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" ?usc-robbers is ooogreestcd. and J |?lblOT| 4Mi of violence and pilWgo that Ma alarming tha aitiaana throughout that dia? triet. Swooping down wbea Iaa*t e I pec ted, them man elaar rat a bouse, a stable, or a farmer riding home, with a dispateh, ingenuity and skill that calls to alpd tha deeds of Dfik Torpiu, milled with tha daring and rapacity f tha Italian brigands to (hair mountain knights. ffrem tbg Richmond ileadligb', af ? Saturday last, wa laarn that tha success or this Wad Is owlngte tha acutonasa and boldness f its loader, whom they call "lfad.u It was ana* a roustabout tha strainer Balls Lds, la aia tost high, wail made, and eery raady of spaaeh, qualities that hats given bias unlimited oontrol ovor bia black followers. Us laft tha Leo hi Kaw Orlttnt two months ago, and commenced collecting hit men, said now te numbar thirty desperadoes, who never dispute hia commands. Tha band ara armed with flk-bhoottW and bowls knlvas, and hava ao lack of a'olan horses. When tha Richmond last past ap, tha naws at Ifapolcon was that Mm eonntry above there had baaa thrown into WO as tarnation by Ned's having seised tha danghtor of an influential eitisen, with whom ha woald hava gottea aafeiy off, but for tha atrgy of tha young lady's father and his tieighWigfl, RcrMinJ thfl dKHiirtnr inri who ilturkMl kin and the portion of hie l aud that were with hire. and compelled than to ralioqaiah thair yr?y. Hal rtdaa white here*, finely eapariaooed, ad it himself generally dreeecd in fantastic aolora. IIo handlat hia animal with tba akiil at a Texas ranger, and areata never to ahirk a ght. On ona occasion ha waa surrounded, while in a log cabin that ha frequented during hia leiaura hour*, by six men, who demanded a aurraodcr. Nad, knowing capture to be sure daatb, declared be would tight it out on that ltna. Preparations being commenced for Oka frny, a second demand was made, and in reply earn# a shot from tba cabin, severely Wounding ona of the attacking party. After (hia an attempt was made upon tba door, bursting it open ; bat on entering it waa discovered that Nod had effected an escape from the rear, having crept under the Inge ; and in looking ten the eabin window he waa seen galloping rapidly through a shirt of timber over 300 yarde distance, shaking hia hand in daOance art tba ehagrinod party In tha log eabin. II# has had numerous similar escapes. Application Km bean made to Governor Clayton, and M is snpeeted that a reward offered by him for tha leader, dead or alive, and conoer'fcd action f the residents of the neighborhood making eommon pursuit after him, will put a atop to his earear. Such is bie astuteness, howaver, that many balieve that before preparation* can he organised, the hold outlaw will be far away, errying on hie desperate deed* at th* expense f another and distant community. IfeeipAta iwelasat*. A hsviktiiia Rbvshtiow?Tun Pmacb JfeeoiiATioas or 1004.?A letter in a recent inmhur nf Lho WYi??linr Ruaiatmr. from Road k? Cornty, V*., makes tbe following remark Me revelation : While in Marion, Smyth County, a few days ago 1 had the pleasure of several lengthy chats with Hon Fayette McMullln. Mr. McMullin ay* that eince the war he vai one day in tbe Fresident's honee, in Washington, conversing with Hon. F. Blair, Sr. Mr. Blair told him that aoon after McMullin's "peace resolutions'* had been introduced into the Confederate C ngreas, Mr. Lineoln being extremely anxious to bring about a peace honorable alike to both Motions of the country, and foreseeing, and wishing te avoid, tbe political consequences of the military subjugation of the South, rent l!n (Mr. Blair) to Richmond to confer with Mr. Darisand learn what arrangement of tbe difficulties could be made. lie was passed through the line* of tbe contending armios and aondncted to Mr. Daris' bonae iu Richmond. After a long conversation with Mr. Davis and ether prominent gentlemen (or whom Mr. Davie sent, and for whom Mr. Blair enquired, Mr. Davis said that be had no proposition to make. Mr. Blair then proposed that General Lee's rmy he marched into Mexico against the Frenoh; that Qaneral Grant would follow and support the movement; that the united armies would drive out Maximilian, and then tbe Southern States should name their own terms ef reconstruction, everything short of independsnee being guaranteed. At Mr. Davis, requsst this proposition was made in writing and ftsr some consultation and reflection signed and accepted by him. Mr. Blair returned to Washington, and Mr. Lineoln was highly delighted with the success of tbe negotiation. It was in the hope of eonstimmating this ar rangemvnt that Mr. Lincoln and Seward met he "Peace Commissioners," Hone. Stephen*, Hunter, and Campbell, at Fortress Monroe Vat there, to Mr. Lincoln'* chagrin, the committee declared that they bad been instructed by Mr. Davie to insist upon the independence 1 the South, and would listen to no other propneeJ. And thus the whole affair eame to a "moat lame and impotent conclusion." Sne.b is the substance of the account related e Oorernor MeMullin hylMr. Blair. Mr. MeMnllln says that he asked and obtained Mr Blair's permission to make the statement pub. he, hut be had refrainad from giving it pub lisity pending Mr. Davis' trisl, fesring ls*t il sight in some wnj prejudice bis cass. Ttnnim.n Famxx in rnn Norm or Eonorn.?Advices by mail fvo? the countries on tVs Baltic nan tall of n terrible end widely extended famine now existing there. A Istisi e?y* that the distress is Indescribable. Fron Ike lid of May te the I8?h of August, las year, no rain tall, aad tka summer crops w*r< eenrrbed. Bread can now be scarcely got even at the most exorbitant price, end, as thi read* ere Inspeesahle by reason of the sxtraor diaury wet weatbsr, no help from abroad cat leach the people. The debilitated condition o ?? iwfnwinB ma meir icrani| legemer 11 the larger viilagat, in the hope of netting foot ad thcifcr, he* engendered die*ate, which I fttklef fterfnl m*|M. lRWgf*t?t> D?at? ? a few day* tinee, i nemad Thuati Jamtt, residing in Al tinjr, died oecy tnddcnly, end hie fricndi wer no able to diecever any ceuaa for bit rudtlen da Wlea. At the pott morttm eieonination, whicl he# Jan kwe WI4, It was (onnd that a p ee fekip bad lodged erottwlea in bit howeh flopping rhe ptteage, and prodarlng the in fammetton which eauted hia death. It h? I ten aeeertainrd that the deceased accidental )y rwallowcd tbif chip nbila drinking tow (in aad aaolarMt a abort tiiua tinae, tha rhl erlag evidently beat* 4a tat bed front the an rub Bdaatae Ste^<U Md 'L'IIMWU1HaUey, mm+t anp?rt of tb* adWrs, traasastlons, and condition of this bureau up to the fth of Murok lust, it which Urn* Mr. MiCult* w?? appoint*, ed ohiaf. Than Scoretary Boutwell appointed a Commit tea consiatlag of Mr. Usury DCook*, President of tho first National Bank . oathwick Qutbrls, elerk In tba TrttramV bureau, and W. A. 8hannon, a cl?rk In tb* Secretary ' office or bureau. These goatleUen bar* baan engaged Is a thorough overbaaling of all tba books, voucher*, receipts, blank papar, partially printed paper, currency, legal Under* and bond*) alaa, all plataa ta and oat ol tree, presses*, dyoa, traoafer material, and In fact all tba atock In trade *f every description i 1b too burton. Their report will b* mod* to the Secretory, and may or may not bo pabllehod. It la for prirato information of tho Dopa rtm on t, and ita publication la detail aaay l?o deemed dotrimontal to tbo interests of the Government. In tbo meantime wo are at libarty to state tbooa hell f All preaont fractional enrreney will be rapidly called In. No more of U er ony of tbo oerioe printed will omanat* from tbo Government. Tbo work of printing jt boa boon entirely stoppod. Tbo remaining blank paper uaed for tbla kind of fractional currency will bo doatmyed or need for other purpurea. Tbo atylo of th# legal tenders or greenbacks will bo entirely different from those now in cirenlotion, and the printing of these has also been stopped. The employee*, men end women, in tbo vorlcns divisions of the bureau, bave been farlougbed until ths 15th of May, end during tbo interval all the machinery will bo cleansed and needed repair* made, and averything got ready for tbo new work. The paper for th* new money has been selected and contracted for. Is now In process of manufecture. It Is of each a character that it is thought it will he almost impossible to roonterfeit it. This will be the case with tkc new issues of both the legal tenders arid the fractional currency. The new arrangements entirely preclude fraud in the bureau. Tho chocks and balances are plain and comprehensive, and cannot be misunderstood. The papor for the new money is being manufactured in a neighboring city. A papor maker and a paper clerk, representing the Government, has charge of the mill, so that the contractors can only work nndor their snpervision. A part of tho legal tender notes will bo prin'* ed out of tbo city, and tho remaining part will be printed here. It is probable that all the fractional currency notes will he printed here. The same comprehensive plan it also adopted in reference to all the whisky stamps or other revenue stamps made by the bureau and turned over to the Commissioners of Internal Revenue. Ail the plates, dies, and other material of me oiu money win oe aesiroyeo, uo?or me direction of Mssrr*. Cook, Shannon and Guthrie. [ iVefionaf TnttUigmrtr, 19lh till. WiiniKTor, May 1.?General Dent had intimated to General Lee that President Grant deaired a visit from him. Whereupon General Lee, accompanied by Mr. and Mr*. Taggart, of Baltimore, visited him this morninir. In this connection, a correspondent of tho New York IJtrald any*: A gentleman who professes to know the fact* connected with the projected visit, states that General Lee, who is now in Baltimore, where he has heen staying for a week past, will come to this city to-morrow or neat dayand will he the guest of Montgomery Blair. It is stated that the General will visit the Executive mansion during bis stay here, and will bav* one or mora interviews with the President who baa requested General Lee to call upon kirn. It la intimnted that the oljeet of the interview sought for by the President is to obtain from General Lee his opinion of the working of the reconstruction laws in the State ol Virginia, and of the present temper of the leading eitisens of the South. What other matters are to be touched upon by the two principsl military ehieltains is not definitely known, but from all that has leaked out concerning the proposed conference, it is fair tc infer that it will be of more than ordinary significance. General Lee is stopping in Georgetown, and keeps aloof from publlo observation. Hit visit to the White House, this morning, wai the occasion of much interval. No other interviews were had with the President, by any one, after General Lee retired. Atxxw Baptist Cgcnrii?Thnrlow Weed hu recently presented tbe Baptist Cburrh, si Aiken with a bandsomo Communion St-rvice. The following is the letter of acknowledgment from tbe Pastor, Bcr. Lucius Cuthhert: A ik sit, S. C., March 24, 18C2. lion. Thurlou H'rrd : Drak Sin :?It is my pleasant duty to express to you the sincere thanks of the Aiken Baptist Church, for the very handsome Communion Service which you have presented us We will value the gilt very highly, associated, as It ever will he, with the cnueummati.-n ol our Saviour's infinite love. And we shall remember with ieelingsof Christian spprrriatior I | tbe kindly spirit and the generous character ol the giver. May tbe comforts of nurhlessed religion sua tain you in seasons of afitietiou ; and may Jesus appenr to you in faith, saying, "It is I, b< not afiaid I" t And when our eojoorn on earth is ended may we he admitted to that Rest on lligl which rcmaineth to the people of God ! Done in behalf of the Church. LUCIUS CUTI1BERT, Pastor. i + >?? r Wb learn fiom Berlin that a Prussian ofllee 1 who waa in the Confederate service during ou 1 war, and who was on duty at Charleston, hn ' communicated to tbe Pruasiaa Government th secret of the construction of the torpedo c B American invention, which waa found ver; serviceable In the defeneeof Charleston bar 1 bor. Experiment* were lately made at Ki? ' witb this particular torpedo, in the preaenc of n*Y?l and milittry officers designated t? ' the government and they blew a reveal, whie * bad been prepared for the parpoM, all t pirree. The o?rer (Von Peholiha) who eow aiunieated the eecret, baa received en appoint a meal ea the tUf of the Pnteaiaa aervlee. * r Comit CuMiaa.?A comet, c? parlor in eii b and loetre to Knehe'f ie nightly expected. C< a lectin! curioelty eeehera are promised this not I, elty between Ihla data end June. The Wi i. ainyton Journal declare* it la the return i ie Winerk'a eomel, which bee been whiehing I I- tall through rpaee far ever aw many haddri iu year*. The advent of the phenomenon wl p afford week ptraeure te all Inking the trnab te leek heavenward at the tiaee ef be eypia aav? 3. B T? 8l| \)t ^itrtjjtti Cntnjiim. "GRKmmLfl^K, g.t. ' WTOIMMT, MAT ?. I?t. Ho Idttprtfl, la wnt?ju?rn-? of thi ?p|i|nM?t of bolfc Iditon Opoa Court, thpy havo bm uhM? lo |iv? n<i?h attaotloa to the pa par ibl?to?k) tl^' Tho Prooidont Mdfiaaala. UTTha Ksoentiro Soaalon of tho Sonata boa adjourned. Boom of tho Prooidant'f nomlnationi hoTo boon rajcotod. Tho rejection of tho ItoTaanr Joanaon treaty with England, and tho ipoochoo of SgmniR, Caimn and nthora baro lllrnd up tho Britioh public and tharo ia a talk of war; no oao aa jot r*olty boltoToo 1 that will follow, bat wo all know that wora grow oat of long aaaottlod diapatoa, oomotiaioo unasooctodly aa oar own lata Abolition war. Tli* OreeiiTfU* and Columbia Railroad. The meeting of stock holder* last week in Columbia was l*rg-ly attended. Wa are glad to Mt that tha private stockholders turned out in great force, nod that their action st.d that of the Stale proxies conservative end indicative of a real deaire to promote the ipUrest of the Road. llr. I H?mirrr was re elected Preeident unanimously. and ten ont of twelve of the old direetore; and all the directors voted for were known friends of the Road, and truly deeiron# of promoting the lntereet of tha Company. The prospects are hopeful, end if the Company continue# under the earns good management for a while longer, bondholders, stockholders, and tha community at large will all have occasion to rejoice. ' "**t The Recent Agricultural Convention in Columbia. W e hope to give an abstract of the pro. eVding* ?n our next. We hail the movement as suspicions to the planting end farming interest of the country. In modern times al great progreea In agriculture has been aecompanied snd promoted by ##>! cultural societies, especially in tbe United States and in England. Gen. Visits President Grant. Some account of the resent ?UW l>y Gen* Las to Gen. Hunt will be foon < In our columns. Much epceulatic n exists as to the meaning of it. Some eay that perhaps war is apprahendrd, and that a consultation between the two great American Captains ha* refeienee to that. The common guess is that Oen. G*ant wlrhed to get information frotu Gen. Lxr. as to Virginia affaiia; thia guess Is not, however, the tno?t plausible.? The visit shows one thing clearly, that Prrtidml OriiiT is fur *bn?? th* foolish snd malignant spirit that govern* *oro? of tbe smaller Repuhlieans. The American Agriculturist. Fifty engraving* are given in the Amrri/ fan Agricullurint for May let, which are not only pleasing to ihe eye, hut many of them illustrate ration* dev?cs? and itnpl* ment* useful in the house, in the garden, and on the farm Among them are eight splendid illustration* of a<>tne ol Ihe recent and valuable kinds of poultry recently in reduced. Th^sc are drawn fr^m life, and are *o " perfret to a feather," a* to make one fully acquainted with the aereral breed* shown. The Calendar of Work to be Dona, and the practical hints thereon, ii a valuable and seasonable teatnre of th? number before us. The " Basket " contalni nearly a hundred short, condensed, practical artielea, inelud ng thr usual scathing r expos* of Humhuga and Swindle*, which has msde the Agriculturist so useful to th? country at large. Five leading breed* ol improved Swine are shown to ths life, wilti description* of their peculiarities. M Walki ' and Talka Upon ths Farm" fill two page, > with mush information drawn hem expert ence. Graltitg is explained clearly it wood-cuts and type. Practical Gatdeninj ' is traated in the same manner. The Hour* ' hold Pej>rrim'Di and the Children'* C?1 umne, ere ell well tilled wi'h uaeful end in (trxting infot n.ation end illnat ration".? Altogether. thi? joornaM* unequalled in Ihi world for it* greet amount and variety o tteefnl and pleating information, and i 1 ?h?nld he in every honee ia the land.? . Term*, $1 60 a year, or four eoplee for #6 ' Single number# poet-fetid, If cent* each.? Oaeaoa Jcnn k Co., Publisher#, 246 Broad way, New Yoik. ? -^e4^*?. i i Salaa for May. W* report important eelt-e for tide moot! j. A* will he aeen helow, McBac'a Faetor brought twenty thoaaand dollar*; and lh i very valuable plantation ot Col T. Fnwi ' Waaaeold for five thouaand aeven hnndre and one dollar* Both were for ea*h. The extra eonrt Lairg held thia week. 1 large number of peraon* were io atteot , anea. ' ialk bt a. t. DotmiiT. jrnoa Or raonATx. Traet of Land, containing 604 Aeree, E tale ol A#bkl Cox, bought by J. L. Cox, f< $*2602 one and two yeara time. r sai.e bt w a. m'daXIXL. clesk ov oocbt. r McBbx'b Factory, purchased by WtMa Bran A Co?*20.000, ea#h. " aALxe xt a. a viexaaa, snxatrr. f 1000 aerea of Land, proprrty of T. Ei ' win W abb pnrcbaard by Mr a. Euxa 0. B<> # Lira?$6,701. y 296 aerea, property of D. II. Carxo h porch need by Uiiiit Coor, for $400. h " ' r t- A Htw Ptptr. Tkt Rpmrtmnbnrg Q*t*tu in lk? um of piper juM dor tod at Spirlnburg Con ' * P kL Yf4 a luck. Bailor, Binvu Pom ibo, Proprietor. 8ub?crtpt>on prU I- 11.00 a y?*r in advonrr. if li ?* Tbo Coo to tod BImum la CkirlMlc ?" fudgo Uiarvmi haa Joel *d ku favor [,* PiixaosvT and bin Board of Alder-no*. Ibo *o? CoooeU wo* aw or* 1* loot Hood* Sttnklia ToVnddp* *o. 2* Green Itiave Ihotfcfai tl?t t? " iataraattag lo joaf i Mmm Editor*. to rlr? emit aoeotffti of ibo l, B B T. $T> | tb? onomraommnt ixmlmt or um| nr. ?? OraenrUtn, Map !??. 18??. I W. p..bli.h In fell th. proaoedloga. awl wrtttf to tU pngriMit, trhl?k wtrwj fwy >f nwiw md Interesting, The m* paetoue house of worvhlp of the Baptist Obureli in Greenville wee need for tbo * oreiece on the oeeeeion, and we ware pleated to one a moat reap eatable natnber of jlAiori fiom diatanaa and aitimea of (MravlHa In attandaaaa on tba eeaasion, although the weather waa threatening. The esareteee were alt eharteitriaed by great propriety, and the gradoataa ia their addressee showed the benefit, of their training, giving tWiraaao af proving " able mintaUra of the New Toetament" The addrtte of Dr. Bore, to the graduates was admirable and ibis, and moat appropriate to the oa^aatun. PROGRAMME. iuUe bt nt oavmca oaonu Prayer nr anv. am. nnwAU, or uunb. Muti*. Oomm$nrrmrnt Addrrtt, T bit. t. a. T.TLOt, Or UCaMORD, ?. Diploma**rr*d on oaaBi'ATaa in anraaATn tonoouL JMi. mat bt i.tmtu aaoAonra. Itndency to Materialism. addkt* it h. c towjowv. A Dsod Christ th* Lift of th* World. Diplomat Confer rod. ok rutx on am; aym. Addroaa, ?r UT. I. r. BOYCB, D. D . CBAIBM AM Of TUB FACULTY, Hymn. Bmedietion. ORADUATF.S IN PARTICULAR SCHOOLS I. BtBt'lOAl, TKTROnrOTIOM. 0?o. N. Askaw. 8. C.; J. I.. R. Borr?tl, Ok. ; Wm. Brtml, Jr., K. C : Oro. W. OiT b, Ob.; Wm. Ilayne Lrivrllo. 8. C.: T. J 8>m*, Mia*.; T). Towne-nd 8mlth, & f*.; Jihn Stout. AU.; F. R Underwood. K. C.. fm. H Whltaitt. Tmn. n. <*U> TICTAMKNT IKTBarBBTATTOW. Englieh Department?Vf. L. Antony. Tann.; Win. Btnnt. Jr.. N. C.; L 8. Footer, M m ; Th?* 8. Gardner. Ky.; J. G^Kand?U, Ky ; Thoa. P. Llde. Jr? 8. C.; H. F. Millar. .8. C : H F. Oil***, Oa.; J. M. R.?hart*?-n. Ala.; A K Rojar*, Mo.; D. Tnwnaaud Smith. 8. C ; F. R. Underwood N. a; Wrn n. WhilMil, Tan*.; C. A Woodaou, Va. English and Ifrbrnr?Lotticr Brnaddua. Va.; Henry C. Townoend. Vb. ; Wo>. H Whit altt, Tann. in. nnw Tiw**ri?T ttnBttraBTATioM. Engliak Department.? Win. Brunt, Jr, N C. ; L 8. Footer. M ae.; Thoa. S. Oard nar. Kf ; John f\ Kandal), Ky.; Tho?. P. Ltd#, Jr., 8 C.; H. F OlWar. Ob ; J. M Rohartaon. A'a.; A. F. Roire?a. Mo.; P T-wnaend Mn.lth, 8 C ; John Stout. Ala J T. Weacott, N C.; K. B. William*, Ala. C. A. Woodaon. Va. Engtiak and Greek ? L.tilh?r Brnaddra i Va.; J. Pika P.???r?, Ky.; D. Townaem i Smith, 8. C. ; Henry C Townaand, Va. IT. tVTBMtTK) Til HOloflT. KntfUah DtpmHmtmi.-?John O. Kmd.ll Kr.; Wm Hajrii* Ltmill*, 8. C.; Ilmh P Oliv.r, On.; A. E. Roger., Mo. ; N. B. Wil liama. Ala.; J.. T. Wraco't, N. G. KnglitA and TMin.?Luther Bro.ddui Va.; H. C. Towoeend, V?. roiBtttc TO en LOOT. Wm. Hajne Leav*ll?, 8 0. i. Houarrif* Wot. Brunt, Jr , N. C.; Thoe 8 Garii ner, Kr.; 0*?. W. Given. G? ; John C Kendall. Kr.; Wm. IT.yne 8, C, Thoe. P. LMe, Jr.. 8. C ; J. Pike Power, - Kj.; A. K R-fer?, Mo.; J. T. P - C.; N. B. William*, Ala.; G. A. Woud.or Va. B Til. rOOLBSH IttCAL Hl?roeT. I Oeo. W. Oiren, Oa ; F R. Unler woori 1 N. O.; Wm. II. WLlt.itt, Tenn ; Che.. A - Woodion, Va. vni ?p*o? eoTMiMm *n rAwneti bdtii Geo N A.Vew 8. G; Tho?.8. Q.rdne k- Ky. ; Geo. W. Given, Ga.; J. Pike Power Ky^ D Townaend Smith, & 0.; John Stou Ala. ; J. T. WeeooU, N. 0 ; Wm. H Wltl tilt, Teno. i The following have pawed Examinalit y in Jnnlor Oiaeeee: Junior Hebrrm?Wm. Bninl, Jr., N. C * Il8. Footer, Mie*.; Thoe. 8. Gardner, Ky, d Thoe. P. Lide. Jr , 8. O.; D. Towneen Smith, 8. C.; Uenry F. Sprolee, Miee.; Job a Stout. Ala. i junior vtmk.?u. o roeter, wiive.; w H. Gardner, Ky.; W. C Llndeey. Ve.; 1 V Oliver, Ot,; H P. Sproiea, Km.; Jo) e< 8tout, Ala. >r eattiUAtn or ma natKiiT. Luther Broaddua, of Virginia ; Ilenry Tuwneend, of Virginia. at In the evening, the addrern before ll Andrew Puller Society, wee delivered I J. P>k? Powaaa, of Ky? and ie highly ?p rv kvo ot l>y thoee who heard it. Med teal Bobolarahip. m A eeho'ar'htp on the Philadelphia U vereily of Medicine and Surgery ean puroheeed on very renaonable and aeeoi mod*ting lerrea, upon appiieatiou at tl r m office. ^ UT The attention of the anther It ice M called to the very bad condition of I ' lower bridge. Caeh will he received for gnoda in ev* line, eaving to tha pnrrhaaer mora tbah I in tercet on hia love?mefit Only th ? who bay tor aaeh eetnre the b>M bargai ?y. PoCer A Hunter. 41 locality hoadlng this article, now known as Iljtak lip Township, Sq, I, under tha new order of things, which haa very recant* boon laid out by tha Surveyor sppofotkd for th* porpoM pf >ft|fclf.??Ufcft Couatj Into towaahipa. Tha Una at this Township ronnlng aaat and want, begins on tba Rainda River in tba plantation of tba lata Sem? nal Williams, and running due aaat strike" Reedy River a boat one roils south of Oder Falls, having for tha southern boundary tha line between Greenville and Laurenn? Thar# are embraced within this territory, tba eoro mills of MrDavid, MaFatl, I>ona1d ton and 8ulltvan, which afford auffloient a a. cnmmodetlon to tba inhabitants U hare their grist and maal to order; they are all d rash doing a regular, good and tracking hueinese. There are (n this locality one Baptist and two Methodlat ehurohea, having large membership, large and attentive congregations, with 8unday rahooIs in progress There are thr?s regular sshoo's. well all tended, hy a foil supply of pupils, with good and competent teachers. There are two practicing physiolaae, Dra. Latimer end Donaldson, who are not excelled in skill and popularity by any in tha country. There ere two larva stores, one owned and run by Col. Jimn MeOu'l-ugh, who i* doing a fin* and successful trade; the other i* owned and ran by Dr. James M. Sullivan, who by tba way, is the merchant of the dajt having annoano*d to kII cheaper than the towns along lh? railroad* and country vil lag**, that ar* located within thirty miles of his store, for ths reason that hs has no rent* to pay, no town taxes to pay, and hoarding Mmst-lf and clerks cheap at home. The Doctor acting npon this new pro. gramme. Is doing a heavy business. Cos* torn era flock to liis place hy scores, having their wants supplied to their entire satisfaction, both ia quality and price. Thii Is now emphatically the Bee Store of the country. There ar* in this Township, a elaaa ?| farmers, I venture, not to he surpassed in energy, skill end suecesty in any sec'lnn o< the State. Jess* Frenoh and lleiilrt 8tilli van. Esq . are the roost abundant and cue easeful grain producers; B. F. k!o?ely. Ar eha Ramsey. William Sine, V. Austin and Allen Chandler, the most euceeeelul cotton planters, though there are cuai.y oilier* that might be mentioned that are growing oot'on very tneerssfully. Vt ithin tue bound*of thisTownrhlp tber* has not been a alngle case applying for thi benefits of ths bankrupt law ; there hai not, nor will be a aiug'a ease for the benefl of the homestead act, for the reason that al have the will end ability to pay their dehtf Why and how tbia is so. when compart* with ntaay other avetions of the country there must he * reason, and cannot be aa . counted for in any olhar way, than w# hai in this section many years ego as citisen* ' such men as M*j. Berry. Col. Juhnanr - ilrulei Sullivan, Tully Boiling, Jainea M< * David, Htrollier hhumato, Peter Freneli > and other wortbiee. wheee well maritn reputation, (or integrity of character, indu* ' try, perseverance, economy and reelilnd k of li's, are being taken hy the present Hi ' ing as their exemplars and guide. OBSERVER. May 3d. 18C9. 4,Th? Seeretg of the Gromt Ci'y ; A trork deieriptio* of tJk* Virtu** and the Vie* lie ifyfrit*, Mi?*r*** and Crime* / _A'?i York Ci'jf i* tbe (ill* of t handsome to um(, Jot i*?ued bj Jooti Brother* A Co Atlanta, Oo. It tell# How Fortune# are Mad* and Loot I a Day?How Shrewd Molt oro Ruined |n Wt Street?How Countrymen are Swindled b I Sharper#?How Minister# and Merchant# a Black-ineiled?How Dance Hallo end Conce ' Saloon# are Managed?How'Uambling Hon* ; and Lotterie# are conducted?llow Stock ai Oil Companies Originate, and kow the Bubbli Bnrat?and treat# of New York, it# Peeple, i Society, ita Itich, it# Poor, their lite, th? I, habit#, their haunts, and their pecuiiaritie# ; Churehaa, Theatree, Palaces, Hovel*. Ten ma t llouaaa and Public Building*! of Kditot Judge#, Lawyer#, Broker#, Merehiot#, M |f ehanlc# and Sewing Qirl#; of Policemer, D teetiv# Sailor*, Firemen, New*.Roy?, Regrai Thieve*, Dead Beats, Swindlers, Gambler* at tbe Demi-Monde, of Hotel*, Boarding House * Saloons, Beer Gardens, Club and Dan House* j of Fifth Avenue, Broadway, tha Boi r' ery. Wall Street, the Five Point* and Centr *, Park ; of Pawnbrokers, Roughs, Fortune Ti H, Mrs, Qnaeka, Gift Rnterwrl*a*and llumbug* All thet i# great, noble, generous, vicio* myaterioua, brilliant, atartling, ganteel shabby, and of all that is interesting at id worthy of record in the greet City. As the Metropolitan Center of the Unih State*. New York City reflects all the got L ; and avil of th* land in their asoat inten forma. Thar* ia no man, however often I ' may bar* visited Naw York, who eann learn, frem this work, mueh regarding ib in great City and ita many and mighty iatereti Tbia book will ? * found aspecially vaioab to those who expect to visit New York, at would ahua ita pitfalls, by studying ll in tki S. own home#, without eost or danger, and j |n learn all. . This very Interesting work ia said only I subscription, end the publisher* waat an ag* in every county. C i?t Tat Wnrr* Hocsx?Th* diffrren 119 i'?wren \fnnv unn #nnnron IS in nolflli l?y mora evident than In their relation* wl o- men of the rebellion. Grant nay lov Lea to dinner, nay appoint Lonwetreet hi<h office, nay otherwiee favor Booth* ' man once our foaa, bnt there la no fear ill a aoontry that by I bene el ape the ehi ba Una of dielioetlon between loyalty a ?* treaeon will ba rnbhed out or even bluer* il* but Johaaaa no old not do kalf thia wlibi twiaa the ru?pielon of hie motive# and I deney.?-A'ew York Herald la ^ Man Svot?*, the pretty widowed danj ter of aa.Prealdent John*00, van reran married to Mr. William Brown, of Gre< **7 villa. Tanneeeee. Mm B. wee ai the Wh lh* Honae during her father*# admialateati n, and aeekated ia doing the hoaora on Bt I ' aeeationo. any alien white women atirrM to a eilieea t the OiM States la a aitlseo taier the Ae* tf 10th February, lUl, which I* lit the fcttaWS lag Istifcttage I "Any women who aright law. fwlly ha hatnrelised aader ox let lag lewa, WW. tied, at who ehall ha Wait led to a alttaew ad the Colted State*, ehall ha deo?ad aad takaw lah^ a eMcea of the tTfalUd fltatoa." Thf h4 hitherto haaa a great diversity af igtwlea ae to the oooetracttow af the above Aethy the law yard of the eewntry,~ha( the above deeleioa eet> Ilea the matte* beyoad eae trove ray.? (Antrim, i Aeeaaw joanon?a Radical Paorwsef, ?The Raw Tork 77mr? notiree the grand pop. I alar ovetioe to Xx-President Jokweee, wher- j erer be gooa la the Stata of Tenaosaoo, aad JjB ad da: "We hare wo doaht that these aaawa* _^| will ha repeated wherever Mr. Johaeoo waf ehooae to ce Is the Booth. The fhet law (ha Roatbera paopla regard tha H-pmWwt aa tbalr friend and defender agmlnrt a 'deepetie Congress' lad by Stotau add B?tkf f and they eonaider that, though be failed, It ?N aflaf tremendoas fight for them, hi wbleh ha biases!? sacrificed everything. Thara la mo doobt that ha will ha hack in tha San\tto before the alaaa cf Praaidant Qrant'a tana." Tan oldeat Macon in tha world la supposed to ba a racidant of Qilaa Country, Vs., Mr. David Katon. Tha Perisburg Omuttmaay* ha wu horn in Iralaod, but does not know hi# ax? Mt aga. Ha hat, howovsr, three diploma* ?a blue Lodge, Chapter and Knight Tamplar. Tbay all baar data in 1109, tha year that Mr. Katon emigrated. Tha Knight Templar diploma atataa that ha haennia a Knight Tamplar on tha 7th of February, 1790, a littla mr eevcsty-ntue yaara ago. Ha cannot anmamhar hoar long ba had a Mason hafarn La hacatna a Knight Tamplar but ha tkinkaaight ar tan yaara Say aigbt yaara aad ba ha# baaa a Macon eighty-sevon yaara, and aa ha mutthatra baen twenty-one yaara old at hla Initiation, ha la now on# hundred and alght yaara of aga. Tnn Pkaoodt Bcnoou?Fifty daWars par quarter invested with Fosterk llnntee ia articles of necessity for the family, will an abla the eonaututr to pay fire dollar* par quarter or twenty dollar e par annutn to tha Pea body reboot fond. Psren'4. look to your inlorrata. Poster k Hunter. 49 Tnn Haw York Tlmao dona not raliak tha . idaa of a war with England. It anya: " We eoneor ia tha gaearal rliW of tka J| ease presented hy Mr. Pom not- In his ra rent apeach. But wa sou fees wa da not aaa how a Ten an that baaia friendly negotiations am to ba aaally opened bat wa*n tka two govern mania for an adjustment of differs n era. Tha tsuor and Undoney of that spa rah is toward war, rather than a peaaaful settlement. And Henator Chandler's propoeii ion iu tha Senate ia unquestionably and avowedly in that direction. Tha paramount OI t s?r?t In ItAlls nanan ia ?<? aams>sl England to do what will n?it humiliate ] her, in eaiiefection of the wrong* aha has don* u?. Thi# cannot t>* don* by negolia ion. It can only b* dona by war; and 1 whenever th* attempt (o accomplish it in ^ that way ia reaoivrd upon, we hope th* joh , will be let out to Senator Chandler and , hi# constituents. They eeem to have mora , leleur* on their hand* juet now Ulan the d reat of the aonnfry." . .. -t rn ? a a Bacon and Flour can ho .Suioed at lee. * cat market ratca, for tba ready money. of ' Poster & Hunter. 4A Tat total eclipee of the eua on the 7th af August aest it the only one that will bo visible In North America during the prevent century. The centre of the line of totality e, will paae through SpringAetd. Illinois, and * near Dea MM nee, Iowa. Both of thaae eta'* tione. aa well aa many others, will ba occn ' pied hy coaat rurvey parties. Congress haa appropriated $5,000 to defray the expenea '"l of ol>*orvatlora Profeaeor Wlnloch. Dt>y rector of Harvard Observatory, ia making f? arrangements for viewing the eatipa# and ^ noting ha features, at 8h*?lbyvilla, Ky.? id The ohaervatloo will last between two and " throe minutes, ts iir 1 ' of Tax fast that thers ar* no Hehraw, aa *- there are ao Quaker berg*re, is owing to e| the peculiar aad systematic arrangements e mad# by theae seats for taking oaf* of tbair poor. Each Jewish synagogue has a eowi? mlttea of the moat respectable m#mb?re> ea whose hoeineee is to hoeonte acquainted wiw ine conaiimn oi every ueorew in their ,1. district, end, if eeeeceery, to afford aeeUti. ance. The aged ara pensioned and the die '* ehled placed in hoepiisW or farnlehed with id regular relief. j Oftocaaia*.?Call at lk? Brlatr Ktor? w ' EcrU'i Corner lor /our Coffee. Tea, 8u|tr, ** 8yrup, and other nrereewrlee in the hone* ot keeping lioa. Buy far eaah, Faster * Rt Hunter. it Le. J' Tnn Delaware Indlee tribe baa baeoaie ,|r wholly satinet, a portion having been leanest pornied in the Cherokee tribe, and the re, meinJer having beeoma eitlaene of Kaaeaa nt a# long ago an April, 1867. but there ie an Indian agent far the let be who regular!/ draws hie salary. It ie stated that thie le c# not en Isolated ease, end that there ere ?* large quantities of (applies drawn every !t*? year for ladiaa tribes who no Wager exleW He r" Akothek Eimih Aonwnrr.?TVa nlv in or?d man namad Adam DotMa, raaidUf I* " Mill atraat, who waa dnadtully ban*d OA nr) 8undnjr niuht la* by tHa aapUaioa of* karA . "nana lamp, in dead Tkk * thb Oaaon* >(|| death which baa oooarrod is tk*a ally wltbM la tha last Iwo monlha fro an lbs sab of ?* ploaiaa oil, and wo hop* diaflaadJory will inqnira Into tha atalfrr, on# phwab nay ^ paraon who hao baas knowingly nailing thia Wa haaa a lM bt si fhoao wall known "* and Jsatly aa>*ratad Rod gar* A 8os? Cattare and iWnaorn. MUUaara, dcaan-Stakara. a to and otf.ara woatd do wsli ts giaa M aall. factor A noatta. 4If a