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GR?ENVIl7lJKt 8. C. ~ WIDWESDAT, MARCH M. l?6?. Mewn Walker, Eta*s A Cosswbll r*< our authorised igtnli In Chsrleeton, nod will Ttw&Wh Anwijufwn * m BupeulMi of Um IrtiM Corpus. A WMhtlM to ?p>nd the HtbMi Csrpu? la the couatiM of LmNm, Newberry, Kljrsfieli and Abbeville, * reported favor hy the Judiciary CiinwlUoe of the House of Representatives la Colombia.? Booh a proceeding if carried oat, would slsasp with lb ferny- forever the authors of H. la time- of pesee sad quiet, with the ritlsens of those District* enfngod in pw?e? tul Industry, no insurrections or combined i them in the Contention, end on roeny oc. loo* in the Legislature. The mee*ure n scarcely meet the Mincllon of majority of the Legislature; yet we hate not learned ite fate. Stealing from the Matla and Revenue Fraud*. A Metnpbi* journal, Tht B apt lit, in a late nnmbor atate* that from fifty to aevanty-flve dollar* weekly had been stoleq oat of the mail* from the *ub*eription* directed to that paper, and tb* editor ha* to auk it* patron* to quit lending money by the old channel; that aed to be safe enough, before the intonsely loyal employee* of Browklow'* kingdom got -possession of all th* offices and employments of the government. The 8onth west iaespecially blessed with such fedtral officials. The United States Marshal of Georgia ha* lately absconded, a defaulter to the amount of fifty thousand dollar*. It ia very plain that the government and people ondnra a special corse under the operation of the Congress test oath, that excludes from offioe the great majority of honost and good citizens ia moat soot ions of the Southern States. Gen. Hil.1., of North Carolina, stated pt Greenville that the remittanoes to the "Land >e? Lore," were constantly stolen. We have heard of no complaints in oar immediate section, but it is certain, in the nature of things, that so long as the test' oath is enforced, the evil will be a grievous ono, in many part* of the South. The large thieves of the revenue In the North will flourish till Coogreat repeal* the Tenure of office Act. Plant Sorgh im. The price of sugar and syrup baa greatly ad Vaosed, bacon ia scarce and high, but our farmers hare it in their power to be more than Independent, if they wiil plant plenty of aorghntn. It can now be made into excellent auger, aa baa been shown by the testimonials we bar* published. This invention will enable farmer* not only to aupply themselves with sugar and ayrup, hut also to make money more certainly, perhaps, than by cotton, for there is great .uncertainty about cotton culture, and about the price. The sorghum, sweet cane aera, is the moat certain of all crops, and will do well when drougth destroy* other vegetables. Its capacity for andurlng dry weatbar surpasses cotton or any other erop, and its cultivation will pay. ..... . The Tenure of OAoe Act. This law, mads by Congress to prevent Anfcnnw Jobnsox from removing office holders without the consent of the Senate, was repealed by the House of Representative* by a vote approaching unanamity, the Senate however, remains obstinate. The New York Hrrald de _ . 1 nounee* the Senators who oppose the repe?vary severely, and insists that Senators are goreroed by the love of power alone in oppoi. ing the repeat. The Routh Carolina 8enato*t differed on the repeal, Senate Sawtbb eppos. Ing and Senator T. 1. BoannTSoa, very prop, erly as wo think, advocating the repoal in a very sensible speech on the anbject, which hae been published. Family Potato. ' A correspondent of the Anderson Tn er, "D. H." writing from Mississippi, mentions the fact that ho bad dined at the h??ir of a lady, Mrs. BaSKixe. Si* persons sat at the first table, and all ate te their satisfaction on one lerge potato, and faft plenty for sly more who set led themselves at the second table. Tbe Initial*, D. FI., signify te all who read the Inttllipncer, the name of a reaerable pnd pioos old gentium an whoso state assets no oae will question. * " - >? Unmoral of Political Disabilities. 4 Rosaavsow, a Senator from this State, has been appointed by Vise President Osteal chairmen of the eomisittee on removal of Political Disabilities; tbe committee ? raised at bis suggestion. resistance to the l?w?, for any fowey now to imm? the right to take away frost a hundred thousand aittaena the deareet eeentity or personal liberty, and to tarn them orer to the aabrjdlrd will of an oheo Into despotirra In thla boasted free country. ta Horrible to eootempiate. w nen me eonntry li settling down in repoee, and feeling prevailing everywhere to try and ' matre the best of the situation, for aliens and si rangers to undertake to subject a large section of the State to the condition of abaolnte slavery, is shocking beyond ex* preasion. Suspend tha Habeas Coryfus and Oovernor Scott may take any man he ploasee and pnl him in a dnngaoa upon Ida , mere motion, with or wilbont cause, or j grounds of suspicion, npon the request of , any rillain, white or biaek, or without re* i quest or warrant or charge if he chooses, and no judge in the State will be allowed to release on ball or otherwise. Tn the , face of an enemy In Ume of war or Insnr reetion there may be a justification for pa triot rulers or military commander# to aus i pend the Habeas Corpus, as Oen. Jack*** did at New Orleans, and as waa done also during the late war tn dicers pieces. The proposition to suspend the Habeas Corpus now shows a horrid pnrposc of mteohief.? "We doubt If the Judietary Committee, who reported faeorably upon the reaolntion, era capable of comprehending its enormity ? We hare regarded aomV of them at'leaat, the Chairmaa included, as actuated by good intentions in the course pursued by <%nd ililli^o (tHeuitnmt, teated !?? '* year the Wilde Perttltaer and we take 1 pl?Mnr* la predating oar readera with Vie 1 ta*ha*?* a* 4a jto aapariorilj. W. ? ' ?r?eV<h? following from a rrceat letter of j Kla on the aubjeet of man or re, which ap i' " I first triad lha para Peruvian.Qanao, { and abandoned it, baaauaa its banafiaial df?>, faota did a?4 aompaaoata jaa aa sail aa L abaaper aaaaaras wbea I oouated tha Mat | ( of tltoa atd troobla la maaLputa<|ag ^ < myaajf. X nasi triad M Bhodaa,kv aad (i " Mapre'" superphosphate*, and la tab ' made a dead failure. For l^ree years I 1 bar* tried tha Soluble Paalfla Ouano. often i aid^ by side with tha Per^alea and Pbo? t' - - a tt_. I. m?? V - a.. I pimica^ !!(] vxvrpi ??u c?? H'? in nwf never faile 3 to realise from three to five hundred per sent. from It upon the iuveet men*. On wheat my profits were show! ' on* hundred p#r cent. In I trlsd bob ton of the Wando frrlllhh1 on ?om, wt ton, peat and turnips, etde t?y Ado with 1 tho Taelfio, And f?nnd each eqnally valua- ( Me The Wando is mad* In Charleston ( and it five dolors per too the cheapest { manors, sad upon my Und? it that mui-h ( the best manors I have ever tried. Cones* | qnently for the present arop 1 buy aethikg | else. i " My method of applying it ie simply to < plane a bag to the acre in the field for cot. I ton, (rosra IP to 19 inchet.) lay off ths row t aad drill the tnaonre directly with ihe < hand io this farrow sod bed npon it If drilled during a calm day nothing la lot', < and It ie hot litt'e trouble to gauge at the 1 rate of a 200 pound bag to the acre, if the 1 " hand la .told to drill It eo thin that It ran barely be seen by any one walking across tb# field." We again eall attention to tba advertise ment of J. C. Pxtvw, agent for the sale Of Ihe Wando Fertiliser. Aa the questions at Issue between the South Carolina Railroad Company and tha Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company have been very generally miennderetood, the South Carolina Railroad Company, with a view to tha fall and proper presentation of both aides of the controversy, retained a ekilful stenographer to attend the aeeeion of tba Supreaa Court is Columbia, at the argument of the prohibition ease, in which all the iesuee between the two companies were, by the nature of the proceeding, bbougbt up fos tbe decision of tho court. The arguments of tbe counsel for the t South Carolina Railroad Coannanr and thnaa of the counsel of the Colombia and Align*** Railroad Company, are alik* presented to oar reader* in the aappleoaent we iaeae to-day. Without entering into any commentary upon the merit* of the many queatioua raised in th* argument, two point* appear to as worthy of consideration: lit. That the Booth Carolina Railroad Company do not contest the right of lha Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company to construct their road, hut simply their right to construct it upon the land of the Boulh Carolina Railroad Company. 3d. That th* question of right between the two companies has noser received judicial determination. That the Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company have appropriated to their use lands which belong to the South Carolina Railroad Company is uudoub'tcd, for jt is not denitd. Their right to do so is the main issue, and upon that the courts hare hitherto been curious, ly silent. So far as tbe companies theioMliee' are concerned the matters at issue between them may be safely left to tbe guidance of the counsel "learned in tha law" who represent tho respective companies. Dut outside of these companies and their rnteicsli, th* question is of grave importance to (lie community, at large. Can a corporation take land, build upon and anjoy It without aMQr legislative graat or any judicial decision authorising tha appropriation t ?' It would be a reproach to the jurisprudence of any civilised country if the rights of property rested upon a tenure sq Insecure. In whose favor the right may ultimately be de. terminer!, tbe community srejaot perhaps very deeply interested ; but that th* right should be determined, lhat-tba principle should be fully and firuily established that the citizen cannot be deprived of bis property except by due process of law, is of tbe highest importance, and in that view we call attention to the present controversy. In which, as th* papers ahew. ma couin v anxmi nanroaa company naa been dtfiHrtil of its property, u4 I* now ,-polled of It, wlthont any con?,potent legal an* thnrity having decided that the Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company had tha right 4o take it. A reference to the arguments will show that all the question* hare been most keenly and sealonsly discussed. It is due, however, to the South Carolina Railroad Company to say that tbey endeavored to avoid the projected litigation by the proposition te refer all the matter in dispnte to a^board of arbitration, composed of three members from each roadHad this proposition been accepted and eeirried ont in good faith by the Columbia and Angnsta Railroad, this lengthy and expensive litigation might hare beef) avoided. It te not too late, we trnsl, for wiser eooneals to influence the Columbia and Augusta Railroad Company, and prompt a speedy and eaniiebl* adjustment of the dispute. Hew Era in Tanning. The Lnursusville Herald of laat Friday saya that it if eatimaUd that the inrreaae in the use of fertilisers in Laurent County this yonc will be flre hundred per eeotnoa ore# nay fbrnter year. Guano, it farther adds, everywhere taints the etr< Dicxaoa'a ideas of deep ploughing, Ae., yea hear at every turn. Ev-' idantly e new ere dewna in agriculture. The edriee of t^e Herald to the farmers to get up agricultural societies, is excellent, fad should be acted on. X. O. Bhtrer. of Columbia. We rail attention to the adveftiee'n?nt af this gentleman, who occupies Bedell*# fU W Columbia, and listin# visited lilt establish^ mcnt. ran speak of it in high terms. The r.otit* apeak? (t>t itarlf. Court of Probate for UU County, ooaiaM?el*?| mi lk? M day of March, 1809, together with iha detraa gtna pWMa tlad a petition I^thie Ctni ta raeover fhafi ^ar^Tte ^^tutnT^Tg Defendaat Ml credit for all nM reeeired la 0 ?? ?* ? mk teeated> -CaaMlarala hewda, aba fir lag tiaa (Dafandant) ofal Mr taUi raUU* Ut. te*ea*d tea at laraeUaeat, aa a property WarU. The aaa wee preeeveted and defesded with great ability. Petty A Tarry for CowplatneaU, add' TVmu tl?ww, df-Ahhavflfc, naatotai by Dm. W. V. *aalay,fer Malaal W? to wHMItood of u tppwi Ul?f U)M! . '. J' !>? B. Oreew AUrta QiMftorlraitoadi r*. S. S. Irvine. rbe /*a|etf (Wi >to Orr*m?UU Go?*%. or i?. oawal, Rtktf, A?. 0? beoriog the evidence Bod the argument of tbo learned counsel in th* ?Wti ease, and ?0*r a careful examination of the whole traamctione of the Defendant, a* Owatdfen of ito Complainant, it la tha opinion of tbo OouH, :ha| aa tbora la no eridenee In Ito aaaa ahowng that tha aaid Guardian did not maka tha n vestment of tha fnnda la OtaMnyi bonda a good faith aa daalaaad lit Ma answer and la Ma testimony hafora tba Court?that tba aaid n vast men ta vara made in good faith, but tba Court having also talun into conaidaratioo Lbs time-whon th* money vaa received, and when inverted, and aa tha aaid tinardlao resaieed tha larger portion of tba aaid band* in 1859, and, according to hie'o** toettmony, mingled these and uaad them aa bia own, tap to tba ttaaa of tha aaid investment, at which time tha currency.of tha eoantry had become vary ntuoh depreciated, hrtlda that tha aaid tfuardian ongbt not to claim any thing mora than tha aaid money waa actually worth, on a property baaia; it elao appearing that a portion of tha fonda warn raaairad in Confederate money at or aboat tba ttma whan In seated, tt hold* that ba should bara tba fhtl boneflt at tba tnvaataiant in aaid boada to tha amouat raaairad in aaid Confederal# money, tha Court haa therefore allowed a credit of tha reran hundred dollars invested on tha 2*lh of Jaly, IMS, and it appearing that a part of tba if Ma hundred dollar Investment *u made with Tund* weired by the mU Ouerdlen ?f> ter the war had eoameaerd, aad takieg late consideration the eirrumataaoea at the *SW*i the Court it of opinion that a credit of ear en hundred and Iftj dollar* *bould be allowed the Ouaruiee in lieu af the fifteen hundred dollar* inreated on the iCth of June, 1M3, teeming that about the true value of the *aid bond*, when placed upon a property ba*l*. It i* therefore Ordered and Decreed, That the Defendant, E. 8. Irvine, do pay the Com- I plninenta, Jan* Oreen awl Ahram Green, the ma of (lateen hundred aad twenty fear dollar* and eighty-eight cent*, whim I* to be ia full af all demand* again*t him ia *aid eaa*? and that tba said K. 8. Lrvina pay the cost of tha sait, the said *ia and coat*, if not paid' to be eollaeted by tba usual process of law aflar deeraa rendered. South Carolina Loan * Trust Company. Particular attention ie invited (o the advantage* which thl* institution afford* to parties who desire to inveet (heir fund* temporarily, Tba ability t# use such liiadi at sborl notice, and at tha same time to derive interest thereon, is thus amply secured. Executors, administrators or trust***, also ladies unaccustomed to the general management of investments, will find this Company a convenient and safe depository for money. The Director* are well known eitiaena of Cbariaston. Good Example?Iaoreaa* of Salary of Dp Hula! At ft nceting of Ike member* of Ibe Pree bytcrian Chundi, few Sahba' lie einee, it was resolved by that congregation, in il?? of the very valuable aervleee ot their peator, and of their high appreciation of hie ministry, to increase hi* aalary, which they unanimously did. Dr. B i* held in much by thova whom he supplies, and tbie it bat ? alight indication of the kind f^el Inge entertained for him. We do not doubt but that if many other ehnrehea were to follow this course, it would redound greatly to their spiritual improvement in thua holding up with greater vigor the hands of their rervanta in the holy calling, thereby enabling lh?m to devote tbemaelvva more entirely to their work. An educated and enlighlwnftd ministry cannot be toft much valued, and abould be well sustained. Our Dally Ixobancn, The following exchangee reach ua dally, and wa return them our tbanka for their obliging diapoaitfon. We eea command them | to public patron age : PAwnim, Columbia, per annum, $S. Courier, Charleston, " " $8. V ? *14 e? HermW, Now York, M Horning Xt*r, Wilwiogton, N. C,.. A*. Still Another Vim. An ?1?fm w?* made on Tueadey, about twclre o'clock in tha das. eauaed by lh? kitehrp of Mr. K. Bacon, Cbarah Street, catching on fire, from the atore pipe, bet it vm roon put out, with le damage ? Both ELuglnea were out. . " i mm ??? m i mi Township OBwn. * tiiuvi rownemr,-no. J. 8rUrtm*t,-~Waiter Jenkins, Elijah Fennot and Jarper WOcon. n?rjt?W. H. Crane. Cowetelfe?Sawten Sited, fayjin Iethel Charles and Jawea JUeea Maw Ad r art team ante. Mr, TiKAUU and Mr. W. H H#f? appear brfora their friend# this week, wlti Spring nrrieale. Re. id their Heta of let rectipU aud then eall and extuniue thai loeka. TM Uttrnry Club Mill aaeet at the reaideaae of Mr. T. M Cox, on Friday etenlog, March Mth. Be jnyiakfir. All Haws, Sabjeef, ? wb EflUryix pa ? i ??. a <1. Mmh JBtfc?,H6?. , iftttrt Editor*?To-day,-according to my fa twhJfte^ w? eh??ld fay edjourned^bp*. n eeil rfKrit hae wroeght a change, yg Jg Mt lb* language of* wUbraU^ Wi|? tt? ?i *h>e*d??ihmpa?.dMc?iM?hawb epd.jlit, 5 Bhewtd ?t hi?> >I)>m>iI H Op. <ltUu^. hi H ?d? argfd tb* ?? 9 l*p?H*?| jPl?t?n p hadaot gaeecd; Aheaaboct bill w~, 4??l>ir. ?? fel lh# lead oommiaalon hod bang la the U Senate, many thing* had been neglected,' \ and their ooaatitueaU would hold tbetp re'. y apona^le. Bat the true eeer-t wa., to glVe . certain railroad l?bjWtlm? to MM the ?: orer until the next regular iraiwi. ' '" ' ' On Monday, 15th, thy bUl f amend the m IeenrporatioD 6f the Town of OM??eiH? ?| and to change k to the Olty of Qreeaeille. a< pa*a*u its =nai rtwnsg. On Tuesday and m Wednesday, * Senate bill was iaksa up. to a 4tt?ntla< the rata* of wstr??i? aad? (a M Confederate 8ui?a netea. Tha object of the tl bl II to a (rood one, bat the provfeiebe of th* # bill iasome instances, ara vergimperfeat; b ?H wbm tha aetiogal earreney the beets of U all contracts made for Confederate curt en tl ay. Wa a I the Bboth. knew but little of tt tha relative value of tha oslioaa) ounraney a to tha Geafrderate currency during the p war | consequently. no one baaed a contract g on it or had any relaraoaa to It ia making p a trade, it was oootionally fluctuating in tl value jest ae our eurrfiney eras. Jagt aa Ula a fortanaa of war changed, dm the eurreaey g depreciated or Inaraahed 1a Valbg'; aad by refereaca to the tabic for sealing Coafederate debts aa paae^d la U>a bill, aad to tha si table ootg In general ae? for sealing then* a on a gold bast*. It will be seen that the a value of tha debts to t'acfoaaed fram twenty- t< five to iHy per oant. la 1863. duly 1st, tea dollars la OanfedaraU eurreaey waa li worth oaa la geld, dee dollars ia Oeafede- h rata anrraaay waa worth one ia natieaal a, eurraaay, a five hundred dollar Confederate b ante war worth Iky dollars ia gold, or It 1i 1 was worth eae hundred to national turrea- j ey. Tha debt should nww ba paid far si*- r ty-sid or satsbty dollars ia national ear a renoy, aeaordiog to the gold baato. Bo ft here is a clear gain by this bill for tha creditor, of thirty per sent. Take another1' r< i ease?in 1665, January 1st, sixty dollars ia d Confederate note# were worth oh* fa gold, a twraiy five dollars in Confederate notes | were werlh ooe ia natioaal eurreaey, fifty s| dollars ia. gold were worth three thousand t In Confederate note*, and aae hundred aad 7 twenty dollars ia National eorreaey at that time were worth three thousand la Coa feds- \ rate notes. Tha' debta'sbwald sew be paid <] fifiAnrf)ifi? lit (Ka ctaIH kfi4u Imn wiafsi-asw ?? M?r?iy doi'are ia National ewracy, X ing a alaar gain to tha creditor, aeeording t to the bill, of Aft) par seat, invariably given ( tha rrcditor the anvanlege of tha debtor g 6y incranaiag tha debts, an?l will work uo- j justly ninety aina I intra la a handrad? Tomlinson, of Charleston, defended the bill with hla urual honesty of purpose and fair- < n?r$ in argument, Moore, of Aadenoo, < opposed tha bill with an abla argument, , showing conclusive tha Juatloa and equity of tha taw of 1865, that determined tha i con)reel according to tha value of tha | property, and in lha coarea of hit argument urged the praelieel, common < genre view ; that lha ae* Who eonlracUd , the datrtr, and the native 8uutharn mao| , knew mora and battar bow theaa dabta ehouid be aetllvd, than any one of our Northern friends nould possibly know.? Unfortunately for the opposition to lha hii^ , thia was a aeaaativa point for aoma who ( know nothing of the waaU of the Stata, , and will leave h-re aa noon aa tha loaves | and Ashes of office ara exhausted This | brought the Jat b-by to b.a feet, Jmcks, of Charleston, aa<l willi all the garrulous alo queues ihet sympathetic nature posesssed.da { uouneed ilia-old taws ol the State, comment , ad <ru the superior wisdom of mea born out ol the Slate, but g*v? no /MMR why the bill Would pM< Whlppnr followed hi the I erne etrain, leaving hie shopping ax and woodpile la the far distant Waat tu jot a the army of the vietorlons Sherman, with all the egotiam of aa Indian ehleftain, relating to Ma war eonaeil hie mighty dead* of valor. be daaurihed hew be fouod a'home ia the auoay South, and knnw all her wants much better than if he had been to the manor bora. The patty whip was pracksd, and wader this appeal to paeaiop the vote wa? taken nod the bill paaeed by a very email majority, aa the only aonrolatlon left ua to, that wa bava aome men hare that seek the general interest of the 8<ate, and ean't be made the tools of any party. 1 hava elm ply deeerihed partly the proceed lege la this ease, that the reader* of the KnUrprim \ m'ay hava a faint idea of (ha trickery re eortad to l>y eertaln parties here to paee a bill when they be ye no arguments to sustain throe, and torture it to a politisal question when it has no poltlleal bearing whatever. A bill to provide for tho oas' moral Ion of all the inhabitants of tho State was taken ?p and pa said Ha Anal pending, r A imwete was raoeived from the Oov i rner. onprooiag imrtl lv?*l oc>^ om?pg?t lb?m joint r<MlMl?o aathor>s*?ft 111* Govoro or to ?ou?o Mil U bt knUtaud . igcinrt iko Lmtim Roil rood Cotnpony. to proiMl lh? imoroot at tbo Suit; oloo t ill I* d-flno fOikrMti for Itbur ud otbor par-. r piwi piwid, ltd wcro M?t U Um Hon*to. 1 Tbo rrport of ih* Conoljr OdmUmm * of OroonritU in rtniwd sod roforro#? Tbo ilMtlm of tovMhlp ?inri 1* emr County boo boon rothor booty ; 00 oloottao oboald boo# boon ordort-d until *11 tbo h tewnokipo ?#ro bM it dod Uio oflbUi r? Upri o<^d?/ ood oil tbo diloroM to ? sob If* 'ilX* lafuwj - ^ > xfr HR?ril bill of ioaorporkHoo of ? ?" ^ I* tow? *ad flll?|M IM poeoad l? Ul' Th \til reading ; ?l?o an set to amend an aat j*1 . ibe dullaa ol 09Ufity e?x?n>iaeioo- *** ; alao V MM U>>*Yt*a fof tbiaar* op JJ ? fMi?|i of tboir wirt UfboMO* aabooi ^ c Judgment or (bo Hooaa. ft mmrni foil br M praoant; and bottaf for tbd StatO to Aa ?* bo organtthtfoa of' tba WHwU te too So H*o, than to adopt the proaaBt bill. ?m i. ?*m upjjlM Thm appropriation bill anoaload lla tool ooi jadlr.g: oibor looal matt era a( no general t tb yaw}*x< d>?<?y. 'I !/. t MtVIUT< Oth, ^ '* principal'.}- m?o??4 in dlcoomiog ' ' to Chatham fttllrond, and (f|?r rgvtnont pro ? <) M with the usual ^ wee* of parliamentary kirtnlehiag. it . >? Anally laid ww 16 ike out regular ^ Mrtea>. end me eon eow ooofd-mlalt j s ay u tat, 66 new railroad Mil will be a lew for u? bio ?pipe. The feor additional daya w nop aoailed the frieodo of railroads noth to if for the present, aad it (o tf bo bo pod eo bat vtoce await the? in tbo future. It to pi< rao (bat tbo ooooioo baa boon long and roariaomo, ?wltomHt at tiraoo lotonoo, tn r??v<king opgleos dhooeoion, bat withal l" ood lb* ting and harmony ha?e generally c* r?rai!*d, for whieh groat orodlt <o duo lo lh bo Speaker of tbo Homo, whose ability aa ra p root ding o floor la generally aolreowl- *? dgod to bo mooed to none. J. B. H. " r, ^aea i bo ffcur* oo Watt Known Crrrxtna?It in a ^ ogetor oolnotdaooo that wo bare to anoeaoo thto ftorning tbo dooth of tbroo old ^ itisono of tbla ooonty, nil of ohaaiM a/- ^ ?r bob of ilia ma. ra On Thnrnday morning hut, in thia ril an go, ono of |bo old oat inhabitants of out ag own passed ewny. Mr Eaekiel George, no god 6* yearn, departed ihia lifo, baring *' on alok only n wo?k. Ha had boon II* g in Anderoon for mora than thirty-flv# 'D oarer and wee perhaps known lo orary widost daring that lioaa. Hlo gonaroao tM atnro and eeeoJbmodartag spirit won many -ienda, who will rogrot kh demise. lfaj. James Qilmor diod widooly at his ln" nidrnoo noar Roberto' Church, on Thura- ^ ay night laH. Ho wna complaining for m ( ?ere*ly bnlf an boor hrfera hir death ? ^ let Oilrh.r ... ?n. ?l nnr mnet kUU. . pMt?4 dtlMM, and at one tin* rtprntttod t*i hi* ia the Legislature. Ha ?m T*M( of eg*. ar Mr. Robert Smith, another estimable ait* pr sen, died yesterday morning, at kts reai- "c laooa four miles raat of this plane, in the ' 4th year af hia age 1I? was taken siek at *' I o'olosk an Tuesday. aad head only about <l" a air a hoar*. Mr. Smith had sever occu- ^ >?ed any pubiia elation, but was always ra pr tarded with the highest rat earn by hla fslos ciliieni.?A ncltrtem InUlliyenetr. ^ A OaasLta Plsos Asaoeo.?Tbara i* a ri. w liculoua proportion to tend Mr. Greeley as 4; Minister to Spain, anpported by aoma ridla"loua argument af hla fitness for that pleee. Ha Is not fitted for that pises aad should ec net go there ; hut ha is admirably fitted t? represent us In Kngland. sad that is where ti are should sead him. Goiag to Raglaod as at tha American Minister ha would have the ol r res test influence upon the international relations ^f the twa cobatrisa that say ^ Minister has aver bad, inasmuch as be ^ would pat the American aad tha KngUsh A people ia a mora diraet aomuaaiaatioa ^ one with another. Ho maa eould mora n readily threw himself, outside of all tha< |, routine and eonreationslity that leas orig- |, inai men require to bolster up their re- tt ipraUbilltji, and tki effect with which ? Ureeley would that "throw himself* it would He startling. He should of conrae ? go in hla original American coatomc, and o hould aSute nd j<>( of thoaa peculiarities of P person and manner that or wonderfully tamp him as a trpe growth of (hla tori, torn not by the n*U, In the ereep of the A men U eagle. He ehowld talh to erery assemblage be ?an get at a*d mm all aobjects, Including mileage, vegetable diet, protection, JrfT Dae la, woman'* rig hla and cold water, taken inwardly. I AT. T. kmrmUL Tim PaKDone Rkrnaed ?y Pamroairr Daaar.?The Washington aorr. spondent of the He In mo re Hun writes aa follows; It will be feooUoeted that President Grant, immediately upon hie taking office aa President, directed that certain pardons iasoed by president Johnson should be re. eked. or withheld fr?>tu the persons intended to be pardoned in aerialn ttfi it New York. Massachusetts and sbewhsra.-? AitorncyOcneral Hhar has had this subject under consideration, and it Is understood he dealdea that the rsroention of the ProoU deal will aot^tand in law; that the not o' | tho Karen tire wag com piste when the war* mat of portion *? pitMl la Uio kaa4t of I the UatiadflUtt* Marabal of M)kt eMail, I aid ibai If (ha par?a laUad*d to ka par- J 4oo*d ehall not bo r?1*ae?4, that, ap?n ( HaUmi Cirpna, the eourte would releaea I tbem. j Tn OowmnwiA Awmmirt.?Tha (oliowing ia Ibo Aetrndieeal to alto UaHad Btataa Cooetltutloo. aa ad opt ad by bath Uouaaa of Congroaa: I aaticta XT. ? ) RoeUea 1. Tba afet* af ah la? W tba 1 Unit*# Btataa to a? eball not ba doniad or abridged by tba DaMad Btataa or by any Plata aw a?ant oI ?a, aoior. ar prevwwe '< eondiMoa of ear?|t aria. Mention % Tba Cou*rree abejl haaa pow- I ar to wbba ti.ia erlleU by appropriate Lvr* 'u ' ' I J "* ,!k "11 - - i.iH it on TlSSLy morning leal were the Boa. P. 8|*t and Bon. W. D. S Impawn, of &> * rolios, who war* prawnled by tl* How. obh L. lionu, of Kentnoky. During Ik* rrhw Mr. Rwd road,.for himeelf and Mjf apron, the following paper la ralatfoa to ?ha [dlttoa of aflhlra in lhal Htatoi ; y Ofehare oallod. Mr. aiak*w , !0NB.-?]M Did ConittoowMd^t of SDHUI rotlna 4* the Fwty.lm Oiipwi of 41m U.J 4. lit^lnr At# ah- ^ * IIWQ OIBWw| W WvI I >pU ff*n ehoeen to NpriM) MM1 igratulations a poo jour anspieiou aseampa of the o*oc of Chief Magistrate of tfcb ttrieia Union. Wo am, sir, natives of thn ite from ttWN we ?!<! ? m ftp. wo tat I r* ata of IU Moiaal population, to familiar with their poUtioal w4 a*lwia| dlttoo, their sentiments ud aepiiatltoe for future. " Politically, in addition to the Into af neato ^?* .* ^ al| theirpsoaillary rwanu, thej hare hp . i results of the war heen practically ajelaJW , tor mere than three ream, from the family * States, and the blessings ef ejvil* govern* int, hat having been reeentlj teat a red to tir original position In the Union, open tbw in whioh the Congreae in Ite wisdom saw At ndopt? witbout concurring in the manner of sir restoration, thej have accepted the ee pi is bad to at ia good faith, and areaeieyul the Government af a eeoimon country aa y other equal MttSat of the American peot? . - Their condition aoetally Is and has been a of profound psaaa, aad aside from a tow dated acts ol personal - loleuse that have easioually bean committed in different parte f State, snob aa are unfortunately of too oommi ooonrrence in all eaations of the Union, od, order hue prevailed, and the laws, Statu d Federal, enacted for their government bp dies in which they were unrepresented, have en respected, obeyed and enforeed without e slightest tendency to tumult or rioleasa, Materially the ebundant harvesta that have en voaoheafed to them, mm! the high prices whioh their leading stapleabave ruled, have lie red them in a great measure from their ibarmssmeats and opened np to their im? '{nations the dawn of a prosperity ee eatirsly ' expected ae to Wave them la hope that eveate ?lcb were itemed the moot crushing or lie ?y torn out to have been indeed ' blessing* disguise.' " la MatiaMt^ whUat ilaoit the en tire ran ' white, ud Ur|* iiaUr of the colored pulatiun, ho TO afHiated Md boon MmUM th tho national Dtaomih ptfty, (Mr fop* 1 oro not of iotk control Hog atreegth an to lace or permit a faettoaa oppotMoo lo tko rty ia power, or hiaderthem froa yielding nesrty oupport to all aaoh awwomofyair ministration ao will, in their judgment, toad dorolopo tho rooonrcoa aad promoto tho ia* ro-U of a com too a country. M Thotr hopaa and ooplratiooo for tho fntora a that their Slate may henceforth oeoepy . ocisely the oaato relation* to the Government idor a ooaomon Oenotitntlon aad iawo that occupied by the other State* of the Union ; id to thlo end that the law* imposing barmo and ooaforring benefit* on the people may i uniformly enforced, person* and property oiected the peace preserved inviolate, the . iltr and perpetuity of tho Government mate* inod, and that uninterrupted fraternity, proeirity, and hap pines* may attend the whole neriean people, K**t, Waal, North and Seatb, ithout regard to race, eolor, or prarioa* eeatioa. And aueh, air, are the aeatiiaeau of e heart* of onreelrei and ecr people," Io retpouee to which, the Preeideat remarks' I: " Otntltmen t?The Mntlmeet* e?pre?*ed |a ipt paper ehonld meet the approbation of rery law-abiding aad Ualoa loving tlltea f the country." Taa Moit Wownaaroi. Ktwarttrit i* ra# fotiD.?Xba Now York Htmld I* certainly ia moat wonderful newspaper te the world, nd if there ia a man living, who, to eondue *| pap?r, ru eonpwt with Jimi Qordoa w? do oot know hit lint. Tko "Trip? i Sboot" Btrmld U now i daily matter, and i (kit form, tko groat papor contain# #ar*wty? no oolaiao# oi reading Matter. S*Mnty-tw #/jnaa# dotty / Jvut think of it. And in td* orUl oonduot and rigor no loos dlitlngtitk. &. Tbo Ilarmld ia literally tho dally bmw f tho latent and moot ml labia now* from a# art# of the emrtK, and WO might add, /root (io i#lm aarff tka tartk. It oontaian dally mom f tbl# oommodity within ite pagan than if tho odor had a aorraapondant to wnry aitjr in tha aaatrr. tr fat ttwy oapHal of Bart pa, AoU ad Sooth Aatrity. Tho Dmiif Jbrwfd ta/tf ro mlataka not, Twolm Dollar* a yoar. And fa man or or goto aa hand rod fold tha worth f bin moaoy, it to in paying Twolro Dollarn or tha Maw York HtroU. That in, If ha aada U after ha aohanrlboo far W-?Up*JM4 IdNrllnr. Onntr Fuu or Hiiwr.?Ii IXlmhan, V*?t Pmaoia, aa th? Slit of Jaaaary, a y?nag >ad boamiful woman, tha wilh of a ?h?ph?ad, ran dolkrorad of a hyalthy girl, on tha lowar art of whano back In ftnwn I tomor twtea tha tea of a man'# lot. la thin tomor, aaramd rith a #kia, te a obllS, moving with gran* aa* Irity, who** wait form>4 mnhneoa ho Ml hroogh tha partition of tho tarn or. Ite oino K>rro#pood# to o fmton flrt or ih month* old. rbo fatbor eallod aa tbo Choi mm a af tha Soard af Moaltb, Dr. Pi?I, and wmdil ?im to minora tha iwiwmm* with tho fmtno. tfter baring as am land tho ahUd eamfaUy, ho faro hi* opto tea, boworor, o* did *11 Urn pbylie tea# that worn proooai, tbat tbom might nn Mahahlllto la Iht# ?it??Mlleno fit. ihiM M*l?f la tW mwimww)*? irhifi?t It i* BtinrUj. *o yfcrrtil?t aottll m inllM Ia dralroy (kit ^ottirrAil Mfa; to Itdtob* prate aial ml iH kiurlt At MV^ f bars girt ku aipnatniloo to ketone ?m irtl* few seontht?wawwVn flltl atftogtlt ta4 Wui; j Uking lW? toatomal trial wit^ (ml daltgkt i and tka taarraloua feetoa, akew tog nil tbn ejMptoapt of a, fataia lib, wtfl (W fcn ?UU<t ?f ? virgin. ebiU if It ?SHM to MMiy. ? Am MmU/rom tk* garma, /wl? " -a* ... > . pB*T>? ywMnn fentk ctQmu-CU. 1Mb* mm. to * ? OiktM WH tocHtto to at?f to ton toft Ma ftoaft? itKMIllt ?to MMh tL>?t a Miub Wbl ^HtoW to tomb. Qan, 1 Wit l-H* Me fcfe to *1 l^dUtoCM^eiNn rnckftoVkMM, Anotowr la.MWJtwftoa antM-MiUb in aw mat, . J. C. ftWft V Malt to OfWifl^ fe? ?U ^ g?2rS ^-v.^:rrz wm . a?a a- . - W >4> S^3^^52TS?\25S5Ba ? *