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% IIut, Georgia, some time in 1845, the bride's father was killed in a difficulty with a brother of her husbanu. This occurrence is, per* bans, brought too readily to tho minds of our readers, it is, to sfivncoTknown that the bride of bu< a for hours attempted to kill hec bnsband with a pistol. The wife sod husband parted. 6he went to ah Interior village in Tex?r, land he remained, until jjio war, peaceably upon his plantation?altheugh lis married in the meantime, and to liim was born * sod, which son entered the army of the Confederate '.3i i~e j j-i t MUltgs, UNU 1UIIUWCU HIV UHUilUIB of Dick Taylor, Magruder, and otbQrs of the noble chieftains who ceMoriuAaed t6e soldiers around the Qulf. After the war the young man wandered about through the Gulf States, and finally located in Texas where his father's former wife lived. She had resumed her maiden name, and was the proprietress of a large and well paying hotel, where, she had accumulated an immense fortune. Arriving at the village, the young man stopped at the hotel, and was well pro\ ided for by the enterprising matron.? Neither knew the relation of one to tho other, and although there is a vast difference in their ages?he but a stripling youth, and she a well preserved, comely woman of nearly forty?an intimacy sprung up between them, which ripened into affection, and resulted in the proposition by the young man of marriage, lie was accented, and in a few daj'S the epiiet note! was tho scene of marriage revelry.? Thus the solemn wedding ceremo ny united a man to the wife of his lather?his mother, nearly?and to tho wonld be assassin of his father. Verily truth is stranger than fiction 1 A man marries I) is mother!?Athens (Ala) Past. The Jealousy of OitlsGirle, too, are awfully jealous c" each other. 1 should call this to*, girl's distinctive fault. See them when they are introduced, or when iL _ * _ 1 _ 11 ... . * mey meet ai a uau or croquet party; ace how coldly critical they look at each other; how insolently their eyes rove over every portion of their rival's dress: read in their faces the outspoken 6Corn as the result of their scrutiny: u You think yon have done it very well, but you have made a fright of yonrself, and I am much better than you P' Watch their disdain fbr the more admired among tliem ; and how excessively naughty for attracting so much attention they think that Ada or Amy are, about whom the young men cluster. How bold she is??how overdressed she is??how affected she is V?and oh! how ugly she is? Sometimes, if they are deep, they will overpraise her enthusiastically ; but the ruse is generally tocf transparent to deceive any one, and simply counts for what it is?a clever feint that doesn't answer. It is quite a study to watch tho way in which girls shake hands together, or take hands in dances. The limp, cool, impertinent way in whicu they just touch palms, and let their arms fall as if paralyzed, tells a volume to those ablo to read the lettering. ;* A VKixxrirtDB^pnpil in Cincinnati rode J)i6 untamed steed into a hatchway, and fell down four and a half stories. lie was p eked up badly injured. Tiiekv is said to be an onk tree, in the Holy Land, still living, that was planted by Abraham. It is to be set up at a Kussinn Monastery, in Jerusalem. A little daughter of Mr. Moses Coward, living near Eminence, Md., came to her death a few days since by having a pot of boiling soap poured down her throat by a negro woman. You must be a friend to youreclf and others will be. You bad better pass a danger at once, than be always in fear. Evdry man is architect of bis own fortune. _ v i 1 i* - i A ou itWU WUW j>?y uiO OOOK than the doctor. r A eere way to wealth: Spend <mly Iralf yon make. Et?by man know? beat where his own shoe pinehca. A b*d workman quarrels with hieteck. A wild ooosk never laid a tamo ??gA win-re glove often covers a dirty hand. A mas is a lion in Lis own < ft'.lfcC. MM* ? ? ?-7 r M i company with a friend^whose ex ' nerieuee in the city was twenty J hours older than that of the Schoo- ( ba man, was sauntering down Bovnl street, reading signs and , looking through show windows, , ^rTEN^'^t^; win t'n thunder's ken-o 1"? i H Why," said his chnm. "yen ' must be a shore-en of fool?don't ' know what ieno is. I was up thar J last night, and seed a lot of fellers settin Vound tables a puttin bnt- 1 tons on kvarde. and a feller settin . by htsself on a high chcor, pullin J marvels when lie pulled 'em out, and bime-by one ot tie fellers at a table said 4 kcno,' and all the balance on 'em said 4 darn the luck/ That's keno; anybody knows what kono io."?Mobile RegufUr. A Valuable Boy.?44 What can you do?" asked a traveler of a country urchin who was in front of a farmer's house tickling a toad with a long straw. 1 44 Oh, I can do mor's considersble? 1 rides the turkeys to water, milks the gccse, cards down the old rooster, puts up the pigs tuils in paper, to make 'em cur), hamstrings the grasshoppers, makes fires for flies to court by, keep tally for daddy and matnmy when they scold at a mark, and cuts the buttons off daddy's coat, when be's at prayer in the morning." A Jap&mebk correspondent sajs the Grecian bend has been in fashion in Japan for four centuries.? The spinal curve had its origin in the custom which the Japanese ladies have of carrying their babies on their back, and tbe pannier had its origin in the broad silk girdle which is swathed several times around the waist and fastened in a large bunch behind. ? A person invited an acquaintance to dinner on the 29th of September, saving he always had a goose at diuuer on Michaelmas L>ay. An editor says that when he i was in prison for libeling a justice I of the pence, he wa9 requested by i the jailer, 44 to give the prison a ' puff." 44 Daughter," said an anxions parent to his little one, *4 didn't I , tell you to eat no more green ap- , pies?" "Yes, papa; but this i6 a yellow one." , The following u notice" is posted on a fence in a London 6uburb : 1 44 Whoever is found trespassing on 1 these grounds will be shot aud 1 prosecuted." A young lady studying French, i aud finding that 44 belle" meant I 44 fine," told somebody in a letter I that wc bau a great deal of belle ' weather lately. Write your name in kindness, love and mercy, on the hearts of those yon come in contact with, and you will never be forgotten. A wicked wretch was asked why he married a little wife.? Why, said he, the best way among all evils is to choose the least. Don't let others fay that yon are selfish, and euro only fur your- < self. ' A handfull of common sense is ' worth a bushel of learning. A man may say many things < out of time, even his prayers. ? A man may talk like a wise 1 man, and act like ft fool. A mcrrv companion on the road i shortens tfio journey. < Mill Buaxan.?Thursday night la*t, Sim kin'* Mill, in Elg-'fiflJ County, below Beech Island, in South Carolina, was en* i ' tirely destroyed by fire. The mill wm j , a-ed m a grist and saw mill, and the same I ( water power running a cotton gin. Near { the mill is a afore, whert were congregated , a crowd of man, and it is thonght the fire i originated from a match being thiown I among some loose cotton, which common!- ; catcd to the mill. The Ions of the mill t aiooc is abnnt <>5.000, which h a sad cnlara- ' ily to the neighborhood. Besides the burn- ' ing of the mill, a quantity of onro and out- 1 ton was also destroyed, the amount of ' wlrieh ws did not leara.?Plttuix. tiii rBurner utnimitn ?Tbi follow* Ing te an extract from a letter of lion. Benjamin F. Wade, of Ohio, in reply to an addreae of tba National Executive Committee of colored men : " lint, in my jadgiaent, much more 1 remain* to be dona | for I can never believe a government perfect while it le potelble for one ' man to appropriate the avail* of the labor of 1 tboaeande, while tboeo that perform the labor 1 pine awey their lilt In poverty and destitution 1 or to monopolise en nnltmHcd extent of Ood'e 1 earth to tho exclusion of otbera. Theee evile are yet to be corrected; and may I aot expect that yon who bare been eo lately emane pa ted from the hohal oppreeefen and Injustice will 1 I take the tad hi those great and nwesnry re- 1 '-.A* ?" I I 9BT MBBW Sfr. *frend* tbo E??ti?h Mstortsn, b? tlAh kpftlnted tntit of <|? UntrenHy of St. A*|*?w*? j nd on tbo Soy of bis inoactandiea be ' Itferif it liSni'te tbo stadonts, *Wrt, In nany of Us passages, baa ? roWiltil appltra ion, sad especially in tbosa which relate to :dneat ion ?s n moons of Indepon&eaee. Ho sold Hon woro two ways of being lade ondeot. If mi rognired rot**,' ho most >rodnoo anaeh; otdlf ho prodooOd little, So nst roonire Httle. Ho ?ot the oartoro life of ho eld scholar* befbro Ms audfao*?tbo nfon rhose itndlei added nothing Co tbo motorist rooltb of tbo world, and wbo worn content to ve poof. Tbo thirty tbonssnd students wbo issombtod At Ports from All jM.rt.ef Europe to war A belaid bad tbo am qjrtbotr own logs la (Slag there, and woro sotWRod. Tboy did hot pro table bosonso tboy bod no money wbere?ltb to ri.le. Tboy respoctod alike tbo eoraponwtieas of tbo. latolloet and of manual laborrboy bad takon tholr stand, baring mad# tbotr iwn ebolee, and did not look for weilth in tbo there eklxli tbev had deliberately accented mowing that wealth AM not grow there nor mytrhm, out Aftlit miterhl nb4HImi. Tbla ru the" mmt important thing for a mas to nake up hi* mind to in tha outset of life. 0* hen kMtp whnt he in doing, tad walk# Intel- i igeot'y Ibmugk the world, without quarreling with the bet*. Bat tb* eld ayatem of education wn* all , rrong. A men of to-day moat he trained to . Ira In to-day?to grapple with the anargie*, ifliculties and ohatrwrtiona of the tlmea which no We hla life. To cram a lad'* mind with in. Inite namaa of thing* which ba never bandied, daces he never aaw or will aee, and etatcaaent* f fact* which ha conld not po**ihly nndertand, was like londing hi* stemaeh with gap, ilea?for bread giving him a atone. A marf ' no*t earn hia living; that waa the primal noo**Uy. Ha mn?t maintain bimaalf in honest ndcpcndence. No edncation wa* worth a ruth hat did not aid a man to do this, for the miliona mnat toil with their band* or the rare rill noon cenae to exist. But there wonld eomc in amelioration of labor. The beneficent light hen It deecended would be a light whtch voold make laber more prodnctlve by being more scientific, wbicb wonld make the hambleat Iradgery not unworthy a human being, by mating it at the aim* time an exorcise to the nind. Indeed, from flrat to leaf. It waa a practical kddreas. Educate to tb# Waaiaeea of life?that vas tha harden of It. Learn the modern in )reference to the dead language*, and learn aany ol them. Do net forget toeatabliah your nind la the phyaieal aclencea either. Tbey ?ill be aura to prove of inestimable value at nme time or other of one'* life. And above ill thing*, be honest. Aa John Knox aald, 'Know God, and atand by the good eanae, and ite your time well." This la tha whola duty >f man. Tim Marshall, Texas, Republican, 'of the )lh in-l., gives the pat tleulara of an affair in iiusa uounijr vnai wrma a climax 01 nor rore. Th? circumstances arc aa fol'owa: "A young man by the name of Colonel Green, who ia said to have been a new actiler in the county, left Henderson, on Sat' urday evening las*, in a elaie of iutoxha* lion, for home. When he got about eeven ruilee from town, on the Marehall road, he stopped at the Widow Griffin plane, where a body of negroee were making a crop, and ordered hie nipper. While he waa eating |t ha waa ?eiz?d by fire negroee, who tied liie han<la behind him, and dragged him about half a mil* and linng him. They (rented him very brutally, throwing him over the fences aa they reached them, limiting his laee ard otherwise maltreating him. While he waa hanging tlicy rolled batk a log, dug a trench, threw hint in it before life waa exlinet, and then rolled the log heck to ile former place. Two of the negroee were preacberr. The principal one engaged in the murder (Julius Jones) itoud by with a gun, direeting the others, and telling them he would kill the first one that flinched. The seme negro went the next day to Henderson, preached a sermon^ and baptised fourteen negroes. Green is represented as a refined, intelligent, aecom" plWhed gentleman, but who occasionally* unfortunately, got intoxicated. His friends m wing him, it eoems, found his horse at his plantation, and hia hat at ona of ihs sah'.na On searching for him, they traced file footsteps upon the route lis had been tarried, and found a Itlltr that had bean dropped out of bis pocket. Flva negrnft more arretted, who confessed tha orime. kitd were takoo to Ilenderaon and placed n jail. Thin wai on Monday. On Tnsaday tight, about 11 o'clock, a mob went to tha fall, and hung every ona of tham on the [>uhlte wjuare fronting carh aide of tha eonrt houea, the two preachera together." FaLaa-racRKO Conojr.?Yesterday, a lot of nineteen balea of cotton, from Abbeville' waa offered to Mesne. Biakaly k Gibbea. Mr. (llbbcs sampled the cotton and after offering >M cents per pound for it, mads a class extra inatlnn of It, and found eighteen bales of It k> bo falsely packed?being filled in the middle of the balea with eotton seed and wet and rattan eotton. On boring into the middle of Lhe bales, bushels of seed were found. The ronng man who had ebarge of the eotton as erf* wry peiltlrrly that the triad was entirely unknown to him, and that the packing wee lone on hi* mother'* plantation by the freedmen, who had an intoraat in the er?p of onehalf. The mcrcbaat* and committee of the Board of Trade hare, w* learn, determined not lo prosecute tb* party In this case before glr'eg hfm a chance to elear himself, and the cotton will be left in the depot, at the Orcenrille road, for the present. Theee who would like to see a well-arranged pteea of rascality, gotten ap to defrand oar merchant* weald da oil te go and look at thla lot. Plantara and otbera oan rest area red that In fWtnrn attempt* ?f this kind to defrand will he punished to lha extent of the law, and our merchants, from hitter experience, bar# learned te examine Ihcir purchase with great sera tiny.?Colombia /'bora's. Tnn Barnwell Journal rrgea the proprl rty of holding en Editorial Generation nf the Editors nf thw State h?Charleston at an ?mly 4*y, " "Tl^lflB Mi'l*" I 11 11 lllTI M ? _ i,.,, ,. , ?Uh tftd mmHc lo Uila dole ^ Three per cent State etoek?principal, fS8,886.60? Interest, 1^**7 SU per cent, Are loin?principal |8 J 4,468.89; in* tr rent. 123,004 M, { Fire Mr ee?t/ bond* , fire \otfHr principal, $484.444.61; latere*. tf6.922.lO. Six per teaL bond* rot stocks funded?ptlmijval, $1,281,971.27 ; Interest. ?08.281 Six par oegt. ??w State Hoaae bonde?priaeipal, $1,286,800; later* at, $17l>96. Si* Woe Ridge BaP. rro? broh^rrlwlpat, $1,000,000; >tare*f $75,000. 8i* percent. redeeming notes o. the Bank of the Slate?principal, 1,021,900 Total principal, #8<441,t0S.t7; total intereat, $4X4,791.62. Provision baa baen toad* to. aaaat the Internet op to Joly 1. 1868. Aaaeta or tha Stata oo Slat Oetwber, 1888: Sharea In Northeastern* Railroad Company, $120,000; ahnrea in Spartanburg and Union Railroad Company, $250,000; aharea in PondUton Railroad Company, $42,600; aharea in Greenvillennd Columbia Railroad Company, $488,896; aharea in Bine Ridge Railroad Company, $1,810,000: aharea in Colombia and Augusta Railroad Company, $42.200: aharea In Che raw and Coalfields Railroad Company, $200,000; aharce in La arena Railroad Company, $60,000; aharea in 8oalh Carolina Railroad Com r anv, $24,000; aharea in Ooarlaeton and Savannah Railroad Company, $270,000 > aharea la Southwestern Railroad Bank. |8,000; aharea In Keowaa and Toakaaeegea Turnpike Company, $6,000. Total, $2,764,880. mP-rororowmmtotowmmmmmwmmm^m NOTICB8 OP JUDQB OF PROBATE. The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY. In tha Oanrt of Probata. THOMA* 0. COWER and W. B. MILL WEE, Adminta'ratora of W. A. WilHeme, deeearvd. *? S. R. WILLIAMS el at. Citation for Fined Settlement and Deer** TT appearing to my eatlefaetlon that BamI ...I D u*:tu.^ f a? t I i: A mci iv. fi iiiiriiW| ?rmiira a*. n iiiisma^ W. A. B. D*r?nort nnd Mary K. D??tn? pert, hrl'? at law and Mrtribalett of the Batata of W. A. Williams, deceased, da fendatli in this caee, raaida Icjoml lh? limit* of this Stats. On motion of J. P. J Moor*. So'lsitor pro pet.. It la ordered: That they do appear In pereon or by attorney, at a Conrt of Probate, to be holdm at | Orsenrile Comt Moose on fha first day of July next, to show cause, If any they hate, why a final settlement of tha Estate of WEST ALL: N WILLIAMS, deceased, should not ha had, and a dearaa given thai eon; and their eonsenta, on failing to attend, all) be eatercd <>f record. Qlvan under my hand and seal at Green , ville Court Llouaaon this 31-t day of March, A. D. 1809. 8 J. DOlfTIIIT. P. J. Q. 0. Ap 1 40 31m" stats' op fovm 44b0us4 ORKKNYILLK COCNTT. In tha Conrt of Probate. 8. A. KLFORD, Kaecntrla, a*. LEMUEL WADDELL et nl.? Citation for a Final StUlrmmt and Drrrrt. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah Evans, I/anry tvelhorn, Alexander Waddoll, J .me. Waddell, Nancy Waddall, Jpesc Wadded. I.ucinda Waddall, William Waddell, Elisabeth McQueen and Ifugh Mi Queen bar bnshand, Martha Pcrtigg. and John Pernggt her husband, Mary R. Niehofsnn, Claihorn Waddell, Alfred Wadded and Kmllr Gregory, Defendants in this case, reside without the limits of tbie Plata : It la therefore ordered that tner do appear in person or be attornov. at a Court ol Probata to b* hnlden at Greenville Court House, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on tba 13tk of Ma; neat, to slikw eause, ir an; thav ran, why a Ana) settlement of the Estate of EDMUND WADDELL, dnenascd, should not be had and a decree given lhereon, or their consent* in failing to attend will be entered of reoord. Giren under njr hand at QreaQTille Conrt House, this 13th da; of Fehronry, A. D., 1909. S. J. DOUT111T, P. J. Q. C. fm> 17 st su STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia tki Court of Probata. NELLY TURNER, JOSEPH K. TURNER and JEFFERSON BARTON el at. ea. BE BECCA KELLY, MAi'K KELLY. T, P. ASM WOKE, and Children of MARY A$H MORE, di seased.?PotUion fm &o* er, Partition and Salt of Rood h tlale, dr. IT appearing to tha satisfaction of lha Court that the Defendants, Rebecca Kelly, Mark Kelly. T. P. AtAnmre, and tha Children of Mar; Ash more, deceased, rwsids nut of the State; It is therefore or iered, an n??t ion of I'err; A Parry, Solicitors far Petitioners. that tha said Defendants do an swer, plead or demon to tha Petition within forty days, or tha saws will La takao pro confesso. SAMUEL J. DOimilT. Ju lga of Probata for Greeaailla Cnnnty. Greenville 0. II., a C.. April 14th, 1809. A pi 14 47 6 9tmr ?i nunin t nroiina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. in tha Coart of Probata. REBECCA ROBERTS ef /.. * PLEASANT JENKINS SARAll JENKINS ft al Petition for Partition mnd 8ml* / Iieal Kilate, and to forth. IT appearing to mx eatiffaetion that WltI Mem Chandler. Benjimln Chandler. nod tho heire ot lew of Weea Chandler, N?ney Hooker, Intermarried with Jyrhn B. Hawkine, El'zaheth Chandler, murilrdlo Manoah Stephena. Kelly Chandler, wila of William Ri?e, and l'olly Chandler, married to Jamea Gilrealh, all realdn boynad I Ha iffn. iia of tha Stale: Jt it ordeted, That they file their plea, anewer or demur, la aaid P?ti lion,-in thir OfR?*( within forly daya from tha pnLllaaiion of thia noiioa, aa oa failure to do eo. tha IVtilloD will l?e taken pro eon fttto agaiaat then. S. J. DOUT1IIT, p. j. o a April fih, 18119. 48-8 L .1 fj|ll||j? Notico. |" Jff eoaformllT witli rennircaaaate of Internal r Revenue L'toe, I hereby gira notice to perron* who may claim a Ttro-horaa rg?n, a Mara aod Coll, and three large and one email herrola of Whiaky, which were eeieed In a nine thieket on the night of the Nth of April, evidently tha property of A. J. Ward, heeetaae of a violation of tha Interrial Berenae La wo? to make aneh etaima hofore mo witkia X? daya from the A d ;>uhliaattOa of thianaSoa. ' * A. T?. COBB, Dapaty Coileetor. I A pi 21 48 * 5 nrr r imjmt in? g? rsi. Jongo o "ronH'Vrbon nitlt ABJT 0?Wp?M la th? world. The lergrei proportion of it* PvlWioo are M the Hera of eilitmi of that State, there lie standing and akmraatar i* hret known. It ha* eevoatoon kiade of Ailiele%aU wo*- furjrMag, and !ta rate* ard Saee thaw North era eoamanU*. for the roaeoo that Northern ooenponlea prafm to bolteVo J?et Southern peopta do out Qre ae Jong a* northern, dun 'A* Wry rwrrw b fie mm Call ni onto, and weurei Policy. Were fer to Rot. IX M. Turner, Ooa. S. MeOow?, Hot. J p. PrMoly, R?v. Ik a drier, Rot. J. JL Bo A nor, Dr. O, W. l'reealoy, Dr I. W. II re ret. Rev S *. 8loon, Dr. t. J. Wardtnw. and at laact one hundred ot*m In Ahh??Ulr: who Inn heunA T.? n W JnHivnn, Hon. W. D 8itnpron, Judge Man ro, Hon. J. P Re?d, Col. D. L Donald. O, W. A ndrraoe, Dr. opting, Df. foirlMilt, snd great many other* who have oUo inaorad In tbta Com pony. Geo, N.G. Kvana m istored in Ibia Company for #0.000. ?nd I hit oomnnt ?? promptly paid immedi tltly afltr kit death. The Company hat ?#uVd over *0,000 Policies in aeveoUan rnoniha, baa received an inoreaea of nearly 1400,000 in that time, and bare only km foe by death, for which It haa paid $17,000, leaving a clear iaenme of abont $388,000, tighly-oeVen and a half per a*nt of which mil tx divided among the Pulley lioldere We challenge tha world to beat thia. Dr. Branch, the State Agent, haa leaned ear timdrW Policlea m Abbeville. We repeat, sail at onee and gat n Pulley, or wo will won call on yon at your hootet; and beg you to wait until we aall before ineuring 11 bow bam. JOHN FERGUSON, Agent For Greenville, 8 0. Dr. J. IT. Data, Medical Examiner. * Greenville C. H., March 8, 1888. J . Mar 10 48 If B. WN8RLB, DEALER IN Clocks, WATCHES, .1 AND Spectacles, <bC. IdST" Particular attention will be paid to all Work ontrusted to him. Yob 18 m tf Charlotte A South Carolina Railroad, and Columbia A Augusta Railroad Co'a. J688KSfi&SBJB3Ijfi351 8TPKIUN TEN DENT'S OFFICE. I Colombia, Feb. 2, I860, j icfltdvli boimu jk-htb. Leave araciteviiie at 7 20, a. m., connecting with train leave* Auguita At It 00, A. M. Leave Columbia 12 30 P M ? Charlotte 7 45 P M ' Grvcnaboro, N C 1 00 A M " Richmond, Va 11 00 A M Making eloae connection* with train* for Waahington, D. C. coMiita aooTW. Wr? New York 40 P M Arrive at Richmond OOP M Laavu Richmond 2 00 P M ' 'Iroeaahorn, M C _1 00 A M ? Charlotte, N C - ^.-0 00 A' M Arrive at Columbia .. 12 15 P M " at Uraniteville -0 00 P M Ticket* aotd at Columbia and baggage chocked to all point* North. C. DOUKNIGHT, Superintendent. Fpb 10 88 U South Carolina Railroad Company, Obmboal 8uramatbnnr.rr'a 0*rtca, April 0, 1809. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, 11th laataat, the follow lug Schedule for PASSENGER TRAINS, will be obeerved i ?at ea8v.*geh trai!t. Leaving Colnmbiaat 7.45 a. m. Arriving at Colnmhia at .410 p. m. miomt axraaaa tbaim. leaving Columbia at.... .. 5.50 p. m. Arriving at Columbia at .....441 a. m. cam oca r*aim. Will run on Mondaja, Wedneadaja, and Saturdaja. Arriving in ColnmbiaatM....MM.....11.00 a. pa. Leaving Columbia at ...........2.20 p. m. Tba Train aow running between Columbia ml niDiTiiw, ID oonnkoiinn wltu the Through Mail Train, will be taken off on Sunday, April 11. II. T. PEAKS, Genoral SapcrlntcndanL April U 47 tf W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN SIIEI.LF.U8, Col ton Gina, Locka. K?-rna~na Oil Lampa, Rowing Ma eliine. and Persia. RKPAIKKD with prompt n can. Charge* rea.on.lila, St.nil?At Waalfield'a old Shop. Fob 10 88 If Law Notice?Change of Office. GF. TOWNE8 baa ramored hi. Law , Odtee to the hnildlag north-Mat ear* ner of the Pabllo Square, In part occupied bp Juliae 0. Smith, Auctioneer, and the Eaterpriae Printing Office, up ataira. Jan 8 U tt LAW NOTICE, > A _ BAr!OT\T ATTORNEY AT LAW ARID IIACIIITBATB, orFICS OVER SULLIVAN? STOis, mgnsnnrsaa^ 0. <0. I-. b 10 M tf SAMUEL BLACK. BARBER. \XTOULD r??pwtfully inform tba pithlM T that I11 baa Rimnitd (? * room in lb a OLD COURT HOU8R, wbrra l.a will It* prrfarol lo r?ki?i m (mMofor*. B.log ft Proftttio**l HarUr, h? hopHi, by aUanilnn lo boainaaaa, logatbar with potuanaaa to all. la turrit ft portion of pnbiia paironaga, in OUTT1MO, SilAYlNO ASDHHaMPOOIXO. t ' Jan -20 SI t( ^ P ^ iggigMgmsmimm , |? ' 3O0 Sack* Bxtra r*?>llj N. 0. FLOUR too BmIi Standard UnrfMl SALT 90 KV MAILS* WmM abas SO Bab* BATSSVILLI SniBTCTO to Bates SHIRTUfe ?"* ? SO Brtwdwmn lutM. v ?0 Boga Prima and Pair BIO C0FFB0 20 BamUa StfOA* Wrg^ySffTS t0 BAGS Dvtbin Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAGS SpanUh Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL BKLBCTB? STOCK m shoes. Rata. DRY GOODS, DRUGS fcC. Oer Stock of HATS and SHOES If rwrf Urn and complete, and we will guarantee eu# enUro Stock will compare wltk any la Town, both m to quality aud price. A call will eetWyy?^ , . >'-j itt/P * \ .A CTSft DAVID & STRABLETrf Hay IS, 186*. 51 . ^ JULIUS C. SMITH* AUCTION AND C0MMI88I8N MERCHANT, COUET HOUSE SQUARE. Greenville. 8. CPERSONA L attention given to all eelee of Real and Prreoaell'rnpertj, Renting of Iloaoca and Collecting of Ren<e and Accounts, and to all bnataeaa intraeted ta Mac. Having been appointed agent fur tka fallowing Fertilisers, they can be found at ay ofTioe and told at Charleston prleee, freight and dray age added: M APES' NITROGEN I ZED Svnft-PHOSPBATR, WANDO AND BAUGHH RAW BOHR, PERUVIAN GUANO, the gennlne article, kept fee eale aad ordered la any quantity. Owr 90 Uwe f Phosphate and Peruvlaa tJoane aald hy me lor the wheat aowing in OraeaviUe ll.i. fall Air?ner for tha C?Wr?M WATT PLOUGH?tarn, rabroil, and ?lll?it?r alt in ona. Pi*? t hem rand of ihfM Ploughs ara in the bands of tha larm?r.? of Vlrgta* ia, North and South Carolina. and Tounoawa. 0*?r AO of lha ona horoo Ploughs .aid in Greanrllta In on# month. Cor 11 flea tee from tha boat of onr Planters can bo gtvan, who have oaed tha Plough ia malt* ing thair crop of 1 AOS. Agency for | Cardwell's Snpcrlor CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, 8TRAW CUTTERS, CORN 8HELLERS, Ac. GRASS, CLOVER, and other Saeda aopplted at short notice. CQQKIKQ STOVES. STOVE WARE. iPAR&OSt AND OFFICE STOVES, For sola as cheap m can ha bought. JILIU8C.81H1TH, Oreenellle f. H , 5. C. Jan t7 M tf TOE SOUTHERN HOTEL, thi itriLsnio tiovi is ?? U wvrwma unnne m HAS r*MiUf been fitted MVflvahd. op and not In eoenpteta order, with new Fornttore and other ooDveaieneea. and ie now opea to the Travoltas public, where the* ean find gpod accommodation and fare at the low eel. rate#. A few permenent Boardere will bo reeefred. M. L. fiOVTHEBll, Proprietor. Oreenrlile, 8. O , Feb. If, 1869. SO-tf W. K. BABLOV. ?. W. VIUI. EASLEY * WELLS, . *? Attorney! and Counsellors at Law , AND IN EQUITYo OREENVILLK, ?. 0., PR4CTICI la the Coorte of the StaU and of the United States, aad giro oepsetsl atleatioo to oaaee in BaakrWwter. June IS S ROSADALIS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by DmgfleU Imyvhwe i \wmmmrnmm BATGSV1LLV mmm mm. Having been appointed Agente for thla Company, wa are prepared to toll SHIRTINGS AND TABU at Fnatoty prleea. David ft Mrtdlef, vroewrs ana CwnnWon N?r?liMt^ Nor ?, 1 SOT. U %t DURHAM 9MOKINQ TOBACCO* Haying r**ci*od ib? *g?ocv ?r ik? ?bor? ju?ilj oolubroUd 0r?I of Tobacco. w? win w?k? u u> jW uurMt to buy from no. For nil by okltinti or rotoH. DAVID A STMADLKY. I Oct SO, 1867. 88 ? * U WM.1T PBim, "7prr ATTORNEY AT LAW. OAHltNtSA. M, fl *? *?.?"".?* It, w^BCf Town*, Wbit* m4 11*11. / , , J12 " -4DONS M ikwos?, ?Uk MitMwui 4<frp?tob