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T1Y C A UNLINK coneHe. v&ij IW gugemcnt with Forrest, Alida 1" Alida 6t?'ods l)?fqf?kMhe tall Psyche glass, feirfilinjady contom]>latiug thagdtzzliog vision reflected thorfr^lSho turned with a shrug <?f herigififloiul shogUlort as her sister epole?, And sbmethingJiKe a shado w troubled the depth of her lucent oyee^k^?fK* " I must," she said,,with on odd blending of scorn and regret Jin her tone. " Tnrore, spare mo your reproaches, Moliccnt," sl>? added,' impatiently; " I never intended to marry a poor man." *' Yoh should never have promised yourself to one, then," JVIeliccnt answered, indignantly. il I did not. Forrest had a prospect of immediate independence at that -dmo- ki??W what I was abott thoo, juat as well a V l do now. Forrest understood very vthat-aay canacut was conditioiBiflir "ion aro a very solfish, heart1 ! ?1 )1 ?l._ -I I. iuss yin, iu? yiuyi bisiui ivimuik?a: ' r? "Oh, of course: I never set up for tho principles end proorieties. I leave ull that to my sensible sister. The fact is, Melicent?now don't bo cross?I haven't faith enough, either in Forrest or myself, to bclievo that our love would stand tho test of poverty ; and besides?Come now, Melicent. you wouldn't jjay no to Lionel lloresford^ if he had asked you to marry him 1" A swift vermilion dyed the plain sad face uf Melicent Gaines, " If I had been tho promised wife of Forrest Macv, I would have said no to a monarch." Alida's slender brows arched themselves incredulously. f I declare, I wish you had liiiu then," she said, as she leaned froin the window to pluck a spray of roses. Ten minutes after, as the sisters having adjourned to tho sittingroom, bent, the one over a bit of delicate embroidery, tho other over some drawings, Mr. lleres ford had left her to look at in the morning, a hand parted tho vines that draped the open window, and noiselessly Forrest Macy put his handsome laughing face into tho room. Melieont kiiw him first and said with that dickering blush which almost mado her beautiful: *' Come in, Mr. Macy." A lid a gave a little start and blush, and exclaimed, 14 Yon there?" and bent ovjcr her drawing again, a trillo lluttcred. (])!#. J Sweet blush and flutter in the cye? of the cot yet discarded lover. Iif blissful unconsciousness of bis impending fate, Forrest Macy watched the bcantiiul Alida, and interpreted her visible embarrassmeut in love's own delicious fashion. If Milly was only out of the way, wouldn't I kiss her, the darliTig!" lie muttered under his breath. Aloud he said : " I've been lounging here, waiting for you to come down, this half hour. I could hear you talking upstairs somewhere." "Yon couldn't hear what we said ?" Alida demanded nervously, and Melicent lifted her cvps with pome anxiety. u Yea I heard something?jost enough to dxcite my curiosity," tlio young iijan said lightish " I heard you tell Milly yon wished ehe had somebody, and I \vant to kno.v who it was. I'll help secure him, upen-iuy word." liotlr^irls colored vividly ; Mclicent covered hor face with her hands, and Alida mado ft mnrroti* atte Ungl? and . down Ono of the drawings 6hc was examining 11 uttered to Iho floor, ami ForfeeF leaned over the low windo^jjjlJ y&M ?? MPs . tlria AwiAer'<n?mc, JJvH nel Beresford. It was his turn to looh Hurried. >'J.idft," he said, in a low caress ing voice, "I'm gettjqg jealous yf Beredford, I wish yon'd tell him to stay at home." v Lida drew hack from the ex. tended hand, frownincr elicrhtlv. and glancing uneasily at hor Bister, who was abruptly leaving (lie room. " I slmll have to tell you, j Forrest," she said, compressing iter lips, and turning suddenly so pale, that more than her words suggested tho truth to poor Mucy, 4 Von don't menu it, Lida," " Yes, I do,*' tho girl said, rising and speaking fast and desperately, to have it over. " I care for you juat as much as I ever did, but I cap't iparry a poor man. Wo should liafe the very sight of each other in a month's time." Forrest Macy'a eyes darkened \vilh sudden anger. m1 | dare ray we he j jjfcc w* .r~r --r Mpini 1JB -St su: ! 1 * Walk I 'artsh (tint joy?f yo?T slioulduV^rant a wife torn from < tlio arms of another man, as you t are IcQuimine." I lit) flung fiinrtclf (Monatcly . a ray Irom the window with the i words, and \vi h his hat iuillod doctor-Ma e^?*v plimgad tot* ; t ho first flifdow lip tjaina tfc statu- . blint*, before lie had taken twenty headlong srejW, nfr|>r?n "MeWeent -t Gfiiues,,hidii>g,ip,llu) shadapf thp t trees,thht clustered tiehr thorond ; I hiding really, for as she sfcw liiin,' < thinking herself still unseen ; she i retreated from him. onlv couiiitor I back when Uo called licr. Sim had beon crying bat ho was ] too angry to notice that. i " Miliy*" be demanded, " was it I thftt Allda was talking of up ] stairs ? Oh, well, you neodn't an- 1 swer unless yon like; I know it i was. * ^lefJLTH f He came a step nearer. ? " Of course you know all about i it. Lida is going to marry Here* fordj Will you marry lue, Milly ?" Mpliccnt Guinea stared .at liitri i w i fli affrighted eyes. 44 Please c don't," 8ho said faintly. ' Not much of an offer, is it ?" laughed Macy, harshly ; 44 but I'm i in earnest about it. I always liked \ you next, to Lida, and I hate her 1 how. Marry me. Mill)', and I'll r try not to let von l>e sorry for it." i Mel!cent lookodslow rind searchinglv in hit face. " I'm not a beautiful woman," 1 siic said, at length, 4* and I'm not 6o proud as I might be. It's a 1 rash experiment, but I'll try it, if I you like. If vou chango your mind before the wedding day comes, you'll only have to say 6o, and I sha'n't hold you." I Macy field out his hand, and | hers, warm and nestling, dropped j into is: ' t ' u It is liko a plank thrown to a f. drowning man," lie said, with a \ sudden so grateful pressuro that s licr face flu&hed slightly. 1 "That looks as it ho ever cared t anything f<?r me," Alida said an- t grily, when she heard the news.? , "I believe yon wanted him all the ^ time, Melicunt Unities." t And Meliccnt made no answer. ( Preparations for Alida's mar- , ringe to Lionel Bcrcstord wont < rapidly forward, lie res ford was | impatient, and Alida, to tell the | truth, was impatient also, to Ih% j awav from the sight of her old , lover's devotion to Meliecnt. Of ( course it was all put on for her , benefit, she said to herself, and poor Milly thought so too; hut for all that, it was very hateful to one, j and verv sweet to (lie other. Alida had said plainly that she ] was marrying Bercsford for the | sake ot his wealth, and us though | lie suspected that his strougth lay , in that direction, he loaded hor with costly gifts. i The bridal day came, and Alida [looked lovely enoug.i in hor costly ( wedding roht-a to satisfy the most i exacting of bridegroom*, But while she waited for liini, fair as a lily and as pale, fliere was a stir and a murmur bel^v, that deepened till it reached her, and told her that she would .never see him alive, again. r - ^ Lionel lderwford had dropped lead as ho stepped over the door stone of his own palatial mansion. Alida neither wept nor fainted. She shut the door on sympathisers of every description, and folded away her own wedding gear from sight, and was much tliu same as though nothing had hapi?cned, only a little graver pcrhajis. lleliccuf, whohau grown almost beautiful in the sunshine of Macv'e devotion, siinnlated [though it might be, began to , 'droop into her old sad quiet ways, debuting within herself one-question, and nerving herself every time she saw Maey, to hear him -ask f r release, that he might re turn to his old love. " Lucky fellow that," said Bob Arnot, one morning as he lounged in the deep window seat of a picture gulh rv, and looked thoughtfully after Forrest Mttcy, who had just passed through. | M Ah, how is that?" languidly inquired Bob's com pan ion lounger. "Com? into a round fortune \ they s?)', trom h<?hio English cons I in or other, to the tune of I don't lr n w 11 t\ vl- manu lliiinamxl pounds." A yonng lady wlio was examining a picture hear, turnod at tlio words, and drawing hor vail ovor her face, went hastily oat. l; lie Can't have ceased to love me," slio murmured, as she hastened down tho street. * I will tell Aielicent. I will ap|>eal to her. She knows he don't care for her. Sbo must give hiiu up to inc." " ITe is free from any obligation to me, the instant ho save the 4 ' . .1 I S t M in "d r * ?Bht *drtoa? offer him his ftbhM iora; of course be don't like to < iwk it," selfishly urged Alida.? i * And you know he must Tot*i6 We yet. lou don't want to marry a ( man who loves Another womrw, do , you, Millyl" i . "J will speak to him to night/ 4 Melicent said gravoly. And she kept her word. Forrest Macy looked down at lior. As 4 lie uttered the brave words. Her 1 ips were trembling, her eyes 1 Jowncnst. His arm clasped her, ' u he lient lower to look undor those drooping lids. 1 "Arc you tired of me, Milly? < Do you want to be rid of mo !" he t isked. I f u You know, you know I do not. But if. you love Alida, it would be ( wrong to hold rou to a rash promse made to me when yon were ?cnrcely yourself," the said, and j stole a look into hie face, for his irm only held her tighter. He was smiling. 1 " I lovo nobody but you. I will ' narry but you. If you turn me ^ >ff, I will go single nil my days." u Do you really i" * M Keally I do. I didn't know ? nuch what I was about that day ? vhen 1 asked you in 6uch rnde ashion to marry me, but 1 have never seen a moment since when 1 q egretted it." tk But Alida is so beautiful." u I know somebody who is inoro jeautiful to me than Alida." j And so Milly hid her happy face on his shonldcr, and cried y happy tears at last. 1 [iVcw York Ledger. I ? RtkonoGcano.?The Greenville i [Ala.) Advocate says that a short ime sinco an old gentleman, liv ' ng something less than 150 mike , Voin this place, had brought his > wn bug of cotton to market, and ' xmght a sack of flour. Meeting ? omo friends here they got him to my also a sock of Pacific guano; ' lie old man arrivod home just afcr dark, and while he was putting ip bis oxen the old woman, liuii- ~ fry for some wheat bread, went to 8 he wagon and j*ot out a pan lull >f guano, thinking it was flonr, f nude up and baked a lot. of bis;uits--of which the family oat Hiiruiv ill HI wen I tt> IH'U. INext morning upon waking tlio old man fonnil that his legs had grown out 1 jf the window, atul that all of his } children were grown fueu and wo- t men , ? Wiixt re Sauck fox Tint Goosi ^ ?noui.n be Sauck for the Gander, r The Wiwhing'ou National Bepub- * lican says: "It i? rumored 'hat the President has determined upon the nomination of suitable colored men to responsible positions in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, ( Chicago, andoiher Northern cities, iu order to offset the appointment of negroes in tho South, prevent the nppearanco ot harsh aiul individnous treatment of Southern whites, and also, as a proper concession to and encouragement of intelligent Northern colored men." A FKAt.'FCL example to young iH'iics ov cry where will l>e tlio tact j we gather from an exchange, tliat 1 six young girls of the period have ] been on trial at Clinton, Ky., "for 1 disturbing public worship." The ! deponent states not it their offence ' was giggling, writing on fans, or " milking eyes but we opine it was one of the three. It may, however, be a re assuring close to , report that 44 the three prettiest were acquitted, and summary punishment meted the others." A yocno lady's opinion of the bonnets of the season: 4,Oh, the bonnets of my girlhood?the kind I wore to school! I really thought them pretty; I must have been a j fool. And yet I used to think myself on hats a jaunty miss. Per 1 haps I was, as fashion went; but 1 what was that to this ? Oh, the , 1 -voly little pun-cake?the charm- i ing little mat! It makes my head so levol, and so very, very flat." Tin-: mayor of Mobile recently married a colored couple. After the ceremony the husband said, 44 Massu Galcb. you has forgotten something." 44 What is it, Aaron?" asked the mayor. 44 Why, you aiu't buss the bride." . . i m m * >m A LogoMOTiv* on a Western railroad lm? been adorned with the title, " I still live." That is more than many of the passengers can say at the end of their journey. A Mresotnu editor, In praising a favorite candidate, says : " lie is as fine a fellow aa over lifted a hat to a lady, or a boot to a blackF<mrd.n i . i j . ? e-1 "^? a if lit Si ttabSbfreeiw* 1 * Trnt Wrn^l rrikd *ho lately cfrt i iff a alios of his thumb,, to see J irhat the reins looked like, is as- r listed by the roan who contend* i that madness is a npineral. J A CinoAoo doctor has been fin- l >d fifteen dollars for trying to . .vv. www...., .<?U W WW ? band was mulcted five dollars for t ;liraslung tiro doctor. { A THATKLOt who was detained > in hour by sortie miecliance* eUort- ? med bis stay by 41 making a (min- v ite* of it." There's philosophy ? or yoa. A youko lady in Ontgamie bounty, Wisconsin, was charged * rith Spotting on airs" beoaase n lie refused to go to a ball bare- * ooted. { Sk - atob Pomsroy is gnin" to ? >reach female suffrage in lirig- * iam Young's tabernacle & Salt x Lake. A Bkmkatu one's uoticc? adver- 1 iscmcnts on the pavement. y rhe State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY, la the Coart of Proltt*. NIOMA* C. OOWER and W. B. MILL- ~ WER, Administrators # W. A. Wil- I lisms, di-ecMrJ, r? 8. R. WILLIAMS E ct nl Citation for Final Sttilrmeul and I)rcre* IT appearing to my eatisfnclion thai Sam u?l R. Willlama, Jmn?i E Williams, V. A. II. Dnvennort and Mary K. Davent?rt, heiee ai law and distributee* of Hie S-tale of W. A. Williams. deceased, d?Vndants in thij cur, reside beyond the imita of tltia State. On motion of J. P. door*. Solicitor pro pet.. It is ordered: That they do np|??ar in perron or by atlorley, at a Court ol Probate, to be lioblen at Ireenvilo Court Uuum on the first day of 'uly next, to chow cause, If any they have, ehv a final nottlement of the Estate of VliST ALL1.N WJLLLAMS, drc?aaed. honld not t>? had, and a decree given hereon ; and their consents, on failios to n itend. will be entered of record. Qirtn under my baud and nal at Green ill* Court IIoum on tl>U Sl-t <Uv of March, e l. D. 1869. 8. J. DOl/THIT, ? r. j. o. o. An 7 46 IT ATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ( GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probato. u, JELI.Y TURNER, JOSEPH K.TURNER I and JEFFERSON BARTON rt al ?? RE UKCUA KELLY. MAKR KELLY T. P. ASllMOKE. anJ Children of MARY A ASilMORE. d'-C'etel.? Ptlition for Ikne rr, J'artiti?H and 8<?/# of Itral FUmtf, dke. j [T >) pearin<r to lite satisfaction of the Court that 'the !> lendaiita, Rebecca welly. Mark KMy. T. P. A?lnn<>re, and the Children of Mary Aalnnore, deceased, reside iut of the State: It i? therefore ordered, an / notion of Perry 6 Perry, Solicitor* for Peitiont-ra, that tha aaid I >elend?iiis do an r wer, plead or demur to the Petition within I ortv days, or tha aame will be taken pro onftMO. A SAMUEL J. TXHJTIIIT. ' 1 Judge of Probata for Greenville County. . Greenville C. II , S. I'. April 14t)i, 1869. A|d U 47 6 B Fairviow Sugar Company. r|"MIIS Coinpiny having bought the Right 1 iu the great discovery of making sugar ' iitd refining syrup made from Sorgo Cane, in I that portion of Greenville District ombracina he Tbirit Regiment, wo propose to erect UWlAtl HOUSE and KEFIX1SII oearFAIH1'IEW an s.x.o ac practicable. To thoae who live two far Iroui our works, to haul their cancs, re propose to tell Farm Rights. We believe thin to be one of the greatest discoveries for | the South that could have been made, and have no doubt that it will be, ia a few years, Ibe great staple of the South. Ita operations ?re simplo and eoat comparatively nothing to itart a tiirui works, aud will pay five time bet- ,1 ler than any crop except cotton, and we bo- j leva will double that great king of the South, fhoso wishing Rights should eall at ones on Dr. W. A. Harrison, at Fairview. or Dr. W. P. i'asstnore, at (Sreenville, who will take great 3 deasure in giving full particulars. We will \ urn ink seed free of eoat, except freight, to hose wishing to plant. i W. A. HARRISON, W. P. PAS8.M0UK, ] Agents for Company. T. L. BOZEMAN, President. Sept 2 16 tf TO THE PUBLIC. - 4 THE PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C., 80 LOKO and ably con ducted by the late 11. L KVSLfj&A HITTTRRFIELP. will still UaAJhSStfm&L be kept open for the aecoin modation of the traveling public. And its ' former friends and patrons will find the usual accommodations and attentions be stowed on tiietn as formerly, and the public I favors already so well established as THE l!<>TKLof Hie TRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earnest efforts, be faithfully preserved. Ma. <-h 4. 1868. 41 if "^^wTH^uiicSr" PRACTICAL 8UKSMITN AND MACHINIST# COKN 8HELLKK*. Cotton Olnt, Lock*. K*r<.ft~n? Oil Umi*, M* , chiiiM and I'amoolB, KKPAlRKl) with promniftcM Ohtrgw rMfM?h|?. Atund?-At W Mtnald'a oM Shop. K.H 10 S8 If LAW NOTICE, ArFGHMCY^AT LAW ARD KIAOaiTBATE, or TICK OVER SULLIVAN9 STORE, ornur swrruTMtiiM, 0. o. m ?* o tf % P j 9& \ I i IISIl a ... Iin>i , | 11 ? ^Itli in# Mmham In he world. The Urgeat iriffdiw -W It* Ndteleaare on the Jive* of citts-o* of fAof UU, wliorc it* tUmndimg ?ml ehmrmcUt I* *d known. 1ft hii icvtitrw kind* of ttlWok #? ood, nod I In ret** err M* thee Northern womttaale*, for Lhereeeon be* North era eootpeait* pro/em to belle** hat 8*ethem peeplede not IIvo m long * forth ore, wAm tAi rtry rwerw it ih? en** lall *t eno*. end eeeerea Poller. W* re t to Rev. IX M. Tereor. Ore. 8. MeOow n, R*r. J. P. Preeeij. Rnr, R. Q. Grier, t*?. J. L Bonner, Dr. Q. W. Prcwlty, t>r . W. Hearst, Rev 11*. 8lo*n, Dr. J.J.*w. end at Iraat one Aendrid sdbrr* n Abbeville, who ha** liiMni To O. W. xillivan, Hon. W. D. 8imiwon, Judge Mun o, lion. J. P. Reed. CoL D. L Donald. 0. V.' Anderson, Dr. Eptlng, Dr. Berkfdale. I nd a gr??t many other* who ha*?_ aleo j nana in vttM tompatr. ut*> HI. U. Kv?n? in insured in tbia Company fur $6,000. nd this anion nt was promptly pal J immedi lely after hia death. th?; Company lias *u*d over SO.OOO in nevenWea maths, haa rrevived an innrenan wf nearly 40O.000 in that lime, and have only W to l>y death, tor whieti it has paid $17,000, eavlng a olear In corns of about $888,000, ighty-eevra and a half per #rat of which Til tie divided among the Pulley bolder* Ifa challenge tlie world to heat thin Dr. (ranch, the State Agent, has issued one andred Policies <n Abbeville. We repeat, all at ones and get a Policy, an we wilP eon sail on you at your bosses; and beg ou to wait uutil wa call before insuring Isewhera. JOHN FERGUSON, Agent For Greenville, a C. Dr. J. H. Din, Medina) Examiner. UreenvlUa C. 11., hlareb 8, 1869. Mar 10 4i If DEALER IN Clocks* WATOHfcg, AND Spectacles, AC. egr Particular attontion will l>e aid to all Work entrusted to liiin. Feb 10 88? if froonvill? & Colombia R. B. XdfeStatsmiidaaaMaL PASSKNtiKK T11A1N8 run dally, Sunday* excepted, connecting with Might Train i Charleston Kaitroad, as follows: icavo Columbia at ..7.00 a. m " Alston at S.ii " " Newberry at ....10.35 " rrivo at Abbeville at .....3.30 p. m. " at Anderson nt 5.15 " " Qrcebfllle at 6.00 cave Qraonville at...... 0.00 a. m. " Anderson nt 0.4 5 " Abbeville at .. ,.t.4S l? " Newberry at 1.36 p. m. " Alfton at ..> >1.00 " arrive at Columbia at >0.00 " Trains on the Blue Ridge Railroad will also un as fottnws : cave Anderson at,..' >0.20 p. n. " Pendleton at 0.20 " lrrive at Wulhalla at >8.00 " oiivo WalbalU at> >4.00 a. m. " Pendleton at ...........5.40 44 Irrlvs at Anderson at 8.40 " The train will return from Bolton to Andcron on Monday and Priday mornings. JAMK8 0. MEREDITH, General Superintendent. Feb 24 40 - ' Charlotte A South Carolina Railroad. and Columbia A Auguata Railroad Co'a. S Wl IMIT BTrSBIXTENDBNT'S OFFICE.) Columbia, Feb. 2, ISfl'J, | aCBKUVLB GOISO NORTH. LEAVE Uranlteville at T 20, A. M., eonneotiog with train leaves Augusta at I 00, A. M. .oave Culumhia.... 12 30 P M Charlotte 7 45 P M ' Greensboro, N C> 1 00 A M 44 Kicbiaund. Va .....11 00 A VI Making close connections with trains for Foahington, D. C. coMisa south. Laava New York- 8 40 P M trrtve at Riebmoad 1 J0PM Ueave lliebmond 2 00 P M " Oreenaboro, N 0..... .....I 00 A M - Charlotte, ? C - ? NAN Arrive at Colombia 12 16 P M " at Granitevilie 6 00 P M Ticket* told at Columbia and baggage shocked to all poiat* North. | C. B0UKNIQI1T. Superintendent. Feb 10 SB r South Carolina Railroad Company, OaaaaAL ScpaaijrrajtnavT'* Ovrica, April 6, 180V. ON AND AFTER SUNDA^, lltb ioataot, the following Schedule fur PASSENGER TRAINS, will ha obaerved j PAT PAaAKMUBR TAAI*. Leaving Columbia at T.4S a. m. Arriving at Columbia ft. 10 p. 111. Miaur nxranaa vaaia. Leaving Colombia at ...............6.50 p. at. Arriving at Columbia at ..........4.46 a. n. CAangn vaaia. Will ran on Mondayt, Wednoatlaya, and Saturday*. Arriving in Columfelaat.. 11.66 a. a. Leaving Columbia nt ,.,,.2.20 p. in. Tbe Train now running between Columbia and Ktngrilla, in connection with tbe Through Mail Train, will be taken off on Sunday, April II. M. T. PEAKS, General Superintendent. April 14 4T It1 Law Hotioe?Chauro of 011m. GW. TOWN EH k? morM kit Law I Otw to tha katiding north-eeat aorner nf the Public Square, la part oaeapled by Julia* C. Bmlth, Auctioneer, and tha Bnterpriaa Printing OSee, up ataira. Jan 8 U It SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. V^TOULD raapactftilly inform tha public T that ha hsa Ram or ad to a room in tha OLD COURT HOUSK. trhara be will ha prepared to raarlra euatomrra a* heretofore. Being ProfemUynat Bwrbtr, bo ho pee, by attention to htialnwam, together with pofttcaaaa to all, to merit a portion af pubHe^ UK ^po^iso11711N ?' VfI*? Jan 2) 35 tf * 1 1 " ' "**99^11ft. v " ' > ..,-Vny*i 1 000 Bmeka Xxtr* Xftnllj H. 0. jr lOO (Ml SImM Liverpool SALT 25 vails, *Mt>rUd liM 20 batksvillr shirting lO b?im mcbkb shirting. iO MW H WIH *"?* - * SO PrkM mad Jalr Bip POFBIX . SO TUrrelli SVOAlt 10 BAQS DarikUi 8n?oklng TOBACCO S BAQS SpMltk Smoking TOBACCO. AL80, A WELL SELECTED STOCK Shoes. lints, DRY GOODS, DRUGS fcC. Oar Sleek of HATS nil SHOES la Tory largo and complete, and wo will guarantee oar entire 8lock will compare with any la Town, both aa to qaality ud price. A call will aaty??. . . L DAVID A STRADLEY. May 15,1808. 61 tf JTHJTJS . SMITH. AUCTION ANO COMMISSION MERCHANT, ,.i COURT HOUSE SQUARKe Greenville, 8. CPEItSONAL attention given to all aatee of Real and Personal Property, Renting of Llouees and Collecting ol Rentg and Aa. eooata, and to l|l btipinew lntruetcd to klm Having been appointed agent for the following Fertilizers, they can be found at my office and sold at Charleston prieee, freight and drayage added: NAPES' NITROGENIZED Sorzn-PnOSPUATK, WANDO AND BAUGII'S RAW BONE, PERUVIAN GUANO. he genuine article, kept for eale end ordered in any quantity, Ch*r SO /owe of l'boephate end Peruvian One no eol?I by me tor the wheat (owing in Greenville tide fell. Aif?ney for the Celebrated WATT PLOUGH?turn, (ubrolt, npd cultivator ell in one. Five thoumnd of three Plonghe ere in the handa of the farm era of Virgin* la, North end Soutb Carolina, and Tewnee(*e Over 60 of the one horae Ploo?rha eold in Greenville In one month. CertiA. eatet from the beet of onr ptantera can be given, who have need the Plough ie making their crop of 1868. Agency for Cardwell>? Superior corn and cotton planter. STRAW CUTTERS, CORN SHELLEUS.Aa. GRASS, CLOVER, end other Beedi enp. plied at abort aotioe. CQOKGNG STOVES, STOVE WARE. BPiaaiOt AND OFFICE STOVES, . r p m 7M i * . ? . 3 " LMI 'T - . / t For aale ea oheap ea can be bought. JULIIJS U. SMITH. Greenville C. II, 8. C. Jan 27 86 tf THE SOUTHERN HOTEL, THX BUILDING nOYV AS "HENKING'S HOTELS HAS r.eently I>hd fitted ?p and put in complete orW*ryff5MBr der, with new Furniture and other ix>nv?uirncti, and U now op?n to tha Traveling pul>lit, where they can find good aeooiamodation and lare at the loweet rates. A few permanent Boarder* wilt bo received, M. L. BOUT HER IV, frvpriiter, Qrecnviile, 8. 0, Fab. 1), 1S69. W-U W. K. BABLir. ?. O. WILLI. EASLEY A WILLS, Attorneys Bad Cosnsellors at Law AND IN EQUITY, nilKEXVILLI, S. C., PRACTICE la tha Coart* of the State and of tha United State*, and give especial attention to caeos In Bankruptcy. Jane IS S ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. for Sale by Dmgyists Everywhsr* BATES VI LEE H&IIF&CTIBllfi CSXFAIT. HAVING bean appointed Agents fee tbts Company, we awe prepared to wll SHIRTINGS AND YARN at Factory prlaea. n.?u Mr a<_ai. Grocer* and Comiutwion Merchants, Gr.?nville, & a Koy e. 1807. U If DURHAM SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received the agency of the hove Jostle eelebrnted Brand of TOBACCO, toe will make it to jrowr later* eat to bay from ok For tele by wholesale or retell. DAVID k 8T&ADLKY. Oct 80, 1847. ~ * tf ' i?. P. ntxcs, ATTORNEY AT HAW; t Ja?M ,,4^ . M II 1 - UH - II ! t M Wtrk tvan at twi own, whi* ? >?4 JL# derp?:eh . .jrl'f: -iife * f C C * ?