University of South Carolina Libraries
. fc-JFP 'll" 1 lay tb?ir diiicultlea Wow the ttoXiM ? 1 but ihelr obMdiaoulty W that ?b#y bit parfeet faith in tba validity of their order*, and \ believe that it would b? sacrilege Hther to tab- j t.iit to rootdteuUen or to re/ert to tbo puaitioa of layaaru. A spocial committee baa boon up- ' polo ted at Romo to deal trill tbo subject of ? *? Aoglicaa oidera, aad our ooa temporary baa ??? | doubt diat toe reverend pilgrims will have all vbelr doobta ni arm*. At tbo ultimate to- 1 aalt of this mission to fcae, tbo Luudoa J "Weekly Register?o well lafoi?ed Hoaaa CothoUeJournal?anticipates tbo* there trill bo "an accession to ?he Cburob of to mo of tbo boat aad moat pinna Anglican clergy, aad that t anany a at en get lb# laity will Wb? tboir ax. , ample." Thia la a carious nd will bs aratebod with uo little interest on this < aids of tbo A*b*t|? 1 tbo American brtmob of i <he Anglican Cbdrcb happens to ham not a M;' arbleb sflirt tbo brethren abroad and If thoro i ta In be, oa tbo pari Of ibo latter, any travel., ting Ruaeoward, it arould net bo surprising if ?bay abaald bauaanf a ay froaa this aido. | TA. r. Xr/itw, i Oorruittti Dtta Umianturb ?Tvrax- ' ^ a.l A, Uau ?flu H Um.., A Dispatch says I i While our ladies are mounding and decor*, ting the gravel ip Qakwood, and while tbe < tliaixive itoM aoMWBt to lb? atoMJ of I those who lie la Hollywood ta gradually appn.adhtag completion, it is distressing to hear of the neglect of Ibe hone* of thoee who are barfed wber* tbey'fcU?on the hillsides nod ta | tbe ratteya In olboe pacta of the Hints. The report* that res oh ui of the socrellgioes con* 1 duct of many Virginia farmers are ?? eheeh I fug that we hesitate to |ir? them credence, ?1- | though our ditty at journalists requires us to . lay them before oar readers. A few wechs age 1 we Mbflsbed an aoeount of the atate of affairs < at fxrt Harrison, which subsequent investiga- , tion proved too true. Now comes a most harrowing story from Malrern IIIII, wber* a* many of snr beei and bmsest with their lost drops of blood sealed their derotion to the Southern eause. On tbe northwest side of tbe I fort a most terrible scans pet sen ta itself, i Thousands of Confederate soldiers baring been buried where they fhll, twenty acres or more bare just bora ploughed es by the owner of i the held, and tbe ploughshare turned to the < surface all the shelotoas. Over tbe whole tract the jbones are strewn In profusion, and grin- 1 nlng Skulls stare the visitor* In the face ha every band. Whet, tbe farmer war questioned he said the land war now tbe richest piece bo , bad; and, in justification of tbe sactcligioua 1 act, stated that "be didn't fvut *em there, nohow." The writer learned afterward that the bones had been taken away by the cart load and Sold to fertilising mills la Richmond. Twehsunsne men, too poor to do anything alee, came eee day we were there and attempted to burn seats of the bones to prevent tbo wretches from carting them off. Ta* Washington fhjwwcel*, of Monday says:, "Oorcrnor IL K. Soott, of South Carolina, has arrired In this city, and la stopping at Wil- ' lard's. Be is cn route for Cincinnati and Lsvitrilb, where ha will meet other gentlemen 1 of south..Carolina, *ri)o visit those -cities in 1 the inter* si of tbe Blue Ridge It ail road, which is a short link of rwad through the Blue IUdgo Mountains, connecting Anderson, South Carolina, with Knorville, Tennessee. When completed this road will gise tbe shortest route from tbn groat Weat to the South Atlantic seacoast, and will do much to develops the commercial and agricultural resources of both Booth Carolina sod sections of other adjacent Slates. This will I* the nearest and heat route* to the seal-usrd (or a very large section of the Western eouutry, for the produce of which it opens an outlat never obstructed by ice, whence then it direct and short romtnu titration Willi one of the ?no#t important of our foreign i?.*rk#U, either to buy uracil io, tbi Weat ladaea." . . ?. w ? Job Daow.i'e Pmn-Whut Job Brown waa Governor of Orer^a and a good Con feilciatw, m wall aa ? reepnc table naan, he had made aeveral lltouaand pike* with which the Stale militia were to whip the ' horrid Yanker#. The#* pikea were never 1 ueed, and were aoU a few w<ekeego In Am gttai a It j? rumored I bat thraa are the arme of the nxmt improved pattern* of which Governor Seott a poke eo feelingly, and th v a large numlitr of ti?*m have b?en Imughi njp lor the nee of the Hoalh Cerelina * nteliali." A friend baa lent ua oue of theae pikea, which may be aeen at e?r of fine. It la at o?ee a relie of the " hn* been,* and a euggeatVon of tlia ''may bo." [Charletton jYrwa. wonoa PaAaoar, Esq.?Thla gentleman baa written te the town of Georgetown, Maea., elating that it labia inteaition te rupply all the funda needed to anatain the pnblic library { which be bae given to the town, nod alao preventing $4,001 toward* the permanent hind. In thia eoaneetion we mention with regret that letter* have been received at Waehingtoo wbieh ! atatc that the health ef Mr. Veebody, who ia now In Lo?(b>n, la not good, and that ha ia an si vol te retara to bit heme in Aneeviect and end bere hia day a. Bacoaok.?It has Jaat been decided in the ' fSfpreme Coort that travelers mwat withdraw tboir baggage from the keeping of railroad com pan tea apea arrival; that the companiea . are under no obligation to etore the baggage, I and are not liable for ita lota If "not removed * withton awneennbto Alma." Ae tbia le very different from the ayatem in Europe, Knropean traveler* fi>oaid especially take notice of ftt. fOor railroad*, of foin*, k|* tin on too hihla4in a mm for tUo munptri to think of (nob a i rifle aa apeomapodating the public on (ho trunk i queitionr?hfew Y*rk liermld. Pacific Ra t?+of?.-r Some idea of the Bar- ! .nitade of Air road, independent ef it* length, , in Or bo formed foam *ho foot that portion* of , It eost $500,00.0 nor mile. The bloating powder alone, far 14# alien tbb aide of Saernmen* to, coot ASM,096, wbila tbo average ooot par , lUff the aoenui. Motion wJT??mS. The point of greeted elevation te BrMgor'e Pan*. (Roo^ty Mountain*,) 7.W4 feet above tide water. The two compaawi (Central Pa eiflo and Da (on Paoiflc) hare, combined, 349 , Int cjac? loeomoiivna, and over 4,009 freight earn, all (read jf?r buaiaca*. A*mix anon ow Cam ana ? Intelligence re- i oeivod in thin city itotu that a majority of the aatUUntoalat, or repealer*, a* they are called, of (Mnada, will, eany in the enrnmer, openly adveepti the annexation of the Now Dominion to the United 8tepee. A general anti-Union ?awn oeia IB MBBO, BB<t it that ?* * M taxation party la to 4av#lop it*If. [ Wm?ki*gton Ckroniel?. Hynii(iB?om^ P?B?ilU oorroorood-0 ? ?? pUpBUb Mfi that i tfco oagrpp* of that tows tr? rapidly moving Booth. Fifty of thorn Itfti night or J two ago for Attest*. Dm tobooeo mii faetorara haw (pop |p tha opi*# piano. Oor J AM MArlf ill iImmI Fatal imbu o? term. RUb otlby Ao **W*oMl orploaVBO# a boroaOoa aSKsJCurtis: , l by 4*tU. I k Kuwdraraa ?f$r*i?roM,-,T^a odltor of A tha Jackion villa (FU) flortditn, * Wn iOiirti bU lint of tka tat ioaUat, that I tb? payor would bo diarootianod from <mA I diitf. Cmw{ wgft of|?tro*ogo. ' Will It ?? walk *u* war* |?w?iflrd L lore Mp?r! ! local U*r??tion that work is being rfgor- ] iiaptfumt f0^i mmm IlklfwOt lilMUll llllHll !? >< , 1 Companies are orgatilwd a ad put to woik. . Whli ikt ?wr|y at present calibrated. ttia Ira* a? itiass uf iwanijr mU? will aoou be r / 1 /' v i^| ^ , t t ^ ?e , 1 - Wa tra railed lor several mi lea afcmf th*' 1 +ne where tit* timber had been eut %waj Mid warwatrwak with the beautiful appear' WW ?? tataflnad the rwcd wauM irMnt J ' a ban completed. For Hght grades and gen 1# wnrn we tblok this lint will tvnipir* with any ww ba?a ever eeee any where ? Col t*|4, the efficient Engineer, Mwii i? tbai In I ??rjr nhort time h? ihwkl eoinaaeuee ibe nir??y of Ibe second aeetio , ^ preparatory to patting tin Minn nndnr ei nknot. We HuMwtly bcltvee tliwt If the l>?o|dn of lib section, and along thi liar, *Wo wrn no vitally interested in tliU nntnr J pries, all do their whole duly?what tbey nay and nan do?the nntirw Una, from tiara lo Atlanta will ba under contract by i?ly , ?r August. That ibn road will now ba < Liullt there nawd no longer ba a doubt?U ? n fined fact, lu partiaular location, luwofer. will to noma rxteut depend npoo lircnmatancsa. "iiwt bar# before nM, the road will , i>a bolU; but what wa want in lor ewnry ?ne to aunt op and do ItU doty that H may ] >? pnshsd rapidly to completion. The of Users who bits now charge of tbe woik, I know no aoelt ward aa fall, lharrfora let ne try una do but bit doty and all will ba , win." I Twa ViLstmrw A Mauchbstm r. r.? J rbo entire road, with all Ma Depots, Rolling Block and Workshops is advertised in the \V ilningtnn Journal, for sale. The sale is U> take place in tbe ally of New k'ork, on the 23d of June next, and the huts ire to ba caab down. i iii. i GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT cannncTco wer.tLT, ar MESSRS. DAVIO fit SIRADLEY,MERCHANTS. UREBXVILLK, 8. a. MAY. 18. 1889. APPLES, T* hushol. Oriel, p l J,$i.0t?(<j)*l.23 44 44 44 44 un pec led, 84 c. to 4 $1 09 BACON. ? lb, new, ?..18 @ 21 ?. BALE HOPE, ft lb,...,; .124 to Ik. H At) til N't), Gunny, "pi, yd 28to30 c. , BAUUIKU, Dundee, ^ yd 20 to 22 c. BURAAPS l?i BUTTER, y? lb 29 ^iUc. BUCKWHEAT PI.OL'K,t|^lU0lbs,la.00<3,4.00 BEESWAX, W lb -24to?l) e. CHICKENS, bead, .29 to 24 e. COFPKK, fit, Rio, ...........25 ? 83 r. CORN, ? bushel, now, $1 09(^1 14 COTTON- 24.-. I EGGS, W doocn ?... IO(H, Kl.0UK, n i?cli .. i6 OuC^O 25 GOLD :._ $1 S5 INDIGO, Kpani.b Flcat, ?2 00<?2 25 So. C*. -$1 76(^2 0U IRON, ^3 lb, American, 74c. I.KAL). 3A ft ..2n ?. LEATHER, ^ ft, Sola, lIviuK>ck,?S5@374 e, - " 44 Oak, 45(5,50 ?-. " " 44 Upper, ....70^j7a e. M mm llanicoa, 65 ?. MOLASSES, -f* ??!., MiiKovodu, 76(3*1 ?o 44 44 Hyrup...... $1 25 NAILS, ^ keg .. $8 50 OATS, ? l>u?Lct,? .. 00 I'EAS, " 41 00 PEACHES,?* b". Dried, peeled.*! 00(3$6 00 44 44 44 44 ii n pee ted, SI.50 P0TAT0K8, buthel, Irish ?75<g4l 00. 44 44 8 woof,. ?40(^ 75c RYK,?I bushel 90<g.l 00 SALT. V ?*ck, Liverpool S3 50 SUGAR, ^ ft. Drown,. ...? 15 to 20 e Clarified,... 20(3224 r. u << << OruilxilrM.. 26 c. BJIIRTINO. eeren-ciglite, ?* hale, 1*4* 44 44 retail. 15 r. TALLOW, V *? - -16 C. WHEAT. ? bushel 42 00(342 25 YARN, faolory, by bate,..- .....43 00 - w uuncn.IV Dry Goods. Provisions and Family Supplies. w. a*. waiACBasOT^ii?, CORNER AUGUSTA & PENDLETON STREETS, WOULD inform hi* friend* end the puMIc In general, (bet be has eow en bend e STOCK of DRY GOODS. CALICOES, BOOTS, 8IIOKS 11 ATS, TRUNKS, AC., AC., 1 TOOKTBBK WITU GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS: \ BACCX, LARD, RfCE, SALT, COFFEE SUGAR, MOLASSES, TEA FISH, AC., AC. And would be ploeted to meet with eontinned r?ror. lleving recently returned from the Charleston market, hie Stock I* therefore fresh. Also keepe on Laud, POULTRY, KUUS AND BUTTER. 63-4 May 14) as Notice. THE Contract for building a BRIDGE I across Saluda Hirer, about one mile below tbe eld Ligoo bridge place, will be let to tbe lowest bidder ea Thursday, tbe 37th day if this month, between II A. M. and 3P.H. Opacifications, Ac., mads known on tbe rrouwds. ALKX. McHER, Chairman of Board County Commlso|oners for Oreenrino County. BLLIOTT HOI.COMBV, for Pickons County. Office County Commissioners, Greenville C. !!., Msy 18th, 180*. 1 May 19 89 It . t rhs Stats of South Carolina, | GREENVILLE COUNTY. By ft. J. DOOTItlT, Etquirt, ProbaU Jmdy | of nM Oomtfy. \\THEREA8, WM. H. BOVET bu filed a W Petition ift my OAee, preying thftt Letter* of Administration on all and linteUr the roods and chattels, rights and eredTt* of ' LEWIS WORTHINO'fON, laleef the Cooaty aforesaid, dsesaesd. ibteld be granted to bin. Him are, tUtrofvrt, to ait# and ad mod tab all and singular the kindred and oreditors of tbe said deceased, to be and appear in iba 1 Court of Probata far said Count/, to La bolden < at Graeneilla Contt House, on tba 1st day of I June next, to show cauie, if any, why tba said ! Administration should not bearea tad. I S. J. DOUTHIT. P. i. O. O, Probate Ooart, May lith, IMS. M-l llsacy ts LcM. SEVERAL TI10U3ASP DOLLARS hare boon planed U i?y haode to land, oa . *?g t)Mr a*nt|/a4 by unencumbered real , B F. rwiB\\ | Oreaurttie, C^*ay 4th, 18?^ W * K " 'A WSMBMUl?LM-. l-ixmmiil tiTim r?4?o?i?4 t* IM4 itoiMt aw**?? it Um PrvfiMiun la lb* SUU H* Isvltod to Uto?4. Tto rwfeto wllwiii to4 Hn?Mtw< delegate* fur ot>? Air*. ' *** "* ' JOlIM DOUULAM, MAi j . ViM PfMhtoat S. C. M.dlwU Association. ????? i i ...? ?? BAT* A* IP? P? VJC " V'A litl A 6 L E > * REAL ESTATE. The State of South Carolina, PICKKN8 COCNTY. IN F * O S A. T . HARRISON HAMILTON ere/., oe. RARAll JA?K HAMILTON ctaf.?/Wife* lb SbU Land a, ??*e. BY virtue of an order from I. H. Phllpot K*q., Judge Probot* Court for said l/uuntr, I will wit to Uio highest bid dor, at PICKENS C. 1L, at> S*lee-dog t* Jeae wet, THE BEAL ESTATE Of WILLIAM HAMILTON, deceased, wo. Uting of FOUR TRACTS OF LAM), a* follows : True! Nh. I, tha Ilomoiltad, containing 153 Ac roe, awro or lew, adjoining land* or MUa lirnebiut, Ptrrj Miller, Tract* No*. 3 and 4. Trad MM, containing fV} Acre*, a?r* or let*, adjoining L. T. Addingion, P. Miller, tad TraoU Not. t and 3. Trmct A'a. 3, containing 100J Arret, more or k(t, adjoinbtg Addington, d. 11. Bowon, Tracts Not. 3 and 4. TVrtrf Jfo. 4, containing ?H Aewe, more or lot*, adjoining Warren Hamilton, S. II. Bowmi. Tract* No*. 1 and 3. TERMS OF 8ALB.?On a credit of on* aad two yeart, with interest Irotu date, with bond* and two good aaretic*, and a mortgage of tbo premise*. The purchaser* to pay cost* In cath on day ot sale, and to pay oxtra for tamp*, title* and mortgage. J OA II MAULDIN, S. P. C. May 19 93 ? CITY ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Greenville, That from and after the pna-age of thie Or dinanee, any person couvieted of keeplrg a dtaorderly house within the incorporate liinite af the City of OiW??lll>', *ball. upon convicllon, for each such ofL-uee, he fioad a turn not let* than twenty five do;tare nor more limn llflv dollar*. B* It further orfaintd, Tliil I lie owner or lessee of any dwelling howae or oilier building, fittialvd witlilu raid iueorporate limits, who lets or sab-lets any such dwell Ing In use or other building, to any person or person^ to be naad, or wtih the knowledge that the same ia intended to be wed and kept aa a howdy house, or house of prostitution, shall, upon conviction, pay a Hoe of not less than five dollars nor more tliau fifty dollars for etery day u|h>q which such house or bulldtug shall be used or kept. That all nrdiaanoea heretofore passed relative (o bawdy bouses, or houses ol pros tituiion within *he iucoi poralion of the said Town, be, and the aanir are hereby re|*ealed. Done so'i ratifl-d under the corporate sea) of the said City of Greenville, this III teenth day of May, iu the y?r of our Loid," ooe thousand eight huudred and silly uina. (Signed.) \Y. It. JONKS, Mayor, A. )5. McDavid, City Cleik. May ltf AS 1 The State of South Carolina) GREEN VILLI! COUNTY. By S. J. DOl'rUIT, E?q., I'rolaU Judy* o/ said County. WHEREAS, D. C. BENNETT bas filed a petition iu uijr Office, praying that Letters of Administration on all and siugular (be goods noil chattel*, right* aud credit* of PERRY BALDWIN, lata of the County aforesaid, deceased, aboa'.d be grautud to bin. Three ore, therefore, to ell* and admonish ail and singular ton kindred and creditor* of the *aid deceased, to lie and appear In lb* Court of Probate for said County, to be hidden at Qraaurillo Court House, ou the 27th day of May iust., to show cause, if any, why the said Administration should not l>c granted. 8. J DQL'THIT, p. J. G. C. Probata Offiae, May I3tb, 16C?. 62-2 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By & J. OOUTU1T, A*f., Prohule Judy of mid County. WHEREAS, BENJAMIN TOWNSEND ha* lied a petition in my Ofllce, pray, iog that Lettars of Administration ou all and singular tha goods and chattels, rights and oredits or LEMUEL J. WADDKLL, lata of tha Counts aforesaid, deceased, should be granted to him. Three ore, therefor*, to elte and admonish all and singular tha kindred and creditor* of tha aaid deceased, to be aad appear lw the Court *f Probate, tor aaid County, to be holdsn at Greenville Court House, na tha 27th day of May lost., to abow causa, if any, why the said Administration should not he granted. 8. J. DOUTHIT. P. J. O. C. Probate Office, May 13tb, 1869. 62-2 Notice IS hereby given to all whom it may concern, that wa will apply to 8. J. Doutbit, Probate Judge for Greenville County, on the 14th day of June next, A. D., <669, for a Final Discharge as Administrators from tha KiUtea nf ELLtOTT BATSON, deceased, nod FOUNTAIN P. BATSON, deceased. A. J. BATHON, ) D. F. BATSON ] *? " **** *?. May 12di, 1869. 61-6 Notify FS hereby given to t ifelrs of TV ASHINflTHV WniTll.i. .1-...^ mm.A r.t ELIZABETH SINGLETON, dtcour'd, who rveids out of the State, and to all whom It may concern, that 1 will apply to S. J, Doutlilt, Probata Judge, of Greened!# I'oun v, f?r a Final H~W anient of Uie K-tatr ot MICHAEL WB1TMIRE, deceased. or iba iih day of Jnna next, and also, for a Filial [)i*?hsrg? aa Administrator of said Estate. MICHAEL WHITMIRK, Adminiatrator. May 8th, 13M. ' 61-4 " * " ee n.'i ? Notioe 18 hereby given to all whom it may eon earn, that I ?UI apply to 8 J. iMiuthit, Pro he t a Judge, for Greenville County, on the 10th day of Jona next, for a Final RatLlement of the Estate of JOHN W. HUDJON, daaaaaad, and for a Diseharge from the same as Exeeutar. K P. HUDSON, Ex sen tor. May UHh, IMA Rl-t Maliresee* MADE to ordar, on short node*. Per sons saa furnish their own material, >1 they aaa ha furnished by lb# uaderugned, at the residence of Mr. G. W. Land, rear Mi. CaabUt blasksmhb shop JAMES M PRICE. ? t* ra , ' ** a ft t B ? 8 8 I HARTFobij mi wtiai nruT. W U>X?Z.?2 tSt&iSiSS 1tVAPOBATf*u? AKD MILLS, for tbo bm?ftcur? of 8?gar nft 8;i?| Ami Um forM? not^tferiwg to B? MMh an l}p*rl> ntaul maobtbe, bat cm of irtiicb there tn thousand^ said to U, now la tuo, in different ?arti of tbo knatrjr, ml m will bark ouly volition a low of it* many merits, u tblnad by th? namflwnnn. It bat about I one balf tbo fuel and a boat on* balf the labor, and tbo oust la aWat ana balf tbo prion of other machinra. Tbo results attained aw a Sim article of Sugar and tbo finest kind of Syrwp, (readily sotting at from ft to $1.00 par gallon,} aud we eiaim that it to tbo only mai oblno wbicb CLARIFIES and C0SDK3BBS lu tbo oante operathHi. With all iboao facta In Hi Ibror, thoro aood bo au wundor at tbo aacoooa tbo Qonoral Agent is mooting witb in all oar Boalbont cities and I tow nr. Wo oball baoo ono of tbo Maobiaot la operation ia town soon, aatll tbon wo invito, our (Honda and tbo public generally to call at our store, aaa sampler, modal, illustrated circulate, Ac., and whom wa sbaU bo ploaood to giro tbem all tbo Information in oar powor. DAVID St 8TRADLKY. I April r 40 tr ! Slate Bf Sonlh Carol!nit, GREENVILLE OOUNTY. SHERIFFS SALES. BY virtuo of sundry Writs ot Fieri Facia* to uto directed, I will sell, before tbo Court House door, on Sh led hi/ in June, ntjef. between the hear* of 11 o'elock la lb* forenoon and 9 o'clock in tho afternoon, the following Property, to wit: One Lot <?f Land within the corporate Unite of iliu oity of Greenville, lying on the north side of Pcmllctun-atrect, containing 30 acres. Bora or Ices, (the Homestead having hocn set off.) Also, oo* Tract of Land, situated about 17 tnilcs south of Greenville Court House, on the waters of llcedy lliver aud Reedy Fork, and knowu as the Iteody Fork Plantation, containing 10X0 acres,more or lest. (This plantation is resold at the risk of tne former purchaser) Hounded by leads of Dr. D. D. Moore, Mercer Jenains, Wham, Hopkins and others. Also, 1 large 2 horse Carriage and I Buggy. Levied on as the property of T. Edwin Were, at the suits of A. 1). Hoke and T. Q. Donaldson, Administrators of lbs Estate of D. Hoke, deceased, and id W. N. Martin, Assignee of the Estate and Effects of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, and of J. Cleveland, Assignee of K. Alexander. Also, one Tract of Land, situated soar Govensvillc, in the upper part of the Couuty, containing 1,000 acres, moo re or less, (the if ninestead to be set off to Defendant before day of sale.) adjoiaing lands of Austin Balloau, Levi Ward, and others. Levied on as the property of A. J. Ward, at the suits ofO. B. Irvine and Wiliiatn Hickson. Also, one Tract of Land, rontaining 40} acres, moro or less, adjoining lands of if. E. Lynch, John Love and others, (the Homestead hsviog been sot off to Defendant under the prorisioos ol tho HoB<-*stond Act.) Levied on as the property of J. B. V.'lilttnfrc, at the suit of Juo. C. Fowlor. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps aud pspors. A. B. VICKKR8, 8. G. C. Sheriff's OUco, May 6th, Ittdtf. May 12 61 S SOUTIFCA ROLI1VA Stat* Agricultural and Mechanical Magazine. (Official Orpitn of the South Carol inn Statt Agricultural and Mechanical Society ) AT an early date, ths subserdiera will puhli-h the first number of a Monthly Magazine, devoted to the development of the material interests ol this State, and the whole South ; mid will distiilmte five thousand copies gratuitously, so that every one may s- e what it la before subscribing.? Tltey intend to innka It the beat and hand so-uest industrial magazine ever published at the South, and they a?k the cordial eo operation 01 eve>y good cit sen in this enterprise, which must redound to the public welfare. Persons wishing copies of the first nuniber. will please send their addreca to WALK Kit, EVANS A COGSWELL, Charleston, S. C. May 11 61 if M1LLINEKY. 91188 Alt-KAY, having returned from New York a few iQMWfc <la va ago, hat opened a well se Mnsf lecUd Stock of MILLINERY, consisting of FRENCH 150NMVffjM NETS and 1IAT8, IIATS and 0/W CAl'8 for Ladies, Misses, Hoys <5B and Infants, FLOWRltS. RIBQtWi HONS, Hair COILS, lilt AIDS, Ac. ALSO. DRHSS MAKING, in all its braoebos, attended to with neatness snd despatch. May 6. AO If Dissolution. THE Partnership existing between the undersigned is this day dissolved by mutual consent. A. MILLER, II. J. McliKAYER, OTIS P. MILLS. Greenville, April 34lb, I860. wean. nil.LS ? AlcllKAY ER having purchased iny entire interc?t in the firm of A. Miller A Co. I aolieit for them a continuance of the liberal patronage of those friend* who have ?o kindly sustained us. The unsettled business of the late firm will be adjusted by them. A. MI LI.Kit. May 5 iO 3 Hotio?. IN oonformity with requirements of Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to nil person* who may claim Ow ttnrrtl and a Drmijokn a/ H'ifiiy, ee aed oa the premises of Carter Tanner, on the 4th of May, by If. M. Porry and J. B. Sherman, because of violation of Internal Revenue Laws, to asake snch claims before ma within thirty days fro as the first publication of this notiee. A. i*. COBB, Dap. Col. May ft ftO 3 THE MORNING STAR. AGAIN Enlarged and Improved 2 raNHIS w-11 estal.lUhsd and popular Dai M. ly Newspaper has recently been greatly enlarged and improved, (the sea > ond enlargement in eighteen months,) and "la confidently offered to the people of the two Carolines as second to no daily journal in stitkar f\t t Knao The Star is a live, practical and progree aire Newapsper, eminently adapted to tha wants of this seetion; sound and #00aerrati vs in its teaohlnga, and dsvotsd to tlis 14 Co<nm<-relal and Agricultural Intsrsata of the 8outh." It eontaiue fall and reliable reports of the markets, tclrgraphie dlt patches, local news and general intelligence Terms, to advance: One year, $1.06 ; six an00the, $*.60; three month a $2.00; ens month, $0.75. Address, Wn. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wlloiingtoa, If. CAPJI id VI PI)8 8.- " NEW GOODS. T U AVE ju?t nMthiI wlih 8u>?k ?f 1m OocH*. which I ? very mi(?w to ?? Mbit to (hto vW ant In >?c4 mt th> m. nU oi which | r**peetfiiUy rcqocct to hw mc with eel I p*fore purchasing eWwbore.? CcH soon, to I cm cullhig Mi let at low TUOMA8 CTEBIT, HU toils TTTCT APPTVGTi OXJKJX Alllli T lil/? f I > A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 09 UDIES' SHOES AND BOOTEES, iMwl* in the South.) h>1 warranted equal to f ILLS' BEST. Fur wit cheap, at STEER'S STORE. ALSO, A FIXE SELECTION OF LAXDRETB'S BEST GARDEN SEEKS. ' Red end White CLOVER, Lectnt, Orchard and Blue OR ASS. For eat. at STEEN'S STORE. I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OF OXF. tlVXDIlKD It US II ELS Or Dickson Cotton Seed, On Consignment. For ftale cheap, at STEER'S STORE. March II U tf JTJST RECEIVED AT IMhMVtVS A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ' SPRING AMU SUMMER rpHB Ladies would do well to eall and ex| amine my Stock of DRESS GOODS at an early day. I am now offering, at rcry moderate price*, a beautiful assortment of ORIENTAL LUSTnES STRIPED l'OPLINS LKXOK CLOTH 8PRAGUK DaLATXES A 1.1'ACOA LUSTRES, AC. These Goods have been selected with great ears and good taate. My Stock of Goods for GENTS AND YOUTH'S WEAR, will be ton ml very com pic to ? Cloths. Cassiiaeres, 1 Tweed*. Ready-made Shirts, Black Alpine llats, Merchants Union Paper Collar*, Ac. I have just opened a beautiful lot of 8IL, YKR WARE, such as Table 8(mmmis, Forks, Tea Spooua, Butter Knivos, Salt and Mustard Spoons. Thi* ware is plated on genuine AlLata?full weight ol silver. ALSO. A ln? selection of pure GOLD JEWELRY, Plain Gold Kings, Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Ac. Photograph Album*, all sixes and prices, liuck Purses, Handkerchief Extracts, Soaps. I am now offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at very low figures; also Paper Shades, Fire Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock will always be found complete in this liuo. I have on hand all number* o: the eelcbrai tod Willitnantio Soft Finish Rlack Spool Cotton, the I-est iu use for Machiues?try it and be convinced. In abort, my Stock will be found complete, fresh and attractive at all times. Cull and satisfy yourselves. W. II. Ilovcy, Mar 21 U If m&w iiilt AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET BTOXX. Ill AVE laid in * very full and complete Block of near and reasonable Oooda. which have Wen aelccted with the view to fill the demand* of a varied patronage, and which are of the very beat qualities In the Gent* Department may be fonnd Caaaitnerea, Tweeds, Cloth*, and Readymade Clothing, Paper Collars, Cravats, Ac. Black Felt Hats, White and Slimmer ditto. In the Ladies Department my stock is fuller than ever before, and I know that the ladies will be pleased upon examining my liat of DxLAlNRS. FANCY ALPACCA8, POPLINS, DsARMURKS, STRIPED GRENADINES. CAMBRICS, Together with a large lot of PRINTS.? WHITE GOODS, consisting partly of Lawn*, Swisses, Jaconet*, Long Cloth*. Ladie* Boots and 8hoes, Hate and RiW Was, and Fancy Articles. Boots and 8hoea, Trunks, Valiaaa. A Aft/tAMDano * - - ? v/iir wivvjv. nniM are K?pt In lull stock, Ooff?e? Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Lard, Floor, Rica, Fish. Tha above embraces hot a very Indefinite idea of my atock, and I would request my friends and customers when calling on me to ask for articles not mentioned or scan upon entering. T. W. DAVIS. Mar 81 45 tf VALUABLE LANDS FOR SALE. gtnML WK offer for sale, Thirteen valuable Tracts of LAND, be. BflR longing to the Batata of DOR. 4ttdBE?CAS ORBEN, deceased. The above lands are very valuable on account of their slose proximity to the City of Qraanvllle, and are laid off in small tracts, hat will be sold in larger bodies If purchasers desire.? None of the Vends are mors than three miles from the City, and soma under two miles. Terms reasonable;some sad examine them. If net sold at netvafte tale, tbey will be offered at uublio auction on Sales-day in June. C.T. HAMMOND,) T. ?. OXENW. t **scuters. April 17 th, 1889. 3!i! S. v F. P.TOAIjE, nAai.aiv?ai&?, POORS, SASBTBLISPS. \' * 1 ' 1 flf Nor*.?W* vwld rail the particular a lira tion ?f oar firirad* la th* a Wove card. P. P. Tool# bo* a larga Kae??rr, and each facilities * enable Uim to swppty lb* boot work of hi* own Baks at low prices. A very Urge and complete assortment always on band at bfe Factory, Hn, lb?rk'? Whmrf, wo*r A'erfA-Au?4*m /{nilrood UrytA, CJkm/UHo?, ? (,'. N. B. ?Orders from the country solicited, n<l strict attention paid to chipping la good order. tt-Iy April 7 A* C. KAUFMAN BROKER, URimU & C0KHSSI8IIHR NO. U, BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. WILL RLY AND SRLL REAL. K8TATK, BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, Ac. an rnn n oca. Kx Got. B. F. Perry, Greenville, 9. C. Charlec T. Lowndes, Charleston, 9. C. Leiurrne A Miles, " " W. W. Taylor, Baltimore, Md. Maj. C. H. Ruber, Newberry, 8. C. Goa. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Vn. Hon. J. B. Campbell, Charleston, 8. C, W. B. Siuith A Co? ? " 1 Crane, Boylaton A Co., " " Belter, Rodger* A Co., - Preachy, LonLA Icgleaby,44 " J. H. Wileon,. ? Apill 7 40 tm* SOUTH CAROLINA JdfRN AND TNVST COMPANY. Aniiurited Capital, Fir* MilKva Dollar*.? Frrrral Limit, $600,000. THE office of tbia Company ia bow opened at No. 10 Broad Street (South-Western Railroad Bank) for the receipt of Depovite, Discount of Paper, Pnrchaae and Sale of Ki. change, and the transaction of a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on Deposits upon terms established by the Board of Directors. The Company is also a legal depository foe moneys paid into Court, will receive Registry and Transfer Rooks, act as agent to pay Cva* pons and Dividends, and as Trustee in Railroad Mortgage*. DIRBCTOaa, W. C. Bee. at Wm. G. Bee A Co.; A. & Johnston, of Johnston, Crewa A Co.; RuIa Mure, of Robt. Mure A Co.; W. B. Williams, of W. B Williams A Son; E. M. Frost, ol Frost A Adger; J. E. Adger, of J. E. Adger A Co.; Henry Gourdin, of Gour din, Matthieson A Co.; George L. Bnist, of Buist A Buirt; C. G. Mcmminger, of Mens minger, Jervey A Pinckaev ; T. J. Kerr, ml T J. Kerr A Co.; J. D. Aiken, of J. D. At keo A Co : John Cnmneen, of Cam pa en A Co.: A P. Caldw.ll, of K. A A. P. Caldwell; W. K. Kyan, J. T. Welsmaa, B. O'Neill, J. J. Gregg, Grnniteville. $. C. For further Information, address ?j r.yj. f. uANr.i.un, rrww?iil TH08. K. WAKING, Cashier. Chai lest on, S. C., March 12, 186ft. March 24 44 IS CARD* ' CHARLES lERRISON, I70RMERLY of the Ann of C. A E. 1m . KKKRI80N, would inform hi* friends and the public .hat ha baa purchaaad from Mr. Jamen B. Butts, all bia stock in trad*, Ac., at tlie Store No. 252 King Street, and will there continue the DRY GOODS BC8IKE8S, wholesale and retail, for cash, on bia own individual aecount and responsibility.? lie will proceed, without delay, to replenish and renew tbo Stock, and contiuue so doing until the assortment shall be made complete and attractive. As the terms will be STRICT* LY CASII. or approved city acceptance for short credit, it necessarily follows that the prices must be kept at least as low as to Ve found at any other respectable establishaaent. His brother, Mr. E. L. KKKKISON, assisted by Mr. A. B. MoDONKLL, both experienced merchants in this line, will be found at bis store, aiding in the conduct and management of the business, and it is hoped that his and their cfTorts to win the confldtstce and patronage of the public will be aa successful as in past dayt was the old ftraa at eesuer ?f King and Market Streets, Feb 24 4ft 3m PIMM'S bWtic bitters. THEY GUILE DYSPEPSIA, in m miuoi or tn STOMACH ADD LIVER. thmt abb uoomnno bt m MSPXOAL PAOVITY. HKGEMAN Ac CO, JLOMXTS, SRW TOUR, Hannfactnred by C. t. PAHKKIH. curat urc atotucaxt, OHARLE8TON, ?. *P. 4^1Vr Mt Hf DmmrUtm XmeryeheI't.-tf Feb 24 40 >7 Offer Extraordinary! Nearly Bin Tlund red Pepet nf the Choicest Reading for 60 ??>/* IK order to the people on opportunity to b?wm? better i?^n?lntr<| ?Hh their beontifu) magarfne, " OflfCB A MONTH," the publlehere will oend the Aral eix members of thla year for Ml eente. Eeeh number of " Onee o Month" oonteine 96 double-cofomn pagee of the beet etorit-a n<d entertaining end Instructive reeding te be found hi Ony magaslne in the eonntry. The eub*erlption prtoe ie ft a year. Ita typo* graphical beauty ia not excelled, Hrnd 60 eenta, and yon wilt get thiebeau. lltii) magaftine from Jaeuary to June of thie year,containing 676 pegeaof cho re reading. I Ad.lrea* T. 8. ARTHUR A PON P. | ''9 d Gkcatont fttreet, Philadelphia, i l'4y!4 61 U