University of South Carolina Libraries
p Itank of Camdch. ' -* Bank of lbs But* of Sctith Garnltba. t 4 " Ml ? \> J ' *1 FlmrtW e*4 M?t>ba.W Bub V ; The Farmers' sod Exchange Battle Ao? . Ui efo**</ ?/<, abd ita bills are consequently - iWi^jWliMly worth!*** * * All aire required to tlrtnd Up bjr (ha Aral of December, 1859, ami htany will be Mt? 3* Had up very aaoa, attd thoaa notes net pre V; esnted beforehand will be lost altogether to the hold#K *' The following Banks ih Georgia hark been settled op, and Utelir bote# new oat are valueless: Bank of Augusta. Augusta Insurance A Banking (jotnpa- y. The followir^j are la liquidation: Bank of Columbus. Bank Of ComtnercO. ' Bank of 3aVannslr. ( bank of the male of Goorsjla. 2$ B?ak of Ao^Mlh. -G , Partners' and MeoiahSuk. ;?c Plants re' Back, 8aVabta%k. Vjuion Bank. > 4ttl X? ?Wn? j ^, KUAtAk drphkarda to Illinois, by a raeant lA of IIke Legislate to) are hereafter to be sub* | jMw4 to A Vary ilttoflht ooaraa of treatment., Thar ara classified With Indigent, idiotlo and Inaana poffone, and ara to ba plaeed ondar tba ara of guardian* or of tha overseers of tba * poor. A similar provision exists to Pennerl? van la, but tha regulations ara more atrict la IlUnola alnoa to tha latter Stata wbaa a peraon baa onaa been declared a habitual drunk* ard, the guardianship orcr Ljm moat continue for an entire year. ?j??a????a?a?^ Now Tone, May 31?Cotton aetlra and Jo. fclgber, with sales of 4,00# bales, at29J. Gold 38j. _ HAt-TOrou*, Mar 31.?Cotton firmer. Flour e&ady. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn J dull?white 87<g)88; yellow 88@90. Pork firmer, at tfto. Haoou firm?shoulders 14J. tVhiakey wry dull, at liW. Chiiuitvi, May fit,?Cotton to fair rarjnsst, with light stock?good grade* firm, other klnda steady, with sales df IW halo*?middlings 27 J ; receipts 283. , Livnarooa, May 31?Cotton a ahada more active ; uplands 11J ; Orleans if J ; sales 12,000 bales. Literary Ctab Bo oka For SaleTIIE last year's subscription af Periodicals, will ha sold at jwUm out ary, on FrUimj as**, 4t& res/., mi 3 VatoeA, P. IT. Tba ooUectlon la . raloablo cm*. Tha sale will take pi woe at the Club ream ia /. C. Sutra's affioa. /ana SSI Notice. THERE will ba a public Political Meet. Ing at Ibis plaaa, on Saturday, tAe 6lk day yf Juh* inU. Ilia Bxeslleocy Governor K. K. SCOTT, noa. REUBEN TOMLIN SON, Hon. J. K. JII.LSON and others, ara expected to address the people. eune a S I On Monday 7th June. I WILLeloae out at AUCTION, tiie balance el con.ignmenU of SHOES, HATS. DRY GOODS. SHIRTS, STOCKINGS, CROCKE KY, GLASS WARE, CAN OYSTERS, Ac, to the blfkiM bidder. Term* eaab. JULIUS C. SMITH, JMiimtr. May M 1 X - At A notion. ON In June, I will tell rundry piece, of FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, COOKING STOVES, and many other article*. Term. ea.h. JULIUS 0. SMITH, Auctioneer. ? May Id 1 1 Gold Watch. AT pnbttc auction, on ole.-day In Jnne, Monday Tth, I well mII n GOLD WATCH to *' the hlgheat bidder. The feme being .old aa the property of F. M. Churchill, (or bill oi repain, Ae., left with J.L. Pickerel, Watchmaker, In ISM. JULIUS C. SMITH, AnetloBMr. Mny IS 1 1 ' COW & YOUNG CALF BY JUIHIS C. SMITH. JuD* ft! 1181 NT 181 ItffiMU AT THE A VCTION ROOMS OH MOHDAY. JUKI 7TH. IRON 8AFE, STOVES, DRY GOODS, SHOES, CROCKERY, FURNITURE, ?fcc., &o. Jnllue C. Smith. June t t 1 HORSE AND BUGGY, AT AUCTION I WILT, *11, si 12* o'rlock. on MONDAY June fib, mln dey. One OKEY HOK8E. JJUGOY AND HARNESS, the owner hering no further u?e for them JULIUS & SMITH, Judo t S-l Auctioneer. VBLOCKWllsT "T WILL OPEN A VELOCIPEDE RINK 4-S--X to the Now Court Hour#, oomroenoing #i We?Inr?laT, M June, from 1 o'olo-k. A. It., toll. P.M. T. V. RHODES. Join I t 1* *ir5w? - .u^ Votioe. % iki r conformity with the requirement* of the Internet Reveto? law. I her*I>7 give not tea to *11 persona who may eletm -**i' Om 8i(U, Otp tmd tPhrm, which were eel* *4 nmr the prtfhioi of hie. M. Berr. on am ?h* A?th <i?* of Mny, I860, hy Best M. Ferry. AeoleUnt Aeeower, beenoe* ?( being -Or wood f* violation of the Internal Reeenn* law, (the eeme having been turned over to lb w?*i to toohoeteeh eletm* before me wlihln ft 4a) 0 froto U>* tret nubll?nti?a of this WHAonf A. L COLD, Deo. Cel. * toHl 1 SflOB MACMM. pniti-.-aswriess; tt Km baan naad but a abort lima, and will b? aotd at tona-lblrd ?t lia oilglnal oval, lor caafa. r. DAVID A ST&ADLET, 4una i f In WBMy? a a HAS JUST RMCEIYED a fiua Aaaort toaot of OLO OK.S, WHICH HE WILL DISPOSE Of CHEAP FOR flASW He b aleo pre pat ed to (urniik t'l th? Latest btyllh of hair jk*klry, a Pattern Book of which wu b? K?n >t hi* Slor*. t-tf Jan* 2 DAVID & STRADLEY, miasm aid warn RXCRCnAI?T?t AMD DIALS** Id GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, PendletOn-St.i Near Depot, GREENVILLE, 8. C. Jan* 2 S If Notice to Tax*Payers. . Dipdtt Collscvuh's Ovsicx, ) Greenville, S. C., June S. 1809. 1 I HAVE raoeived th? ANNUAL LIST for tli* year 1869, al*o the APRIL LIST, for Gre*nv(ll?. Andi'rson, Pieken* and Ocane*. I will be In tnr office *t Greenville Court Hon**, on the 8d, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8'h nd 9th; at Anderson Court Hou*e, ?>n the Uth and 14th; at Greene ill* Court llou*e, on th* 16lh, 17th and 18th; at New riokens, on th* 22d ; at Anderson Court House, on th* 2&th, 26th and 28lb ; at Walhalla. on the 29i b and 80th; at Pendleton, on Thursday, 1st July; at Anderson, on Fri day 2d, Sd and 6ih; the following week at Greenville Court House?for lbs purpose of collecting Ike Internal Reveoue Taxes.? Parties are requested to come forward on the day* above specified and make nay menta, thereby avoiding the penfclty, which will b? added a* required by law. Pvrsooe owing Tare* assessed on old list*, would do well to settle at ottee, a* I will l>e compelled to fore* payments jurt a* aoou a* po* sibla. A. L. COBB, Deputy Collector. June 294 or Anderson Inttlligenvtr and VPaMtalla Conritr will eaah copy four t mrt, and present btlls to the Deputy Collector, A. L Cobb. SOUT1IKUN BAPTIST 1IIEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, GUEENVILLE, S. 0. JAMKS P. DOTOB, D. D., Pro feasor of Syatematio Theology. JOHN A. lIKtMPCS, P. D.t Profeveor of Interpretation Now Testament. HA8IL MANI.r, JR., D. D., Professor of DlMlnl Introduction. Polemic Theology, and Preparation and Delivery of Sermona. KRV. CRAWFORD It. T V, Proleaaor ot Interpretation of tha Old Tealament, and Oriental Language*. WM. WILLIAMS, D. D., Profeeeor of Eoeleeiaetleal FlIstnry, Church Govarament aad Pastoral Duties, fTini next Session (of eight month*) opem 1 on IKsdNesf/tfjr, Htptemltr 1, I860, wbec there will ba an Ioaugnral Address by Prof TOT. It Is on ovary account important foi Student* to be preeent on the first day. The studies are exoluslvaly Theological, and embrace an axtenslve range of subjects, ir which the beet College graduates and thou who have only a plain English education cao alike find whatever they are prepared for and nMf&. TL- -.1.-1- ? - * aho ?r uuid coorSV require* at I ear I throe years, but a Student may come for onlv ? tingle Session, and (elect bi* subject*, with advice from the Professor* if desired, and may graduate in eacb of the particular acbool* b? attend*. Mo charges for tuition, nor fee* ol any kind. Text-Books lent to those who cannot conveniently purchase them. Studunti may board at the Seminary Ilall, with room free of rent, and paying only the actual oos of living, wbleb for the past Session averagec $8 26 a month. Those who prefer it msj boatd in private families, at about $15 a month f In either ease, fael, lights and washing wit add sons* tt.M a month. Brethren wisbinj to attend, but unable to eommand the necessa ry means, will please write promptly to Rev ft. Ntstr, Jr., who will arrange to give then pecuniary aid. Churches aod individual brethren end eiatere are requested to send him contributions, Urge or smell, for that purpose Greenville is in a healthy mountain region and ie reached by Railroad, tim Columbia, S C. For further in forme lion, Catalogues, he. address Rev. Jsmns P. Botch, (Chairman ol the Faculty,) any of the Professors, or r B. MANLY. J a., Secretary of the Faculty. Jnne 2 2 One Horse Wagon for Sale. i ? | I WILL sell a NBto tl tttr safft1 one horse wag ^ sWis ONyn next saU day June Tth, it not disposed off nt private salt before that time. JULIUS C. SMITH, ABOUUHWri M.j 26 1 3 VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. JlMH^ WK offer for oalo, Thirteen Tnwti of LAUD, boWuBk longing to tbo Brtato of DOR dUBEfr CAB ORKEJf, deooaoed. Th? above lull or* rory ratuahlo on aoooxnt ol (belr elore proximity to tbo City of Greenville, Mid are of in mall truu, but will be void in lorgor bodira if purchaaera dootro.? Ifooo of tbo load* mo son tbnn throo miloi from tbo City, Mid mm under two xlba. Taraa roooooablo; eooaa and oxomioo thowi |f not told at private rale, tboj will bo offered at pubtlo .notion oo Paler-day in /Mo. ' |TsiSKSK)??~ April lt?b, 1M?. T Aplil 0 T m t a b bj - ' Cookiif fltoT? ?f 8lot?a and 8tor.*ware to ba wae In our city, ? *?? w?at .I**? Cook tag Store, call at lay aalet-room and look at toy ajuottment, and get tba prloaa. w* hao* tb? celebrated UALLAGUKR'S MORN- , ING STAR. wltk two dutlnot oraa*. You oaa bake a cake and roaat a piece of beef at the iu, time, the VIRGINIA AIR TIGHT la a amber-ana Store, and baa ao super!**. Tba BUCK aad the FLAME Cooking Skotros, can ba found bare a* oheap aa can be purehaiad la tba market. Pete, KUUaa, Spider*, Pane, and Piping always on hand. JULIUS C. SMITII, ] Court Hutu* Square. May 39 1 S 1 1 | Bank Notes Wanted. $2,000 !aK " NEWBEaY' 8,000 BANK ol CHARLESTON, 8. C. 2 000 PLANTRRS1 AND MECAANICS' BANK. For whlab v* wiH pay Cberlaatoo quotation*. Highret prloaa for all Bank Not**. Many of the Banks are In liquidation and will soon ba eetUad an na.?, . S. uEATTlE A CO. May tS. 1869. 1-2 VodM Jffl hereby given to all whom it may concern L that t will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Probate udge of Greenville County, fbr a final diieharge aa Administrator of the Eatato of LEMUEL PAGE, deceased, on the 2tth day of dune nest. THOMAS A CAMPBELL, Adminiatrator. May 26 1 ft , Township Notice. OniariUi C. II.. S. C , 1 May 25. I860. | To William Bayne, Conetable Greenville Totrnehiv, A'o. 3?Yon ar? hereby aufln>rlerd and required to aunitr.on (he inhabit ante of Greenville Township, No. 8, to aeaamble io social town meeting at Greenville C. II., 8. 0., on Monday the 1th day oi dune, 1860. The beet plan for ubatantial ly repairing the "long causeway on the Buncombe Road " will be discussed and aub mifted tor adoption. - Given undSr our hands this 20th day of May, I860. JAMES P. MOORE.) J. A. DAVID, > SvUcltnen. A. BLYTHR, ) Augustine Bacon, Town Clerk. May 26 1 2 RARE CHANCE! The Forth America Life Insurance Company, of New York. aetna rot/a million* and a quabtkb DESIRES to secure Local and Dial riot Agents throughout the State of South Carolina, and will make liberal arrangements with m. n of energy and activity. It ieeuca all tha desirable forin* of potlciee at rate* aa low as other first class eoiups nies. It givea a loon of one third the pre tnium. when derired, and reeeivea the b?l anee in one, too or three inetallmente, %o'ilh thirty day* grace for payment*. Its policies are uuii forfeitable for a specified amount, in ease of failure to pay premium*. A'o restriction* oh Southern residence or tra?*L Active men with aueh a company cari make an agency pay them well. Apply to E. P. GEORGE. General Avent So. Ca. Address, care Charleston Hotel, Charlea ton. S. O., till lOth June; after that date, Columbia, S. 0. 1?4 Notice. TYY virtue of authority from A. 8. wat.. J) LACK. Collector 3rd biitrlct, 8. C., I will cell, to the highest bidder, at the City of Greenville, on Moudny, tht T ik dog of Jume, 12 o'clock. Jd., the following property, to wit: One BARUP.LL OF WHISKY, aeuod on the premiaea of Hall Duck. One BARREL OF WHISKY, seised on the pre ml see of Prenoin Habn. a t. so. One TWO H0R8E WAGON, A MARK AND COLT. AND TURKU I,A RGB BARRELS OF EXTRA FINE WI1I6KY, being the property which was seised in s pine thicket, on the 20ib April, 186V, 4 miles froiu Greenville City. Terms cash. A. L. CODil, Dep. Col. 3rd Dlst. S. C. May 26 1 2 Notioe. IN conformity with requirements of the In* tcrnal Revenue lew, I hereby give notice i t<> all persons who may cleitn Ttro K'rgt and a Jug of ll'Aidy, seised on the premises of Jno. r N. Greer, in the city of Greenville, on the 21st day of May, 1869, by llest if. Ferry, I Assistant Assessor, because of violation of the i Internal Revenue law, (the same having been > turned over to me.l to make such claims be* i fore me within 30 nays from the first publics* 1 tion of this notice. A. L. COBB, I May 26 1-3 Deputy Collector. VALUABLE I MILLS AND FARM ? FOR SALE, t Hear the Citv of Greenville. i r . BEING dcsirioui of removing 1 Cffiuj^Vui anotbcr Counl/ of thie State, 5 I offer for aale the valuable 4SB&8SE* MERCHANT MILL known m PARKIN'S MILL Mid the FARM or three hundred and hctuty acre* of land attached, al'.uatod about 4 mile* from Greenville, on Reedy Riier. There are about 40 mere* of good Bottom Land on tbo premUee, and about 100 aeroe in wood. Maoh of tbo upland la of good quality, and tbo wbolo would mako a luperti farm, if properly managed. Tboro are f now abont 04 acre* in cultivation. The Mill baa a fine reputation and good euetom, and ia in good repair, mpply of water un failing, and ia altuatad on an excellent aboal. For torma, and turlbor partloulara, apply to tbo Office of tbo Southern Enterpriee, or to tbo aubaeribor. 0. W. PARKINS. Greenville S. C., May Jfl, 1869. May 2? 1 tf > Notice yS hereby given to Iho Hoiraof WASH 1 INHTllN WHITMIKE, deceaned, and of ELIZABETH BINOLBTON, decraard, who reaide out of the SteU, mil to all whom It may concern, that I will apply to 8. J. Dou tliIt, Probate Judge, of Greenville Ibun ty, for a Final gelt'ement of tlia Batata ol ( MICHAEL WHITWIRR, deceased. on tha 8th day of June oeit. and alto, for a Final i Discharge aa Administrator of raid Palate. MICHAEL WHITMIRE Admialatralor. > May 8th, 1888. 81-4 Notice T9 hereby gi?*n to all whom it may eon ' I rern, that I will apply to 8 J. Doiithit, Prolwle Judge, for Oreeaeiile County, on | the 10th day of Jaoa nest. f?r a Fiaal Bet1 llrmeut of the Eat ate of JOHN W. lJUDBO If, deceaeed, and for a Discharge from tha same aa Eaeeutnr. K. P. I1UDS0JT, Eaaeutor. , May I8tb, U*9. H~* 4 iii.ii imt mi mi,, a . . . g I llli R I * SA1B OF -r valuable; REAL ESTATE. The Slate of South Carolina, ^ PJJ^riCKKNB COUNTY. tar pbob a. t e ? HARRISON n A MILTON ?< ml., f. BAR An JANE HAMILTON *t to iUU [ncttf 4b** *> i *i3 . M BY vlrUii ( in order from I, H. Philpot Judge of Prt>Ul? Court for uid | vuuniy, 1 will Mil M IN ntgbest bidder, ?t PICKEN8 C. II.. ob Su/f dvy im Jmn, m<*i, THE REAL ESTATE Of WILLIAM HAMILTON, deceased, oonsistiag of FOUR THACT8 OP LAND, u follow* : Tract No. 1, the Homestsad, containing 153 Acres, mora or leas, adjoining land* ?f MUi Draohlua, Perry Miller. Tracts Nua. 3 and 4. 7Vae? 1Vo. 2, containing 89| Acres, more or leaa, adjoining L. T. Addington, P. Miller, and Tracts Noa. 1 and 3. Tract No. 8, containing 100J Acres, more or 1 lees, adjoining Addington, 8. H. Bowon,: Tracts Noa. 3 and 4. Tract No. 4, containing 83J Acres, more or leas, adjoining Warren Hamilton, 8. H. Bowen, Tracts Noa. 1 and 8. TERMS OF SALE.?On n credit of one and two years, with iutercst from date, with honds and two good sureties, nnd a mortgage of the premises. The purchasers to pay costs in cash on day of aalo, and to pay extra for stamps, titles and mortgage. JOAD MAULDIN, S. P. C. May 19 62 8 Dry Goods, Provisions and Family Supplies. Ws 17a CORNERAUBUSTA & PENOLETON STREETS, WOULD inform bis friends and the public In general, that be has now on hand a 8TOCK of DRY GOODS, CALICOE8, BOOTS. SHOES HATS, TRUNKS, AC., AC., tooktiikk with anocsmKs asi> phov/s/onsi OACQN. A A It />, 11 ICE, SALT. COFPEE SCO A It, if O LASSES, TEA PIS 11, AC., AC. And would bo plesecd to meet with continued furor. Having recently returned from the Charleston market, his Stock is therefore fresh. Also keeps on baud, POULTRY, KOUS AND BUTTER. 52-6 May 19 MILI.INEHY.. fMISS MrK AY, having retorucd froin New York a few days aro, baa opened a well selected Stock of MILLINERY, consisting of FRENCH BONNETS and HATS, HATS and CATS for Ladies, Misses, Boys end Infants, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, Ilsir COILS, BRAIDS, 4t. At.Ro. DRESS MAKTNO, In all lis branches, attended to with neatness nnd despatch. May 5. 69 tf Tlio State of South Carolina) | GREEKVILLE COUNTV. In the Court of Probata. TITOMA* C. GOWER and. W. B. MILLWEK, Adoiinis'ratois of W. A. WiL llimr, ilfi-fiwl, m S. R. WILLIAMS | el of. Vitutiun for Final Settlement and Decree TT anpeatSue lo my cntixfuction that Sam JL ii el R. W i Hi a me, Julius E Williams, W. A. B. iJavennort ami Mary It. DavenErt, li ??* at taw mui distributees of the lul? of \V. A. Williams. deceased, defendant* in lliij c??e, reside beyond the limits of this State. On motion of J. P. Moore. So'icitor pro pet.. It is ordered: Tiial they do appear in P'-hun or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdrD at Grcenvlle Couit House on the first day of July next, to show cause. If any they have, why a final settlement of the Estate of WfeT AI.LLN WILLIAMS, deceased, should not he had, and a decree given thereon; and their consents, on failing to attend, viill be enteied of record. Given under iny band and seal at Green ville Court House on Ibis Slot dav of March, A. D. 1809. a. J. DoUTurr, P. J. G. C. Ap 7 48 JUn State oT Month Carolina) GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. T>Y virtue of sundry Writs of Fieri Paoias J.) to uio directed, I will sell, before tbo Court liouae door. Oh Salt dog in Jkik, n?I, between the hours of li o'clock in tbo forenoon and 2i o'clock Id the afternoon, the following l'mm er?y, to wit i One Lot of Lund witbin tho corporate limit* of the city of Greenville, lying on the north aide of Pendleton-street, containing 30 acres, more or loaa, (tbe Homestead having keen not off.) Also, one Tract of I,and, situated about 17 mile* south of Greenville Court Houne, on the waters of Iloedy Kiver and kcedy Fork, and known a* tbe Reedy Fork Plantation, containing 1080 acres,more or lees. (This plantation ts resold at the risk of the former purchaser) llounded by lands of Dr. D. D. Moore, Mercer Jenuins, Wham, Hopkins and others. Also, 1 large 2 horse Carriage and I Buggy. Levied on as the property of T. Edwin Wars, at the suits of A. D. Hoke ahd T. Q. Donald* son, Administrator* of the Estate of D. Hoke, deceased, and of W. N. Martin, Assignee of tbe Estate and Effects of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, and of J. Cleveland, Assignee of E. Alexander. Also, one Traet of Land, situated near Qowensville, in tbe upper part ef the County, containing 1,000 acres, inooro or less, (tbe Homestead to be set off to Defendant before day of sale,) adjoining lands of Austin Dalleau, Levi Ward, and others. Levisdon as tbe property ef A. J. Ward, at the suits of 0. fi. Irvine and William Hiekson. Also, one Trset ef Land, containing 40f acres, m?re or less, adjoining lauds of If. K. Lynoh, John Love and others, (the Homestead having been set off to Defendant undor the provision* of tb* Homestead Act.) Levied on as the property of J. 1). WhiUuirc, at tbe suit of Juo. C. Fowler. iinni tisD. rurcDiiiri 10 pay lor tamp* and papor*.. A. B. VICKKR8, 8. 0. C. Sheriff** Ottce, May 6th. I860. May IS 81 4 Offer Extraordinary I AW/y Si* JI*?dr*d Pap** of /A* ChoieeU Reading for 60 Miit* IN order to g.v* the people an opportunity to beeome letter acquainted with their heantiful inegerine, " ONCE A MONTH," the pnbH?hera will aend the firet *i* ntmibar* of thi* year for 60 cent*, Each number of " One* a Month" contain* 06 double-column pegea of the beet etnrle* and entertaining and Inetruetlve reading to be found In any magatlfte in the country. The auleerlplion prior ic 69 a year. It* typographical beauty ie not excelled. Send 60 cent*, and you will get thiehean* tiful fnagaalna from January to June of thle year,containing 676 pageeof choice reading. Addreee T. 8. AIITI1U11 A HONS, 1609 A 811 Obaetaul Street, Ph Mdelphi*. la ? y .!! , . =gg ^ R I S S q ati.1 nr.'r ' m m1' ru< .-yaf. a?, _ HARTFOHD mm HASilll COMPiSY TITS have tliken the Agoncy Id this C??nVY tr for the Ml* of these uBLBBRATBD EVAPORATORS AMD MILLS, for the man. utaclure of Sugar and Syrup from the Sorgbum and Sugar Cane. We are not offering to the public an expert* mantel maeblne, but one of wfcb?. are thousand*, said to be, now in use, to different parts of tbe eobntrr, and we *01 bare ouly mention a lew of it* many merits, as clewned by tho manufacturers. It require* but about on# half the fuel and about om, half the labor, and the cost i* about one half tbe price of other uiaobines. The reeults attained ere a fine artlele of Soger and the finest kind of Syrup, (readily selling at from 91 to $1.60 per gallon,) and we olaim that it Is tbe ouly machine whieb CLARIFIES aud CONDENSES in the same operation. With ell these facts In its faror, there need be no wonder at the success tbe General Agent is meetibg with in ail our Southern cities and towns. We shall have one of the Maoblnos Iff ope-' ration in town soon, until then w? invite our friends end tbe public generally to call at our store, seo samples, model, illustrated circulars, As., and where we shell be pleased to give lueui aii me lnioruiauon in our puWor. DAVID & STRADLEY. April 7 40 tf "NEW GOODS. I IIAVG ju?t returned with a St?ck of Good*, which I am very anxious to ex hlhlt to those who are in need of them, all of which I respectfully r.quosl tu favor me with a call before purchasing elsewhere.? Call soon, as I am selltug out fait at low figures. THOMAS STEEN. May 5 60 tf JUST ARRIVED. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SHOES AND BOOTEES, iMade in the South.) and warranted equal to IlLES' Lit ST. For sale cheap, at STB EN'S STORE. ALSO. A FINE SELECTION OF LANDRETH'8 BEST GARDEN SEEDS. Red and White CLOVF.R, Lucerne, Orchard : aud blue U RASS. For sale at STEEN'S STORE* I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OP OXE H UXD 11 ED UVSHKLS OF Dickson Cotton Seed, On Consignment. For sale cheap, at STEEX'S STORE* March 24 44 tf JUST RECEIVED AT W. H? M9VSTS A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OP | SPRING AND) SUMMER 1M1K Ladies would do^well to eaTI and ei* amine my Stock of DRKSS GOODS at an early day. I am now offering, at very moderate prices, a beautiful assortment of ORIENTAL LUSTRES STRIPED POPLINS LKNOK CLOTH 8PRAQUK DbLAIKM ALPACCA LUSTRES, AG, These Good* have been selected with great care and good taate. My Stock of Goods for GENTS AND YOUTH'S WEAR, Will be found very complete ? Cloths. Cassitneres, Tweeds, Rea<ly>mnde Shirts, Black Alpine llats, Merchants Union Paper Collar.*) Ac. I have jnat opened a beautiful lot of 6ILVER WAltE, such as'Table Spoons, Porks> Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt and Mustard Spoons. This wore is plated on genuine Albata? full weight of silver. ALSO. A Oho selection of pure GOLD JEWELRY, 1*1 uiii Gold Rings, Dross! Pins, Esr Drops, Ac. Photograph Albums, sll sixes and prices, Duck Purses, Handkerchief Extracts, Soaps. I sin now offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at ver> Mow figures; also Paper Shades, Firo Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock will always be found complete in this lino. I havo on hand all numbers ot the celebrated Witliinantio Soft Finish Black Spool Cotton, the l>est in use for Machines?try it and be convinced. In short, my Stock will be found complete, fresh and attractive at all times. Call and satisfy yourselves. W. II. Ifovcy, Mar 24 44 tf THE MORNING STAR. AGAIN Enlarged and Improved! fBllIlS well established and popular Dai JL ly Newspaper has recently heed grennj enlarged ?nn Unproved, (the Me ond enlargement in eighteen month*,) and is confidently offered to the people of the two Carolina* aa second to no dailj journal In either of those States, The Star is a live, practical and progressive Newspaper, eminently adapted to the wants of this section; sound and conservative in Its teachings, and devoted to the "Commercial and Agrinultural Interests of the South." It contains full sad reliable reports of lh? maikets, telegraphic die paiehea, local news and general intelligence. Terms, in advance) One year, $7,00 | six months, $3.AO; three months, $2,00; one month, $<>76. Address, Wm. E Bernard, JSditor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. 0. Ap $1 IS tf Notice . IS hereby given to all whom it may OoncfHa that we will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, hate Judge for Orseavllle County, on the uH day of Jane next, A. D., t$W, for a P%fli Discharge as Administrators from the Ki'aft* of EI.LfOTT BATHOS, deceased, and FOUNTAIN P. BATRON, deceased. A, J. BAT80N, 1 AJ ... 1>. P. BAT80N, j administrators. My i2u?, m?. $w . P. P. TOALK, ?aiABibaav?si,a.?, r-.'.yfr 1 ?f , ( DOORS, SASH, BLIUDS. '4 n ?^lyBI|Lj^^9NU Nora.?W* would call the partlehlnr Mm tloo of our friend* to tho above oard. P. p. Toale be* e large Factory. and sneh faclHlket a* an able him to supply the beet work of hie own make at low price*. A vary large and complete assortment always on baud at hie Factory, Horlbtck't Wharf, wear Aor(h-P?*** en* Railroad Dapoi, CharU*tun, 8 C. N. B.?Order* from the country to 1 letted, and atrial attention paid to shipping in weed order. 4*-ly Aprlfr A. C. KAUFMAN* 3KOK?IR, nma&cminiiEQT NO. M, BROAD 8TRKBT, CffARLESTOBTt 8. C* WILL BUY AND SELL REAL E8TATR, BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, he. nnraaKHCKS. Kx Gov. B. F. Perry, O.-een villa, S. C. Charlea T. Lowudea, Charleston, S. 0. Lessesn* A Miles, " W. W. Taylor, Baltimore, Md. Maj. C. 11. Subcr, Newberry, S. 0. Gen. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Va. I Hou. J. B. Cuiopbull, Charleston, S. 0. W. B. Smith A Co., u ** Crane, Boylston k Co., " Pelser, Rodger* A Co., " ? ProasWv, Lord A Iugloaby, " " J. II. Wilson, ? April 7 4? la? SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. AutiorittA Capital, Fir* Million Dollar*.? Prtttni Limit, $i00,000. ' mnE office of this Company Is now openad I at No. 19 Broad Street (South-We#tern Kuilroad Beak) for the ryccipt of Deposits* Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sal* of Kx? chcogc, and the transaction of n Gsnand Banking Business. Interest allowed on Deposits upon terms *> tahlishcd by the Board of Directors. The Company is also a legal depository far moneys paid into Court, wilt receive Registry and Transfer Books, act as agent to pay Cou? pons and Dividends, and as Trustee in Railroad Mortgages. biaxcroiis. W C. tire, ?f Win. C. Bee h Co.; A. 0, Johnston, of Johnston. Crews A Co.: Rol.t. Mure, of Robt. Mure A Oo.; W. B. WilIleitis, of W. 1). Williams A Son; E. U. Frost, of Froet A Ad|(?r| J. E. Adger, of ), E. Adger A Co. ; Henry Gourdin, of Gourdin, VIsltliieson A Co. ; George L. Buist, of 13uist A Buist; C. G. Memminger, of Mem minger, Jcrvey A Pincksey | T. J. Kerr, of T J. Kerr A Co.; J. D. Aiken, of J. D. Aiken A Co i John Caltipeen, of Campseo A Co.: A. P. Cnldwrll, of R. A A. P. CalJwell J W. K. Kynn, J. T. Wdstnan, B. O'Neill, J. J. Gregg, Granileville. 3, C. For further information, addreea GEO. S. CAMERON, President. TtlOS. R. WARING, CsshUr. Charleston, S. C*, March 12, 1869. Mareh 24 44 19 SOUTH CAROLINA State Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. (Official Orpdn of Mr South Catolind Stmt Agricultural and Mechanical Society.) AT an early date, tba subscribers will publish the Aral number of a Monthly Magaeiae, devoted to the development of the material interests of this State, and the whole South t and will diatrihnta five thou* sand copies gratuitously, so that every on* may see la before subscribing.? They Intend to make it the beat and hand o-nest industrial magazine ever published at the South, and lh?y ask the eordial c?* operation of every good cit ten in this enterprise, which must redound to the public welfare, Persons wishing copies of the first pom* ber, will please send their addreca to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL. Charleston, 3. C. May 19 fil tf TO THE PUBLIC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON,\ 8. C? . _ BO LONG and ?ofl A/wlL--VV, ducted by the late tl. L MfflStflk BUTTERFlfcLD, will Hit be kept open for the aecome modation of I he traveling pnblio. And lu former friends and patrons will find tha usual accommodations and attentions be jmd on them as formerly, and the public p<VMnhMklr?ady eo Well esteblUhed as TIlE 4WTSL of i he TRAVELING MKRCli ANTS at the South, will, by earnest efforts, be > Jm|Afully preserved. "Tfcl-cli 4. 1808. 41 tf PAMIH'S HEPATIC BITTERS, TMEf mm? ntivrMTs. lit tu Miuia or HI STOMACH AND LIVER. mi tu ummnn vr m * ^f?X>XO.A.X. FACULTY. fnpEGEMAN A> CO<i ionrn, msw torr. ' SfeinfactrzredbyO. F. PANK^JW cauctr am *nmuxr. OHAnLBItON, _ J?- #W *?? fry i>tmpy4??4 r,.