University of South Carolina Libraries
f |' ; much grat'itad at tba- taal mm) aoargy at th a Kf praA, Mid 41W nrwil wtjr pliMMt.WWV K loatfona, took hit leave n Two day evaaiag. B Tha following reiolotloa adopted by the Lodge, bu beca banded na wr poblieaUan ; Rttolvrd, That tha thanki of Kerabaw Lodga ara due, and an haeeby tanfoaad ta brothar B. Buah Campbell, lar tha abla and r | affloiont discharge oftrta dnttea, and that k? ha aaroartly iOTitad to vie* oaagfon at kfo aarlW 1 V. aet oonvenienaa.? Camden Journal. s Lr.r no tttxo bt.too proud to work. & "** Lot no ma a bo aabamed of bard flat B or h Mnburnt countenance. Let him JPW bo mabrrood only Of. igodrance and ?. V aloth. Lot no bm bo aaLaeiod of pgrorty. Lot biro only bo oaltUBod of die bonooty and idlenoaa. Whir Tha*. March 11. i Cottoa steady, wuh tafea af 1,200 balae, tSSi- Wold II. Baltimobb, March SI Cotton deady, nl 28. Flour aetiva and kuwhanfted. W heat dull. Oafs dull. R/n dull. Pork 4848. Btrauldm IS. Avuuera. Mat oh SS. Cotton niHctt mora native, with aalaa of S8H bales; rooeipta 100; middllnge SA}. Cunanov, March 22. Cotton dull and nominal, with aales of IS6 bales?middling* f7@2??; re oeipU 542. l(iv?cUroou, March 2S. ' I Cotton ratlter mora active?upland* 12; Orloaoa ISi; aalaa 12,000 balaa. GREENVILLE PRICES CURRENT connacTBD wbbklt, ?t MESSRS. DAVID fit 3TRADl?Y, MERCHANTS, OKKKNVILLB. B. C? MAR. 23.1M*. APPLES, ? bushel, dried, p'l'.25 '? . 44 " unpecled, 85 e. A u ?o BACON, lb, nans. .? 1% @21*. BALK ROPB, lb, /. ....Hi ? I6e. BAGGING, Gonny, W, yd ...28<g)30 a. BAGGING, Dundee, yd.. 20012 e. BUR LA-PR, llUTTKR, * 20 @ 25 ?. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR,*U00k>s,?.VOO@4.0O BEESWAX, ?>, 25030 e. CHICK HNS, *1 bead, 20 0 35 a. COFFEE, ? lb, Rio, 25 0 33 e. CORN, 1ft bushel, new,.. ft 0501 20 COTTON,.. ...24c. tBGQS, 1$ dosen 100121?. FLOUR, 3? sack, 4fl 0006 50 -GOLD.? ? ...41 30031 35 INDKWs Spanish Float, ? $2 0002 25 So. Ca.,_ .....ft 7502 00 IRON, ? lb, American, 7fie. LEAD. % lb, ?..20 a. LEATHER, ^ R>, Sola, He? lock ,450871 e. Si ?> -4 Oalr^_...45@50 e. ? -* Cppoe, 70@75 e. f* " 31 erne?,. SS c. MOLASSES, -? aaL, Museowado, 7S@$t 00 " -"mT Syrup, St 25 MAILS, 1ft k#K 48 50 OATS, M huahal^. ?00 I'KAS, ? ....... 4l 00 PBACfl ES,, Bated, pooled,$4 00@$5 00 " " " ? unpoeled, $1.50 POTATOES, ft bnahol, Irtfb,?J75@$l 00. ? Sweet,? 400 75o RYB, ? bushel, W01 00 SALT, V aack, Liverpool, $3 50 @ $3 75 SUGAR, II lb, Brown 15" 0 2$ c ? ? Clarified, 400221 e. - ? Urtisbed, U e. fiUIRTINQ. eeren-etghie, 0 bale, 14c. " - retail WMe. TALLOW, V ? - 1& * WHEAT, V ?0(a,?2 85 YARN, Tac*>ty,<iy bale, ft Oft bundh ?...|1 aftJXJftT RECEIVED AT i W.R^IIY^ A NEW AND COMPLETE IWOK ?OP j SPRING AKQ) SUMMER 1 dot mm?a THE Ladles would do well to cull end examine nay 8took of DRESS QOODS at aa early day. X am now offering, at very moderate prices, a beautiful assortment of ORIENTAL LU8TRES STRIPED POPLINS LBKOE CLOTH SPRAOUE DnLATNES ALPACOA LUSTRES, AO. These Goods base boon selected with great care and good taste. My Stock of Goods for GENTS AND YOUTH'S WRAR, will be found very eofaplete ? Cloths, Ceesimeres, Tweeds, Ready wade Ski as, Black Alpine llats, Merchants Union Paper Collars, Ae. . I bare jest opened e beautiful lot of SILVER VAKJK, such as Table Spoeee, Forks, Tea Syooos. Butter Knlvee, Belt end Mustard dip mats TitH ware is plated oa geoaine AlItata?fuU weight ef silver. ALIO. ^ A Rue selection of pure GOLD JEWELRY, rwm uon wnn, smn ran, urjitup^ Ao. |HuK?|rtfk - Albums, ?U sites tad prices, Buck Porta*, Hand kerchief Extract*, Nnapi. I am sow offering a beautiful lot of OIL WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTURES, at ery low Inrw; also Paper Ebtdel, Fir* Rewas* and Wall Papar. My Stock will alsrayi be And complete la tkii lu>?. I bar* ow hand all number* at tba celebrated Willlmanti* deft Finish Black Spool Cot. Us, tba boot Is as* for Mashlss* tg it and fee cob rise ad. Is thort, my Stock win bcf>ed complete, froth and attraetlTe at all times. Call sad satisfy yasrtalret. w. n. n?T?7. Mar 1? 44 tf SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST UOKPABT. Jafbor/rerf Qmfttl. JTrw Million Doll art.? iVeasw* Limit,f#M,400. FTIHK ottos of this Company Is sow opboed I at No. IV Broad Street (South-Wettern Railroad Bank) for tba receipt of Depotlu, Diacouot of Paper,JParehaoe and Sals of Exchange, sod the trassaction of a Qeoaral piikiog Buiiotii. Interest allowed on BepoeiU upon terns established by the Board of Diraetera. Th* Cempeoy Is also a Iswal dapeeitory for Ooart, will moire Ragiit/y mad Trastfer Book* ?i ? - oasagr* "i T*i:s: r w/fc. Ba#, of wSo#. 4 o*. i a. a * Johaato*, of John^Uft, Orava A Co.j K?bt Mora, of B?bt Mora 4 Oa; f. R Wl] now*, of 'W. B. WtlR.m. A Sob; S. H froat, of float A AUgar; J. K. Ad get-, of 4. *. A<I?r A Co.; n*nrj Ooardtn, of Oour din, MottMraon A Co.; Goorga 1L Bote*. of ' '5*1* ABoi.t ; ft O. Mamrato^r. ^ ((?, mtng?r. Iwart A PtoeWaar i T. J. Inr, of XJT^ACa; J.A ^ao.ofA P. Ar ? 2T&? araft; W. *. Kjoo. J. T. W?taaa??. A. owAftrWw ''i i" 1 n T B IT *t JUST ARRIVED. A SPLfiMDlD ASSORTMENT OF ,, IADI88' 8H0B8 BOOTBEIS, iVful* in (k? South,) mnuM ?qul to IILES' BE8T. For .ale ?h.ap, at STEER'S STORE. ALSO, A FIN* SELECTION OF LANDRITH'8 BW GARDEN SEEDS. Rod tot Whit. CJjOVKR, Luoeroe, Orchard and Blue Q^RASS. For oalo at STERN'S STORE. I AM JUST IN RECEIPT OF, ONE HUNDRED BUSHELS OP Dickson Cotton Seed, On Consignment. For sale cheap, at STEEN'S STORE. ALSO, * l' 4 /l A NEW ARRIVAL OF STARK'S :f DIXIE PLOW. None Superior Now in Use. JW'Ior sal. at % , f> STEER'S STOKE. March 24 44 If 1 "... Notice. ( IN conformity with the requirements of tbo Internal Kerenue Laws, \ hereby glee notice to all persons who may claim' Pour Kry of WHirnkn, which were seised in the Town of Or*wiTfll?, on tbo 17th day of Manh, 1869, by licit M. Perry and W. H. Mounee? became of violation of the Internal Reranue Lave, the latne having been turned over to me to diapoee of according to law-?to make euoh claim* before me within SO daya from the firft publication of thia notice. Mar U 4C--3 A. L. COBB, Dep. Col. DRY GOODS * - ?4 W? 1809. SPRING 18G9. ??:c:?? WB beg to adrertiae to the public our 8TOCK OP GOODS?all freah and ?new?for thia Spring Trade. The Stock eoaaiata of .' " $160,000 IN Bltf GOODS Which wo offer aa cheap aa any honae aontb of New York, and ea to Vari?ti}\ ftichtiMa and Elefance, We are at the head. Nothing belonging to a FIRST-CLASS DRV (ODDS HOUSE fa granting. Oar Wholesale Department 18 FULL ? Price* an LOW and Uraa u *000 Dai any 8o?lhern market. R. C. WAITER. C0LUYBTA, 8. C., Wank M, 1848. March W M 1 The State ?f South Carolina, lVKI SB 1 rb4 f EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. ) Omca or C?amoLUK Oiniul. V CnuDnata, H. Cn March I at, 1869. ) T)OWER barling been |ratl?f< me hy vlr X toe ot an Act of the General Am?. lily of Snath Carolina, ratified February 24th, 1868, to Uaae ihe SALUDA TURNPIKE ROAD In Grrtntille County, for the term of three years, reeled propo'sals ell) be receired at thU office until the 2d day of April o? st, at whieb time the coatraet will he gir?n to the highest responsible bidder, after hie complying with the follow iug Oonditlonr end requirement# , 1st. A Bond lor Fire Thnuaend Dollars, (86,000.) payable to the Bute of Sooth Care IfaMt, with approred security, conditioned for placing and keeping in good repair the 2d. Bonds or KoIm v iK ??nPA?ail enrity, pijtblt hall yearly (or amount of Lrtw Pertim Bending In propomla ?VirvnM accompany Ahem frith recommendation* on<3 telement* it to Uflr responsibility end known obi 111j to comply with the contract. 3. L KEAULR. Comptroller Genera). March 17 48 1' Hot!?#. 1 LL pertlea having clalma against the Be* J\_ Ute of JACOB M. COOLKY, deceaaed, wtll ptreeeot them either to me err to the Prohole Judge of Greenville County, properly ittnlit, en or before the 1Mb of April next] pertlea Indebted to the tame, will pJeaae aotae forward end aottle with me. Pertlea foiling to present their eleima on or before the time toted, will he debarred, ee a Pinal Bettleaaent of mid JUtete will be had on the Slat of April nit. JOHN 3. COOLEY, Executor. Mftffh 18th, 1869. OS* imlRWR. 1IIAVB hem appointed AGENT for the WARDb COMPANY, end aan aupply My Order#. t , ? f AmUm c, ??hii, a?% vilUOllS oftfctainims. ^HI<m WW AH# Of#?*tHW, AT * ilJMPAAW MAIM 8TRKJ&Xa Btftfrtf 49 & Notice sr 1809, k; H?xtM. Perry, Am. Aea'r. and W. Jf. Monno*?horauae of violation of the-Internal Revenue Law*, tb* tame baring ban turned over to mo to diapote qf according to law?to make such claim* haKra *?* within 39 day* from- the Brat pnt>liea*to? ef this notion. \.L. COBB, Bop: OoL f Maroh IT 'l''\ ' '** 3_ T"T" Notice. IK conformity with the requirement* of the Internal RevenawLafcre, I hereby give uotloe to all p areata who may claim a 8till, which wae aeiaed by Heat M. Perry, Assurtaot Aaaeeeor, on the 27tb February, 1889, ftftaea diilea above Greenville, on the prorata** of Jaeiee Green? beeanee-of being need In violation of the Internal Revenue law*, tbe aaate baring been turned over to ate?to mahe each etaim before ate Within thirty day* Iron* tb* tret publication of tbia notice. 5? A. I*. COBB, A Mar 19 42-3. Dop. Col. 3d Diet., 8. C. stair ol'Nondi Carolina, QRYESVILLK COUNTY, -v In the Cmsaea Pleas. ? IT it thereby ordered, that the meeting of the Kxtrd Court el Greenville Court Uouee, tor Greenville &>unly, on the Fourth April next, be poatponed ontU the First Monday In May following, end that jurupr, whwi?m, end partieedirected to appear *a the eeid Fourth Monday in April, do attend on the eeid Flret Monday in May: 11 la further ordered that the Clerh of the Court f?>r Greenville Connty do extend thie order hy publication la the tyee*. vtlle paper*. JAMES L. ORR, Judge 8ih Judicial Circuit. 11th March, 1869. I certify that the abore is a true ropy ol aald Ord.r W. A. McIMNIKU - * 0. O. a P. and G. a. Clerk's Office, 12th March. 1869. 48-6 ~ WMt PI?V. I AM atill turniahinx the abore superior Turn, Sulteidl, and Cultivating I'louch Having eopt one hundred of them in and around our town and count v. we can rive quite a number of eertlfieaUe to their m potior quality. I em now prepared lo sup ply the t>Utl Scraprr used on thAWalt Plow lor wr?|>lnj( cotton. Amonp the Kieet auinher of perrons using them, I ern permitted to refer to the following names: T. P. Smith, Raq , Greenville. S. C. J?a Birnie, Esq., Greenville. S C. Htv J. P. Boyce, Greenville, 8. C. T.-J. t?reU?n?Oia?i>?lll?, 8^ G T. QoMnroith, Greenville, 8. C. J. II. Cleveland, Greenville, 8, C. R. K Stone, Greenville, K C. 8. MeClanahan, Greenville, S. C. J. A David, Greenville, 8 C. Hev. J. C. Futman, Greenvilie, 8. C. W. J. Roe, Greenville; 8. C. , U. M. IVden, Greenville, 8 C. R. B. Anderaon, Greenville, & C. W. R Kerle, Esq , Greenville, 8. C. J. C. C. Tueaer, Greenville, 8 C. J. W. Ooldamith, Greenville, 8. G Dr. Anatlo, Greeavtlle. 8. O. T. Q. D<>t?aldenn, Greenville, 8. C. Dr. A. D. Moke, Grefnvilte, 8. O R. M Peden, Greenville, KG. T. H. Mtl'inti, Gta., A ode won, 8.*G B. F Oayton, Anderaon, 8 C. B. F. Whttner, Anderaon, 8. C. Dr, J H. Reed, Anderaon. 8. G R. W'iggtington, Pickena, 8. C. Dr P A. Miles, Pickena, 8. G & W. Blaaaingame, Pickena, 8. 0. R E Row.n IMeV.o. * n J. Bo writ. Pickvor. 8 0. L?itn A Brother. Buena Vint a. Jm. Montgorolr*, { Dr. W. A. Harmon, Fitirvlaw, Rev C. B. Stewart, Fttirview. J. 8. Hammond. Reidville. r CoLT Ia Boiaman, Rctd ville, S. C. Many of the above parson* hare frrm J to A iu oar T. H. McCann has 6 A and B, Mid one M and N. Walt Plow, aad says il it lha bvsl Plow he rrer used. JVUCN C, gllTH. Mar 10 4 2 tf . . i i i i i ' f r 1 - - -i -- iiInjure Your Life at Once! rI^llE subscriber ia Agent for one of the JL bsst and moat, reliablo Companies in the world, a purely Southern company, and is managed by soma of the bin men in Vtr< giaia. In regard to its eucoeee, ws ehal longe a comparison with any company ia ihe world. The largest proportion of tu PoJirisa art on the lives of eiticna of thai 8Ute, whsra iU utaniing and character ta best known. It has seventeen kinds ol Policies^ all non- forfeiting ,'>mud lu rales are let* than N?rth#Vn companies, for the reaar n ihat Northern eompaoiaa prn/u* ?0 b?Usve that Southern people do r.ot tire as long as Northern, when the very rnrr* ia the toot Call at ones, and secure a Policy. We re far to Iter. f). M Turner, Oerf. ?. MeOow an, Rer. J. P. Prsssly, Rev. R. 0. Oner, Rev. J. I. B'toaar, Dr. G W. Preeatey, Dr J. W. llearst. Rav 11 T Rln.n T>e I J Werdlew. and at Ivaet mm Aut<dr*d othert tn Abnev ill*, who have ineered.. To G. W. Sullivan, lion. W. O Sim peon, Judge Mun ra. lion. J. P. Bead, Col. L>. L Donald, G. W. Anderaoe, Dr. E(>ting. Dr. Karkrdalr. and a great many oihara who have afao inauradIn ihia Company. Gen. N. G. Evan# waa ln*nred In thi* Company f.?r >*,O0o. and ?hla amenQt wa? premfitt* poidioonrdi attly ofltr hi* lUath The Company' ha* iaaued ovar Pblielva in Mv*nt"?n month*, haa r*a*iv*d an it.ereeea of nearly >400,000 in that tian#, and have only loat /fw hy death, lor which it haa paid >11.000, leaving a alaar ine?tn?* of ahoot M&S.0OO, 1 eighty-eeven and a half par ??t of which will he divided a'mong the PoHay holder* We aNhllanga the tforVd ?q>beat thia Dr. Branah, the State Agent, haa beued owe kt*mdr*4 PuiiaWa > Abbeville. Wa repeat, aall at onea and get a P'dley, ar wa will aeon aall on you at your bnoaae; and bag yon to wall anil) we aall before blearing eleewber* Aggwj For Green vlHe, & C. ' pr.J. H, Dmy Medical Eva miner. J^anvlha a &, Mnjjh A, UM. . | felfllfllS qrtM *Ih) *>* *(ftl, *lih good (boat, pkoty of : 339883383839. MMMMM W*?* (iIM H?I?mM* * ?? * Greenville Court lto?M, am riitri of Reedy River, and dpll adapted to the *ro*tk of ooD too qpd tmtn, Lot led do u lot property of J. Rufus Smyer, mtlti r?it pf Welbnrn Dirtk' AUo, ooo 'tfraet of itnil, wkereoti 0. p. Coleman Htm, containing 1ST ?cr?i, to?n or load, adjoin tog landa of I. N. Otltoaaalf otb ra, ottoatod some 10 mile* obpro UreauvUla Court Honee. near the ntc*oli? Roid. This la raid to be a good place. Levied on aa- tbo property of KliahaN. Cole?Un,.at kbe sailef . M. Uilreatb. Also, ono Tract of Land, eorlelnfng ttOOxcroa, moro or loan, situated partly on Paria MoUD(aint 7 miles front Qreenville Court llouae, on tbo'Buncombe Road.?several smalt settlements on tbo place? adjoining lands Of Dr. J. P. Hillboose, Grady A Hawthorn and othora. Alao, tbo MUl Traot, containing IS acroa. more or lea*, adjoining landa of Bopjaoiln Rolling. On thin plane la a good Grist MUl. Lot led on aa the property ofStcphon Morcbbanka. at tbo auit of A. J. Ballon. Alao, all Defendant'* right, title and internet to law and equity ?"? 525 acroa of Loud, moro or leaa, lituaied above Mariotta on Jones' Gap Read, adjoining landa of J. H. Cleveland, John B a tea and others. Levied on aa the pro. jtorty of Harriet Bates, at tbo suit of T. B. WUAlao, one Tract of Land, containing 1400 acroa, more or leas, 3 mile* from Town on the Augusta Road?nearly all woodland?adjoining landa of G. W. A C. A. Parkins, R. 11. J*, cqba, Thomas P. Smith aad othora. Levied on as tbo property of Vardry McBee's Estate, el the suit of Richard H. Jacobs. Also, ono Traot of Land, in n blgb state of enltiratioo, largo body of valuable Bottom Land on the place, containing 1000 acres, | moro o* loos, adjoining lands of WHIiaui Choice, I I Su-oud A Perry and olbensjL^ko Homestead to I be set o(T td Defendant before day of sale.) ' Levied on so tbo property of Richard V. Foetor, at tbo (nit of G. W. Lath em vs J. U. , Hawthorn et aL. wjrt, V 'J Also ono Lot In tbo Town of Greenville on the eouttf side of tbo River, near the Augusta Rood, eooloiniog 4 serve, store or leaa, (on the lot ia a comfortable Cottage and ncceasary OutbuPdinga,) adjoining lota of W. H. Cammev, R. H. Marls, H. P. Hammett end others. Levied on as tbo property of G. W. Brooks, t at tbo salt ofWilliam R'atkins. Alao, ono Lot of Land within the Incorporate limits of tbo "Rrwn of GroonvUto, lying on Paodletoa 8trust, coutaining 30 acres, more or loss, wall improved, line Dwelling House, and all nocesaarv Ootbolldlnes. Itlrla la ?m at ik. moot desirable residences In Tv?i) adjoining lot* of W. A. Towues, John T. UmmII, P. Howard, and V. Mc Bee's Estate. Alio, one Tract of Land, situated about 17 nilea south of Greenville Oourt House on the waters of Reedy Fork and Reedy Rlrer, and known as the Reedy Fork Place, containing 1IM acres, more or lees. This is said to be one of the most produotire farms in the County, well watered and in a high state of cultivation. Levied ones the property of T. Kdwin Ware, at the suit of W. N. Martin, Assignee of the Estate of J. P. Pool, Bankrupt. Also, one Tract of Land, containing acres, adjoining lands of A. J. Ward, R. L. Dowdou and othsrs, (the nntnbcrof acres to be ascertained and the Homestead to be set off to Defendant before day ef rata.) Levied on as the property of Austin Balleau, at the suit of John Dill vs. Daniel 81ms et nl. v Also, one Trsct of Lsnd, situated on Paris Mountain, containing 1000 aeres, esora or less, hounded by lands of Roberts, Rainey. and others. On Ibis place are two fine Dwelling Houses, each baring the necessary Outbuildings; also, souse 100 acres of laod In a good state of culliration! Levied ou as the property of Waddy Thompson, deceased, at the suit of Aldridge Ureeu, Executor. Also, ons fine Gray Horse, six years old, wall broke and gentle. Levied on as the property of Wiley Hitt, at tho suit of William T. Stroud Bearer. Terms Cash. Purchasers to pay for stamps and papers. A. B. V ICR ERF, 8. U. C. Sheriff's 0flics, March 11th, 1669. March 17 4* S The State of Sonth Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia Chancery. WYMAN. BYRD ACQ., ua. GRADY 4HATTTHORN.?BUI to Fortdooo Mortgaj/r, <Lc. BY virtue of the Decretal Order of hia Honor, Judge James L. Orr, made iu'tbe above care, I will sell to the highest bidder, at Ureeuville Court Houac, on Saba Day in April neat, the Pruniiscs described in the Pleadings, vit: All that piece, pa rool and Tract of Land, ait* uated in the County of Greenville, seven miles from the Court House, and six from the Green* villa Railroad Depot, lying oa both aides of Reedy River, containing Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Acres, more er leaa, in a high state of cnltivation. Upon the place is located * the Well known Cotton and Wool Factory of the Defendants. - The Cotton Factory ie in fnll I operation, with some nine hundred and fifty apindlea and twenty fonr looms j the Wool Factory with one hundred and twenty male ! spindles, is also in good order,'and successful . operation. On the premises are a rood Flour; iag, Orist and Saw Mills, with Blacksmith , Shop?two comfortable Dwelling Houses, and ^ several small ftnmed Hrpeea, for the operatives, j f wit^ a nice urick Church. Tha water power t all seasons is sufficient to drive three times the amount of Msohinery now in operation. 1 The country la remarkably healthy, with a 1 climate unsurpassed In the United 8tates, with a sober, industrious sad energetic population. ttwiuuu i4nuai nojwcni, w*u utQn^red, can be purchased at reasonable prices.- This la the beet opportunity for an lamtnast to oapitollata that hat been offered In the up eovntry alnee the war. Tanus Cask- Purchaser te pay for Papera and Stomps, W. A. McDAXIRL, G. a 0. Clerk'* Offlce, Feb. 3d, 1869. JH^The Ch*rlr*U>n and Columbia Dvaw will copy twice a week until day ef Sale and tend bill to the Cleik fot paymeat. March 4 41 6 W. H CAMMER, PRACirCAt GUNSMITH AND MACHINIST. CORN ftHELLERR, Cotton Gin*, Lot**, Keroane Oil Lamp*, Sewing Maehinee and Varaaola, REPAIRED with ptnwptMM. Charges reasonable. tffff* Persona baring work in my tkop done during the laat year, *no who here not yet sailed for the ?a no, will please cope forward end take It sway, or it will b- eold in pay *nr repalm, Si^nd-ll'Wnatial^old Shop. ^ J", 'St thu Old Stsud, Mansion H*iua Mlveh, y ewssrHh., 8. C.. Mnn; M. 18tM. 1 MLri A CARD. f v** MfJ I? 1 ' Is MtlrtSfr from tha iate Firm of MnSOi* ?itl. Mall Finn has been fnvor*d, and to solicit a<*0D* JfJUtl"?' feWWC Cop.ftl nor, Dr. J. M. WimoiiuNt, who Will still carry on th* basla**. at tb* Old Rtwd. i J*J?"?fc?FT y r ?0. W. MORGAN. ^ . A' CAEB. . ' t ???&*? ?,<>' Dr. Jmo. W. MoSoaii In the lat* Wm of Moaats , A the subscriber rireS notice f thai ho Will conflow* tho bntioea* Ml t?e mum | place. U? reepoctfull* return* lit* thanks for i tb* liberal ptlroaig* heretofore reoeired, and take* occasion to say thai ha will hereafter ' strive even mors easpostljr to merit iucmm. H? will always keep on band a foil Stock of ; Fresh and Genuine DRUGS and CHEMICALS, tnjpther with a select assortmunt of PERFUMERY, FANCY ARTICLES, Ac., Ac., all of which ho will offer to the pub lie at orJ reasonable prices. J, M. WESTMORELAND. F?b-I0 58 If mffiiu. ? DEALER LN j ;. Clocks* WATCHES. *VtWVJ, 'AND Spectacles, dcC. 1SUf" Particular attention will be paid to all Work entrusted to him. Fob 10 S3 if llTlS & w. WUolcaUtc Dealers Bill ?00?8 128 and 124 Keeting St., Chnrlcalou, A. C. XUVIS BATK9. GEO. O. IKUIAN. Til OS B. M'gADAH. Feb 10 SB -Sin. CA RD. CHARLES ~KERRIS0N, 1 FORMERLY of tha firm of C. 4 E. L, . KKKKISON, would inform hia friends and the public that he has purchased .from Mr. Jaraet B. Betta. all bis stook in trade, 4c., at the Store No. Ill King Street, and will there continue the DRY UOODS BUSINESS, wholesale and retail, tor caah, on hia owu individual account and responsibility.? lie will proceed, without delay, to replenish and renew thg Stock, ami continue so doing I ?..*< ?uv MauiiHivut anvil SB UIHHB COmpiflO ad attractive. Aa ihe UriM will ba STRICTLY CASH, or approved city acceptance for a abort credit, it necessarily folloara that the | prices nuit be kept at least aa low aa to be | found at any other respectable establishment. His brother, Mr. E. L. KERRISON, assist| od by Mr. A. B. McDONKLL. both experienced merchants in this line, wRl be found at his store, aiding in the conduct and management of. the basinets, and it ia hoped that hit l and tbeir efforts to win the confidence and pa| tronage of the public will be as successful a? in past dayc was tbo old firm at corner of ' I King end Market Streets. Fob 24 40 3m ' Depntr Collector's Office, GaEEMTtLLB. Feb. 16lh, 1889 BY virtue of an order from A. 8. W ALLACK Collector of Internal Revenue, 8d Collection District of Booth Carolina. I will sell to the highest bidder at public outcry, on Monday, the 19th day of April, at McBee'e Mills, seven miles below Greenville Court liouae, between the houre of 13 o'clock, M.. and 4 o'cloek, P. M? the following property to wit: 8 -.PINNING FRAMES. 890 SPINDLES 81 LOOMS 1 SPINNING MULE. 120SriNDLES 2 8ETS OF WOOL CARDS 1 1 BREAKER, and OTHER MACHINERY Together, if necessary, to secure the Taxes, xil that TRACT OF LAND, oontaioing about 490 ACRES, lying on both aides of Reedy River, seven miles below Greenville Uoort House, adjoining lands of V. McBee'e estate and oth an Tovu/< a- ? * -- ?- ...? vii ? uir prnp*ny hi tna.'ult of the United Slate* for Internal Revenue Tax aaeeetfd *fa?o?t Untdjr 6 Hawthorne. T?rw C??h, A. I*. COBB, Dep. Col., 8d Col. Diet, of 8. C. Fab 11 89 9 PAHKHirS HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, A? ALL cm*ASM or ?M STOMACE AND LIVER. HXSZOAS. VAOVITV. HEOEICA N A OO*, A.QKVTB, MMW TOM*. MaxmfactnredbyTF. PAHKNIH,' OUST AND AWTDSOUT, CM A H 1. K 8 T O N, ?. O. TJV-1 ^ I i mi a J 1.11 .. mmsmmmmmmmmmt. mi - ' ? xju Xh# State of South Carolina > WUSTT^;^ aftieering to Ml aa?i?faKioe, that W.IJL kt-U Mwv Mary F. B?#?m JmmmF. Beoaoa and WiU? fcl Beoaba.loor of tha riefetxtfcaO t* tfifaemae, raaide hey-Md the limit! of fMft Kftatr: liii order*) ihet ttojr Hi* thrir pi**, ?M?tr or drmnr, t? raid p?titioa io thie office ait hie forty day* from the publication of thia notice, aa on failure ?o do ao. the petition wtlf to ulna prv aoafaaaa agninat them. ? a. J. doutui? r. J, o, C fsv^T1 ? *5 .a':.U a I .1 .Ml I) I I STATE Of SOUTH CAEOLIBA * 4 GREESVILLB OOTTHTT. In the Court of Probata. V 8. A. ELFORD, Exccntrlx, m. LSYUlft "WADDKLL . ml.?VUdiUm /or a /?wf StttUmmt mud Z)wh. 17 appearing to my aatUftotioa thai 8*rah X Bvana, Uaacy Welborti, Aloxander Waddatlr Jaaaa Wodde?l, Kaucy Waddell, Jeaee Wadded, Laoiada Waddell, William WeddeJi, Elizabeth McQueen and Hugh McQueen tor baaband, Martha Seragga and Joba BtrMg^i ' ?r hutband, Mary U. Niatolaoa, Ulaltorn addoll, Alfred Wadded au'd Emily Gregory, Defendanta In thia oaae, reatAa without the Haaita of tbla State: It la therefore ordered u>m uiey ao appear in person or l>y attorney, at a Court of Probate to be helden at Qroea llle Court Ilouse, at ID o'clock, . ? the ISth of May text, to show cause, K aojr tbey can, why a final settlement of the Estate of EDMUND WADItKLL, deeeasod, should nob be had and a deeree given tboreon, ar their consents in failing to attend will be as* tercd ofraoord. Given under my hand at Areeurille Cows* House, tbU 13th day of February, A. D? ISO. 8. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. Q. 0. " F-b ir M las The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. Ia the Coirt of Probata. ABSALOM 0LYTHE. Administrator of 9m. rah McJunkin, vs. John G. May field, William Mdyfield e( al, Defendants.? Citation for Final Settlement and Decree. 1 T appearing to my satisfacliou thai John I G Mayfield, William MayGetd, James Mnyfield, 8tnnwlx' Mayfiold, Thomea H. Muyfi.dd, Pearson B. Mayfield, the heira at law and distributees of Jess# Mayfield, and the heirs at law and distributees of Mary Beaver, defeedants in this case, reelde without the limits of this State, Ou motion of Eerie, solicitor pro pit It is ordered, that they appear in peraon or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holden at OreOowillw Court House on the 4ib day of May neat, to show cause, if any thev have, why a ft* na) settlement of the Estate of SARAH McJUKKlN, deceased, should not be had, and a deeree given thereon; or their eeaeeots, on failikg to attend, will be entered of record. Given tinder my hand and seat at Greewvilie Court llouto, this seboud day of February, A. D. 186?. h. J. DOUTHIT, P. J. 0. a Feb 3 , , 37 3m The State of South Carolina. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Court of Probata. B. F. KILGORE. Executor, Applicant ea THOMAS MAYFIELD ?l ml. Wendanla Citation for a Final Settlement and Decree. IT appearing to my satisfaction that Thomns Mayfield, leiiam Brown, tbe heirs of James May-field, names unknown, heirs of Ahram Mayfield, names unknown, heirs of Jordan Mayfield, name# unknown, and I.ham Long and wife Betsy Long, rs .1,1.. t i.- -e .*-i- ? ? imvif <?? uanv VI I HI* E3l?M I II M ordered. end decried, tbattbey do appear t Court of Probate, in peraon or by at torney, on .Friday, the 80ih day of April next, at 10 oVloek, A. M , to abow aauaa, if any tbey can, why a Final Settlement of the Estate of JOHN MAYP1ELD. deceased, ahould not ba had and a Decree given thereon, or;their eoneenta in failing to attend will ba entered of record. Giten under my hand at Greenville Court Houae, tliia 80th day of January, A. D., 1869. . B. J. DOUTI11T, P. J. 0. 0. Feb S 87 . 8m The State of South Carolina, GREENVILLE COUNTY. In the Conrt of Probata. OLIVER P. KART.B el nl., Executor*, ve. EMILY 8. MOBLY and J. B. MOBLY her buaband et of.?Citation for Final Hfttl? mint, Dtcrre, dc. TT appearing to my satisfaction that Emily X Sarah Mobly aud J. B. Mobly her husvand, Defendants in thia case, rneida without the limits of tbia Stata : On motion of Emrla nnd Blythe, Solicitors for the Petitioners, it in, ordered, that they do appear in peraon or hyr attorney, at a Court of Probate, to be holdea> at Greenville Court Honae at 10 o'clock, A. M.,. on the 28th day of April next, to show cauen if any they can, why a Final Settlement af the Estate of ELIZA W. EAKI.E, deceased, should not be had, and a Decree given therein, or their consents in failing to attend, will ha. entered of record. M uiven under my band At Greenville, tbi# 28th 4ay of January. A. D., 1R89. 6. J. D0UT1IIT, J. P. 0. C... Feb 3 37 . 3n? State of South Carolina,. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In th? Conrt of Probate. MANLY BR1GI1T, Administrator with the Will Annexed, v?. Maroabkt C. Gaiaa And other*, Defendant#.?Citation for mFinal Satllemmt and Dterea. TT appearing to my satisfaction that MarX garet C. Greer and A. J. Greer ber hoahand, Florence May field and John May field. Defendant# in thi# ?* ?, reeid* beyond the limit#hi thi# State t It i# therefore ordered, that they appear in per#on or by attorney, at a Court of Probate, to he holdcn at Greenvil e Court Flouae, on (A# 12/A day of jipril nrgI, to ahow cause, if any they have, why a Final Settlement of the Relate of L. W. MAY FIELD, deceased, should not b# l.a/t --.i - ti ...... .<>u m infrfod; or (heir content, in failing to attend, will be entered of record. . Given under my bund at Oreenville Court Houte, thl# 12*h day of January. A. P.. 1869. 8. J. DOUTHIT, J'. J. O. D. Jan 20 ,, 36 Sna LAW NOTICE. A. BACON, attorney AT .LAW A1ID nAGISTR/ttR, OFFICE OVfR SULLIVAN? STOTiF, (amrnvmsrwHi*)*, b. <9. I.blO If 3f tl