University of South Carolina Libraries
p ^ V*., vlaited ib* Proddeat to torn. . Th?u>* groes express thrmdelve* ratisfled, but do dctlill hw? totHpiNd. (J{^; The President has declined to see Sinom*. whose appointment to the Savannah jkNit office he refused to *ign. ' v TJie I'r eat dent order* General Reynold* to retain olfteen eotisolfdafed oot for eitil officer* in Texaa, RrjtioldrMvloK *v*?t<d hi* inability to Bud suitable persona could take the test oath. tt& fcThe Bpaniab Legation ia urging the Ex coUT* liv In Cuban affair*. | The ('otnmisaioner of Revenue deofdea that liquor dealer* whd sell over and under 13 SMBf *'**> ** " fa about sailing. with supples Tor the Cuban*. Thereupon tha Bor?t*ry of State request* the Seer*tare Of the Kavjr to prevent violation* of the neutrality l?wi of WAMttWi*, Map d^-Thi#^?*?ing'#^lar W* PruHwt Grant ha* Instructed Caithy to USUIIt IDt YIIjgMla UuBSUIultoB an the last Tueoday In Juna or tba 1st Tuesday In July. Canby's *e-argsataatisa of Virginia divides the State'Into twenty-seven military cominlsYest onlay, Gen. Leo visited John Jsnnoy, Esq., Prsfidsat t? thn Virginia Conya?ti?n which passed the secession ordinance, and who presented the sword to Led hi behalf of the people. The interview ?m affecting. Janney Is now qwtte oW and Infirm. L?- received many visitors to-day in Alexandria. 1 , The raion League delegation which visited Grant yesterday, included Governors Newell, ?r New Jersey, and 11olden, of Korth Carolina. Their object was to strengthen and hold together tba Repobliean party and iU principles, and secure an early restoration of all the States. They assured President Grant of the cordial support of the League and their intention So do aU la their power to wake his administration a success. The President expressed hie gratification, and promised to do all in his power to deserve thoir good opinion. Txkatt with Mexico?It is rumored (hat despatkbrs bars been received at Washington In whkti the Mtxiean Government pro. gvoeee to cede to the United States a certain portion of its territory for a specified ?sunt In geld. The territory ? bieh ii is propu*. d to cede lies on the Gulf of California, and la toe Jewed to include the States of Bo. Dora and Sinaioa. The negotiation origin ntes nrifft StaorAwtere, Hie present Sacra - lory of the Trreenry of IheJuaru Govern, ensnt, who was formerly Mexican Minister to the United Slates; tool it, of course, meet* the approval of rtnUesl Juaxea.? It is quite evident thstUie Northern Slates: of Mexloo cannot much longer be held by the central Govcinmenl. They.are filling up with a class of population kindred to that which wrenched Texas from Mexico and attacked It to the United Slates, and revolution will follow revolution until a like result will bo produced. I i Attention Is invited to onr stack of Cutlery, lloee, Shovels, Fork*, Svytlic end O rn?S lllvdc*, and fancy good* ill Oli*> Hardware line. Footer A liuuter. 49 Poi.mrtt. Connvrno*.?Perhaps nothing tbe poltiral corruption which la prevalent in nil branches of {he Government more than the oondact of John P,, our Minister to the Court ef Spain. Of con rev. Ministere are allowed to import such article* a* are necessary for their personal or family tire, free of duty. Dut ne one would roppoee they would tnrn smugglers and defraud tho Government to which they are accredited, aa well se disgrace the Govern*eat whoso repveaeuUtivaa they happen to be. Bat Mr. John P. Hale, ex-abolition candidate for President, and new Minister to Spain, has none of the scruples which ordinarily govern men. In October, 1Mb, he was detected in bringing iu 830 pounds of cotton, l,4t>0 pounds woolen felt, " 4,000 pounds of carpeting, 47b pounds of linen damask, and 700 pounds of Curtain goods. Tbeee goods were not for bU own use, as will be seen by tbeir amount, but were for a certain commercial company in Madrid with which bp is coDhected, and In the profit of whieh he Was to share. Oan anything be more disgraceful ? Ought he nut hnve been (tripped of all bis diplomatic privileges, and tried as any other foreigner would bo, under the laws of Spain, for the offense of smuggling? What American could object to it who bad any sens# of hot)of or doecncey ??Ciucinnuti /?4?<Irtr. CRKlCNVrLLE PRICES CURRENT cotiimp vrsiir, ir tICOOBA BfitilB A. ATMlAi ru t.nna.....? niLuunt, vAfif a 01 HAULtT | MtlUiHAn I S> r H ** v i* ?o pooled, ?6 c. (a acoS, tffc, .. L..laa si . 11ALK ROPB, 1? lb, 12* ?t> 15e. ?W??cb?&I J: BUH LAPS .. 1?| BUTTBR, W 2? <?* 25 *. HICK HNS, V bend........... 20 <$ 15 ?. 83 e. COHN, B bu?bel, dmt,- ..41 00@1 16 vflttTOn i.. mm. mm .? . ...m.Nc. MOOe. * Somd. IVgtlie. FLOUR, 4 Mok, 25 UOLD,....... ....41 80(3,41 45 ISDlUO, Hj ftnUh Float, tt 00(-il 25 " So. Co.,..., J1 75(42 00 IB4ir,tor?,'*oiiriMa,.. 7)e. L.KA1>, U fc,......~........ ........20*. LKATULll. ? lb, Solo, Hemlock,..3.1(4371 e. M T. h ? 0#k) 45<?54o. - 'mm Upper, .70(g) 75 o. " . " " UimtM 65 o. M0LAS9&B, ^ g$L, Muw.ivimIo, 75(441 06 " ?7n,p j-5!14 mi|.....ANAi ...................48 60 ........y. ...y.*"00 WW; pwM,K Itatk M 1 mm ? mdm|m1 . . .|| a| WT^tOM. V ^ nrn, * * ?>>< ALT, ?j| ?b, ? $3 00 ??u w o ^ i&sur **?'ig? ft J M M ^ " ; SHIRTING. oaron-olfbto, ^ UW, lift ?r~ ? -Tf _ |4^ 5AB TARN, FmIw/i by balo,.... $2 M m . Unob * i3 10 , . - 4 BoooWaM FW K? nbuinad at low I oat mark at. ri.Ua, fur llic toady utoiiOr. of FoaUr A lluutrr. . ? T 49 *ir, To iBngland wa tender thlTSlaica. r Which wilt the UM^if On Ml ?e? r gmtt, >at fW|iw?i4o m*lm tha Aigmtael- I iMr way." - t thnilinu'?Call at the Briak Stora en 8 ItarY/a tlkrner for jrwur Onffcc, Fre^nffer, C Syrifo,'htitt othtr neceeaol lea in lHahcuaao keeping line Bay tor aaab. 1 Foatar A ?.0#* ^ ? _ \fa Item fhat Chief Cbnttahle tfnhhard waa arrested In Httfboifry, yesterday Morning, ?p- 1 on the charge *f K?|>, of Hamburg, of J false Imprisonment. Ha waa rrqnired to giro f> ball la tha anfta of 95,000for tola appearance at tha next Coart of Cuotaba Plea and Ucnaaal <t Sessions, fu* KdgeOald Coanty. ^ Tur.^ A'?ic? announces that tbo "Union st?>, vi vuarieaion, wmen waa W operation I prerloqi to th? war, nntlt r a recent Act of the I Legislature, hu mined baiiiKMi and ia now ' redeeming iU bill* at par ia Halted fltataa our- A Purehaaera would da wall la look al our V lock of Monk, Hove, Ladies, and Children*, jj fcMioee, QaiUrs and Boole. We only recotn- d< mend the beat article*. Foatar dc ILunter. I tl Tna VirraKara Amkhdmmt ut Ohio.?The J tl UfltliUira of Ohio haa rnjucteil lha FiAucnth . a| Aiucadinout. I U ?7- - I U It ia notiaaabla that moat of tha grumbling . ft and complaining about tha administration cornea from radical journal* at the North. ai N*w Your, May 10. f Cot'on rather beney ; a?1ea I,SOS bale*, t< at28f. Gold weak, ?t 871 a B?ltiuo*?, lfay 10. Cotton dull, at Mb Flour nominal.? Wheat dull and lower?good to pilme red , " 1.70 @ l ie; choir* 200 ? 2-10 0?rn j " dull aud lower?white 82 @ 811 ; yetlww 8?' ?i @ 86. Poik 81 f. Bacon quiet. Whnky 3 *c?rce, at 98. g Charluton., May 10. ), Cotton Mr arid in' good'demarin, with r, ealaaol 600 bale*?middling* 271? reoeipta h 248. .auqcttymay 10. * Cotton market dull and itnttliAnV with aa)< a of 87 liolea?reeeipla 66} middling* ? 26J @ 2<4 - f1 ^ LiVKarO"! . May 10. Cotton Anil?nplanda 114? 111; Orleant * ll| @ 111; ?alea 7.000 bale*. ^OBITUARY. 4 r i * I v. Dian, at his residence In Greenville Conn- a i ly, 5. (1, 8?pl?inb?r 6th, 1868, HAKDY J. J p I GlLREATll, Esq.. nssrly 80 ycara of age. 1t ' About * year prior to iiln death, ha had i li yielded to the grave the ?ff.-ctionute wife of bis youth, and from that time the infhmi- c ties of age teeming to weigh mora hesrily '' npon Mm, it evident that hit last b end ana rapidly approaehing. But .villi . i Christian lot lilude he looked npon death a* j I but the messenger who he hmuhly irosied, n i through I lie merits 6f Chnrt, his Saviour j, and (jod should summon him to rest, and a meeting with the loved Christian friend* j who had panned through death before him. Arid when tha eventful moment of hia do parture came, he was not token hy surpr W, j hut wascahn, collected, ready. Our Father I in Israel left ue, not as one who leaves in 5 this world all that is dear, hut as one gi v| iug to a loved land, new indeed to sight, but often visited before by faith and hope. _ ' He waa horn in NVilk-a Coiin'y. North 1 Carolina, 18ih S?pteml?er, 1^8, anme to r reside in Giaenville, South Carohna. 1810, t married Miss Knney 11. Oresn, IV*h Fel-ni u ary, 1817. and beeaine a member of the M. c R Church 1828, anil for 40 years was a consistent member, titling uaehitly th* va- a rloua official atations in the church. O. s Religious Notice ' Appointments of Itev. A. li. SxrviiwK". P ll E , Greenville District, South Carolina Con- * ferenea. M. E Church, South, 2d Quarter: ? RtidciUe Circuit?April 24th and 25lh, at c Wood's Chapel. t . j QreinvtlU Station?May 1st and 2d. / Oretncill* Circuit?May 8ih a?d 9th atSa- f * lent. ? m Pickeneeille Circuit- May 15th and I61I1, at , si. 1'anl's. d Walkedla Circuit-Uuj 224 and 83d, at tl r Fairvinar. m 5 Seneca and Tugalo Circuit?May 29th and . 10th, at Friendship. Andereon Circuit?June 5th aod 8th, at ? Bethel. J| Andereon Station?June 12th and 13th. m Pendleton Circuit?June 19lh aod JOtb, at p Shady Grove. ? Pendleton Colored Charge?June 26th and V 27th, at Mt. Zion. Witliameton Circuit?July * ! and 4lh. a A. B. STll'llKKS, P. R L Apl 21 18 8 . . . tl NottCO ai TS hereby given to all whom It may concern, that wu will apply to 8. J. Douthit, Pro- a bate Judge for Greenville Coanty, on the 14th day of Juno next, A. D., <889,.for a Final Discharge aa Administrators from the K'.iatee of KLLIOTT HATSON, daeeased, andJ-'Ol'N. TAIN P. BATSoN, deceased. D*. ?. BATSONi } AdminUtratora. S May 12th, I860. 61-5 fltt^ijiartsn Ssatl Ostrellna Militia. ADJ. and IN8PBCT0K-GKNL'8 OFFICE, Colombia, S. C., May 6, 1809. ClRCVLAn. i WHEREAS, several communications hars . been received at thaae Headquarters, ] calling attention te the Irregular formation of military companies in various sections of the w State t and whereas, ne orders have yet been M Issued looking to the orgnniaatlon of the Stete ni Militia, or the arming end drilling of the soino; T therefore, the fullowiag Section of the "Act to *< organise and govern the Militia of the Stete al of South Carolina," approved March 18, 1869, o| is herewith published for ths information of all tr concerned t * Sac. H. That the organised militia of this rial, .i..ii ?.?. v??? -?.w_ *?-,? ? ..... ...? n.iii/Mi iinud or jj( the State of Hnoth Carolina, ?ad shall eon*1*t ofsuch divisions, brigade*, regiments and battalion*, and In addition thereto, ea^h bnttarica of light artillery, and tr?ope and aqnadrona of _ cavalry, a* the Commander in-Chief m?y deem expedient; and notbiog herein contained *hail bo ao eon*trued a* to interfere wit* the power M of tbb Commander-la Chief, In eaao of war or Inrarreetlon or of imminent danger thefoof, to order draOa of tbo militia and to form new rag. | itncnte, batfriiona, brigade* or divisions, as ha -1 may deem Jnst and proper: ProtiM, That th there ahatt So no military organisation*, or M formations for tha purpose af arming, drilling, $i. exercising the mannal of arm*, or military nt asanmnrroa, wot anthorlaed nador this Act, and d< by tho Commender-ln-Cblef, and any neglect er or flotations of the proriaioni of thjs Faction t0 shaH, npew eonvlirtlon, bo pnnlshed With lin* priaonmont at hard labor in the State PenitabSory for a term not last than ona year, nor ore than three years, at the dtecretlon of a oompotent Court Ity order of Ilia fUoollenoy the Comnsndar- 7* ir.Chief. y. J. MOSKF. JR., Adjatani nnd Ie*p?ctor-Csnora*. My 12 H ^ 1. 2UJ* jfcn'V-'4* t ?a| "*"jP Jfc. tk-. ijr| mils out of tbe'au^aa rsS any concern, tlaat 1 will apply to S. J. iontblt, Probate Judge, of Greenville Oounr, for* Final SeU'cmant of tba E-tate of llCHAFL WUITMIRS, deceased, on lh? J th day of Juno next, and aleo, for Final Msetmrga ? Administrator of aaid Eel a to. . UlCHAhlL "VV HITMIRK, AdminfOtrntor. Mat 8lb, 18C9. 61-4 w?i ma ? f ' * r Notice,*, , [S hereby gfvcn to all whom it may a*n* U earn. that I wi'.l apply to 8 J. Doulbit, robete Judge, fur Qracnvilla County, on ' , te TOtb day of Junes next. f?r a Pinal Set- I ement of lha Eildte bf JOHN *W. 'fllft>- J' ON. rt.-eeaeed, And for a Phchatgo from ( la.aame as Executor. *. P. HUDSON, Executor. May lOlb, 1849. 61-4 Headquarters tooth Carolina Militia. DJ. axd INSPECTOR-GEN 1/8 OFFICE, j ' * Corruiix, 8. C., Mny 8, 1889. ' IKVEKAL OKVBUfrltO.A.] 1 ^UCH CITIZK.nS of thia State aa are com- I 3 prised within tba fallowing classes, and 1 eelre to ha exempted from servtoe In the Milla, In leeotdanea with tba provisions of an ot entitled "An Act to organise and govern te Militia of tba Stata of South Carolina," pprovad March 10,1009, are hereby ins true- I id to forward to this office, immediately upon ta promulgation of this order, applications i I. Regularly ordained or licenced ministers nd preachers o/ the Gospel. II. Clerks and employees In public offices, uatlcas of the t'esee, or Magistr itaa, Sheriffs, or oners, Constables, Civil officers of the Unis i ;d States, Ferrymen employed at any ferry n a post road, and Milters. < III. All persons entertaining eonselentions 1 stupies against bearing arms, practicing pby- 1 iclans, professors, teachers and students in i alleges, academies and common schools. IvT Persons regntarly and honorably diebarged from the army or navy of the United tales, in consequence of the parformanoe of 1 lilitary or Naval doty, in pursuance of any iw of this State ; and all persons who now ore . >r may berpntter be) active members of regally incorporated Are com panics la this Stats. ( V. Commissioned officers who shall have rrved as sncb in the MIHtia of this State (preIons to fhe^tth day of Deeemher, A. 1>. ISA*,) r in any one of the United States, for the pace of seven years. (But no such officer hall be exempt unless his resignation, after uch terra of service, has been noeepted, or in onto ether lawful manner be shall have been tonnrsMy discharged.) VI. Idiots, lunatics, paupers and persons tonvlefed of infamous crimes. Sec. 2. All applications for exemption mnst ? made upon the affidavit of the applicant, nd ahali distinct It sat forth the name, occupation, ago and residence, (if in a County, uwn or village, the name Of the township ; if a a eity. the ward.) of sncb applicant. Bee. 3 Applications from clerks or employ. | cs in public offices must, in ail cases, be aentnpanicd with certificates from their reapeeiva chiefs or employers. Sko. 4. Applications for tbo exemption of | dints, lunatics and paupers must he made by heir " next Wend," upon bis affidavit, and iu*t ha accompanied, in tho two first cases, y the certificate of tho attending physician. Bv order of His Excellency the Commoner-In-Chief. F. J. MOSES. Jr., Adjutant and Inspector.General. May 12 &1 1 Hale of Month ramiisi-i O RF.ENVI f.LK COU NTY. SHERIFF'S SAIjES. BY virtuo of sundry Writ* of Fieri Facias to mo directed, I will sell, before the Court ,i lnuft door, on S-iUtlny in Jiinr, v*jrt, bttWMli bo hours of II o'clock in tha forenoon and 3 'clock in the uftcrnoou, the following Pruprty, to wit t One Lot of Land within the corporate limits f the city of tircenvillp, ,lying on the north ido of Pundlcton-strcet, continuing 3D acres, lore or loss, (the Homestead having been act IT.) Also, one Tract of Load, situated about 7 miles south of Oracnville Court House, oo be watere of Reedy River ami Reedy Fork, nd kuown as the Reedy Fork Plantation, outdoing 10S0 acres,more or less. (This-plan* at ion is resold at the risk of tho former purbaser) Boundid by lands o' Dr. D. D. Moore, lerccr JetiKins, Wham, Hopkins and others, tlso, 1 large 2 horse Carriage and I Buzgy. .evled on as the property of T. Edwin Wure, t the suits of A. D. Hoke and T. Q. Donald on, Aduiiuistratnre ol the Estate of D. Hoke, Creased, and of W.N. Martin, Assignee of be Estate and KfTccts of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, ud of J. Cleveland, Assignee of E. Aloxaner. Also, one Traot of Land, situated near Oownsvilte, in the upper part of the County, confining 1,000 acres, tnoore or less, (the Ilotaetcad to be ret off to Defendant before day of ?le,) adjoining lands of Austin Ballenu, Levi fard, and others. Levied on as the property f A. J. Ward, at the suits of O. B. Irvine and Ifilliam (liekson. Also, one Tract of T.and, containing 4<l| sres, more or less, adjotutog landamof H. K. lynoh, Joba Love and oth.r?, (the HomeLead having been set off to Defendant under >e provisions of the Homestead Aet.) Levied n as the property of J. B. Whit mire, at the lit of Jnn. C. Fowler. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamns ud papers. A. B. VICKERS, 8. O. C. Sheriff* OTica, May #tb, 1809. i May IS 51 3 SOUTH CAROLINA tat? Agricultural and^Mechanical Magazine. Official Organ of the South Carolina Sta'e Agricultural and Utckanieal Society ) f A Tin early date, tbn mbear;l>?re will ' tL publish lha ft rat inmMr of a Month- 1 r Magazine, devoted no tba devatnpment of > ie malarial Interests of tliia Stat*, and lha hole South; and will distribute fire thoa- * ind copies gratuitously, ? that erery ona * lay are what it la hefi>ra subscribing.? J bay Inland to make it lha beat ami band i-neal industrial magazine aver publhhrd 1 t the South, and they ash the cordial oo- r [>eration of eve?y good cit fan in this id- I rprire, which must redound Ij the putlle el fa re. r Persons wishing enples of the first num? " ir, will plena* send their addrecn to WALKER. EVANS A COGSWELL, , Charlaalon, S. C. May lft , ? 01 If Offer Extraordinaryl 'early Si* Hundred Page* of (he Ckaieeet Heading for SO nab. 1 'N order to g'.ae the people an opportnn . Hytobeeoma brtlar acquainted wHh iele beautiful magazine, " ONCE A ? ONTH," the publisher* will aen?l the Oral ' a nnmlurt of tin* y?*r for 60 emta, Eaeh 4 imhtr of " One* a Month " oont/tina 9ft a lubla-eotnma page* of (ho btet atorlea and 1 itertalning and Inatruetlae reading to ba n otod In any ?agatlne in the country. Tha * baoripiion price ? $2 n jeer. IU typo- , aphlcnl baauty Va not excelled. '' Hand 60 eeeta, and you will get thUbeaa- y hi! naagwioo from January to June of tfcle a tar, containing 67ft page*of ohoce reading. JLdlreea T. S. ARTHUR A RONS. ft-W A 811 Ch atout Street, PbiladalpMa. May 12 M tf 1 flTRII QEVKKAL THOUSAND DOLLARS hare O been plaoed in my hnnda to lend, on king timo, ??ctiro<l by uneci-unfto|r?tD real c? mjiS, liTT^ihi T ft fi III Vrf? i\k?i I i ?H . *. pl?i. ig i n M1LUNBUY. MIS* McKAY, h?'l??? ? ? tuiW from Najr York S few pSHHR <Uvs a(ro, hiio opened wolf MIflHSWeUtf Siook of MILLINER Yt PUT BONS, Hair COILS, BRAIDS, ko. > ALSO. J|l, i. DRESSMAKING, in all its W?*Ve?, aL ended to with imnw Mid despatch. M ?y?. 60 U Notio*. - < ALT, persons having claims agsfast the re* Utc of DAVID T. PBDBN, deceased, will present tbem promptly to I be undersigned for lettWmeDt, and thoee owing said Bsta'e must !?ay the aame at once. Particular attention of those In to roe tod ia called to thia notice m the Batata tuaat be closed up. CHARLES TERRY, Executor. May 6 60 Dissolution. TIIK Partnership existing between tbo nnI dersigned la this day dissolved by mutugl wntl. A. MILLER, * II. J. Mi BRAVER, OTIS P. MILLS. Greenville, April Jlta, I860. Mossri. MILLS A McBRAYER having purchased iny entire interest in the fins of A. Miller A Co. I aolieit for them a continuance ?f the liberal patronage of tboae friends who have so kindly sustained as. The unsettled business of the lata firm will be adjusted l>y them. A. MILLER. May 5 60 S Notice. IN conformity with requirements of Internal Revenue Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons who may claim Qho Rarrtl and n Demijohn of Whitby, se ted on the premisos af Carter Tanner, on the 4th of May, by 11. M. Perry and J. D. Sherman, because o( violation of Internal Revenue Laws, to make inch claims before me within thirty days from the first publication of this notice. A. I.. COll 11, Dep. Col. May 6 60 3 Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. By S J. DOUTIIIT, Ktqnirt, Probate Julgt of Mtd County. 117 H BREAK. N. G. COX has filed a Pev v tltion in my Office, praying that Letter* of Adrainistiation on all and ?ingu lar the good* and chattels, rights and credits of S11KLONA MAYS, late cf the Connty afonanid, deseasid, should be granted to liim. Thru* art, ihrrtfort, lo cite and admentah ill and singular the kindred aud creditors ol the said deceased, to l>e and Appear in >1,. r ..r i? i.-. . i - -. J ? - ? v???i v ui t i v? mm uir emn \.nuniy, JO Of holden it Ui?rnTllle Court lloo*c, on ikr Ittili dny of May. in#L, to show enure, II any, why Hie on id Adtniuutralioo should not be grunted 5V. J. POUTRIT, P. J. 0. C. Probate'* Otlice, May Alb, 1 SAO, AO-a Waitresses MADE to order, on abort notice. Person* can furnish their own matcila), or thoy can lie fnfnUiied by the undersigned, at the residence of Mr. 0. W.Land, rear Mr. CnuUU'a blacksmith shop JAMKSM I'RICF, Ap 28 ^ ^ ;? 4tf 8 IIAUTFORD MIS MACBI1E C3SPAIY. WE have token tbe Agonoy in tbis C.mni v tor tbc aale ol these CELEBRATED EVAPORATORS AN!) MILLS, for the manii fact ore of Sugar and Syrup fruiu tbe Sorghum au<l Sugar Cane. Wo are not offering to the public on expert* mental machine, hut on* of which thorn are thousand*, said to be, now in use, iu different |>art* of tbe country, and wo will here only mention a fcW of it* many merits, as claimed t>y the manufacturers. It requires but about ine half the fuel and about one half tbe labor, ind the'cost i* about one Lalf the price of ?ther machine*. The result* attained are a line article of Hngsr and tba finest kind of Syrup, (readily selling ot from $1 to $1.60 per gallon,) and we claltn that it is the only mashine which CLARIFIES and CONDENSES iu tbe tame operation. \Yith all these facts in it* fa?or, there need be no wonder at the sacee** the General Agent l? mcoting with in ail oar Southern cities and town*. We shall have one of the Machines tn ration in town toon, until lh?n wa in rite our friends and tba public generally to call at oar itore, ace siunplea, model, illustrated circular*, fee,, and where we shall be pleased to give ibem all the information in our power. DAVID & STHADLEY. April 7 46 tf THE MORNING STAR. AGAIN Enlarged and Improved! raiUIS w-ll established and popular Dai JL ly Newspaper has recently been {really enlarged and Improved, (the a?o nod enlargement in eighteen month*,) and it confidently offered to tba people of the ;wo Carolina* as ceeond to ao daily Journal n either of thooc 8t?tra. The Star is a live, praeileal and progree ive Neweptper, omtnenlly adapted to the rants of this section; sound and conserve* ive in its teachings, and devoted to the ' Commercial and Agricultural In tercet* of he South." 1% contains full and reliable eport* of Uis markets, telegraphic dierniches, local news and general intelligence. TennV, in advance: One yvur, #7.00 ; six nonlhs, $3-60) three months, $3.00; one noil ill, $U.S6. Add re* a, Wm. H. Bernard, Editor and Proprietor, Wilmington, N. CAp 21 4S If VALUABLE LANDS FOK SALE. Sttb offer lot aale, Thirteen valuable Trecta of LAND, bolonging to tlie KeUte of DOR. CAS (IRBITTI, deeeaaod. The hot* land* are very rateable on aoaoant of beir eloae proximity to the Oily of Qreenritte, ad are laid off in email traete, bat will be old In larger hod tea if perobaeera dent re.? { lone of the land* era more than three mi lea rom the City, and tone under two milea. Terma reaaoaablo j eome and examine them, f net aold at prlrate aale, they will be offered t publle auction en Salee?day in Jiibo. O.T. HAMMOND,) T. O. <11.INN. ]** ?'? * April 17 U>, ISO. I Apt 3t 49 r T ffA VE jnM p?tnrft?d wlih Bt??k of saw.? which I r?p?ctfolly request to fcvoe mo* with tail bWora paraUilag tlitvhwf.?> 0*11 mm, n I*n tolling out (Mi *1 low fltftttwL K?. THOMAS STEEN. mm JUST ARRIVED. . A 6 r LEND ID ASSORTMENT OP LIDOS' SHOES AND iMade in Um South,) and warranted c<jual to lILES'BfcST. For Mia cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, VINE SELECTION OF LANDRETII'S BEST GARDEN SEEDS. Red and White CLOVER, Laeerne, Orchard and BLua GRASS. For sole at STEEN'S STORE. I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OF ONE 11 UXD It E D.D VSn EL S OF Dickson Cotton Seed, On Consignment. For aale cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. March 24 44 tf JTJ8T RECEIVED AT W.B. KBIT'S A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRtHG AND SUMMER EEV M9@gb Til E Lndio* would do well to call and at* amine my Stock of DKESS GOODS at au early day. I am now offering, at very moderate price*, a beautiful asaortment of ORIENTAL LUSTRES 6T1UPKD POPLINS LKNOK CLOTH SPRAQUB DuLAIXES ALPACCA LUSTRES, AC. There Qooda have Wen rejected with great eare and good ta*te. My Stock of Good* for GENTS AND YOUTH'S WEAR, will b? lound very complete ? Clothr. Caasimerea, Tweed*, Heady*made Shirt*, Black Alpine Hat*, Merchants Union Paper Collar*. Ae. 1 hare jimt opened a beautiful lot of SILVER WARE, rucli a* Table Spoon*, Fork*, Tea Spoon*, Hatter Knivct, Salt and Muttard Spoon*. This wore is plated on genuine Albata?fall weight of silver. ALSO. A fine selection of pure HOLD JEWELRY, Plain lioht Kings, Breast Pm?, liar Drop*, Ac. Photograph Albums, all vises and prices, Buck Purses, Handkerchief Extracts, Soaps. I am now offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at very low figures; also Paper Sbadts, Fire Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock will always be found complete in this line. I have on baud all number* oi tba celebrated Willimatillc Soft FiniMi Pluck Spool Cotton, the best In use for Sfachlnas^-try it and be convinced. In short, my Stock will lie' found complete, fresh and attractive at all times. Call and satiety yourselves. XV. II. Iloi'cy. Mar 24 44 tf iitpfifii AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET SV01Z. Til AVE laid id a very full and complete Block of new and >ea*onsbte Goods, which have Wen eeUoted with the View to fill the demandi of a varied patronage, and which are of the very heat qualities. In the Gent* Department may he found CaeeiiTiereo. Tweed*, Cloths, and Readymade Clothing, Taper Collar*, Cravala, <fce. li'ack P?lt Hat*, White and Summer ditto. Iu ttie Ladies Department my stock is fuller than ever before, and 1 know that the ladies will bs pleased upon examiuiug my list of DKLAINFS. FANCY At.PACCAS, POPLINS, DoARMURK* STRIPED GRENADINES. CAMliKICS, Together with a large lot of PRINTS.? WUITR GOODS, consisting partly of Ltwns, Swisses, Jaconets, Long Cloth*. Lad ea Roots and 8'ioee, ilata and Rib* bon*, and Fancy Articles. Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valise*. Our GROCERIES are kept Iff fnll ?toek. Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Bason, Lard, Flour, Rice, Fish. The aliove embraces hot a very indefinite ides of my stock, and 1 would request tny friend* and cu'tomers when csllicg on me to ask for articles not mentioned or seen pon entering. X. W. DAVIS. Mar SI 4S If TO THE TUBUC. THE PAVILION HOTEL, OHARLK&TON, 8. P., SO LONG tod ably eon ducted by the late H. L BUTTKRMBLD, will etill W3SlRB!b? kept opto for the eecom nuxUtion ol ihe traveling publio. And it* former frienda and patrooa will find the usual accommodation# and attent!<ma be towed on thera ae formerly, and the pnhlie fWvore, already eo well eetabltehed aaTHK H<tTELof theTRAVELING MERCHANTS of the South, will, by earoeat efforU, be] faithfully prcecrved. Ma. eb 4. 1IH. 41 tf ] \ *flil 11 ii 11 i i^^^^iiiai i j, | DOO R 8 "sASH, LI j > iw^Hn RS a mil II Worm.?We would call the particular attea tlun of oar frlenda to the above card. P. P. Toale has a large Factory, and rach CacttlUee as enable him to enpply the beet work ef hie . own wake at low prices. A very large ami aotnplute assortment always on hand at hie Pactory, llorlberft Wharf, moor North-Mat* em Haiirond 0?i">S VHmrlvUm, 8 C. M. B.?Orders from the country solicited, and atrlet attention paid to shipping in good orucr. 4WJ April 7 ~A. C. KAUFMAN, AUCTiOIEEB ?t CflHHISSiei AGO? NO. M, BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. .C . WILL BUY AND SELL REAL E8TATK. BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, As. HTtRltlCM. Ex Gov. B. P. Perry, Green trQle, 8. C. Charles T. Lowndes, Charleston, S. C. Losacsne A MUea, " " W. W. Taylor, Baltimore, lid. liaj. C. 11. Subcr, NcwUsrry, S. C. Ocn. T. H. Logan, Richmond, Va. Hon. J. B. Campbell, Charleston, S. C. W. B. Smith A Co., 44 44 Crane, Boylaton A Co., " " Prleer, Rodger* A Co., " " Preesley. Lord A Inglesby, " " J. H. Wtlaon, .. 44 44 Aptlt 7 id ?? * SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Authorized Cnpital, Five Million Dollar*.~ Prrzrnt Limit, $5110,000. . . THE office of this Company ! now opened at No. 10 Broad Street (South-Western Railroad Bank) for the receipt of Deposits, Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sale of Ex. change, and the transaction of a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on Boposits upon turns ea. tahllshed by the Beard of Directors. The Company is also a legal depository for moneys paid Into Court, will receire Registry and Tranefcr Books, act as spent to pay Cuu. pons and Dividends, and as Trustee in Kail* road Mortgagee. niMorous. W C. Bee, of Wra, a Bee A Oo.; A. & Johnston, of Johnston, Crews A Co.; KeLt, Mure, of Rubt. Mure A Co. ; W. B. WllItems, of W. B Williams A Son ; K. H. Frost, ol Frost A Adger; J. E. Adger, of J, K. Adger A Co. ; Henry Oourdtn, of Gvur<lin, klatthieSon A Co.; George Is Buist, of Buist A Buist; C. O. Metnminger, of Mrui ntinger. Jervey A Pinckuev : T. J ?' T J. Kerr ?fc Co.; J. D. Aiken, of J. D. Aiken A Co : John Campsen, of Cumpeen A Co.; A T. Caldwell, of R. A A. P. Coldwell; W. K. Kynn, J. T. W.l-mon, B. O'Neill, J. J, Gregg, Uranilevllle. S. C. For further inforniHlion, address GEO 8. CAMERON, President TllOS. R. WARING, Coohier. Charleston, S. C., March IS, 1609. March 21 44 19 " CARD. ' CHARLES TtERRISON, 170RMRRLY of the ?rm of C. A E. L. . KEKRISON, would inform hie frienda and the public .hat he baa purchased from Mr. James B. Bctta, all his stock in trade, Ac., at the Store No. 262 King Street, and , . will there continue the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, wholesale and retail, tor rath, on hie own individual account and responsibility.-** He will proceed, without delay, to replenish and renew the Stock, and cobtintte to doing until the assortment shall he made complete and attractive. As the terms will be STRICTLY CASH, or approved city seeeptanca for a short credit, it necessarily follows that the prices must be kept at least as low as to b? round at any other rcspcotable establishment. His brother, Mr. K. L. KKRRISON, assist' ad by Mr. A. B. McDONELL. both experi* enccd merchants in this line, will be found at his store, aiding in the conduct and management of the business, and it is hoped that hia and their efforts to win the ooniidcuce and patronage of the public will be as successful as in past dayc was the eld firm at corner of King and Markot Streets. Fu 24 40 Sm mum batfis k co. YVlioicsutc Dealers DR1GOODS 7 122 and i?4 Meeting St;. Charleston, ?. C. KDWIX BATES. CEO C. SELMA*, TBOS B. M'OABAA. Ffb 10 89 8m ? . A FANKHII'S ifflC BITTERS. THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, ABB ALL MA BASES OF Till STOMACH AND LIVER, mr Attft iionraims *y rmm %*m DIOAXj PAOUiTY. HBGEMAN Ac CO., ^flFFTt. irarir r/??r Mannfactnred by C. F. PANKNIKf, mamn no noracm, O H A 11 1. F, S T O N, H.o. ttml? Ujf Ui-uygUta t'vcrtju.bcr*.~i*Jt u v Jy ^ ^ <% # ft