University of South Carolina Libraries
# *??p?w?t?- -*' * i??r : It m?i t%. S? ?H(M that ow raatly dlatla. fobbed ambanador down tkm (Jaw>ae watErs^ ES^'l'HiEE ' ' wntaar negotiation alt the thae. Naanaaai waadldatee lor tba e?c?iWlo* to Webb ara noa? lag about tba VhUl Buaee and tba State Department. aad among .tba a amber. b?ek*d wp by aoaia ol tba "equal right*" philosopher* al Boetoo, is Prod. I)ott(b<i, of New York (Mllotto wan). Vary a oil. According to tba rwl* adopted of selecting a eitlsen af African daeoent for Haytl, and boot bar forXilava, a mulatto, on tba score of color, would ba tba rcry thing for Dotnlnica, and act much out of tba way for BraiU. Negro olarary caleta tbaro, but the facUUiaa for tba alara tmAhftM bla-fi usjiUsarursry groat, and. <oora free, ba itan^a aa a footiag, aocial and trcs&I fc4^i,?Xizzisz, land harmoniona fui'.on of racer. Including nil ,tHa M ax lean eroaaaa between tba European. A mer e an and Afri'an types?wblus, rods, aad bllcks, prodnoing aii tba shade* p?aail<l? ftoas tba blending nf any two or all three of theae I .C t original colon. Ansona tba Rnsillute the*. fore, Douglas* ?w|d be at home, and b i? ooN r would be accepted u a compliment to "tb? tMloax of tbo country." We doubt not that d* tkii rl?w Dung 1m would be more cordially feeeired even at the Court of Don Pedro tbe 'Second (a prince of auperlor ablltUea and ?> eoMnliabewateJ tban any white man ae "En"" oylljiitTUoTdlnary from tbe United State#; for, in addttloiP to Mf advantage of a mixed complexion, be ia a courtly and pollahcd man and tborouglriy fnabaed with tbe doctrine of col-1 ored equality, though we are not quite certain la to hla opinion* of tbe Amerloan aborigines. Moreover; x>&egtasa I* not a belHc?*e Individ* ami, bat a aea of peace, and to. If there be any teU<l objections te hi* appointment t" Brasil under the new dl?pen?ation, we should like to 1ttf them ?A*. Y. fl,ra!d. Pm-chn?er* would do well to lonV at our stock of Men's. Bora, Ladic*. and Children a Shoes, Qaltera and Boots. We nnlv recommend the beet articles. Foeter ? Hunter. Wo a aw Cnaast*.?It le aeierted that the areas en clerk? employed ia tbe Departments at VPTaahlaften, ace Incompetent to perform tbe -Aatte# ef thdtr pedltlena. Tbe male clock? ar* required te pdae an examination, bat ae ancb teat ia applied to the females, who are appoiid od on aeeouat of Ibelr agreeable eppearane-*, .and pot jon acenunt erf thalr qualification Again, mare women, it is assorted, are cm iployeti thanerreweqaired, many eftbom spending their time ia Wleaeea, Ja eeaeoqaeaea of tinea a# work. -fo-tbe ?Aee wf fhe<?ow?ptr oiler wf the Oarreney, H ia ebargad (hat aae-third the fore* employed is qalte suAoient to perform the labor. Ia the Poet-oAco Depart-: meat IW female Clerks wre hired, -white the lew provides for only iO!t and dcakr are ar ranged for that numb?i. -It ia contended thai. 4 woman who are competent-to perfurm*tbeaame' labor at men ebon Id receive -the tamo com-! pea*?tioa, and be sahJeeMo ?ho -tamo eondi-. tioaa, for rttliAig which -therr -dhould ho diajnieaed. Tho now 8ecret*ry of "tho "Hrea*nry. da naked to ram or# tho improper fotaalea now to bo foand in tho Department in largaounbon, and to appoint moral and ompotoat we moo, mho aboil bo paid aceerdiug to thoir mertU. Attention ia invited to nur-etoek of Cut* lery, Hoea, Rhordi, Porlii, Soy the and Grae* Bladee, and fancy gooda io tha Hardware /Uaa. Footer A Iiwnter 49 Wi Horn Tatr'u n Snccaaaraae-?!%e' Bertee Pott eaya : "A number of dinppfiln-l tad oftoa aedka bare loft W mailing too for Mad*: rU to offer tkomaelreo for the ?paniah throno." Kaw York. Mat t. . Cotton eteady, at 2RJ ; onleo 8,600 halo*.. Oold, after rrcat aaaitemamt ao?l nativity, olooad at if J. Cmtimob*. May 8. CoMan etoody, at 99C$?8t. Floor dull? on perdue H. 50. Wheat atemly. Corn acarco ? white 88; yMlom 8* Onto V7. ProvU looa unchanged WUiehv lim, at OS. Aiocbta. May 8 Cotton mai!kct quiet and firm?middling rnecipt* tl. Patahmah. May 8. Cotton qniet hnt eteady?middling* 27$ ; nafta 880 balaa ; raoaipta 90S. COARLKATOW, Vaj 8. Cotton atoady; aaloa 888 bo lea?middling flfi receipt* 836. 1, larnrm, May* Cotton *ut~>?-I?A- ' ? ? H^iawua A If , VI ?? !? I'if. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT r ? oa*K?cvso meiTT.T. wr MESSRS. DAVIS ASTRADlEY, MERCHANTS, GREENVILLE. 8. C., MAT. 4. 1860. APPLES, W bMK d*U4,pTd.fl.00<4$1.25 ? ~ " aopaaiod, ?4 a. ? 1 ?0 jBACON, %k 0,1m,! IIA 81 ?. BALE ROPE. lb ?.12| W l*c. BAOOINf, Ow.oy, *, y<U. -.21*434 . AOOINO, l)MdM,S74. 2#($XS?. BUR LAPS... Z7 .7..1?| BUTTER, JB >? ?.2n A 24 e. aawsSasj!^, CniCKKNft. V bead. ...20 <?> 24 e. OOPPHH, ? %. RK- 25 (fr 13,. i CORN, Ik boolkal. n?w,...........?.$l ?6? 1 SO COTTON.................... ...24e. KQOS, * 4MM, 10(412* ? FLOUR, * iMk, ..M 00&6 40 OOLIV. 41 Wtefl 84 INDIGO, Kpanitk Pleat, ?2 <M??2 24 - Sa. Oa. .*1 74(41 00 IRON, *k Ik, Amariron, .7 H' LEAD, R B,....... ......M a. LEATHER, V R>. 8oYe, He atIo<k...34(4A74 a*. ". *i 44 H Oa4^....45A50?. - * " Uppar,., .....70(475 e. 4 a. ? - HaflNoo,... .7.64 a. MOLASSES, fk |tl., Mnfoovado, 7S@f I 00 " " Sjrap, ft 25 MAILS, JB kaf. 48 40 OAT8, ok btukal^, 00 rEA8, ? 7 J| 00 , ?*AOH%8>nU. Dr?ad, peakd.W 00?$* OA I " nulled,.........fl.40 I MOTAVOQfc * MmUmI. Irlafa aa I ? M t?Mi, 4A<a t$? ft**,* to^l M ALI, %l Mob, Lirarpool t* ft* C4 9* ?* UUOAH, ? ft. Brawn I ft if<? 2ft ? . - U ? ?lariftad, 20(io?l ?. * m ? Cnuhwl,........ ?.T.** a. miRTIVO. Mvas-algkU, y b*U lfta. i : M ' bunch 35 j tu- 1! i Jfotie*. i rrilT* mU af tka proparlj of GRADY A 1 I JfARTBOKSl wliieh WM <? Uk? plana I as tka Ifttft of * *. at If t Baa'# M 111#, it loda- I ,ns i ^ssBssemmSBBBSSBE , i, , .T.i-8 ;! Appointr. 9. Orean villa DfaMWt, South OirollMft OnlefciiMJ W. K Chnrwi, 800th. fd Qu?rt?*: R*(+Uti Cirfit?AWHI Mtk and Sftth, at WoKf# Chapel. GrucmuilU StAti+n?May tat aad td. * Ort?uilU Circuit?May Id a?d Vlh at So ? Jaajf' v *0? * ' <* PiJtwnmHIU OirruH- May lftih aad 16th, at .-Pfeal'a. WmiMim etnmit- Ma; lid aad lid, at Fairviaw. flNwewew# 7Wyw/? Circuit?May Htb aad Oth, it Frt*td?Mft. A nicraoo Cimit?J una ftth aad Ith, at B~th?l. Andcrmm 8tatihn?Jona 11th and 18th. PcnAUton Circuit?Ju?? ltth and fOtb, at Hhndy Grov* PmJlrton Onlorrd Charg*?J una tftth aad 87th, at Mt. Zinn. Circuit?July 8-1 and ith. A. B STEPHENS, P. EL A pi 11 ig 1 Money to l<r?4. SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS ha*a M# plaend in my hand* to land, loon tima, aacured l>y uoanautnharad raal aauta. B. P. PERRY. OraanTlTle.B. C., Mat ith, 1889. May ft 80 Fireman'* Parade. rf"mlk Palmetto Fit* On pany will parad* L Thursday (6>l>) Iternoan, at4 v'clvtk Offiww and men will appear in full uuiIwm. with dark pants. By ordet of Vl?? Prhelde* I. A. A. FOSTER, Seemtary. May 6 60 1 . . Notice. ALL perron* having el aims again it tba ?? tata af DAVID T. PKDKN,daeaaaad,will present tbrm promptly to tba undersigned for settlement, and thoaa owing laid Entail muit pay tba inmo at onoa. Particular attention of thoaa in tore*ted ia called to this notice aa the Kitata umat be cloacd up. CI1ARLEB TKTtRY, Executor. May 6 iO r t Improve Your Sight! BY BE1NO SUITED WITII PROF. N. MxNASSK'S PARASOLA SPECTACLES. THE BRAZILIAN PEBBLE AND CRYSTALS. FOR NEARSIGHTED. F*R AND WEtlf EYES, AND CATARACT GLASSES. Tha moment ynu try thraa Improved 8paatao]ea, ynu will find them mm a pleasant. eaay and cooling Chad any f?aaa you avar tried. Frona tba great atady and priHi?i of thoaaandi in Europe and thia country the Profeaeor aan euit all paraona on a mare inspection of the ayaa as In what glare ia beat adapted. Prof. N. Manaiao nan be aarnat Ilia Mandon House for a few d ay a only. Ha wilt take plnaaare ia ahow ingAii stock to all who tuny cell. Made difficult glasses for Dr. William Mieliel?refer all {wmoats to liim aa to my Oouliatie science 1-certify 4be shove ia a correct statement. WILLIAM MICHEL Those wlu wlrh 4? h? auiiad had be'.lvr sail rarly. ae hiaatay will L? altort. LI u .. i In ? > - WW *_ Mil ..I INEHY. A. MISS MrKAT, baring re tarued front Nrw York ? few WugB? day a ax a, hu a well teIlooted Stock -of MILLINK&Y, of rRKNCII BON mV| NET6 and 11ATS, HATS and jrW CAPS for La die*, Miaaea, Boy* Jffl Md Infanta. FLOWERS, RIBJMT JUOiiS, iiair \Q0bL8, JUi AIDS,: Ac. atM. DTVER3 KAXTXO, In aR tie brencAx*, attended to with neaued and drapatob. M*j A. 50 tf NEW GOODS. 1HAVE juet returned width a Stock of Gooda. which I am very amti?ua<a egliiblt to thoae who are In need of them, all of which I raepeclfully requoal to faeor me with a call before purrlinelrg elaewhare.? Call aoon, aa I am arlilng out faat at low figorca. THOMAS STEKBTe May f M U Hot'CO. IW eonfcrmtty with requirement* of Interna! Rimae Lawa, I hereby |hre notice to att 1 peraona who airy ctaUa Barret oat a Pwnjets of Wkidrj, *e wed on Oil preaiiMf of Carter Tanner, on 4th ?f M*? ?,? at M. Parry and J. B. Sherman, because of violation of Internal Revenue Law*, to asake nrb elalnx before me within thirty day* from the first publication of this notice. A. L. COS 11, Dep. Col. May SMS Di isolation. THS Partnership exist trig between the and*rti|B*d is this day dissolved by mutual euDseaC A. MILLER. II. J. MrRKATER, OTIS P. MILLS. ?Grvewvifie, April 34th, IMfi. Messrs. MILL8 A MoBRATBR having pa re based aay satire interest in the firm of A. Miller A Co. 1 solicit for them a eoallnuaaes of the liberal patronage of those friends who have so kindly sustained ns. The antettled bnsinesa of the late firm will be adjusted by them. A. MILLER. May SMS JllaftreMra MADS to order, on abort aotioa. Persona can furnish their own malarial, or they can b? furnished Ky the undersigned, at the residence ?f Mr. G. W. Land, rear Mr. Cauble'a blacksmith shop JAMES M PRICE. Ap M 4? S The State or South Carolina, GRBRWVILLS COUWTY. By R J. DOUTMTT, Etqtirt, Probat* J wig* of Mod Comtfy. 11/ HKREAH, S O. COX has filed a Pe ? tltion In my Office, praying that Uii.m .r ? 1 ... *ii ma ?ingu Up ?h? onndt and ehatteU, right* and ered i|? ol 8UKLONA MAYS, laic cf the County afor-aaid, dtMMrd, ihould ba granted to Mm. 7X?w mre, thertfnrt, to pit# and admnnlab ill **d elngnlar the kindred and eradltora ?l tba aald danearad to ba and appear in Dm Oanrt of Probata for aaid County, to be Uldw at OntatllU Ootirt TTnaaa, on the 1Mb day of May. (nat.. to ahwr aaoae, If toy, arhy tha aald Admlniatration ahoald tot bo graoud * I DOUTHIT. P. f. 0. C. Frubale'a Otter, May ?.h, ! ?{>. AO-3 HTftH ? . =r~ % FRESH &Q8BS* Jtist Received \ A WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP JEW GUIS, or VARIOUS DESCRIPTIONS, arnica w* Ata ?? ovratisa I 0mm- At **** tow PRICES rot CASH, SnlliTan 6c Sonic*/ & to ti United States Internal EerenneDbpoty CoLLKcrom'a Ornca.) May 3d, 1809. J BY virtue of anlbority from A. 8. Wallace Collector of Internal Resenua, I will aell to the highest bidder, at Oreenrillo City, on Tuesday, the llt'i day of May,'869, the following property, to wit: TWO KKU3 UP WnrSKY, supposed to hare been the property of J. N. Taylor. ONK STILL, CAP AND WORM, aeiaed on 23d of Marrb. aear Odom Coi\ ONE STILL. CAP AND WORM, seised on the 23d March, on the premises of Henry Sean*. THREE KE08 0F WHISKY, seised on the 17th March, on the premises of A. C. Poace. ONK STILL, CAP AND WORM, seised on the 30th March,J1869, from Ratsoo A Moon. ONE STILL. CAP AND WORM, seiseJ on Slat March, 1869, on the premises of D. W. Blaaaingaine, in Anderson Coun'.y, lUo TEN GALLONS OV WHISKY, selssd on the 1st April. 1969, at the store of L. D. Bowie. Tertne Cash. A. L. COBB, Dapt. Col. 3d. Diat. So.Ca., BANK NOTES. H. I3EATTIE & CO.'S PMCES tOMITM BJUKIBTI1 ; GREENYTLLE, 8. C., Annit 20, 1869. SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Oansden, ...... w............. 66 Bank of Cbarleaton ........60 Bank of Chester,.. 8 Bank of Georgetown, 8 Beak of Hamburg, 6 Bank of Kcwherry ....60 Bank af South Carolina, nntil 20th May, 14 Bank of 8tat? of 8outh Carolina, prior to 1801, 38 Bank of Stato of South Carolina, after January 1st, 1861 ,12 Commercial Bank, Columbia, .. 1 Escbange Bank, Columbia 8 Farmers' and Exchange, 0 Merchants', Cberaw 7 People's Bank, until 29th April, 70 Planters' Bank - ? * Planter*' and Mechanic*' Bank 61 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Old 60 ** ' u - New,.. 46 State Bank,. 4 Union Rank,.. 00 The** price* are not guaranteed against flncteation*. Highest prices paid for Bank Net** < ( NORTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND TENNKS8BE. Some *f tLe Bank* are in liquidation, and will sooa be settled *p. Apl M 40 S MR* STORE I AM RECEIVING MY S T O C BL OP SPRING AND SIMMER fiOOOS SUCH AS LUES AID EEITLEMEI'S DRESS GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CUTLERY, CROCKERY, BUCKETS, TUBS, ALSO. A SPLENDID LOT OF BRIBHITIIBR irvrnna u UJJSn IN SUITS. OHHiTIN ?r Bureaus Bedsteads Chairs, of all styles Washstands Sofas, Divans Towel-racks Tables Cribs and Cradles. Alt of the abort Qoodi will bo <>ff?r?d at REASONABLE PRICES, at my Now Siero. oa Pendloioo Sircrt, near Ibt Oreeavillt aad Colombia Railroad D?pot. 0TCALL AND RE SATISFIED. Jg% W. Isa WATERS, IfrHli 41 I I S?T" 1R! AflgM. LL putiM ktvfa| tlilM apalaat tba K?UUI of HUSKY IL SYKOVHB, da-l caaaed, and M AHY 0. SPROUSl, damiod, will preaant tfcc? to M properly a I tatted on or btlbn tba Slot day of A?(uil wait j peraaaa Indebted to tba oaaa will pltui make MfMat to too at ooca. WILLIAM 1>. H0PXIK8, April >!tl, 18W. 48 -3* Adia'r. HABTFOKD mmt MACBUt COHFUY. WB bora taken tba Agoncy in tbU Cwnn* ty for tba oalo at tbaoa CBLBBKA1KD BVlOnu iTiiua .vn umo ? ufacture of 8ng?r nod Syrup from the 8orgbuin and Sugar Can#. Wo ?n not offering to tho public an expert* mental maohinc, but oaa of which thero aro tbousauila, aaid to bo, now in uaa, la different part* of the country, and wo wilt bar* only mention a faw of Ha many Merita, aa claimed by the manufacturer*. It require* but about one half tba fuel and about on? half tho labor, and tbo coat la about oaa balf tho price of otber machinal. Tbo reaulta attained aro a Sua article of Sugar and tbo flneet hind of Byrup, (readily aelling at from $1 to $1.60 per gallon,) and wo claim that it la the only midline which CLARIFIES aud CONDENSES lu the laine operation. With all tboae facta in Ita fat or, tbero naad bo no wondar at tho iuccom tho General Agent la meeting with in all our Southern citiaa and town*. Wa abail have one of tho Macbluoa in opara lion in town aoon, until then wo invito our frieudi and the public generally to eall at our atore, aee aamplra, model, illnitrated circular!, Ac., and where we abatl be pleatod to give theui all tbo inforutatloa ta our power. DAVID 6c 8TRADLET. April 7 4? tf THE MORNING STAR. AGAIN Enlarged and Improved! FBI HIS well established and popular Dai JL |y Newspaper ha# recently bean greatly enlarged and improved, (the aao ond enlargement in eighteen monib#,) and if confidently offered to the people uf (he two Carolina# aa second to do daily journal in either of thoee Slate#. Tba Star ie a live, practical and progrea ?iva Newep ?p?-r, eminently adapted to the wants of this section; sound and conservative in its teachings, and devoted to the' " Commercial and Agricultural Interest# of j the South." It contains full and reliable | report* of tile uiuiketa, telegraphic die-1 paiches, local newa and genei al tv.-. - x _ -j #" ? ? in auvinct; vue year, f7.00 ; six months, $3 60; three months, $2.00; one month, $0.75. Address, Wm, H. Bernard, EJilor end Proprietor, Wilmington, K. 0Ap SI 48 If The 8tate of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNT*. Ia Common fleas. r. A. MILES es. <1. W. COLLIS8.?Foreign Attachment.?Heed A Karl*, Plaintiff e Attorney*. WHKRKA8, the Plaintiff did, on the 29th day of Jauuury, 1669, file his Declaration against the Defendant, who, it is said, is akscnt from and without the limits cf this State, aud has neither wife nor attorney known within the same, upon whom a copy of the said Declaration might be screed. It ts ordered that the saia Dolendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration o?i or before the 2Ulh day of January, which will bo in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hnudred and seventy, otherwise final and absolute jitdg moot will then be given and awarded against him. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. C. P. Clerk's Office, Jauuary 2V, 1869. Feb 8 87 <]4 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Common Pleas. cnn/st/Ax hanx ?. o. ir. collixf. Foreign Attachment Heed A Karlt, Plaintiff e Attorneye. WUKRBAS, the Plaintiff did, en the 29th duy of January, 1869, file his Declaration against the Defendant, who, it ia said, is absent from and without the limits of this State, and has neither wife nor attorney k iown within the saino, upon whom a copy of ihe said Declaration might be served: It is therefore ordered, that the said Defendant do appear and plead to the said Declaration on or before the 29th day of January, which will be in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy, otherwise final and absolute judgment will then be given and awarded against him. Uf a aw ?N a ?** > ? ? ? ? ? . t\. HICUA.H lt.Lt, u. V. u. r. Clerk'* Office, January 29th, 1849. Feb 3 37 qi VALUABLE LINOS FOIl SALE. ?WE offbr for ?nlc, Thirteen valuable Tract* of LAND, helonging to (lie Kstato of DORCAS U KEEN, deceased. The above land* are very valuable on account of their close proximity to the City of Oreenville, and are laid off in small traeia, but will be old in larger bodie* if purchaser* desire.? None of the land* are more than three mile* from the City, and *ome under two miles. Term* reasonable; como and examine them. If not *old at private sale, they will be offered at publio auction on Aales-day in June. O. T. HAMMOND,) T. Q. (JLliNN. I KxecWtor*. April 17th, 1809. Apt 21 48 T Deoutr Collector'* Office* QhCENvillk, Feb. I6lh. 1869 BY rirtuo of an ord<-r from A. S. WALLACE Collector of Internal Revenue, Sd Collection Owtrtet of 8??u>h Carolina. 1 will aell to the hiirhrat Mddar a* nuhlia outers, ?n Monday, tins I?th day of May, at McBer'a Mills, ?e?cn miles below Grrenvilla Court House. between Ilia hour* of l'i o'clock, M.. and A oVluck, P. M,, lha following property to wit: 8 sPINNINO FRAM1M, WO RPINDLR3 SI LOOMS I SPINNING MULB, ISO SPINDLES S ACT* OK WOOL CAUDA I BREAKER. and OTHER MACHINERY Together, if necessary, to secure the faxes, all that TRACT Or LAHD, Containing abowt 490 ACRES, lylag on both aides ot Reedy Hi ear, seven miles balow Greenville Court House, ad joining leads of V. Me Bee's estate and oth era Levied on aa the property at the suit of the United States for Internal Revenue Tax assess ad against Grady A Hawthorne. Teraos Cash. A. la COBB, Dap. Col, Id Col. Diet, of & G Fob 17 M IS slob Work DOXX at tMs Ottoo, wfch aeatntee and desfateh mwmik JUST ARRIYED. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of LADIES' SHOES and BOOTEES, I Mail* In the South.) and warranted equal It 1ILES' REST. Fur tale ebeap at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, A FINE SELECTION OF LANDRBTH'S Sm GARDEN SEEDS. Bed and White CLOVER, Lucerne, Orchard aad Blue GRASS. For eale at STEEN'S STORE. I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OF OiFA UUSDRED BUSHELS OF Dickson Cotton Seed, On ComIgnmont. For eale cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, A NEW ARRIVAL OF STARK'S DIXIE PLOW. -ZVO710 Superior Aow in Use. JBSJ- For talo at STEEN'S STORE. | Marjh 24 .. 44 tf JUST RECEIVED AT Wo Ho HVA1 A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRING AND! SUMMER [M? (g(0???o THE Ladles would do well to call and ?tamine my Stock of DRESS GOODS at an early day. I ain now offering, at very moderate price*, a beautiful assortment of ORIENTAL LUSTKK8 STRIPED POl'LINS LENOE CLOTH SPltAGIIK DkLAINFS ALPACCA LUSTRES, AC. There Goods have been selected with great care and good taste. My Stock of Uoods for GENTS AND YOUTH'S WEAR, will be tonnd eery complete ? Cloths, Cassiuierrs, Tweeds, Ueady-iuade Sbirts, Black Alpine Hats, Merchants Union Paper Collars, Ac. I have just opened a beautiful lot of SIL- j VEK WARE, such a* Table Spoons, Forks, Tea Spoons, Butter Knives, Salt and Mustard Spoons. This waro is plated on genuine Albnta?full weight ol silver. ALSO. A flno selection of pure GOLD JEWELRY, Plaiu Gold Rings, Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Ac. Photograph Albums, all sixes and prices, Buck Purses, Handkerchief Extracts, Soap*. I am now offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at very low figures; also Paper Shades, Fire Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock wilt always be found complete in this line. I have on band all numbers 01 the celebrated Willimntitic Soft Finish Black Spool Cotton, the best in use for Machines?try it and be convinced. In short, my Stock will be found eorepleto, fresh and attractive at all limes. Call and satisfy yourselves. W. II. Hover Mar 24 44 tf AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET M0B3. HHIteD f THAVE leid in a very full and complete Block of new and reasonable Gooda, , which have been selected with the view to ] fill the demands of a varied patronage, and which are of the very best qualities. In the Gents Department may be f>nnd Casetmerea, Tweeds, Cloths, and Readymade Clot hiog, Paper Collars, Cravats, Ac. B'aek Pelt Hats, White and Summer ditto. In the Ladies Depattmetit my stock is fuller than ever before, and I know that the ladies will be pleased Upon examining my list of DnLAlNES, FANCY A LP A CC A3, POPLINS, DcARMURRS, STRIPED GRENADINES. CAMBUtCS, Together with a large lot of PRINTS.? WHITE GOODS, consisting partly of Li wns, Swiss**, Jaconet*, Long Cloths. La do* Boots and Shoes, Hats and Rib? boo*, and Fancy Articles. Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Our GROCERIES are kept in full stock. Coffee, Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Rice, Fi.h. The above embraces but a very indefinite idea of my slock, and I would request tny friends and customers wben calling on me to ask for articles not mentioned or seen lituin Ablaaina "r 8 T. W. DAVIS. Mar 111 4ft If TO TI1E PUBLIC. THE PAVILION nOTEL, CHARLESTON, 8. C., SO LONG end ably eon dneted by the lata H. L M""QW"Jd BUTTRRhKLD. will .till SSsSSeBCbe kept open for the aoeom modatiou at the traveling publie And It* former frtaada and patrona will find the usual ancommodat'ona and attentions b? towed on them as formerly, and the publie fheora, already so well estnhltehed aaTHE 111 >TBI? of the TR A V KJ,I NO MKRCUANTH f the Sooth. will, by ear neat efforts, be faithfully preserved. *,!?? i\ ? , 4 , ^ ? * m \ " IT'P j t P. P. TO ALU, ?m**ttzzt**'*' DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, : ffilV w^^^BllWiinLgh ' IvMllI IK ^MP* Nw?a.?Wa woold emit tba partlaatar >Um tion of oar friend* to tba ab-.-va otrd. P. P. Tualo baa a largo Factory, aad aaob faaiHtiaa aa aaabla biin to aupply tba Last work of bh* own make at low prices. A tanr lirp ui complete assortment always on hand at big Factory, Horlbtak'? Wharf, -rar AfectA-A'oT ara Dailroad Depot, OAarlaaton, & O. N. B.?Orders from the country aalieltal, and atrlot attention paid to shipping to gved order. 4H; April T A. C. KAUFMAN, SROK1R, Dim&cranmuir NO. 20, BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. WILL BUY AND SELL REAL B8TATN, BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, An. nnrnannoia. Ex Qor. B. F. Perry, Greenville, 2 Q, Charles T. Lowndes, Charleatea, 8. H. Lesscsne A Miles, 44 m W. W. Taylor, Bait more. Md. Maj. C. II. Sober, Newberry, 8. 0. Gen. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Ye. Hon. J. B. Campbell, Charlentoa, 8. 81 W. B. Smith A Co., ? ? Crane, Boylston A Co., " u Pelsor, Rodger* A Co., M ' Preasley, Lord A Ingiesby, " " J. 11. Wilson, ?? ? A pill 7 40 to* SOUTH CAROLINA J.OAN AND TRUSS COMPANY. AutAoritrd Capital, Fiat Million Dal I art.?a Prtarnt Limit, $500,000. THE office of this Company la now opened at No. 10 Broad Street (South-Westens Railroad Bank) for the receipt of Deposit^ Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sale of Ex-, change, and the transaction ef a Oeaersd Bnnking Business. Interest allowed on Deposits upon terms a*, tahlisbcd by the Board of Directors. The Company is also a legal depository fee moneys paid into Court, will receive Registry and Transfer Books, act as agent to pay Cou? pons and Dividends, and aa Trustee to 8ill road Mortgages. ntaxcToia. W C. Bee, of Vi m. GL Bee A Co.; A. & Johnston, of Johnston, Crews A Go.; Rol.t, Mure, of R<.bt. Mure A Co ; W. B. Williams, o( W. H Williams A Son; K. H. Frost, of Frost A Adger; J. E. A?'g?-r, of J. ?. Adger A Co. : llenrv Gourdim of f!?u?. din, M stlhieeon A Co. ; George L. Hoist, of Bun* A Buist; C. G. M?m in inner, of Mia mlnger, Jervsy A Pmck-ey ; T. J. Kerr, ef T J Kerr A Co.; J D. Aiken, of J V. Aiken A Co : John Campsen, of Campssn A Co.; A P. Caldwvll, of R. A A. P. CaUwell; W. K. Kvin, J. T. K.limia, B. O'Neill, J. J. Gregg, Grauitevlll#. 8. C. Fur further inforinaiion, address GEO. a CAMERON, President THOS. R. WARING, Cashier. Chailasloo, a C., March 12, 1869. March 24 44 It CARD. charles "kerrison, I FORMERLY of the Ann of C. A 1. L. KERRISON, would inform hia friends sod tho public ibat ho has purchased from Mr. James B. Belts, ail hia stock in trade, Ac., at the Store No. 262 King Street, and will tbero contiuuo the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, wholesale and retail, tor earb, on hia own individual account and responsibility.? He will proceed, without delay, to replenish and renew the Stock, and continue ao doing until the assortment shall he tnade complete and attractive. As the terms will be STRICTLY CASH, or approved city acceptance for a short credit, it necessarily follows that the nrices must bo Itoni ?i ? in? - - w found at any other respectable establishment. His brother, llr. K. L. KERRISON, asiisW ed by Mr. A. B. McDONKLL. both experienced merchants in this line, will be found at bis store, aiding in the conduct and management of the business, and it is hoped that bis and their efforts to win the confidence and patronage of the public will bo as auccastful as In past dayt was tbo old firm at corner ?f King and Market Streets. Feb 24 40 Im ismm Mm & co_ Wholesnlc Dealer* IN BRI 600DS ?iLtDTOlffilSs, 122 and 124 He?ting St. Charleston, M. C? IDWIW BATES. a Bo. a SBLMAW. Til OS. B. m'oaBaM. Feb 10 88 tm J 1* PANKNI I'S HEPATIC BITTERS. THET CURE DYSPEPSIA, An Aix raum ot m STOMACH AND LITER. " . firwT ah ftamnmrm wt Tfi msdioAl rxotrttTY. HEOEMAN * CO., jsxim, naw roam. Manufactured byVp. PAHKNIH, OUBCfT DTD AmSMAST, ORARLSITON. SO. ftr Mt Ay Jws>WI /Tm it*t> ?i AO ijf I