University of South Carolina Libraries
-vW^fVv *. " " > , ? iiilirirJ,w i" A 'jfl '"Sli a ?&. *=^pg====^^ < I < I x=x=^ Waited States Supreme Court, * : [Otrrnjiiiiiww ^ <* BuUimort Anj wasaraavon, April If. ' Ae"?? th? nni la which opinion* were delivered In the S?pr?aM Court of lb* United ti tales to-day fu that of the Stele of Tehee 1 . ?. George W. White, John ChilWi, John A. i Harden burg end others. This case hss exert- i ed a good deal Of interest and involved some very interesting points. The opinion wes de- ' tivared by Chief Justioe Cheee, end the eese wes determined In fevtfrot the Stat* ef Texas. , At the breekleg out ef the rebellion the S,t?to ef Teats bed in Us possession severe) hundred " tboureod dollars or United States beads, which had been ?aid to it upon the settlement of its Northwestern boasdary. During the robe! I loft the insurgent Government seined the Slate treasury, end among other property the said | (roods, end subsequently disposed ot the bonds to White, ChUWs 4 Co. om a contract, and Whits. Chilies A Co., eg I He close of the wsr took them to New York and sold them to dir. ferent parsons, disposing of some ef there la ... Tta> sale* WB -made by Wbitn, Chill** 4 ' After the maturity of lh? hood*. A Bill | on Hod tat tb* Supreme Court by the Slate .( tuw tgainit W bile, CbUles A Co., and all vital pnrao?n? ?id k~?d?rn of tbo bouils, tea Stale aeaking to Mt aaide tbo contract where t?y tbe luaurgant g?r?r#ra?#t aald tbo bunda informally, and tb?y aakod a decree that (be b aide re should pay tbe aaiue ?v?r to tbe State .or account for (bent. ? . The question* raised in tbo argument ware of grave Importance, and iovulvedthe relation ?f Texas to the Uuloa and tbe Constitution , during the war; tbe character and authority or her government and tba relation of the State to tbe Union since the war, and tbe character of her government eince that time. Tbe opinion of tbe Court determined that tbe State wafe never odtof tba Union or froed from her obligations to tbe federal Governmeat, notwithstanding the State government daring the war was hostile to the Constitution, and conH ix* be rooogniaed by tbe Federal Government; that tbe otject of the war wa* to over throw tbe hostile government and anahis tbe State to re^oetabilib a Government in harmony with tbo Oonstituti u of the Federal v Union, and that wheti the war wae over tbe insurgent Government, which bad never been anything but nn usurping authority, ceased to ealtft, anddbe United States bold tbe possession of tbe tesdtorty and the control of the people for tbe pnrpose of enabling tbcm to reorganise a Statu Government; that tbe Provisional Government established by-Mr. Johnson, and of wbiob Mr. llanstitun was tbe Governor, tbe subsequent government under tbe Constitution of tba Stats of stbich Mr. Throckmorton mi Governor, and tba present government, of wbish Mr. Psaae is Governor, under the authority of tbe atiiitaryr commander of the-Listrict, were all such governments as could properly represent the State in the Supreme Court of the United States. The UtLief -J iMtlo?, Ml miwotdj im Of in ion, avoided, by ex proa# statement, any opinion as to tba constitutionality of tba Reconstruction Acta, and decided that tba insurgent government could make no valid contract conveying tbe title to tba property of the State of Texas, and that aa tbe purchasers of these bonds from tks eii|issl holders took them after-they bad matured, they could acquire' no better title diss tbe parties from whom tbey obtained tbem, and tbat the State was, therefore, eau?tied to tba fell relief prayed for in the bill. The case tras argued in February last by MsMrs. Richard T. Merrick, of this city, and Judge Paschal for the State of Tcxaa. At tbo close of Mr. Merrick's argument, which waa loag and exhaustive, ha was highly complis seated by the Court fur bia effort. The other aide waa represented by Messrs. Albert Pike and E. W. Johnson of Arkansas, Judge Moore ?r Kentucky, Mr. Phillips 1st* of Alabama, J. S. Carlisle, Esq., sad Messrs. Hughes, burner and Pack. Ilvlli on account of the questions I Involved and the talent employed, the ease cx> cited much interest at the time of the argument, and the decision was eagerly looked for by members of the bar. Tb< Spanish Cruelties in Cuba. Tba cruelties which tbe Spaniards continue ta perpetrate in the Island ot Cuba, are revolting to the humanity of the age. Whatever may be tba diferenM of opinion as to tbe tnerits of the quarrel between Spain and Cuba, nod however general the eanvirtioa against tbe policy urged by some of the recognition of Cuban independence, there sua be but one sentiment in regard to the mercilessandauocious spirit In which the war is waged by Spain. Tba shooting of women, children and captives *nd tba reek loss manner in which the brutalU*d volunteers fire upon a crowd, at mention* -nd in tba cable despatches published Saturday, because soma parsons in it arc alleged to have attic red seditious erics, thus slbughtaring in wold blood both the innocent as well as tbe of A?d*n, is enough to aroCse tbe execration of It Christendom. Such acts would justify a protest (Voaa all th? civilised powers, especially tkis wintry, tte nearest neighbor of the island which is wad* tka scene of thosa sickening crimes. The remorseless cruelty manifested by Spain In this inawrrectlon is not exceptional. It has always been conspicuous hi her dealings with those who diaptUo her aalhority. Tbe annate of her conquests on this continent are eteined with the darkest orimee. In the revolt of her Booth American possessions, her soldiers committed whole populations to the flames. Tbe resaU ought to bare taught her tbe i?npotency of each wicked nee*, for the magnificent territory the owes possessed on this continent, I i,IM miles In length nod nearly 3,00<J in some places in breadth, has "sen long ago rescued from her iwwoei and enrol grasp. Of all the fabrie of colonial despotism which more than And years age aha reared npon the fallen thrones of Moateesuea and the Iaeas of Peru, Cuba is the only as labia possession she has left, and that she holds as she has held allother colonial possessions,only to boeubordlasted in every respect to be/ own nsrrow aud eel Ash interests. Some person may doubt our right to interpose between Spain and her province, bnt, ae goivUlaed people, and in tbe name u ToonsMoubemabUy, we unquestionably have a right te expend thai she shall not carry en this contest with her revolted subjects in the spirit of the dark ages, hat according to the maxima of modern civilisation. There Is aot a nation on the earth, except Spate, which has aot been softened and rendered lees ferbcious, te some . extent, by the morel change la the directioa' of hamenity whioh baa occurred te the laet few peoluriae. Mankind, does net tolerate now tbe harshness and brutality la workshops, pchooljj ftuniliee, or te the relations of government te people.en wbteh they ones locked witk tuflUhrsaaa. Mean some aya^atby is beginlag to he reamed for ill-eeed animals, and tbe nan who ioAtete anaeeecaary pis npon them is leaked upoiUthnself as more of a brute than Ue beusi vjW b? wantonly asnee* to suffer. WhateumCyw the aut'eerity ef the Spanish Owwnant, all hnmsnUg has aright te potest agntost the manner 1a wbieh It is exirelessfl, mpemteHy In view of tbe feet that, L * ** ? * *? It Is by confessed WU* the freeh Slate of ?nni?, ?? mi?H fW U xyiUltti i wr jpaaast limitMM hi thMMskvoo, thai tkov . p rs tit as inbumsnl/ trsoUd. At ?bo eloso of Iks mssUm Am Uattsg) Msstsof LspTCseatsAvM ;uK a resolution sfijifltliy wUfc tWo poopls ?f Cube, Md m. ilMttlu tb? VmMni u Uko ii*m for mo(, sRlos is tb# tmt sf (Iks oetoWluAaiost of SopuUtoSS for* of noyr*m**X, Wbstoror ' WV tf tits tipsJ'WTj of tk<m, i S3. SMbTTo 41?nt ss propriety of s filUt Sfl^sst U?S s?s?ty ?f Spota. Tbs Son- 1 to Mi sot wt on Um Rosso rotoluHos, ind (my iioliif jrf pof -polii lo^l mcUB Is fcs*si W* v..#. .r in 1 a .0.^ *Mt*? *??*?* 4p? H Mf f <M*. ' M\ mi I, I . i1 -ag! Q gT"1 6 ft H Millinery. " MISS McKAY, harin* ro- c turnad from Jfaw T?tk A f?w H MUBM ''"7* ?*?>. bat oyeniHl wrll-tcmfiM' oon?i?Hn? a# PRHpClT BOB- "1 (VlfVJ NKTS and IIATA, HATS and 1 9|T CAPS 6?r LaUea, KlUret. Jinyn _ ??i "n<l Ibfaot*. FI.OwRSS, KIB- F! VIH BON8, Hair COILS, BHAIDS, Ac, .Alio. tr, DltlSS MAKTNO, lit all I to brancbaa, at. T tended to with DMlseu and dumltb. ? Api ?I 4r i j* VALdABLE LANDS FOH SALE. r T WB offtr (or aala, Thirteen H afrlfrjKffatl^P Taiuahia Tract* of LAN D. j MOB It* Wb M the MU 1mm of tbo htMs's fn#h*r, hX *>? 6- 5. Dtewart, Mr. J AS. F. 8tSW^Rf, of bum,, Mid MiM MATTIU A. IS. CELKY, *t Umtrllla. ^ The PeftbOuy Schools TUB Bk???U*? Oikuiiiftu* wonld raipcci fully Inform the pel roar and frleuda of Uia Peabady Sobools that (ho evamioa tlaaw Will t>? made oa IT"tdnrnday and Thnrrdty, Ihr list and 23d mat*., between ilia hour* <>f 9 A. M. and 2 P. M Tin pa tent* and guardian* of iha pupils, and the publir, are itHrilad to attend the examination* on IPedneadav. at lb* Oaillmd School Honor ; and on Thnrtday, at th? Primary School Building. > PUBLIC CELEBRATION ha* barn ar. ranged to take plsoi at the Court Tleuae oa Friday morning at le^ o'clock, and again at bight. The Report of the Boa d of Cuntmlaeioneta will be t*?d# and ad dreaaea and other lot. raiding ex* rvisa* may t?e xprrt rd. Our eitixvu* are ree|>,-ctfulljr lovit?d to he praarnt. II. MANLY J*. ) J. A. DAVII>. > Ex. Com. ELLISON CAPKHS, ) Ap 21 48 1 Publio Lecture. THE Pirat in the Course of Lectures f?r thia uininvr Iwifnre the (Jreenvilla Literary Clun, will be delivered in the Court House on J'rid'iw erruiug. April 80, at 9 o'clock, by Kav. J. L. BURROWS, D. D., of Klshmond, VihDr. B. la one of tbe moat eloquent aud popular lecturers in tbe wbole country, vigorous sad atrikimt in thought, and splendid iu atyle and delitrny. TltskcU will admit one gentleman with any number of )?dioa. Ticket lor ona lecture, 35 cents) for the whole course, of seven or eight lectures, 91.00. To be had at the Drue Stores, and at the stores of J. O. Smith, II. Beattie A Co., W. II. llovsv, and David aud ft trad ley. April 48 2 j Religious Notice Appointments uf Kee A. H. SxumitNj, P. E , Greenville District, South Carolina Conference. M. p Church, South, Id Quarter: Jit I drille Circuit?April 24 th and 20th, at Wood'# Chapel, QrttnrilU fknlion? May let and Id Gren.villt GYrc?uJ*-Maj 8th a,id 9th at Severn. ^ PickmnilU Circuit- Mny 15th and lflih, at Mr, I'iinlV. Wnlhafta Circuit? May !1J and 23J, at Fairview. Smrea and Tujulo Circuit?May 20th and 2ftth, at Frie?.d?hin. Audcreon Circuit?June 6th and 6th, at Belhal. Andenon Station?June 12th and 18th. Pendleton Circuit?June 10th and 2tltb, at Mhtdjr Oroya Pendleton Colored Charge?Jone 26(h and 22th, at Ml. Zi<*n. * Williamson Circuit?July 8-1 and 4ill. A. B SlEl'IlKNd, P. R Apl 21 * 8 Tribute of Reflect The ofTieera of Uie \Va*Uiui:toit S". Prea byterian Chit*eh, enaHUjng of Paatur. E< firre, Deaeona and Tru-leea, having mat lo pay a trlhuie of reaped to our departe' friend, lha lata LF.U |S WORTUINOTON. Etq. while I hey reeogntx* the hand of Qud iu thia afflii'tion. and do not murmur and repine, y?rl 'eel it to he a dark and iaacru. Ulle dirpeiiMt.iiu of his Providence. Mr. La win Worllibigton lived am<?ti(r ua for litlrtii yeara, and endeared hfmaJlf tu ua by hi# upriahi and ui.blamealile life.? He vii a irua fiieud. a y<>?d citizen, an humble Chr atian, and faithful officer: therefore, KtvJced. laf. That lila death haa I aen a eevere ?lllc'l"n to the Church, and that hia lore cannot l<t eerily repaired. JxmJeeJ, 'Id Tliut a lilai k paga in th*Se?si>-n Hook be inecribod with hia name, age and lima of death, Rrtolocd. 8/1 Thai vro srmpatliiza with hit hill piftl ? t l?U ? 1 1 ?- - ? ntrnl, mid pray Ood to comfort her in her deep sot row. 4*4. Thai a ropy nl these reS"lutiona lie inscribed in tlo- Session Book, and another copy he sent to the bereaved widow. Bring in Tonr Old BJ1JYK-B 11A L S. 117 E WILL piy for BANK-BILLS o( I T South Carolina, North Carolina, Geoigia and Trnnoor# mora than <>nr p?|l> iieheJ price#, if brought in by Monday, 201h of April. II. BEATTIE A CO. Ap 91 48 1 Notice. ALL parties havinr ekaitai acalnrt the En tatea of 11RNHY II. SPKOTJSE, d? ovarii), ami MAHT 0. SPROUSE, deceased, will present them to rue properly attested on or before the 2lat day ef Anput neit; persona indebted to tbe same will plaaae make payment to me at on no. WILLIAM L. HOPKINS, April list. 1889. 48-3* AdoTr. MOTOf! DUY GOODS AND PBBBJTBBSS! OTI Paleeday. Monday May 8', I will sell et A i?e'ten at tnv Otfo? nnmmen... I in| tt 10 ft'?l<>ck, a lot i'l DRY (500l?*. CLASH WARE. HATS. 8II0KH. A?, to loaa ronalgninrnt, oonalating io part of? 7 duiti bhlrt Boroin-, '2 d<?*-n L<i*n SliirU, 70 yard* Bp?i>i>h Lm*n. AO yar-lt Blraeli'd Shirting. 10 l?rrm Patt rn#, (Cat i?o, Muslin, B?>agr, An.,) 20 yard* Ticking. 00 yar<la Tofrellog, Glovra. 25 Boys' iiala. 20 pair* Woman's Sbor?, 5 d< en L?di?*' Ho**, Tomblrra. Plichrr*. T?a Pol*. GUa? Di*ha*. Mur*. PI ira. Lamp*. 100 iHomda Rio Coffer, f hoit-a Hlarrh, I barrels Rica. 1 ream ffola Paper, BdaUsds and Cl>aira. 1 Iron Half, Cooking Htavaa. ry Artialaa la U mvtad on day of laja, Jalitta C. Smith. AT PRIVATE HALE, t Baabela Prima Sard Ri"r, S Bwhela Parlar UoKan Hr?d, 1 Hawinf BaaLine, Malt Plow a Cuano LMslribuiara, Cooking katai 4a, Aa. Ap 21 42 2 Found. i 8Clf a# HOMEY, which tka awaat raa kara by daaoH^iu^ a'- Ua AppU atUUa offloa, AfU AT * longing to the E?Uto of DOlt- j <asyten? CAS I.Km:n deceased. The j, abovu laiiui Are Very valuable on aceount of 4'icir cIum proximity to the City of UrcentUlc, . . nod are laid off in small trao:s. but will be " old in larger bodies if purchaser* desire.? None of the lands are more than three miles from the City, and some under two miles. C Term* reasonable; come and examine them, p If nut aold at private sale, Uiey will be offered at publio auctiou on Sales-day in Jane. 0. T..HAMMOND,) T. O.OLEKH. j* ""1* April 17th, IS8V. ; A pi 21 4S 7 Notice. . T N o?nformitv with requirements of Internal I X Reveaa'e Laws, I hereby give notice to all persons who may claim a Two-horse 1 Wagon, a Mare and Cull, a?d three large { and one small barrels of Whisky, which were seised in a pine thicket on llie nt^ht of "l the 20th of April, evidently the property of A. J. Ward, beosuseof a violation of the Inter...I u........ i i 1 1. -i-'?-. i? for* im within SO day* from tbe firtt publlcation of tUia nolk*. A. L. COBB, Depot? Collector. ? A pi 21 48 8 r" THE MORNING STAB.3 AGAIN Enforced mid Improved ! i fOVUlS wll ertaMNhed and popular D?i JL ly NrwmKptr has recently l?*eii greatly enlarged and improved, (tli? ?. o . ?jk1 enlargement tn eighteen month*,) ami j I* confidently offered to the p-?>ple of lh* two Cnrolinua rrcaod to no daily journal in either of tlmif Stat'*. " Tlia Star ia a lira, practical and progro* aire Ne?*p<p<-r, eminently adapted lo the Wants of tliia section; Sound and eonaerva* ^ Jitre in its teaching*, and devoted to the ' *" Omrinjereial and Agricultural Intere*U of " the South." It ent'iafn* full snJ reliable rej-orta of the n.mket-, telegraphic dia j paiolies. local new* and irential intelligence. I Terina, iu advauee: One year, $7 .no; *ix , in on Vh a, ? 3 60 ; three nioutha, $2.00; one mouth. $0 7ft. Add.*.!, Wm. H. Bernard, Editor ai d Proprietor, Wilmington, N. O. Ap 2f 48 tf ? i I AM RECEIVING MY J S T O O IS. ! dp SPRING AND Sill' SUCH A3 LADIES All CESTLEMEFS DRESS GOODS, ? BOOTS AND SUOES, | CUTLERT, CRaQlERT, BUCKETS. TUBS. ?Z3 ct? SAL Mi 9 ?aoss&sss. ALSO. ^ SPLENDID LOT OF PiMITBBS; I N S U 1 T S , * uxhaimi tr f Bureaus Bedsteads i Chairs, of all styles J Washstands ; ci Sofas, Divans Towel-racks Tables Cribs and Cradles. ! AH of the fho?? Good. will l>t offcr??l ai l It E -.SON A HI.:-; lMtli KS. O.I my New Su,,,. on lVndletnn Street, near I lie Greenville E and Columbia Railroad D | Ot. ul 1 'MTdAlJ. AXfl nu siTurnm ?r? .1 W. L. WATIiKSi. m April U 47 ft Ji $50 Reward. * <hh fA STOLKN, on the night of a? Friday, 01 h inetent, front the ?t aOTCvl. hvcry M aid.-., a 1IORSK flr fwliitth hod ifrn i<'ii?t| t.jr lSJ George W Brumf>lrU, ? WRIiamston. in ** ihe |n??|m?ion of John Uie'tardaon, bec.uae of violation of lh? Internal Revenue Uwi, 1 n<1 winch *n advert r*<t to have teen old on Monday, 121 It in. art'. I, 1 will pay a Reward of fifty dollar# for to proof .attieimt to ennvlet the thief, before the (Jelled Bleiee Court. n* A. I. COBR, fri April 14 47-4 Deputy Colpemr. ?* . . .. a .. A? ^Iibpwiift Ticket* lb< JP 0* iele it thlr 0?so. -6 H T I-R.P fe - ;<Pr T' !. ,:i . jg :a MERCHANT C it/'K Wif jii?t iee?lv?d FULL SUP rV PLY"* RENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN OOODS. [)R n EN rLKMFNS AND YOUTH'S CLO I11NU fr m the oh?itp>'H L > th? l>?>tnu?l y. whi.h we wW OUT AND MAKE in >? beet iyl^?, *u<l Al low priee*. ty-GtVEUS A CALL_^| 19 T3E LADIES' BEPARTHEBT. : 1i-y are prepared to CUT Ai?D MAKE y 11 atyl?a of * LADIES' AND MISSES' D1ES8E8, n Hie later! and moit elegant atvlea. and KRFECT FITS. tST Ornaihtatal Stiloh>g dvue orally. WEED'S I JELEBRAT.EDSEWING MACHINE ] 'or ?ale, and warranted. FICELLE * POOBC. J April 14 47 5 ~~BUENA VISTA hare Joit received a NEW STOCK OOODS. elected with an eye to tbe want* and dcelrea f our customers and friend*. Ia it will be jnnd, In part, as follows: E)ry Goods, Boots and J Shoes, Hats, Sugars Coffees, Teas [ffackeral, Flows. Hoes Scythes, Spades Shovels, Axes, Buckets Tubs, Cotton Cards &c. &c. bcHWr Willi a f..a of DM769 AND MED CINKS and examine our Store, f a we are confident you can be accointuo- I laird and (ilenMil. COTTON YARN ! IT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, l.lbe * al drduoUuus made to llioae pureliaeing by ( be Rule. LESTER BROS. Rum* VWta, S. C., April 13. lUbV. , 14 a? a -? - - ( ( "Af.sign.eos' Notice. ! 1"MIK NOTKA ltd ACCOUNTS du* the I F run ..f iIUA|>Y A <iO<)l .RETT. 3RADYA HAWTHORN. GllAI'V, PKIt 1 RUtSOK A Mll.LKR. rfOH N W. (JK AHY A >>. Midkiiii tii?M iin? JOIIK W. ?haI)Y, J i.te in uur litniU 1?>r tul eclmii. mid if not vtid by or I tfiue /A' /tr?l ?Riy of July nut, he mud Nii'el niid Accuutiin wl'l lie flnee'l | ii ilie liHi'd* ol no ofHeer lor immediate col j oilion. r?r?uti* ?i<liui|f to trifle will cull j it (lit. SlieniTV Ofl ee, or at tli? Law Ofliee if Kni'e A 111 11 lie, uml can tell)* with l lilber ol lhe Ulidereiirnrd. I w. T. SHUMATE, ) .... S A. 15LYTHB. j Atftgnw. , Greenville, 3 , C. 3M March, 18C9. A|>( 14 V ?t 8 1 ARE NOW IN RECEIPT OP A AND OOMSPLETI . st6o ii - i OP SPRING AN D SUMMEH ; W1IIC11 THEY OFFER AT THE LOWEST PRICES. TI1EY DEAL IN Dry Goods, Boots ; and Shoes, Elats, ' Groceries, i &C?, &C. I taring adopted the . ITaiCTLY CO m 03E FRICE: SYSTEM.. 1 'hoy afford to purchasers advantages which annnt otherwise be obtaiacd. OUH GOODS RE BOUGHT WITH CASH, amino per tntage paid for risk*, principally in New ork and Daltimore. Suu> ?'? th? time te ?- -t ?rr HA K<* A IKS. \ FOSTER & HUNTER. I April T 4# 8 ( HAHTFOKD SOEBfiSM MAE8ISE COMPiSY. 8 lIT K heve iitkcn the Agency in this C?un> K \\ ty fur the sale ol these CSLKBKATKD f, VAPOHATOU6 AND MILLS, for the wan ,, adore of Sugar and Syfup from the Sor- _ mm end Sugar Cane. We are not offering to the public en experiuntel meeltine, toil one of which thuL> are outanda, said to lte? now in uso, in different trie oT the couutry, and we will here only ention a few of its many merit*, as claimed -? ' the manufacturer*. It requires but aooui m half the fuei nod about ou? half tbo labor, M id the cost it about one half the price ol ^ her machine*. The results attained are a u. te artiole of Sugar and the finest hind 01 l(| rrup, (readily aciling at from $1 to $1.M) pci ct diun,) and we elaiui that it ie the only nis ' .no which CLARIFIES aud CONDENSE." the aame operation. With all these faete in its there need no wonder at the sueeees tlie General Agent ^ milling with in all our Southern cities ana IM w v shall have one of the Machines in ope Ol lion iu town soon, until then we invite oui ends end the public generally to call at ou. H ire, See samples, model. Illustrated circulars J i.. and where we shell be plumed to givi um all the information in our power. DAVID & STRADLEY. 2 fipril f < 4tr tf ' =gg= -?IS'. hi* com JUST ARRIVED. ? r A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT 0* LADIBS' 8H0B8 AND BOOTKE1S, U.i. ?? ?V_ ft. .? > ... .... r-umn,) ua warranted equal IlLKS' UKST. Fur sale cheap, at STEEX'S STORE. ALSO, A FINE SELECTION OF LANDREtH'S 1 1IST GARDEN SEEDS. ted and White CLOVER, Lucerne, Orchard nd Blue OR ASS. Fur aala at STERN'S STORE. I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OF )XN HUNDRED BUSHELS OF Dickson Cotton Seed, >u Coasignmeut. For tale cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, A NEW ARRIVAL OF STARK'S DIXIE PLOW. None Svjperior Now in Use. For aale at STEEN'S STORE. Mnr:b 24 44 tf JUST RECEIVED AT W.M.RSVSY'S A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF SPRIMG AN? SUMMER 1>HK Ladies would do well to call and examine my Stock of DltKSd GOODS at ii earl* H?u ' ?* - , ?j -s uvn uucring, 11 very nodemio prices, n beautiful assortment of )K1UNTA L LUSTRES STRIPED POPLINS LENOE CLOTH 8PKAGUB Dr.T.AINER k A LI'A CCA LUSTRES, AC. rheso Good* have been selected with great ;are and good taste. My Stock of Good* for UKNTS AND YOUTHS WEAR, will ho ound vory complete ? Cloths. Cussimercs, I'weeds, Ready-made Shirts, Dlurk Alpine Huts, Merchants Union Paper Collars, Ac. 1 have jo?t opened a beuutiftil lot of SILi'Ell WAKE, such us Tnhlu Spoons, Forks, Tea Spoons, Butter Kuives, Salt and Murftard Spoons. This ware it plated on geuuinu Aljutu?lull weight ol silver. ALSO. A Ct?o selection of pure (? OLD JEWELRY, Plain Gold Kings, llreust Pins, Eur Drops, Ac. Photograph Alliums, all sites and prices, LSuek Purses, Handkerchief Extracts, Soaps. I tun now offering a beautiful lot of OIL IT IN DOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at rery low figures; Also Paper Shades, Fire screens anil Wall Paper. My Stock will alauys be found complete in this line. I have oil hand all nuiutier* 01 the celohraod Willituantiu Soft Finish Dluek Spool Coton, the l-eet in use Sir Machines?try it and >e convinced. Ia short, uiy Stock will he found complete, resh uud attractive at all liuics. Cull uud lutisfy jouraehes. W. II. Hovcy. Mar 2-4 44 tf itm ???is AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET BV0S3. rHAVE laid in a very full and complete Siock of new and reasonable floods, vliich Lave been selected with the view to IU the demands of a varied patronage, and vliich are of th? very beat qualities. In the Oente Depaitment mav be fbund 'assiniete*. Tweeds, Clot ha, and Revly iiatle Clothing, Paper Collar*. Cravata. it*. Pack Felt Hat*, White and Summer ditto. In ilia Ladiea Depaitment my at?ek ia idler than ever be fine, and 1 know that he ladies will ha pleased upuu examining ny list of ELAINE*. FANCY ALPACCA*. POPLINS. DxARMURK3, STRIPED GRKNADINE3. CAMBRICS. Together with a large lot of PRINTS.? H1TE GOODS, consisting partly of tawna, Swisses, JocioU, Long Clothf. Dd ei Boots and S''oee, Lists aud Rib* otis, and Kwxsy Artie ca. Bnota and Shoes, Trunks. Vallaea. Our GKOCKRIKS ara kept in full atork. PflVe, Sugar, Salt, Bacon, Lard, Flour, d?e, Fi'h. The shove emhrarea hut a vary Indefinite i<?it 01 my sioctt, and I would request my imdt and ru-lonieis wlien calliig "" me > ??k f?r articles not mentioned or aeeo pon entering. T. W. DAVIS. Mar 81 44 if i IVcw Millinery, 1 fRS. L. JENNlNtSS is receiving and >JL openini! an esten.ive assortment of UMNKT8, HATS, KIl.BuNS, F1.0WKKS, RIDAI< WUKATIIS, Ac., Ac. Having sected her Stock from an extensive establish, nt ?f Millinery Goods with the greatest ire, she flatters horxolt site will be able to lit all who may give her a call. MRS. L. JENNINGS. At her old stood. Main Street. A p 7 48 8 Stockholders' Keetiwf. mog Cptstom a*t? 8. C. Rail?<u? Co., CotPMatA S. C.t April 8, 18(M?. rllE ANNUAL MKKTINO ..f the Stockholders of fh is Company will beheld in a uity, on W KDNK.iDaY. the 21?t n sunt. The ukuuI prlvHexes, as reap. cts tree |.a?*??. ill be acvoided to Sto<-khol(i<-rs and their inilies. C. 11. MANSON, , Aj-ri) 11 47-3 Beorstiry. ^ 1 =? ;* i ' P. F. TOALE, Q3Oi^]EiiB3aev<G)Sra0.(0^ Maufwttru of DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. W? woulJ call the p*rtlcut%r MtUn tloa of oar frtond* to tbo oboro card. P. P. Toalo boa a lun Fnslnr*. anil enable bim to supply the beat ifork of bia . own make at low prices. A very large and complete assortment always on band at hie Factory, WoWlrii'r Wharf, mar A'ortK-?*ut. are llailt o?d Depot, Char tee ton, 8 C. N. B.?Order* from |)>e country aollolled, and atriot aUenUoa paid to shipping In good order. 45-Iy Aprilf* A. C. KAUFMAN, BROKER.nimHiMisnn NO. 85, BROAD STREET. CHARLG8TOXt.S? C. WILL BUY AND BELL REAL ESTATE. BONDS, STOCKS, BANK BILLS, A?. nnmnnttcne. Ex Got. B. F. Perry, Gi-eenviltn, 8. ?. Cbarlea T. Lowndes, Charleston, S. 0. Lesscsne A Miles, " " W. W. Taylor, Baltimore, Md. Maj. C. 11. Suber, Newberry, 8. C. Gen. T. M. Logan, Richmond, Vs. Hon. J. B. Campbell, Charleston, S. C. W. B. Smith A Co., ? Crane, Boylaton A Co., ** " Pclxer, Rodger* A Co., ** " Pressley, Lord A Ingtcsby, " " J. H. Wtlson, M Aptil 7 45 fat* SOUTH CAROLINAIDA N~AN D TRUST COMPANY. Authorized Capital, Fin Million Dollara.? I'reernt Limit, $300,UV0. The offico of tliia Company la now opaned at No. IS Broad Street (South Western Railroad Bank) for the receipt of Depoaiu, Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sale of Exchange, and the transaction of a General Banking Business. 4 Interest allowed on Deposits upon terms established by the Board of Directora. The Company ia also a lege) depository for moneys paid Into Court, will receive Registry and Transfer Books, act as "gent to pay Cou? pons and Dividends, and as Trustee in Rail, road Mortgages. maitcm**. W C. Bee, of Wm. C. Bee A Co.; A. 8. Johnston, of Johnston, Crews A Co.; Kobk. Mure, of Robt. Mure A Co ; W. H. Wil- . lisms, ol W. lj William* A Son; E. II. Frost, ol Frost A Adger; J. E. Adger, of J. E. Adger A Co.; Henry Gourdin, ol (lourdin, M"llhit-?>n di Co.; George L. Buist, of Buie* A Buist; C. G. Memminzer. of Mem miiigpr. Jervey A Pincknev ; T. J. Kerr, of T J. Kerr A Co.: J. D. Aiken ?f J T? at ken A Co : Jolin Camp-en, of Cainpseu A Co.; A. P. Caldv -It, of R. A A. P. Cnldwell; W. K. K\an, J. T. WilunMi, B. O'Neill, J. J. Grc^g, Grnnlteville. S. C. Nor further Information, address GKO. 8. CAMERON. President. TliOS R. WARING, Cashier. Charleston, S. CL, March 12, 1809. March 24 44 12 CARD. charles "kerrison, 1 FORMERLY of the firm of C. A E. L. . KKKRliiON, would iuforni his friend* and the public .hat be has purchased from Mr. James It. Betts. all his stock in trade, Ac., nt the Store No. 262 King Street, and will there continue the DRY tiOODS BUSINESS, wholesale and retail, tor cash, on hi* own individual, aeconnt and responsibility.? lie will proceed, without delay, to repleniah and renew the Stock, and continue so doing until the assortment shall be made complete and attractive. As the terms will he STRICTLY CASH, or approved city acccptunco fot a short credit, it necessarily follows that the prices must be kept at least as lotf as to he found at any other respectable establishment. His brother, Mr. K. L. KKRRISO.N, assisted by Mr. A. B. McDONELL, both experienced merchants in this line, will be found at his store, aiding io the eeosluet and management of the business, end ft Is hoped that bis and their efforts to win the eonSdenee and patronage of the public will he as successful as in past dayt wss tho old firm at corner of King ?nd Market Streets. Peb 24 ' 49 Sin www iiwrairi-w. Wfioleiutle Oca lets IN DRY GOODS 122 and 124 Meeting St. C harleston, N. C. EDTVly BATKS. CKO. C. ?LMA*< TOO* *. *'OAI1AM. Fob 10 ?8 8m TRV mill's HEMIC HITTERS, j . THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, in aii. DISEASES 07 fMS STOMACH AMD LIVER. tor ui imnina it tn MBDXOAL FAOULTY. HEGEMAN Ac CO., A9Birr?t new Ton*. ttannfactiired by C. F. PANBOT, ttSOR "AMD Afomcm. 6MA RL.B8TON, B.C. IPAr Ay JhnvnUU ?voryu>k<v*1i* ?w? ?4 *v i^