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% - 1$ 4, Ti?.% *hr the Intkira Saterprise. OtiiHTiua, April 13'h, 186P. rro th* KJLtor of Ma JBnttrpri**: Mtg D*-tr Sir*?In yoor paper of last weak you remark upon the autki which the oily pa* c paiu taka of the ebeereaeee of " Lent and J Hooter," and after aeeiaualbig. ft?r 1* by the , feet that Romeeiate and ?Epise?p?fia' e a abound Wi oar etiiea. you eooelude with this paragraph: ' Whilst the ?Uy papers generally speak of the'Leut obsorranees la snoh a manner * as would lead the ordinary reader to suppose that they wove instituted hy the Apoe ^ ttovoc are of undoubted Christian authority and obligation. It may be as well t<> state thet there are a large number of eeri one Christians?l*resbyterian% Baptists. Methodists and. otbare?-who generally i agree that the eustosa of obaereing Lent \? J not only without Scripture warrant oc ex | ample, but rather contrary to both and I that It comes under the condemnation of j ?-. in/ulnll, Fnlntlf,." vuv a^'vvvv>|w ~~f ?The Ignorant or the shnple-mln.led err J thee informed that Romanists end Eplseopel lent observe Lent from the Mm* r?-aaon? end in the tame way, end thet b-?th err alik* condemned by Scripture, end by the Presbyterian^ Baptist* end Methodists.? The Church from whose ranks came M the noble ermy of martyrs," who died et the ? stake for the Protestant faith, is thus so { misunderstood end misrepresented,.as to be i logcred in with the " false doctrine, heresy end acliism " of the Roman Church. I feel , it to be my duty to correct your mistake u Presbyterians, Beptiets, Meihodiata end others, generally agree * in observing epe cial seasons of religions services. Special prayer is made and special observance re. qnired.or expected. Now this Is just the meaning of om Lent; all -the d'Ah-renebeing tbat Episcopalians observe a definite number of daya, and at a special season o< the year, viz?the spring season. From the earliest agea of Christianity, i this has been the custom of the Cbnroh.?The season lasts forty days, beeause ii i seemed sppropriate and lonchingly impressive to associate our special aeaatn of prayer ' (called in other churches a protracted meeting, or, when specially Mewed, a re- ! viral) with the forty days fast, which the | divine haad of the Chnrsh himself observed, i To persons who are igno-ant of the prayer book, and the standards of ottr Church, It may be necessary to state thnl Vt OM?nr? IjPtll as a mrnm, IIwI mm Ii:> ..... Onr Church invite* us to imitate the worship of the Publican, and puis hi* language on our lipa. The spirit of aelf glorification and aelf righteousness in foreign to our Lent, Our desire ic " to wait* upon Q?d that we may renew our strength." That just as apeeial seasons for special instruction on particular doctrines (prayer, repentsnoe and fasting) ara most calculated to iw^ivo those doctrines f?r general practice, go we haws an appointed season during which ( ws endeavor to learn mors of them, as al ways binding duties upon us, and so have 1 all other churches; the only diflerence be- J ing, that Episcopalians cherish the ancient custom of associating onr services with the fasting, the Crucifixion, and Savionr. We do not boast of onr Lent?wc cherish it ? When rightly used it does us good. David found hia special seasons of prayer hiss- i sings to bim; and so has Lent proved to many a weary heart " a sense* of refresh* Ing, from the presence of that Lord," who , prepared Himself for His ministry on esrth in a season of fasting and prayer. Will yon allow a Methodist paper, the Nashville Christian Advocate, (whose ex cellent editor Is one of the most learned di wines of his day,) to say a word on Protestantism : The editor is noticing Dr. Ewer's lats Sermons on the Failure of Protestantism. " lias not the Chnreh of England made 1 It its great boast, that It haa been the great bnlwark of Protestantism! Are not Its i Articles, to a grest degree, an outapoken 1 protest against popery ? Anywhere can | b? found stronger ultertiiee ilgtinrt the 1 Roman Antichrist than are contained in j the Homilie* I A aUter Church. Indeed!? Bee how tenderly eh* is treated in the hymnal at the end of the otd i'caller: Preserve na, Lord, by thy denr word. From Tnrk and Pope, defend ue, Lord ; Both whieh would thruat out of hi* throne Our Lord Christ Jesus, thy dear Son. " That may not be very sublime poetry but it smacks strongly of sound Protestantism, and is a sort of rhyming recension of the petition in the Litany of the reign of Edward VI against 'the tyranny of the Bishop of Rome, and all hit detestable enormities." Sincerely commending the ltcgnage of our Prayer-book, that "all who profeaa and all themselves Christiana may hold the faith la un'ty of spirit, in the hood of peace, and in righteousness of life," I am. lira, most respectfully, your obedient ser aat, ELLISON CAPERS. Rector Christ Church, Green*ills. Ban F*A*ct?co, April 7.?The Yellow Jacket Mine, at Gold Hilt, Nevada, took fire at 1 A. M., and the flames soon extended to the AtviMS tna crown ^oini Mines. JSioveo bodies ww* removed and other* were seen at the bottom of the Kentnck shaft, but it wa?foond impossible to retnore tbem in consequence of the Intense beat. The latest reports from OoH IIill state that thirty six persons, are known to be dead. Jlopes are entertained that the flames will soon ha sobdntd, but tbsre will be no possibility of sawing life, ae the months of the mines mnst be eleeed in order to mother lite conflagration. The throe mine that If* hnrnlwgare eneonnected with other# underground. Virginia City la almost doser" ted, the people baring gone to render asaieUnee to the sufferera. The seane aronnd the mouth of the minea was fearful, on aeeount of the frantie crlea ot tha wires snd children o' tbo?e minors who were supposed to be loth K dmk TBS 9 n it *: - > -i1 fj-' NOTICES or CLBRK AND SHBRIFP. Notice* A U Juror* that But* Vwi ? MM* hr A. tk* Bhorif of Ortwtllte Ctwp to tUa lot*, to uitond Court a* Ortad and Fotlt Ju or* for (he Katra and KmUr Court Is May. rill not attond as dlrocUd, but tboro will bo w? Juror* drawn mad Muuoaod to attond old Court, according to law W. A. McDANTEL, C. 0. C. P. and a. 8. Ctorkt Office, April Id, 18?9. Ap 14 41 9 rhe State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. FRANCIS A. WATKINS ot ol. n. JAME8 M. PARR ot nl.?/a Circuit Court.?In Cknueurf. ? Dill for Account, Ittlief, Injunction, Arc. WT mluiarln. t* ?V_? TAnV 1, T. FARR, one of tbt Defendant# to tho sithio B!!!, Htm oat of ted bejend tho limits >f this StaU: On motion of James P. Monro, Complainants' Solicitor, It is ordered, That ?e do pl*s.?lf temrr or demur to tho within Sill within JTorto ?f?y Ttom this date, or t locroo pro a*n/e**o will bo entered titlnit lim. W. A. McDANIKL, C. C. C. P. Clerk's Office, March 22, 1*W. 45-ft rhe State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Chan eery. WYMAN, BYRD k CO.,v. GRADY A IIAW. THORN.?Oilt to Fortclo** Mo'tguyr, <tc. T>Y rirtno of tho Decretal Order of bis 1) Honor, Judge James L. Orr, made in the tlioro case, and also hy order of Judge U. S. Bryan, 1 will soli to tho highest bidder, at llreenville Court Houee, on Sales Day in May nest, tho Premises described in tho Pleadings, ris: All that piece, parcel and Tract of Land, situated in the County of Greenville, seven miles from tho Court House, and six fVom the Green- ] ville Railroad Depot, lying on both sidro ol iteedy River, containing Four Hundred and | Ninety-Nine Acres, more or less, in a high state of cultivation. Upon the place is located tba well known Cotton and Wool Factory of the Defendaats. The Cotton Factory la in full operation, with some nine hundred and fifty spindles and twenty four looms; the Wool Factory with one hundred and twenty mule spindles, is also in good -order, and successful operation. On the premises are a good Flour, ing, Grist and Haw Mills, with Blacksmith Shop?two comfortable Dwelling Houses, and several small framed House*, for the operatives, with a nice brick Church. The water power tt all seasons Is sufficient to drive three times ths amount of Machinery now in operation. The country is remarkab*y healthy, with a slimate unsurpassed in the United States, with * sober, industrious and encrgetie population. Wooded Lands adjacent, woll timbered, ran be purchased at reasonable prices. This is the best opportunity for an investment to capitalists that has been offered in the up country since the war. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pay for Papers and Stamps. W. A. McDANlEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Office, Fob. 2d, ISM. ^sfJ-Tbe Charleston jVeics, and Columbia Phtrnt'jr will copy twice a week until day of Sale and send bill to the Cleik for payment. April 7 4ft 4 State or South Carolina, GREENVII LP. COUNTY. Ia the Com m om PI tax. JT lah erchy ordered, that the meeting of JL I)i? Extra Court itl Greenville C-xirt Honor, tor Greenville County, on th? Fourth Monkey in April next, it? postponed until the First Monday in May following, oisd that juror*, witnesses, nn<1 parties directed to ap|?ear tkn lb* rnivl Fourth Monday in April, do attend on the aaid Flrat Monday in May : It ia further ordered that the Clei k of the Court for Greenef l|- County do extend t It in order by publication in the Green, vtlle papeta. JAMF.* L. ORR. Jo'ore 81I1 Judicial Circuit. 11th March, 1869. I certify that the ahot* ia a trn* ropy ?I raid Order. W. A. McDAKIEL, C. <5. C. P. and O. f*. Clerk's OfTice, 12th March. 1869. 43-6 The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALES. T) Y virtue of sundry Writa of Fieri Farina J) to me directed, I will aell, before tho Court Houee door, oa Salrtlag ta Mug awl, between the hour* of 11 o'clock in the forenoon and & o'clock in the afternoon, the following property, to wit t One Tract of land, containing 1,200 acres, more or lets, situated partly on Paris Mountain, 7 miles from Greenville Court House, on tbe liuncomlie Road ; several ttnnl settlements on tbe place; a<|jnining funds of Dr. J. P. Ililthnuse, Grady A Hawthorn and others, (the Homestead to he set off to Defendant before day of sale.) Also the Mill Tract, containing 13 acres, more or less, adjoning lands of Benjamin Rolling. On this place is a good llritt Mill. Levied on as tbe property of Stephen Marchbanks, at tbe suits of Peter Cauble and A. J. Batson. Alto one Lot of Land vritbin tbe corporate limits of tbe City of Oreenvllle, lying on the north side of Pendleton Street, containing 30 seres, more, or less, well-ianprovod, fine Dwel linn iiuoib aim nn necessary uut buildings, adjoining lota of W. A. Town**, Jno. T. (! > . actt, B. Howard and V. Estate.? This la ?na of tbe moat desirable residences in the City of Greenville, (the Hutaestead to be aet off before day of aula.) Atao, one Treat of Land, aitnatcd about 17 inilee couth of Greenville Court Houae, on the waters of Reedy Rirer and Reedy Fork, end known n? the Reedy Fork Plantation, containing 108V acrec, more or leaa. This ia said to be one of the moat productive furma in the County, well watered and in a high state of cultivation.? Levied on as the property of CoL T. Edwin Ware, at tbe suits of T. Q. D<<oald??>n and A. D. Hoke, Administrators of the Estate of i). Hoke, deceased, and of W. Ji. Martin, Assignee of tbe Estate and Effects ct J. P. Pool, Bankrupt, and of J. Cleveland, Assignee of E. Alexander. Also, one Tract of Land, In a high state of cnltivation, large body of valuable Bottom Land on the place, containing 1000 acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William Choice, Stroud A Perry and others, (the Homestead to be set off te Defendant before day of sale.) Levied on as the property of Richard F. Foster, at the suit of U. W. Latham vs. J. O. Hawthorn d si. Also, 1 ,(>00 acres of Land, situa'ed near Oowensville, In the upper part of -he County, adjoining lands of Auatin Hallesa, Levi Ward snd others. Y?evled on as the property of A. J. Ward, at tha suit of Dr. 0. B. Irvine. Also, one Tract of Land, containing 291 acres, more or less, aituated on Tyger Rirer adjoining lands of Wsshlnuton Tavlnr. Wm C. Cleveland, Jaines Caonadv ao<l nthem.? levied on as the properly or D. 31. Cannon at the mit ol Henry Kooa. Also, one Tract of Lend, the Home Place containing 4?f acrca, more or leas, (the Home stead to be set of to the Defendant before dnj of sale,) - adjoining lands ef H. K. uyoeh John Love and others. Also, one Tract o Land, about a mile and a half from and ne adjoining tba Homestead plane, containing 10? acres, more or less, atUoining lands of H O. Wbitmire, H. E. Lynch and othara. Lev led on as the property of J. B. Whit mire, a tee suit of Jna C. Fowler. I Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamp apd papers. A. B. VICKRR8, 8. Q. C. Sheriff's Office, April ?lh, 1889. 4p It 47 9 I ' I I eOTRlll ' rfi'," j . .--t.flint; - J'i i itt Slate of Nenlh Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. SHERIFF'S SALE* BY virtue of an Order ftom S. J. Doutblt, Probate Jedge, I will sell, at pnhtfci out try before Ik* Cowrt Notue doer, to tkt klgk eat bidder on eeteaday in May next, the following TRACY of l*ANlk, via,: All that Treat of Land eiteefod In the County of Greene I lie, bounded by lenda of Joke H. Goodwin, W. C. Goodwin and other*, and containing Hi* Hundred and fnur Arrr*. more or leee. Bold aa the property of ASBEL COX, deceeaed, for partititioa among inn 11 air*. Thni.?A credit of one end tire years, with Interest from day of tali, for ell except o much m will pay the cost, which will be required la eeeh. Purchaser* to giro hoed with two or more approved curettes, and a mortgage of the premises to the Probate Jodge, to secure the ps;auDt ef the purchase money. Pniehasers to pay for titles and sumps. A. B. VICKBR8, 8. G. C. April ftb, 189?. Ap 7 46 4 NOTICES OF JUDGE OF PROBATE. The State of South Carolina) greenville county, la the Court of Probata. TITO*** 0. GOWER and W. B. MILL WKE, Administrators of W. A. WilHems, deceased ?s H. R WILLIAMS ft at. CiCtivn for final Settlement and Decree IT appearing to my satisfaction that Sam uel R. Williams, James E Williams, W. A. B. Davennort and Mary K. TlavenErt, heirs at law-and dl?tribtiieea of the lata of W. A. Williama deceased, defendants in this ease, reside beyond the limits of this State. On motion of J. p. Monro. Solicitor pro pet., It Is ordered: That ihey do appear in person or by attorney. at a Court ol Probate, to be hnlden at Greenvilo Couit House on the first day of July next, to show csuse, if sny they have, why a final settlement of the Estate of WKST ALL. N W ILLIAMS, deceased, should not he had, and a decree given thereon ; and their consents, on failing t'j attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand and teal at Green villu (Von House on this Sl?t dav of March, A. I>. 1809, 8 J. IJOlfTHIT. p. j. g. a ! Apf 48 *m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA unr.nnvii.iiB CUUNTT. Ia th? Court of Probata. F. A. BLFORD, Executrix, w. LEMUEL WADDKLL el a I.? Citation for a final Settlement onti Iteerte. IT appearing to ?py satisfaction that Farnh Evans, Ifaney Wclborn, Alexander WaitI de|l( James Waddell, Nancy Waddell, Jesse i Waddell, Lncinda Waddell, William Waddell. Elisal>?th McQueen and Hugh McQueen her husband, Martha Scruggs and Join Fcruggt her husband, Mary D. Nicholson, Wadded, Alfred Waddell and Emilv Gregory, Defendants in thia ease, reside without the limits of this State : It ia therefore ordered that they do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court ol Probate to be holden at Grocneille Court House, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on the 13th of May next, to show cause, if any tbcv can, why a final settlement of the Estate of EDMUND WADDELL, deceased, should not t>e had and a decree given thcrsusi, or their consents in failing to attend wilt be entered of record. , Given under my hand at Greenville Court Ilouse, tnis 13th day of February, A. !>., If Ail. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. G. C. Feb 17 ?t 3m Tho State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. la tho Co irt of Probata. ABSALOM BLYUIB. A 'mluiatr e?or of Fa rah McJmiiMo, vs. Join G. Mayfl.ld, Wil liani May field et nl, l>~len laotr.? Citation for final Settltotml anil Titter*. If appealing to my satisfaction thai Johr O May field, Vt llliarn Mayfi. Id. James Mayfield, 8'auwix M.\fi<dd. Tiiontae R. M.i\ ti.-UI. IVsfnn B. Mayfield, ihe heira at law and distributee* of J. see Mat firld, and the li^ire at law and distributees of Mnrv Beaver, defendants in this case, r> ride with out the limits of thia Htnte. On now ion ol Karle, solicitor jrro j>M. t It ia orvlered, that they appear in person or by nipoaey, at a j Court p( Probate, to be holden at Greenville ; *jouri n<<u*e ?>n ilie 4th day of May next, tO show ftiiw, If any lliey Imvtt, why n final Mltkm?tt of the Estate of SARAII j MoJUNKIN, deceased, should not he had, and a decrea given thereon; or their eon rente, on failit.g to attond, will he entered | of record. (liven ond. r my hand and seal at Green vide Com I. Home, this second day of February, A 1). 1889. 8 J. DOIJTI1IT, P. J. 0. C. Feb S 37 3m The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In tho Court of ProfcaU. B. F. K1LGORE. Extent no. Applicant tn TIIOMAS MAVFIKI.De/ nl. Defendants dlaliau fat a Final SrlHimrnl an J Ifrrrrr IT appariwr to ray *at:afactinn that Thomas Mav field, l-hnm Brown, the heira of Jamea Mayfleid, names unknown, i heira ol Ahram hint 1- Id, names unknown, I heira of Jordan May field, names nnknnwn, and leham I/?ng and wife Betsy Long. r?' j side without the limits of this State: It it i ordered and decreed, that they d<> appeal at a Court of Pr-drain, in person or by at I t rney. on Priday, the 8tnh day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M . to show came, il any they can, why a F'nal Settlement ol the Retain of JOHN >^A YFIF.l.D. deceased should not he had and'a Decree given there on, or,thelr encaenia In failing to attend wll he entered of riwrd. Given under toy hand at Greeav|M< Court Houae, this 90th day of January, A I>., 1889. g J. DOUTI1 IT, P, J. 0. C. Feb I 17 la , The State of South Carolina GKBENVILLK COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. . OI'TVKR P. KAKLK cl a!., Kseratorn, n . KMILV ft. MOBLY and J. B. MOBI.Y be , bus'snd *i at.?Citation far final HcHU mtnt, Dtrrtr, rf-?. IT appearing to my ?a'lsfactien I bat Emit; Ha rah Muhly and J. B. Mohly bar baa t.and, Defendapte is tbia rasa, reeida witbaa , Uta limit* of this Stale: On motion of F.arl and Blytbe, Solicitors for the Petitioners, it I r ordered, that tbrj do appear in perion or b , attorney, at a Coarl or Probate, to be holde f at Oreenrille Coart Ho ear at 19 o'oioeh, A. II t na the 28tb day of April neat, to tbow eaai r if any they can, why a Plant Settlement I , the KMale of BI.I7A W. F.AItLK, deeeeaei should not be hnd, and * Deerea fiven thereii t er tbair consents in failing to attend, will I entered o* record. Oiren nader my hand at Greenville, U> 28tb day of January, A. D.. IMS. B. J. D0UT1IIT, J. P. 0. C. Feb 3 27 3m I i R Til I +m -- ., .1 ^. ? .1 ?A>r? >.., . BTATl OF SOUtH CAROLIHA, ' OHKEN VI1.LK COONTW , , In the Court of PrebatO. KELLY TURNER, JOSEPH R. TURNER and JEFFKRSON BARTON W e?. *R i j?ECCA KF.LLT, MARK KELLY T. P. | ASH MORE, nod Children of MARY ASH MORE, d.-oen kS.?Petition ft* Thm \ *r. Partition and Bole of Real Rotate, dte IT ) pearing to th? satisfaction of ill* I Court that the Defendants, iLhrm* , Mark K 11v - T. P. Ashmore. and lb* hlldr n ol Mary Aihmorr, deceased, reside < out of the Stater Itis therefor* ordered. on motion of Perry # Perry, Solicitors for Petitioner*. that the oaid Defendants do Anewer, plead or demur to the Pdklet within forte days, or tlio earn* will be taken fro COtiJtMMO 8a vuel j. Dournrr. J W*#, of Probate tor GrSenville Ponnte. ] Greeaetlie C. H., A C%. April I4th, 1849. Api 14 47 8 | siaie or son!h Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Xa tht Court of Probate. REBECCA ROBERTS et m'.. mo PtKASANT JENK1N8. HARMI JENKIN* H ml Petition fa* Partition and Sol* of Heal Kttate, and so fortk. IT appearing to my snUsfaetlon that William CHindti-r, Benjamin Chandler. and the heir* at lew of Isaac Chandler. Nanny ' Honker, intermarried with John B. Hawkin*, El'nbeth Chandler, married to Manoah Ktephrnj Nelh Chandler, wile of William Rie*. and Folly Chandler, married U> James Oilreath, all reside beyond the dm. l<a of the State: It is ordeted, That they file their plea, answer or demur, to aaid P?ti lion, in thi* Office, within forty day* from the pnblleailon of this noiiee, a* on failure to do *o, the Petition will betaken pro con feooo against them. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. O C. April 6th, 1869. 46-6 NOTICES OP DEPUTY COLLECTOR. Deputy Collector's Office, Our.RXYit.La, April 10th, 1869. BY rlrtne of a warrant from A. S. Wallace, Collector of 3d Distr'ct of Sonth Carolina, I will expose for sale, to the highest bidder, on Satnrdoy, the 1st day of May, 1869, at McRee's Factory, 7 miles below Greenville Court House, at 12 o'clock, M., the following property, to wit: 1 pair of first rate Males, Wagon and Harness, 2 old Wagons, ) Cart, I Iron Refe, 1 Bet Blacksmith Tools, I lot of Lumber, 1 lot of Hogs, 1 large pair of 8ealea, t pairs of Steelyards, 2 Crosscut Saws, t lot Barrels, As., Ae. LevieJ on and sold as the property of Grady k Hawthorn, at tha suit of the United Slate* for Internal Revenue Taxes. Terms Cash. A. L. COBB, Ib-p. Col. 3d Dint., 7th Div., 8. C. Ap 14 * 47 3 Police. IN eonfrrru.ltv with requirements of the Internal Revenue laws, I hereby give not tee tc all person* who may claim UN E BARREL of WHISKY, seii.d on thepremii.s of Francis H?lin, on the l$th of April, 1869. In the City of Greenville, by J. B. .... ...~m, ??*)? un vi iniTtnif ueen u*^a in vi nl.iion of the Internal Revenue Lewa?.the same having been turned nvet to me?to tnnke such claim* lirfurt me wiihin 81) days fioni the first publication of tbi* notice. A L. COBB, April 14. .47-8 f Dep. Cel. Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the In ternal Revenue Law., I hereby Rive notion to alt pcrsoo* itliu uiay claim One SlUI, f.'au ami Worm, *ei>e<l ten mile* ahovtfGrccnvilfe City, on the 80th March, 181)9, by J. B. Sherman, because of being u*rd In violation ?l the Internal Revenue Law*, (the time having been turned over to inc.) to make inch claim* before me within .14 dey* from the Bret publication of thia notice. A. L. C'OHO, April 14. 47-3 Dep. Col. Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the In teroal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice to all person* who way claim Tra l/al/out or Wkittjf, seised in thw City of Grecnvillb on the l.t of Apiil, 184V, on the promiec* of I*. h. Bowie, by Heat M. Perry, Assistant Assessor, because of a violation of the Internul Revenue Law*, (the samo baviag been turned over to mc,) to make such claim* before me within 30 day* from Ike first publication of tbi* notice. A. L. COBB. April 14 47-3 Dep. Cel. Notice. IN conformity with requirement* of the Internal Revenne Law*, I hereby give nolire to all persons who way claim one AVj of H'Ai'.J-y, seised on the pKniwi of Hall buck, in the City of Greenville, on the &tb day of April, 1809, by J. B. Sherman, (the same having been turned over to m?r) to make such claims before me within 30 day* from the tint publication of this notice. A. L. COBB, April 14 *41-3 Dod. Col. Notice. TS conformity with requirement* of the 1 Inlet nnl Revenue L? we, I heiehy uivr , no'lea to A>1 |>'rtoin who m?y claim a , SI ILL *nd WORM. reir?d on the premier* i of one lUvid W. RUs?ingnme, touching the Innde ol Frank BUaingame and Thomae Wi.mhmn*. on ihc Mo of March, 1869. in ( Andertton Connty, tt?m inil-r from Orren ville Court Hon*", by Cnpt. He*t M Perry, i Aaalat Ant Aracamr, t ecauae of being tt<od in violation of the Internal Revenue Lawn ?the came having hern turned over to me | ?to muk? rnch claim, before me within I thirty day*from the firm publication of this I notice. A. L COBB, Dep. Ga|. Int. Rev. Greenville C. II., AptII fat, 18A9. I Ap 7 48 8 1 Deontv Collector's Office, Omkcmvilue, Feb 14th, 1869. BY rtrtan of an order from A. S. WALLAGK Collector nf IiUerstari Revenue. Xd Collection DUtriet nf South Carolina I will aell to the hitfheat bidder at nnblia t outcrv, on Monday, the 10th day of May, at Melter'a Mill*. acven milra bel-w Orren vflle Couti Houae, between the h?ur? of ll u'eioek, M.. And 4 o'clock, P. M? the follow t. Ing property to w?tj T S PINNING FRAMES. 890SPIXDLE9 * )1 UKtMS . I 8PIKNMO M171,11, 190 *Pllf DLE8 9 9 SRTwOr WtH?U CAKItg ; 1 If KKA K KR? and OlUKit M A0I11KKR Y # T?f**fh?r, i' ikt Idxm, l( aH Ai?t TRACT Or LAND, ?ililiiW> y about n 490 ACRES, ? lvlf| Ml b?tN nt Itredy Ki??', ?rin m mi Up b?-l?w OrrrnrilU t'oun H?oa~, a?i_ j' Joining Innda of V. M*Ba?*a ratal* an.I o?h* ' rtt L??irl o?f aa iha vmprrij at Ih# ?nl? of lira UnHrH R*?t?a for Int-ront Ki?(im Tax ?pli?t Gra>ly A Ha? thorn*. ? won. A.LrMm Dap. Col, 8d 0?l. Dial. of 8. C. Pfb 17 80 11 WIS B , Intofje f ?tir ?t Once! ''pne euhterlheMa Agentfor nay 'of th? X. . beet and most reliable Companion In lb* world, a purely Sou'hoaa and it managad by aont* of Hit bce?. men in Vfrenla. In regard lo its tnccew, *t ehrt. ng| ? comparison with tny corn pony in ih* trorld. The largest proportion of itt PolloU* or* on fti.I'.M of eit|pnt of that !*t*K whtr* |U ttanding and ehdraettr It httt known,. It .lint rvvefiteen klndt of Polielea, ?// no* for/ettiag, add Nt relet ar# lata than Northern romponle*, for the reason that Northern eompinit* graft** to believe that Southern people do not fir* a* long at Northern, wAm the very revert*'it the rant Call at once.' tnd secure a Poliev. We N f?r to Her. D M Turner. Ge?. ?. MeOow an. Era. J. P. Ptrwjjr, Err. R. C. Orier, Ear. J. L Bonner, Dr. O W. Preolty, Dr I. W. Uearat, Ror li T. Wean, Dr. J J. Wardlaw. and at leatt on* hundred other* In Abbeville, who have u,?urvd. To Q. W. Snllivin, ll?n W. D Simpson, Judge Mnn re. Hon. J. P Reed. Col. D. L Donald, Q. W. Anderson, Dr. EpGng, Dr. Uarkedala, and a gruil many othera who fcay? also Insured la thie Company. Gen. N. G. Evens w m insured ia I hi* Company for (A,00*). and I hi* amonnt w?* promptly pmid iminrdi airly after Ais death. Tin Company ha* i*su?-d over 20,000 Policies In ???< ? month*. h** received an increase of nearly $400,000 in that time,' and have only kxt fire hy death, far which it ha* paid $17,000, i leaving a clear ine?ine of about $888.000* eighty eercn and a hall per n?-nU of which will be divided among the Pollry holder* We challenge the world to l>eat ihia Dr. Branch, the Blate Agent, ha* iaened oar hundred Poltcle* a Abbeville We repeat, call at one* and get a Policy, or we will noon tall on y?n at your hou*e?; and heg yon to wait oniil wa jenll before insuring elsewhere. JOUR FERGUSON. Agent For Greenville, ti. 0. Dr. J. II. Dkan Medical Examiner. Greenville C. H., March A, 1869. Mar 10 42 tf Lissolution. TIIK Copartnership heretofore existiog between Jon* W. Mott o a a and Jaaaa M. W eSTMORBt.AND, under, tbo name and style of Mono an A Wn*TNoRtu*n, la tbi* day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the !*te Firm will call and settle at once with J. M. W r.ATMonai.AMD, at the Old Stand, Mansion House Block. JNO. W. MORGAN, J. M. WESTMORELAND. Greenville, S. C., February 2d. 1869. A CARD. In retiring from the fate Firm of Monoaw A Wbstmorblano, the auderstgned beg*lea?e to extend tn the public hie sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage with which said Firm has been favored, and to solicit a continuance of the lime for hie former Copartner, Br. J. M. WaevMoRBtAHD, who will etill carry on the beeiucss at the Old Stand. JNO. W. MORGAN. A CARD. Having aeourcd the entire Jnlercid of Dr. J no. W. Moroah in the late Firm ??f Morgan A Wi8THonii.avi), the *iih?criber give* notico thai be wlH continue the bnrineM at the tame place. He rerpectlully return* hi* thank* for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and take* occaaion to iajr that be will hereafter ftrive oven more earnestly to merit *uccc*e. He will alway* keep on hand a full Stock of Freeh and Genuine DRUGS and ClIKMICALS, together witn a releet aeeortmeut* of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., all of which he will offer to the public at very rcaaonable price*. J. M. WESTMORELAND. Feb 10 08 tf stwirlt, DEALER IN Clocks* WATCHES. AND Spectacles <&c. Farticular attention will be paid to all Work cntrnstctl to liim. Feb 10 - *8 tf South Carolina Railroad Company, UKSBRAI. SvrKBlttTEHPr.ltT'S Ovricw, April 9, 1809. fY* AND AFTER SUNDAY, lltb InMant, V F Ihi lolluvini Bohwlult Tui PAlJbKXtiKH 1HA1NS, will abeerved : 1?A* PAMAHQKR 7II.113I. Leaving Columbiaat. Y.4S a. in. Arriving at Columbia at I.lll p. m. RlttMT BXPRKta TRUI. Leaving Columbia at...,..,.? S M p. m. Arriving at Columbia at...,.,... - l.ll a. id. CAM1RR VMAI.V. Will raa on Monday*, Wvdneedayi, and Bat?r<iaji, * Arriving in Columbiaat..., .....11.00 a. a. Leaving Columbia, at 2.20 p. o>. Tba Train now running between Columbia anil Kingvill?, in connection wltb the Through Mail Train, will be taken off on Sunday, April II. ll.T. PKAKB, General SuperiuUndant. April U 47 tf W. H CAMMEE, PRACTICAL GUNSMITH | AND MACHINIST. CORN 8IIELI.F11**, Cotton Oin?, LocVe. K>rot?n? Oil Sowing Mk f.hinee and KKPAIRKU will) promptnr?s Ch?ir?? rM?(vn?hl#. Stend?At WMl field'* old Shop. Feb 10 IS ' if ? Law HoUce?Change of Oflee, GV. TOWNK8 b?* nmH hit Lav . Office to ibe building nurtb-AArt corner of the Public Fquare. In part occupied by Julite 0. tiMith. Auctioneer, And the Eoterurioe Printing Office, up *i?iii, Jan | IS |r LAW NOTICE. A. BACON,, ATTQRMEY AT IAW A?D MAtiWrpAlMS, , OFF JOS OVER STORE, ?eb ii Tr" , ?f 1 4f* 000 lBACOKIOIC11 C0UNTR1f 300 Sacks Extra Family N. C. FLOUR 1(H) Ssoks Btudinl Liverpool SALT 2D Ktff* NAILS, assorted site* 20 Biles BATBSVILLR 8IIIRTIN0 10 Bales McBEE 8IJIRTINQ 20 Bales COTTON TARN 20 BaJts Prime and Fair RIO COFFER20 Barrens SUGAR lO BAGS Durham Smoking TOBACCO 2 BAG8 Spaniih Smoking TOBACCO. ALSO, A WELL SELECTED STOCK ^ ^ ? ?. A . . 4 T # or Shoes, Hats, DRY GOODS, DRUGS &C. Oat- Stock of HATS sad STIOES { very largo an<) rumplet*, and we will guarantee oof lice Stock will compere with any la Town, both m to naality sad price. A call will aetlefy yoo. DAVID & STRADLEY. May IS, ms. 61 tf JT^IUSXSMITH. AUCTIOM AND C0MMIS8I0N MERCHANT, : COURT HOUSE SQUARE, Greenville. S. CPERSONAL at fnt)on given to all aaktal I Real and Peraona I Property, Keating of flouees aod Collecting of Rente and Ao. omnia, and to all bustncas in trotted to him. Having been appointed agent for the following Fertilizers, they can be found at my office and told at Charleston pricet, freight and dray age added : MAPES' NITROOENIZED SvtkbPITOSPI1ATE, WAlfDO AND BAUGIFS RAW BOSE, PERUVIAN GUANO. the genuine article, kept for sale end ordered In any quantity. Or** SO ton* of rhorphtte and Peruvian Guano oold t>y me lor lha wheat towing in Oreenvilla thla fall. Aff^ney to" the Celehraled WATT PLOUOIf?torn, robeoil, and cultivator all in one. Five thotieand of there Plougbe are In the handa of the iarmert of Virgins ia. North and South Carolina, and Teunre * Over #0 of I he one horae l'lonpha told io Greenville in one month. Certifl. eatot from the beet of our Plantors can bo givan, who have need the Piouoh In V ing their crop e! 1868. Agency (or ardwefl>? Snpcrior CORN AND COTTON PLANTER, STRAW CUTTERS, CORN 8HELLERS. An. GRASS, CLOVER, eoJ other Seedi eop. plied at ahort notice. CQ.OKtNfi SiaVESy STOVE WARE, PASk? & AND ' OFFICE STOVES, For tale as cheap m can he bought. JULIUS C. SMITH. I Greenville C. U , S. 0. Jan 27 86 If TUE SOUTHERN UOTEU m buildnro known as wUENNING'S HOTEL," HAS recently been fitted "P n<' l'ul eoniplele or. der, witli new Furniture and mnrr v?uv>-nienee . and i? new open to tha Traveling puMle, where thijr ran find gO"d accommodation and fare at tfceloweat rate*. A fear per inanent Boarder* will ho received. J. L. SOtlTBERN, Proprlrtof. Greenville, ft. C, Fab. IT, lftfifi. 89-if W. K. FASI.KT. a. ?. wkllr. * EA8LEY ft WELLS, Attorneys and Counsellors at' Law AND IN EQUITY. G.RERNVILLE, 8. C.f PRACTICE in the Coarta af tha State and _ of the Vnttad State*, and give eapeoial attention to oasea ia Bankruptcy. Jane IS S ros ad a lis Purifies the Blood. For 8ale by Smgfists Everywhere BATE8VILLE msmiiuk ~ coifait. HAVING been appointed Agents for thi* Company, * are prepared lo aell SlllRTiKUft AND YARN at Faatory price*. r ,,'^ I>nvld A llratfley, G roe era end Coroiuieaton Merehanta, Greenville, 8. O. Nov 8, 1 Ml. ?4 If SndtiAM ~~ I SMOKING TOBACCO. HAVING received lb# Agency oI Ik# hove jiietly eelebreted Brend ol TOBACCO. will A? I# your Mt lo liuy from u?. for wte l.v wholesale or retell. DAVID %MKADLEY. Oct Irt. IMT. ' t? ?f ?WTmbi; ATTOHNE5V AT UW, &AHLQNEQA, 6A.t W11.1. preolloe ?e the CeMli.a of T.nmf- I kilt. Dewenn. OUeaer, Fannin, t-'ni. u, Towns, White an* Hell* V| j.i? i? 'M ?r m i .j--, ii .....?? M Work i ?l tMOM, With neelnesi and , \J drrpetebf %*i fisae J 1