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'**' * ' Y H .,.,> ? ' ' ' Mil >1 Vw Ivn Mtiii il 9^V ftEdpTla.a^y cross ; which was likewise nothing new. So W retired behind bS newspaper, end devoured hi* eggs end toast without vouchsafing any reply, save in rooaoajllableH, to the remarks of the fresh bob yig little lady opposite, to wK: Mrs. Edge. Bat she was gather* ' ing together her foveas far the final onslaught, and when at length Mr. Edge had got-down to the lest paragraph and laid aside the newt* paper, it came: ; at ATS I '_ Deer, didn't yon say yon were C'ng to leave a hundred doila> a my fbrs, to-day f* wJP What furs F (rather shortly fpokon.) a Those new mKIm deer* m* old affairs are getting shocking?* Shabby, and I really dunk?" * * 44 On, pshaw I What's the nee pf being so extravagant f I bav'nt any money just now to lay oat on useless follies. The old fnrs are good enough for any sensible woman to wear." Mrs. Edge, good, meek; little soul that .she was, relapsed into ebedient silence; she only sighed a soft, inward sigh, and presently began a new tack. " 44 tfenry, will yon go with me to my aunt's to-night P -? .. - 44 Can't yon go alone I" , 44 Alone, how would it look.!"* . Mrs. Edge's temper?for she bad one, thongh it dian't often pa. . rade itself?was fairly aroused.? "You are so neglectful of those little attentions yon used to pay me once; you never walk with me, nor pick up my handkerchief, nor notice my dress, as you did 'once.'* 44 Wei?, a fellow can't be forever waiting on the women, can he I" growled. Mr. Edge. 44 You could be polite enongh to Mrs. Waters last night, when yon never tnought to ask whether I wanted an jilting, though yon knew perfectly well that I had a headache?I don't believe you care bo much for roe as yon used to." And Mrs. Edge looked ex tremely pretty with her tears in her blue eyes, and a quiver on the round, rosy lips. 41 Pshaw I" said her husband, peevishly. 44 Now don't be silly, Maria." 44 And in the stage, yesterday, you never asked me if I was warm enough or put my shawl around ?.me, while Mr. Brown was so nf fectionate to his wife. It was mor tifying eoough, Henry ; indeed it twas." 441 didn't know women were such fools," said Mr. Edge, as he drew on his overcoat to escape the tempest that was so rapidly approaching. 44 Am I the sort of a man to make a ninny of myself, doing the polite to any sort of female creature! Did you ever know me to be conscious whether a woman had on a shawl or a swallow tailed coat}" Maria eclipsed the blue eyes behind a little pocket-hand kerchief, and Ilenry the savage, banged the door loud enough to give Betty in the kitchen a nervous start. ***** 44 Raining again! I do believe ?v ai? k,wi1iv/ imia u bcuuiiu edition of the deluge," said Mr. Edge to himself, that evening as he ensconsed his six feet of iniquity in the Sonth west corner of the car at the City Hall. 44 Go ahead, conductor, can't you see we are full, and it's dark already f" 44 In a minute, sir," said the conductor, as he helped a little i woman with a basket, on board. ? 44 Now, sir, move up a little, if yon please." Mr. Edge was exceedingly comfortable, and did not want to nice up, but the light ot the lamp falling on the pearly forehead and shining eyes, he altered hit mind, and moved up. 44 What lovely eyes 1" anoth he, mentally, as he b stowea a single acknowledging smile. 44 Ileal violet ! the very color I admire moat. Bless me 1 what bus nees has an. old mnrrtAd mnn lilrn mo ikinkino about eyes; there, she has drawn a confounded veil over her face, , and the light as dim as a tallow dip: but those were pretty eyes !n The fair possessor of the b!pe eyee shivered slightly, and drew her mantilla closer around her shoulders. 44 Are yon cold, Miss f Pray honor me by wearing my shawl; I do not need it myself." She did not refuse?she murmured some faint apology tor troubling him, but it was not a refusal. 44 No trouble?not a bit," sa<d be w ith alacrity, arranging it on her'tapering shoulders, and then, as the yonng lady handed her fare ' to the conductor, be said to himself : 44 What a alevder, lovely little baud. If there tt anything" 1 ad tiir iJ CscrSserRs; lake the vet)." e Bat * plague,* whoever that * mystical power mar be, did not * take possession of the jreil. so Mr. 1 Edge's curiosity ibotft the blae- i yw damsel remained easathfied. < M Have yoq room enough, Mis* t 1 I fear you are crowded. Pray lit ' a IMtte closer to me." i 44 Thank you, ?ir * wae the soft < reply , e?nreinir from ender the roil, 1 ea Mr. Edge rapturously reflected, \ "like an angel from oat a dark IJ cloud." Ana lit heart gmre a' load thump m the pretty shoal- 1 dare touched hi* own shaggy overcoat ia a hesitating sort ofa way. ] 44 Decidedly, this i? getting quite t romantic," thought he, and then t with an audible whisper, 44 what * would Maria eay V < The rest of that long, dreary I ride was delicious with that about t der against his own. How gal t lantly he jumped up to pull the ' strap for her?by some streak of f fortune it happened to be at the 1 very same street where he intend- f ed to stop. A*nd under the ctr* t cnmstancos we hardly blame him, t when the cars stopped so suddenly 1 that she caught at his hand for * support, for the squeeze be gave * the plump, snowy palm ; any man of bis sense would have done -the same?it was such an inviting little f lily. li 14 Allow me to carry your has a kct, Miss, as long as our paths He a in the same direction, said Mr. t Edge, courteously relieving her of il .the bnrden as he spoke; 44 and? s and?may?be you d find less dif- t a i4_ * 9 ~ urT '^ ? ucuiiv ii yon wouia une my wm." 1 WelL wam't it delightful!? o Mr. Edge forgot the wet streets ii and the pitchy darkness?he v thought he was walking on roses, o Only as he approached ' is own e door lie began to feel a little ner* votis, and wished the little incog t! nito wouldn't hold on so tight.? y Suppose Maria should be at the r window on the lookout, as she ot- r ten was, how would she interpret i matters f He couldn't make her i believe lie only wanted to he ik* lite to the fair traveler. Besides 1 his sweeping declarations in the t morning?she would be sure to t recall tbem. t As he stopped at the fight number, and bia the blue eyes adieu, he was surprised to see her run s lightly up the steps to enter like | wise. Gracious Apollo! lie burst | in a chilly perspiration at the idea t ot the yonn^ lady's error. t " ( think you must have made e a mistake, Miss," he stammcre i, r u this canH be your house." e But it was too late?she was f already in the brilliant lighted N hall, and turniinr around tlircnv nflP - , ? ? 1 B her dripping hahilauienls and | uiade a low courtesy. v 44 Verj much obliged to yon for a your politeness, sir I" 8 4iWhv, it's my wife!" gasped ^ Mr. Edge. <j 44 And happy to see that yon c have not torgott?n all your gal- 9 lantry towards ladies," pursued the i merciless little puss, her blue eyes v (they were pretty) all in a dance with suppressed roguery. Edge looked front ceiling to floor, in vnin search of a loop hole to ^ retreat, but the search was unavailing. 44 Well," said be, in tlie most * sheepish of tones, 14 it is the first 0 time I ever was so polite to a lady I* in the cars, and hang me if it shan't be the last." tf 44 Yon see, deRr," said the eestat- n ic little lady, 141 didn't expect to t] be delayed so long, and hadn't . any idea I should meet with such attention in the cars, and that from 8 my own husband, too k Goodness, gracious, how Aunt Priscilla will erjoy the joke 1" 44 If y. u tell the old harpy," ? said Edge, in desperation,441 shall never hear the last of it 1" H 44 Very probable," was the provoking reply of his wife. 44 Now look here, darling," said- h Mr. Edge, eoaxingly,44 you won't P .. .fi ?? * i. nnj vuiii^f WIBI J VU V A ICI* M low. don't want to be laughed at by half the world. I say, Maria, b von shall have the prettiest furs in g New York, if von will only keep quiet?you shall, npon my honor. The terms were satisfactory, and Maria capitulated?who wouldn't! And that is the way she got those ' splendid fnrs that filled the hearts of her female friends with SSTVy, and perhaps it was what made > Mr. Edge snob a courteous bus- I band ever since. "H ' He who is angry with his jnst reprover, kindles the fire of the | jnat avenger. < Wisdom is the olive which ( springs from the heart, blooms on the tongne *nd bears fruit in the actions. v V "K-x.UMi PJfAHU! ? UTs i i? "SNP ' >vi. - ? ,'r' t- mahaob a roawno h<?ae*. yo? percent horse* t acimatioo to rear, separate your a S&SSs^ i >ead with the other, keeping your rods low. This bending oompels lim to move a hind leg, and of lecessity, brings hie fore feet . lown. Instantly twist him com jletsly round, two or -three times, rhich will eonfuse him Tory I nnch, and completely throw him iff bis guard. The moment yon mm finished twisting him round >laee his head in the Oirection | r?u wish to proeeed, apply the tpurs, and he will not fail to go orwiirA _*L U tbe situation be convenient. >m* him into * gallop, end apply i be spurs and whit two or tliree imes eererely. Tbe horse will ( lot, perhaps be satisfied with tbe , lefeat, but may feel disposed to ry again fer the mastery. Should | his be the ease yon have only to wist him, etc., as before, and von 1 vill find that in tbe second strug- ' rie he will be more easily snbdeed ban on tbe former occasion; tn act,- yon will see him quail under ! he operation. It rarely happens hat a rearing horse, after having 1 >een treated in tbe way de- 1 cribed, wil resort to this trick igaiu.?JBriUnk SporUman. Cpr Fbkd fob Hohbbs.?Not a ew farmers keep their horses on / tay alone; It is altogether better, a well as equally as cheap, to cut i portion of the hay, and add hereto the worth of the remainler which they wonld cut, in tbe hape of cob meal, or what is bet- ? er, a mixture of oats and corn. * Few horses fed entirely on hay ive to bo a dozen rears old without having a cough, and no horse s as able or as willing to work " rlien stuffed with any fodder, as ne whose food is richer aud of mailer bulk. Beside, when eating dry hay, tie horse is inclined to drink be- ,J ond his need, and beyond what is n est for him; so much so that 0 apid or even common driving j' mmediately thereafter is exceednglv injurious. I With a good hay cutter and 1 k>x, and water near bv, the " rouble is little, and will be repaid ? en ibid in the health and working * ibility of'the animal. St>p ni? Kicking.?It is no in uncommon thing to meet with torses who will kick while in liarless. Such horses are dangerous o drive, and the habit diminishes heir value very much. A sober i her gives the following simple ( net hod of preventing the practice . >t this pernicious.trick : Take a ' hiked stick, altout two feet long, 'arying a littl-% according to the ize of the horse, tie tlie end of he fork firmly to each end of the iridic hit, and the other ertd of the j tick to the lower end of the collar, o as to keep the head up, and this rill prevent his kicking. A few lays working in this manner wi.l ommonly effect a cure. Horses ire more apt to kick when turning n ploughing or harrowing than ^ rhen doing any other work. {American Stock Journal. N kg notes i* mi Gaixkht.? Til* Vashington eorre*ponden? of tb? Cininoali Commercial gives the following # ccoent of the reasoas why negro** itngregats in lbs galleries of lbs legis itivs halls: I was greatly amo?sd at what oos ?' J it door-keepers of ihs gallery said to t M not kmg since. 1 remarked to biro I \ bet the colored people were not so \ >nd of attending the debate* of Ooa> ' ree* Me tbey were formerly. The weather ie too fine,** be reponded, aentaolioualy. M Why, wbat hu tbe weather to do ritb it P I naked. "Everything. When .It ia cold and locomfortable, and no warm aide of * rail to be bad, they flock bere, for they 1 are comfortable aeata and a warm ] ilsce wiibout paying for it. Ton come I ere aome bitter, cold, inclement day, ad aee bow crowded the galleriee will ? with our colored frienda. They will , It end aleep and anore bere ell dey. . ike black snake* in tke eon of afrine.'* Poor orMluri* | I am glad tha galiiiaa o*n bt ami* to m?*ful?lotlginga or tnprovidcM argross. The yonng lady who broke to ; nany yonng men's hearts has t>ee? bound in the band* of matrinofty to keep the peace. A niggard kept a early dog in iiis yard, so that when the needy sailed for a bite rbey could get it tutaide of the door. Good word* coet nothing, hot are wot th much. T \ . fTgi 9 Wssz iOMBTBM NSW, J ^ ^ lU * W. H. HOVEY'S. I t if/ i ?; A J^4?J t K*iZ$af m HAIL i?4 mNMm fcr jrovrMlYm Tw ill RBI 10 jEML I ITAHBY A HID 8Y4U&V ~ DAY GOODS.! ml m m M ' . .? * Tw o|?mm mm ror m* * 10 *" >1 low-pr)eed DELAINES AND ARMURES, ? >l?m and Plain Whit, and Black . ALPACAS T Plain. Whit*, Black and Odorod ALL A WOOL DEL A INKS I M< All color* *AOK rLANNKLS. RIBBONS, Pi FELVETS, GIMPS, BRAIDS, BUTTONS, T? ka.. Aa. - . T? ALSO, A larf? aad carefully aeleetcd Stock of UKADT MADE CLOTHING, at very ahort >roilt?. ? HATS AND SHOTS, at reduced price* Whit, and Colored BED BLANKETS, at . ?j low Sgorea. ^ W. II. HOVhY. Jan SO U tf 1 Ic JULIUS C. SMITH. IUCTI0N AND COMMISSION MERCHANT* T COURT H0U8E SQUARE, 1 Greenville. S. CPERSONAL attention given to all aalea of R?al and Prraonal Property, Renting tf and Collecting <>t Ran'a and Ac tonnla, aad ta all burinoee intruded to him Having been appointod agent f?r tha folowlng Fertilixers. they can be found at my tfRoe_and sold at Charleaton prieaa, freight ind drayaaeadded; If APES' Ni ntOOENIZEO 8tJraaPHOH- J PHATK. WANDO AND BAUOHS aal RAW BONN PERUVIAN P*1 GUANO. i he genntna article, kept for aale and rdered in any quantity. Oeer SO fen* ) >f Phoephtte and Peruvian aold "**" <y ma lor the wheat aowing in Greenville hi, fall. g Agency for the Celebrated W ATT _ ^LOCUtf? turn. eat*oll, and cultivator all In one. Five thoumnd of three Plough* * >rr iti me nunnn in ine nmncri 01 V Iff IR*> *, North and &t>uth (hrolma, and T^unaa?< Over #o of the one hoiM Plough# or oM io Greenville in one month. Cert III. miee from the beet of onr PUntrri c*n be . fivea, who have need the Plough in mak* J ng their crop of 1868. fm Agency for C'ardwrll's Snprrior " CORN ANf> COTTON PLANTER. STRAW CUTTERS. CORN VI SHELLERS. An. GRASS, CLOVER, nod olhnr Seed* sup. thl died at abort notice. "" IQUMWG STOVES, ? STOVE WARE. ? IF'A ii 1.01 I AND J1 OFFICE STOVES, t 'or tale m cheap aa can he booght. JtJLIVS V. SMITH. Greenville (I II , 8. 0. Jan *7 86 tf _ mum I 4 000 LnAcm?0lCM C0UKTRr A too Sacks Extra Family N. C. FLOUR Jj 10O Beaks Standard Liverpool SALT lo1 {5 K?|i NAILS, auortad sUes ,* JO Be lea BATMVILLR SHIRTING tO McBBK SHIRTING gO BalM OOTTQM TARN la {O B*K* Prima aad Fair RIO COFFRH 20 BarralU SUGAR g |0 BAGS Darham Smoking TOBACCO x 2 BAGS gpaalab Smoking TOBACCO. ' AL80, A WELL SELECTED STOCK ? of fa Shoes, Hats* 1 DRY GOODS, DRUGS fcC. * Oar Stock af HAT8 and SHOES la very arga aad complete, and ma will gnaraotee oar taMra Stock will compare with any la Town, y>th as to qaalUy aad priaa. A call will aat*lj yoa. 0 DAVID & STRADLEY. j May IS, IMS. SI >f 4 _ : : ot rDE SOUTBEBN HOTEL, . op ?* ? . txs svilbivo xzoww as .** IlENNING'S HOTEL," j HAS r been tu*d op ?nd pal in tmnplti* or- " d?r, with a?w Puraitorr ltd * ruhrf ?>i?r|irM(i, ltd U now open 10 lH? y Trifillni poLAi, wh#>re iki; ran find go?d iMMtmiditiM ltd firm iki Wankriin a few ptrwtwl Boardere w<il bo reertied. J. I.. lOIJTHintS, "r / Proprietor. * GrooorilR s. o. PA IT. ISM. St-tf Law Notios Chsmgs of Office. 1 GF. TOWNM kM raataweS Ma Law . (Mm to Km VaMlng nartb-oaet oorKrr nf tlw PuMte Hquar*. la part oeiwpteS by 1 JuSln C. Stoltb. Aaottoooor, ud Ik* Enter- J .W 'T-w < t % is e/ ^ > THOMAS HTEZN t m*li, Hood*, Cloak* aad BrrakW haw)*, I remark ably aheap, for #*!? at ,**4*,w$SSSS&. K#? U.^em, aoaalaMait of G?a<l*m?*'* M Fin* QleredniA*! Xld Po>i*h Baikal* jChitdreaa French Glotri floi*h loae, a*, and a very larg* aaaortmaat of MeaV <*?? ' add Boy* Boot* and Shoe* of a I peitor quality, for ?tl? ot jroao sa?Ti J J an*, and vary loTR* a**orimer.t ol Kar *tfih*. which would take too nu?h *a* to ?Buo?rt)*, for wl? at ' ' f ' ' 'W> STKKNBHTORR i WO, a splendid Acock of Orooorief, V Hardware, Crockery and (llasowarc. i Mniafy vnoroeAroa ab?nt prl*?a, call and niln? ihit di-paitmrtt *t HTRBN'A STORE. HAVE selected n vary fin* lot of T?a wad OUTt.1. annotating of HI", Java, irsrabo, Loxuyro. List of T?*s?Kxirs n- M<>vun?, Gunpowder. Extra Movnne, >unu Hy*on, Fine Young Imperial. Block a. Mnper Oolong, Oolong, Mouebnng and iglWh Break last, all of which 1 *an raoom end. for sale fit awvxww 8TKE1C8 STORE. Nov IS S? if F *1 WM, P. PRICE, TTORNEY AT LAW. OAHLONEGA, ffA? IT ILL practice tn the Counties of LumprY kin Dawson, <4 timer, Fannin, Union, was. White and Hall. Jan I# S3 tf till' ' t ' = JOSADALIS Purifies the Blood. ?r Bale by Druggist* Everywhere BATES VILLE MiSiACriflUG COMPANY. . IK VINO been appointed Agents for this Company, w? are prepared to I slllKTINtLS AND YARN at Faatory . Dnvld St Riradl?f, Brnctri IO(l Comniiwion M?-?chants, Ornnville, 8. C Nov ft, I8fi7. 84 If ^ DURHAM iMOKINQ TOBACCO. TAY1KG rfcdted the agency of tke above justly celebrated Brand of 1 IBACUO. S* will mak. It to your inter* , lo buy from ne. For rale by wholesale retail. DAVID A HTRADIJtY. Oct 80, 18?7. 88 tf ( rairri' w Sugar Company. "MILS Company having bought the Bight la the gnat diaeovery of making augar d nflning syrup made from Sorgo Cane, la at portion of Green villa Diitrict embracing i Third Reghpewt, we propose to erect a. IGAB H0U8K and REFIKKR near FAIR[RW as soon as practicable. To thoae who I e too far from oar works, to haul .their cones, propose to eell Farm Rights. We belleee is to be one of the greatest discoveries for ? South that could bare been made, and ve no doubt that it will he, in n few yeore, gnat staple of the South. Its operations Ample and cost comparatively nothing to irt a farm works, and will pay Ave lima bet than any crop except cotton, and we bare will double that gnat king of ths South, lose wishing Rights should sail at ones on r. W. A. Harrison, at Fairvlew. or Dr. W. I'saomore. at UreenvUU, who will taka gnat taaan in giving full particular*. W* will rnUh seed free of coat, except freight, te see wishing to plant.' W. A. HARRISON, W. P. PASS MORS, Agnij ior vonprar. T. L. BOZEMAN, Preeident. Sept 3 U tf TU T1IE PUBLIC. THE PAYlUoN HOTEL, CHA RLK8T0X, 8. if ., "SO LONG ind ?Mjr t?n HncUd by Ihc fete H L BUTTRRFIELD, will Mill iBQmB h* kept n)x? for (be Kfom wletion ol i he traveling pnb'le And iu inter friend* and patron* will find the Rial accommodation* and attention* be ?wed on them aa formerly, and the pohli* rore, already ao well eatabllebed seTHR DTBLof the TRAVELING MERCHANTS the Month, will, by aarnaat effort*, be Ithfally preeervod. Mareh 4. IMS. 41 tf AMUEL BLACK. B AUBHEL JKTOULD r?*'peetfully inform the pnblia. FY that he hae Removed to a room in a OLD COURT HOUSE, where h# mil i prepared to reeele* euetomere ae hereto* re. Being n Printfona/ Bmbtr, ba pee, by attention to bo*in??a, together ith pohtenem to ell, to merit a portion of iblte patron***. in CUTTING, 8IIAVIRG ND SHAMPOOING. Jan SO 85 tf DOTMTlrciANAHAN WOULD reepeelfatW offer bl* M?PR0PK*iG0NA1, SKRVIC88 to J tb* citlienf of tble comipunitr.? Offee at tbe retideaea of 8. O. Mo* HjI CtAKAnAH. K?q., three Bailee waat voan no?M. Dm 30 33 ' ' !? JEWELRY, JEWELRY. 50 WATCH PS. /s,-t" 1 m 1 ! 1 8|>eeUel*e u? w?i< ^KZZk~ ISC {jUwrybu'ty. PwiMlnM ?r mtn. mr ?l*hl^d ot?T??i By* QImmm, iid Mhiiotlni ; *olid *?l Riutf*, l?rr TM?n?,U?. i?4 f?M?y Oonl HtU.? Ml r?Mivad it J. O BLACKS W?ieh repairing rtAop. is* to it X. Ilfttir. ft. ft. WftLLft. j V UIXJT * W*LM, ittorneya and Conn sell on At law AND IN EQUITY, < GRBKNVf LT.R, 4. 0., PR ACTIOS in thi Coarta of lit* RtaU ftftd ,J of A* UaMad SMtw, Md |ir* nyarUI % rn?mmmmmmmmmMMmmm?mmmmmmmBmB * ^ 1 ? <*lr JES^Ec J|BE^flLj^H&E9 :$Ek ON t*4 after 8 UN DAY, FEBRUARY 14. (Ac PuMnr Trtiu of (k* Sooth Ouv lioa Railroad will run m follow*: row a do oat a. Lun Ch?Hwt?a J Mom ' Arvioo U Auguata Jk it p ae Coaoeeti** with Xraina for Moatgoaaww, Meotphia, Naahritl* .nd Now Orleana, *&? MoolgoOMrj wd Urtid Junction. ?o* cold m01 a. "i 1 Ciooow OkariiiloaHw??wm??mw ? ?44 o OK Arriro ol Columbia-.......... ............ 45 p aa Connection with WUaatagtoo and llanebeater 4 Railroad, CbarlotU aadloaib Carolina Rail road, and Cemdou Trafa. . ro? ciitLimir. i Leave Augusta..............................8 Of a as Arrive ?lChwl?<t?D i Uft Columbia *. T 4o a m Arriv* at Charleston Nf ^ . ..AueneTA imRt u?w. (Sundays mn^M.) Lear* Charleston . 7 SO p at Arrire at Aagosta.... ri)0 a m Concreting with Trains far Memphis, Nsihrllle and Sew Orleans, as Grand Junction. Lear* Augusta 4 ! p as Arrire at Charleston........ u...i 44 a an COLOMBIA RlSIf BXPaBSS. (Sundays *xeepled.) 1<S*T? Cherteslqp.................... ......4 44 p MS Arrire at Colaabla.?..rfwH... 4 44 am Connecting, Sundays excepted, with Greenrille and Columbia Railroad. Leare Columbia.....,.. ?.? . .?#< . 0 44 p m Arrire at Char lea ton .AS 30 sm *OMMBBrILLS TUAIM. Leare Charleston ^....1 00 pm Arrire at Summers ills .r> 4 10 p as Leare Summerville .....T 14 a m Arrire at Charleston...i ?8 Una can nun nnanoa. On Moadayr, Wednesdays aad Saturdays. Leare Kingville.. .,-4 20 p m Arrire at Camden t -pm Leare Camden >4 86 n Hi Arrive at Klngrille 4 10 a m (8igued,) H. T. PKAKB, General SnpeAntendent. Feb 14 AO Charlotte ft 8onth Carolina Railroad, and Colombia ft' August* Railroad Co't, fw*WT BTPEKINTBNDBNT'S OFFICE.) Columbia, Feb. 3, 184V, ( chmdulm eoine north. LBATB Ureniterille at 1 14, A. M., eon. meting with train learee Augusta at ^ n uo, A. M. Leare Columbia. .11 SO P M " Charlotte T 46 P M * Greeyaboro, N C_ 1 00 A M , ? Klntimniirf V. II Mill Making close conn?eUtwi with train* Oar Washington, D. C. comas sotmr. Leave New York _ 40 P M Arrive at RiohtOond 1 10 P M Leave Richmond. .1 MP M 44 Greensboro, N 0 MAM " Charlotte, N C. 6 00 A M Arrirs at Colontii*.mm ...1} 10 PM " at Oranitavilla A ..6 00 P M Ticket* told at Columbia and baggage checked to all points North. C. BOUKNIUIIT, Soperia Undent. Pab 10 . ?? tf Greenville A Columbia R. R, A WW Hid Him Mil PASSENGER TRAINS ran daily. Saodays icepted, connecting with Night Train ou Charleston Railroad, a* follow* t Leave Columbia at _7.00 a. m " Alston at J.M " " Newberry at ........I0.S5 44 Antra at Abberillo at -X.30 p. m. 44 at Anderson at..................6.16 44 - Greenville ad ...... 6.00 " Leave Greenville al .... 0.00 a. m. " Anderson at. _........0.40 44 44 Abhevilleat ......... ^.8^5 M " Newberry at ...1.15 p, m. 44 Niton ?t..,._ _X#0 " Arrive at Colombia at .AM " Traias ea the Bine Ridge Railroad will alee run a* follow* t Leave Aadereon at...._._ __.._5.!0 p. *e. M Pendleton al.._u_ 6.10 " Arrive at Walballa at S.00 Leave Walballa at. _4.00 a. a*. " Pendleton at... 0.00 * Arrive at Anderson at?.,.._ .Ml 44 The train will retnrn from Belton Is Andesson on Monday and Friday mornings. JAMES 0. MEREDITH, General Saperintcndeat. Fab 14 40 kbybuzebs s RnODES' SUPKB-PHOSPHATE, Tba OM u4 Loageet Established Staadard Mmbn. ORCHILlX GUANO. MTgYHAMG1AH0. RHODES' MANURE, in ito preparation, la nwd* qnally-adapted for forcing larga aropa a# Cotton,Com, wheat, Tebacco, Potatoes, and other root aropa. . ,y ? The Manufacturing Department la Cond?et? . ad ho Fredortek ICIatt, om of the moat wilN fol Chemists and Maaufaelerers in the Uaitod States. It la endorsed, approved, and recommended by all ef the moot prominent CheatUu and Agriealtarleta la the Southern State*. "It oaa be relied opoo as antforas la quality, ' always re I labia. prodaetioe of large crops, and anascallod by an* la the market, la the high percentage of " Traa Fartillsing Principles." Prioa &7.M> oash, or |65 time, with Factors acceptance, and 7 per otnai, Inters*! uotU 1st DcrftnKer 1869 ORC HILDA ^OUANd. ne Bird Frio* $SS or 8*0 eaSST ' ' PERUVIAN OCAlfO, wirrttUd par*, Irni always oa hand, fdhililud at market prtcaa f?r " B. 8. RHETT A 805, Attala. ? ChsAitlh 8. C. Jans It la ? , MARBLE tARG^ THR aad?rs<gn?d has ?p*a*<i a gJ&SlKMAKIILB YAKK aa AidsBffiAmiKtr*-*'> *? ?? ? Baatlia A Wn ~ Co.V atr>ra. ahar# ha ?4i m*r o* Mfifc :??nd TOMB Bt.ABB and HlAI> BTONEiV to aait i&a trade, will 5W-~r?SrP4' gAr " e--w~ ^ w