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Hp* . SOK / ^ *?? ' ?W. A. REFLEX OB1 POPULAH EVENTS. VOLUME XV. GREENVILLE. SOUTH CAROLINA; APRlL 7. ll?C9. NO. 46. - . i i .....I. ii i li HUM., -A .1 -f ? 1 - '- - l i. i * <*. F. TO W N KS. ".w EDITOR. \ JP 2. 0. BAILXT, Pro'r. aad k*aoelat# Rditar. f Sumouiftio* Two Dollar* per annum. *- ivriatiiihiim IdhtM at th* rata* of <ana dollar par aquara of t waive Miatoa Una* t(tbic sited typo) at lasa for tbo ifct inaertioa, iflrty can to each for tb* aeeoud and taird Inecritioaa, and twaaty-flv* oauta for aabaaqaaat daaartiona. Yearly contract# will ba mode. All adrertlaaaaonta muat bar* tb* nutnbar ?f insertion* marked on them, or they will ba Jnecrted till ordered out, and ebargad for. Unlaaa ordered otherwise. Advertisement* arill invariably bo " diaplayod." Obituary notice#, and all mattera Inuring to to the benefit of any one, are regarded aa Adrertiaementa. Written at My Mother's Grave. r oitonaa n. ruaimoa. The trembling dew?dropa fall XJpon tba shattered flower* Ilka aoula at raat; The atara abina gloriously, and all, Sara me, la bleat. Molbar, I love tby grave t The violet, with ita blaasoma bine and mild, Wavea o'er thy bead?when ahall It war* Above thy ohild t 'Til e bright bower, j?t mint Jta bright IftftTM to tbft coming torn pott bow j Door mother, 'tit thin* emblem?duet, Duet it on thy brow t And I could lore to die, {To leer# untested llfe'a dark bitter etroome, By thee, ae eret in obUdhood, lie, And ehare thy dreamt. And most I linger here, To stain the plumage of my (inlets years, And mourn the hopes of childhood dear, VMM bitter tears t Aye must I linger here, A l<?ely branch upon a blasted tree, Whose last frail leaf, ?liadf eer* ^ Went down with thee T Oft from life's withered bower, In still communion with the past I turn. And muse on then, the only flower ffn memory's nrn. And when the evening pale Bows like a mourner on the dim bine were, I stray to hear the aight-rfiads wail # Around thy grava. Where is thy spirit flown ? I gase above?thy look is imaged there j I listen?and thy gentla ton# It on the nir. Oh, some, while here* I press My brow upon tby grave?and, la thoaa mild And thrilling tones of tenderneeo, ? m... ki... ,k_ .liij t _ ' . - J Act* and Joint Hesolationa The followiug to a list ol the Aet* end Joint mwlitloni passed nt the bit too lion of the Legislature? nearly *11 of whicU btoo boon signed by the Qooornor. Mr. Jottiion, the prioiti Secretary, will Moopt our thanks for Ate MiliUnoo in Baeking*out the lint: An Art to incorporate the Waters* and North Carolina Kailroad Company. An Act to incorporate tiia Homestead, Building, Planting and Loan Association of South Carolina. An Aet to prcrsnt and punish duelling. An Act to incorporate thn South Carolina Contral Railroad'Company. An Act to amand an Act entitled "An Aet to define tba jurisdiction and duties of Coua y Commissioners." An Act to rogulate tbo msnner of granting final dismissal to oxacutors, administrators, Arasteos, guardians, or committees. An Act to incorporate tba town of Ptokeas. An Act accepting tba donation of landa to the State of South Carolina for Agricultural Collages. An Aet to nroelda for tba nsnsst n( tk? fee* of Shsri&a for dieting porroua cooflued to jail. An Aet to mik? tMnprUilon for th? ptj. nil of p?r dim on<i dUm|i of the mamot-r* of the General Assembly, end the salaries of the iubordinele o (Beers, nod other espeasee incident thereto. An Aet to emend en Aet entitled "An Act to proride for the temporary organiaeliue of the Educational Department ot the State." An Aet to niter end emend the eriininel lew. ? An Aet to emend nn Aet entitled "An Aet to mrgpnUw the Cireait Courts." An the* to eon firm end declere reiki the re? ?*pt election of Me/or end Alderman of the .oil/ of CbwIadHt An Aet mprrrlaa for nn election to 111 eerjteln reeeaedea In County < *. An Aet to repeal en Aet aahtled "An Aet to .prevent persona holding eertein dttees of eaeolem set from leering the Stele." . An Aet to emend en Aet entitled "An Aet tie regulate the manner of drawing Jo fore." Am Aet to emend nn net entitled "An net to Aeftoe (he Jurisdiction end regulate the preeiiee of Frobate Courts." An net to repeal Section 8 of an aet to altar the aet entitled "An not to amend the erimine! Joint resolution to appoint a eommittee of Investigation for tho Third Congreeeional DisMjh * Joint resolntioD to euthorire the Qorernor of the State to III (bo rnoaaeiet ia tho State Hoard of Equalisation. An Aet to regulate tho practice of medicine h this State. Aa Actio regulate tka agrnotM ?f Inenrmm CoaaaalN Dot Incorporated in tie Htata nf South Caroline.. / Aa net to preeorthe wruta rule* to U ofc? - fjMlnrod to the government of ferrtee and bridge* 1 privileged to oharge toll. An Ml to enatle the Savannah and Charleeton Railroad Company to e ton plate their road. An not to Reap the lor at ion of the eonnty Mat of Barnwell County from Barnwell Conrt Hooto to Blaek villa. - An net to provide for too eoneoltyatior. the tlatato Una of too State of Santo CnroAa ant to poaUh Sheriff, and other oOoera 1 tor violating the Homeland. An not to entahtleb State Orphan Aeyfem. An net to incorporate toe Aiken Sanitary ' Af AociitMil I An net to regnlate and provide for toe any f Cotnmi.mtiere end Manager. of BlaeUen. A joint reaolntton euthorl.log the Governor \ fa an armed faree tor tua pwwervatton * An act to re-an art eertofn net* lending ton Bt Nto^rejad.r, I . . ' jr I % ' ._} An set to amend m mi entitled "An Mi to I regelate the Banner of keeping and dlabura- I tog fond* hp certain offieera." j An net to establish the lien of MagUtratoOMf executions. 1 An aet to Incorporate the Wilson's BqBt Company. ** i An Act to ekifbree the provisions of the <Jt7? I U Right's Bill of tbe United Slates Congress. An net to incorporate the various Board* ?>f the Mathodiat Episcopal Chortles, of Booth Carotin* An not t? faollltate the settlenienl nf tin affairs ol the Bank of the Slate of 8oath Carolina. Aa aet to determine the value nf contracts made In Con led state Btatee notes or tbelr equivalent. An net to authorise the financial Agent of tbe 8tate, In the eity of New York, to pledge the 8taie bonds as collateral security, and for other purpoees. An net to amend an aet entitled "An Aet to fix the salary and regulate tbe pay of oortain oArers." An Mt to enable the hanks of the* Plate to reaew business or to place them la liquidation. A joint resolution to provide for the fitting np of oertain portions of the Slate Bouse. _ A Joint resolution authorising th* State Treasurer to pay the Chairman of Board of Commissioners ol Election*, appointed by tbo Constitutional Convention, $329. An not to protect laborers and persons working under contract or aharea o( crop. An net to uutberise tbo consolidation of the Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad Company and tba Columbia and Augnata Railroad Company, and to amend the charter of the earn*. An aet to amend an act entiUad "An act to regulate attachment*." An act to provide for the enumeration-of the inhabitant* of tbe State. Ad aet to authoriae a loan for tbo relief of tho Treasury. An aet to incorporate tho Vaueluse Manufacturing Company, in the State of South Carolina. An aet to amend an aet entitled "An act to leaae the State Road running from the County of Greenville, la tbla State, acres* tbo 8aluda Mountain, to-tbo Connty of Henderson, in North Carolina. Joint resolution authorising tba County Commissioner* of Oconee Connty to sell she interest of tbo Bute in tbe Kaowao aad Tuokasqeges Turnpike Road. joint resolution authorising the 8tate Treasurer to apportion la the sereral Counties tba appropriation nt $26,000, authorised in General rdeas No. 139, of December S, I&67, Headquarters Second Military District, for the support of free sehoAls, the same to be paid over to the respective County Treasurer*, In order to pay teachers. An act to provide assistance for the transient iok poor in Aha various cities and towns nf tba State. An aatio facilitate tba drawtag of Jurors in ibis State. An Act tn empower the Judges of tho Circuit Court to grant relief in eases of erroneous judgments obtained during the nlilMct of tha Provisional Government of South Caroli-, a. An act to organise and govern the nhlitia of the Rtata of South Carolina. Joint resolution authorising the Governor to purchase 2,000 stand of arias of the most approved pattern, with usual complement of ammunition. Joint resolution ratifying the fifteenth emendtnent to the Constitution of the Vuited Stntes of Ameriea. An act to iueorporato the South Carolina Improvement and Trust Company. An act to provide for the conversion of h State aecarifles. An act te alter and amend the charter of | the town of Qreenville, and fur other purpoeee. An aet to provide a lien on buildings end lands te parties tarnishing labor and materials thereon. I - Joint resolution authorising the Governor to cause suit to he instituted against tha Laurens i Railroad Company to protect the interest of the State. Aa aet to make appropriations and raise suppi lee for the year remmeneiog October I MM. | An Aet to provide for the ai of a Land Com mi mi oner, and to del oe his powers and duties. Aa aet to establish eertaia ferries. It. Is stated ia recent letters from Havana, tKmft nniarItHatmniiinor lha (nsnsraotUa U r..L. no foliar** of any eonsequeoc* bar* y*t occurred in that city, and (bat tb* not** of tba Spanish Bank can b* sold at a light discount for gold. Tb* mark*! pcio* of tb* shares, bowerer, baa d*clin*d from fifty par cent, premium to fir* per cent, ditoonnt, while tb* bare* of otbcr^banks bar* *xp*ri?no*d a similar or gr?at*r decline. All ninda of'real and i personal eatat* bar* declined in prlaa. Houses in Harana, wbicb won Id bar* spld for CM,OOC a year age, can he bought for llt^M now> and *r*n at that rat* mor* sellers tban purohmert arc to b* found. Iu the interior towns tb* retail merchants bar* generally closed op tb*ir business, and tb* retail traders la lisrana, it Is ass*rt*d, will soon bs obliged to follow their example. The poorer classes hare ao money to spond, and the wealthier on** are odearoring fie prorUa for tba Mtigaaele* ef tb* future by redaeieg tboir expenditure* to tba iowmt possible limit. Tun Corrov Tax.?Do onr planting friends j know tbat tb* tax on cotton baa not b**n repealed T Are they making their calculations on a bast* which allows tar* and a half cents per poaad for tba Qoremment? The law Is. rylag tba tax was not repealed?tbe crop ef IMC was specially exempted from it* opera ii u*ra ww ou ranan l^iaiRWB Ml NX qneation, the Us wUl be eollected or tbe pros at stop. WnU it not b? wall far Mr Boardi of Trade { the ootton SUtaa to eaka application U Congress for I repeal, or ot least a fort bar suapension, of tbo law? Pnhlle (nesting** of th* plan tars migbt also bo bold, and mamorialo gotten np fbr tba WHO purpose.?VhrtnMm 4 S*min*L a 11 " ? i ' Dora DIstria, ibo WallaohiRri ptinooM, b bo ioood 10 bo tbo moat learned woman of oar times. Sho roods and spunks fifteen loop tinges writos bountiful essays. and has a tbor ough knowledge of tho most intricate petitions of tbo Oriental question. b a brilliant contereniinneluM, and at ibo sqp limo Tory boodsomo Md grasp *?. ; - * b i Wonder* o{ the Oil Region .A remarkable phenomenon has fehneared in the oil regions of lVbhle City, Pa. A fire broke ^Aetently in one of the wells, wnicli has since been constantly horning Tb quench it all the wells in tbo neighborhood were laid nnder contribution. These were quickly pumped out, and about 8 o'clock next morning a man went to his putnp for water, but imagine his surprise when he pumped up pure petroleum.. The news quickly spread, and crowds collected, and all day long the f>rocess was kept up, the pump ifting ont pure oil of a specific gravity of 42 degrees. An engineer who visited the spot thought the oil came from a leak in the Miller Farm putnps, which pass but a tew hundred feet from it, but this theory has been disproved by later developments. All the wells in the neighborhood were immediately pumped dry, when the precious liquid began to ilow in each, which was carried away in bottles, buckets and all sorts of articles by the people. Tho first well " struck " belonged to a Mrs. Rickets, a widow wotnan, who has heretofore earhed a living by washing. It is at the depth of sixteen feet, and' was only pumped at intervals, but the oil came freely in answer to the pumping, and would fill a barrel in ten minutes. It was not worked more on account of a difficulty in getting barrels to put the oil in. Mrs. Rickets was offered, at first, $1,000 for it, and then $2,000, until at Inst aa gentleman secured the refusal at $5,000. Meanwhile, the well which is on fire can be seen at a great distance, the flames rising sixty feet high, and the crackling of it can be distinctly heard a mile off. At times it i a 4i i L_ _i uuniB uorcer muri usual, oreaitmg and roaring, and threatening to burst the earth and engulf all within its reach, and formibg a scone beautifully grand and sublime. The ground around ihd well tor nearly five hundred feot in every direction has been thoroughly baked by the heat, and at a little distance the trees are budding, and sotne hare actually put forth leaves. In somq places the grass Iims grown two inches high, forcibly reminding one ot summer on a small scale. The well is owned by parties in Rochester, New York, and was'Strnck some four weeks ago. It commenced flowing oil and water, with a very strong force of gas, and so continued until the fire. "Rkmedt for tub Cut worm.? Dissolve from 1* to 2 "ounces ot copperas in an ordinary sized pail ! (or bucket) full of water. Pour on the planting corn enough of the solution to cover it and two or three inehes over, to allow for the ft weiring ot tne gram. Let it re main 85 to 48 hours; plant without letting the' grain become dry. If the weather should prove unfavorable for planting at the end of 48 hours, it may remain in the so lution longer, without risk ot injury. I have planted, with perfect success, corn that had been immersed nine days. I have used this preventive for mfcny years, and have no hesitation in saying that tho farmer who trios it once will never omit it afterwards. A weaker solution of the sulphate will exterminate lice and other vermin from rose bushes and other plants I have used it on delicate hi>t*jonse plants, nsing a fine garden syrinj^o. I believe an occasional sprinkling would destroy the caterpillar, "which it such a disgusting nuisance in the streets and public watka of the Nortborn oitiea. A totjwq man down South was entrusted by his father with some money to bring home a sewing machine, lie carried off a neighbor's daughter to Atlanta, married her, brought her home, an.* said to his astonished dad: uThere, father, Is the best sowing machine that I could find." T? ' Bcttkkmimc Bbkao.?One quart ot buttermilk, a small tea-epooit of salt, one of salerntusf a lump of butterr as large as a walnut, and flour enough to make a stiff batter. Bake In buttered tins, in a 1 qtitelr orat). mm? -u -U. ?'* - - - Frame Building Twenty-two Mile* in Length. Persona who pass hastily over the Union Pacific Railroad hat dly giro a thought to the immense amount of work which has been performed by the coiniwuiv.? From the Bacratnento to* the present terminus of tho road, at Elko, the trains are once more running regularly. The immense amount ol money and labor ox ponded in catting through mountains, opening tunnels, grading the road, and laying the track, can with difficulty be realised by those not famil* jar with the business. Not the least of the problems to be solved was that of protecting the track from the heavy falls of snow which were to be anticipated dur ing the winter months. To obviate this difficulty as far as possible, the company determined to* erect a series ot sheds, or rather one budding, which should protect the road over the snow line. Accordingly, they have erected a I building which is doubtless the largest' in the world. It is twenty-two miles in lengtfr, sixteen feet in width, and sixteen feet in height, not including the pitch of the roofr It is put up in tae most substantial manner, all the timbers used being of the best quality to be obtained. The sides are enclosed, and were it not for tiio fact that daylight penetratos through the interstices between the boards the whole affair would be very like a |jnge tunnel. The building is braced together in a most peculiar manner, and is, in addition, firmly bolted to tbo rocks wherever the road is near tho face ?f a cliff. Whe?re snow slides are to be feared, an exten sion of the roof has been carried t9 tho cliffs, ao that the full ins mas?es shalhpas* over tho building and lodge on the other side.? In many places, where side tracks are located, the building is wider than the figures given ab >ve ? More than 40,000,000 feet of lnm-. ber have been need in its construction. It covers an area ot more than 1,800,000 square feet, or ne.rly forty-four acres. One ot the best proofs of the stability of the structnre is in the fact that, with the exception of a few miles which had not been really completed, it thoroughly answered the purpose for which it was designed during the recent severe storm, in which it was subjected to the most severe tests.?Han Francisco AUa California, Feb. 26. Men Wanted.?Tho groat want of this age is men. Men who are not for sale. Men who are honest, sound from centre to circumference, true to. the heart's core. Men who will condemn wi-onc* in ^ ?> friend or toe, in themselves as well tw othors. Men whose consciences are steady as the needle to the pole. Men who will stand for the right if the heavens totior and the eArth reels. Men who can tell the , trnth and k>ok tho wo Id and the devil in the eye. Men that neifh* er brag nor ran. Men that neith* er flag n >r flinch. Men who can have courage without shouting to it. Men in whotu the courage of everlasting life runs still, deep arid strong. Men who do not cry nor cause their voices to be heard on 1 tho streets, but who will not tail nor be discouraged till judgment 1 be set in the earth. Men who know their message and tell it. Men who know their places and 1 All them. Men who will not lie. Men who are not too lazy to work, nor too proud to be poor. Men who are willing to eat .what they likiua aaKtiml aurl urunV* urhat tliav mmmmw v vni uvu| mum 11 v??t ? iinv fcuvj have paid for. A catfish was recently canght in the Mississippi river with a sixpound cannon ball in bis stotnac | Either it was fired down its throat , during the war or he had taken it medicinally, believing it to be a blue mass pill. * Do hot ont off the lower limbs of a iruit tree. A tree with the limbs coming out near the ground is worth two tree* trimmed up five feet. Shorten, but do not lengthen up. Tine French have discovered that ths white of an egg, given in sweetened water, is a sure cure .tor the croup, the remedy is to be repeated till ewwre ? effected. I 0 e uii-. vi .'.. ia_i_ Woman in the Home, What is It makes a bouse bright 3 pleasant to go to-?to stay in? even to thiuk about, so tiiut even if fate totally annihilates it we recall tenderly for years its atmosphere of peace, cheerfulness, loving-kindness? nay, its outside features?down to tlte very pic'urea on the walls, the pattern of the papering,, the position of the furniture! While other houses-we shiver at tho remembrance of them, and the dreary days we spent in them?days of dullness, misery, or strife?these houses we .would not revisit for the world. Why! If a house with fair possibilities of home comfort is thoroughly comfortless?if there i is within it a reckless iinpossibili- I tv oi ge ting things dono in the right way or at the right time? i or if, on tho contrary, it is con 1 ducted with a terrible regularity, j so that an nninvited guest or an < extempore meal sends a shock throughout tho whole abode; it the servants- novor keep their places long; and the gentlemen ot tho tamilr are prone to bo " out ot evenings"?who ie to blame! Almost invariably, tho women of the family. The men make or mar its ontside fortunes: but its internal comfort lies in the women's hands alone. Until they feel this?recognize at once their power and their duties?it is idle for them to chatter about their rights. Men may be bad enough out of doors; but their influence is limited and external. It is women who are in reality either the ^Alvation or the destruction of a household.?Miss MulocK. i'btvtkr's Wrr.?Printers as a class are a sharp set, and their wit is often leveled at persons who write for the press?especially those who 44 write had hands."? Wo know an editor who Was dubbed 41 BeUhazzar" by the printtrs in the oflico. " Why do you call him Bulshuzzar f" wo asked 44 Because his manuscript re minds us of the writing on the wall at Belshozzar'a feast." 44 How so?" we again asked. "Why, because nobody who is not qos sensed of the gift ot Daniel, ortho concentrated guessing powers of the Yankee nation can tell what his manuscript means." The late Judgo Saunders of North Carolina, says the Raleigh Standard, was noted for his illegible manuscript. On one occasion a printer, who had been perplexing his brain in deciphering an article of tlio Judge's, said : ;* I am in favor of sending Jndgo Saunders to China." 4,Why sot" asked a young typo, 44 we have no minis ter to that country." 441 don't ' propose to send him as minister, lie could make an independent fortuue marking tea boxes. Beets.?I will try to give you my plan of planting and culture of beets. In the first placo, I have mr ground broke up deep : then I have the ground covered over with stable manuro; then have it plowed in tolerably deep; level the ground with a hoe or rake; thou I got hen-htmse ma nure ; scatter it over lue ground ; hoe it in deep with grubbing hoe ; level it Again; lay off the rows eighteen inches apart, and the hills one foot apart; and then they will grow without any trouble. In cultivating them, I have the graftal id weeds cat up botwcen the rows, in order to give them a good chance to grow. I have raised beets on the above plan that weighed five and aix poun d 8 apiece. 1 M M Wmn we ride, we sit npon the skin ot a pig; whon we walk, we tread upon the skin of the bullock ; we wear the skin of the kid upon our hands, and the fleece of llin aho*r\ 11awn /vn ? l?a/?La mw WMV^I# VUI l/IWAD. 'I KJ than half tne world are human beings in sheep1* clothing. We ear the doah of some creatures, of some we drink the milk, np n others we are dependant lor the culti* vat ion of the soil, and as it is a pain to as to suffer hunger and cold, we fhouid bo scrupulous to avoid iniiioting wanton misery upon the animals by means of which we are warmed and fed." ., , A twuno man s affections are , not always wrong, bu* they are j geuerally ??atj>lated. t 4 e a gJ.lU.1BII II H III t .'Willi JUimilff 1 Ta8tk Not !?Drunk 1 Young nan did von ever stop to think . now terrible that word eoundtf Did you ever think What misery fou brought upon your friends, K-hcn you degrade your manhood by getting drunk V Drunk? How it rings in the Kir of a. loving wifef llo* it roakos the heart of a mother bleed 1 How it crashes out the Impes of a father, and brings reproach and shame upon sisters I Drunk 1 See him as he leans against some friendly house. He itanda ready to tall in the jaws of bell, unconscious as to nis approaching fate. The wife with aching heart sits at the window to bear her husband's footsteps, but they come notl He is drunk t Drnnk 1 He is (pending the means of support for liquor, while his family is starving for broad, Lis children for clothing 1 ur utile I Ilia repntation Is gt>ing?gone I His friends, one ny one, are leaving him to hit fate, lie goes down to hit grave " un* honored and unsung "?Drunk I Thr Lima Bran.?One of tl>? greatost luxuries?indeed inditpensables, nowadays?is a tup* plv, be it tmall or large, of vege tables and fruits, to preserved tor winter as to attain the original goodness as nearly as possible unchanged. Among the easiest of these to keep, and which requires no canning, it the Lima Beau, It may be picked in its green ttate, when just right to eat, and dried in the pods?not in the sun, bht in some cool and airy room or shed. It is positively no trouble at all, and the beans, when cooked, will be fouud fully as tender and as . sweet as when first picked; at least I have never been able to tell wherein is the difference. They should be soaked in cold water a few bonrt before cooking, I do not see, why they are not found in market, as green peas dried in this way are found in almost every grocerv, and seem to sell. The former, however, can hove them, and if he does so onee, will always. [dolman * Rural World, How a Cleveland Wom an Tbijcs T% we ww TO ftKFOKM IIKR HUSBAND. A married lady in Cleveland has been experimenting to see whnt she could do that wonld cause tier husband to abandon his smoking habit. To accomplish this she lias formed a conspiracy with the cigar manufacturer. At first fine strips o! India rubber were .twisted into his cigars, but this did tp>t answer the purpose, and she had a Chinese fire-cracker wrapped up, forming the inner surface of a nice-appearing cigar. On Monday last the husband took a cigar containing tins preparation, and smoked with great satisfaction until the fire communicated with the fuse, when, to his great horror, the explosion came, and he Was surprised that his head was left upon his shoulders. Fortunately, his eyes wore not blown out, lie thinks seriously of transferring, his patronage to another establishment, aud declare* that if she plays any more such dangerous tricks on him, he will make her "smoke.* , A man who has a scolding wife being asked what he did for a liv? ing replied, that he kept a hothouse. * ' ; -? ??mi A great u brnte of a hnsband n advertised in the morning papers for a strong, able bodied man to lipid his wife's tongue. *T- ''? j A now material for bonnets has | been found in the skin of the leat of the Indian dagger-plant, which . | . ^ * * - It; grows m Jamaica. ? " ? New York bad one hundred and nine fire# last month, five of which were from bursting kerosene lamps. m l u 111 m m ? 9- is- - t 0-.* Marrying a woman for her I t _ _ _ . !_ life l.sf*_1 ^ i oeaniy n iim rann^ nigiiiiii^iu NmHwH of his sweet song. >#!? >. ? !??? + *'" ?i An nns< phisticated girl recently enquired at a dry goods store fur fth e? y^rds '* G/ecmn Bend/* * ' ? i | Iowa roads are said to be go bad thai WdBcawwtflj over fc.,in. 1 I \