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toesasancanaaiipiEBBasas "" 'iVfiiMy Ann i. w -? 1 ^~~= i Nwn Wiiiii, Itah d Cmiwiu m, i mi mUmImI *g**4a I* CI?rW??M, m4 wDl , |toiw? UrutlMMMli forlkt I 1 ' ~~ A *+* Opportunity. V? WtM Ikk trook afforded our biuitw 1 Mt nn opportunity of ocmia unto* ting ?Mi tl?? <pu\4 % tad It girt* o* murk aatia; M* to know th*t It ha* not bora org { Inrttd,- Many of tbr r?*pr*ubl* mtrthinit j la Orotarlllo advert!**, aod, vhtlhw that ( *' roatribute* to" thalr pruaperity or not they , do thriving boaioeatea. Wo *ob*x a liat: v W. H. Hotit. I h. buttii a oo. Dm Haaaiaoa t Xamuu. oluvak a So*. T.W.Davm 1 Fears* A Bvxpul. TIOMM STKXX. David 4k &r?*?ur. dnnn (X Skit*. Kin Mar MoEat. Mr*. L. Jsxkirm. Our poper will tbis week be in thn hand* of at least SIX TH0U8AXD READERS, a circulation not surpassed by trtry newspaper. Wo repeat, wo do all in our power lo make advertising profitable to our patron^ Old Spain* Ito Oorornmont?Belicloue Xiiborty. The Cortex (national representatives) have decided on a monarchist government instead of a republic, aud the Duke de Momttkx ran, a Bourbon, grandson of Louis Fniur, is selected. There is to he religious toleration, but not religions liberty, Inst much aa the Hotnan Cathode Oltursh i* to bo the established State Cbnrnh. The despoil* teodeno'e* of Romanism in Spainwere too strong for religious liberty. Priest and people here been too long steeped in superstition and the traditions of the popUh religion. Hut light bos broken lute the j daik cavern a, and freedom ol religion will | exist there end all over the world, sooner or later. It will be the leant crowning achieve , meet vouchsafed l-y Heaven lo States and , kingdoms ; for <rw religion* liberty scarce. ( ly as yet exists in any country, not even in eur own boasted land of equal rigbta.? There is a.tyranny of public opinion hers 'which overawe and represses the freedom o! thought and utterance in religious mat ters. -Men may freely dUeu>s the mode of teaching science, the mothoda of agriculture, the preparation end administration of food for the body, and the whole philosophy of the earth, aa derived from the book of atnre and tlis natural worl-J, but the dis ueslon of tbe different systems of religious salture, or the slightest criticism of church traditions, or attempt to compare their systems with th? Bible, or to furnish food and drink for the sonl from that pure and living fountain, is not tolersted by the public npin ion of any country. Sueh are the preju 1 dices of mankind, instilled into their minds 1 from infancy, that every independent teach- 1 r of religious ti ulh is sure to bo denounced and persecuted by soma of the sects, and [ their worlJIy supporters Traditions are more potent than the word of God with the | immense majority' of Christendom, and ( their authority is by no means confined to the Romanists. Spain, however, is about to advance beyond Mexico in religious tol srstion, and if the proposed Constitution ia , adopted, will occupy somewhat the pUe? I that England has since the reformation.? t England ia advancing in liberal ideas, and < tha r?at of the kingdoms of Europe will < ,.u n>< i ...i.l ?_ ii-. i: , i Oliuw. nn*n u?r iiainmrn in ariiHmrn* attor such sentiment* u John Datuu-r ha* 1 rseently done, the whole world will h*ar ' Sot, and their effect mutt he startling to the moles nrd bate of hoary superstitions that haunt tbe connexion of Church and State. CubaCuba la the largeat and finest of the eat India Ever since the expul aion of 'Queen Isabilla by old Spain last October, an iniurreclioo against the authority of the 8panish Government bee been actively progressing in the Island > the native population are anxious to throw off their colonial dependence on Spain as were our forefathere in 17T?. Troop* of Spanish soldier# have been eent US Cuba to qu*TI the rebellion. Tbeee have been aided by volunteer Spaniards, but as yet without sneers#; and tba probability now ie that tb* revelation in the and will triumph. Jt - haa exeited groat attention in Congress and in our large cities. Kijw York lately ' had a great mo*ting to express sympathy with the Cwban revolutionists. The famous Rev. Bxnav Waid Bkkcuxb attend-d end made a speech, beside* several oWte< s ? They advised Congress to reeoguiaa the belligerent rights, in fact, the indepeodenee of Cube. Congress will perhaps authorise President Gnjtxr to do so at sueb time aa 1m Bijf 4moi fiptdMBtt if it doc* not be for* adjournment Alrwdj the eotrnnittoe t)< for*igo Affilnta the Bomi havtmid* r>f?|t (ifonbU to recognition. Some ap[)r?h?nii?H art egpreeaed of trouble be l?t*a thta country end Spain growing oat of the Cub"a affair. The Spaniard# ere ting wUh Ibtir fharaeterialie drapotUm %od blaodtbi mti neea toward* lb* Cm bene, kill tag a ad elenghteriog peUoong^ eed eome i-rhat* eitfaene, eeaaetimee after a to oak trial mmd aometimea witHeot. The rrrointioaiata go for the inmeJiate aholitioa of ate very la Cube, aad tb*Spaniah 0?*? rroment far ita gradual egtfocttow. He- It it ortelnly to be aboliabed ip ooe way or the other, and of eourae the agrloultune of the Ulead will suffer for a lpug- tlar.e the moat aerioue damage, perhapa fornrer hrreefirr. Cube haa been for many yearn the great ringer h?>?ee of the **rla?i? will be ao no )( agar. So aenoft the better, we aoppeee, fat , t^rghuiQ aoJ the mw proee* , J s . G< - ? Jwufci ?*oy r.v h^rf boo- ?|Hat,?J bill to^Mrongtbon lb# poblio crodl', nod to rapool n^iatlal^ tbo tn?rt ?f tlnlt*, M tbo now bill ?mainly allow a tbo ProaUte&t vary Hn mjM la lit ippolttawU, to u4 (t*?r? aim ma o*N. II* H?wt fNtWipNi ananfcaoady tor abooluta V^xal, bat tbo Btntlt bold oat | lit nnli *M I NaalilN ?f con-' biMot. bp wkioh tho tfcnato yifeood tbo oobitonoo and ratolned (ho obadow. 80 OanGiiaiit baa, is offer!, worked bio wtU in tba matter. It la a go?d tlga to too tbo Praaidsntlol o?ce regaining it* proper atrangth. Si- , pcrlrnce Im ebown that there to Tar mora da?> rer to tho llbortiea and peace of tbo country iu tbo nncbooked action of as Oligarchy than In tbo executive ; tbo Prooidvnt raproooata mil too Si at at and all partiaa, wbilat in ulw. Tbo Soaato roprcooata recti owe and ita uenfora ay fool oaly ra*ponoH>Uity to tbolr own oao Don and party, whilst the President, unless a my had man, U obliged to fool some respect for all parts. Ia regard to reconstruction in Virginia, ftoorgta, Mississippi and Texef, nothing positively lias been done ; Georgia ia threatened with restoration to military despotism, Texas with now disabilities, do., Ac., bat the better opinion and good hop# of many is that tbo President end bis true Mends and the friends of peaoe, will exert tkemsel?ea to restrain the persecuting spirit of the nitre Radicals, end sncoarage these States to torn* in on fair terms. Georgia was in, but is now suspended again over the pit because the Legislateredseided tbnt negroes were not eligible to ofice. One would think that this question wee proper for the :oartS and that all the States would take alarm ?a the elaim af Congress to thrust a State, unco admitted into the Union, out again, and treating her as a foreign subjugated enemy. The day of adjournment is not yet fixed, bat it ia thought it will te by the middle of thia month, and that the reconatruction bnaiueaa may all be passed orer till next December. X^ent and Keater. Never before, perhaps, has the observance of Lent and tbo paster aesaon by the churchee that believa it a Christian duty, been so generally noticed and magnified by tbe city newts papera. From tba Press of New York to that of tbo city of Colnrabia, in our own State, much has been said shout the matter. Tho reason is that in the cities RomanidM especially, are itrong and influential, and also Episcopalians, eho likewise generally observe the Lent a- tan, aad are mostly to be feuad in the eities ind towns. Wo beliove Lutherans alto in this sou u try, to ions ax tout, observe the Lent sea ton. i.oot, so called, aooording to s<>ioo, from in old Saxon word for spring, by other* sup posed from a Latin word of vegetable signification. WebaUraaja tho word Kaster ia supposed to l>o from Eaator tbo goddess of Lore, or Yonns >f tbo North, In honor of whom a festival was oeUbrated by our pagan ancestor* in April; be tbia as it may, it ia now known simply as tbo Sunday after Quod Friday, and is c<>umeusuratod by certain eburebes as tho memorial day of the resurrection of Christ, and it comes at tba end of Lent. Whilst the city papers generally apeak of the Lent observances in sucb a manner as would lead the ordinary reader 'o suppose that they were instituted by the Apostles or are of undoubted Christian authority and obligation, it may bo as well to state that there are a large number of serious Christians?Presbyterian* Baptis'a Msthodisls and others?who generally agree that the cuftem of observing Lent is not only without Scripture warrant or sgamplo, but rather contrary to both, and that it come* under t!:c ccad'.mna'.icn of the Apos tolic Epistle's. Hon. JT. P. Bred and W. D. Simpson. These rent lemon have both returned home. if tor visiting Washington, in the endeavor to pi*lfll the will of tbeir constituents in procuring heir aoats in Congress; it seems, however, that the Radical spirit ia too strong for them, nd that their opponent* although defeated by thouaanda of votes, will, in all probability, be rated. Thi* ia a strange commentary on popular elections. Congress alionld at least opder a new election, if they are determined not to remove the political diaabilities of Messrs. Rsso and Sitrioi, ? - O'-n. 1/ongatreet Conflrmrd. The United States Senate hss confirmed the appointment of Gen. LoaearaRVT ai Port Purveyor of New Orleans. Brow.ylow made a violent speech against it, as might be expected, only ten Senators, including Brownlow, voted against it. We are gratified at this result, as it ahows that there ia some spirit of magnaminiiy operating on the Republican Senators, under Gen. G rani'a influence. The Psalmist praised the Lord that "there is forgiv. Iness wft h thee, that thou raayeet be feared." Where the powers of earth ahow no mercy o/ forgiveness, desperation may be prodnoed, hut no real reconciliation. New Millinery. Especial attention 1* colled to the advertisement of Mien M aby McKay, who has ra cently returned from New York, wiih a fine stock of Millinery. She always greets ner friends calling on her kindly. Township Offlcara. HlOlllAND TOO N-IIIP. MO. It, JMesApewwW. F. Taylor, J. W. Jackson^ Berry roan Stewart. #uriwyar??J. W. OolLwUw. MoecaLester. Lcna/aftfe?liaiyin Malinger. CUrk? M. P. Mil Two Copiaa, Tli* Carrier wlfl Imio two Mplti at tbo Snttrprit* with each of oar City nbarvltera, tod they are reijuaatad to hand to ioa? Irtecd not already a m aoriUr. Tbo Iron Clad Oath to bo fUmored. The Judloiary Commliieo of tha tiennta hate reported and r< commended the adoption of aa oo*h that my Wo take* by per ana eligible to offiaa un>'ar the 14th amendment. If tha-Ooftgreaa adopt* the report, there wilt b? ao dlffiautty h?reaft#?- In fill ingpoetnfflee. Md reeeaus, end other UaM H later otfleeo in the Sow thorn 6U'eeraa baa been tlie-ooee herotefor* y>' Adrtrtlnaiita now, lata aad oldew an worthy at atteatiae, jaill ha brnd la ana I agar. 9 , w \ * ULUYAN * SOU Wl] 3: tO THEM FOR GOODS, err hsm "."a1 .1' rrAtt . . . ii. w.: v. Pplssda* U April. ^lkough ikni wW m uiumbkIIj large somber of psfsobp 4b att-n<!anee at tbe Court, Houre, iwHotitliy, little or <no publio buaiaeee *M transected. Tbe crowd quicklj dispersed after tbe few telee *m over: seta* or w, ?. v'numa., ?q, tun or oooar Hoaaa and lot, Katat* of I>r, W. P. Tim' or-. IwsgUk 1/ B. C. XU??WKr.* Eaq., for $37oa - f ^ u~ * . Tea eeree of lead, attested on L?qr?u Strce'. ailkta th? incorporate limit*, a*ma Estate, bought by Dr. .B. f. 8. Kovut, fyr 4lW>. aALKS c r a. ? YicMa*. arq . stiBairr.. ' *48 a<-r. a land, property of J R. SifYKB. bought by J T. Btoarrr, Erq, for $??0. 10 acres, land, property ot .A. Balljup. boight I j Joom Hill, for $2* Frost, a KlIHaa Frost. Oa Monday morning, (be (baa of the asmtry was covered wttk a oesare frost; ( Thermometer 3$ abacs tero). Wa are distressed to learn tba "soap" has pro red faUl to tbe peach erop( la all prababUity. la the upper part of tba Btata. A gentleman who examined bis Orchard raal*nti< fofnrm? nalkal V? Found i .. . r . _ ... " . . none alive?the day before ttiero ?m plenty. Apple Vlueeotkt ere not yet eat. A cent for the Bale of BmI XataU In Charleston. Persons In Greenville wishing the servi ere of a broker or real rotate agent In Cherlerton, have Ihrir attention called to ike oar! of A. 0- Kacvman, No 23, Broad Street, Ills references ere of lbs highest oharocter. Negro Debts In Congress. 8enator " ensue has introduced s bill forbidding united Si a lee i'isirirl Courts to consider case* involving glsve contract*. fO By request of parties concerned, the D>-| uty Collector lis* postponed the sale ol tha factory of Gsadt A IIawthoes*. until Monday, U>th of May, at whieh time, it will poeitively he sold, Unices the terms of the lew are complied with. or We would strain call attention to the advertis-Dient of H. Bi*m* A Co., in which In given a list of prices they are paying for old bank bill*. FOR THE SOUTUK'M KXTKRrniSa. A Voloe fron\ the Old Field. BT I.aKD\BB OlBB' Jf Wliat ara von doing t" said tli? Woods, to the Old Pn-ld; '* Are brown ??dK* grace and eaaaafrss your ouly yield I " Whv don't you do something lor the freeholder! Tour mgge.1 condition ahoeka the beholder "To bur.i off your dead graeaea endangers the >tieer? Working fn tMr way will not pay aiprniet " To remain at y<>u are waa not Intended? Have all your resoufoaa, been entirely at pen.led T" *I will reply," aahl the Old. Field, "Ik your aauer r- niark>? What are you doing under your big coat of barkt " f am not. In blame for my preaent condition, 1 have been turned out, man negleata my rendition. '* Rather pity the poor Old Field, Woik.d drnrn (or the natural yield ; I am now ready f?r eeienlific cullivation. Give me what ia intruded, and enrich the nation. Agricultural improveroenle, may be applied to me; Of ilumpe and ohelructima J am now fre-. M The giowth of aedue grata, plowed unler green. Will frTibiae e.>mrwhat toil that's ao lean Turn the ere*e under well, with heavy plow and chain. Then run a roller over, and let m? ataud gain. " After thl* will be produoed another aort of great. I ahall no mora ba troubled with the aaa aalraa, "Then tow to oats. then wheat, and clover. There will he yielding, ten timet over. "Tli. nil tall i n i f .lean nlneine i. for the present da*; It is generally understood?keep at first above th? clay. " Each year it the eoil improves, go deeper and deeper. Until the labor to gather in the erope, requires a strong r. aper. " II the plow ruo* too de?p, the rya will bo po< r? Turn thia under green, it ie (food manure. " Thia brings baek the surface aoi' on top again; When the green rye deoompoeee, plant to other grain. ' Ona reason given why I am left to run wild. It that the farmer sen get no manure pi)od. "This U a rery great miatako? build cattle sheds,. In dry ilnifg during winter, haul leaves far b?de. , Top dressing protest# the wheat from froet and gives it route. Spread It when the ground Is dry, no barm ia done to ehooia, " It onen happen# with the farmer, there ie a preee ol work*. By manuring in the winter there era iene herd jrrke. . * Ch of w ork ie fanners* real? At ell seasons pf the jeer, do the beat. " P?i me not oft like en ol<l shoe. Patch and r? pair, and 1 aui b?*i ter iban dew. wTh? wraith ?t a 8UU, U mart a by wi'i>iiflo riiliivatioa, Thl* i? briiar tfold A* Ida, yielding Inora tor lb* nation. Tfcla may n?* ??? p!-aron*, aa a raflaetftfti, Bui it airrntiih?u? iba bank too a, id aaary diraotlon. " It raduera tha prim in all patHa ml Va, And aarrawa tha way af outrage and atrifa T.^ ' Mankind pr?f?r oomraeroa, trad# and p?a?"*a?od 4"Ma by wara may b? qoaatioard at Uaat, V1 ' ? "flieti* la no puwit In Ufr m> ar>*d*?al?e t>> I Krtikh, Aa that of thrifty f-PjMag, wbiab ia Uu>a ] bfH.ta wjaltk. UL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. FRES LI AND CHEAP GOO 14 <4i ^ *8 ^ P ,- , ,?K -set , " Thi# brauiWal pwrtd d??? not baicng to ' gpvrr'oinrnU or nuH?, 1 U > ? l*??. *u<J VMl|:vk?? it waa fl-at , to* I <f To ??k? (hi told i gardea, U aaaUtlqg , Wr>*>ULfe*jMiu*p* 1 kiigaii??..; " PraoUcftl knowladga la hratt(, U daei | Krafjrero aol dTtba v*^, to aatqra Uara j ' ? m nftaa ?oapftr*d la ??ta< to Arid aoat . nd waat. *aMhii i hi Europraua bnta not oooaldtrrd wbere la 1 fotUto to UMMt, ' * < " Ttrt* i? a a?v tootltoal aoaiparad with i I ha aid. . Railroad avrtama. aoaipletad, iba bo! aoa? w.|l bold > ? \ | " Urn are not alwaya to blaoaa I amotion. jFdfj 8?m'.hu*r a Mile wn,knaee far ooiflh^tol boUoui. ! " Up load ia anue* Iba boat la aarUla eaa" 1 aona, Kooaomleal faroiara will uodarrtand the | raaaoaa " Tim# la man ay in thoaa who pay for labor, 1 Haulm* ia eipeaaive whao dona by your i neighbor. " Put Mil And I*at in one day by your barn. Storms and rains lu harvest, do laoaleul* bio bans. 1 " The difference between oa, la not ao Tory , W* ora more or less to a primate! slate. - Yon bold yourself juat aa you always , baa# don#, . "J, I am about where I waa wbao tbo agrieul turiat begun " You will ba the a*m? wh?n torn rp by tha roots, Or give way to o majority of younger ] shoot*. t I " Tha gold of I ha people baa baan expend*'! for polar dominions, i I am left to waar my rnggrd coat for oihera , opinions. "Treasures hav# be?n spent for roods on an t Wtlimns of earthquake*, ( I am. worn out, naktd, and voiktt to death lor a hoe-c*ke. "You blame ma for neglect of afrieultora) duty, 1 ha ve no grasping spirit for continental booty, " I slope towards' and am aaaror tha graat J North Atlantic, * It la not my laitlt that men hare been po. Ilileally frantie. '* Hart'ora and channels on the lines of the , W re created, and intended for exports from me. i , , . *'Man attempted with eton*to shallow the 1 water. This is foi hidden by law from the highest quarter. "1 am poor, but will bear heavy taxation' However mtioh abused, will help support the nation. " Honda by the millions will be partly paid by me, As though the Pacific Railroad traversed Q.iti. V. " But. when the lim? arrive* for Chlnea* ifnp>>riiii lot.*, v I (Vfl ruriou* to know about my new re 1 latlona. i ' Mr political disaliliiiee here not been r?nin?"l, Bui ihio will not pruttoi the land* being improved. 1 "I ?*k nothing more then old field*in other Stater, From the Oull of Mexico, to the north polar lake*.* 1 South Caroline, CreeotUle County, Saluda, day time. Written thia 4tli day of lfareh, eighteen \ hundred and aixty-niue. ] The arrival* at the Charleston hotel* eon- ' tlnna to be nuweron* ....The Baltimore Ann aay* that within the paet few day* n larg, , nuiubdt ol foreign immigrant* bar* ieft Hew 1 York to try their fortune* in the Southern State* Mr*. Burt, wife of Hon. Artniatoad Burt, of Ahbevllla, ha* recently died - i Each member of the Legislature of thia ?tate( fur aervicM of tba laet acaaioo, received |4M.96?tba Speaker $190 extra... A tax payer in Horry return*$11 worth of taxable prop. arty, of which $6 i* in dog* T. K. Saaportaa, colored, Laa been appointed poat meater at Orangeburg The unwed value of the taxable property of CbeaterQald la S1.S39,7^3 Meaar*. Baid and Simpeoa returned ' from Waihington I eat week. Tbey are not aangolae of obtaining their eeate...M.....The Edgefield Adrtriistr recently announced the death ol Mr*. lUry A. E. IMartaoe, mother 01 u. R. Dnriaoe, on* of lk? proprietor! of that paperThe Jkdwtrtifmr, one of the beat of o?r 8Ule exchangee, kw been in thehaoda of the Duritoe family for thirty ye era, doaeending from father to aea.?.n...Tb? Cheater Mrportir kaarne that I ha election in the Third and Fourth Congreeaional Diatrirta for memhera of Congreaa, are Hkely to he declared illegal, and a new alaation ia to he ordered?at leaat, tbla la the opinion of a Republican^ who baa juat returned from Waahiogton .....Itia aaid that fl,000,00d waa recently offered and refaaed for the New York 7Vmaa Mr. F. G. DeFon* talne, formerly of tbo South Carolinian, and the Rev. Dr. W. W. Uiaka, contemplate publish ing a monthly magaaine In Charleston, under . the title of the Nineteenth Century The Atlanta paople broke ground on the Air Line Railroed one day Inat week, eommeneing near the old rolling mill. There were no apadea or a borate need on the oecaeloa?cork-acre wa ware the only implewenta. ? a? i ? Tmu Aiu-Lixu Railuoad.?We flatted the A If-Line Road yaatarday, and found the werb progreatiug with vigor and dispatch. IIend* are netirely engaged ha excavating the earth to make several targe Alia. The road waa for kbonM enarg y and wfm, aa Mind. Seott, BoadarMt and AdiM ^ba nlrtrti (and their a am*?? Union), are being eonatraeled by Coaata Joiin Tbraaber. Krery body kaoiy that Ctxteia John nth half doM a thing, an the mere fWt of hii having eharga i a ga?raataa that thay will ha dona. Bra Voraaibar'a hlaata ara heard, the flfet twenty mile* ot tha road wlH be completed. We aaaeldar tha M Air* Line " a Osed (hat, and boaad to go through*? Jtlumtm j . . .y* Bum*' only enrviripc eon la now living in ( Cheltenham, at tha adnanead age af meatyjjSM J v X D8. ; 1 'O ^ T * fr" "HI , 4^ - !L!I " ?.fr'u Lieat. Alexander, of the Icb United 8t?t?? ofeotry, who wtu Metiooed tn ColumbU for > length of tl?o, wm kWed b, one ? bit ova on laet Moid*/ night, *4 ,Fo?? -Ho-?o. An dam of ire trip reiced, aa<| LiettUAlexander wM oat ibtreagk iVr >i tfa ?E*r p ~rti of | Jke **rU The eeatinel oa gaerd ohallesged iim twioe, bat under tfieexotteaent, the ebeW ??P waeaei beaded, wd tbe eeelry, tbii^- 4 laait ?m e flrieyner bttcaptfng to eeoffe* Ired. the BaiVet ball pe??ed through the' Lieatenant'e bod/, producing elmo.t totent ieetb, end wounding aa orderly, who wee loeety follawto bin through the ea)lj-?ort. How. J. P. Rkbd.?Tbir gentlemen arrived } fcl hit horn? on Saturday last. He ia Dot over** >, about the remit of tha contested * > action, but hns made ovary effort to expose c lb a fa ricat om of hia opj ononi, and " triN yet succeed in planing himself and bia > oonstHaenU right upon tha record. If aothinr else Is accomplished, the people will owe ' him a debt of gratitude, for wa know tbU bia dafenoo wilt be a thorough and complete vindication ef this aeotian. Mr. Reed will probably return to Washington ia a four day a, uaInsa CoagreM adjourns apaadily. [Anderson In a'Hpanoar, Ut. " Thereisnow aooapaoy in LoatisvMe, Ky., , . engaged In tbe manufacture of augar an i ay- ( rap from aorgbnin. The Democrat of that t eity atate* that tha arttolas manufactured by tha company are excellent. Tho ayrup brtnga I readily eighty eeuta par gallon In tba market. Tho angar,' ia every roe pact?.In cojor, bright- ' aaaa and sweetness?ia equal to the beet re Sued ? A ' angar aver made,' says that paper. It adds that it can be made for seven cents par pound?about one-third of tba coat of Imported ogar. "In speaking of the yield of sorghum par J sere tha Democrat estimates that an acre will produce 900 pounds of sugar, or 1&0 gallons of syrup, wbioh, it contends, will pay hatter than corn or other grain.** If rw Yon*, April 0. I Cotton dnll and? a shade lower; sols* . i ann h.t.a at anlfavsi n..ld I kit - - j B a whore, April 8. Co4t?n quiet Rt 28 Whm dull?ohoiee rt'l 2 l(i Corn clo?e<l h-avy?white and yellow 82@80. Whisky 98. Ai'?u*t.*. April 6. Col ton market dull; Bales 900 bales; re eeipts 117? middling* onminolly 27, ciiartrbtom. April 8. * C?tton dull; ea]?e MO balee?middlings 271; reeeip'a 841. A hoary from. last night, has hod disea . i roue * fleet on the Mt islands. ?h?r? the cotton ha<l geqe'alty been planted early ? Nearly all mnet be replanted, which will throw the crop back about one month. Liverpool, April 8. 1 Cotton dull?epot 12|; afloat 12 ; Orlaens 12+; sale* 8,000 bales j IIavrr, April 6. ? u Cotton on apot 148; afl >at 145. g G?umbss3; OUR 4-4 BLRACHED 8HIRTINO at *0 h eente. Also 200 piecea CALICOES, Juat 0 jpened. H. BKATTIB A CO. April 7th, 1889. ? Ap T 49 8 " K rho Stato of South Carolina. ? GREENVILLE COUNTY. Is Chan eery. b rTIIAK, BTKDAC0 .es. QRAl>Y A HAW- [' TllUKN.?Bill to Portion Vorifgu** BY virtue of the Decretal Order ef hit n Honor, Judge James L. Ore, made in (he r, ibove caee, and alao by order of Judge G. 8. pi Bryan, I will aell to tho highest bidder, at 4 iroenville Court Ilouee, ea Sales Day in May tl iczt, the Premises described in the Pleadings, ria i All tbet piece, parcel and Tract of Land, sitasted in the County of Greenville, seven idiIts from the Court House, end eia from the Green* vitle Railroad Depot, lying on both tide* of Reedy River, containing Pour Hundred and Ninrtv-Ninn Arroa. num or Isaa. in a klrh pint# of cuititration. Upon the place is located the well imowd Cotton nod Wool Factory of ] the Defendant*. The Cotton Factory is ia full operatic*, with torn nl*e hand rod and fifty ' aplndlea and twenty four loo mi; tbo Wool ' Factory with one hundred and twenty mole ] aplndlea, la also In good order, and saoerrsfhl . operation. On the pianiaea are a good Flour- 1 ing, QrUt and Saw Mil!*, with Blacksmith Shop?two comfortaMa Dwolling Ilouaaa, and | several amall frimrd Houaci, f?r the operatlrsr, with a nice brick Church. Tba water power at all aaaaoaa la sufficient to drive three timet ] the amount of Maehinery now in operation. Tba oountry la remarkably haalthy, with a ' climate unaorpaaaed In the United State*, with a aober, industrious and energetic population. Wo.Hied Land* adjacent, wall timbered, can be purchaaed at reaaonable price*. Thia it the heel opportunity for an Inreatment to capital- 1 iate that haa been offered in the up ebuntry einee the war. Tbkmb Cam. Purchaaer to pey for Paper* end 8tau?p*. W. A. McDANIEL, C. C. 0. Clerk'* Office, Feb. 2d, I860. mWTbe Charleaton jV??i, and Columbia f'hiruijc will copy twice a week until day of Sale and aend bill to the Clark fur payment. April T 4ft 4 1 . Office Secretary and Auditor. abb colombia kailrqau co., Colombia, S. C. April 1, Iftftft. NOTICB la hereby given, thet on and after the 8th INSTANT the aim months' tolereat dae upon tba first mortgage and guaranteed debt of this Company, falling dae ea the fat day of January last, will be paid on presentation at thisoffioe, few i per real., retained for Internal Revenue Tax j Proridtd, the holder* of the raid first mortgage and goar nteed Bond* and Certificates of Indebtedness ' will land all interest aceralag apna tkva op | to Jaly I, 1868, in the Bond* and certificates of Indebtedness of the Company, endorsed by the State. First Mortgage Bond* of the Company, with tbo Interest end coupon* upon them, which have eot yet been ear hanged, will be aabeliteted by the Bond* and Certificates of Indebtedness of the Cumnanr. endorsed be the Rtsi* t aieo, the Bond* of I ho fnmpMy, with th* Inters Ml Md eoopona upon thoa. arhtob or? WilMWed by mortgage or otbov lion, *1U ho eubetitatod by too Bnnda and CerlitraMo of fndebtedneea of Ihi Cvayuy, endoreed by the fttate, at a reduction ad three doilera to owe?no provided in too Ant of IW, or la oeeood Mfrimf Bond* and Cartiflratoa of Indebtedpeca of too Otoptvy, M par, at tbo option of tbo bolder. A iao, the Hondo of tbo Cvnpwy leaned under 1 the Act of the Le|(l*fetare of 1*61. will bo ncbanjted and ewbeiiotod by other Hondo natbotS?ed nndor the Ant ol ISM. when ee deeired by tbe ho Hera , Coupena fur payment and Rondo and Cons pona for exchange and for fuoding, will bp fet warded of prulnatad. to C.V. CARRINfATON, faeretary aud, Auditor. | . It ? . t ! "VA . % UKAIDK, > ? At. 90, VDRESSMAKING, la all its braaobes, a>? ?nded to with neatness and despatch. 4f * l>rn miliaerjr. MTBfS. I. JJSJ<J<J1I<W I, i?M., ,.d LYJL "ponln* an extension es&ftroent of loWMTTS. msi HIM BON 8, FbOVTEKS, 5KIDAL WREATH?, Ae., An. Alaslnc on- % ected bsr Stock from an ?|t?uirs eetsbliri *~V 3 ner.t ?f Millinery 6eods with the *reate?t \ 1 are, she flatu-rs herself sad Will to able to MB nil all wba nap aire bar a aall. r <ns )*?" MRS. L. JKNNINOflf. At bar aid stand. Mala Stasab. Apt t? * F08TS1 BUCTER ARB WOW in RECEIPT OP A MEW OOMPL&TS STOCK. AV %W ' ? * ' SPRING AND SUMMER 6i?ii WHICH T^IEY OFFER AT *HB LOWEST PRICES. THEY DEAL III Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Groceries, &c?) &c. luring adopted the ITMETLY CASH AiiHi! PRICE SYSTEM, ["bey afford to purchasers advantages which annot otherwise he obtained. OUR GOODS * IRE BOUGHT WITH "CASH, and no per \ outage paid for risks, principally in Haw 5r "ork and Baltimore. A'oic i* tke ttm? to ? - S arc RAROA INS. FOSTER & III INTER. y April 7 * 4^ ' *- ' S HARTFORD S9RCRRM MACBIIS UNIT. 117 E bare tdkoo the Agency In this OwenIV t.r for the sale ot these CELEBRATED EVAPORATORS AND MILLS, for the maeifactnre of Sugar and Syrup from the Bor;hnm and Sugar Cane. ^ We are not offering to the pnblie an expert, cental machine, bnt one of wbteh there ere boutends, saUi to be, now in nee, in different arts of the country, and wa will hers only section a few of its many merits, aa claimed y the manufacturers. It requires bnt about no half the fuel andwtboui one half tbo labor, nd the cost Is about ona half the price,of ther machines. The results attained are n ue article of Sugar and the finest kind ef iyrnp, (readily selling nt from $! to ,|.M> par allon.) and we claim that it is the only |na nine which CLARIFIES and CONDENSES a the aainc operation. Wilfc ail tbeee faoU in ill fat or, there Mtd no woadrr at the tucceae the Oeneral Agent i meeting with in all oar Southern cilier and ?WM. We ehait here one of the Maehines 1a eyealien in town aoon, until then we invite onr riemta *fid the public generally to call at (Air tore, eeo (ampler, model, illurtrated eireulare, to., end where we (hell he pleaeed to giwm lietn all the information la our power. DAVID Sc STRADLEYe April 7 44 if BANK NOTES. e-e. ? y : .V . WE WILL PAY FOR Sank of Camden, 8- 0 ... 65 Bank of Oharleaton .........55 Union Bank. 8. C....... ...85 Bank of Hewberrj .......55 Bank of the 8tate (old)............85 Peoples' Bank ..#..65 Southwest*n R. B, Bank (old)....55 ' ?? M (sew)... 40 PlantrfV ft Mechanic!' Bank... 65 had bigb?at prtee* for other Bank Noloe ef SOUTH CAROLINA ' and ' -* NORTH CAROLINA, ? rr _er a 1 t H BEATT1E4CO. M.rll <1 ' 'g. TH eoafarntlty wjlfc re?joln?Tt.o?f* of Ui? Interna) R?r?^M Law*, I h?rsby giro noMe* 10 alV |?r??M who may claim a. HI ILL ?nd WORM. **i?-d ? th* panto#*?. IIf on* David W. Rt*ft4ng*m?, lovtbingtWo, land* of Funk BUfrlngttm* arid Thmnaa. W cud tons, on (It* Hat of March, 106#, in, Anderson County, Mvrp roil** front firstsrill* Court Howe, by CapL He*t M* F*rry. A?4*<an( Awtsnr, >m*ms of being osod* in violation of th* Iat*r*al R*r*au* Lawa^ ? th* ram* Waving boon lurried av*v to aw ?tn make mA tlaint* befor* ? wiikia thirty days front th* ft vat pnMtc atia* of tltla, notic*. A L COBB, IVp- Col. lav. Rao. - . , Oreenvilla C. H., April H > ##. t Ap 7 ? ' A. C. ?AUFMAN," ' , no. av umv* CHASIESTOII, 8.C.. MrHmmrtt, S*Oo^. KJ. Ttrry^QaenrtiU, & O. j.r' 5?^^ B"?" fc M?J. C. H RutMl ', NvwUtiy. ?.a ^ V ' V fl?. T, M, iMijMM. ?." "* ' ^ ftVWl '?*&"***'& Cw?^ iSfliUHi A OH1' ^ , V . . ? ' * #