*i^Kfe7HVmiocC.34^'s7l e! - ? -A .. Oak, 46(d 40 s. " ? " -...70@74 c. " MOLASSES, * ...M *o OATft, t* ? m - - unpooUd, B0TAT0BS, v ^ft VTK,|I kwb?l,...n JJ KAliT, W ?*rV, WMfJxioi,,..? .........^.. 81'' BUQAR, ? *, Brown,....; I*?* m Ti ? ClwtOod...... fOQtZft*. "? Cru?licd,.............. #.. ...J# IHIRTIHO. "?V>' " " w??il ;? f TAI.LOW, ^ Ik ~W c[ wW*AT. * ? 00<&,*3 3ft J A UN, T?rloty, hj%*XiZ:. .J1 Oft ^ * ? ??? ? ?# fv WDViN Jb'oBRegT ) row In felt ?littjr-tblrd. p. It Je Mid that h# h4* Uca apM 4b. (tag. about forty years. ISi*it out of eeery for. American newspapers ' elVrt to Pranee a rep it is said, confiscated id the maib PostoBce. .MtMWMMOSMSMBMWPMMWlSMSM Nxtr Yonk. Jube ?. Cotton Rrh?r, Pith tale* of 1,900 baits, at 30|. Hold weak, at 38*. Hai.Timor*. Jan* r. Cotton qnt.t, at 89. Fi<>uf doll and irregtilar?sopor b.ttffti, Wboat steady. Mix' ed oorn firm, at 88(0089 ; yellow 01(^96. Pork , and baeon firm?-shoulders 14*@14) ; bain* , S<l. Card firm, at 19*. Wbiakey dull, at 1.00. CnAnt.KiTo*, June ?. Cotton firm, bkt business small for want of itock ; sales 7 bales ; middling 29; receipts ; *93. AtisriTA, June 7. | Cotton market flrmer, with sales of .100 baler; I receipts 46; middling 28}-^boIdora asking higher prices. I.irrRrooi,, June 7. Cotton artive?uplands 11* ; Orleans 11*. Bourbay shipments to 1st, according to prirals accounts, 40,000 bates. J 11 1.. J-i?L J_ 19JSB Lecture before the Literary Club THE Third Lccturo ol th? imioii Will l?a dollvercd I./ Rev. JAMKS P. BOYCE, D. D., on Tuttdoy, Jon* at 8J o'clock, P. M. Su'Jcct, JfurmOHtim. Ticket* a* before. June 93 1 Notice. TnEUE will bo a meeting of tbe MSPUBLtCAN TARTY at Greenville C. II., 8. C..on tbe $({ day of July, 1369, tmtend of tbe 4tb, itiiimiineb aa tbe 4tb day come* on Sunday. Several addreeaoa will bo delivered. Jnne 9^3 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE' BRING YOUR BILLS BmMM&vj v\7 15 w'0 pay tbe following prices for yy oi.d bank bill.?': Bank of Camden, 80 Union HnnV,. 90 Bank of Nawberry,..... 16 Bank of Charlevtoo 12 Planter*' and Mechanic*' Bank,...75 People*' Bank 70 South western Railroad Bauk 66 Bank of the Btnle. (old.). . 40 Bank of the Statv. (new,) 16 Bauk of Oeorgetown............ 9 Bank of Cheater fl Merchant*' Bank. Chcaw, 7 Bank of Hamburg 6 Stale Bank 0 Commercial H?nk 2 Parmer*' and Exchange Bunk 0 tr 11 gheet price* paid for Bank Bill* ol I all i h- SoillliTit Slate*. I3T P ilaea not guaranteed againet flu I tual.oi a II. BEATTIE A CO June 9 3 J 1)1 H K(t IMPOltTATION. SPEClAT* attention 1* called to the large importation of very exeell. nl THUMP 8BBI), the undersigned, fmm Clin?t Church. England, consisting of the following GREEN OLOItf? GREEN TOP FCOTCH PAST I.OTIUAN RWF.Ot EARLY Will IE STONE I EMtl.Y YELLOW STONE RED TOP STONE. THOMAS STEEN. June 9 S # if ENGLISH, MATHEMATICAL AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY, (gHUlf 3HK ?3IPiaii:i5f^J<9 8. <9m THE rt?ffl?e? will he resttmon Monday, 21?f day of Jumr Tcifi.* of Tuition per Session of AP* twenty week*, as follows: | L FrttTrtrr Department,. ;... . f 7 00 Intermediate Depifnrnt,,. ......10 00 ljigbt r E?gH<tU Department,....... 14 00 A?1 vaneed Rnglleh Department,.... I fl CO Main matiee and Language* 18 00 B?>ard-p*i* mputh,' lights and wa shing itielnded 10 00 JOH UAYNESWORTH EARI.E, Principal. J?M 9 8 2 far Spar! anlmry Spartan copy twice, and send hill to advertiser. Notice IS hereby giren to ell whom it may concern, that I wi'.l apply to 8 J. {tauthit, Prohete Judge, f,?r Greenville County, on the 8th day of July next, f?r FINAL DISCHARGE na A'lminlstrator of the Eatale of JAMES GOODLKTT. <lcre??ed. M BATTE HOWARD, Aduiiuiatruior. June 8th 1800. 8-5 State of Konlh Carolinn, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtue of an order fro as s. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge, I wilt eoll, before the Court Jtouae door, at public out cry, on tbo Art! it nudity iu July unci, the following TRACTS Or LAND, vi* : TRACT, No.8, tituntoil in GrcenviUe County, ou wateri of lleeverdain Creek, bounded by tend! of William Crain, R. Furmen tVhilden and other!, and ocntainlog Eighty and ii hot/ Acre*, more or lets. TRACT No. 4, rltuated In aaM County, on laid Creek, bounded by landa of J. M. German, Jamee K. Diekion end other*, and oontaining Eighty Ami, more or leai. (told ae the property of 8TKPH RN SMITH, deeeaaed, for peril lion among the bain. Alee a VACANT LOT, witbia the ineorporete limit! of the City of Greenville, bounded by landa of A. L. Cobb, J. C. Bailey and oth?*, aad oontaining Tern Acre#, more or lew. dd ai the properly ef WILLIS BENSON, deeeaaed, fur partition among lb# belre. triiui i ...4u -r .h. i-. No's. S and 4, with interest front day or aula, for all except *o much aa will pay the eosta, wbleh will ha required la eaeh ; a rredH ef twalre aaontha far the vacant let described above, with Interest from day of aala, for all eweewt ao saweh aa ?U1 pay the eoata which will be required in osah?purchasers to (Irs bond with two apprured, securities aad a mnrtRage of the pie mi set to the Probsts Judge, to soeura the purchase . aa?eey. Purahassrs to "'"."rCKCM, ?.0.0. June 8tH !???, 8-4 6 B " M S R 111 NACHim T?OR f?ALE. ? ooropWt* vt of MAOTif NR I? KV fOU A 8H0B MANUFACTORY It h*6 blA but * short lim*. and wil be sol J at one I bit.I nt Its otlsinal c-sl. foi e?th. ? DAVID A STRADLEY". *??? : 4 ;j?i , J % )? ;n, 'WrT^Rix TTAS JU*T RKCKlVED A fine Awort JUL uuyit of OLO C X3L B , WHICH HE WILL DISPOSE OF CHEM POIt CASH. He i? also pr^peied to furnish *11 th< LaTKST NTYLtS Of llAllt JE* KLKY a Pattern Book of which can be ae?n at hi 3u?re. 2-tf June 9 DAVID & STRADLEY, F0EWARBIE6 AID C0HH1SS10I MER(I!l\T?, ak? ik GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Penflleton-St, Hear Depot, GREENVILLE, S. C, June 2 , 9 ff SOUTHERN BAPTIST IIIEOLOGlCAL SEMINARY GREKNVILl.E. S. C. JAME8 P. BOYCK, I>. D., Professor of 8yK>mtU? Theology. JOHN A. BROAPU9, D. D.f Profcaeor of Interpretation of the New Tcs tainent. BAStt. MANLY, JR., D. D., Profesanr of Dil'lbnl Introduction. I'o1emi< Theology, and Pr< paralion and Delivery of Sermon*. RRV, CRAWFORD TI. TOY, rroieasnr oi liiicrpreiatton ol the Old Tes lament, and Oriental Language*. TVM. WILLIAMS, 1>. D., Profee*or ??f EnlrMiotirol lliatory. Chnrel Government and Pa?tnral Uuti??. rpilE next Session (of eight month*) open 1 mi W*dnrmriny, Hrptcmhcr I, I8KII, nhr ilniTo will bo au Inaugural Address by I'm TOY. It i* ?n every aecyunt important f?i Student* to he prerent on the fir*t day. Tl>o aludie* are exclusively Theological, nn embrace an extensiva range of subjects, i which the beet College gradnntc* and thos who have only a plain English education en alike find whatever they arc prepared for nn prefer. The whole roijnires at liai three yearn, hut a Student may come for onl a single Session, and select his subject*, wit advice from the Professors if desired, and ma, graduate in each of the particular ?choofs It attende. No charges for tuition, nor fees c any kind. Text-ilooks lent to those who can not conveniently purchase thcio. Rtndcnl may board at tha Seminary Hall, with room free of rent, nud paying ouly the actual cot of living, which for the past Session avcracv 88 25 a month.'- Thoee who prefer it mo boot J iu private families, at about #15 a moult In either core, fuel, lights ami washing wi add some $?.f>0 n month. Brethren wirbin to attoml, hot unable to eoimuand the nccos ?;i rv menus, will please write promptly to Hoi B. Ma ntr, Jr., who will arrungo to give thoi pecuniary aid. Churches and individual bn-tti reu and sistara are requested to send him cor trihulions, large or rinull, for that purport Greenville is iu a healthy mountain regiot and is reached by T.ailroad. ri? Colam ia. ? C. For further information, Catalogues, Ac address Bcv. Jaidk.s P. Botcr, (Chairman ? the Faculty,) any of the Professors, or B. MANLY. J a.. Secretary of the Faculty. June 2 ? Notice to Tax-Payers. I>wct? Collector's OrncB, ) Green r ills, St. C , J una 2. 1869. ) I HAVE received the ANNUA!. I.I* for the yor 1889, also the APRILI.'Sl for Greenvfll*; Anderson. Piehena and 0?' nee. I will be in ntv ofliee at Greenvilt Court House, on the 3d, 4th, 6th. 7 th. 8t and 9tl.; at Anderson Court House, <>n th 11th and 14'h; at Greenville Court llouri on tha Idth, 17>h and 18th; at New Pl. V ens, on the 22d ; at Anderson Court Hons, on the 26ih, 241h and 28ih ; at Walhalli on Ilie 29'h and 80th; at Pendleton, o Thursday. 1st July J at Anderson, on Fr i?J Id, 3d and fi'h; Ih* following week Oresuviil* Court House?f,,r i It* piir|>m? i collecting the Internal Ilevenne Tuxes.Parties ?r? requested U? com* forward o the day* above prdfl.'d and ruake mj m-nta. thereby avoiding the penalty, whic will he added aa required t>y law. Person owing Taxes assessed on old lists. would d well lo settle at one*, as I will l-e coitj pel led to foree payments just as aoon as |x>i tibia. A. L COBB, Deputy Collector. June 4 '4 4 ir Anderson InitJlifrucer and WaMiall Courier will eaeh copy four t met, and pre sent bdla to the Deputy Colleotor, A. 1 Oul.b. NoticeIN aonformlty with the reqnlremeata c ih?? Internal law. 1 harsh; | give notlee to all persona who may slain Out Slili, Cop and Tform, which were aeii ed near tba pretrdaeg of Jno. M. Barr, oi the 88th day of May, 18G8, hy Ueit II Perry, Assistant Assessor, because of bsioj used in violation of the Internal R^tcou lsw,(ihs stmt having been turned over t me,) to make such claims before ma withii 80 days from the first publication of thl n?tice. A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. June StS Notice T8 hereby given to all whom it may concert I that I will apply to 8. J. DniitMt, l'r<>bat Judge of Oreenrille County, fhr a final dis ebarga aa Administrator of tha Kstate o LKMllKb l'AUB, (Ucaaacd, on tbo 2iih da; of Juno near. THOMAS A. CAMPBELL, Administrator. May 28 I - * -?* :^pr " v ^SsTf A Cooking 8toT??. TUST RKCEIVKI). another lol of fine (I COOKING STOVES, lb* largest collection of Stoves and Stove-ware to be aoen In our city, t any one place. If yon want to buy * ttotid * Coottlng 8 to to, call at my aalaa-room and look ' at my eaaorupcnt, and get the price*. We r have (bo celebrated GALLAGHER'S MORNING STAR, with two distinct ovens. Yon can babe a cake and roaat a piece of beef at , the ramc time. The VIRGINIA AIR TIGHT id a number one Store, and baa no superior. The TJCCK and the PLAMB Cooking (Move*, . can t>a found here *a cheap at can be purebnSI ed in the market. Rota. Kitties, Spiders, Tans, and Piping always on hnnd. JULIUS C. SMITH, Court House Square. May 2ft 1 3 ? mm i ! a -I 1.1 m RAKE CHANCE! The North America Life Insurance Company, of How York. visn roue hili.ium aki> A qcAITEIt DESiREA to recur* I-or a I and TRe'rlef Admits throughout the Stat* of South t CnroliiiA. mid will make HMal arrange- 1 u??*n?a wilh m>-n of energy and activity. It issues all the desirable foima of po'loica , .at ratea aa low an other first clnaa cnmpn nlea. Ii given a toon of on* third the pre mintn. when desired, and receives the Val neee In one, iion or three inetalhnent*, leith thirty day* grace for payment*. Its policies arexou forfeitable for a epeeiffed I ffwowel, in CnS* of failure to [?y premiums. No restriction* on Southern reeidencc or t>ae\ tl | Ac'ivo men with aueh a compaoy can make an 'gently pay them well. Apply to E. P. GEORGE. General Agent So. C.t Addrcg*. care Charleston Hotel, Charles ton. 8. 0., till 10th June; after that date, Columbia, 8. O. 1-4 ' Notice. IX conformity with requirement* of tho Tnternal Revenue law, 1 bcrchy give notice tn all person* who may claim Tieo Keg* nod a Jug of M'AiVt-y, seised on the premise* of Jno. N. (freer, in the city of (Irvouville, on the 21st day of Mny, 1859, by Hoxt M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, bceanae of violation of the Internal Revenue law, (the same having been turned over to we.) to make such claims ticfore tne within SO days from the first publics. tion of this notice. " A. L. C01IB, May 20 1-1 Depnly Collector. VALUABLE MILLS AND FARM FOR SALE. Near t>.e Citv of Greenville. deslrieo* of removing <|to another County of this State, I offer for sale the valnnblc ~T|"Frit MERCHANT MTI.T, known r.s ' PARKIN'S MILL and the FARM of three hundred and ttrruty ones of I unit attached, si tinted nhout 4 miles frotn lirccnville, on lleedy River. There are ahnnt 40 acres of good lid torn Iotiul on the premises, and about I j0 acres in wood. Much of the uplumi is of pood quality, and the whole wonhl tnnkn a ."Ci" |'i?v?rv intra ?<? n?w about fiO acre* in cultivation. I, The Mill bus a Cue reputation and /rood ou?t.?m, a*.I i* in good repair, supply of water an failing, *n<! i* eitnatod on nn excellent shoal. For terms, ami lurllier particular*, apply to * the Office of the Southern Enter/trim, or to I! the subscriber. tJ. W. l'AllKlNS. Greenville 8. C., Way 2(5, I8C'J. r Way 26 1 tf n Dry Goods. Provisions .jtnd n Family Supplies. J Wo I?o l!I,IH<S\<?ISOT?Byp J CORNER AUGUSTA & PENDLETON STREETS, e \ T OCT.D inform lit* friend* and thepuMie if v V in general, that be liar now on hami a i- STOCK of * dry goods. cai.tcoes, roots. shoes ? HATS, TRUNKS, AC., AC., TOCKVtlKR WITH aROCERIES AM) PROVISIONS! y DA CCS. LAUD, RIVE, SALT, COFFEE ? SlOAR, JU GLASSES, TEA ? FIS1I, AC., AC. ? And would be p!ea*ed to meet with continued l," favor. Having reocntly returned from the Charleston market, bin Stork is therefor*; fresh. n Also ke<*|)8 ou hautl, 1*01 LTRY, KiiOS |* AND BUTTER. 6*-5 May 1U MILLINEltY. ' mi8s McKAY, baring re** tnrned from New York a few jl ^&5a&r*| days ago, haa opened a well aeyttjlUH looted stork of MILLINERY, consisting of FKKNCIT RON?&7Zy.W NKTS and HATS. HATS and If ffilf CAl'S far Ladies, Misses, Ilova Zftfl *?"' Infanta, FLOWERS, UliJ?fi/? HONS, Hair COILS, BRAIDS, So. ALSO. T)RESS MA KINO, in all ita brunches, atT tended to with neatness and despatch. \ May 6. 60 tf i- .1 Tho State of South Carolina) e GREENVILLE COUNTY. % In the Court ef Probate. TIIOMA* 0. GOWRU and W. D. MILLB' WEE, Administrator* of W. A. Wil' llama, deceased, vs 8. R. WILLIAMS n rt at. Citation for Final Sittlemenl and 1 Jjrerea '' TT appearing to mj satlsfaetion that 8am " J. net R. Williams, James E Williams, ~ \V. A. B. !>arenr?ort and Mary & Davrn* port, heVa at law and distributors of the ' Estate of W. A. WUIinms. deceased, defendants in this ease, reside beyond the Hmita of this State. On motien of /. P. ? Moore. Solicitor pro pot., It is ordered: >T 'I hat they do appear in p?T>on or l?v altor' nejr, at a Cnnrt ?>l Probate, to be boldcn at Oreenvlto Court House on the (lrat day of July next, to ?how cause, if any they hate, why a final settlement of lite Relate of WK8T ALLLN W1LMAM3. oeceaaed. * should not ha had, and a decree gi/en * thereon ; and their eonaenls, on failing to * attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand and a-al at Green villa Court lloiiaa on tlda Jfl-t day of March, A. 1). 1809. 8. J. DOUTHIT, >' P. J. O. C. f Ap 7 48 8m Offor Extraordinary > " Nearly Si* Hundred Poffa* of I he ChoiceU ' Heading for 60 ant* * TN ord-r to the people an epportnn " 1. Ity to become bct'er aequaloted with their beautiful magagine, ? ONCE A MONTH," the publishers will send the first * six number* of llsie year for 60 cent*. Each number of " Oneo a Month " contains 9a double-column pngea of the beat storira and entertaining and Instructive reading to be found In any tnagaslna in theeouniry. The * aubserlption prW ia It a year, lu typo* graphical beauty is not exeellad, 1 Bend 60 aents, and you will get this piagaiin* from January to June of this year, containing 678 pngea of choice reading. Ad Ireae f. B, AKTHUit A MINB, 800 A 811 Chcatmit Btreet, Philadelphia. I M?y 18 AI * " ' U PBIS E ? HARTFOHp 7" mm M&ciiii mm: WK here iHhtn the Agency in tliia County for the rule ot there CELEBRATED KVAPORATOltS AND MILLS, for the manufacture of Sttgar anil Syrup from the Sorghum ?n<I Sugar Cane. We itrt not offering to the pnhlle an experi Uetital machine, but on* of wbioh there are thousands, #abl to !?*, now In u?e, In different parts of the Pntintry, and we Will hrfk only mrntloit H few of ita many McriMi kt ?',?itned by I be mamifiirturer*. Jl rr'jUirts l>ut abont '"tie half Die ftlel ami nbottt one bnlf the labor, ami the port la about on* half the prle* of othPr machines. The remits attained are a fine article of Sugar ami tlie Ancat kind of Ryrnp, (readily selling at fr-wn SI to $1.6? per gallon.) and we clnitn that it ia the onlv luaeliluo which CLA tllPIKS and C0HDEMKK8 in the suino operation. With all tbeae fact* in Ita favor, there weed be no wonder at the nieces* the Uenerel Agent la meeting with in all our Southern cities and towns. We shall have one of the Machines In operation in town soon, until then wa iuvit* our friends and tho public generally to call at oar store, see samples, model, Illustrated circulars, Ao? mud where we shall be pleased to giva them all the information In our power. DAVID & STRADEEY. April 7 40 tf "new goods7 IIIAVEJust returned with a 8t?ck of Goods, whieh I am very ankinue to liOdt tiFtlmse tvlio nro in need of them, all of which I rcspeetftilly retjnest to fuvor fne with a call before purehn?irg elsewhere.-eCall noon, as I ain selling out fast at low , figUlt*. ? . THOMAS STEEY. Mat 5 6o if 'irai JUST ARRIYED. A SrLENDID ASSORTMENT OF umwSHOES AND BOOTEHS, (MnHo In the Sooth.) and wnrranted <h|hr1 to MILES' BEST. Fur oulo cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. AT .50, A FIXE SELECTION* OF LAXDRETII'8 BEST GARDEN SEEDS. ! Red and White CLOVER, Lucerne, Orchard i nnd Blue GRASS. Fur enle at STEEN'S STORE. I AM JUST IX RECEIPT OF OXE HUNDRED BUSHELS OF Dickson Cotton Seed, On Conrignmcnt. For sale cheap, at STEEX'S STORE. Mnr-li 21 41 tf JUST RECEIVED AT m.H.lliVIY'S A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OV SPRING AND SUMMER LMOT ISlSKEJim, riMIK Ladies would <lo well to call and exI amine my Stock of DRESS GOODS at an early day. I nm now offering, at very moderate price*, a beautiful assortment of OMENTA!, LUSTRES STRIPED POPLINS LENOK CLOTH 6PIIAGUK DkLAINES ALPACCA LUSTRES, ACT. There flood* have been aolaetcd with grrst cure and good ta?to. My Stock of Hood* fur GENTS AND YOUTH'S WEAK, will be toand very complete ? Cloth*. Cssrimeres, i Tweed*. Ready-made Sliirtu, Ulack Alpine iiat*, Merchants Union Paper Collar*, Ac. I have jnxt opened n heantifnl lot of 8ILVKR WAKK, such ns Tabic Spoon*, Fork*, Tea Spoon*, Uutter Kniver, Salt and Mustard Spoons. This ware is plated on genuine Albata?full weight of silver. ALSO. A flno selection of pure GOLD JEWELRY, Plain Gold Ring*, Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Ac. Photograph Albums, sll sisee and prices, Ruck Ptirxes, Handkerchief Extracts, Soap*. I am now offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at very low figures { also Paper Shades, Fire Screens and Wall Paper, My Stock will always be found complete in this line. I have on hand all number* ot the celebrated Willimrentic Soli Finish Black Spool Cotton, the best in n*e for Machines?try it and I be convinced. In short, my Stock will lie found complete, fresh and attractive at all times. Calk and satisfy yourselves. W. II. Ilovey. Mar 24 44 tf THE MORNING STAR. AGAIN Enlarged and Improved! FVNHIS well established and popular Dai J. iy Newspaper ha* recently been j greatly enlarged and improved, (the aeo uAil enlargement In eiubt.en mnniK. \ -.-t I i if confidently offered to the f?e<?|?le of the two Carolines is second to no daily jonrnnl in either of those State*. The 8lar ia a live, practical and progres five Newspiper, eminently adapted to the Went* of this section; aound and conservative in it* teachings, and devoted to the " Commercial and Agricultural Interests of the South." It contains full and reliable reporta of the maikets, telegraphic diepatches, local news and general intelligence | Terms, in advance : One year, $7.00 ; aix j months, fcft.ftO; three months, $2.00; one month, $) 75. Address, W?. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. CAp 21 48 tf Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that we will apply to S. J. Doutbit, Prohate Judge for Orecnville County, on the 14th day of June neat, A. D., ISM, for a Pinal l>ieebsrge si Administrators from the Kitatce of ELLIOTT BATSON, deceased, end FOUNTAIN P. BATSON. dec sf d. A. J. BATHON. I . , ... . It. P. BAISON.i A-linlulslrators, Kay l*th, IP#V. - 61-5 J , R mx.' ?* m-' rr."1 '"-vvt \ ^ ? 9 " *' a '* ^ i P. P. TOALE, o ai ^ iii it. is s w <s> sy, o. Manufacturer of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. ' JCoTt.?Wc would mil tlie particular ttlarf tion of our fricidl to tbe Itbura farJ. P_ Tim*le hits a largo Factory, and ?urh facilities u enable him to the beet Work oI bfi own make at low price*. A ttry (org* anff complete assortment always on band at bi* Factory. Horfberk't Wharf, near \rn tk-Kaetem knit toad l)*j>?t, Chet.leeton, S V. N. B.?Order* from the country solleitod, and strict Attention paid to shipping In gaei order. 40-ly April 1 A. C. KAUFMAN, [S ? ? f?f AUCTIONEER & CiiMMlSSIllI &GEIT NO. 2D, BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, 8, C. \YIM, BUY AND 8ELI. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, An. RKPEIt K5CES. Ex Oov. B. F. Perry, Greeovifle. S. C. Charles T. Lowmlos, Charleston, 8. C, Lcesesno A Miles, M * W. W. Taylor, Baitiraorc, Mil. Maj. C. H. Subcr, Newberry. P. C. Gen. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Tu. Hon. J. B. Cainpltell, Charleston, S. O. W. B. Smith A Co., Crane, Uoylston A Co., " " Better, Rodgcrs A Co., " Prcasley, Lord A Inglesl-y, " " J. If. Wilson, M Apiil 7 4S . . . Jm* SOUTH CAROLINA Id)AN AND TRUST COMPANY. A atkorizerl Cnyital, Flee Million Do Hart.? Fretrnt Limit, $iU0,HUO. TIIE offico of this Company is now opened at No. 19 Broad Stroet (South-Western Railroad Rank) for the receipt of Deposits, Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sale ?f Ea? change, and the transaction ef a Oeacraf Banking Business. Interest allowed on Deposits open terms established by the Board of Directors. The Company'is also a legal depository for moneys paid into Court, will receive Registry and Transfer Books, act as agent to pay Cou? pons and Diridenda, and us Trustee in Ratliroad Mortgages. mcrcToits. W C. Bsc. of Wrn. C. Bee A Co. * A. K Joliaston, of duhrston, Crews A Co.; Robt. Mure, of Uobt. Mum A Co ; W. B. WiS name, ot w. ii. Williams A Son; R. Mi Pr?st, of Fmet A Adger; J. E. Adger, of J.. E. Adger A Co. ; lUnrj (tuuriMn, of Gour<lin, M*Mhi<-9<>n A Co. ; Ge-?rge L. Buiat, *?f Bti'si A Buiat; C. O. Ktcmminger. of Mem miuitrr, Jervey A Pint-k^ev ; T. J. KVrr, of T J. Kerr A Co.; J. D. Aiken, of J D. Aiken A Co : John Gatnpeen,. of Gampsen A Co.; A P. r.Uw II, of It. A A. P. Caldwell * W. K. JCyiMi, J. T. Welstnan, B. O'Neill, J. Gregg, Oranil&ville. S. C. For furtlier information, <ul-lre*a GEO. 8- CAM EBON, President. THOS R. WARING, Cashier. Chai lesion, 8. C., Mareh if, 1809. March ? 44 . 1* SOUTH CAROLINA 3tate Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. (Official Organ of South Carolina St a.'* Agricultural and Mechanical Society.) AT an early date, the >ut>acr:bera will publish the first number of a Monthly Magazine, devoted to the development'of the material interests of this State, and the whole South ; and will distribute flvelhou?eand coj-ios gratuitously, so that every onemay iwe what H is ba/bre subscribing.?? Ttiey ibtend to make it Ilia best and handsomest industrial magazine ever published: at the South, and they ask the cordial cooperation of every good cit zen in this en? ternrise, which must redotsud to the pobliowelfare. Persona wishingcoplewof the first number, will please send their addreca to WAI.KER, EVANS A COGS* F.LL, Charleston, S. C. * May 13- 61 - ?# UO THE rUBLIC. toe patilTon nom, CHARLESTON, S. SO l.OSQ tod ably to* A/wSL-CX dnctcd by the late H. I> DUTTERKIELD, will oMU J he kept ?j?en for the aeremintxlatiou ol i lie traveling public. And Itaformer friends and' patrons *'111 find tka usual accommodations and attentions lie stowed an (ham a* formerly, and th? puhliw furors, already so well estnldlebed asTHK HOTEKoftb*TRAVELING MRUTH ANTS of the South, will, hy earnest efforts, b? faithfally preserved, March . 16(??. 41 tl TRV Dillvuimo urniTin mTTrno [nnAflino ncrniiu dii icno> THET CURE DTSPEPSIA, AMI ALL MIIUH or !U STOMACH AND LIVER. tbet am iimimtim it rwm ' UaSZOAL fAOULTY. IIEOEMAN Ac CO., AGKNT8, KKW YORK. Mannfactnred by C. F. PANKNIH. canosT un> Aronxcm, O H A R li R B T O N. B.C. HmU by l>r*n/f/i*ts A>>r|nr??r?.T^ j > 34 >u \j