University of South Carolina Libraries
^^ ^ r/"!/"' 8<Ul^rn^rntu ?"? ?># * *' jp .J" ISjE2*8Sisa SSSt-tMH W. A. B. Davenport *n? Mary 8. ParrnM(i, hei'v at law and dtalrimilae* of the Eafate of ty. 4, WUiiaiu*. deceased, dafanlitU In (hij ?m, raaid* beyond lh? ^ limit* of tbia aui?. On. wliw* *?f J. P. Moor*. Solicitor pro pe?.. It it erdervd: That they do ajip^tr fn p?-r*on or by artor, at *40v?t * Prabatr, to ha holdrn at GraeavUe Oovit Hood on tk? firat day of ' . Ait* d?)f Bast, tb IfeMflliaO, If any the J lirt.vr. why a Anal aett!?*m?*iii of the Bat ate of "WE9T ALL: N WILLIAMS, decerned. ' ah on id not h* had, apd a daera* givan ' 'dhiredn; And tlieir conaenta, on failing; |o Bltend, will be enured ?( record. Given untl-r 107 hand and oral at Green wlRe Court Uouaejoy thU |vt <Jay of March, ,-d.o.wt, 81 J. paUTnir. 1 - *. j.Q. c. Af?* <? *m U tL. ' a?_J ' ?ihi? vi wain i/nruiiua, ^ GREENVILLECOUNTY. . SHERIFF'S SALE. ^|Y sirtaa from 8. J. Pouthlt? ? J[) Prohato Judge, Y will tell, at public out <ory boforo the Coart House door, to tba highest bidder on sj?le*<Uy In May next, the following TRACT of LAND, vis. i ? ? _ AH that Tract of Laad situated in the County of Greenville, bounded by lands of -Jobc H. Goodwin, W. C. Goodwin and other*, and containing Wx llmndrtd md Pour,Acres, more or .lees. Sold as the property of ASBEL COX, deceased, for partUilion among the beirs. + % Tbmx*.?A credit of one and two years, with interest from day of sale, for all except ee Mob as will pay the cost, which will be -required la oaeb. Purchasers to give bond vwlth two or rnqpf approved eareties, and a mortgage of the promises to the Probate Judge, to secure the payment of the purehaee money. Purchaser* to pay for titles and ataRpa. A. B. VICKKRS, S. G. C. AprUOtb, ISM. , ApT , 4? 4; 9U1e of South Fnrolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY, fa the Court ef Probata. REBECCA ROBERTS M ail. ? PLEASANTfRNK1NK SARAH JENKINS H ?/ TtHHon far PtrWltm tutl jSo/rf of Jit at Xtialt, and to Jo r Hi. VT appearrngTo mweatHJaetlon that WilJL limn Chandler, Tfenjantin Chandler. sod tba hair* at law of Isaac Chancer, Neney ' Baoher, later married with John B. Hawbias, Elisabeth Chandler, married to Menoah Stephens. Nelly Chaodlcr, wife of William Rice, and Polly ChantRee, married to detnee Gilrralh, alt reside hayoa.1 the dm. ' flla of the Stole: Jt it ardmtd, That they file their ptes, answer or demur, to eaiii'lMI Vloh, In tMe OfiHee, wtfMtn fcrty days Irons ( qb? pnbllnetlnn of this ncKer. as on failure ' to do so, the Petition will b. taken pro eon yseso against them. a J. DOUTlllT, ^ P. J. 0 C. r A.pril'Glh, T?a?. 46-? In h& Sislhct Court of tjjC 3J.& rOR THE DISTRICT OP Ba CA. ; j Ex Deris WYMAN. BYRD A?CO. f* Re JtiBN W. GEADY. NOTtOB ii Hereby given that all t>?d? ? Wore balding Henain tha Entate of JOI1R W. GRAUY. a IftftkrApt, mum t?ra?? tb?ir elainft Wurft meat my oCc? an Tort villa, on or bafore (A? ?Mrd Monday of April oast, or ha rlabarr-d finen all l>eo?4t of IK* drama la ba nrada to Uiie case.. By tftiir Court ' W.d.CLAWSON., Itegiater. ?. AplT ie a ' SPRING SB8BS. \jLT B ava now receiving our n*nal LA ROB YV 8T0CK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, which bare bean selected with great care in the heat markets and bought at the laweet CASH BATES. We ?Str a very foil Stock ef DOMESTIC GOODS, HANDSOME miss ALSO White Goods Q 1 T J AMD BMBR0IDBRIB8, TWfeEDS, CASS1MER ES, kC. FOR MEN'S WEAR. ? ALsd^r REAOY-MADE CLOTHING, LADIES & MECT HATS, BOOTS " ~ AMD sb??s9 BOES, AXES, GRAIS SCYTHES, d?C. COFFEE, TP.Aft / HI?***. HARDER, AC, AC. ITS aek tta examination *>f buy. er* in thie market, feel-?#r ing aatittiud OtJItnaCEa A2JD GOODB *?2 * I ? / t * i i s pir. TOALE, ~ *q| OK A Si JV?? B IP ? SyB B MaBrfMtwrar of DOpRS, RASH, BLINDS. ^lUEi'vM kU *'?* : ( Nw?W? would Mil tha particular atten w. H> Iin VWT1 mru. 1". r. 1 Tyalo hM a large Victory, aad toch facilities a* ooftfclo Mta'to supply tho baot work of hit own nieko at low |.ri. -i-s. A very largo and complete aasortAent always on hit Factory, Horlbtrk't ii'Jiir/, wear North-EatU mm Itaitroad liftot. Chart?torn, a V. N. B.?Orders from thw o own try solicited, and strict attention paid to shipping in rood order. . 40-ly "April T : : , <T Harrison & Marshall aiA^a inEfsir ?jpaStasiD A LAROK LOT Or * K?l . 6?S?S? coNsrsriao or Glenn's Perfnmertes. Hair Oilt, SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, &C Their Stock of IIAIJL BRUSIIE8 sad COMBS is now. Tho very best WkaWboae and Bristle Brushes. Call aad einmine and toe oar low prtoeo. All ooiora of tho ROB IKE ou band. JUST REORIVED .~l\ - ? A Uttl ASSORTMENT Of WHITE-ir^SH PAINT AND r I D ATI fl n vamuojQ BRUSHES. Cheap for Cash. GLASS, PUTTY, "jmbim HAD." VABSISHES. TIHKIffli hi. KSTI ALWAYS CM 1IAND. foiiioiio Of tbc First <1 tin 111 jr. ' OC* STOCK OF BRPGS AM? KEGICSMES FRESO AND GENUINE. VI WARRANT ETEIUCTHINO WE SELL, w * -a r-r>oi JLAMfS AND umv ms OF THE BEST GLASS. AND OUR KEROSENE OIL TESTED. *? I Call ud m for yoarMlrac. Muii ? r- j BH itiii; AT THE BUNCOMBE STREET -8*013. IH AVE Uld in i rerj fall and eompldr block of Itff end t#a*onjibl? Oooda. whUh k?Tf bran Ml<-tUd with the flaw to All lha demand* of a varied patronage, and which arc of the ?*rv bead analitlea. In the Ornit Department mav ha found Oeseioirrea. Twfixin, Clntha, and Readymad* Clothing. Pepor Collar*, Craraia, An. Ipaek P?lt^lau, White and Hummer ditto In the La dire Depjkttmant my at??V la fuller than e?rr before, and I know :het i lha ladle* will ha pleased ttpoo aaaininiog my list of DaLAiNVS. ; FAUOT ALPACCAS, ? POPLIN*, ? * ^ * ' * DcARMURR*. 8TEIPRI> O^RNADIXTO ' CAMBRICS, , TWethoo with a large lot of PRINTS*.? < WHITE HOODS, onnalailn* partly of ( Lfiu, Svtaaoa, Jaenn-ta, Long Cloiha. I Ledioa Boot a and 8??oa?, Hats and Rib- | kens, and Paney Artialoa. j a Boots and Shoes, Tronka, VaKaoa. Our GROCERIES are kept In lull aim*. Stf^V h"*"' 8*U' li*CO,,' F,*ur' The" shore swahraaee h#t a eery htdeflnfiIdea of nay atoek, and 4 woold request my , Wanda and au'Umera whan reDlne en me , to ask for OH Isles no*- taoR?*d or Seen. 4 "*** * f. w. DAVIS. ?r-" 6 B T R ! I i g=S JV8T KECEIVBD AT W. N. NWifS A NSW ANP COWPMtt* STOCK Of SPRING AW) SUMMER EW rpHK Ladled weld do wo)l to call and ev X amine ?ny Stock of 1>RK88 GOODS al w urly day. 1 uf now oScrtng. at Tory ? STRIPED P0PL1K8 f- ' LSMOK C1.0TU .-j, Sl'RAflUK DnLAfNES ALPACCA LUSTRBS, MO. These Gooda karn been selected with (Teal care and good laato. My Stock of Gooda for GENTS AND TOtJrirS WBAR, Will b? lonod Tory complete ?Clothe,' Caerimeres, Tnvedi, Keady-tnado Sbirt*, Black Alpine Hate, Merchant* Union Paper- Collars, Ao. I hare just opened a beautiful tot of SILVER WARE, took as Table Spoona, fork*, Teaspoons, Butler Soiree, Salt and Mustard Spoona. This ware ll plated on genuine Albate?fall weight el aUrar, ALSO. A fine selection of pure GOLD JEffKLBT, Plain Gold' Rings. Breast Pine. Rar Drop*, Ac, Photograph Albums, all sites and prises, Buck purees, Handkerchief Extracts, tsoup*. I am now tftrinx a beautiful lot of Oil WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at Tory low figures; alio Paper Shades, Eire Screens and Wall Paper. My Stock will always be found complete In this hue. I have oa head all numbers o the selsbra. tod Willimantic Soft Finish Black Spool Cottea, the beat In use for Machines?try It and bo eon via red. Iu short, try Stock will be found complete, fresh and attractive at all times. Call and satisfy yourselves. W. H. Hovey. Mar 14 U tf Deputy Collector's Office, Gasa.wills, March, 29. 1889. BY virtue of euthoritj from A. S. WAT, LACE, Collector of Internal Revenue, ] will soli te the highest bidder, et Gruenvilk C. 11., on Monday, the 12th day of April, tk< following property, to wits One STILL. CAP and WOBM, which wen seised by W."M Mouses, Pear the premises o Mrs. Ann Hawkins. ALSO. * One BARREL and Ave JUGS of WIIIS KV, which were seised by W. U. Mouses, a the store of J. F. High to war, on the 20th daj of February, 1809. also. One STILL. CAP and WORM, which wen seised by Oupt H. M. Perry, en the 27th daj of February, 1889, oa the premises of Jamei Green, twenty miles above Greenville C. H: ALSO. One ONE-HORSE WAGON end nAR NESS, and one first rsta HORSE-, which wen leited at WlttiamirtoL, about the first of March, by George W. Braoiblett, ia possession ol John Richardson. The above were seieed because of violation of the Internal Revenue law. Terms Cash. Hour of Sale, 12. M. A. L. CO BR, March 31 4&-S Pep. Cel. 3d Diet., S. C. Notice. IN conformity with .the requirements oftbi Internal Revenue laws, I hereby give uotici t<? all persons who may claim a Still, Cap sec Worm. Mrlilrh *i*rc fit ichd liv f.unl II II !> ? ry, Assistant A*?e**or, on . the ltd day ? March, 1S09, three miles above Marietta, jeat tbe raaidcnee of Odam Cox,?the aauo bavin* Mn tamed over to me?to make ?a<-h elaifui He fore me within 80 day* from tbe flrit publication of thia nolle*. A. L. COBB, Mar S! 45-3 Dep. Col. 3d Diit., 8. C. Notico. IX conformity wilb tho requirement* of tbe Internal Revenue Law*. I hereby* give notice to all pcr*on* who may elaiin a .Still, Cap and Worm, which were seised l y Txpt. H. M. Terry, A?*i?taut Aaacsaor, on tbe S-td day of Marvh, 1809, about three mile* shoe* Marietta, on tbe premiaea of flenry Evan*? became of being used in violation of the Toternel Revenue Law*, the *ams having been turned over to a* to dispone of according tu lava?to maka *ucb claims before ma within 30 days from the irat pablleatlou of tkia nolice. A. L. COBB, Mar 31 45-4 Dep. CoL 3d Dial;, S. <L Notice. IN conformity with the requirement* of tho Internal Revenue Law*, I hereby give notice to ail persona who may claim f?w A'ry* of Whitby, which wore seUed in (bo Town of Qraanville, on tbe 17th day of March, 1809, by Heat M. Terry and Vf. H. M mi nee? because of violation or the Internal Revenue Laws, tbe same having been turned over to me to dispose of according ta law?to mak* sueh claim* bafore ma within 30 day* from tbe frat publication ?f tbi* notice. ? Mar 34 44-4 A. L. COBB, Dep. KM Deoutv Collector's Office, Ohkkktillk, Fob ]*lh. 18?9 BY rirto* ?) nil ordrt tnwn A. 8. WALI LACK O'lWftnr of Internal KrTrnU', 3<l Collection Patriot of H<>?ih Carolina I will aell to tli? bidder at public oinwy, on Mnndtj, the loth day of Mnj, at MeBfrli Mills. w?*n miles W?tr Orn?< UlaOnorl H?w?, brtwocn tho hour* of IS o'clooh. M.. ard 4 o'clock, P. M., the follow. Icf prepmy to ?K: 8 PINNING FRAMES. 890 SPINDLES 81 1.0GM8 1 SPINNING 1IULR. 110 SPINDLES 9 8bTTs OP *OOIa CARDS I BREAKER. and OTHER MACHINERY Together, if nee-iaary, to secure tho faxes, atl that TRACT Or LAND, containing about . . 400 ACRES* lying on b<>th aldea ol Ready Ri'-or, ac??n milca below Greenville Court Hnoac, ad joining land* of V. McBee'a estate and oth era Lovied on aa ilia property at th# cult of tbe United 8'*<?a f?r Internal Revenue Tax aaaoaand against Grady A Hawthorne. Terms Cash. A.LCORB, Dap. Col, Sd Col. Diat, of 8. 0. Feb 17 89 19 0 v ' ' ' ' " * The State of South Carolina, OEKKNVILLB COUNTY. KKAKCIS A. WATRIM ?i tl. U JAMKS M FAKR *t ??.?/ Circ* Onurt.?fn (km* fry. ? BtU far Accommt, Raiiyf, Injunction, &?. . IT tpprtrlnc to my Mtlirulloi that JOHN T. FAKR. on* of :ba Itafondants to tha nithjo BUI, llfaa oat of aa4 beyond the limit* ?f th'i* Htata: On mot ion of J antes P. M oora,. OoaiplainaaU' Solicitor, it Is-ordefad, That te do plead, answer or demar to tha withta Bill within forty Joy* from this data, or a loo ran j?ra will Ha ottered against lira. If. A. McDANIRL, C. C. v. P. Clerk's OOea, March ?, 1069. 4M ^ ^Woiice."^ A* IX. prram indebted to Pstata ofRICH t\. ARD OOODr.KTT. deceased, will n*1r* payment to Onl W H. Oan.pb,|l; tad those u> whom tha e?id Rotate to Indsbt?d will praa?at their el*i'n? ??. th- seme. PETER CAUBLR, fcdr, ifiillratnr Kah f ! I i SRTiRI NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED. i 'A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' SHOES AND BOOTEES, iMnda la tba South,) an J warranted oqaal to IILES' BEST. Fur Mia cbeap, ai STEES'S STORE. ALSO, A FINK SELECTION OF LANDRBTITS BEST BURDEN SEEDS. ftad and White CLOVER, Lwoeroe, Orchard , ?nd Blua GRASS, Fur ala ai STEEN'S STORE. , I A* JUST IN RKC1SIPT OF 0#E HUNDRED BUSHELS OT : Dickson Cotton Seed, I On Consignment. For sale cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, A NEW ARRIVAL OF STARK'S ; DIXIE PLOW. > None Superior Novo in Use. \ /UP" Fur mU at r STEEN'S STORE. Marsh 24 44 > > If t Insure Your Lift- at Once! r rl',lIfVAubserlher Is Agent for one of the JL h?t and most, reliable Companies in , the world, n purely Southern company, and r is manage*! by some of the best men in Virl gioia. In regard to its success, we dial fengn a comparison alth any company In the world. The largest proportion of its Policies are on tits lives of eitix-n* of that i State, where its *tanding and character Is , best known. It has seventeen kinds of I' Policies, all non forfeiting, and lla rales are hem than Northern oontpnaiee, for the reason 1 that Nortli?ru eontjianicB pro/?* to beiieyc that Southern propte do not live as long as Northern, trim the very reierte is the rase Call at oner, and secure a Policy. We re fey lo H?*. |> M Turner, Grit. 8. McGow an. Re*. J. P. Pressly, Rev. R. C. Grier,! Iter. J. I. Bonner, Dr. G W. Pressley, Dr ] i J W. Hearst, Rev 11 T. Sloan, Dr. J J f Wardlaw. and at least one hundred other* ' In Abueville, who have insured. To G. \V. Sollitrin, Hon W. D 8tmp*on, Judge Mun | r 10, Uon. i. P R?rd, Col. D. L Donald, G, ' W. Audr-raon, Dr. Epiing, Dr. Onrkrdole. j and a greet tonny others * bo liuve alio Inenred In this Company. Oen. N.G. Evuoi wM in thia Company for fJt.UOO, and Iliia amunnt ?u promptly paid imtntdi, -ttlely after Am death The Company has i*aiirri over lO.fciO PoHcii-a in s~ vest en months, has received an increase of nearly tdOO.fVat in that litnr, and have <S|I) )o?l 1 Jive l?y death, for which it has paid 1 leaving a clear income of nWoul f>SSR.OtH). eighiysceen and a halt per rent, of which will he divided among the Policy holders | We challenge the world to heat ihia I>r. Branch, the Slate Agent, has i-?u.-d ont hundred Policies n Abbeville. We repeat, call at once and get a Policy, or we will soon eall on you at your houses; and heg you in wait until w? call before insuring elsewhere. JOHN FUUCHJSON, Agent For Green villa, S. C. Dr. 3. IT. Dkak Mediae 1 Examiner, Greenville C. H , March 3, 1869. > Mar 10 42 tf CARD. ; CHARLESIERRISOK, Formerly of the Asm of c. a e. l. KKIt RISOJf. won Id inform hia friend. ?n<l the (Mtbile >hat be hue perehaiod front Mr. James B. Belt*, all his stock in trade, at the Store No. 251 Kin* Street, and will there continue the DRV UOODH BUSINESS, w holer ale and, tor catb, on hia own individual account an.I responsibility.?He will proceed, without delay, to replenish a&d renew At St' ok, and continue ao doing nntil the assortment shall be made complete and attractive. As the terms will he STRICTLY CASH, or approved city acceptance for a abort credit, it necessarily follows that the prices mast be hept at least at low aa to be ftmad at any other respectable establishment. His brother, Mr. B. L. KKKBISON, assist ed by Mr. A. B. McDONKLL. both experienced merchants In this line, will he found at hie store, aiding in the conduct nqd manage ment of the basinets, and it hi hoped that hie and their efforts to win the confidence and patronage ef tbn public will be as snecaneftsl as in pad dayc waa the old firm at corner of King and Market Streets. Feb H 4b In W. H CAMMER, PRACTICAL GURSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN gllKLLKRi*, Chiton Gins, Locks. K-roa^ne Oil Lamp*, Sewing Ms chmes and I'arnaala, RKPAIRKD with pr?mnt;>oaa Ohtin* rra-onablo. SiNnd?At Woallald'a old Shop. Fob 10 ?8 ?f The State of South Carolina, ORKBNVILLK COUNTY. . . Bp 8. J. Danthil, Kmjnirt, Probo't Judy of \% HERMA*. THOMA? C. 00*EK hit if III d * Petition in my (>fh<>o. praying that kattrra vC Adminiatrntlon o*i ah and Mngnlnr ?h? gnndt nn<f uhatirla. right, and orodltoof MARTHA LOVKLANI>. lai# of iho C'Unt* atorraaid, d?o<-an?d, thou Id <>a gran'.od Co him. TKtm art, Ihrrtftrt, to oito and admonish alt and aingular tha kiadrad and rnftini of tha aald 4?f?uM, to bo and apprar la tho Court of Probata for aatd 0<>anty. to ho hoM?o at OraonvitU Cnort Hmw, ?? th, 7th day of April rout, ?o almar aan'O. if any, why iho aaid Adaniuiatiation ahonli not bo frantodl. * J DOUTIIIT. P, J O.C Pvohoto OAoo, M'Jt Marab, !?? , >? >?! ft . t I li p a i s e , .?i . -iu. 'I ilka' nan i I nil ? a?a??tsaa Dietolution. PT1HI Onpartaerabip hmlvfrn ?liU?| Me 1 l?r?Q Jo?lh W. Moroam and Jut** M< V?iT^?iiiiiPt, w4er tha ami vjU of Mompr A WianiMiUJifi, la tkla day dia? awl rod by mutual ronaant. Thoaa indebted to the L.ta Vina will ball and Mttla at once with 3. M. WittMoiiLtU, at ilka Old Stand, h|aaoi?a Uouaa Block. jno. w. morgan, J. M. WKKtMuRBLAND. twtarilk, S. C., Fcl-rwary 2d. 1MV. A CAED. In retiring from tha lata Find of Moron* A WaaTMoRKLAKD, tba undoralgned toga lea*a to axleuj to the public bla alncere tbauka for tha vary literal patronage with which (aid Firm baa been tavoied, and to aolioit a eon* tiuuaooe of tha anuie lor bia former Copartner. Dr. 3. M. iVcaTVomiA^D, who will atUl carry aa tba boalneea at tba Old Stand. J NO. W.MORGAN. A~0ARJ). Darin* aaeurnd tha antlra intcroat of Dr. J*u. W. Mono a* la tba lata Firm of Mo no aw A Wbsthokklawd, the eobacrlber girea notice that ba will continue tha burineaa at tha unit |ii*ee. ua respectfully returns nil iDtnli lor 111* liberal patronage heretofore NMirtd, and takes occasion to say that ha will hereafter strive even tnore earnestly to merit success. He will always keep on hand a fall Stock of Freeh and Oeauine. DRUGS and CIIKMIC A LS. together wits a select assortment of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ae., Ac., all of which he will offer to the public at | vary reasonable prices. J. M. WESTMORELAND. Fob 10 33 tf Bo WBSltB, DEALER IN Clocks, WATCHES. AND Spectacles <&c. jSgT" Particular attention will bo paid to all WoYk entrusted to bim. Feb 98 tf Wffl BJ^isTTCKL Wliolcsalo Dealers DRTG00D8 .?(LOTOQlSa?, 122 and 124 Meeting St. Charleston, S, C*. IDWTCN BATE*. GEO C. NtUIAX. TUOS *. VVJAUAN. F?b 10 33 3 m SOUTH CAROLINA J.OAN AND TRUST COMPANY. Amtkoritrd C?)iitnl, Pire J/iVIkm Dulluri.? Prttrnt Limit, $61M1,IH)0. rilltU oflicu of this Company is now opened i at No. 10 Bmad Street (South-Western Railroad Bank) for the receipt of Deposits, Discount of Paper, Purchase and Sato of Kxcbcnge, end the transaction of a General Banking Business. Interest shewed on Deposits upon terms established by the Board of Directors. The Company it also a legal depository for moneys paid into Court, will receive Registry and Transfer Hooks, act as agent to puy Coupons and Dividends, and us Trustee in Railroad Mortgages. m?rcr?w?. W C. D", <>f Wn>. C. Bee A Co.; A. S. Johnston, of Johnston. Crews A Go. ; Koht. Mure, of IM>U Mure A Co ; W. B. W.l liams, of W. B Williams A Son; E. H. Proet, of Fr.-st A Adger; J. K. Adgvr, of J. E. Adger A Co. ; llenry Gourdrn, of Oourdln, Matthlee.?n A Co.; Gnorge L. Iiuisf, of Buiei A Buist; C. O. Mesnmrnger. of Mem minger. Jcrvey A Pinek'rey ; T. J. Kerr, of T J Kerr A Co.; J D. Aiken, of J. D. AiI ken A Co ; John Campsen, of Campsen A Go.; A r. Caldw 11, of H. A A. P. Cald| well; W. K Kyan, J. T. Wrlmin, B. I O'Neill. J. J, Grogg, GranDeville. S. C. For further information, address . GEO. 8. CAURItON. President Til OS. R. WARING, Cashier. Charleston, S. C., March 12, 1809. March 24 44 12 ' Slate of Mouth C arolina, GR BEN VII LK COUNTY, la tit* Com x on Plans. IT is hereby ordered, that the meeting of the Extra Court at Green villa Court House, for GreenvlHe Countju on the Fourth Monday in April next, be postponed until the First Monday in May following, and that jurors, witnesses, and parlies directed to appear on the said Fourth Monday in April, do attend on tha said Find. Monday 1 in May: ll ia furtherordered thai the ' of Uic Cutiri for Ort'iirill' County do ext?nd tliis order by publication in the GieetU villa pspeia JAME?L.OR^. Jio'ee 8tu Judio'.al Cncuit. 11th March, 1869. I certify that the * ??? la a. truit copy of aid Order W. A V.cT>ANJEI* 0. O. fj. P. and G. f*. Clerk's Office, 11th March. 1869. 48-6 pan hWtic in TMMT OUKE DTSPtPBIA, STMIACBT "LIYEE. lIBDIOAt. rA.OT7Z.TY. HEOSMAN A CO., A9Mwn, wmw romx. MamfactBred byC~F. PAMIOT, CBant an aornoar, CH A II 1. K 8T O N, O. jar#w* M( i? j>until, wwjwA?r<iii ;? V I * * The State ot Sooth Carolina* URRSNVtlXS COUNTY, la tfca OMrt ot Probata. iAMfti M. BBNSOat Exarcta-.a*. FRANCE-) R. bKXbON, WJJJLle K BBSso.-r and ?lli?n?"/'W/*(wi fut Partition a*J Halt of Rial ISit alt, dbt. IT (pairing to mr Mlivfctdioti, that ffil? h? K. uontvn, alary 7. BtDHw, MmM F. B?umii and Willis H. BrPMn, four of tho da'rudants ia llila ? *?, Midi beyn-l lbs limili of ihi*St*tr: [1 Is ord??rr>l thai th?y ItU ansa or <>r draiur, U* #aW (? thion in ibii oflivi wiiliin foily day* from ilia of litis noli*', a* on 'alius to do so, the paiitioa will bs t*k?u proaonfosso against ihfti. * n. J. DOUTDIT, P. J. 0. C. March 81b. 18U8. Mar 10 48 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA GREENVILLE COUNTY. Xa tha Court of Probata. S. A. KLFORD, Executrix, LEMUEL WADDELL et al.?ft'nrfM* /or a A??< Settlement an J Deer**. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Sarah Kvani, I fancy Wtlbora, Alexandor Waddell, James Waddell, Nanoy Waddail, Jrsse Waddell, Lucinda Waddell, William Waddail, Kliiabeth McQueen and Hugh McQueen her husband, Martha Scruggs and John 8cruggi bar husband, Mary B. Nicholson, C'laiburu Waddell, Alfred Waddell and Emilv Gregory, Defendants In this ease, reside without the limits of tliU State : It is therefore ordered that they do appear in person or by attorney,, at a Court ol Probate to be holden at Gt-een. rillo Coort House, at 10 o'clock, A. M., oa the ISth of May next, to show cause, if any they can. why a filial settlement of the Estate of EDMUND WADDELL, deeeaaed, should not be had and a decree given thereon, or their consents in failing to attend will be entered of reeotd. Given under my hand at Grnenville Court House, tuls 13th day of February, A. t> , 1869. 8. J. DOUTniT, P. J. O. C. Fob 17 3V . 3m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Coirt of Probata. ABSALOM BLY1HE. Administrator of Sarah McJunkin, vs. Jo'in G. May 6.Id, William May field et al, Defendants.? Citation far Final Settlement and Deere*. V V appearing to my satisfaction thai Joha I O May field, William Mayfleld, James Mayfield, Sianwix ll-ytiold, Thomee B. May field, Pearson B. May field, the heirs at law and distributees of Jesse May field, and the heirs at law and diaiributees of Mury Beaver, defendants in thia caae, reside withil>. Il-li. .J iLi. e.-.. /*. - <?? i'liuia VI bill! OlBir, V7I1 HWllOfl tl K?rl?, aolioilor pro ptl : It U ordered, that llicV ?ppr*r in person t?e by ttomoy, at a Court of Probate, to be koldeo at ()rr?itiii? Court Hour on the 4th day of Ui; next, to show cause, If any they have, why a final aoMI. mailt uf the Estate of **ARAH McJUNKIN, deceased. ahould not be hnd, and a decree given thereon; <-r their conernt*, on failing to attend, will he entered of record. Given und?r my hand and seal at Greenville Court Douse, this aeooud day of February. A D. 1809. b J. DOUTDIT, P. J. 0. C. Feb 3 87 3ui The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia the Court of Probata. B. F. KILGOKE, Executor, Applicant m THOMAS MAYFlFLDef ml. Defendants Citation for a Final Brtt'anrnt and liter t. IT appearing to ray eatiafaetion that Thoinn* Max field, I-hani Brown, tta heirs of Jamea MayfieiH, name# unkr.owa, heirs of Ahram Maxfi-ld, names unknowa, heirs of Jordan Mayfield, narnea unknown, and ieham Long and wife Betsy Long, reside without the limits of this Slate; It is ordered and decreed," that they do appear at a Court of Pr?hate, in peraon or by at t-.rney, on Friday, the SOth day of April next, at 10 o'clock, A. M , to show cause, if any they ean, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of JOHN MAYFIELD. deceased, should not be had and a Decree given thereon, or.their consents in failing to attend wiik be entered of record. Given under my hand at Greenvillo Court Houae, this 30th day of January, A. D., 1869. B J. DOUTDIT, P. J. G. C. Feb 3 37 8ui The State of South Carolina* GREENVILLE COUNTY, la the Court of Prabate. OLIVER P. KARLE el oL, Extcntftfii h. KMII.Y B. MOBLY n.nd J. B. MORLY ber buihud ?l ul.~CSt ati&n far Fiaoi 8*Ul*~ imb I, Decree, rf c. TT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily X Sarah Mob'.y an it J. 1). Mohly bar hatband, Defenda at* in (life rue, reside witboat the limits of tbia Slate: On motion of Karle and Blytbe, Solicitor* for tb? Petitioner*, it ia ordered, t'nat they do appear in person or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be boldan at Greenville Court House at 10 o'clock, A. M., on '.he-28lb day of April next, to show caute if any they ean, why a Final Settlement ef the Estate of ELIZA AV. EA RLE, deceased, should not be bad, and a Decree given therein, or their eonsenta in failing to attend, will be entered of record. Given under my hand at Greenville, tbia 28th day of January, A. D., 18fi?. 8. J. D0UT1IIT, J. P. G. C. Feb S 37 3m Slate of Souili Carolina, # GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probate. MANLY BRIGHT, Administrator wtlh (bait' ill annexed, vs. Makoa*kt C. tiasaa and other*. Defendant* ? Citation for m Final Settlement and Decree. IT appealing to my satisfaction that Margaret C. Greer end A. J. Greer her hushend, Florence MayAeld and John Msyfirld, Defendants in this cuee, reeide. beyond the limits of this State : It w therefore ordered, thai t K*v innaar In or*** "? j _rf ... ? "J norrry, at Conri of Probate, to b* holden at Qre?nvil a Court Done*, m li? 1 Xth day of April m**t, lo ?lu>w court, if any ib*y ha*e, why a Final v affirmant of th? X?fate of I* W MAYP'KLD, dreaeerd, thould not f>a h?<l. Mid a Dariao tftvaft thmon; or iheir cuutvnV in failing to attend, wiU be ecterrd ol rw.i'rd. Oiren ?nder my hand atflreenrllle Court thit )S'h da* of January, A. D.? lftftft. HL J. DOUTII1T, F. i. O. t>. Jan iO U tra LAW NOTICE, jflL. BACON, ATTOtltf AT LAW AND 1*1 AOItTR.tTIA orricK over sri.itvafit*' JfcMF, I I * tf # # I