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[ * /t*. A ' inn"" i' ?jjt fmrttjun (gtitnprisf. GRREKmi.E, S. C. WZBBM9AY, AFBIL tl. lMt. A-RH.J I.I in41?),,?*g ' ? Menn Walk BR, Itadi A Co?*Hl W? oar MtborM ag*ati to Ckwltiliw, ?nd will NMltr* *dr*rtlR?M*aM forth* Entrrpri?. 3mar?- 'J ' ' 1 ' i1 i-'.H" 1 r r '-Jaji JflhA coamnlcAtioa by Rot. Buimr Capiii, lUotor of Christ Churoh, Urosorille, will bo firand or oar fourth pag*. - . j v .tartsT la tho statement ? mad* in r*f?r?i?e? to th? oWrriM* of L^nt, our ohjsot war *imr*y to gtrr In a ilnglt Mtinw tho.riew* f large bodies o/.*v*nge)lci?l OhrVMana, as - to the absoao* of owriptoral warrant or ex*nnpis r repeating it. Our esterined friend Roe. Ellison CArK>n, in hio oonimnnioslion which Appear* in onr present Wane, infer* that w? charged hU denomination with oh. serving Lent " from the rain* res*ons and in the tan11 way" aa the Romanists. We made ao comparison between them, but merely staled that both denominations observed Lent, <ke. We gave no opinion editorially on the subject, one way or lite other, although we do have decided convie tiona We are willing to give both ere lit for pious intentions, without undertaking to inform any oae that their reasons are pre eiaely the same. In the absence of aoiiptnral p. eeept and' example for Lent, we presume that with both the common reasons for observing it rests on the authority of their churches?and tbeae gel it from tradl tion. We think a great Infirmity of the religioue denominations is over-sentilivenes*. and impetienea and intolerance of free utterances in regard to their respective peculiarities. Wa think it ought to be allowed, without off-nee, for any public journal to ifstfthe peculiarities of the great religious denominations of the world of vary name. Pew at this day are so blind and bigoted as to doubt the goodness and Christian piety nf va*t multitudes in si1 known denominations or Christian*; and wnfortnnately all have to admit that every on# of them includes many either self deceived or worse, who do not r<-a'ly deserve the name of Christians. Salvation is not eon fined to sny denomination or ehnreh, but in eaeh and all whosoever f*sr%-ih Cod and workelh righteousness is accepted of Him?all who truly believe on Jesus Christ. B?t it is true, at the same time, according to the scriptures, that particular churches may adopt notions, doctrines and practices ur inspired, the tendency of which is to take away the reliance of men on the only Baviour. And many men, of undoubted personal holiness, hare taught dogmas; the general acceptance of which, hy weaker entile, would be injurious. Whoever read* theepis'les carefully will be struck with this fact. The ehurcbes In apostolic times were w arned of tha ex iI tendency of vn rioua errors into which they fell, some in ne, some another. The chuich at Gitalin was especially rebuked for ohservlng " days and months and years." J sacs CnntsT and tha apostles set apart no lenta or days for J!i? Church to observe, eith?r hy precept or example, except tha Sabbath day?one in seven, which hy apoetoiie example bees ujc the first day of the week, the day on which the Lord rose from the dead. And it It remarkable that in countries where a ehurch of exclusive domination lias eetab' lished a multitude of holy days, as the nourish Church has done In various kingdoms thsre tha Sabbath is in a manner destroyed The church day* supersede the Lord's day. Many Christians believe that evil must alsijs grow out of all attempts by ehtuchti to establish any Jixtd days and positive ordinances to be observed by their mem b*r\ beyond those eslablirhed by the Lord. We forbear any extended statement of the reasons why other ehorches do not concur iii the ohs- rvance of the L-nt and other days. In justice to those who are opposed to such observances on principle, we should state that they do not regard occasional protracted meetings, each as in the providence of God are deemed proper; or revival meetings, which in their opinion are from the Spirit, as having any real likaneaa to the observance, year by year, of regular fixed day and timet predetermined arbitrarily by church rules and regulations. As before stated, tbe scriptures fix no special daya (or Christian worship, exoept the first day of the week, end no particular fast days. But the apostles and primitive churches did havs more or less protracted meetings and fastings, and revival msetiugs not a fevr, according to c!roum*ttnees, and a; they were moved by the Holy Spirit.? In the nature of things it is not reasonable that the Clir'stian religion which must he preached - to ail nations, kindreda and tongoea in all eiimes, eoold fix a forty days' fast and protracted meeting to oeeur all OT?r the earth in March and April, or I the rame time of the year, without im. posing on fornt region# a burden thai could nut ba borne. The acaaons north end south of the Eqnator are juat oppositespring on one aide la fall on the other; teed time in one place would be hareeat time In another. The Human Catholic Church alone poaaeeeea the necessary machinery to carry oat aalformity in the simultaneous oiraervanee ef days and times all over the earth, la their religious orders and houses. If any of our reader#, like Oaluo, may care fur none of these things, and wa ooa elude by ditela'mlng ell dtsreapeot, but on the contrary expressing a high appreoiatiua of the many noble Christian character** loth of the mini.try and laity, that ad?m t a P.piie -pal Communion (a Eng'sad suit Amerl a. Notwithstanding diveraitice ?,f formularies, that ehuivh hat exhibited In hosts of its membara the Christian air tu '? a* wall *a other dettonuoationa, pi or 1" '?' "I . iux the toUmut doctrine of the Qr**t Apos lie of ll>e Qcntihs, that although one mn regard* day nolo Ik* Lard and the other regards It ant, both may bo aeaepted of (leaven, o*eh be log ? fully persuaded Id h!s ova Blind." -The fame Apoatj^g hrfwe<: ?r, was " afraid " of a eartaia ohorch bhiefc made it a tula to " observe days and month*." **j New York Herald and the Chinese. /I wa a tab (Tie I I* mid weaid go ioio the jdtseusfon of tha Chinese quest ion. mora ex I tensively, tha Fifteenth Amendment, and the prospect of :utare Chines* o'ueu patio* of tk* country.. If Cltine#* vch, m they e?n nod mij oome, by asOlioDg they will And ilwtyi a ledieal pmty ready to oo-op* crate with them to let up BnJJh or any other god for (he rake of sharing iho epnile. When their nun.her* Increase, Chinamen, tfler the firet election of {'resident aided l.y their tuht takes place, will he largely appointed to ofllee, fotel^a and domeatia, aid with the view to prove d>* regard of preference of race or color or erred, according to the true radical programme. Buddliiata and Chihsse will he the fevor/itce. We may are a temple erected in all the greet cltiea to Chinese gods, and aspiring politioiana patronising them. New York will p?-rl?ape> have the grandest of all hea*hen templet, Minister* to China, aad all official* sent to Ami and the yellow and red skinned cour tiles will, at a future time, he of the Chinese raee. (Jen. (!??t hna act the example of tendtng iihtk to Hack, and white to whit* count ties. Our Indian agents a1 so will have to he selected fr?m the Cbiacae among ue, bring of the tatue color. An allusion to the Chinese hy the JJtra'd in the following ehort article, aMmugh it may 1>? not entirtly actions, suggests a good deal: ""Advtmrtng Bt'ltmrdt.?It was a great point in the world's progress wh?n It was clearly seen that ihefttate had no necessary relation to the Church, and <iar constitution was not so excellent In scarcely any o'h?r point as in the fact that it confined irovernraent strictly to Its prorinee. It left out the Church ; and if in doing this it seemed to have out Cod this was b' sense that ia a subject on which there is no acres inar, and the disagreement and definition liritiga in the Chuich. Now, some pious antediluvians want to change that, aid want to have (rod in the constitution ? But what God f This is very saay to nn ewer Just now ; but bv end l?y wo sha'l hoto on the Continent twenty million men nl Pbln?t? rnce, and they will wanlto make it Bu.l.111." GreanviTlo and Columbia Ra!lroad-~Preaidant Bsmmett'i Report. Ti e annn&) report of 11. P. llAMMrrr. the al?l# and efficient President of I lie Greco sllle and Columbia Raiboad. Una been pub lial.ed in the J'hant'jr, of Saturday 1 net, and the exhibit which it makes of the actual worki.ig and eondiion of the affaire <>f the Itoad is exceedingly gratifying, and justifies the moat favorable expectation* of it* fri?*nda, and disappoint*, no doubt the hopes of its wouM-he devourcra; for w? fear sometimes that there are *otr.c persons disposed to sacrifice, if Ihev son poaeibly by legal forma, the interest ?f the ma*s of stockholder* and bondholders, for a speculation. The nclt earnings of the Road this year, are handsome, indeed, n't thing* considereda and show a steady a.lw nne on any year since the war. They amount to the sum of fl 29.812 75 eta A* the m**tl g of the stockholders takes plac* In Columbia neat Thursday week, (.'9th Inal. ) we hope th r>? will be a lull attendance, and that the sue ces*ful and abls manager* of the Road will allT'celve the approbati>m and contiuu d confidence of the company. It may be sold with perfect truth, that the stock and bonds ntt-np^ ill |K? Rn*^ I Itil Uri*o malofil as tually belonging to citii?na of the State, and many of them women ami minora, eon alitute a encred truat. fund of ?>me million* of dollar*, with a Pre*l-lent and hoard of direct ora. No intruder aliould he permitted to eotne in for the aik? of plunder ? Between robbery on tit a high araj, and pi racy on the high *?#, and the plunder of innocent atocfc and bondholder* be deaigoing iiitrud-ra, *?d legal plunderer^ we think the undi?gniaed rubber atid pirate by far th* inoet re?peetabl*. We expect to puhliah the report neat week. The Wilmington. N. C.. Star. We failed to notice at ike proper time the enlargement of thia excellent daily, paper. Mr. VV. II. Baaxaan *ia> u-d it aome eightcep montba ago, under very onI favorable, eireumatanec* ; hut in enlarging | he *tate* that hi* journal in now erlablUh el upon a firm and euhatantial haaie. Wa j are glad to* know thia, for the Star i# one ot I oor moet lively and t| rightly exchanger, j and dearrvc? all it ia receiving and mora w;i i u. J -i .. "? |T"UU >" [ hf*r daily Star, and alao the enterprise ivinced by iu editor. Price, 67.00 per annum. We return Mr. Bbrvabp thanks for pnb belting tha card of the E?t*rprit, giving the editor/ name* together villi the price o< aubaaripilon. Firing Up. Our friend Mr. B. Wiikbi a, bee recently had bis shop nicely repainted, and now hie place broke bran new, and we don't kn?w of a etore in tha city that's more Inviting, panleniarly whan you consider the cleverness of tha man that greeta you when catering. Mr. W# reputation for doing work well and promptly i? inereaaing very rapidly, aa It ought Willi hi* o?u<it punctuality, ha ean alwaye He found at his place of buaineeg. IIie time le af correct aa that kept by any ol the jawelera, being tun lima jpA Mr. Job* b. Kvi>a kae been appointed by Governor Scott to take the cenaue of Greenville County. AJfebUK* to*l Ii1?* of AdT?rtU?r? lAJtka B. Bcattle A Op. A. Bljtha, Awlgoaa. A. Bacon, Lawyer. W. H Oammei; Maehltnpt. A. JL.Col>l>, Collector lot. Itevefoa. Dark! A Stradley, Merohouta. W. Merchant, 8. J. Doulhll, Judge of Probalo. feealav A If ?H*. Lawyer* John Pergoaon, laaurance Agent Foster A U on tar, March aula. T. G. Glenn, Executor. W. II. Hcrey, Merchant C. T. Hammond, Executor. Mrm, I* Jennings, Milliner. I/ilir Bro\ Merchant* and Mannfaol'ra U. H. Mana<>n, Railroad Benrntary. W A. McDant*!, Clerk or Conrt. \ MIm M. A. McKay, Milliner, w.ii. a, *? ?-? (?nic ? ? U"ro, I ailTIi 9 V. P. Priw, Ln?f?r, n. T. P*ake, Snpt. R* 11 mod. J. C. Smith, Auction and Cum. Marehaat. Thp?. Stem, Merchant W. T. 8h n ma* a, A*atgn*?. J. L Southern, Hotel Keeper. O. R Townea, Lawyer. A. B. Vlckera, Sheriff. J M. Weatmoreland. Druggtat. R. Wharle. Jeweler. # W. L. Watera, Merchant. The following liet-ara Charlaaton advertiaera: Edwin Ratea A Co., Merchant*, Geo. 8. Cameron, 8. C. Loan and Truat Company. Cha*. K?rri?on, Merchant. A. C. Kaufman, Rr? k*r. C P. Panknln. Medicine. P. P. Toale, Rlimla and S??hra. Jurora for tho Approaching Term of Coort. Below ia furnished a Hat of the Grand and Petit Jurora for the Regular and Agtra Tcruta of the Court to be boldcn in May next: Litl / Grand Juror* far May lirm. Oliver P. Smith, W. A. Jenninge, Jn?. L Sniiih. Mat Perkins, J. II. Cleveland, Adam Lofia, Perry P>neon, T. Manning Cut, Francis Edward*. M. IT. Cooper. L. f.eater, Williams Cox, William Wa?kina. Iianiel Cooper, llawl.t Clint mnn, Washington Taylor, W. R. Bramblett, J. W. Uruneon, WIIliani Drync. | T.itl of PtlU Juror*, for Rtynlar 7Vrm, | ateond Monday ?h May, Hlit ?Joh. S. A ah more, John, I Joner. -George Amdein-m Aaron White, Geo. W. Noave*. Sin-eon E? kew, Jeaee Rob*. W. A. Anaiin, Robert J. Porter, Wilaon Tramm-dl. J. P. Rnnimeit. jo?iaii urnmMett, Jnn. M. Dickion. K'ijuh Ballinger," Mai tin L. Merchant, 1m?c Ed whI'll11 Tlii'inin II. I'aria, C P Dill. Robert RiitWriford, Waddv Jon^a. J. D Arnialr?ng, Mark IIufT, Dyer Revea, David Jonca. T C. Oowar, Day lit Au?lin, J or I Clmrl-a, Henry Ganlt, A. & I'ur.can, J no. II. GowJlel^ Cal vin Uallingrr. Lint of Petit Juror*. Extra Term, firet Man. day in May. 1SC?.?B D Garrinnu. J P Miller, V A Mnoney. Moaca 0 Uoodlctt. D D Garrett, W C Cle?clauil, Geo W King, Prineo Jcffbr?on. Joel C Uarriaon, A J Ponder, Peter Ilillt P N Acker, Henry C Grady, K W Ooddard, Rliiha Wilson, Juo C Hallcy, Moves Stokee* Ilsnben Brock, Albert Parte, Benjamin Kvaoa, P 1) IlnflT, Henry D Roe. Jno Datea aenior' IV W Tarrant junior, J W Hulling, Jno B Smith, G IV Purkina, Jno Rosamond. H P Vau^bn, Juo IY Molttclaw, George Howard * Watera' New Store on FcodWton Street. tVe bare viaited tbia new atore, located a few yarda caat of ^tie wareh<>nae of Meaara. Wrm A Stradlrt. The building waa eraeleil by Mreara. Ci.isk A Oibbs, Carpenters, and ia owned by tbe Drat named of tbeee gentlemen ; It I* a handaumo atnicture, and will be ol advantage to tba locality in which it ia located. Immediately upon ita completion, Mr. W. L. WiTiai leered it for five jeare at $375 per annum. He baa openod a large stock of dry goode, hate, cape, clotba, caasimeree, and groceries, which he takes great pleasure in exhibiting to thoae who call, and takes at ill great* rr pleasure in felling them, which he has commenced doing very rapidly. In addition to tbeie things, he baa added to hie establishment a feature which ia Tory proper, and anppliea a desideratum the .haeuee of which baa long been felt in our growing city, via.: a Furniture Warehouse. In this warebonae are to he found quite a variety of bouec furniture,new and juat from New York, among which we notieed, Bureaus, Sideboard*, Bedsteads, Waah-standa, 8<>faa, Cune and (lair aoated Cbaira, TeteraTetea; Indeed, nearly everything in tbia line needed in bone# keqping. Yon enn he aupplied with e single article, or nn entire eet, juat na you may prefer. Some of bia eete, which we bare examined, are excellent in appearance, and oanpot fail to pleaae those wishing to purchase. Our citixena should encourage those who come among us to locate and carry on business, therefore tbey ought to call and tee Mr. Warma. and as he ia eery polite and clerar they cannot lose anything even if they do not at the time wish to wake a purchase. An Old Citizen Bttturntd. When we win t? our community e new eitlsen, we natarally rejoioo, helief it li the rwtult of rectal, literary end materiel Inducementf held net by our growing pltM; but when one wlto formerly Hred here eoneoe hark, why we eennot but let our pride rrop oat, thinking that it te a positive indication that Oreearille le ae good, if net better, the" one ether pleeee, for there ere thoee who hare tested it. Mr. J zee a L. PtrzzRKi, who removed from Oreesville eome six tees year* ego, baa retarned and iaforme M thai be inteade to make tbia bU home. A portio* of Chit time be haa spent at Uatnevtlle ant ether plaeee in Georgia, bat eomea IsUerlj from Willlainston. Me to, ee will be retaem bared I watchmaker and jeweler, and latendi to open hie buetneea la one of the roeme o the old "Goodlett House." Halo. Oopiona ralit fell Monday n'gbl ant Tuesday of U'ia week. Streams ee'iatde*a My ftvihel te day (WglaoMts^ | We aoy have Ili.Ut eltiee an J g-uiel Weather. I .??* I B ST SKI *h. *nWfcftn CotRtm Adjourn* on lb. lOtb, tk? ilittU rMiained for th? triMMtioD of vhtt b*l?t fco a?t on ?pp?liimwte. it v?t, tktri mmdi to b* l.vmony boiw^-o ?b? tw^higb pfw*r*. w ?i?? wmr it # approT9U Mil in# new appoint mmte of the Pierldent. TIm Rbtbrdt ioumon treaty with En ffl^td baa bean rejected, and the wfaiU quarrel about the eoftduct ?f.England dar lng the la'e war remain* open. Loading Senator*?Sua***, Fcwkndsh, and other*? ara ?#ry ity-eatening in their epeache*. il 1* raid, and a |r*ai deal of Miur feeling in manifraUd. Soma anticipation* of war ara Indulged. Ii I* remarkable tHat for tba Ural lima since tba revolution, K?w En gland abowa a mora h >?tUe a?.d warllka epli-ii toward* old England than tba Booth or VVaat, I* 18>1 tba old Federal parly wara in lb* majority In M?aa*?liw*tti and other New England State*, and they rah* mently reelvted the War of that period ; but afnea (bay bare tilal their band ia the war with tba Booth, they have become quite helHeote. A war growing out of the " Al ahama qiieetlon," and the recognition of belligerent right* to the Confederate State* by England, wodld be a n>>*t eerinua affair. Franca and Spain did lha *ame tiling, and other European power*, and itU n' t wholly improbable that it might involve the United Stateain a war with half of Europe We do not think, however, that matter* will be pualted to euch extreme* and that Mr. Hotlbt, the new mlnirier to England* who take* the plaee of Buvmdt Joaveoa, will auceeed in negotla'log another treaty on aoma ulii'tetilt terma The bondhold era are all intereeted In peace aa well ee otl?er people, and thry are a great power in the land. Now Charter--Proceedings of the City Council. We have mad* arrangements with Mayor Joxa* for piib'laliing the new charter of Qreenrlitf,- it hariug been adopted at a meeting of the Council held on yesterday. and theiefore H will appear next weak in the Enttrpri* in full. Thla enures, we think. le a wiea one by eur municipal ?utlmrlliee, a* it l? Important tor all lb know the chengna that hare been made in our In* e-il statu* The Council baa aleo passed a resolution calling a meeting of the citUens of Ike City and County, to be holiten on the llth of May, proximo, which la Tuesday of the regular sesalon of Cowrt, to consider what action will he taken hy our people in the Air-Line Rnitrnad enterpriee. As this measure is an Important one to the people of Greenville County, (and indeed to every seetion through which it will pass,) which our Mpyor and Aldermen are fully aware, the meeting called hy tbcm | shorld receive a general and full attendance. A more formal notice, we snppoee, will be announced next week. We will endeavor, in fnture, to give repnrta of important proceedings of Council meetings. ?; . I.est or Bros. Wo spent an hour or more at the store of these gentlemen, the other day ; H is loented at Buena Virts, hot a few pares from their well known Factory, 12 miles from the city.? As a country store it is well filed in stock, containing many of the articles indispensable for home use. and those who need goods in their line are h?? 1 ted to eall and examine and buy. Onr friend, L. B. Attune has tho man-, gement, assisted hy Dr. Thomas R. Lkaoitk. who has his office at the same place. Dr. Lracob, is nn es iuiable young gentleman, recently graduating as a physician at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta* and be informed us that his practice is increasing. Wc wish him success. . The very belt argument we can use in favar of the importance of advertising, ie the fast that sueh well eat obliged and successful men as the Messrs. Lsstkr come out with an ad vertlsement, which shows that they are well aware of Ua power. Refer to their notice. JT. Mima Sulllean off for Horn Goods Mr. Sdlutai will leave for Cbarleatou in the morning, to repair hia depleted stock of good*, and he promises bfa customers to fereish them with their wanta, upon his return.? He does not expect to go any farther than Charleston for hia supplies, thinking that as good bargains ean be obtained there as at points further north. Our readers will he inforeaed through an advertisement whou he returns. Newly Opened Store. Messrs. lIouruKnrs A Goodwiw hare opened a dry goods and grocery store at the stand latterly occupied ><y Col. J. D. Ashmakb, 1 one door htiow the new Court Howse. These psrties are recently from Texas, but haviag ' been raised in GreenrUie County, prefer to i live with thola old Iriende. We wish them I prosperity. |?i Tlx* Cloths at Tick!* 4k Teere'a. We dropped In at this establishment tbe otber day, and whilst there, we were shown by the senior of tha Ins, their fine Cloth*. Csstimcres, Drees Goods, Ae., als* plainer qualities. TbtM gentlemen always buy the eery best, ul those wanting superior cloths mint rerocmlver lb if. They heve whole outfits, and make up la floe and substantial aui oer. Rtliflou Berrloei on Sunday If ext. Mnkodirt Church ?Rut. A. J. STAfrOKD, II v'eloek, A.M. Kpi'tcp il Chunk?IUt, Etuiti Carina. ' 11 o'clock, A. M. aid 4, P. M. 1 HopiUi Chunk?Rer. W. P. Taonss, 11 ' o'clock, A. M. ' Praakyttriam Ckurak? IUt. R. T. Buist, 11 1 o'clock, A. M. and 4, P. M. In ordor that the Delegates appointed 1 to atioad the State Agrlaaltoral Coneentinn r which Beets In CnlwBblw on Thursday, Wt?, last., way go and return a rer the Railroad for one fare, It la itoeeeanry for then to eat at the ofllee of J be Secretary and Treamrer e the Oreearllle Agricultural Society, Mr. Jangi P. Moon a, and leealre a certificate of that, ' appointment. It Is isqpustajU tor delegate) te best this in Bind. ?I... I ill . whTuIM.JI.I, S in lk? Bapilit Church, (femifi.) At I ft gradual*. Ear. J. F. Pow*na, Aellror j an wMnm before lb* An draw Fatter Society. ( Th* public will be well rewarded by firing ^ , D*. A. M.- I'o.aDaxrya, of Richmond, wll? 1 pieacb th* Anniversary Sermon Sunday, M*#" Id, and, in the .eveoiog of ?b* ?au>* day. Dr. 1 J. L. Bcaaowa. of lb# mum ofty, will ptwsOh lb* Miaoloaary Sormon. We expect to call attention more fully to thi* subject of die oom men consent most week. Boloot Ofto?r% from BooiAont of Co' liur.blft. We loam that Matter Caaat, ft yoang man ol Columbia wbo baa gained considerable rep. atatioo in hia native eity, and olsowber* aa a olo violinist, winning golden opinions, will iatt tbo city of Greenville vory aoon, probably on tbo' 23d or l-Ub ImI, and will antortain our oitisana witb an entertain moat. Wo ox* toad bia n we loo me. Meet ins of th* Literary Olob. The Literary Club will meet on next Mow* day ereAlag, 86th (net., at hair paat T o'clock, at tbe residence of Mr. Thomas 8raan. Snb Ject, " Kog'iUh Languaga in raf?r*ooe to j Schools and Cvlltgti," by Prof. C. 11. Tot. Oar frieods from ttao country wbon ( ?ob!d| to towo, ioi|bt Ind it to their advsn. ( tage to make it a standing rale always to eall ( at Mr. Julius C. Smith's establishment as ke ^ usually bas a variety of things just Suited to ^ their wants and which ?o one else keeps} step in, whether yen hay or out. Tor the Southern Enterprise. i Pimsi?s,8 C. A pi II 17th. 16ft* ifemr*. Editor*?1 send yoti a ?p cimeu of gold ore, found at Mea<ra. Ulardy A Hank 1 ar's mine, a mil? from this piece. The ore 1 wee obtained 42 fret under ground, end is j inexhaustible. Cept. Bauher is a'sr 1 raining engineer, and has hnd much experience in Qallforiiis, and I o.-li?ve he hsa ' beon in the mineo of Australia; and hit 1 opinion at te the wealth of hie mine is entl ' Hod to weight. If a company can l>e formed to work it, Capt. D. thinks It will pay 1 well. It will take an outlay nf some ?4000 ' for all the neeesaary machinery, ?e , but if ' the yield will he Qfty eenia ea the hwehe) ' will p?y hendsnwiely Kmm the piece I send to Pre flerrieon A Marshall, ' it would appear *i il the yield would be at least 120,00 per boehel. Any one wishing * to lease it on reaeonah|e terms would do ' well to visit the mioe or address mo at thie ' piece ' Mr. W L Mauldin will hand you this letter, lie Is here oa a flying .visit to his ' Iriend MuBee. It is pleasant to have our 1 Greenville people visit us. Mr. Win. G. Murphy was with tis for ' some lime, hut he hae returned to Green , ville. Billy's inexhaustible store of ssrrs- i fives, and his superior use of the violin 1 made him a welcome visitor wherever he ' went,, llilly I. He en anecdote nf President Davis eating his potatoes at Itsp d .n Sis i linn, Va , during the war that ought to be put iiched if U eotild be reduced to writing 1 in his peculiar si t In. , I visited the beautiful vall'y of Eastsloe a few days since, sod wee surprised to Irarn that in insny of the small streams mountain trout *f? abnnditpt. Several year* ego a Mr. B*aslev introdua-d them into RaUitn* errfk fmra th? htnl ol lh? French Br?*d. Noil Ah^ikI, if *-?y of our Orrenville friend* with "to go a fisMi.g," they C4? have rare fport In the lovely and pielurr?q'ie v alter of the Eeetatoe Pheasants, dec, wild luik-ya, and wn.ilW game are abundant in that eeetion. What with rick mine#, fertile valley*, immerse water power, the eports of the fields, wood* and rtreame, with a thrifty and Industrious population, we ?an confidently predict for this portion of Car dinn. a prosperous titling. Your* truly, 8. D. 0. For the Southern Enterprise. Faimtisw, 8. C., April fftk, IMS. if?tri. Kditoru?The fro*t of yseterJay pinched cvmldtrtlilf. However, we are not <> fast a* some of our friend*. No corn up but little planted. I wonder if Editors and Printer* are much affected l>j change*?I rappo?* they would be pleased with any change, if for the better. Well, sira, la portions of Towntbip No. 3. quits a change baa taken plane and U still in progress. I refer to lbs change* la farming operation. Only a few years *iuce> oat men in this section were tully persuaded that tmall frnrmtr* were doing pretty well If they conld or did, BMke enough Manure to put on their garden*. turnip patch, and Irish potatoes. Row, sirs, in this immediate aectioa there la a farm, or a portion of worm oat land, an which in ore than one hundred two-hone loads of roe pee table barn par# manure have heen need this season, fur the purpose sf try ing to make corn?yes, to maks corn. Tb* proprietor aspects to haal sasaral leads additional from his hog pans, for tka sans purpose He has only oas fail blood Chester Whits Fig, bae some Irs or sit pretty fair grade, which would mads One breeders, If properly eared for. He designed to make pork of them ia the winter, bat really It leoks like a pltty ta kill each aad, for aeeomaaodattoa, wo-jld sell tvs af them?aad, still farther, would deliver them, at any point with is 2* miles of this place, during April, if so many could he sold at th? same time and delivered at the (ease place. LA TV BEUIKNfcR. Stat* Las* Com wise ion m.-?The Adviso ry Hoard, em?lsting of the Onvrmnr, Comptroller General, Alain Yrcaenivr, ScereUry of 0'ate and Attorney Csn-tal. are a ted under. the Aet of the Legislator*, have appointed t-eastor ly*\'w Land Costiulesion f of the State of South OtntHtt, , The Aa< ntidar which the v|?peiatment Is i mads appropriates t?i.'MH>o*N) is hoods of I tlie rftawe t? the purchase of lands, Id he I sold nn a credit < f five y*ate to actual uttlers. In aeetlou* of not lees than twenty. | r Use a or mora th-n oaa hundred aeraa Ah* 1 porohae-r t? pay i tere*t at the rats of sla f per rent. |?rr annum, end a vary year after i the timer from the purchase ta nay oan-Aflh of the principal.?CAoWetfom Cmtrkr. . 11 _ { " i ~ ' tauter 8pr*g?? and tk? Eapublioan Pre?s~81ffnc of AUm. The republican Journal# tN vary sank >*rpUs*d and aounewhat alltrdked by tha bta pungent, independent, outapcken vlawe >1 Senator Spragna on tha j>o!Ute*l and t?< rial corruption* and demoralisatlona of the |*jr, and on tha danger* than threatening .he country Nor ia tbia party perpleaity lurprUlnjr. According to tha dogtnae af party?tbia party or that party?thy oplaiona of Mr. Spragoe are rank hyreeiee. Bat they are working ia many minds. In truth, the great bwlj of our thinkiag people are revolving tha . question?* St thnm any bope of a reformation of the exlatlag abnaee, political and moral, frightful an they are* . >hort of a' complete overthrow of the polit. sal par tire and party principle* of the day/' Dtro theae other question# are suggested # Where is this general reform to beginf?* What evils shall it uud^dke to ramedy I Where are the materiale and the mean# Ur i new and independent party organise* tiont Who will lend olf, and who will loltow, when thy party in power have all the epoila and the party out of power ere ia stupid m tha Bearbone is learning Aoth ingl W cannot aaawar tlitea iaqulriaa just y el; l.ut the puWHo mind it not aatlsfiad with things aa they ara, nor with thing* m bay promise to ?' under iha a?w admiaiairaiiaa. ftenator Sprague ia a war* of this, ?nd lia? boon Riving aoioa to his aasvialione. Ona thing ia certain, too, that ihlnga a* they are cannot last tfhioh longer Prom all lha aigaa of tha timaa?aaalel moral. reMglnue and political?wo thai. Iiatro a tremendous political upheaval and revolution in or befora tha year of graaa I872 ? York Herald. Tan &?* ? Gaoc.?Tba New York Com. martial Chronicle remark* that the pablleh d Kalemanu of tha eottoa crop within tha r>aat few yeare Have i?eao defaatira in baaag failed to abow' the total crop of the country and ia having Imperfectly indicated the bnaa oooaunaptlon. These state, meat's are referred toaa having baaa airoply ixhihii* of the roaalpta at tha porta. Our onntemporary furniahea tha eahjoiaed ilatement, baaed apon data far which Wa lava ao apaae, conveying an aeehrnle id-a >f the produetioa ot tha eouatry during tha vast three y ears, whlah ia a full eta lament f iha actual produetioa and aourea of tba eeeifta for ilia period# lodiaatod : Year ending September let, 1868 ? Tie tcipi# at ahipping porta, 2.141,233; ahip. name direct to manufacturers, 301,473; uaaufaeturad la tha South, 80,000. Total ?rodnation, 8,622.894. 1'rar ending September let, 1867 ?Reselpia at ahipping porta, 1,985,774; ahip. menta direct to manufacturers, 138.033; manulaelurcd in the South, 82,000. Total jro^uei ion, 2.173,798. Ytar ending September let. 1868.?lis'rlpia at shipping ports. 2 240,283; ahip. manU dirct to manuUaturerai 266.319; mnnufaatured in tha South, 86,000, Tetal prod action, 2,691,801. It adde: " H i* *o ba hoped i hat ia all futara aa. nttal review*, the total production wll' ha X'v?n, and ant *ir?p]y the rveaipU at tha porta To call die latter tha nation arop i>t the United State a is to aav the Ion - mienewer.** WaeaixeTeft. April It. C?mm<?iid?ri ?( forti h?*? Iihd nrdi'til not to nllow photograph# to be Uk?n of I he work*. An'Mir W?bil?r, of Now York, he* boon Inetrneted thol Unki-n muat rotnrn ? enpiitl oil money, wlioibor borfnweJ or mborwiM employed in tlicir hoeiaeee, ?oopling only dvpowii whieh are returned for Uir*. Got). Jirm Totron hu boon aeeigned to the Military Diibton of the South, and Col. H. Junta to tha Dapartiuant of tbo tnilK Tha eoatnma roouipta br tha waak ending on I ho JOih exae-d-d ti-OIKI.OOO. The Preaidont has nominated Louta R. Johnann, aa United SUtee Marahai of South Carolina. All lh?- Proaident'a nomination# aro eubjoet to r gi examination. It ia elated that 0?n. Hiekloe baa been rail red from tha army am full pay. It ia wadoretoud 11 tat (Jen. Plumb, oar Conaul at Havana, baa boen ieatrueied to demand full aoliefnetlpn for injuria# dona by Spaniard# to Amerieana. Tl>? removal# of Cterka fa tha Department a for polttloal reaa?na are numotroua. Tlte Supr-mo Qpurt adjourned to-day.? Tlie Blair teat oath mu k?~ "l*? eontiourd for further argument, Tnu etkhrtM McArdl* eaee, la lh? United Stale* Supreme Court, fee* Keen decided, Chief J net ice Ohaee delleering the pinion, dietnteeing lite raee ' for went of I'irtedieiion." Me A (die. U ?UI be rememIwrrd, wee the Yickeburg (Mimlwippi) editor eit-ael l?y ff#n? r?l Ord, tried by tnlHtery wmmlwoi, and inprUnatd in HIT f?r (irlntiotf " eedit>?ue ertiuiea * in the Viekahnrg.Timee. (In th* trial l>f military e?m>nieei?n th* eeeneed refuted to plead, end e p(-e ot n?\ gntlty wee entered let hi?e Jhe United Stntee Oreuit Court in Miwmppi granted e writ of Aeiexi. cot/mm. The court held that the qnettion orea-nted involved the eonetitatlonelity el the aet of Congr-aa. (th* R-eonulroelloo eat,) in virtue of whieb O-neral Ord pleee(! MeArdle under erreat, and h* decided that aat to be eonetitntional. thua deciding the! the prhtoner we# euhjeat to arreet and tu trial before n military oontniai<?. Ua waa thar* remanded, and the eaaa name into th* Uaited Qtatee Supreme Court ea ea appeal from thia derlekoa, with ih* remit tleth Fmrtnoa Roblcy Dweuaog, fhedhtiar gnhh-d medical author, who di-d ia Phtl*? delptiil 1*4* VMk, of heart d'M*M l?4 diopajr. was a m'!?? of $jtgtaaJ. Um umoved to thn Dalit' SuUa forty year* aga, II* Had at differeal ttmye Prof'?*nf h'V* In, the DaWtnltlM ?f Yfrgtnt* and Maryland^ audio ill i Jrfffcreoo Modtaal CotWge of faaa^ aylvaata Ma ta aeoat widely fcaowu aa g*% author of aeveral nlaaM* wed leal Work*, the aht#f aonmg wkMi era the " Stationary ml " -* ? * tll.? _ X L |Ht i SWanawta of Hygiene aa.l Hereon U-jMb-' VOturtll Tbarapaailo apd Maurla Mb ' m/i yabiiakad ta ltli, < Moor Uem*dij% ta (Bit, and *' ilootan Pfcyrlolng OrA oa# hundred taotiaoad noelaa of ato treebr H*?e Ham t.rtw??d. St t*ea a ttairtu litatrarw a ad aaieatida e*4HBMS bjth Bbrdpa and tba Ualtod Stat*.