University of South Carolina Libraries
... . ? ^mmmmmmmmrnrnmh ' I MI?MI . ... -? OWjiilN *? .; ~r -, ^ , jj. , ? "f.i * \*n .*-*->? tt*? 4y*\j ' ?? '? jJj^BKT/ A. REFLEX OE POPULAR EVENTS. , ,' j^i ? , . tL; 5k <t*f *w t* * V &j''* . Ajftf v. SI '^.Sd-i. - ^ ^ * , 4 '.yjjwVv. *?. Ai i, j V ' 4T i et?*&xf fc^Jfrr*i ' n-Wsf * yj v* J?????^n j. ..;... iii i ii i VOLUME XVI. GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA. JUNE 2. 1869. NO. 3. I jto??B?B3Li ! ' ..''> U I. .""m'.' Tf ' '* ' UJUUL-JML .*mmmemrn? ii*jilj. ii I I mi ii?????p?< I ??^*??? i I III . ' -- ? ?.? ? O . F. TO WN E8, EDITOR. t. 9. BAILEY, Pfo'r. and AtiotUti Editor. BcBACMirTfoiv Two Dollar* per annntn. ADTORTlSBNBRTa Inserted at the rates of ton* dollar par square of twolro Minion liuee (this Btsed typo) or leM for the flrst insertion, fly oonta each for the second and third insertions, and twenty-live eonto for subsequent Insertlona. Yearly contract* will be made. AH advertisement! must have the number hf Insertions marked on them, or they will be Inserted till ordered out, and charged for. Unleet ordered otherwise, Advertisements trill Invariably be " displayed." Obituary notices, and all matters inuring to te the benefit of any one, are regarded as Advertisements. ' Correspondence of the Carolina Spartan. talon of the Atlantio and Pacific. . "W"A8UINOTON Crrr, May 13, 1869. ?ditor Spar fan?Tne lOlh of May, 1869, will bo memorable in the history of the United States, indeed in the history of the world, as the dajr on which the great Pacific Railroad was completed? passing over the plains and Rocky Mountains to California. From New York citv on the Atlantic Ocean to San 1 rancisco on the Pacific, a continuous line of 8427 miles. It was finished, not at ciuier ivrumius, na 18 ubuui, uui Hi the point where the two roads, one from California, the other from the East, met; this was Promontory Point, which is 1086 miles west of the Missouri River, and 690 miles cast of Ban Francisco. The day for laying the last rail has been ilnXiously looked forward to, for months. Several days last week it was expected to be done, but Monday, the 10th, at 3 P. M., was fixed upon. The telegraphic wires of nil tho principal points in the United States were put in connection with that at Promontory Point, so that the blows of the hammer affixing the lost spike, would bo hc&ra by telegraph, simultaneously all over tho Union, including California, at tho moment tliey wero being struck.? .*n anxious throng waited at the Vextern Union Telegraph office in this city. At three o\:l??ck the message * came?" Be ready I" when every l)?path was suspended waiting for the sound of the first tap of the silver Lamcner on the -spike, the message csmo-?-" now, they are at prayer." When these solemn woraa were read, the heart would overflow the eyes, and tcaro could not be repressed, as imagination in the twinkling of on eye, depicted the scene then transpiring in that far off wilderness, a thousand miles beyond the bounds of civilization?a band of men assembled, in the plenitude of their pride, to affix the cap-stone to one of the ' mightiest monuments of human power. The silver mounted rail is ready, the golden spike is prepared, the silver hammer is raised. They knew that the eyes of millions of people are turned toward them, and the cars of half the civilized globe listening for that sound as the electric spark will convey it. In this moment of intense excitement, the death like silence is broken by a voice?" Let us first give glory to God in the highest," and every head is nncov ered as the minister of Jesns ascribes to Dim praise and thanks giving for the power by which alone this mighty work was ac compusuca. ouroiy it wiwascene grand, and sublimely beautiful ? one that should be commemorated liy the painter's skill on the walls ci the Capitol, and handed down fn the poet's lays to the latest generations. The howling wilderness around, without a trace of civilization, save that narrow track of iron ; the snowy and lonely mountains noar, the gleaming saline lake, in the distance the hostile savages, scarce deigning to conceal themselves?and amid this wild scene, & fi>W dotortniii/iil on<1 kmnn ?/> > ? ?-? ?-w >4JIMVU I*MU ua pvc liidif come to complete a chain that, it i? hoped, will be a bond of u peace on and good will toward ma" Jd to this end they pause, in the wry moment of fruition, to ask the blessing of Almighty God. Bur el y it was well done. However little religion there may have been in thai assembly ot rough frontiersmen, this public acknowh edgcment of an Almighty Ruler of the umveraftla good for the nation,, as well as good for the indi. vidual, especially at such moments gm this, when human pride culmi. nates. So must every heart have Was in silence they, thousands of miles apart, awaited the close of tbat prayer. After an intorval, came the words, " The prayer is ended." Then after a space which seemed interminable, the news was flashed, "It is finished."? Then the cannon roared?the bells pealed?flags waved, and music sounded ; the two mighty oceans wero united?the East and the West bavo met together. Only those who have made the "passago of perie" of going to California, " over the plains," can appreciate fully what has been accomplished ; and in a less degree those who have had " loved ones," who during the "California gold fever " faded from their knowledge at Fort Leavenworth on the bor dors of Missouri, and for long months were lost to them in the vast wilderness?then a trackless desert?six months at least olaps^ ing before the most fortunate of them were heard from, on the Pacific coast. Now the journey can bo made from sea to sea in eight days. The results of this work commercially are beyond human calculation, but its effect in hastening the coming of the Kingdom of God, will be far greater. The East, Asia especially?first the cradle, but for centuries well nigh the gra^o of Christianity?must now yield to the Prince of Peace. China and Janati for three centuries have, in their triple walls of pride, bigotry and ignorance, re 6isted tae efforts of the comparatively few missionaries who hate reached them by the circuitous route of the Indian Ocean; but now aided by steatn and electricity, (who arc both^ like all trno daughters of science, hand maidens of the Christian Religion,) we shall see how powerless they are to stay the avalanche of Christian influences that will be brought to bear nnon them, nnd sonn u Ft hi. opia may indeed stretch forth her hands to God." I rejoice that this work liae been completed in my day, but as I rejoice, memory casts a shadow over my heart, as I remember "some men labor, and others enter into their labors." This Work has been done " wholly by the North," so says the world, and so perhaps will history record. Yet were truth to guide the pen, it would be seen that in this, as perhaps in every step of the country's onward prog ress since the foundation of the Government until the war, the influence of Southern brains was felt, if not seen. Even Forney, in ail editorial glorification over the near completion of the road, a few weeks ago. was compelled to acknowleuge that its completion in 1869, instead of 1884?in ten years, instead of thirty fta Was prophesied?Was due to the far seeing statesmanship and official energy of Jefferson Davis, who, while Secretary of War, ordered and caused to be executed a survey of the entire route. Few of yotir readers when heftr-f ii- n 4 iii^ ui hid wiuijiicuuii ui iuv ureui Pacific "Railroad, dreamed that Spartanburg had any part or lot in the matter, even so much as the tnrning of a spadeful of earth.? Yet in yoor li'tie town, in the honse now owned by Mrs. Doctor Golding, wore written many of the articles whieh raised the public mind to consider the voetibility that such a work could oe done.? More than twenty years ago, Mr. David Reinbardt} while residing there with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Irwin, bccamo warmly interested in the subject, then deemed abont as practicable as a voyage to the moon, of building a railroad to California. lie was a man of fine natural abilities, with an immense amount of practical information, and an energy and enthusiasm in a subject which interested him, which was almost irresistible in carrying conviction. He wrote an article for the Spartan on the subject; that paper then in its early youth, and in bands less enlightened than at present, declined publishing, on the ground " that the idea of building a railroad across the Mississippi and Mitsouri rivers, through the Qreat Western Desert, and over the Rocky Mountains to California, was so utterly chimerical, that he feared hit renders would think it a hoai." Tho friend at whose suggestion Mr. Reinhardt had written the article, thon nrgcd him to s?nd it to the National Intelligencer, at Washington ; but with the modesty of true merit, ho said he 44 had not the vanity to suppose an article rejected bv the Spartan would be published oy the paper which was then the first in tho United States." lie was finally prevailed upon to allow it to be sent. It was not only accepted and immediately published, but was warmly complimented editorially, and " Opithlfco " (Mr. Reinhardt's nom de plume) requested to write a series of articles elaborating tho subject. He did so for a length of time, awakening so much interest in the public nnnd, and especially in Congress, that he was invited to Washington, (perhaps to lay his views personally before a commit tee,) and was actually on his way there, when he met with bis death bv an accident in Raleigh. North Carolina. Ah ! how wonld the eye of my old friend have beamed, had he lived to see last Monday, and hoard the roar of the cannon fired by the electric cnrrent from Promontory Point, as the last blow was Btrncfc, completing the work which he had so successfully advanced. But perhaps be witnessed the scene itself from that " Heavenly sphere, where all is made right which now puzzles ns here." He rests from hi^ labors, but his works do follow hitn. It is true the special line Mr. Bernhardt advocated is not the one now completed ; his far seeing mind foretold the objections to this route, which during the past winter were fully realized. At one time the trains Were showed up two entire weeks, at one point. The result was that an act was passed by Congress, at once, chartering the Memphis and El Paso Railroad ; and so certain was the Company that this (which was Mr. Iteinhardt's route) wonld be the ultimate channel of travel and traffic, that they asked no subsidies of the Government, not a dollar, though Hifl rnn/t inat cnmnlpforl rnnni,-/?/! twenty thousand dollars at the completion of each mile, besides enormous land grants. The &puth need not then hang her head, when the Pacific Kailroad is mentioned. When was ever she found wanting when brain work was demanded ? And if heretofore she lias left the handwork to others, may it not be ascribed as much to her magnnnimitjr as her pride?her willingness to share the honors of an achieve mcnt, rather than (as has been said) a disdain of manual labor ? For her post record, the South faded net blush ; but for the present and the future, the education of the hands as well as the cultivation of the intellect is demanded, and an acknowledgement of this truth by both men and women that new circumstances have created new duties and responsibilities. Especially let ns encourage and honor the young of both sexes who strive by any honest ineans to support themselves, rather than bo a burden upon their relations; ln? KaMi Kb W?*I irj |/i VVCp? n?MI CA" ample, that lofor t# honorable and dependence 4e note degradation, even for women, heretofore so shielded from care and guarded I from the necessity of e*crtiort by the tender consideration of Bofitlv I ern husbands and fathers. The will to make their lives all sunshine still remains^ but ttie ability is wanting. But when did adversity fail to develop nil that is betet in woman, without losing that soft nrss and refinement of manner and delicacy of feeling, which is their characteristics. The women of the South may now prove that they can be whft God made them _tlie hflln-mnnt And r.rnwninu blessing of roAn; not his burden, or his temptress, as Satan would make her. Our noble chief, General Leo, was in the city last week, and by request of Gen. Grant called at the White Honee. This visit was wholly one of courtesy?politics were not mentioned. He dined the same day with W, W. f Corcoran, the groat banker?father-inlaw of Eusti, who was taken with Mason and Slidell. It is said, as the steamboat left the wharf he stood with folded arms looking at Arlington, Iris beloved home. He was in Baltimore, Georgetown and Alexandria, about two weeks.? Yet not a tongue or pen was lifted against him. All men do him reverence ; and in the silent ho* mage every where offered to this great and good man, we accept a tribute to our lost but sacred cause. D. The Memphis Convention* The great Commercial Convention at Memphis adjourned trine die on Saturday afternoon, after passing resolutions of thanks to the citizens and press' of Memphis. From the reports of the proceedings of the Commercial Convention, on Wednesday, published in the Memphis papers, we make the following extracts: Mr. AY. S. II as tie, of South Carolina, submitted the following: Whereas, the disasters ol war have destroyed the banking capital of tbo South and as tho high rates of interest paid by the planters of the South and South-west for loans of foreign capital for the Inst threo years, lias swept away the profits of those who have made partial crops, and almost ruined the planters on tho sea-coast, whose crops have failed for throe successive years ; and as it is an acknowledged fact that no agriculturist can safely pay moro than seven per cont. per annum for loans dependent upon the chances of the products of the soil; and, whereas, in view of our large national debt, if it is of vital importance to the interests of the unitod States that the production of cotton, tobacco, rice aud sugar should bo stimulated ; therefore, be it RuoUsedy That the Financo Committee of the convention prepare a memorial to tho Congress of the United States for relief, and to submit said memorial to this convention for its approval. The basis of the relief asked to bo lounded upon tho hypothecation of tho bonds of the several Southern aud South western States with tho United States ; said bonds of the States having twenty years to run, ami bearing an interest of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and receiving in lieu thereof the bonds of the United States bearing six per cent, interest per annum, payable semi-annually, and the bonds maturing at even time with the State bonds (twenty years) The funds realized lrom the sale of the United States bonds to bo invested in a national bank, to be located in each State, with such checks and balances as the wisdom of Congress may direct. The amonnt asked for in no event to exceed one-fitth of the banking capital possessed by each State on the 1st of January, 1860. Referred to the Comfnittco on Finance. Mr. Ilastie presentod a long communication from John A. Wagency Commissioner ot Immigration tor South Carolina, in which that gentleman expresses his bo1 ef that Baron Beust, the enlightened Austrian Minister, would readily enter into arrangements to promote trade relations between that einniro. and the bouthern States. , tie also recommends the establishment of a direct steamship line between Charleston and Trieste^ the Austrian port on the Adriatic. A com'mnnie'atitfn frofn Commo dore Ingraham was also referred to the same committee, in which that officer expresses his opinion that, although the distance between Charleston and Trieste otild be greater than upon the Northern route from Bremen, the advantage of weather would, especially in winter, bo in its favor. To the committee on other business and agriculture was referred a long communication fVora Senator F. A. Sawder, of Charleston, regretting his inability to be present at tho convention, and express ai_ t_ at. - a ?.&!. a f__ ing me uopo mat irrunting topics would be avoided. The writer fears that too large a proportion of ttio people, of inore than one race, are non-producers, Let tbo manly work trorn industry and the reAt be shamed Into it 'oy their neighbors, and our prosperity iv solved. Providence bat supplied priceless gifts ; let us use tbein by our labor ?that is, make capital, build railroads and levee rivers. If the on vsntion con teach this lesson of la bor to our poople, it will have done more than politicians and projects of all kinds. Mr. G. II. Walter, of South Carolina, submitted the following, which was referred to the Committee on Railroads: \Y liercas, the Blue Ridge Railroad, to connect Knoxville, Tennessee, with a point on the Greenville and Columbia Railroad, in the State of South Carolina, bv Acts recently ratified, has provided for the endorsement of the bonds of the said company to the extent ot $4,000,000; ana whereas, by the completon of this road and the connection of Kuoxville with Cincinnati by rail, a continuous line ot railway from the great West to a Southern port on the Atlantic, will thus bo opened by the shortest, moet desirable and practicable routo, IicsolvetJs That in the opinion ot this convention it is eminently to the interest of Southern and South western States that the Bine Ridge Railroad should be at once completed, and we cordially commend this enterprise to the peoplo of the Southwest. Mr. Millett, of South Carolina, submitted the following: Whereas, this convention has assembled to deviso means for do y eloping the resources of the South in building the Southern Pacific Railroad, in leveeing the Mississippi River, and making available the mineral treasures of the Mississippi vallev; and whereas, to accomplish these ends it is essential to increase our labor ; and to increase our labor, immigration lrom Europe must be bad by means of steamers of beavy draught and large capacity, plying directly between Southern ports and Earope ; be it, therefore, Resolved, That in the opinion of this convention the great harbor of Port Royal, oil the thirty-second parallel of latitude, is one of the greatest ports of the Sonth Atlantic coast, ai.d that the railroad from that point to Augusta, Georgia, should bo completed as speedily as possible. Mr. Millet, in offerincr his reso lution, said that in the Southern States they must have immigration, and must put forth all their efforts to procure it. In regard to direct t-ade, it had been said that they had no Southern port to compete with New York where iunni* grants oould land. Within the past fifteen years a great change had taken place in regard to the Vessels carrying passengers across the Atlantio. Fifteen years ago they had wooden ships, then they got side-wheel steamers, but now there were iron propellers. And out of nine-five vessels engaged in tho ocean trade to and from New York,- only two were side-wheels. The average tonnage of the pnropclfers was, 2,500, and few were below that, and all or nearly all drew nineteen feet of water, and South of Cape Ilatter&sthey had no port that bad over sixteen feet at the bar/ In the State which he represented they had a port where the water was twenty feet deep. He had only to remark that in South Carolina they had a harbor equal to New lorx, ana that harbor was 1'ort ltiryci. Tho resolution was reforred to the Cotnmittee on Immigration. Mr. William 6. Hastie, of South Carolina, introduced the following, which was referred : Whereas, by Act of Congress, passed March 28, 1854, certain cities of the West and 8onth-west are' allowed to import goods in bond through the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and New Orlcans< entirely Ignoring Norfolk,- Virginia* and Wilmington, North Carolina, and limiting Charleston Rnd Savannah to three pojnta?Knokville,- Nash vine ana juempnis ; nnd Whereas, since the pfissrtgo of thitf taw the Southern Atlantic Cities have made extensive railroad connections with tho West and South-west, Ussolocd, That the Commit toe on Direct Importation be revues ted to frame a petition to Congress, asking that alt ports of entry in the United States be placed upon the same footing as to the importation ( of goods in bond by iutorior cities. A re|>ort in favor of holding an' other convention at Loniavtfle, on the 12Mi of October next, also for > a committoe of one frcnn oacb State, I U." to prepare a constitution and by* laws for the convention, to be re* ported at the next meeting, was adopted. The following resolutions by Mr< Austin, of Tennessee, were adopt* ed: ,^'j *.. *. : ? / lie solved, Tliat the delegated here assembled from all parts of the Soutltern States fully represent the spirit and purposes of the great body of the Southern people. Jiesolvedy That this convention* in justice to tlio members and in justice to the people of the United States, deem it expedient and prop* er on this occasion to declare that there is not now, and has not been since the surrender of the Oonfed* rate armies, any other purpose of design on tho part of the great moss of the people than a cordial and thorough restoration of fraternal rolati' us in all sections of thid broad land. n - ? * rtn - - -? a jciesoivea, mat it is tno deli her* ate opinion of this convention that erroneous impressions upon tho minds of the people ot each section in regard to the other, so easily mado and so hard to remove, have been and now are the greatest obstacles in the way of prompt and thorough adjustment ot oar political and industrial relatione, which would create peace, contentment and nniversal prosperity through out the entire country. Iie8olvedy That a copy of thcSd resolutions bo presented to the President of the United States by a committee of one member from each State here represented, appointed by the President of this convention. Of tho committees appointed, the Hon. Win. Sprague, ot Rhode Island, was appointed tho chairman to memorialize the Cotton Supply Association and the Association of Manufacturers and Planters, with regard to production of cotton. Mobilv, May 90. The Presbyterian Assembly, on Monday, appointed commissioners to revise a form of government and discipline. The committee reported in part to day to the assembly, and recommended its nresbvterics to throw the licentiates so far as practicable into destitute fields. On the subject of co-operation with the General Assembly of the old School in labor among the ficedmen, the following was unanimously adopted: That inasmuch as the correspondence of the Secretary ot the Committee on Free Imen of the General Assembly of the Presbytorian Church in the United States of America, with the Secretary of Sustentation of our Church, lias devolved no practical mode of co-operation between the two churches, in their efforts to evangelise the freedmen, this General Assembly is not prepared to take any steps contemplating tho Proposed concert of action. The ecretary of Sustentation is merely instructed to communicate the foregoing to the Committee on Freedmen of tho General Assem- * bW of the Presbyterian Church in ' the United States of America. A resolution of maintenance of simplicity in church music, was laid over. A missionary meeting was held on Monday night. A plan wns reported lor insuring me lives of ministers in oar convention, and a resolution was introduced look- * ing to an amendment in the char- * ter (if the church. At the meeting to-night, several addresses Were' made on the subjects of eduction and publication. WoKbs are little things, bnt they ' sometimes strike hard. We wield them so easily that we are apt to' forget their hidden power. Fitly* spoken,* tbev tall like sunshine, the dew, and the fertilising rain ; but when unfitly, like the frost, the > hail,- and desolating tempest. Tme New York Herald states that the Spanish Government hoe* contracted In that city for the' building of fifteen gun boats. Among the ronnd hats worn by ladies, the " bee hive," tee "shepherdess," and the " bombshell" are? said to be the most popular. General Joseph E. Johnston is* named as a candidate for Major of Savannah. A country paper wants to knoW if a man with wooden legs can hep considered a foot poseengdr.